Thomas Schäfer

German politician
Died on Sunday March 29th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Miika Elomo

Tweets related to Thomas Schäfer:

@Ginger_Mighty47: @VegaRealWorld @aspennmax64_l @Inevitable_ET Hesse Thomas Schäfer, German Minister of the House of Finance Matthew… - 5 years ago

@IN_ROL_0815: RT @BjoernHoecke: Wir erleben dieser Tage die in ihren Auswirkungen vielleicht größte Krise seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik. Eine Nachrich… - 5 years ago

@bse_enterprises: RT @binakher: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - NDTV - 5 years ago

@do_you_cli_fi_: RT @dailytimespak: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply… - 5 years ago


@Beanditis1: @AnthonyCole68 Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, committed suicide over the economic… - 5 years ago

@KirstyLBell: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Balthazar_Again: Où l'on remarque que l'affaire Thomas #schaefer a été entrée plus vite qu'un mafieux dans le désert du Nevada. - 5 years ago

@DNK_Redaktion: Das Land Hessen hat nach dem tragischen Tod von Thomas Schäfer einen neuen Finanzminister. Die Wahl ist auf Michael… - 5 years ago

@DasPatriarchat: [Genderama] Thomas Schäfer und andere: Was bedeutet Corona für Selbstmorde? – News vom 6. April 2020 - 5 years ago

@zuluswede11: @ifrblack @sturdyAlex @davidallengreen Just an FYI. He wasn't the German finance minister. Thomas Schaefer was the… - 5 years ago

@NilsVilhemsson: nyligen läst; German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy - 5 years ago

@neilmcgillivray: Recently read this article; German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy - 5 years ago

@CCrisshoo: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@pungmakmae: RT @marrymenakamoto: All taken by Thomas Friedrich Schaefer - 5 years ago

@aprilmondae: RT @marrymenakamoto: All taken by Thomas Friedrich Schaefer - 5 years ago

@swansandsable: RT @swansandsable: - 5 years ago

@PRMXAcademy: RT @PRMXAcademy: The family of Thomas Ali Fields Jr thanks all friends, and supporters that have shown support during this difficult time.… - 5 years ago

@Erkal_Polat: RT @babussokutan: Son dakika! Almanya Hessen Eyaleti Maliye Bakanı Thomas Schaefer, #ChineseVirüs krizi endişeleri sonrasında intihar etti.… - 5 years ago

@Normanandres18: relacionan el suicidio del político alemán thomas Schaefer al contraer el corona virus - 5 years ago

@Homharivarma: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply worried" - 5 years ago

@carsten_dierks: @FeynmansMethod @RolandTichy Zwangsisolation, Jobverlust oder der Konkurs des eigenen Unternehmens tötet auch. Thom… - 5 years ago

@JasonSm06897264: RT @Punish4Q: Suicide weekend? German state finance minister, Thomas Schäfer, 54 Former Oklahoma Senator, Tom Coburn, 72 "All My Childre… - 5 years ago

@Tommyschett: @zettberlin In Indien und Pakistan dürfen die Wanderarbeiter nicht mehr an ihren Arbeitsort, dort wird gehungert. S… - 5 years ago

@Broward_Bravado: Found Dead Thomas Schäfer was a German lawyer and politician for the Christian Democratic Union of Germany. Thomas… - 5 years ago

@urlocalmuseum: RT @marrymenakamoto: All taken by Thomas Friedrich Schaefer - 5 years ago

@ADI23860737: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@MaikelVluggen: @faznet M.E. besser nach Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer. Gewissen einen Platz einräumen in einer in Gänze verkommene… - 5 years ago

@PRMXAcademy: The family of Thomas Ali Fields Jr thanks all friends, and supporters that have shown support during this difficult… - 5 years ago

@AsaveryTu: En España ya no hay suicidios. Solo se mueren del bicho. - 5 years ago

@craig_schaefer: @Rachel_Aaron @FantasyBookCrit My books through 47North and Thomas & Mercer have a few different designers, but all… - 5 years ago

@jtx1705: RT @marrymenakamoto: All taken by Thomas Friedrich Schaefer - 5 years ago

@afitzgerald99: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@Vedant_Shinde23: RT @Vedant_Shinde23: This is extremely extremely sad. My deepest condolences are with the loved ones of Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@Lotoskraft: RT @olewahr: Thomas Schäfer und andere: Was bedeutet Corona für Selbstmorde?  - 5 years ago

@GafelaM: RT @cnbcafrica: CEO of @VolkswagenSA and Head of VW in Sub-Saharan Africa Thomas Schäfer updates @FifiPeters on efforts made towards using… - 5 years ago

@boneyarse: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@THEbeforeJULY: RT @marrymenakamoto: All taken by Thomas Friedrich Schaefer - 5 years ago

@martyndavies888: RT @cnbcafrica: CEO of @VolkswagenSA and Head of VW in Sub-Saharan Africa Thomas Schäfer updates @FifiPeters on efforts made towards using… - 5 years ago

@NotMe89227298: RT @BillTufts: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead Suicide - 5 years ago

@expedition_digi: Analytisches Denken, digitales Know-how, aber auch Wertschätzung, Rücksicht und Respekt🤝 sind wichtig für einen… - 5 years ago

