Tilikum (orca)

captive orca (Blackfish)
Died on Friday January 6th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tilikum (orca):

@Scotland_Lass: RT @PETAUK: If we are to honour Tilikum’s memory, we must stop at nothing to ensure that his death is the last one at SeaWorld. - 8 years ago

@Freja_Petersen: Tilikum, the orca, is pronounced dead - 8 years ago

@justjuliannaa: RT @NatGeo: Tilikum—the largest, best known orca in captivity—has died, but his tragic life made a difference in the world - 8 years ago

@BrittColacicco: RT @OrcaSOS: Remembering #TILIKUM: the public impact of #Blackfish With @John_Jett_Phd @Voice_OT_Orcas #NonHumanRig… - 8 years ago


@Kreuzritter57: RT @WDC_Deutschland: BREAKING: Orca Tilikum gestorben, Todesursache noch unbekannt: - 8 years ago

@thaisqfonte: RT @Voice_OT_Orcas: New: Remembering Tilikum: the public impact of #Blackfish With @John_Jett_Phd c @TheOrcaProject @grm_chikn @OrcaSOS ht… - 8 years ago

@karenfl79070153: How many more must die? 36 is not old for an Orca! #Tilikum #StolenFreedom #WOWvTaiji - 8 years ago

@YolandeBennett4: RT @Voice_OT_Orcas: Hey SeaWorld, #Blackfish Tilikum Isn't your family, he wasn't thriving in UR care & NO, wild orca don't die from resist… - 8 years ago

@GiOrtiz17: RT @PETA_Latino: RT si piensas que #Tilikum mereció nadar en el océano de nuevo 💔 #SeaWorldSucks - 8 years ago

@Lim7607: RT @MinaANDMaya: #BREAKING: #Tilikum, #orca at #SeaWorld Orlando and featured in the #BlackFish documentary, has died @SeaWorld say. via @… - 8 years ago

@isabellekemper: RT @h0t_p0ppy: . @SeaWorld isn't it time now to help #Morgan She is not your orca. Help her find freedom. Don't let her die like #Tiliku… - 8 years ago

@Pieceogarbage: RT @dodo: Tilikum, the orca profiled in the documentary 'Blackfish', has died. 💔 #RIPTilikum - 8 years ago

@isabellekemper: RT @whoismayasedenu: Rest in peace #Tilikum I hope orca heaven is everything Sea World wasn't 🐬💙 - 8 years ago

@LovellMarelle: Activists Gather Across the Nation to Mourn Orca Tilikum  - 8 years ago

@Andrea_bittenWh: RT @TilikumCo: Granny was a symbol of freedom while Tilikum was the embodiment of captivity. #Blackfish - 8 years ago

@souobravooo: RT @wuantt: Hoje morreu Tilikum, a única orca que me fez chorar até hoje. Raptada, torturada e aproveitada. Mais respeito pelos animais, pl… - 8 years ago

@anne_pascucci: RT @Voice_OT_Orcas: New: Remembering Tilikum: the public impact of #Blackfish With @John_Jett_Phd c @TheOrcaProject @grm_chikn @OrcaSOS ht… - 8 years ago

@DolphinPaige: RT @Voice_OT_Orcas: New: Remembering Tilikum: the public impact of #Blackfish With @John_Jett_Phd c @TheOrcaProject @grm_chikn @OrcaSOS ht… - 8 years ago

@KibbeKem: RT @whoismayasedenu: Rest in peace #Tilikum I hope orca heaven is everything Sea World wasn't 🐬💙 - 8 years ago

@hator81: RT @OrcaSOS: Remembering #TILIKUM: the public impact of #Blackfish With @John_Jett_Phd @Voice_OT_Orcas #NonHumanRig… - 8 years ago

@violamclaughli: RT @BBCBreaking: Tilikum, the Orca that killed a trainer at SeaWorld Orlando in 2010 and featured in the Black Fish documentary, has died @… - 8 years ago

@VardaElentari: RT @PETA_Latino: POR SI TE LO PERDISTE: Tilikum, la orca más explotada de #SeaWorld, ha muerto. #RIPTilikum 💔 - 8 years ago

@VardaElentari: RT @PETA_Latino: RT si piensas que #Tilikum mereció nadar en el océano de nuevo 💔 #SeaWorldSucks - 8 years ago

