Tim Brooke-Taylor

English comedian (The Goodies) and panelist (I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue)
Died on Sunday April 12th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Tim Brooke-Taylor:

@Dazsly: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@joe14998477: RT @Daily_Express: The Goodies star says Tim Brooke-Taylor was 'getting better' before tragic death - 5 years ago

@DavidWe55746025: RT @Daily_Express: The Goodies star says Tim Brooke-Taylor was 'getting better' before tragic death - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: The Goodies star says Tim Brooke-Taylor was 'getting better' before tragic death - 5 years ago


@DoctorSquee: The Doctor Squee Show -Ep1- Tim Brooke-Taylor. On @EMCPodNetwork, @ApplePodcasts, #PodernFamily &… - 5 years ago

@cosmicmuse: RT @beanisacarrot: 20 years-ago today myself and some fellow members of @goodiesruleok were about to open ‘Kitten Kon’ the world’s first (a… - 5 years ago

@IrkthePurists: RT @beanisacarrot: 20 years-ago today myself and some fellow members of @goodiesruleok were about to open ‘Kitten Kon’ the world’s first (a… - 5 years ago

@AnthonyIuculao1: RT @edgarwright: Hey, @BBCOne, you know what to do. Repeat 'Kitten Kong'. RIP Tim Brooke Taylor and long live The Goodies! - 5 years ago

@RutlandNaturism: RT @eleludemann: Tim Brooke-Taylor 17.7.40 – 12.4.20 - 5 years ago

@bluedogagCQ: @Warraboy @lockrey_tony @AndrewUphill @cropmad @cottonfarmgirl @bob_dambergs @fkerslake @BKPinot @sabrosiavit… - 5 years ago

@pinkyblueskys: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Tim Brooke-Taylor – comedian and actor best known for the anarchically silly The Goodies and as a long-standing pan… - 5 years ago

@beanisacarrot: Also, read this TBT tribute by Graeme Garden. I broke my vow to never give the Daily Mail eyeballs to read it. - 5 years ago

@Interna14052407: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@McKennaSusie: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Tim Brooke-Taylor – comedian and actor best known for the anarchically silly The Goodies and as a long-standing pan… - 5 years ago

@PollyGee11: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Tim Brooke-Taylor – comedian and actor best known for the anarchically silly The Goodies and as a long-standing pan… - 5 years ago

@Adam_Maunder: RT @beanisacarrot: 20 years-ago today myself and some fellow members of @goodiesruleok were about to open ‘Kitten Kon’ the world’s first (a… - 5 years ago

@TheStage: Obituary: Tim Brooke-Taylor – comedian and actor best known for the anarchically silly The Goodies and as a long-st… - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: RT @expressceleb: The Goodies star says Tim Brooke-Taylor was 'getting better' before tragic death - 5 years ago

@expressceleb: The Goodies star says Tim Brooke-Taylor was 'getting better' before tragic death - 5 years ago

@Bendita2020: RT @BBCRadio4: Our brilliant and funny friend Tim Brooke-Taylor - a 48-year veteran of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue - has died, having contra… - 5 years ago

@danielbowen: RT @beanisacarrot: 20 years-ago today myself and some fellow members of @goodiesruleok were about to open ‘Kitten Kon’ the world’s first (a… - 5 years ago

@beanisacarrot: What football team does Tim Brooke-Taylor support? (Answer posted tomorrow on #KittenKon20) - 5 years ago

@beanisacarrot: So you know, all the money Kitten Kon made went to the Royal Melbourne Children’s Hospital’s Good Friday Appeal. T… - 5 years ago

@beanisacarrot: After all that, I let Tim Brooke-Taylor DO OTHER THINGS while I, with others from @goodiesruleok, set up to start t… - 5 years ago

@beanisacarrot: Yesterday, I wrote about how I made Tim Brooke-Taylor do six interviews after he’d got off a 24-hour flight from He… - 5 years ago

@beanisacarrot: 20 years-ago today myself and some fellow members of @goodiesruleok were about to open ‘Kitten Kon’ the world’s fir… - 5 years ago

@CliveConway: Clive Conway Productions #blog: The Last Word on much-loved comedy actor Tim Brooke-Taylor. Read and follow our blo… - 5 years ago

@heather151262: RT @sanditoksvig: Tim Brooke-Taylor was a man I was privileged to call my friend. Generous and kind. Sitting beside him while he made us al… - 5 years ago

@AlanLew56185276: @nick_thyme @Joe_Hildebrand “Very sick on Mon, intensive care by Wed or Thurs, worm food by next wkend. True putref… - 5 years ago

@WGallagher: RT @BraxM: There's a moving tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor by his I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue comedy partner and fellow Goodie, Graeme Garden… - 5 years ago

@philippabate1: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@BruceMetcalfe: @JohnCleese Condolences on the lose of your Comedy Mate Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@NeilKBrand: RT @BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set of The Goodie… - 5 years ago

@janelesley: RT @BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set of The Goodie… - 5 years ago

@albsar1970: RT @BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set of The Goodie… - 5 years ago

@alexjc33: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@PhilipJCooper78: RT @BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set of The Goodie… - 5 years ago

@Cazkins26: RT @BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set of The Goodie… - 5 years ago

@rupertthehun: @nocontextmonty Particularly poignant as the original contained the late great Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@KateAGriffin: RT @BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set of The Goodie… - 5 years ago

@jackseale: RT @BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set of The Goodie… - 5 years ago

@Dene71: RT @BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set of The Goodie… - 5 years ago

@BraxM: I love this picture of Beryl Reid cracking up with @GraemeGarden1 and the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor on the set… - 5 years ago

@Veganboy14: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@Veganboy14: RT @sanditoksvig: Tim Brooke-Taylor was a man I was privileged to call my friend. Generous and kind. Sitting beside him while he made us al… - 5 years ago

@EdwardBattensby: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@EdwardBattensby: RT @sanditoksvig: Tim Brooke-Taylor was a man I was privileged to call my friend. Generous and kind. Sitting beside him while he made us al… - 5 years ago

@ClairebigBlue: RT @Classicbritcom: Eddie Large & Tim Brooke-Taylor....somebody hide & protect both the Davids, Attenborough and Jason from Covid-19 🎥🎬📺 ht… - 5 years ago

@beanisacarrot: Thanks to all those who’ve got in touch after reading my threads about Tim Brooke-Taylor. Glad you’re enjoying them… - 5 years ago

@IrkthePurists: RT @beanisacarrot: 20 years ago, today, I first met Tim Brooke-Taylor. I was President of @goodiesruleok at the time and we’d convinced him… - 5 years ago

@doublehelix: Re-watched this old episode recently in memory of Tim Brooke-Taylor. Still here, so far... 🤞 #EckyThump - 5 years ago

@EMCPodNetwork: .@DoctorSquee kicks off his new interview show with comedy legend Tim Brooke-Taylor (The Goodies, I'm Sorry I Haven… - 5 years ago

@BestDrWho: Tim Brooke-Taylor Interview about Do Not Adjust Your Set and At Last The... - 5 years ago

@PeterChrisp: RT @mistersolo: @HisSpiritWife (Pimlico) Vale Tim Brooke Taylor - 5 years ago

@LestrangeShiloh: Now I'm here, I have no idea what to say... -- I still love Doctor Who -- RIP Tim Brooke Taylor (He was my favorite… - 5 years ago

@Adam_Maunder: RT @quantick: "To tell the truth, I feel I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue ran for about five years too long. The trouble is, it was the first fiv… - 5 years ago

@JonKennedy: RT @ReeceShearsmith: So sad to hear about Tim Brooke-Taylor. He was so fiercely, maniacally funny. Never more so than battling the compute… - 5 years ago

@DJ_PostIronic: @witherjay @AlfredToshLines @TheOnlyGuru He's auditioning for Tim Brooke Taylor's vacant seat on I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue .... - 5 years ago

@merlyndriver: The only ever televised episode of ‘I’m sorry, I haven’t a clue”, feat. Jeremy Hardy, Humphrey Lyttelton and Tim Br… - 5 years ago

@oiyouandy: RT @johndredge: Typically brilliant article on Tim from Graeme @stephenfry @robinince - 5 years ago

@ChesneyStalks: Tribute to TIM BROOKE TAYLOR O.B.E. | In Memoriam - 5 years ago

@PaulMorris7777: RT @CameronYardeJnr: Still no repeat of The Goodies as a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor on the BBC then. - 5 years ago

@JeremyGaskell: Last Word on Radio 4 Sun eve (& podcast) - good to hear Bill Oddie paying tribute to his colleague in the wacky… - 5 years ago

@ClionaLiathain: RT @ReeceShearsmith: So sad to hear about Tim Brooke-Taylor. He was so fiercely, maniacally funny. Never more so than battling the compute… - 5 years ago

@maclockdown: Sobering to think just now how many big name comedy veterans we've lost in the last few months. Jonathan Miller, Cl… - 5 years ago

@mordoc1: RT @ReeceShearsmith: So sad to hear about Tim Brooke-Taylor. He was so fiercely, maniacally funny. Never more so than battling the compute… - 5 years ago

@GAMERTSHIRTS1: RT @gamesyouloved: 😔 RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor 📺 comedy legend Who has passed after contracting #COVID19 Thanks for the laughs and memories… - 5 years ago

@2kidsandacoupon: It's okay to cry Marge and Tina: Tim Brooke-Taylor (The Goodies) dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@ffsake: Here is a lovely tribute from Graeme Garden to his friend of more than 60 years, Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@avvabanana: Listening to episodes of ISIHAC from the 90s and it turns out I'm still very sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@RickUke: RT @johndredge: Typically brilliant article on Tim from Graeme @stephenfry @robinince - 5 years ago

@WorldJourneys75: In case you missed it - my tribute to the late, great Tim Brooke-Taylor. I am a teapot. Remembering Tim Brooke-Tay… - 5 years ago

@colinjdavey: RT @drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido manina' (rest… - 5 years ago

@jeffjthompson: I'm reading Tim Brooke-Taylor via the app - 5 years ago

@michellemck0: RT @EuropeanUnity1: As we mourn the loss of treasured Goodie Tim Brooke Taylor, never forget the baddies who are accountable for the extent… - 5 years ago

@RingwoodUnitari: RT @drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido manina' (rest… - 5 years ago

@Brightideas365: RT @BBCSteveR: So sad to hear that comedian and actor Tim Brooke-Taylor has passed away. As part of hilarious comic trio The Goodies on BBC… - 5 years ago

@TimeLordDrew61: Enjoying playing my old vinyls now as a tribute to Tim Brooke Taylor I had to play The Goodies Greatest Hits Album.… - 5 years ago

@Marktech: RT @drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido manina' (rest… - 5 years ago

@graeme_foot: RT @drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido manina' (rest… - 5 years ago

@FranticChapman: I think Tim Brooke-Taylor would have enjoyed this conversation I had 9 years ago today: Random smokers outside the… - 5 years ago

@Wildthyme467989: RT @CameronYardeJnr: Still no repeat of The Goodies as a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor on the BBC then. - 5 years ago

@RealLorcan: RT @CameronYardeJnr: Still no repeat of The Goodies as a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor on the BBC then. - 5 years ago

@SFlinn67: RT @CameronYardeJnr: Still no repeat of The Goodies as a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor on the BBC then. - 5 years ago

@willwantwrites: RT @drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido manina' (rest… - 5 years ago

@p_narelle: @slpng_giants_oz Goodies?Which goodies, tim brooke taylor goodies or others? - 5 years ago

@fezziwig_mr: RT @drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido manina' (rest… - 5 years ago

@MillHillChapel: RT @drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido manina' (rest… - 5 years ago

@mr_ceebs: RT @CameronYardeJnr: Still no repeat of The Goodies as a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor on the BBC then. - 5 years ago

@FubsyShabaroon: RT @CameronYardeJnr: Still no repeat of The Goodies as a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor on the BBC then. - 5 years ago

@NotationIsGreat: RT @drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido manina' (rest… - 5 years ago

@Alidilly: RT @CameronYardeJnr: Still no repeat of The Goodies as a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor on the BBC then. - 5 years ago

@drianpace: A little tribute to the late Tim Brooke-Taylor - 'My Old Man's a Dustman' to the tune of Puccini's 'Che gelido mani… - 5 years ago

@beaverbrookes23: @lemontwittor I kept thinking about Tim Brooke Taylor. 😔 Great show as always me duckie. XxxxX - 5 years ago

@twinrope: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@EuEthnic: RT @GPWebb: Gutted to hear about Tim Brooke-Taylor's death. I grew up with I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue; so many hours of happy silliness. A… - 5 years ago

@CCarterCanberra: Farewell Tim Brooke-Taylor-thank you @GraemeGarden1 - 5 years ago

@Browne64Craig: RT @LesStonehouse: Lots of people thinking this #Covid_19 isn't worth the fuss it's just the flu...Maybe ask Peter Dutton/ Boris Johnson or… - 5 years ago

@stoneparkuk: Wow @itv showing fruit key hole asking bill oddie if the goodies will reform! Legend tim Brooke Taylor died last we… - 5 years ago

@MikeFish183: #throughthekeyhole Where's Tim Brooke-Taylor's respect, Bill Oddie? 😠 - 5 years ago

@polbikers: #UKlockdown day 26 (I think!) Anyone else remember Paul Hogan? Well he did. A great sketch with the late Tim Brook… - 5 years ago

@a_uk_bloke: @Christian_N_Orr @80s_Kidz @E44Blackwall Tim Brooke Taylor voiced Eric and Graeme Garden voiced Bananaman 👍 - 5 years ago