@Exodus01269587: RT @Marc72910953: Der Finanzminister von Hessen, Thomas Schäfer, hat sich Samstag das Leben genommen. Dem Vernehmen nach soll Schäfer im Ab… - 5 years ago

@LevyLoiseau: RT @DontDenyThe: @DownTwist @peterpobjecky This man had an exemplary record and no blemishes, not a one, not a single skeleton anywhere Th… - 5 years ago

@turnermx: RT @DontDenyThe: @DownTwist @peterpobjecky This man had an exemplary record and no blemishes, not a one, not a single skeleton anywhere Th… - 5 years ago

@turnermx: RT @DontDenyThe: There have been two #suicides now in regards to #coronavirus I for one don't believe either of them is #suicide Thomas… - 5 years ago

@Toni_Gumede: RT @cnbcafrica: CEO of @VolkswagenSA and Head of VW in Sub-Saharan Africa Thomas Schäfer updates @FifiPeters on efforts made towards using… - 5 years ago

@MoActivation: RT @cnbcafrica: CEO of @VolkswagenSA and Head of VW in Sub-Saharan Africa Thomas Schäfer updates @FifiPeters on efforts made towards using… - 5 years ago

@cnbcafrica: CEO of @VolkswagenSA and Head of VW in Sub-Saharan Africa Thomas Schäfer updates @FifiPeters on efforts made toward… - 5 years ago

@Jhutch43945987: RT @BillTufts: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead Suicide - 5 years ago

@susanne_wolfer: #COVID19deutschland Letzte Rede Thomas Schäfer 1 +++ Rede des Ministers Thomas Schäfer (Hessen) kurz vor sei… - 5 years ago

@olewahr: Thomas Schäfer und andere: Was bedeutet Corona für Selbstmorde?  - 5 years ago

@valerie_noack: RT @Landtag_Hessen: Die 37. #Plenarsitzung ist ab sofort auf unserem Youtube-Kanal abrufbar👉 Die Videos zeigen u. a… - 5 years ago

@Landtag_Hessen: Die 37. #Plenarsitzung ist ab sofort auf unserem Youtube-Kanal abrufbar👉 Die Videos zeigen… - 5 years ago

@DontDenyThe: There have been two #suicides now in regards to #coronavirus I for one don't believe either of them is #suicide… - 5 years ago

@Itsfagx: RT @marrymenakamoto: All taken by Thomas Friedrich Schaefer - 5 years ago

@DonnaBlue88: RT @amitbabu0009: #CoronaUpdate Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after beco… - 5 years ago

@Valerie24190901: RT @BillTufts: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead Suicide - 5 years ago

@PpcSave: RT @BillTufts: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead Suicide - 5 years ago

@UnderGodOnly: RT @BillTufts: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead Suicide - 5 years ago

@JackNationalist: RT @BillTufts: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead Suicide - 5 years ago

@nopiekots: RT @BillTufts: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead Suicide - 5 years ago

@BillTufts: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead Suicide - 5 years ago

@Latif_Fianto: Akhir Maret 2020, Menteri Keuangan Negara Bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer, mengakhiri hidupnya lantaran bingu… - 5 years ago

@zjjjxnqk: RT @marrymenakamoto: All taken by Thomas Friedrich Schaefer - 5 years ago

@jenedulo: RT @Codvi19News: El ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida desesperado por la magnitud de la respuesta… - 5 years ago

@AssociatesPath: Finance minister in home state of Germany's financial centre commits suicide, death linked to virus crisis - 5 years ago

@ErwinBertrand: RT @_FriedrichMerz: Die Nachrichten über den plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer erschüttern mich zutiefst. Menschlich anständig und politis… - 5 years ago

@marrymenakamoto: All taken by Thomas Friedrich Schaefer - 5 years ago

@giuliazoo: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@giuliazoo: RT @filippo_nesi: Il ministro delle finanze dell'Assia, Thomas Schäfer (CDU), è stato ritrovato morto ieri sera a Hochheim vicino ai binari… - 5 years ago

@Sn_Gz: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@zackery_thomas: RT @ESPN_WomenHoop: Vic Schaefer is the new women's basketball coach at Texas, after spending the last eight seasons building a powerhouse… - 5 years ago

@zackery_thomas: RT @BrandonClayPSB: BREAKING Vic Schaefer has accepted the Texas women’s HC job. He led Mississippi State to two Final Four appearances.… - 5 years ago

@dufailly1: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@flydeck60: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@ZuhirAltabakh1: RT @JuliaKloeckner: Es ist + wird noch viel geschrieben, zum unerwarteten Tod von Thomas Schäfer. Uns lässt die Nachricht nicht los. So unv… - 5 years ago

@APVogt: @hellud123 Weil nicht sein kann was nicht sein darf! Wenn man zugibt das die Finanz- & Wirtschaftspolitische Situat… - 5 years ago

@pehdrorun: @RSkorzeny @AquAhora1 Qui lo sa... - 5 years ago

@jayrathod7777: RT @binakher: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - NDTV - 5 years ago

@sm0k1nggnu: @GuddyThrace - 5 years ago

@piotruchg: RT @AlicjaMiaa: @xpilgrim06 Jak wyjaśnił minister finansów Hesse Thomas Schäfer w wywiadzie dla Handelsblatt, je… - 5 years ago