@VCruzmjose: RT @Alex_Montplet: Tras 33 años de encierro muere #Tilikum, la orca de 'Blackfish' que destapó el horror de los parques marinos. #RipTili… - 8 years ago

@Little_kaay: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@kamil_alondra99: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@annegoing4it: RT @Quad_Finn: Remembering Tilikum: The Public Impact of Documentary #Blackfish - 8 years ago

@BobblBrownH: RT @ricklondon: #Tilikum #Orca #nothernlights #lamps #benefits #cetacean causes by @LTCartoons @zazzle - 8 years ago

@champ_naga: RT @wuantt: Hoje morreu Tilikum, a única orca que me fez chorar até hoje. Raptada, torturada e aproveitada. Mais respeito pelos animais, pl… - 8 years ago

@ThatHaveningGuy: RT @juliefenn2012: SeaWorld, Inc.: humanely release the Orca whale known as Tilikum to a seapen for rehab - Sign the P... - 8 years ago

@GSWSyndicate: #Tilikum #Orca #nothernlights #lamps #benefits #cetacean causes by @LTCartoons @zazzle - 8 years ago

@ricklondon: #Tilikum #Orca #nothernlights #lamps #benefits #cetacean causes by @LTCartoons @zazzle - 8 years ago

@LTCartoons: #Tilikum #Orca #nothernlights #lamps #benefits #cetacean causes by @LTCartoons @zazzle - 8 years ago

@avery520: How many more must die? 36 is not old for an Orca! #Tilikum #StolenFreedom #WOWvTaiji - 8 years ago

@CeroOnda01: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@hopd10: RT @Quad_Finn: Remembering Tilikum: The Public Impact of Documentary #Blackfish - 8 years ago

@aubreyalban: RT @action_earth: RIP Tilikum #tilikum 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋 - 8 years ago

@gemdesign79: RT @jacyreese: Tilikum was an ambassador for his species. Indeed, for all animals suffering from confinement and abuse. - 8 years ago

@krezyari: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@Mpheps_: RT @peta: RT if you think Tilikum should be the last orca to die in misery at a #SeaWorld abusement park! #RIPTilikum - 8 years ago

@plurissom: Ciência e saúde: SeaWorld anuncia morte da orca Tilikum, que matou treinadora em 2010 - - 8 years ago

@mjmilbourne: Please help internet, @chloeoflondon and I really need an orca emoji to honour the death of #tilikum - 8 years ago

@gaskarthoe: RT @GabrielleAplin: Rip tilikum. I wish I could post a picture of you in the sea. You've changed the way people think about orca captivity.… - 8 years ago

@LeftCoastNick: RT @TilikumCo: Granny was a symbol of freedom while Tilikum was the embodiment of captivity. #Blackfish - 8 years ago

@Castelleti: RT @Tras_los_Muros: Ha muerto Tilikum. Una orca capturada cerca de Islandia (1983) que ha vivido hasta hoy cautiva y explotada para el ocio… - 8 years ago

@acn64: RT @PETA_Latino: RT si piensas que #Tilikum mereció nadar en el océano de nuevo 💔 #SeaWorldSucks - 8 years ago

@frickmads: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@OIDINN: RT @vanstelia: There's a difference in being alive & truly living. RT for #Tilikum, the #orca that brought awareness & change to a world of… - 8 years ago

@soncabral: RT @vanstelia: There's a difference in being alive & truly living. RT for #Tilikum, the #orca that brought awareness & change to a world of… - 8 years ago

@thorasisi: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@areppzubaidi: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@elizabe04677109: How many more must die? 36 is not old for an Orca! #Tilikum #StolenFreedom #WOWvTaiji - 8 years ago

@amber_houx: RT @walruswhisperer: BREAKING: Tilikum, the orca featured in the documentary Blackfish has died. Cause of death: Captivity. - 8 years ago

@amber_houx: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@IdaNurdiyana: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@lynne_aida: RT @walruswhisperer: BREAKING: Tilikum, the orca featured in the documentary Blackfish has died. Cause of death: Captivity. - 8 years ago

@lynne_aida: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@farahhfatihaa: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@dehjaladiosa: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@patriziapiconi: RT @FQMagazineit: Tilikum, muore l’orca più famosa del mondo. Come si può tenere un animale così in cattività? - 8 years ago