@1whtb: RT @LesStonehouse: Lots of people thinking this #Covid_19 isn't worth the fuss it's just the flu...Maybe ask Peter Dutton/ Boris Johnson or… - 5 years ago

@ShelbyTMitchell: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@ShelbyTMitchell: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@AndyLittle15: @BingfromKiddy @diamond_declan @jonathon_247 @rockyhoppy @rich_warne @3_gruff @mojorocksradio @67Markh @AreCapes… - 5 years ago

@jamessflee: ITV3 is currently showing Murder is Easy, a 2008 Miss Marple adaptation that featured the late Tim Brooke-Taylor am… - 5 years ago

@decramundo: RT @PaulMatts101: Tim Brooke-Taylor: the Goodies star leaves a legacy, even without repeats - 5 years ago

@itsallderick: RT @MagiconeTv: Breaking news: Comedian and actor Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79 after contracting coronavirus.#magic411 https… - 5 years ago

@AdamSco909: RT @Classicbritcom: Eddie Large & Tim Brooke-Taylor....somebody hide & protect both the Davids, Attenborough and Jason from Covid-19 🎥🎬📺 ht… - 5 years ago

@tricknn: RT @patteeemac: @TelePolitics His policies killed thousands needlessly. Including the beautiful sunshiny Tim Brooke-Taylor, who died as h… - 5 years ago

@pigworker: Squirting the last of a bottle of ketchup reminded me of Tim Brooke-Taylor's "Cornish milk sheikhs" joke, and indee… - 5 years ago

@WallaceEMann: As brilliant as Ronnie Barker was, I’d have thought that a Tim Brooke-Taylor tribute would be on @BBC. - 5 years ago

@DanielleLianneM: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@gordonewan2: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@professorprune: A touching tribute to the great Tim Brooke-Taylor by the equally great @GraemeGarden1. I’ve adored The Goodies ever… - 5 years ago

@ianjedi24: RT @ElRaynerista: Echy Thump... one of the great The Goodies episodes. Tim Brooke-Taylor... yet another to die from #HerdImmunity. If I e… - 5 years ago

@ThoughtsOfAGM: RT @Scott_John: Lovely tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor by Graeme Garden. - 5 years ago

@BorderlessFreak: RT @Cromwell606: This virus is beyond shit. Farewell Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thanks for The Goodies and King Kong Kitten 😥 - 5 years ago

@phoney9: @Leah_Krystina82 @Scouse_ma Oh bugger ok it was Tim (not Tom )Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@mmc18936: RT @LesStonehouse: Lots of people thinking this #Covid_19 isn't worth the fuss it's just the flu...Maybe ask Peter Dutton/ Boris Johnson or… - 5 years ago

@kb_comedy: A lovely piece by @GraemeGarden1 about #TimBrookeTaylor. ♥️👏🏻 - 5 years ago

@sandhappyspr: RT @ElRaynerista: Echy Thump... one of the great The Goodies episodes. Tim Brooke-Taylor... yet another to die from #HerdImmunity. If I e… - 5 years ago

@Scott_John: Lovely tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor by Graeme Garden. - 5 years ago

@EuEthnic: RT @ElRaynerista: Echy Thump... one of the great The Goodies episodes. Tim Brooke-Taylor... yet another to die from #HerdImmunity. If I e… - 5 years ago

@oldmudgie: RT @NHS_Martin: New Post - A Year on - Buxton, Bass, black pudding, brown cafes, Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@JM77: A wonderful, moving and funny tribute from @GraemeGarden1 (whom I've only just learned is on Twitter) for Tim Brook… - 5 years ago

@UKHomeopathyReg: @Coldwar_Steve @BM_AG @thesociallondon Tim Brooke-Taylor turned up in Crossroads. - 5 years ago

@AtcherleyONS: @rinnywee This, coming at the end of the week in which Tim Brooke-Taylor died, has reminded me of an 'advert' in th… - 5 years ago

@yominomatayomi: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@NHS_Martin: New Post - A Year on - Buxton, Bass, black pudding, brown cafes, Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@sarasheridan: I have cracked out the Miss Marple videos and in memoriam of Tim Brooke Taylor I'm watching Murder is Easy and hone… - 5 years ago

@zuffler1978: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@pythononmyback: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@BR_TimesRecord: RT @edgarwright: I’m so so sad that a big comedy hero from my childhood, Tim Brooke-Taylor, has passed. Loved his energy & go for broke, tr… - 5 years ago

@BR_TimesRecord: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@JohnBrynt: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@DebauchedInOz: - 5 years ago

@FifitotM: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@IainWilsonNews: RT @barcles2: On Sunday's Barclay's Brunch, Wandsworth-based filmmaker, @LucyHunt, tells me about '1NS' which deals with #isolation during… - 5 years ago

@LucyHunt: RT @barcles2: On Sunday's Barclay's Brunch, Wandsworth-based filmmaker, @LucyHunt, tells me about '1NS' which deals with #isolation during… - 5 years ago

@comedynews: Who didn’t love Tim Brooke-Taylor? - 5 years ago

@jthomso91714518: RT @LesStonehouse: Lots of people thinking this #Covid_19 isn't worth the fuss it's just the flu...Maybe ask Peter Dutton/ Boris Johnson or… - 5 years ago

@Littlesparrow9: RT @LesStonehouse: Lots of people thinking this #Covid_19 isn't worth the fuss it's just the flu...Maybe ask Peter Dutton/ Boris Johnson or… - 5 years ago

@LesStonehouse: RT @LesStonehouse: Lots of people thinking this #Covid_19 isn't worth the fuss it's just the flu...Maybe ask Peter Dutton/ Boris Johnson or… - 5 years ago

@Pamaro25: RT @ScarredForLife2: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor, a brilliant comedian who I loved in The Goodies and in 40 years of I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue.… - 5 years ago

@chortle: Who didn't love Tim Brooke-Taylor? | This guy... - 5 years ago

@JRWeaver55: RT @LesStonehouse: Lots of people thinking this #Covid_19 isn't worth the fuss it's just the flu...Maybe ask Peter Dutton/ Boris Johnson or… - 5 years ago

@goyne_david: It was (is) agloriously funny show. RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@ambienteer: @GaryLineker I was days in to a childhood game reconstruction. Then Tim Brooke-Taylor 💙 🖤 Love to you all x - 5 years ago

@fairylightlwt: when louis first listened to tim mcgraw by taylor swift he thought about brooke and lucas from one tree hill send tweet - 5 years ago

@randimason: RT @BeshaRodell: @randimason It's here! --> - 5 years ago

@moonlitmurray: I can't imagine the world ever being quite so bright as when Tim Brooke-Taylor was in it. #TheGoodies #RIPTim - 5 years ago

@AntiProfessor: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@mntstguy: RT @HayleySez: Some Tim Brooke-Taylor tributes. I would say Constance Thwaites was inspired by his character Lady Constance DeCoverlet...bu… - 5 years ago

@ReneKragelund: RT @oiyouandy: @robinince Yesterday as my train passed through Mornington Crescent station (currently closed because of coronavirus) a blo… - 5 years ago

@BeshaRodell: @randimason It's here! --> - 5 years ago

@Ha_Tanya: DAILY SOFTIE: Today’s is a belated teddy-tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor. ❤️😥 #WindowSoftware #GoingOnABearHunt… - 5 years ago

@travesocial: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies' - 5 years ago

@geoffreytucker1: RT @oiyouandy: @robinince Yesterday as my train passed through Mornington Crescent station (currently closed because of coronavirus) a blo… - 5 years ago

@0109Hall: Tim Brooke Taylor during lockdown - 5 years ago

@lroc1501: RT @JrehnJ: The death of Tim Brooke-Taylor, the silly posh pom, offers a chance to reflect on just how influential the comedy of The Goodi… - 5 years ago

@EdDarrell: RT @JrehnJ: The death of Tim Brooke-Taylor, the silly posh pom, offers a chance to reflect on just how influential the comedy of The Goodi… - 5 years ago

@pigs_feet: RT @oiyouandy: @robinince Yesterday as my train passed through Mornington Crescent station (currently closed because of coronavirus) a blo… - 5 years ago

@JrehnJ: The death of Tim Brooke-Taylor, the silly posh pom, offers a chance to reflect on just how influential the comedy… - 5 years ago

@suzlette333: Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor, the silly posh pom who left his mark on Australian comedy - 5 years ago

@DerangedRadio: No costume was too ridiculous nor stunt too dangerous for Tim Brooke-Taylor, says GRAEME GARDEN… - 5 years ago

@AmJam72: RT @ReeceShearsmith: So sad to hear about Tim Brooke-Taylor. He was so fiercely, maniacally funny. Never more so than battling the compute… - 5 years ago

@coughetycough: RT @LottieMooreHere: Sad to hear the news of Tim Brooke-Taylor passing ~ time for one last Funky Gibbon #funkygibbon #TOTP #RIPTim - 5 years ago

@dittycommittee: @BritBox_US Please... #TheGoodies. - 5 years ago

@capricorn_one: @JustJakeSimpson @harries71 @MrsSimonTemplar Are you sure you’re remembering that correctly? There was a sitcom cal… - 5 years ago

@katkin2: RT @oiyouandy: @robinince Yesterday as my train passed through Mornington Crescent station (currently closed because of coronavirus) a blo… - 5 years ago

@LauschJack: RT @oiyouandy: @robinince Yesterday as my train passed through Mornington Crescent station (currently closed because of coronavirus) a blo… - 5 years ago

@DazDAmour: @BBCNewsnight Perhaps we could have paid more attention? Really? Poor Tim Brooke-Taylor, they can put " One of The… - 5 years ago

@Statsmanuk: Watching the 1997 Christmas special of #OneFootInTheGrave, starring the recently passed Tim Brooke-Taylor. Great stuff! - 5 years ago

@samdownie: RT @BBCRadio4: Our brilliant and funny friend Tim Brooke-Taylor - a 48-year veteran of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue - has died, having contra… - 5 years ago

@alice82quella: RT @TheRealJackDee: RIP the delightful and brilliant Tim Brooke-Taylor. x - 5 years ago

@The_Handy_Andy: RT @The_Handy_Andy: @ChesterfieldEU @DavidHeadViews @LBC best BJ takes over from Tim Brooke Taylor on (Sorry) I Haven't a Clue! Because, we… - 5 years ago

@JanDixo61200563: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@TullyMatt: RT @RobBrydon: So sad to hear that the great Tim Brooke Taylor has died. A wonderful man, so many happy times sat next to him on I'm Sorry… - 5 years ago

@timjredmond1: RT @oiyouandy: @robinince Yesterday as my train passed through Mornington Crescent station (currently closed because of coronavirus) a blo… - 5 years ago

@angusdad: In honour of Tim Brooke Taylor and friends - 5 years ago

@cartleyhole: RT @nytimesworld: 'The Goodies' helped to define the comedic sensibilities of a generation of Australians. This week, we lost one of its cr… - 5 years ago

@sasi2824: RT @nytimesworld: 'The Goodies' helped to define the comedic sensibilities of a generation of Australians. This week, we lost one of its cr… - 5 years ago

@cindywue: RT @nytimesworld: 'The Goodies' helped to define the comedic sensibilities of a generation of Australians. This week, we lost one of its cr… - 5 years ago

@n3day: @endeavourfm Perfect song for your Friday night zoo @olliea107. Funky Gibbon by The Goodies in memory of the Great Tim Brooke-Taylor! - 5 years ago

@pangolin1970: Bad week. Both Tim Brooke-Taylor and Norman Hunter have died. - 5 years ago

@nytimesworld: 'The Goodies' helped to define the comedic sensibilities of a generation of Australians. This week, we lost one of… - 5 years ago

@MichaelHodyl: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@gildy61: Listening to the tribute on #LastWord to Tim Brooke-Taylor. I saw the interview by Chris Serle and Tim when it happ… - 5 years ago

@GingertrevTrev: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@SinnimbreM: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - 5 years ago

@IncPpt: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - 5 years ago

@K4r5e2vCw5eCXU3: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - 5 years ago

@StudiosWren: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - 5 years ago

@IncTac: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - 5 years ago

@PEngNewYork: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - 5 years ago

@Interna69790725: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - 5 years ago

@sasu_kate: RT @Twitchathon: Ridiculously, after all the horror and sadness of the past few months, this is the thing that has got through my stoic emo… - 5 years ago

@realproudtgirl: RT @DavidMuttering: @MyshkinFool The recently late Tim Brooke-Taylor defined a gentleman as someone who got out of the shower to urinate. - 5 years ago

@FredShark3: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - 5 years ago

@DavidMuttering: @MyshkinFool The recently late Tim Brooke-Taylor defined a gentleman as someone who got out of the shower to urinate. - 5 years ago

@snowrabbit60: Had it been #BoJo I would have been less sad. The Good(ie) die young. #TBT #timbrooketaylor - 5 years ago

@AleksSladanaSam: RT @nytimesworld: 'The Goodies' helped to define the comedic sensibilities of a generation of Australians. This week, we lost one of its cr… - 5 years ago

@feralislandBud: RT @nytimesworld: 'The Goodies' helped to define the comedic sensibilities of a generation of Australians. This week, we lost one of its cr… - 5 years ago

@hullait: RT @nytimesworld: 'The Goodies' helped to define the comedic sensibilities of a generation of Australians. This week, we lost one of its cr… - 5 years ago

@nytimesworld: 'The Goodies' helped to define the comedic sensibilities of a generation of Australians. This week, we lost one of… - 5 years ago

@PabloDataDS: "Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’" by BY BESHA RODELL via NYT - 5 years ago

@Kiwibest: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor and ‘The Goodies’ - The new coronavirus is claiming so many cultural heroes. This wee… - 5 years ago