@ErwinBertrand: RT @akk: Die Nachricht vom plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer hat mich, hat uns alle in der CDU schockiert. Sie trifft uns und macht uns tr… - 5 years ago

@MOptendrenk: RT @mattium: Eine ganz wichtige Entscheidung der Kommission, für die sich Thomas Schäfer sehr stark gemacht hatte. Ein richtiges Signal aus… - 5 years ago

@piotruchg: RT @AlicjaMiaa: Dla tych, którzy go znali to wstrząsające. Schäfer i jego zespół pracowali dosłownie dzień i noc,… - 5 years ago

@AlicjaMiaa: Dla tych, którzy go znali to wstrząsające. Schäfer i jego zespół pracowali dosłownie dzień… - 5 years ago

@KyebarRobert: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@TwistedPolitix: RT @KemiOlunloyo: #BREAKING UPDATE Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide after becoming "dee… - 5 years ago

@Blablab78594180: RT @AlicjaMiaa: @xpilgrim06 Jak wyjaśnił minister finansów Hesse Thomas Schäfer w wywiadzie dla Handelsblatt, je… - 5 years ago

@romulusata: RT @AlicjaMiaa: @xpilgrim06 Jak wyjaśnił minister finansów Hesse Thomas Schäfer w wywiadzie dla Handelsblatt, je… - 5 years ago

@AlicjaMiaa: powodu kryzysu korony minister finansów Hesji Thomas Schäfer (CDU) wzywa UE do wprowadzenia… - 5 years ago

@AlicjaMiaa: @xpilgrim06 Jak wyjaśnił minister finansów Hesse Thomas Schäfer w wywiadzie dla Handelsb… - 5 years ago

@mr__Kah: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@anja_siegemund: RT @mattium: Eine ganz wichtige Entscheidung der Kommission, für die sich Thomas Schäfer sehr stark gemacht hatte. Ein richtiges Signal aus… - 5 years ago

@AwarePak: Thomas Schaefer, #Germany’s Hesse state Finance Minister, committed suicide as he was “deeply worried” over the eco… - 5 years ago

@Marysioux: Un ministro alemán se suicida debido a la preocupación por el coronavirus via @estadoisrael - 5 years ago

@juertiss: RT @mattium: Eine ganz wichtige Entscheidung der Kommission, für die sich Thomas Schäfer sehr stark gemacht hatte. Ein richtiges Signal aus… - 5 years ago

@GunterFehlinger: RT @mattium: Eine ganz wichtige Entscheidung der Kommission, für die sich Thomas Schäfer sehr stark gemacht hatte. Ein richtiges Signal aus… - 5 years ago

@ralphkamphoner: RT @mattium: Eine ganz wichtige Entscheidung der Kommission, für die sich Thomas Schäfer sehr stark gemacht hatte. Ein richtiges Signal aus… - 5 years ago

@MoRodgers4: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@AlicjaMiaa: - 5 years ago

@ChrisTHEBLUEONE: RT @amitbabu0009: #CoronaUpdate Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after beco… - 5 years ago

@ricardoangulo: RT @Mundo_ECpe: Abrumado tras crisis económica por el #coronavirus, un ministro regional alemán se suicida ► - 5 years ago

@doilyboyz: me, not even trying to stop my brain from thinking millions of thoughts about why Thomas Schäfer got murked: - 5 years ago

@AmstrongBiring: RT @WIONews: Thomas Schaefer, a 54-year-old member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union & the state finance minister of… - 5 years ago

@haidir_setiawan: RT @tempodotco: Menteri Keuangan Jerman untuk negara bagian Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, bunuh diri diduga karena putus asa menanggung dampak ek… - 5 years ago

@Girrali: BERLIN – Thomas Schaefer, Finance Minister of #Germany’s Hesse State is dead. Schaefer, 54, was found dead near a r… - 5 years ago

@Arotoko: Dr. Thomas Schäfer (†54): Finanzminister hinterließ Abschiedsbrief - 5 years ago

@amitbabu0009: #CoronaUpdate Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently afte… - 5 years ago

@lefthandpatriot: and overseas...keeping the dots connected.. German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer commits suicide - 5 years ago

@bridgitte_shad: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@bembelbeduinen: @SPIEGEL_alles Das ist ein 0815 Schwachsinn. Das ganze Leben ist eine Desinformationskrise. Was weiß das blöde… - 5 years ago

@AlbertoUrquilla: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@doilyboyz: Anyone else very very curious about the whole Thomas Schäfer thing? - 5 years ago

@BerndWadtke: RT @BjoernHoecke: Wir erleben dieser Tage die in ihren Auswirkungen vielleicht größte Krise seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik. Eine Nachrich… - 5 years ago

@caligurll17: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1500) German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead. - 5 years ago

@007Jean5: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@TuckFwitter20: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@medinaisa7: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@lion69_ol: RT @Ballkultur: „Zwei zu Null“ gegen die Bayern. Fast schon mein blaugelber Lieblingstext von Frank Schäfer, fein in den Winkel eingelesen… - 5 years ago

@gabe_engmann: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@AmstrongBiring: RT @ubisnis: Khawatir Dampak Virus Corona, Menteri di Jerman Bunuh Diri: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunu… - 5 years ago

@AmstrongBiring: RT @detikcom: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. - 5 years ago