@nma9513: Negocio letal: fallece la orca Tilikum después de 33 años de cautiverio - 8 years ago

@NatyCiccone: RT @kellybergeron69: #Blackfish Tilikum - Stolen From Freedom to Entertain - Driven To Kill - Never Allowed Just To Be Orca. #IAmTilikum ht… - 8 years ago

@jeffrey_ventre: RT @kellybergeron69: #Blackfish Tilikum - Stolen From Freedom to Entertain - Driven To Kill - Never Allowed Just To Be Orca. #IAmTilikum ht… - 8 years ago

@Secouriste28: RT @TilikumCo: Granny was a symbol of freedom while Tilikum was the embodiment of captivity. #Blackfish - 8 years ago

@marinaslater: RT @TilikumCo: Granny was a symbol of freedom while Tilikum was the embodiment of captivity. #Blackfish - 8 years ago

@TheTaijiNews: RT @TilikumCo: Granny was a symbol of freedom while Tilikum was the embodiment of captivity. #Blackfish - 8 years ago

@kellybergeron69: #Blackfish Tilikum - Stolen From Freedom to Entertain - Driven To Kill - Never Allowed Just To Be Orca. #IAmTilikum - 8 years ago

@RAULJVICENTE: RT @PartidoPACMA: Ha muerto Tilikum, la orca del documental Blackfish. Ha muerto cautiva.Nadando en círculos en un tanque de hormigón. http… - 8 years ago

@calminsensehypn: @Tilikum_Co @grm_chikn Thank you for the RT and your compassion for the plight of this poor orca. #riptilikum - 8 years ago

@madanon91: RT @BiologistDan: We're all saddened by #Tilikum death. #Lolita! An #Orca living in worlds smallest tank in #Miami, for your entertainment.… - 8 years ago

@analysamarie_: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@PATRICIAGPINTO: RT @Voice_OT_Orcas: Tilikum & Granny R dead. Here’s why you should care about these killer whales | Patrick Barkham - 8 years ago

@BudweiserBuck: RT @Upworthy: Tilikum, SeaWorld orca whale and subject of 'Blackfish,' dies at 35. - 8 years ago

@alexissgloree: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@orcaball: RT @Voice_OT_Orcas: Tilikum & Granny R dead. Here’s why you should care about these killer whales | Patrick Barkham - 8 years ago

@nurlyanatemizi: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@chunkyretina: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@AntiSeaWorldd: RT @Quad_Finn: How #Tilikum the Orca Changed the Conversation About Animals in Captivity - 8 years ago

@AntiSeaWorldd: RT @whoismayasedenu: Rest in peace #Tilikum I hope orca heaven is everything Sea World wasn't 🐬💙 - 8 years ago

@AntiSeaWorldd: RT @CoveMovie_OPS: BREAKING: After 33 years in captivity, #Tilikum, @SeaWorld’s beloved orca who was the subject of #Blackfish, has died 💔… - 8 years ago

@mariahnxoxo: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@VeronicaMonet: Few people who saw him did not feel some sort of emotional connection to Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@SyahHex: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@juliaaraine: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@HairandLashDiva: RT @BabyAnimalPics: SeaWorld's most famous orca has died after spending 33 years in a tank :( RIP Tilikum - 8 years ago

@Vacharathong: RT @BBCWorld: Did Tilikum the orca "live a long and enriching life" at SeaWorld or really endure "three decades of misery"? - 8 years ago

@TheTaijiNews: RT @TilikumCo: Granny was a symbol of freedom while Tilikum was the embodiment of captivity. #Blackfish - 8 years ago

@princessareola_: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@MATTMCMILL2: RT @SenWillyMoore: #Tilikum the Orca from #Blackfish has died. Pls support Bill S-203 to end whale captivity in Canada. My speech: - 8 years ago

@UdiBaharum: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@BuzzenNova: Tilikum, SeaWorld orca whale and subject of 'Blackfish,' dies at 35. trending stories - 8 years ago

@SweetMelissa311: RT @johnjhargrove: Life and death of Tilikum: “Notorious” orca’s death yet another cry for help for captive killer whales - - 8 years ago

@_MellowEden: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@DawnHaagenson: RT @vegannewsnow: New Episode About SeaWorld Killing Tilikum the orca. Click the link to watch! - 8 years ago