@badmachinery: I was very sad to hear that Tim Brooke-Taylor died earlier this week. I've never watched the Goodies, but I bought… - 5 years ago

@theweeflea: Quantum 90 – Bocelli; The Queen; Boris and the NHS; The Dying; The Poor; The WHO; Doug Wilson; Tim Brooke Taylor; L… - 5 years ago

@ProudGlaswegian: RT @virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is. Have y… - 5 years ago

@marita_blighs: Just found out Tim Brooke-Taylor died. 😢 The Goodies were such a great part of my childhood. Especially the time wh… - 5 years ago

@CurtLiving4: RT @HayleySez: Some Tim Brooke-Taylor tributes. I would say Constance Thwaites was inspired by his character Lady Constance DeCoverlet...bu… - 5 years ago

@harlequinpub: ... phil taylor (taylor) roger taylor (taylor) burton (tim burton) rod taylor (taylor) swift (taylor swift) storm d… - 5 years ago

@harlequinpub: christopher timothy (tim) brooke (brooke) tailor of gloucester (taylor) claypole (timothy claypole, rentaghost) ric… - 5 years ago

@harlequinpub: right, so, the theme connections. remember you were either looking for "tim", "brooke", or "taylor" to appear in yo… - 5 years ago

@aconvict: RT @Bigsky_HC: @MsJuliaMaguire Maybe it's these guys with the Scottish spider. Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@MyOutdoors: @MunroMoonwalker @apriliaken @townsendoutdoor @alex_roddie @TGOMagazine A timely reference to Tim Brooke-Taylor 😀 - 5 years ago

@tereoputake: RT TheDailyBlogNZ "Tim Brooke-Taylor died during the Easter Pandemic: On empty baskets & childhood | The Daily Blog… - 5 years ago

@claricehopeful: RT @HayleySez: Some Tim Brooke-Taylor tributes. I would say Constance Thwaites was inspired by his character Lady Constance DeCoverlet...bu… - 5 years ago

@shoobidoowapwap: RT @Cromwell606: This virus is beyond shit. Farewell Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thanks for The Goodies and King Kong Kitten 😥 - 5 years ago

@shoobidoowapwap: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@harlequinpub: first up, the highest/fastest score - we had one team on 24 😱 - so congratulations to "tail-ers between our legs"… - 5 years ago

@HayleySez: Some Tim Brooke-Taylor tributes. I would say Constance Thwaites was inspired by his character Lady Constance DeCove… - 5 years ago

@TheDailyBlogNZ: Tim Brooke-Taylor died during the Easter Pandemic: On empty baskets & childhood | The Daily Blog… - 5 years ago

@mdexterlilly: @richardosman Thank you for the newsletter eaxh week, your tribute to Tim Brooke Taylor brought a lump to the throat - 5 years ago

@SuzyHazelwood: RT @archivetvmus71: A favourite outtake - Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor struggle with a seemingly unbreakable record. - 5 years ago

@Brieanahmalli: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@TopCate: RT @BBCRadioWales: A very special listen for you… First broadcast in 2012, catch @RealAled’s interview with actor, writer, comedian and f… - 5 years ago

@CitizenBomber: Tim Brooke-Taylor died during the Easter Pandemic: On empty baskets & childhood | The Daily Blog #nzpol #covid19nz - 5 years ago

@TigersTimBell: RT @Shaw1877: Tim Brooke-Taylor's uncle, Lieutenant Arthur Cuthbert Brooke-Taylor, 1/6th Battalion Manchester Regiment, was killed in actio… - 5 years ago

@jonashalv: RT @Cromwell606: This virus is beyond shit. Farewell Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thanks for The Goodies and King Kong Kitten 😥 - 5 years ago

@erenaltunis: well this night gonna be plurry.. monty python's John Cleese and Tim Brooke-Taylor at bbc radio 4… - 5 years ago

@futurelawdigita: RT @legalhackette: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor & VHS videos, and the headaches remote hearings pose for judges in the UK & across the pon… - 5 years ago

@TimesLaw: RT @legalhackette: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor & VHS videos, and the headaches remote hearings pose for judges in the UK & across the pon… - 5 years ago

@saintly67: @RobertLindsay @BBC It's bad enough without Tim Brooke-Taylor 😣 - 5 years ago

@efrogwraig: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@thedoctoris1: @bigfinish Tim Brooke Taylor is the Doctor accompanied by the faulty oxygen tank from Apollo 13. - 5 years ago

@CourtCres: I was genuinely sad to hear of #TimBrookeTaylor passing. As I woke about 4 am I’ve had nothing better to do this mo… - 5 years ago

@DrMoragKerr: RT @acambridgediary: Pembroke's flag flies at half-mast in mourning of alumnus Tim Brooke-Taylor (1960) the comedian and actor, who died ye… - 5 years ago

@SadieOaktree100: RT @virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is. Have y… - 5 years ago

@MajorMcBloodnok: RT @acambridgediary: Pembroke's flag flies at half-mast in mourning of alumnus Tim Brooke-Taylor (1960) the comedian and actor, who died ye… - 5 years ago

@CasiMcLean: It's okay to cry Marge and Tina: Tim Brooke-Taylor (The Goodies) dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@sc_wadsy: Recent interview with the sadly departed Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@MisterVMCFeegs: Tim Brooke-Taylor: the Goodies star leaves a legacy, even without repeats - 5 years ago

@CapNews5: Coronavirus; L'acteur du même temps comédien, Tim Brooke-Taylor est décédé Selon the Guardian, L'acteur et comédie… - 5 years ago

@Taymithayour: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@Taymithayour: RT @BBCNWT: Buxton born Tim Brooke-Taylor, the comedian and actor, has died this morning from COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@NicolaP61813402: RT @simonblackwell: Heartbreaking news about Tim Brooke-Taylor. Filled so many people's childhoods with massive laughs, and then kept doing… - 5 years ago

@Bigsky_HC: @MsJuliaMaguire Maybe it's these guys with the Scottish spider. Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@MichaelH_PhD: I'm hearing "Introducing Splunk Remote Work Insights (RWI)!" in that over-eager voice Tim Brooke-Taylor was so good… - 5 years ago

@legalhackette: RT @legalhackette: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor & VHS videos, and the headaches remote hearings pose for judges in the UK & across the pon… - 5 years ago

@barrettpj62: @Classicbritcom 'This is your life' for Tim Brooke-Taylor. Spike appeared face covered in shaving cream towel round… - 5 years ago

@budgie: Since the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor, I’ve been listening to lots of It Sorry I‘ll Read That Again. I wonder how… - 5 years ago

@Penultim8: @guardian This brought to mind an episode from I've Never Seen Star Wars with Tim Brooke Taylor being delightful.… - 5 years ago

@LynneRosser: RT @BBCRadioWales: A very special listen for you… First broadcast in 2012, catch @RealAled’s interview with actor, writer, comedian and f… - 5 years ago

@realaled: RT @BBCRadioWales: A very special listen for you… First broadcast in 2012, catch @RealAled’s interview with actor, writer, comedian and f… - 5 years ago

@BBCRadioWales: A very special listen for you… First broadcast in 2012, catch @RealAled’s interview with actor, writer, comedian… - 5 years ago

@militaryhistori: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@Alrightpunk: I’d forgotten Tim Brooke-Taylor played Lady Constance in #ImSorryIllReadThatAgain. Love the strange squiffy noise he makes for her. - 5 years ago

@Roy92774134: RT @virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is. Have y… - 5 years ago

@legalhackette: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor & VHS videos, and the headaches remote hearings pose for judges in the UK & across th… - 5 years ago

@gilliallan: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@ZodmanPerth: @nickj69 What about this one? 😭 - 5 years ago

@phizzog11: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@Aushiker: RT @mad6duck: Hot off the press. "Isolation Blues". @Muscalex and others have suggested this so i just wrote one. Given the recent loss of… - 5 years ago

@WinstoneAnne: RT @BBCNWT: Buxton born Tim Brooke-Taylor, the comedian and actor, has died this morning from COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@AjaxMcCoy: @adamrichard Tim Brooke-Taylor as The Doctor and Charles Durning (played Doc Hopper in The Muppet movie) as the companion... - 5 years ago

@IanSpeed2: RT @virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is. Have y… - 5 years ago

@lucieLooLoo1: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@HelenofTrog: RT @virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is. Have y… - 5 years ago

@ChrisCheetham2: RT @virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is. Have y… - 5 years ago

@ShpAtcksRct: @HardingMike @JoLippers @DougalMcShoogle You had four pennies? We'd have given..... RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@TerryMcCannOi: Instead of this stupid Fogle idea perhaps we should go to our front doors this Friday at 8 and go "I'm a teapot" in… - 5 years ago

@TerryMcCannOi: @WellDeaf Is this in tribute to Tim Brooke Taylor i.e. going for the OBE? - 5 years ago

@ArtemisCJD: RT @lenoretaylor: Tim Brooke-Taylor dies at 79 after contracting coronavirus, agent says - 5 years ago

@LePlanRex: RT @virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is. Have y… - 5 years ago

@chris_traynor: RT @virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is. Have y… - 5 years ago

@virgosam70: There are people ill or dying and it is spreading and all the MSM care about is telling us what a "Hero" Johnson is… - 5 years ago

@TheDobba: @OC RIP Tim Brooke Taylor - 5 years ago

@AdrianW03562003: @HellBint @hugh_pimple I was trying to think of the third goodie on Saturday and for the life of me I couldn't come… - 5 years ago

@CraigWard0207: @SheilaGunny @Iromg No different to saying “comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor” has died. It doesn’t mean he was making pe… - 5 years ago

@JeSuisSpringSt: @MessengerOz @netz_melb @TT59394759 @_thomasparkes @michaelobrienmp Maybe they should try, especially after O'Brien… - 5 years ago

@announcer_stef: RT @ISIHAClue: - 5 years ago

@EdwardMLloyd: Diary News - Goodies Star Tim Brooke-Taylor OBE Dies - Tim Brooke-Taylor, the 79 year old patriot, comedian and act… - 5 years ago

@militaryhistori: RT @Classicbritcom: Tim Brooke-Taylor OBE (17 July 1940 – 12 April 2020) R.I.P - 5 years ago

@CitizenBomber: RT @TheDailyBlogNZ: Tim Brooke-Taylor died during the Easter Pandemic: On empty baskets & childhood | The Daily Blog - 5 years ago

@DBusters_: RT @BBCSteveR: So sad to hear that comedian and actor Tim Brooke-Taylor has passed away. As part of hilarious comic trio The Goodies on BBC… - 5 years ago

@outonbluesix: RT @looksunfamiliar: There's been a surprising amount of debate during the past couple of days over whether You Must Be The Husband was any… - 5 years ago

@ditchburnjulian: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@jamesdavy7: RT @DJChrisBerrow: Join me on @BBCRadio4Extra for lots of comedy, and a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor from 0600 today - 5 years ago

@halleeb: It's okay to cry Marge and Tina: Tim Brooke-Taylor (The Goodies) dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@Frankscan1965: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@DeLunaVintage: RT @SusanCarland: The Goodies! 😭 - 5 years ago

@RickHM: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@fuchsy17: RT @DrMatthewSweet: Such sad news about Tim Brooke-Taylor. He was always a little uneasy about the comic type he often embodied - the delud… - 5 years ago

@doccynzl: Around the time Tim Brooke-Taylor died, I was listening to @AllRatherPod, which played a song from a Goodies ep. I… - 5 years ago

@Forthleft2: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@GlenLeLievre: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@DJChrisBerrow: Join me on @BBCRadio4Extra for lots of comedy, and a tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor from 0600 today - 5 years ago

@ChesterSquarez: RT @ToryShepherd: Boris Johnson survived. Tim Brooke-Taylor did not. Denials, delays, deaths - coronavirus is a reckoning for leaders aroun… - 5 years ago

@ThomsonLynne: RT @ABCArts: Tim Brooke-Taylor paid a visit to Australia in the 1970s to inspect the garden gnome collection of one lucky family. #RewindAB… - 5 years ago

@DanielleBeezz: Coronavirus crisis: The Goodies’ Tim Brooke-Taylor dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@FettKeven: RT @queencharlot: Oh no! Not Tim Brooke-Taylor. This virus has a lot to answer for. Adored The Goodies as a child. Obsessed and sang the so… - 5 years ago

@PLParker: It's okay to cry Marge and Tina: Tim Brooke-Taylor (The Goodies) dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@ianlisser: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@0109Hall: RT @ABCArts: Tim Brooke-Taylor paid a visit to Australia in the 1970s to inspect the garden gnome collection of one lucky family. #RewindAB… - 5 years ago

@Greg_LW: RT @MarcusStead: I know we've all got to go some time, but to lose Sir Stirling Moss, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Peter Bonetti on the same day i… - 5 years ago

@Chrissimon204: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@HallRturnor: RT @IthearSei: Tim Brooke-Taylor a truly GENTLE man and a very funny comedian Your loss struck my heart Goodbye Tim make the buggers laugh… - 5 years ago

@ToryShepherd: Boris Johnson survived. Tim Brooke-Taylor did not. Denials, delays, deaths - coronavirus is a reckoning for leaders… - 5 years ago

@peterkmurphy: @joshgnosis @yibbida Alas, a lot of those folk who look at Boris Johnson imagine him in one of those Union Jack wai… - 5 years ago

@raveonstudio: #rip ;-( Tim Brooke-Taylor of British comedy The Goodies dies after coronavirus battle | CBC News - 5 years ago

@Scribeandcomic: RT @TheColinLane: Lano & Woodley pay tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor from The Goodies. - 5 years ago