@Ballkultur: „Zwei zu Null“ gegen die Bayern. Fast schon mein blaugelber Lieblingstext von Frank Schäfer, fein in den Winkel ein… - 5 years ago

@swati7026: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@100erneuerbar: #HeartForTheSector Berlin DSO @stromnetzberlin talks in an interview about how #coronavirus has changed the way sta… - 5 years ago

@koenvsb41: RT @BertInnx: @HoeyberghsJeff Wat raar is de zelfmoord van Thomas Schäfer en zijn laatste speech, vergeet ook niet dat de crash begonnen… - 5 years ago

@LinusPingvin: @ShomerAl @jdoeschner @SvenAfhueppe @Karl_Lauterbach Quellen für die Zahl der Intensivpatienten gibt es genug, u.a.… - 5 years ago

@Hawktweetr: RT @corona_update: 🇩🇪 #German state minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. Thomas Schaefer, finance minister of Germany's H… - 5 years ago

@Wir_im_Norden: RT @wknachrichten: Wiesbadens Oberbürgermeister Gert-Uwe Mende spricht im Interview über Klinikkapazitäten, sein Amtsverständnis und den To… - 5 years ago

@christoph7de: RT @wknachrichten: Wiesbadens Oberbürgermeister Gert-Uwe Mende spricht im Interview über Klinikkapazitäten, sein Amtsverständnis und den To… - 5 years ago

@EkesBela: RT @_FriedrichMerz: Die Nachrichten über den plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer erschüttern mich zutiefst. Menschlich anständig und politis… - 5 years ago

@wknachrichten: Wiesbadens Oberbürgermeister Gert-Uwe Mende spricht im Interview über Klinikkapazitäten, sein Amtsverständnis und d… - 5 years ago

@josie16185581: RT @dwnews: The body of a man identified as Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of the German state of Hesse, was found on a high-speed tr… - 5 years ago

@MaxLandra: RT @GhitaIacono: Perché "si è suicidato Thomas Schäfer? Perché "sconvolto" dall'impossibilità di fronteggiare la crisi economica del #coro… - 5 years ago

@Booksgeneral: RT @CBCNigeria: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, age 54, was found dead. It was said that he committed suici… - 5 years ago

@FreedomForIra16: RT @JoenabelP: 54 year old Thomas Schaefer was found dead on Saturday on the railway tracks at Hochheim, near Frankfurt. He was Chancello… - 5 years ago

@LenardPiers: German state minister kills himself as coronavirus hits economy Al Jazeera America Thomas Schaefer, finance ministe… - 5 years ago

@Luganweb: Ministro das Finanças alemão cometeu suicídio em meio à crise do coronavírus – Senso Incomum - 5 years ago

@JaydonManders: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@betacarlos75: En países como Japón o Alemania, funcionarios se llegan a quitar la vida cuando no logran cumplir con las expectat… - 5 years ago

@JesseRaeDaddy: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@fusun421: RT @cinhabernet: #Corona intiharları 📌Avrupa'da intiharlar artıyor 📌İngiltere: İntihar eden sayısı 9 oldu 📌İtalya: Hemşire Daniela Trezzi;… - 5 years ago

@RTLHessen: Gedenken an Thomas Schäfer: Im Landtag wurde an den früheren Finanzminister gedacht und mit Michael Boddenberg sein… - 5 years ago

@SofiaMarsa: RT @evaalfri: Després del suïcidi del ministre de finances de Hessen, Thomas Schäfer, podem parlar dels efectes del confinament (en tots el… - 5 years ago

@Lenoblemarie1: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse (Allemagne), Thomas Schaefer, “profondément inquiet” des répercussions de l’épidé… - 5 years ago

@pwcanuck: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@jade02056410: Me viene ésto, que igual no es tal suicidio! Thomas Schaefer: Se suicida un político alemán por la crisis del Covi… - 5 years ago

@MsMakhubu: @tumisole Kubi yonke indawo... USA is facing a recession, Thomas Schaefer minister of finance in Germany committed… - 5 years ago

@JohReetz: Nicht "befürchten" ist richtig, sondern handeln: Der Bund kann z.B. rechtsextremistische Beamte aufspüren und aus d… - 5 years ago

@RealityShit4: - 5 years ago

@RealityShit4: - 5 years ago

@RealityShit4: Deutsche Bank en quiebra, Trump no devuelve los préstamos, estadísticas de muertes que no cuadran y su ministro de… - 5 years ago

@heart_hacker83: RT @DrMaryamMalik: The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state Thomas Schaefer committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply worrie… - 5 years ago

@ramavarh: RT @BigkartDeal: Marathi quiz answer MUMBAI A1 Thomas Schaefer A2 North Korea Send this message to :- 8745966663 Bengali Quiz Answer KO… - 5 years ago

@tazgezwitscher: Der neue CDU-Finanzminister in Hessen heißt Michael Boddenberg. Er folgt auf Thomas Schäfer, der vor wenigen Tagen… - 5 years ago

@Puma12928600: RT @altenbockum: Warum alles dagegen spricht, dass Thomas Schäfer von den Sorgen über die Corona-Krise erdrückt wurde. - 5 years ago

@FHH_FB: RT @ADressel: Gute Wünsche für den Amtsantritt aus Hamburg von der @FHH_FB ! Möge die Zusammenarbeit weiter so vertrauensvoll & konstruktiv… - 5 years ago

