Tim Heald

British author and journalist.
Died on Friday November 25th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tim Heald:

@DeanStPress: Dining with death: JUST DESSERTS by Tim Heald #crimefiction - 8 years ago

@FOXLADY9: RT @Dazzer6769: @LeaveEUOfficial @FOXLADY9 @timfarron Tim Farron is like a Ladies Foo foo that's heald up! Absolutely useless whilst Blair… - 8 years ago

@Dazzer6769: @LeaveEUOfficial @FOXLADY9 @timfarron Tim Farron is like a Ladies Foo foo that's heald up! Absolutely useless whilst Blair is like thrush - 8 years ago

@Nickfarrow9: RT @GylesB1: A lovely writer called Tim Heald has died. If you knew him you were blessed. If you didn't you'll enjoy his books: - 8 years ago


@Akusia: RT @GylesB1: A lovely writer called Tim Heald has died. If you knew him you were blessed. If you didn't you'll enjoy his books: - 8 years ago

@JamesMunro5: RT @GylesB1: A lovely writer called Tim Heald has died. If you knew him you were blessed. If you didn't you'll enjoy his books: - 8 years ago

@GylesB1: A lovely writer called Tim Heald has died. If you knew him you were blessed. If you didn't you'll enjoy his books: - 8 years ago

@MyfanwyCook: RT @RuthDE: I'm very sad at Tim Heald's death. He was indeed a lovely man who was held in much affection by his fellow crime writers. http… - 8 years ago

@the_cwa: RT @RuthDE: I'm very sad at Tim Heald's death. He was indeed a lovely man who was held in much affection by his fellow crime writers. http… - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: Linchpin Tim Heald, 72, British Author and Journalist, Baphomet/George HW Scherf Aspect, Down 11/20/16... - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Tim Heald, British author and journalist, Died at 72 - 8 years ago

@fictionophile: Tim Heald: R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Tim Heald is no longer with us - #TimHeald #Tim #Heald #rip - 8 years ago

@debbimack: RT @JanetRudolph: Sad News. Tim Heald: R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@debbimack: RT @JanetRudolph: So sad. Time Heald: R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@westend_one: Tim Heald au revoir to a wonderful colleague happy memories of Toronto and a mutual farewell to the Marg of Arg - 8 years ago

@beachwordsmith: Sad to hear Tim Heald has died. He helped get the UK Speechwriters' Guild started - 8 years ago

@telegraphobits: Tim Heald, writer and creator of the Simon Bognor series – obituary #premium - 8 years ago

@AndrewMcFBrown: Tim Heald, writer – obituary - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 13 196) #Tim #Heald 72 #British #writer #dies #November 2016 – #obituary - 8 years ago

@EarthDesires: RT @fictionophile: Tim Heald: R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@wilson_jabez: RT @PetrocTrelawny: RIP Tim Heald - prolific writer and clear lover of life - 8 years ago

@vancy69: RT @StuffThatIsDead: Tim Heald is now pushing up daisies: - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Tim Heald is now pushing up daisies: - 8 years ago

@ThatTimWalker: I knew the writer Tim Heald, vaguely. A nice man. I agree with this lovely sentiment in his obituary today - 8 years ago

@rlwjones: Tim Heald, a writer who did a great biography of cricket commentator Brian Johnston, has died. - 8 years ago

@PetrocTrelawny: RIP Tim Heald - prolific writer and clear lover of life - 8 years ago

@GilesMacDonogh: Sorry to hear about Tim Heald's death. So far only reported in the #Telegraph (£). I will try to find something else! - 8 years ago

@see_venice: RT @the_cwa: Tim Heald, a lovely man, a delightful writer and great company, who was once Chairman of the CWA, died last Sunday after a lon… - 8 years ago

@see_venice: Mystery Fanfare: Tim Heald: R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@savetimeandmoey: - 8 years ago

@JanF06: RT @the_cwa: Tim Heald, a lovely man, a delightful writer and great company, who was once Chairman of the CWA, died last Sunday after a lon… - 8 years ago

@Mystery_Tomes: RT @JanetRudolph: So sad. Time Heald: R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@JanetRudolph: So sad. Time Heald: R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@Mystery_Tomes: RT @JanetRudolph: Sad News. Tim Heald: R.I.P. - 8 years ago

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