@WhoLeader: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@RitchJewels: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@Thaiso: RT @abcmelbourne: Adam Hills pays tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@rynobi: @triplejtheking @scottdools may be a long bow but Run by Spiderbait (Goodies cover, shout out to Tim Brooke-Taylor RIP?) - 5 years ago

@kathypate: RT @TheColinLane: Lano & Woodley pay tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor from The Goodies. - 5 years ago

@kramsauer73: RT @DavidHunt1966: BBC News - Goodies star Brooke-Taylor dies with coronavirus - 5 years ago

@mysticmum1961: RT @RealTimFerguson: 'The Goodies' Thanks, Tim Brooke-Taylor, for everything. - 5 years ago

@waplow: RT @TheColinLane: Lano & Woodley pay tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor from The Goodies. - 5 years ago

@JayPHell1: RT @mad6duck: Hot off the press. "Isolation Blues". @Muscalex and others have suggested this so i just wrote one. Given the recent loss of… - 5 years ago

@LocaDotIn: 'A funny, sociable, generous man': The Goodies star Tim Brooke-Taylor dies from COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@CycloneLizzy: RT @BBCNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor dies at the age of 79 after contracting coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TheDailyBlogNZ: Tim Brooke-Taylor died during the Easter Pandemic: On empty baskets & childhood | The Daily Blog… - 5 years ago

@FionaMMarsden: RT @BBCSteveR: So sad to hear that comedian and actor Tim Brooke-Taylor has passed away. As part of hilarious comic trio The Goodies on BBC… - 5 years ago

@AnyaSzczytowska: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@EspineuxAlpha: RT @daggyvamp: The Goodies theme tune doesn't usually make me feel so melancholy. This is beautiful and sad and a lovely tribute to Tim Bro… - 5 years ago

@daggyvamp: The Goodies theme tune doesn't usually make me feel so melancholy. This is beautiful and sad and a lovely tribute t… - 5 years ago

@Tessacalab: RT @mad6duck: Hot off the press. "Isolation Blues". @Muscalex and others have suggested this so i just wrote one. Given the recent loss of… - 5 years ago

@DougBoothey: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@deweysurewedo: RT @Cromwell606: This virus is beyond shit. Farewell Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thanks for The Goodies and King Kong Kitten 😥 - 5 years ago

@chrishambyfilms: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@angelmaeztucoso: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@CHRISLEEFAN1956: R I P to Tim Brooke Taylor my sympathy to go to his friends and family. - 5 years ago

@JayFuckingCee: RT @thelonningsguy: My thoughts are with Tim Brooke-Taylor's family - and Mrs Trellis of North Wales #MorningtonCrescent - 5 years ago

@friendlydragon: RT @robinince: I am sorry but I find myself having to write when people whose work I love die. When I found out about Tim Brooke Taylor thi… - 5 years ago

@conradwood242: RT @Markgatiss: It’s always hard when a part of your childhood goes, so bless Tim Brooke-Taylor - the patron saint of silliness. Clearly lo… - 5 years ago

@HelenMaryPike: @TipYourHat Tim Brooke-Taylor, one of The Goodies died on Sunday, and I left it too late to get a ticket for a loca… - 5 years ago

@emjay505: RT @RachaelHasIdeas: Why is Gen X so sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor? The Goodies were on every night so we saw them a lot. The humour was sill… - 5 years ago

@Arnold_Layne: A tribute to Tim Brooke Taylor. Im sorry i havent a clue ive, not a radio recording as said in the description. It… - 5 years ago

@garylawuk: RT @ISIHAClue: - 5 years ago

@TonySloane10: RT @Siege_Perilous: Yet another creative talent has left us... the Covid death toll lays heavy. RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@2weary: RT @ISIHAClue: - 5 years ago

@deborah00168183: RT @ABCArts: Tim Brooke-Taylor paid a visit to Australia in the 1970s to inspect the garden gnome collection of one lucky family. #RewindAB… - 5 years ago

@TanzbarTango: RT @ISIHAClue: - 5 years ago

@ChrisBatey69: RT @ISIHAClue: - 5 years ago

@SBH_tomramage: RT @richardosman: Just devastated at the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. What a lovely, funny man. He was on such terrific form on the ‘I’m Sor… - 5 years ago

@Bionicgirl68: RT @Markgatiss: It’s always hard when a part of your childhood goes, so bless Tim Brooke-Taylor - the patron saint of silliness. Clearly lo… - 5 years ago

@Arnold_Layne: @cosmicshambles @SlapstickFest @robinince Thank you. Brilliant tribute to Tim Brooke Taylor - 5 years ago

@Mhp55dub: RT @burgonsoc: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor, Rector @univofstandrews 1979-82, seen here waiting for the Queen with chancellor Sir Kenneth Dover ht… - 5 years ago

@TeakSawdust: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@krokosh: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@David_Bonnici: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@kristyhayward: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@Daft_Raider: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@Gibbot5000: The best explanation of why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor resonated so loudly with me. Unsurprisingly, from my favo… - 5 years ago

@ghostfinder: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@TonyTimes2: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@Sonnyjim03: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@conchitamou: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@bloodhoundau: RT @BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of your fa… - 5 years ago

@BBCArchive: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died recently at the age of 79. Why not click on the link and share memories there of… - 5 years ago

@JulieHe40521540: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@Davelennonabc: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@theage: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@ArtSchoolLpool: RT @EveningStandard: Bill Oddie has remembered Tim Brooke-Taylor as the type of person you would not “think twice about asking for a favour… - 5 years ago

@DustySpades: RT @ABCArts: Tim Brooke-Taylor paid a visit to Australia in the 1970s to inspect the garden gnome collection of one lucky family. #RewindAB… - 5 years ago

@BestDrWho: Tribute to TIM BROOKE TAYLOR O.B.E. | In Memoriam - 5 years ago

@sausageonstick: RT @GoldingCartoons: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal #timbrooketaylor https:… - 5 years ago

@sinananRose: Tribute to TIM BROOKE TAYLOR O.B.E. | In Memoriam - 5 years ago

@m_larks: RT @ABCArts: Tim Brooke-Taylor paid a visit to Australia in the 1970s to inspect the garden gnome collection of one lucky family. #RewindAB… - 5 years ago

@_essayer: RT @TheColinLane: Lano & Woodley pay tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor from The Goodies. - 5 years ago

@Anger7_Meirala: RT @StuartEdser: The tragic news of the passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor from COVID-19, aged 79. I just have to exhale deeply and droop my shou… - 5 years ago

@nicolasnicola22: RT @ABCArts: Tim Brooke-Taylor paid a visit to Australia in the 1970s to inspect the garden gnome collection of one lucky family. #RewindAB… - 5 years ago

@CollingsSamuel: RT @OshZosh: Anyone familiar with medical textbooks of the pre-antibiotic era may know of the apparent easing of symptoms someone with pneu… - 5 years ago

@marthaldyer: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@ABCArts: Tim Brooke-Taylor paid a visit to Australia in the 1970s to inspect the garden gnome collection of one lucky family… - 5 years ago

@OshZosh: Anyone familiar with medical textbooks of the pre-antibiotic era may know of the apparent easing of symptoms someon… - 5 years ago

@William78997830: @BBCNWT A sad day for a great wit and a fellow Buxton native Vale Tim Brooke- Taylor - 5 years ago

@CouchPotBoomer: Most Americans have probably never hear of The Goodies. This comedy trio lost one last week. Tribute to TIM BROOKE… - 5 years ago

@sol_gj1: RT @AltaFidelidadM: Falleció Tim Brooke-Taylor 👉👉 - 5 years ago

@therealcyclone: RT @TheMusicComAu: "Thank you for the absurdity - could use a little more of that these days." - 5 years ago

@ANVAM310: @itsdaveoneil Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@MickySadler: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@James_R_Stover: In memory of Tim Brooke-Taylor, who made me laugh. #EckyThump - 5 years ago

@The_HSL: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@WendyCarey2: Such terribly sad news. Tim's comedy work has brightened my life for over 50 years. I'm in tears now. Tim Brooke… - 5 years ago

@DavidThetaSigma: RT @BraxM: Super Chap One. I love these pictures of Tim Brooke-Taylor, taken for @RadioTimes in March 1972 and November 1973, when The Good… - 5 years ago

@irishwol: RT @Classicbritcom: Let's hope the BBC put a tribute on for the late Tim Brooke-Taylor. Who's with me on this? - 5 years ago

@FlashGozmo789: RT @maddiesmith007: Last Autumn, after many years, I met up again with my delightful former television husband Tim Brooke-Taylor for the br… - 5 years ago

@rishi_handa: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@rishi_handa: RT @Robin_Askwith: Oh no....I'm so sorry about Tim Brooke-Taylor I seemed to know him for all time. We played cricket,golf,dressed up as r… - 5 years ago

@rishi_handa: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@rishi_handa: RT @StephenMerchant: When I was young, The Goodies were my gateway drug to silly, absurdist comedy. RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@rishi_handa: RT @piersmorgan: BREAKING NEWS: British comedy legend Tim Brooke-Taylor, famed for The Goodies and I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, has died fr… - 5 years ago

@rishi_handa: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@rishi_handa: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@rishi_handa: RT @RobBrydon: So sad to hear that the great Tim Brooke Taylor has died. A wonderful man, so many happy times sat next to him on I'm Sorry… - 5 years ago

@Mike88817: RT @smh: A decade of daily reruns made The Goodies, and its star Tim Brooke-Taylor, part of the fabric of a shared childhood | @michaelidat… - 5 years ago

@Dario_Western: RT @darrenhayes: Fuck this shitty virus. I hate that so many wonderful people, who have given us so much, have had such painful endings.… - 5 years ago

@JenifferJoyner: Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thanks for the joy and laughter you spread throughout our lives. - 5 years ago

@WriteRight2011: RT @BBCSteveR: So sad to hear that comedian and actor Tim Brooke-Taylor has passed away. As part of hilarious comic trio The Goodies on BBC… - 5 years ago

@wwefanforlife25: RT @popeofwelding: 🙏🏻😢 Tim Brooke-Taylor, 'Goodies' Star, Dies From Coronavirus Complications at 79 - 5 years ago

@dr_dbw: In memoriam, Tim Brooke-Taylor. #ZoomBackground #ZoomMeeting #WFH 8/n - 5 years ago

@McKenzie_Ben: @_AmyGray_ I am clinging to childhood memories of Tim Brooke-Taylor and The Goodies and trying to sift out the raci… - 5 years ago

@Adam_Maunder: RT @maddiesmith007: Last Autumn, after many years, I met up again with my delightful former television husband Tim Brooke-Taylor for the br… - 5 years ago

@Donna67508658: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@chordialtweets: RT @bookblog76: @brondmanmusic @Judy_Cockerton @brendatomczak @BedrokkV8 @ganderson7 @AmberScroggins6 @almatchett @juicemanrocks @MariaBF1… - 5 years ago

@BiscuitFlowery: RT @therealsarc: In honour of Tim Brooke Taylor passing away yesterday I'd like to share my favourite ever comedy sketch that he features i… - 5 years ago

@borough94: RT @imaginedslights: When I was a kid, the definition of a great day was one when the 'Kitten Kong' episode of The Goodies was being repeat… - 5 years ago

@CBrimelow: I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue - Tim Brooke-Taylor sings Wuthering Heights - 5 years ago

@JuneHelm1: @EricIdle Shocked to hear this news. R.I.P. Tim Brooke-Taylor lkeep telling the jokes and making up the stories 🌻💐🌻💐🌻💐🌻💐🌻 - 5 years ago

@JuneHelm1: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@BedrokkV8: RT @bookblog76: @brondmanmusic @Judy_Cockerton @brendatomczak @BedrokkV8 @ganderson7 @AmberScroggins6 @almatchett @juicemanrocks @MariaBF1… - 5 years ago

@mwboyce: In memory of Tim Brooke-Taylor, one of my favourite sketches. I spent hours during high school watching and memoriz… - 5 years ago

@UbikBelling: RT @RobBrydon: So sad to hear that the great Tim Brooke Taylor has died. A wonderful man, so many happy times sat next to him on I'm Sorry… - 5 years ago

@UbikBelling: RT @RobBrydon: Introducing ⁦@davidwalliams⁩ to the great Tim Brooke Taylor at my birthday party nearly five years ago. We both grew up lovi… - 5 years ago

@IamWill_WhoIam: RT @DavidLammy: How very very sad. I loved loved the Goodies growing up and Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thank you for hours of laughter giggles and… - 5 years ago

@cbzoomer: RT @ReclaimAnglesea: Goodies star Tim Brooke-Taylor dies from COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@bookblog76: @brondmanmusic @Judy_Cockerton @brendatomczak @BedrokkV8 @ganderson7 @AmberScroggins6 @almatchett @juicemanrocks… - 5 years ago

@malmo_58: RT @Baddiel: Kitten Kong's slow fall clinging onto the Post Office Tower shifts from hilarious to deeply sad. RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. https… - 5 years ago

@poporacle: RT @GrumpyOldRick: saddened to learn of Tim Brooke-Taylor's passing. We played quite a lot of golf together with the Sparks charity and the… - 5 years ago

@bambam1975: @keswickbro Tim Brooke Taylor Eddie large - 5 years ago

@WilliamVaudin: RT @BBCNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor dies at the age of 79 after contracting coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Idv82xs: RT @archivetvmus71: A favourite outtake - Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor struggle with a seemingly unbreakable record. - 5 years ago

@Idv82xs: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@Idv82xs: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@TheatreOrchard: We love this fun tribute to much-loved and tremendously talented Tim Brooke-Taylor by Phil Preen, who some of you w… - 5 years ago