@ADressel: Gute Wünsche für den Amtsantritt aus Hamburg von der @FHH_FB ! Möge die Zusammenarbeit weiter so vertrauensvoll & k… - 5 years ago

@Novembermaedel: Hab gerade gehört, es gibt Leute, die #Drosten für den Suizid von Thomas Schäfer verantwortlich machen, was ihn woh… - 5 years ago

@altenbockum: Warum alles dagegen spricht, dass Thomas Schäfer von den Sorgen über die Corona-Krise erdrückt wurde. - 5 years ago

@CarlosLancevet: @jaimeberenguer @hermanntertsch Iba a comentar algo en relación a Thomas Schaefer y el futuro de Sánchez... pero no… - 5 years ago

@humarburg: RT @hessenschau: Michael #Boddenberg ist als neuer Finanzminister in seinem Amt vereidigt worden. In einer Sondersitzung des Landtags gedac… - 5 years ago

@cherr_moon: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@amaia_haikazti: RT @LOQUEDIGAELFMI: Hallan muerto en las vías del tren a Thomas Schäfer, ministro de finanzas del lander alemán de Hesse, donde se encuentr… - 5 years ago

@TheMightofSmall: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@DieLinkeMarburg: RT @TorstenFelsteha: Die Sitzung des Hessischen Landtags steht im Zeichen der Trauer um Dr. Thomas Schäfer - ein trauriger Anlass. - 5 years ago

@FinanzenHessen: Michael Boddenberg folgt auf Dr. Thomas Schäfer. Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier hat ihn heute als neuen Finanzmi… - 5 years ago

@AnneBernlohr: RT @zeitonline: Vor der Vereidigung von Michael #Boddenberg erinnerte der Landtag mit einer Schweigeminute an seinen gestorbenen Amtsvorgän… - 5 years ago

@AndreasAndy3131: RT @TorstenFelsteha: Die Sitzung des Hessischen Landtags steht im Zeichen der Trauer um Dr. Thomas Schäfer - ein trauriger Anlass. - 5 years ago

@ABuckwar: RT @TorstenFelsteha: Die Sitzung des Hessischen Landtags steht im Zeichen der Trauer um Dr. Thomas Schäfer - ein trauriger Anlass. - 5 years ago

@johnieofficial: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Jonas_Hermann: "Es spricht so gut wie alles dagegen, dass es tatsächlich die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminister T… - 5 years ago

@MOptendrenk: RT @cdu_fraktion: Sondersitzung des #Plenums im #hlt. LP Rhein eröffnete die Sitzung, würdevolles Gedenken an unseren Kollegen & Freund Tho… - 5 years ago

@EDGE_I: @Raivis_Spalvens @zarinstoms Kas te pašlaik "komandē parādi", kas reāli nevis juridiski formāli ir tas "oficiālais… - 5 years ago

@valerie_noack: RT @Landtag_Hessen: In der 37. #Plenarsitzung gedachte man dem verstorbenen Dr. Thomas Schäfer. Dazu lag auch ein Kondolenzbuch aus, in das… - 5 years ago

@amidiouaminuit: RT @FAZ_Politik: Von geteilter Last bis zum Anlass zur Hoffnung: Warum es nicht die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminister Tho… - 5 years ago

@Milanowekpet: RT @Milanowekpet: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply w… - 5 years ago

@MonikaGuttzeit: RT @cdu_fraktion: Sondersitzung des #Plenums im #hlt. LP Rhein eröffnete die Sitzung, würdevolles Gedenken an unseren Kollegen & Freund Tho… - 5 years ago

@luis_politik: RT @cdu_fraktion: Sondersitzung des #Plenums im #hlt. LP Rhein eröffnete die Sitzung, würdevolles Gedenken an unseren Kollegen & Freund Tho… - 5 years ago

@cdu_fraktion: Sondersitzung des #Plenums im #hlt. LP Rhein eröffnete die Sitzung, würdevolles Gedenken an unseren Kollegen & Freu… - 5 years ago

@TorstenFelsteha: Die Sitzung des Hessischen Landtags steht im Zeichen der Trauer um Dr. Thomas Schäfer - ein trauriger Anlass. - 5 years ago

@SiddiqDgaf: RT @Milanowekpet: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply w… - 5 years ago

@Milanowekpet: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming “de… - 5 years ago

@Mehrwert2: @krone_at Deutschland steht vor der grössten Rezession seit 1931 und Österreich als verlängerte Werkbank von DE wir… - 5 years ago

@Iam_skubby: RT @KemiOlunloyo: #BREAKING UPDATE Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide after becoming "dee… - 5 years ago

@haiqhay: RT @50minds: Why Thomas Schaefer, a German Minister committed Suicide - 5 years ago

@mollyco8: RT @WIONews: Thomas Schaefer, a 54-year-old member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union & the state finance minister of… - 5 years ago

@1730Sat1live: Heute in @1730Sat1live: Im hessischen Landtag wird @M_Boddenberg als neuer Finanzminister vereidigt. Er ist Nachfol… - 5 years ago

@FWWinterberg: RT @presse_online: Michael Boddenberg wird in Wiesbaden als neuer Ressortchef vereidigt Knapp eine Woche nach dem Tod des hessischen Finanz… - 5 years ago