@mary_Dumke: RT @wuantt: Hoje morreu Tilikum, a única orca que me fez chorar até hoje. Raptada, torturada e aproveitada. Mais respeito pelos animais, pl… - 8 years ago

@mary_Dumke: RT @bipolauren: Finalmente Tilikum ganhou sua liberdade, pena que dessa maneira - 8 years ago

@ayehoodbabe: RT @BiologistDan: This week we lost the world's 2 most famous #Orca. #Granny at 106, free, near #Seattle. #Tilikum, 36, captive, alone, at… - 8 years ago

@Summerbond007: RT @BiologistDan: We're all saddened by #Tilikum death. #Lolita! An #Orca living in worlds smallest tank in #Miami, for your entertainment.… - 8 years ago

@lunarprisms: RT @Raincoast: Tilikum and Granny are dead. Here’s why you should care about these killer whales | Patrick Barkham - 8 years ago

@ThatAngryMex: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@gaia72003434: RT @Quad_Finn: Life and Death of Tilikum: “Notorious” Orca’s Death Yet Another Cry for Help for Captive Orcas by @johnjhargrove - 8 years ago

@CoralHenderson: RT @johnjhargrove: Life and death of Tilikum: “Notorious” orca’s death yet another cry for help for captive killer whales - - 8 years ago

@suurupnicole: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@ladyfalcon22: RT @dodo: SeaWorld's most famous orca just died after spending 33 years in a tank. RIP, Tilikum. - 8 years ago

@lariswsa: RT @CezarBrettas: @g1 que porra de manchete é essa. Vou melhorar para você: morre orca Tilikum após viver 30 anos presa para satisfazer o… - 8 years ago

@ladyleesa: RT @Quad_Finn: Life and Death of Tilikum: “Notorious” Orca’s Death Yet Another Cry for Help for Captive Orcas by @johnjhargrove - 8 years ago

@whales_save: RT @AniroC_2: Tilikum and Granny are dead. Here’s why you should care about these whales | Patrick Barkham #OpWhal… - 8 years ago

@simonsez9360: RT @BornFreeUSA: #Tilikum suffered and was exploited at #SeaWorld... all for money. Thanks to @PlanetExperts for spreading the word! https:… - 8 years ago

@JacqRiley: RT @johnjhargrove: Life and death of Tilikum: “Notorious” orca’s death yet another cry for help for captive killer whales - - 8 years ago

@AlanaNatlia: RT @AnimaNaturalis: Tilikum, tu vida y muerte no habrá sido en vano. Has inspirado la lucha contra vuestro cautiverio. - 8 years ago

@PoppyCorn06: RT @PartidoPACMA: Ha muerto Tilikum, la orca del documental Blackfish. Ha muerto cautiva.Nadando en círculos en un tanque de hormigón. http… - 8 years ago

@underthestump: RT @PartidoPACMA: Ha muerto Tilikum, la orca del documental Blackfish. Ha muerto cautiva.Nadando en círculos en un tanque de hormigón. http… - 8 years ago

@carlpoppa: RT @BiologistDan: This week we lost the world's 2 most famous #Orca. #Granny at 106, free, near #Seattle. #Tilikum, 36, captive, alone, at… - 8 years ago

@craftysaint: RT @PETAUK: If we are to honour Tilikum’s memory, we must stop at nothing to ensure that his death is the last one at SeaWorld. - 8 years ago

@SMarysol321: RT @BiologistDan: This week we lost the world's 2 most famous #Orca. #Granny at 106, free, near #Seattle. #Tilikum, 36, captive, alone, at… - 8 years ago

@zm_yadira: RT @BabyAnimalPics: SeaWorld's most famous orca has died after spending 33 years in a tank :( RIP Tilikum - 8 years ago

@MLaura54: How many more must die? 36 is not old for an Orca! #Tilikum #StolenFreedom #WOWvTaiji - 8 years ago

@theopopilchak: RT @BiologistDan: This week we lost the world's 2 most famous #Orca. #Granny at 106, free, near #Seattle. #Tilikum, 36, captive, alone, at… - 8 years ago

@AnnMarieByrnes: RT @Quad_Finn: Life and Death of Tilikum: “Notorious” Orca’s Death Yet Another Cry for Help for Captive Orcas by @johnjhargrove - 8 years ago

@TynaMcNair: Pls sign letter campaign to free #lolita #orca from her #miami fishbowl. - 8 years ago

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