@CompassionateP9: RT @mrjonnotweet: Terrible news. Sympathy and condolences. Tim Brooke-Taylor dies at 79 after contracting coronavirus, agent says - 5 years ago

@cjlongchris: RT @worldgeeklynews: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@robo_niccarey: RT @benomara: Sad, and a very accurate depiction of my television watching as a kid - just wish Spiderbait’s cover of #Goodies theme song w… - 5 years ago

@janelesley: RT @BraxM: Super Chap One. I love these pictures of Tim Brooke-Taylor, taken for @RadioTimes in March 1972 and November 1973, when The Good… - 5 years ago

@marcsaysmarc: @prodnose I thought it was a young Tim Brooke - Taylor. #RIP - 5 years ago

@benomara: Sad, and a very accurate depiction of my television watching as a kid - just wish Spiderbait’s cover of #Goodies th… - 5 years ago

@MAGAChronicle: Tim Brooke-Taylor Dead: Well-known, British Comedian Dies of Coronavirus at 79 - 5 years ago

@NigelGM: RIP Tim Brooke Taylor - I’ve dug out some Goodies to bring back the memories #thegoodies #timbrooketaylor #tv #bbc… - 5 years ago

@gerticusmaximus: @MartyMtweets @radionova100 Tim brooke taylor..... sadly no longer with us. Will always be a goodie - 5 years ago

@NagyMCole: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@sDreyse: „Willy Wonka“-Star Tim Brooke-Taylor stirbt an Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@rooster_irl: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@GlobePreneurs1: RT @BBCNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor dies at the age of 79 after contracting coronavirus - 5 years ago

@syxynyrd: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@NeeldArts: We are all saddened to hear about the passing of Tim Brooke Taylor. He joined us in September 2018 for an evening f… - 5 years ago

@DianaGeorgina15: RT @Cromwell606: This virus is beyond shit. Farewell Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thanks for The Goodies and King Kong Kitten 😥 - 5 years ago

@HamHighEtcetera: Hampstead resident Bill Oddie was among those mourning the death of his former comedy partner in The Goodies - 5 years ago

@RaeSnape: RT @HargreavesBC: He did the Funky Gibbon! "Goodies" 🇬🇧comedy genius Tim Brooke-Taylor, who preceded Monty Python is tragically lost to cor… - 5 years ago

@danmc2: A LIFE LESS ORDINARY: Pomona Rewind delves into the extraordinary career of comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor which saw hi… - 5 years ago

@ZAQSNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@k4ite: @Jaybee965 Tim Brooke Taylor.. 💔 - 5 years ago

@neil_edmondson: @jslovechild Tim Brooke-Taylor (RIP) - 5 years ago

@kind0fdisaster: watching the goodies in honour of losing a childhood hero of mine the other day, tim brooke taylor, i can't believe he's actually gone - 5 years ago

@mememe366: No no no! Not Tim Brooke Taylor - 5 years ago

@gildy61: RT @SamiraAhmedUK: Thinking a lot about the joy given to so many by Tim Brooke Taylor. If you are too, have a listen to this, when we all… - 5 years ago

@fifisyms: RT @BriW74: Tim Brooke-Taylor obituary - 5 years ago

@sr_figueira: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@lightacandleOTM: RT @SamiraAhmedUK: Thinking a lot about the joy given to so many by Tim Brooke Taylor. If you are too, have a listen to this, when we all… - 5 years ago

@marlowkelly1: It's okay to cry Marge and Tina: Tim Brooke-Taylor (The Goodies) dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@MyPrideDCFC: RT @dcfcofficial: Derby County Football Club is greatly saddened to have learned of the passing of supporter and former director Tim Brooke… - 5 years ago

@kingston_v: RT @theroyaleditor: Bill Oddie remembers his friend and comedy partner Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@faslaneflyer: Funny funny guys so sad to here about Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@wildcatwatcher: RT @Classicbritcom: Let's hope the BBC put a tribute on for the late Tim Brooke-Taylor. Who's with me on this? - 5 years ago

@Hugh_Gillan: @BBCRadioScot #getiton Any chance of hearing the catchy Funky Gibbon by The Goodies for the late great Tim Brooke- Taylor? - 5 years ago

@mycoronaviruss1: RT @ChesterfordHom1: #restinpeace Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made us laugh all through the 1970s and beyond. #theGoodies #coronavirus #COVID19… - 5 years ago

@Cinekim2016: Actor de ‘Willy Wonka’ Tim Brooke-Taylor muere de coronavirus a los 79 años - 5 years ago

@BeeEemDoubleU: RT @damocrat: It’s impossible to convey to people who are too young to remember The Goodies, just how absurdly entertaining it was. It was… - 5 years ago

@amusebouche13: RT @davidwalliams: I was obsessed with ‘The Goodies’ as a child, the first comedy show I really loved. I queued up to get the Goodies’ auto… - 5 years ago

@SamiraAhmedUK: On tonight’s @BBCFrontRow: @russellhoward on Home Time, we discuss The Spartan Court - the winner of the Arabic Pri… - 5 years ago

@JanLoughboro: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@PaulBpool: RT @BBCNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor dies at the age of 79 after contracting coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ILevvy65: @rickygervais Did you like watching The Goodies? How much influence did Tim Brooke Taylor have on comedy? - 5 years ago

@JsPprter1966: RT @BraxM: Super Chap One. I love these pictures of Tim Brooke-Taylor, taken for @RadioTimes in March 1972 and November 1973, when The Good… - 5 years ago

@DrGtrombone: - 5 years ago

@militaryhistori: RT @BriW74: Tim Brooke-Taylor obituary - 5 years ago

@BriW74: Tim Brooke-Taylor obituary - 5 years ago

@BashirHamman7: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@clairatommy0147: RT @taranakali: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor dies after contracting Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@ScottieMcClue: RT @Baddiel: Kitten Kong's slow fall clinging onto the Post Office Tower shifts from hilarious to deeply sad. RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. https… - 5 years ago

@ScottieMcClue: RT @AlisonMoyet: #Goodies Eccentric exuberance and wild innocent energy. To our young generation they were Adrenalin. Tim Brooke-Taylor ne… - 5 years ago

@ScottieMcClue: RT @davidwalliams: I was obsessed with ‘The Goodies’ as a child, the first comedy show I really loved. I queued up to get the Goodies’ auto… - 5 years ago

@ScottieMcClue: RT @robinince: Very sad to hear that Tim Brooke Taylor has died. A lovely man. A funny man. His work made growing up easier and gave us som… - 5 years ago

@ScottieMcClue: RT @richardosman: Just devastated at the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. What a lovely, funny man. He was on such terrific form on the ‘I’m Sor… - 5 years ago

@ScottieMcClue: RT @RobBrydon: So sad to hear that the great Tim Brooke Taylor has died. A wonderful man, so many happy times sat next to him on I'm Sorry… - 5 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @pembroke1347: Pembroke is saddened to learn of the death of alumnus Tim Brooke-Taylor (1960). Our thoughts are with Tim's widow, Christ… - 5 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @acambridgediary: Pembroke's flag flies at half-mast in mourning of alumnus Tim Brooke-Taylor (1960) the comedian and actor, who died ye… - 5 years ago

@ORourkeGerry: Tim Brooke-Taylor: Cleese, Fry and more pay tribute to comedy 'hero' - 5 years ago

@merlinkoene: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@PhillipTaylor: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Goodies and I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue star  – obituary - 5 years ago

@beyondthedash: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19. #TimBrookeTaylor #ObituaryOfTheDay - 5 years ago

@morph0075: Sad very sad, legend "British comedy legend Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies has died of COVID-19" - 5 years ago

@clownshq: RT @clownshq: Release the Clowns mourn the loss of one of our comedy heroes. Tim Brooke-Taylor, a brilliantly funny, brilliantly silly man,… - 5 years ago

@Dawnashep1963: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@Emma_A_Stubbs: RT @DaveCohencomedy: Niche but interesting: When Germaine Greer was refused entry to Cambridge Footlights on the grounds of gender, it was… - 5 years ago

@Hitsofthe70s: - 5 years ago

@SFlinn67: RT @maddiesmith007: Last Autumn, after many years, I met up again with my delightful former television husband Tim Brooke-Taylor for the br… - 5 years ago

@jamie_pragnell: @neilsmiles Looks like the late Tim Brooke Taylor trying to gag Paul Gascogne with Sue Lawley looking on with Oprah… - 5 years ago

@SherifanMatthew: Wish the BBC could show a classic episode of The Goodies in memory of Tim Brooke -Taylor. - 5 years ago

@BatesLine: RT @maddiesmith007: Last Autumn, after many years, I met up again with my delightful former television husband Tim Brooke-Taylor for the br… - 5 years ago

@fredpipes: RT @pauseliveaction: “Now with a greater sense of who we have become and what made us that way, we can... be thankful to those who make our… - 5 years ago

@mi5uk: RT @john3ners: Tim Brooke-Taylor has, sadly, arrived at Mornington Crescent. - 5 years ago

@bristol247: Tim Brooke-Taylor took part in four events during January's festival: - 5 years ago

@StandardEnts: Bill Oddie has shared a touching tribute to his friend and collaborator, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@jessecuster72: Really sorry to hear about the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor over the weekend. I adored The Goodies when I was little.… - 5 years ago

@CarryOnJoan: RT @maddiesmith007: Last Autumn, after many years, I met up again with my delightful former television husband Tim Brooke-Taylor for the br… - 5 years ago

@TheMysteriousHC: I was only aware of Tim Brooke-Taylor from his appearances on DVDs of 1960s TV shows that I have ("At Last the 1948… - 5 years ago

@tievsky: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@animal_eatdrums: RT @OzKitsch: Tim Brooke-Taylor: ahead of his time - 5 years ago

@sivreja: RT @paulcooksonpoet: Daily poem. Tim Brooke Taylor - 5 years ago

@mary_jackpool: RT @edgarwright: Hey, @BBCOne, you know what to do. Repeat 'Kitten Kong'. RIP Tim Brooke Taylor and long live The Goodies! - 5 years ago

@ReArtistron: RT @TheRemembranceC: This morning I’m starting off the day with a quick oil sketch before moving on to paintings already started In Memory… - 5 years ago

@Skelloween: RT @DirkMaggs: Oh no. Tim Brooke-Taylor has left us. We were so looking forward to recording more Goodies audio fun for @audibleuk this ye… - 5 years ago

@WiciCymru: RT @Wicipedia: Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@lornalyonssmith: RT @ChesterfordHom1: #restinpeace Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made us laugh all through the 1970s and beyond. #theGoodies #coronavirus #COVID19… - 5 years ago

@hes153ter: RT @BraxM: Super Chap One. I love these pictures of Tim Brooke-Taylor, taken for @RadioTimes in March 1972 and November 1973, when The Good… - 5 years ago

@shelsfc: RT @hotpress: Thank you @mikeskinnerltd @tameimpala @Hozier @MissMargoPrice @NRateliff @MioneCorfield @57theheadline @shelsfc @jameshendico… - 5 years ago

@agsc67: RT @maddiesmith007: Last Autumn, after many years, I met up again with my delightful former television husband Tim Brooke-Taylor for the br… - 5 years ago

@PatrickMulkern: RT @BraxM: Super Chap One. I love these pictures of Tim Brooke-Taylor, taken for @RadioTimes in March 1972 and November 1973, when The Good… - 5 years ago

@Lawsen_Webb: Tim Brooke-Taylor Dead: Comedian Dies of Coronavirus at 79 - 5 years ago

@JimCam73: RT @WineMan147: One of the greatest sketches of all time. Farewell Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thanks for the very many laughs. - 5 years ago

@SonyaMcKay13: @MarkRuffalo @100isNow @ChrisEvans @chrishemsworth @AnnastaciaMP @stopadani @AYCC @ShoebridgeMLC @algore… - 5 years ago

@brianara: RT @ReeceShearsmith: So sad to hear about Tim Brooke-Taylor. He was so fiercely, maniacally funny. Never more so than battling the compute… - 5 years ago

@cathy_farr: So sad. Such a big part of my life growing up. Tim Brooke-Taylor: Cleese, Fry and more pay tribute to comedy 'hero' - 5 years ago

@GingertrevTrev: RT @BraxM: Super Chap One. I love these pictures of Tim Brooke-Taylor, taken for @RadioTimes in March 1972 and November 1973, when The Good… - 5 years ago

@HawkeyeTrigger1: RT @edgarwright: I’m so so sad that a big comedy hero from my childhood, Tim Brooke-Taylor, has passed. Loved his energy & go for broke, tr… - 5 years ago

@BraxM: Super Chap One. I love these pictures of Tim Brooke-Taylor, taken for @RadioTimes in March 1972 and November 1973,… - 5 years ago

@SimonOliver1958: RT @GrumpyOldRick: saddened to learn of Tim Brooke-Taylor's passing. We played quite a lot of golf together with the Sparks charity and the… - 5 years ago

@HawkeyeTrigger1: RT @davidwalliams: I was obsessed with ‘The Goodies’ as a child, the first comedy show I really loved. I queued up to get the Goodies’ auto… - 5 years ago

@Edinburgensis: RT @Scranlife: We're genuinely saddened by the passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor Here's the classic comedy team, The Goodies - Graeme Garden, B… - 5 years ago

@HawkeyeTrigger1: RT @TheRealJackDee: RIP the delightful and brilliant Tim Brooke-Taylor. x - 5 years ago

@HawkeyeTrigger1: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@JoeyLightbulb: RT @smh: A decade of daily reruns made The Goodies, and its star Tim Brooke-Taylor, part of the fabric of a shared childhood | @michaelidat… - 5 years ago