@LBartelheimer: RT @MartinBartelhei: Weil ich es noch nirgendwo gelesen habe: Aus dem schrecklichen Schicksal von Thomas Schäfer könnte man doch bitte bitt… - 5 years ago

@jorjeegorgee: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@sophiewood64: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Patlabor_rocks: @Miru_Jaca Thomas Schaefer, ministro de Finanzas alemán, se ha suicidado superado por la crisis del coronavirus. Co… - 5 years ago

@AMKNIGHT007: RT @QAnonNotables: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of the regional state of Germany’s financial center Frankfurt, has committed suici… - 5 years ago

@nazabdynasir: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@presse_online: Michael Boddenberg wird in Wiesbaden als neuer Ressortchef vereidigt Knapp eine Woche nach dem Tod des hessischen F… - 5 years ago

@FreedomatDawn21: RT @2020von2020: Thomas Schaefer, finance minister for Germany's Hesse state, took his own life after reportedly being “deeply worried” ove… - 5 years ago

@FreedomatDawn21: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@SimbologiaA: PEDERASTAS? ATENCIÓN! ALERTA! German politician found dead from apparent suicide 'over coronavirus crisis worries' - 5 years ago

@parzi42: @mika124 @Flo_Braeutigam @zeitonline @c_drosten @NDRinfo Man hat dorsten vorgeworfen für den Tod von hessischen mp… - 5 years ago

@rashidbsnl: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@balloup194: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@l_csta: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@itzmrKD: RT @KemiOlunloyo: #BREAKING UPDATE Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide after becoming "dee… - 5 years ago

@RicMedio: @altenbockum @faznet Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer hatte mit Finanzderivaten auf steigende Zinsen gewettet – und si… - 5 years ago

@BertInnx: @HoeyberghsJeff Wat raar is de zelfmoord van Thomas Schäfer en zijn laatste speech, vergeet ook niet dat de cras… - 5 years ago

@FatcatGermany: RT @AlfredMittelbch: Zum Suizid von Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer: Mit Zinsderivaten verspekuliert? Man munkelt von einem Verlust,… - 5 years ago

@FAZ_Top: Von geteilter Last bis zum Anlass zur Hoffnung: Warum es nicht die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminis… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Im Banne der Corona-Krise. "Wir können nicht zaubern, sondern nur das Menschenmögliche tun, um Schaden von unserem Land ab… - 5 years ago

@imageschaden: RT @FAZ_Politik: Von geteilter Last bis zum Anlass zur Hoffnung: Warum es nicht die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminister Tho… - 5 years ago

@henry_bernhard: RT @FAZ_Politik: Von geteilter Last bis zum Anlass zur Hoffnung: Warum es nicht die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminister Tho… - 5 years ago

@Milatrud11: RT @FAZ_NET: Von geteilter Last bis zum Anlass zur Hoffnung: Warum es nicht die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminister Thomas… - 5 years ago

@cbcarepo: RT @CBCNigeria: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, age 54, was found dead. It was said that he committed suici… - 5 years ago

@ChristophScheff: RT @FAZ_Politik: Von geteilter Last bis zum Anlass zur Hoffnung: Warum es nicht die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminister Tho… - 5 years ago

@MagaMagarte: RT @MagaMagarte: Humanidad. Que pasa? 29 de marzo: Cerca de vía férrea se encuentran cadáver del Ministro de Finanzas de CDU, Thomas Schäfe… - 5 years ago

@FAZ_Politik: Von geteilter Last bis zum Anlass zur Hoffnung: Warum es nicht die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminis… - 5 years ago

@FAZ_NET: Von geteilter Last bis zum Anlass zur Hoffnung: Warum es nicht die Corona-Krise war, die den hessischen Finanzminis… - 5 years ago

@jimmyroybloom: The body of a man identified as Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of the German state of Hesse, was found on a h… - 5 years ago

@Genozo: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@MathsError: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@magisteradastra: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@RampauA: RT @ClaudiaMK1122: No pudo aguantar la presión, esto va hacer muy duro ,la opocision fue a por él sin piedad ,lamentable . Thomas Schaefe… - 5 years ago

@abitova_diana: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@my2meows: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@mcnamaraorama: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@r_a_y_k__: @AndreasEdge Wie findest Du Selbstmord wegen Corona? - 5 years ago

@gkechichian: RT @Lydia_Canaan: Germany state finance minister Thomas Schaefer took his own life after expressing “despair” over how to handle the econom… - 5 years ago

@Lydia_Canaan: RT @Lydia_Canaan: Germany state finance minister Thomas Schaefer took his own life after expressing “despair” over how to handle the econom… - 5 years ago

@GradyParnassus: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Michell31468183: RT @Revista_Clase: Se suicida el ministro alemán Thomas Schaefer por posible presión ante crisis por coronavirus #ThomasSchaefer #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@Michell31468183: RT @Revista_Clase: Se suicida el ministro alemán Thomas Schaefer por posible presión ante crisis por coronavirus #ThomasSchaefer #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@Leo___Sturm: Was nicht heißt dass wir es Thomas Schäfer gleich tun und das Vertrauen in die Führung verlieren sollten. Wir sind… - 5 years ago

@digchris: @steviejcmh @Peston @PsychDrD @MattHancock Twitter has more then a few people from Germany saying. That no where ne… - 5 years ago

@wakallsawu: RT @gundel_gaukeley: "Man verstummt und es gilt als pietätlos, diese persönliche Tragödie zu hinterfragen. Doch man findet immer mehr Hinw… - 5 years ago

@WhattheFhappen2: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Shirley96156413: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago


@ubisnis: Khawatir Dampak Virus Corona, Menteri di Jerman Bunuh Diri: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Sc… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Im Banne der Corona-Krise. "Wir können nicht zaubern, sondern nur das Menschenmögliche tun, um Schaden von unserem Land ab… - 5 years ago

@basicthinking: RT @BarbaraBraehmer: Welche Aufgaben gehören eigentlich zum Job eines Chief Digital Officer? #CTO #Chiefdigitalofficer - 5 years ago

@Chescolop: RT @ClaudiaMK1122: No pudo aguantar la presión, esto va hacer muy duro ,la opocision fue a por él sin piedad ,lamentable . Thomas Schaefe… - 5 years ago

@HDown2020: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@locuspolitikus: RT @ClaudiaMK1122: No pudo aguantar la presión, esto va hacer muy duro ,la opocision fue a por él sin piedad ,lamentable . Thomas Schaefe… - 5 years ago

@ClaudiaMK1122: No pudo aguantar la presión, esto va hacer muy duro ,la opocision fue a por él sin piedad ,lamentable . Thomas Sc… - 5 years ago

@KatherineJeanin: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Leo___Sturm: @BavarianDirndl @HenggeManuel @marga_owski wenn wir uns als teil der natur begreifen ist das keine falache behauptu… - 5 years ago

@mateo_tao: Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer tötete sich angesichts der zu erwartenden schweren Finanz und Wirtschaftskris… - 5 years ago

@DinaNez7: RT @tcsnoticias: Encuentran muerto a Thomas Schäfer, ministro de Finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, según investigaciones se habría suici… - 5 years ago

@DeeperThanDaps: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@luperazolo: RT @infohealthbr: URGENTE: O ministro alemão das Finanças do estado de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, foi encontrado morto com sinais de suicídio,… - 5 years ago

@pm_kaczynski: Minister finansów Hesji popełnił samobójstwo z powodu #koronawirus. Thomas Schäfer miał 54 lata - 5 years ago

@basicthinking: RT @_intercessio: Welche Aufgaben gehören eigentlich zum Job eines Chief Digital Officer? #CTO #Chiefdigitalofficer - 5 years ago

@bigchill_LC: RT @J_CMueller: @kate_awakening His "suicide" is already under "notable deaths": Thomas Schaefer, finance minister… - 5 years ago

@bigchill_LC: RT @DuranSocialista: @Marianiniecheve @Mamertoal100 body of a man identified as Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of the German state of… - 5 years ago

@dgo1252: RT @Paging_Kongress: Bei #Stromausfall: Statt #SchafeaufdemDach besser einen #Pager am Gürtel. Darüber berichtet der Schäfer HIER 🐑 https… - 5 years ago

@intercessioaca: Welche Aufgaben gehören eigentlich zum Job eines Chief Digital Officer? #CTO #Chiefdigitalofficer - 5 years ago

@_intercessio: Welche Aufgaben gehören eigentlich zum Job eines Chief Digital Officer? #CTO #Chiefdigitalofficer - 5 years ago

@_digipros: Welche Aufgaben gehören eigentlich zum Job eines Chief Digital Officer? #CTO #Chiefdigitalofficer - 5 years ago

@BarbaraBraehmer: Welche Aufgaben gehören eigentlich zum Job eines Chief Digital Officer? #CTO #Chiefdigitalofficer - 5 years ago

@bipollol: RT @BjoernHoecke: Wir erleben dieser Tage die in ihren Auswirkungen vielleicht größte Krise seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik. Eine Nachrich… - 5 years ago

@BarbaraBraehmer: Welche Aufgaben gehören eigentlich zum Job eines Chief Digital Officer? - 5 years ago

@RabiaKhalid999: RT @WarsontheBrink: NEW: Finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, commits suicide in despair about the scale of the… - 5 years ago

@MartinBartelhei: Weil ich es noch nirgendwo gelesen habe: Aus dem schrecklichen Schicksal von Thomas Schäfer könnte man doch bitte b… - 5 years ago

@PaulineLancas18: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@christi73224817: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@WernerderChamp: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@Lydia_Canaan: Germany state finance minister Thomas Schaefer took his own life after expressing “despair” over how to handle the… - 5 years ago

@RituJustAsking: RT @TheTadipaar: Finance minister in home state of Germany's financial centre commits suicide, death linked to virus crisis - World News ht… - 5 years ago

@non_esset: Dramma in Germania, suicida il ministro Schaefer: «Era assillato dall’avanzata del virus» - 5 years ago

@non_esset: .... forse era angosciato dal grigiore rigorista dei suoi colleghi..........🙏 Dramma in Germania, suicida il minist… - 5 years ago

@Ragnark94798802: RT @MichaelStuerzi: Hessens Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer begeht Selbstmord, da er offensichtlich verzweifelt wegen der aktuellen Krise wa… - 5 years ago

@MartinH60615106: RT @MichaelStuerzi: Hessens Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer begeht Selbstmord, da er offensichtlich verzweifelt wegen der aktuellen Krise wa… - 5 years ago