@DaveMercer2319: BBC News - Obituary: Tim Brooke-Taylor, life of funnyman who co-wrote The Four Yorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@ChrisJaegerWF: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@PhiloHop: RT @LBCNews: Comedian and Goodies star Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79 with coronavirus - 5 years ago

@EBCNEWSs: RT @EBCNEWSs: #timbrooketaylor has died at the age of 79 with #coronavirus #COVIDー19 The entertainer, best known for The Goodies and I'm… - 5 years ago

@EBCNEWSs: RT @EBCNEWSs: Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79 with #coronavirus #COVIDー19 The entertainer, best known for The Goodies and I'm… - 5 years ago

@stephenmdedman: RT @crikey_news: The passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor offers a chance to reflect on just how influential the comedy of The Goodies was on a gen… - 5 years ago

@EBCNEWSs: RT @EBCNEWSs: Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79 with #coronavirus..#COVID__19 - 5 years ago

@EBCNEWSs: RT @EBCNEWSs: Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79 with #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@BiteTheDust: RT @upulie: Given we have just lost Tim Brooke-Taylor, can we please have proof that Attenborough is in a a safe, hermetically sealed space… - 5 years ago

@theianfox: Judging by the percentages. I think might have been the first person to take this quiz. And I only scored 4/10 Cho… - 5 years ago

@JimHowison: RT @kaashley54: @archivetvmus71 So sad, RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor, a terrible loss. - 5 years ago

@rozmar11: RT @Boeufblogginon: In the sadness that is Tim Brooke-Taylor’s death, little mention has been made of the genuinely brilliant ‘At Last the… - 5 years ago

@LiyaF13: RT @brianmaycom: #SADNEWS @BBCNews: Goodies star Tim Brooke-Taylor dies with coronavirus aged 79 - 5 years ago

@cunningham_cch: RT @Boeufblogginon: In the sadness that is Tim Brooke-Taylor’s death, little mention has been made of the genuinely brilliant ‘At Last the… - 5 years ago

@thisisevilpete: Tim Brooke-Taylor :-( Thanks for everything, but especially this: - 5 years ago

@Fydsy: At this time, I can't tell you grateful we are for old recordings of 'I'm sorry, I haven't a clue'. Half the cast h… - 5 years ago

@ewanevans43: RT @WinColl: Very sad to hear about the death yesterday of the comedy legend Tim Brooke-Taylor (OW). Our thoughts are with his family. @Win… - 5 years ago

@MMaryGarsonae: RT @acambridgediary: Pembroke's flag flies at half-mast in mourning of alumnus Tim Brooke-Taylor (1960) the comedian and actor, who died ye… - 5 years ago

@Emma63900879: RT @edgarwright: Hey, @BBCOne, you know what to do. Repeat 'Kitten Kong'. RIP Tim Brooke Taylor and long live The Goodies! - 5 years ago

@ProlificNorth: Cleese, Fry and Dee lead tributes to Tim Brooke-Taylor after death from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@sforrest: RT @kindrag: Tim Brooke-Taylor: Cleese, Fry and more pay tribute to comedy 'hero' - 5 years ago

@comedynews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies has died – Antelope Valley Press - 5 years ago

@Peter60Rudd: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@vogrady2132: RT @Boeufblogginon: In the sadness that is Tim Brooke-Taylor’s death, little mention has been made of the genuinely brilliant ‘At Last the… - 5 years ago

@jimdunn: Tim Brooke-Taylor obituary - 5 years ago

@0Rrobinson: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@jdavis_brian: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@MarkBur0000: RT @Watershedd: Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made our home laugh. Many of Mum's dinners were delayed as we tried to watch the full show. ht… - 5 years ago

@jacobaldridge: RT @crikey_news: The passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor offers a chance to reflect on just how influential the comedy of The Goodies was on a gen… - 5 years ago

@montypro: RT @StanmoreGC: Sad news re Tim Brooke-Taylor, a clever man and a gentleman. Here he is on our 18th whilst filming his series ‘Golf Club’s’… - 5 years ago

@redhead262: RT @CliveConway: A sad farewell to the warm, gentle, and talented comedy #legend Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@brigitteonline: Tim Brooke-Taylor: Britischer Schauspieler erliegt dem Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Susanjmccann: RT @edgarwright: Hey, @BBCOne, you know what to do. Repeat 'Kitten Kong'. RIP Tim Brooke Taylor and long live The Goodies! - 5 years ago

@PrithaBardhan: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@GregECP: RT @crikey_news: The passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor offers a chance to reflect on just how influential the comedy of The Goodies was on a gen… - 5 years ago

@RelateMTB: All of us @RelateMTB are devastated at the loss of our long-term President & wonderful supporter, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@amandaguild: @jasonsfolly I grew up watching The Goodies. Loved Tim Brooke-Taylor. May he Rest In Peace. - 5 years ago

@neric16: RT @crikey_news: The passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor offers a chance to reflect on just how influential the comedy of The Goodies was on a gen… - 5 years ago

@CharlesMetcalf4: RT @DerbyUniVC: I am saddened to hear the news that @DerbyUni Honorand Tim Brooke-Taylor OBE has passed away. Tim was a distinguished comed… - 5 years ago

@Catman_Rilea: Tim Brooke-Taylor Dies: British Comedian & Actor Had Contracted Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Epigrammist: RT @crikey_news: The passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor offers a chance to reflect on just how influential the comedy of The Goodies was on a gen… - 5 years ago

@coosaponakeesa: RT @richardosman: Just devastated at the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. What a lovely, funny man. He was on such terrific form on the ‘I’m Sor… - 5 years ago

@lastnametaco: RT @sarahcrabtreee: Great memories growing up - RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor #comedygenius #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@BlokeWorking: @frank_dialogue @mpharrisonHarry @toadmeister You haven't countered my BUM, and it's your move. Perhaps we could pl… - 5 years ago

@lesleymmurray: @ladylambloo @edgarwright Me and my brother with Tim Brooke-Taylor at John Menzies in Glasgow at the book signing. - 5 years ago

@JamesMiller988: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@bondgirl1968: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@HubertHobux: RT @gilescoren: Filming a 1970s cocktail party for “Giles and Sue Live the The Good Life“ with The late, lovely Tim Brooke-Taylor, Sally Ja… - 5 years ago

@Brett_2310: The death of Tim Brooke-Taylor just reminded me of this beautiful woman. Not that it takes much but she was the onl… - 5 years ago

@John_TayIor: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@JonathanMendel1: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@NickJRichards: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@manatrue: RT @sanditoksvig: Tim Brooke-Taylor was a man I was privileged to call my friend. Generous and kind. Sitting beside him while he made us al… - 5 years ago

@sunflowersutra1: RT @DaveCohencomedy: Niche but interesting: When Germaine Greer was refused entry to Cambridge Footlights on the grounds of gender, it was… - 5 years ago

@AngeliqueI: RT @Thievesbook: Words to live by - "a cocktail of silly voices, awful puns and smutty humour" - farewell, Tim and thank you - 5 years ago

@AngelaEglin: RT @gilescoren: Filming a 1970s cocktail party for “Giles and Sue Live the The Good Life“ with The late, lovely Tim Brooke-Taylor, Sally Ja… - 5 years ago

@worldgeeklynews: Remembering Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@Sophthecatsmum: - 5 years ago

@chewy7: rip actor/comedian tim brooke taylor age of 79 - 5 years ago

@lgirvin: RT @norwichplay: Everyone at the Playhouse is saddened to hear the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor. Tim was a lovely man who always made audience… - 5 years ago

@RebeccaWarnefo2: RT @andrew_cleary12: @szabosolicitors @826Maureen @ProfitDoctor_ @DancingKitty4 @peterburrowsws1 @Robfromtaroona @Thew3B @BoyfromBurleigh @… - 5 years ago

@tamasine_smith: RT @sanditoksvig: Tim Brooke-Taylor was a man I was privileged to call my friend. Generous and kind. Sitting beside him while he made us al… - 5 years ago

@JonBlanthorn: RT @ReeceShearsmith: So sad to hear about Tim Brooke-Taylor. He was so fiercely, maniacally funny. Never more so than battling the compute… - 5 years ago

@GASPurves: RT @Scranlife: We're genuinely saddened by the passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor Here's the classic comedy team, The Goodies - Graeme Garden, B… - 5 years ago

@HMCastor: RT @hubabakanda: A musical tribute to the great Tim Brooke-Taylor, who reached his final stop on Mornington Crescent too early today. Such… - 5 years ago

@ITattum: @curlewcalls It is also terribly disrespectful to Tim Brooke Taylor😊 - 5 years ago

@bridgetwolves: RT @richardosman: Just devastated at the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. What a lovely, funny man. He was on such terrific form on the ‘I’m Sor… - 5 years ago

@iwcpsport: Flashback: The day Tim Brooke-Taylor came to Cowes - 5 years ago

@Xenoster: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@Gorka33896117: RT @CINEMANIA_ES: Muere el cómico Tim Brooke-Taylor ('Un mundo de fantasía) con coronavirus a los 79 años | Cinemanía - 5 years ago

@JAllen20: RT @acambridgediary: Pembroke's flag flies at half-mast in mourning of alumnus Tim Brooke-Taylor (1960) the comedian and actor, who died ye… - 5 years ago

@marshallstructs: The world lost two greats on Sunday - Stirling Moss and Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@bridgetwolves: RT @DaveCohencomedy: Niche but interesting: When Germaine Greer was refused entry to Cambridge Footlights on the grounds of gender, it was… - 5 years ago

@molessarah: RT @Boeufblogginon: In the sadness that is Tim Brooke-Taylor’s death, little mention has been made of the genuinely brilliant ‘At Last the… - 5 years ago

@AccelerateTV: Oh no...Tim Brooke-Taylor dies from Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@DesignedToFade: RT @TheColinLane: Lano & Woodley pay tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor from The Goodies. - 5 years ago

@raywilton4: RT @BethanyinCBR: Fitting. Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@Iceman_cometh1: RT @KateRobbins: So sad to hear that Coronavirus has robbed us of the talent that was Tim Brooke Taylor. A more fun person to work with… - 5 years ago

@martsle40gig: RT @SeanBradbery: My contention is that we are in a simulation and the clowns setting the parameters are just bored because we keep losing… - 5 years ago

@Lyndavmehren: RT @abigailthaw: Such very sad news. RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@rachelsanger: RT @misternop: Flag Flying at half mast today at Pembroke College Cambridge in honour of Tim Brooke Taylor alumni 1960 who passed away yest… - 5 years ago

@earychicken: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@chasha_fierce: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@Jan_Leeming: RT @GrumpyOldRick: saddened to learn of Tim Brooke-Taylor's passing. We played quite a lot of golf together with the Sparks charity and the… - 5 years ago

@WitcherleyBooks: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@Archimbaldo: RT @bat020: the reaction to Tim Brooke-Taylor dying seems weirdly muted to me. The Goodies were *huge* in the 70s/80s, much bigger than Mon… - 5 years ago

@DarmaGood: RT @steevc: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. The #Goodies were part of my youth and he kept going on I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue for decades. - 5 years ago

@mintcake19: RT @mrjamesob: If you could bring a fraction of the joy into a fraction of the lives that Tim Brooke-Taylor managed to, you'd still have do… - 5 years ago

@johnshea63: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@bphillpotts: RT @Blanch6144: Desperately sad to hear of Tim Brooke-Taylor’s passing. One of my favourite books as a kid, and later as an adult when I go… - 5 years ago

@hasselljpb: @kellie_scott John Delorean Tim Brooke Taylor Martin Luther King - 5 years ago

@Sophiasogood: Intrigued to note that @Bunkybowers is now trading as the "horrendous" Lady Constance de Coverlet, a creation of th… - 5 years ago

@Blanch6144: Desperately sad to hear of Tim Brooke-Taylor’s passing. One of my favourite books as a kid, and later as an adult w… - 5 years ago

@mwstec: The loss of Derbyshire lad Tim Brooke-Taylor to Corona virus is a very sad thing but to cheer us up in these ‘hard… - 5 years ago

@JohnDevine1961: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@shroplavender: RT @SusanCalman: Devastated by this news today. Tim was funny, kind and an incredible man in every way. Sitting beside him on I’m Sorry I H… - 5 years ago

@JohnGoodrum13: RT @lucyjbriers: I loved The Goodies as a kid, and got to watch an episode bring recorded live. Afterwards I met Tim Brooke-Taylor and he w… - 5 years ago

@sellingservTim: I've always been selective about obituaries on #160gigblog, but this one feels important. #TimBrookeTaylor… - 5 years ago

@rowenahutson: My little comedy heart is still torn in two after hearing the sad news about Tim Brooke-Taylor. We grew up without… - 5 years ago

@tosnewsblog: “Willy Wonka”-Star Tim Brooke-Taylor stirbt an Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Dinastweet: "Willy Wonka"-Star Tim Brooke-Taylor stirbt an Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@desert_esq: To the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor I hope you are saying ecky thump in the afterlife. #TheGoodies #TimBrookeTaylor - 5 years ago

@PaulRay111: Such sad news about Tim Brooke-Taylor. Thanks for the memories and the laughs. My goodness how we need that now. - 5 years ago

@wilso_donna: RT @sanditoksvig: Tim Brooke-Taylor was a man I was privileged to call my friend. Generous and kind. Sitting beside him while he made us al… - 5 years ago

@Capt_Funn: RT @GrumpyOldRick: saddened to learn of Tim Brooke-Taylor's passing. We played quite a lot of golf together with the Sparks charity and the… - 5 years ago

@Flowerpowertric: “Willy Wonka”-Star Tim Brooke-Taylor stirbt an Corona - 5 years ago

@benconservato: Hearing of the sad, too early death of Tim Brooke-Taylor from this horrid state of affairs we find ourselves in. Al… - 5 years ago

@LitGeary: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@Madeleine_1115: RT @TheRealJackDee: RIP the delightful and brilliant Tim Brooke-Taylor. x - 5 years ago

@aalyta4192: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@imointhedeen: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@finneyivan1963: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@comedyberks: Comedian Tony Hawks pays tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@Scouse_Gareth: RT @lisacartman: A tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor by @warren456. - 5 years ago

@daveking: RT @TheColinLane: Lano & Woodley pay tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor from The Goodies. - 5 years ago

@SimonDolbyKent: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@lab_wiggins: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@Becsmas: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@buck_ers: RT @ViscountBrooky: By Me: Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor: "You couldn’t scroll through the Generation X parish newsletter, Facebook, without fond… - 5 years ago

@KGjoeyt: The Goodies... my formative years spent watching this were not wasted. RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor, I'm sorry you had to… - 5 years ago

@Jem02905706: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@robdarneyno1: RT @BBCSteveR: So sad to hear that comedian and actor Tim Brooke-Taylor has passed away. As part of hilarious comic trio The Goodies on BBC… - 5 years ago

@vc61: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@ViscountBrooky: By Me: Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor: "You couldn’t scroll through the Generation X parish newsletter, Facebook, without f… - 5 years ago

@AIRairBP: RT @Markgatiss: It’s always hard when a part of your childhood goes, so bless Tim Brooke-Taylor - the patron saint of silliness. Clearly lo… - 5 years ago

@7AustinTS: @kellie_scott @AmyRemeikis Amy Winehouse, Prince, Robin Williams, Princess Diana, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Michael Hutche… - 5 years ago

@lam_ruth: One of my favourite comedy shows when I was growing up. Tim Brooke Taylor RIP - 5 years ago

@musiclane21: @piersmorgan Still can’t believe Tim Brooke-Taylor has passed away. The Goodies will always be one of my favourite… - 5 years ago

@andrew_cuda: The Goodies were a comedy trio who were contemporaries with Monty Python, and Tim Brooke-Taylor was their Graham Ch… - 5 years ago

@madeleine_deste: RT @aidan_doyle: "The Goodies and its stars, along with Doctor Who, Battle of the Planets, The Kenny Everett Video Show, Star Blazers, Monk… - 5 years ago

@pelicangut: RT @andrewwhiteau: The original Four Yorkshiremen Sketch with Tim Brooke-Taylor and Marty Feldman - 5 years ago

@0Thornton: RT @SeanBradbery: My contention is that we are in a simulation and the clowns setting the parameters are just bored because we keep losing… - 5 years ago

@adamspong: RT @AndrejNkv: It's a testament to Tim Brooke-Taylor's legacy that there seem to be about three generations mourning his passing on here. - 5 years ago

@DNABeast: RT @AndrejNkv: It's a testament to Tim Brooke-Taylor's legacy that there seem to be about three generations mourning his passing on here. - 5 years ago

@versichili: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@Rhys_Needham: RT @OzKitsch: Tim Brooke-Taylor: ahead of his time - 5 years ago

@clairebbbear: RT @OzKitsch: Tim Brooke-Taylor: ahead of his time - 5 years ago

@gr33nrust: RT @OzKitsch: Tim Brooke-Taylor: ahead of his time - 5 years ago

@jewlipina: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@AKessaris: @JohnCleese RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. I was a fan of The Goodies and Yes, Minister. - 5 years ago

@tolmer_trenton: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@BW92887702: @Ajarncom I was always in hysterics as a kid watching The Goodies. Devastating loss that Covid got Tim Brooke-Taylo… - 5 years ago

@PetloverHermine: TIM BROOKE-TAYLOR, English Actor & Comedian, 1940 to 2020 #COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@TheRicMan: RT @space4cyclingbn: Tim Brooke-Taylor, British comedian, actor and one of the worlds most beloved cyclists sadly passed away after contrac… - 5 years ago

@DreadSinister: RT @aidan_doyle: "The Goodies and its stars, along with Doctor Who, Battle of the Planets, The Kenny Everett Video Show, Star Blazers, Monk… - 5 years ago

@dingodadd: RT @OzKitsch: Tim Brooke-Taylor: ahead of his time - 5 years ago

@SusanBr43508003: RT @archivetvmus71: A favourite outtake - Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor struggle with a seemingly unbreakable record. - 5 years ago

@aidan_doyle: "The Goodies and its stars, along with Doctor Who, Battle of the Planets, The Kenny Everett Video Show, Star Blazer… - 5 years ago

@Bashybabe: @russellcrowe I’m going to be watching The Goodies on DVD again today. RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. That’s as productive as I get atm. - 5 years ago

@TellyRadar: British comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor died of coronovirus at age 79 - 5 years ago

@soniaestradav: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@soniaestradav: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@BrianBirmingh18: RT @ukads3: Oh No! Rest In Peace Tim Brooke-Taylor who has sadly been a victim of Covid-19. Remember him in happier times twitching for a J… - 5 years ago

@jokeonastick: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@ghipszky: RT @adrianmckinty: did you know that Tim Brooke-Taylor who died today of Coronavirus was one of the original writers and stars of the famou… - 5 years ago

@alvinteejay: Tim Brooke-Taylor: Cleese, Fry and more pay tribute to comedy ‘hero’ – BBC News - 5 years ago

@Lionesskeeper: RT @Markgatiss: It’s always hard when a part of your childhood goes, so bless Tim Brooke-Taylor - the patron saint of silliness. Clearly lo… - 5 years ago

@sassybella53: RT @TheRemembranceC: This morning I’m starting off the day with a quick oil sketch before moving on to paintings already started In Memory… - 5 years ago

@Lionesskeeper: RT @BBCSimonMcCoy: A funny, smart, interesting man. A real joy to chat to him just a couple of months ago.. Obituary: Tim Brooke-Taylor htt… - 5 years ago

@na_cotic: Hopped into my car and my player turns onto the episode of @ISIHAClue I have playing. Just as Tim gaffs his deliver… - 5 years ago

@Elaineschofiel9: RT @RachaelHasIdeas: Why is Gen X so sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor? The Goodies were on every night so we saw them a lot. The humour was sill… - 5 years ago

@HelenZelx: RT @JohnBirmingham: Very sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor. Such happy childhood memories of The Goodies; both watching it myself, and decades la… - 5 years ago

@StGeorge_Abroad: RT @CTVNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@bmsalmighty: RT @CTVNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@stefa522: RT @CTVNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@entertainm2019: RT @CTVNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@jags3251: RT @CTVNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@sydthesquider: RT @CTVNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@CTVNews: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies with COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@BloggerMe3: RT @Boeufblogginon: In the sadness that is Tim Brooke-Taylor’s death, little mention has been made of the genuinely brilliant ‘At Last the… - 5 years ago

@moonlitmurray: RT @andrewjhansen: Tim Brooke-Taylor was just as fun and lovely in real life as you’d imagine he’d be. - 5 years ago

@MklJMoore: Having grown up in the UK in the 60's and 70's I simply had to introduce my wife to The Funky Gibbon - maybe she un… - 5 years ago

@MarkJAllman: The great Tim Brooke-Taylor in action on "At Last The 1948 Show". Another great talent lost to COVID 19. It sucks." - 5 years ago

@iamsalome: Tim Brooke-Taylor of British comedy The Goodies dies after coronavirus battle | CBC News - 5 years ago

@minchinswitchy: RT @andrewwhiteau: The original Four Yorkshiremen Sketch with Tim Brooke-Taylor and Marty Feldman - 5 years ago

@RussellClarkNHS: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@Cessycat1: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@CountessofW: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@shazld: RT @kateloh: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal - 5 years ago

@soupkitchen: RT @andrewwhiteau: The original Four Yorkshiremen Sketch with Tim Brooke-Taylor and Marty Feldman - 5 years ago

@Dr_eVal: Apocalypse Diary - Day 24: Monday, 13 April - RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor who died yesterday of C-19. Loved the Goodies!😢… - 5 years ago

@ohiomary: RT @NBCNewsWorld: Tim Brooke-Taylor, famed British comedian and performer, died Sunday morning after contracting coronavirus. He was 79. ht… - 5 years ago

@MLoParis: RT @GondwanaLands: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal - 5 years ago

@NBCNewsWorld: Tim Brooke-Taylor, famed British comedian and performer, died Sunday morning after contracting coronavirus. He was… - 5 years ago

@GondwanaLands: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal - 5 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @andrewwhiteau: The original Four Yorkshiremen Sketch with Tim Brooke-Taylor and Marty Feldman - 5 years ago

@jramiroMX: RT @jramiroMX: RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT El comediante británico Tim Brooke-Taylor, de The Goodies, fallece a los 79 años por coronavir… - 5 years ago

@James_Jeffrey: RT @andrewwhiteau: The original Four Yorkshiremen Sketch with Tim Brooke-Taylor and Marty Feldman - 5 years ago

@GuilfordCT: RIP TIm Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@MaryAnneKennan: RT @RachaelHasIdeas: Why is Gen X so sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor? The Goodies were on every night so we saw them a lot. The humour was sill… - 5 years ago

@janetomstone: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@ApairistDave: RT @MyraGurney: @danilic Long live The Goodies … vale Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@cmvaug: RT @RachaelHasIdeas: Why is Gen X so sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor? The Goodies were on every night so we saw them a lot. The humour was sill… - 5 years ago

@Iam360WISE: More #WorldNews Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies Dies With COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@scotnat01: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@ChinoDoes: @cyndilauper @TrueColorsUnite Please stay safe Cyndi.. just heard Tim Brooke-Taylor has passed away from complicati… - 5 years ago

@ClaudiaFunder: RT @pahn_amaga: Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor, a great comedian and actor who toured Australia both with #thegoodies and also 'Privates on Parade'… - 5 years ago

@TonyByr33080250: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@DAVE24ALE: @BBCNWT Shit. R.I.P Tim Brooke Taylor - 5 years ago

@MartyRoach: @bowlologist @ABCTV Tim Brooke Taylor was Monkey? Never knew that. - 5 years ago

@IcarFaem: I never knew the title of this song was "The British Grenadiers". Reading Andrew Pixley's book on The Goodies, thi… - 5 years ago

@roberthulands: RT @theage: Goodies, goodie, goodie, yum, yum. Five words that sum up a shared childhood in Australia in the 1980s - 5 years ago

@thlemos: RT @dicas_de_ingles: Tim Brooke-Taylor, comediante inglês que trabalhou com a galera do Monty Python, morreu por causa dessa praga de coron… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyHartmann: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@CorneliusOddie: RT @archivetvmus71: A favourite outtake - Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor struggle with a seemingly unbreakable record. - 5 years ago

@JeffreyHartmann: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@Stephen19540131: RT @BelongToStreets: Was a bit of an oddball at secondary school but I finally made two friends - Bill Oddie (Rowena) and Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@HerewardCountry: RT @acambridgediary: Pembroke's flag flies at half-mast in mourning of alumnus Tim Brooke-Taylor (1960) the comedian and actor, who died ye… - 5 years ago

@goose07831: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@gigglyfriday: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Tim Brooke-Taylor - #TimBrookeTaylor #Tim #Brooke-Taylor #rip - 5 years ago

@Purple_Wyrm: RT @Bob_Fischer: Been thinking about Tim Brooke-Taylor since yesterday. I loved The Goodies beyond words when I was little. Still do. In 20… - 5 years ago

@dannydarcy72: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@Pageasinbook: RT @RachaelHasIdeas: Why is Gen X so sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor? The Goodies were on every night so we saw them a lot. The humour was sill… - 5 years ago

@over50andright: RT @BBCNWT: Buxton born Tim Brooke-Taylor, the comedian and actor, has died this morning from COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@prh46: RT @davrosz: Tears for a clown: why the loss of Tim Brooke-Taylor feels so personal - @michaelidato this is just so.perfectly expressed. Sp… - 5 years ago

@templeclay: Despite having connections to Monty Python, As an American, I wish they were well-known in America. They’re so fun… - 5 years ago

@peartonjohnson: RT @RealTimFerguson: 'The Goodies' Thanks, Tim Brooke-Taylor, for everything. - 5 years ago

@jazzaoxon: RT @wisheart12: God rest your soul in Heavenly peace Tim Brooke-Taylor, a real Goodie 🙏❤️😢 - 5 years ago

@Pehal_News: British Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor Dies Of Coronavirus At 79 - 5 years ago

@HughMcBryde: RT @GrumpyOldRick: saddened to learn of Tim Brooke-Taylor's passing. We played quite a lot of golf together with the Sparks charity and the… - 5 years ago

@NormanHeckenber: RT @J_AaronAloysius: Best story concerning Tim Brooke-Taylor: made someone die literally from laughter #TimBrookeTaylor #TheGoodies https:/… - 5 years ago

@Livid2point0: Tim Brooke-Taylor dead: Goodies co-stars lead tributes as actor dies aged 79 after contracting coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@prh46: RT @marcuskelson: Tim Brooke-Taylor dies of Coronavirus?! Well that’s it 2020 is officially cancelled. - 5 years ago

@TheRealMelHayes: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@LynneVero: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@randybruin8: RT @EricIdle: I was very proud to hear from The Master that Pembroke College Cambridge is flying its flag at half mast today in memory of o… - 5 years ago

@Br39507716David: RT @TalkingPicsTV: Very sad news that the actor and comedian Tim Brooke Taylor has died. Thank you for all the laughter Tim. Rest in Peace.… - 5 years ago

@redeceptor: RIP Tim Brooke Taylor. - 5 years ago

@DoctorMark68: RT @Markgatiss: It’s always hard when a part of your childhood goes, so bless Tim Brooke-Taylor - the patron saint of silliness. Clearly lo… - 5 years ago

@Ted543: RT @Gculloty87: @sallythomsett Hi Sally. Here's Richard O'Sullivan with the late Tim Brooke-Taylor in Me & My Girl. - 5 years ago

@lochiel77: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@closeapproximat: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@asinglehaworth: Today, we’ve put out our Kitten Kong to remember Tim Brooke- Taylor - 5 years ago

@AndrewSDow: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@jungjungswamp: RT @RobBrydon: So sad to hear that the great Tim Brooke Taylor has died. A wonderful man, so many happy times sat next to him on I'm Sorry… - 5 years ago

@CfteGary: OK enough! - 5 years ago

@glebbern: RT @benschneiders: I loved the Goodies. When I was four, I was distraught when they weren’t on TV so my formidable grandmother rang the ABC… - 5 years ago

@davidclancy83: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@mockturtle06: 'Funny, sociable, generous': comedians pay tribute to Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@stairforce: RT @CamillArfwedson: Very sad to hear the news about Tim Brooke Taylor. He played my father in Miss Marple years ago and I remember being s… - 5 years ago

@davidlfear: I was a huge Goodies fan growing up...and every history of the Python crew namechecks Tim Brooke-Taylor a lot — a b… - 5 years ago

@Justinscake: RT @extratv: "The Goodies" and "Willy Wonka" actor Tim Brooke-Taylor dead from coronavirus at 79: - 5 years ago

@BramwellTovey: RT @Liddle123: So sad to hear about Tim Brooke-Taylor; but I’m sure that he will be joining Jeremy Hardy and Willie Rushton in being given… - 5 years ago

@InsiderSpirit: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of The Goodies dies of COVID-19 - - 5 years ago

@rickeyre: When Tim Brooke-Taylor and The Goodies ruled Australian TV at 6pm - 5 years ago

@Antara_Jabar: Komedian Inggris Tim Brooke-Taylor meninggal akibat corona - ANTARA News Jawa Barat - 5 years ago

@goatgirl11: RT @drzax: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is playing in the next room making work quite difficult so far today. Had forgotten about… - 5 years ago

@geraldinequinn: RT @AlisonMoyet: #Goodies Eccentric exuberance and wild innocent energy. To our young generation they were Adrenalin. Tim Brooke-Taylor ne… - 5 years ago

@_Sparkwood: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. How good was THE GOODIES. - 5 years ago

@Daniel30488522: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@lisamarieblaski: Comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor of the Goodies dies after contracting COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@56Jagman: May he teach everyone in heaven The Funky Gibbon. Vale Tim, and thank you for the laughter you brought into my lif… - 5 years ago

@TonyJCronin: RT @JohnWing5: Tim Brooke-Taylor, 1940-2020 Rest in peace, comedian. - 5 years ago

@oldmateedo: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor your work was always a huge influence on me as a teen - 5 years ago

@john_cronin48: RT @FionaKatauskas: Reading tributes to Tim Brooke Taylor and one word that constantly comes up is “kind”. Such an underrated quality - 5 years ago

@Subdo2: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @brianthegeek: As a child growing up in the 1970’s in a very bleak Britian, there was one spark of joy for all of us #thegoodies with G… - 5 years ago

@buntylegrande1: @adamhillscomedy Thanks to Tim Brooke-Taylor for this Aussie kids education on the royal family, the Loch Ness mons… - 5 years ago

@Moxie404: RT @RachaelHasIdeas: Why is Gen X so sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor? The Goodies were on every night so we saw them a lot. The humour was sill… - 5 years ago

@HenkeNo7: RT @adrianmckinty: did you know that Tim Brooke-Taylor who died today of Coronavirus was one of the original writers and stars of the famou… - 5 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @RachaelHasIdeas: Why is Gen X so sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor? The Goodies were on every night so we saw them a lot. The humour was sill… - 5 years ago

@BellzWebster: RT @ABCthedrum: "His loss at this dreadful time is particularly hard to bear." - 5 years ago

@GHallanan: RT @quelineruby64: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor and Thanks for the laughs❤️❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@fox_pmfox: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@Pzzadude92: RT @SawbonesHex: And now we’ve lost the lovely Tim Brooke-Taylor. A truly decent, friendly jolly and very funny man. Bloody virus - 5 years ago

@whatevenisit: RT @TheFastShow1: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor - one of the original writers/performers of The Four Yorkshiremen. Subsequently embellished over th… - 5 years ago

@KevanSangster: Very sad news about #TimBrookeTaylor , a comedy legend from my youth and yet another high profile victim of… - 5 years ago

@SimonNewman_sdn: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@fromjaf: Just found out about Tim Brooke-Taylor's death. RIP to one of very few people to cause somebody to die of laughter.… - 5 years ago

@AntLittle3: RT @Rove: Tim Brooke-Taylor from The Goodies, I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again and so much more of my early comedy inspiration taken from us… - 5 years ago

@TweetsbyHanya: RT @seattletimes: British performer Tim Brooke-Taylor, a member of comedy trio The Goodies, has died after contracting the new coronavirus.… - 5 years ago

@fox_pmfox: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@sharitags: RT @andrew_mueller: Due to some unfathomable quirk of the ABC's scheduling, there is a generation of Australians who were pretty much raise… - 5 years ago

@bashingon: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@hankstv: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@MathewALane: RT @GandSQuotes: Psycho Killer Qu'est-ce que c'est Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa... (Tim Brooke-Taylor singing Talking Heads' "Psycho Killer"… - 5 years ago

@TessLainie: RT @FionaKatauskas: Reading tributes to Tim Brooke Taylor and one word that constantly comes up is “kind”. Such an underrated quality - 5 years ago

@thorsmallhammer: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. Met him at a publishing house I worked for in 1977. I was in awe because he was a childhood… - 5 years ago

@MichelleHavers: RT @staffo_sez: I have been trying to think of something to say about Tim Brooke-Taylor, and the best I've got is that one of the last rema… - 5 years ago

@dellis926: RT @RobBrydon: So sad to hear that the great Tim Brooke Taylor has died. A wonderful man, so many happy times sat next to him on I'm Sorry… - 5 years ago

@denniallen: RT @FionaKatauskas: Reading tributes to Tim Brooke Taylor and one word that constantly comes up is “kind”. Such an underrated quality - 5 years ago

@justaroundthere: RT @RoughanTom: Oof. Farewell Tim Brooke-Taylor. There's a lot of pre 1996 episodes of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue on YouTube. The one where… - 5 years ago

@bashingon: RT @BBCNWT: Buxton born Tim Brooke-Taylor, the comedian and actor, has died this morning from COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@2009lisalisa: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@AllergyWhispers: RT @RachaelHasIdeas: Why is Gen X so sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor? The Goodies were on every night so we saw them a lot. The humour was sill… - 5 years ago

@WhoStoleHobgood: RT @damocrat: It’s impossible to convey to people who are too young to remember The Goodies, just how absurdly entertaining it was. It was… - 5 years ago

@dellis926: RT @StuartEdser: The tragic news of the passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor from COVID-19, aged 79. I just have to exhale deeply and droop my shou… - 5 years ago

@g_ammer: RT @mrjamesob: If you could bring a fraction of the joy into a fraction of the lives that Tim Brooke-Taylor managed to, you'd still have do… - 5 years ago

@OldGreyRabbit: RT @bowlologist: RIP Tim Brooke Taylor The Monkey and Goodies combo on @ABCTV was absolute gold growing up 📺🏅 - 5 years ago

@J_Cottee: RT @BBCNWT: Buxton born Tim Brooke-Taylor, the comedian and actor, has died this morning from COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@irvingact3: RT @richardosman: Just devastated at the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. What a lovely, funny man. He was on such terrific form on the ‘I’m Sor… - 5 years ago

@al_traveler: RT @damonayoung: Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor, who knew exactly what (and who) needed lampooning. - 5 years ago

@DeloriceGH: RT @montypython: In loving memory of our dear friend Tim Brooke-Taylor... #MontyPython #fouryorkshiremen - 5 years ago

@TIJfanpage: RT @bradenpagemusic: Rip Tim Brooke Taylor. He was a huge part of my childhood and I am devastated to hear of his passing. I implore everyo… - 5 years ago

@DonTreagus: RT @BBCRadio4: Our brilliant and funny friend Tim Brooke-Taylor - a 48-year veteran of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue - has died, having contra… - 5 years ago

@JayStill4: Oh no 😥 - 5 years ago

@Adam_Maunder: RT @TimeLordDrew61: As a tribute to Tim Brooke Taylor this evening I am going to watch The Goodies & The Beanstalk from 1973. I remember wa… - 5 years ago

@Purple_Wyrm: RT @robinince: I am sorry but I find myself having to write when people whose work I love die. When I found out about Tim Brooke Taylor thi… - 5 years ago

@larris16: RT @damonayoung: Vale Tim Brooke-Taylor, who knew exactly what (and who) needed lampooning. - 5 years ago

@beviesplace: RT @StuartEdser: Journalists, if you're going to write an obituary for someone famous, like Tim Brooke-Taylor, then please pretend Twitter… - 5 years ago

@irvingact3: RT @Classicbritcom: Tim Brooke-Taylor OBE (17 July 1940 – 12 April 2020) R.I.P - 5 years ago

@bradenpagemusic: Rip Tim Brooke Taylor. He was a huge part of my childhood and I am devastated to hear of his passing. I implore eve… - 5 years ago

@HEpennypacker: I just picture #TimBrookeTaylor wherever he is now in the great beyond singing "Don't cry for me Marge & Tina"… - 5 years ago

@tron_applebaum: Wish I hadn't drunk all that wine this morning I'm so so sad we lost Tim Brooke Taylor. He meant to the world to me 🇬🇧💔 - 5 years ago

@GreenJ: RT @AboutTheBBC: We're saddened to hear of the death of comedian and star of The Goodies, Tim Brooke-Taylor - 5 years ago

@GreenJ: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@WAFC_TPC: Bonetti and Tim Brooke Taylor both gone today. Shit, that. RIP. - 5 years ago

@morningshowon7: British performer Tim Brooke-Taylor, a member of comedy trio The Goodies, has died after contracting coronavirus.… - 5 years ago

@GreenJ: RT @JohnBirmingham: Very sad about Tim Brooke-Taylor. Such happy childhood memories of The Goodies; both watching it myself, and decades la… - 5 years ago

@Euan_MacDonald: RT @EricIdle: I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of our old friend and fellow Pembroke alum Tim Brooke-Taylor. He and Bill Oddie auditi… - 5 years ago

@Snippetygiblets: RT @_F_B_G_: I was watching this- the funniest rendition of ‘Girlfriend in a Coma’ you will ever hear- just the other day to raise my spiri… - 5 years ago

@knicksfan89: RT @archivetvmus71: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@DJP455: RT @BBCNWT: Buxton born Tim Brooke-Taylor, the comedian and actor, has died this morning from COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@Rakpenguin63: RT @BBCRadio4: Our brilliant and funny friend Tim Brooke-Taylor - a 48-year veteran of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue - has died, having contra… - 5 years ago

@David96212152: RT @DaveCohencomedy: Niche but interesting: When Germaine Greer was refused entry to Cambridge Footlights on the grounds of gender, it was… - 5 years ago

@edwindow1: RT @simonblackwell: Heartbreaking news about Tim Brooke-Taylor. Filled so many people's childhoods with massive laughs, and then kept doing… - 5 years ago

@sg_ultras: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇺🇸 FLASH - L'acteur et comédien Tim Brooke-Taylor est mort du #coronavirus à l'âge de 79 ans. (The Guardian) #COVID2019 #C… - 5 years ago

@suebarnpark: RT @MayhewArcher: Awful news about Tim Brooke-Taylor, all round Goodie and finest ever player of Mornington Crescent. I'd like us all to si… - 5 years ago

@Grado779: RT @BILDERBERG_GP: Brexiteers...Tim Brooke-Taylor has died from Covid-19 at the age of 79 yrs old 😔 - 5 years ago

@WandaNudnik: BBC news, no news but #LiarJohnson. What an absolute disgrace. I'm sorry I dipped in to see if they mention Tim B… - 5 years ago

@cybijones: RIP Stirling Moss and Tim Brooke-Taylor. - 5 years ago

@BenBenny505: RT @StanCollymore: Extremely sad to hear the news of the passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor from this awful virus. Another fond memory of childh… - 5 years ago

@RobertTelfer: RT @Classicbritcom: Tim Brooke-Taylor OBE (17 July 1940 – 12 April 2020) R.I.P - 5 years ago

@SSPastors: RT @richardosman: Just devastated at the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. What a lovely, funny man. He was on such terrific form on the ‘I’m Sor… - 5 years ago

@monsieurganesh: RT @stephenfry: Just heard the devastating news of the death of Tim Brooke-Taylor. A hero for as long as I can remember, and –on a few gold… - 5 years ago

@naylor_dave: RT @MayhewArcher: Awful news about Tim Brooke-Taylor, all round Goodie and finest ever player of Mornington Crescent. I'd like us all to si… - 5 years ago

@Linda224422: RT @BBCNews: Tim Brooke-Taylor, who was best known as one of the anarchic TV trio The Goodies, has died aged 79 with coronavirus - 5 years ago

@kevsbond: RT @Haggis_UK: RIP Tim Brooke-Taylor. You made me laugh so much when I was a nipper. #TheGoodies - 5 years ago

@LindsayWesker: RT @garythegooner56: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Stirling Moss and now Peter Bonetti. RIP all three of them - 5 years ago

@AMARALIndustri1: A comedy genius and Goodies star Tim Brooke-Taylor dies from coronavirus, aged 79, just tragic news. #comedy… - 5 years ago

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