@MartinH60615106: Schau mal an was da alles heraus kommt.... - 5 years ago

@The_little_pea: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Frosch5775: RT @gundel_gaukeley: "Man verstummt und es gilt als pietätlos, diese persönliche Tragödie zu hinterfragen. Doch man findet immer mehr Hinw… - 5 years ago

@heike1502: RT @MichaelStuerzi: Hessens Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer begeht Selbstmord, da er offensichtlich verzweifelt wegen der aktuellen Krise wa… - 5 years ago

@lilibith66: @el_pais Lo que tiene que hacer este gobierno es seguir los pas0s de Thomas Schaefer.... por dignidad... - 5 years ago

@PeterSc09203158: RT @MichaelStuerzi: Hessens Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer begeht Selbstmord, da er offensichtlich verzweifelt wegen der aktuellen Krise wa… - 5 years ago

@Caprinosse: Nachlese zum Tod von Dr. Thomas Schäfer – es tauchen Zweifel am Selbstmord auf - 5 years ago

@kergarten: RT @BjoernHoecke: Wir erleben dieser Tage die in ihren Auswirkungen vielleicht größte Krise seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik. Eine Nachrich… - 5 years ago

@Mario_WL: RT @DLFNachrichten: @c_drosten Er sei persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer in einer Email verantwortlich ge… - 5 years ago

@KennethMatthe12: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@ElGebher: RT @BrazilOfCards: Thomas Schäfer era ministro de Finanças do estado de Hesse, onde fica o centro financeiro da Alemanha, Frankfurt. Ele te… - 5 years ago

@REGULOMENDEZ: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@BrazilOfCards: Thomas Schäfer era ministro de Finanças do estado de Hesse, onde fica o centro financeiro da Alemanha, Frankfurt. E… - 5 years ago

@lilibellmia: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@MDPhotography67: RT @BeholdIsrael: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany's #Hesse state, has committed #suicide apparently after becoming "deepl… - 5 years ago

@ghazala_radwi: A harsh reminder that people in leadership, politics and government are human. They carry weights we are not aware… - 5 years ago

@barmore27: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@SidAmos6: RT @deutsch365: Nachlese zum Tod von Dr. Thomas Schäfer – es tauchen Zweifel am Selbstmord auf - Die Unbestechlichen - 5 years ago

@NicoleFabi_26: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@davidindebcn: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@daniel_scholler: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@FestHoof: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@petered68442383: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@faizaalmaas: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@PrimroseLeaguer: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@JayneDWales: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@lu_ortiz98: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@mullema79545406: RT @gundel_gaukeley: "Man verstummt und es gilt als pietätlos, diese persönliche Tragödie zu hinterfragen. Doch man findet immer mehr Hinw… - 5 years ago

@Devishanker15: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@melissa_falcone: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@Fernanchurrete: RT @LOQUEDIGAELFMI: Hallan muerto en las vías del tren a Thomas Schäfer, ministro de finanzas del lander alemán de Hesse, donde se encuentr… - 5 years ago

@MohammadMuazAh1: RT @hassankhan_amu: शर्म करो शर्म करो, शर्म नहीं तो डूब मरो। समझदार के लिए इशारा काफी है। अंधभक्तों से अनुरोध है कृपया इस पोस्ट को अन्यथा… - 5 years ago

@misblncrz: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@hans_klaussen: Nachlese zum Tod von Dr. Thomas Schäfer – es tauchen Zweifel am Selbstmord auf - 5 years ago

@REALnawazbugti: @Advjalila @jam_kamal Dera @jam_kamal what the hell are going in Balochistan? Why you don't arranging pandemic faci… - 5 years ago

@berlin_ny: RT @gundel_gaukeley: "Man verstummt und es gilt als pietätlos, diese persönliche Tragödie zu hinterfragen. Doch man findet immer mehr Hinw… - 5 years ago

@Firoj_Khan_: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@SalterAlexander: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@freiunddemokrat: RT @gundel_gaukeley: "Man verstummt und es gilt als pietätlos, diese persönliche Tragödie zu hinterfragen. Doch man findet immer mehr Hinw… - 5 years ago

@schwammebrie: RT @LiliaBecker14: Nachlese zum Tod von Dr. Thomas Schäfer – es tauchen Zweifel am Selbstmord auf - Die Unbestechlichen - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Der plötzliche Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer hat in ganz Deutschland große Bestürzung hervorgerufen. A… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Im Banne der Corona-Krise. "Wir können nicht zaubern, sondern nur das Menschenmögliche tun, um Schaden von unserem Land ab… - 5 years ago

@hootiesosa: RT @BeholdIsrael: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany's #Hesse state, has committed #suicide apparently after becoming "deepl… - 5 years ago

@jordyyst: @anonapostate @TheMaximvs09 Bukan. Itu bukan menkeu. Dan itu masih allegedly. Belom fix bunuh diri. Karena alasan i… - 5 years ago

@JuttaMBrandt: RT @gundel_gaukeley: "Man verstummt und es gilt als pietätlos, diese persönliche Tragödie zu hinterfragen. Doch man findet immer mehr Hinw… - 5 years ago

@egarciagz555: RT @LOQUEDIGAELFMI: Hallan muerto en las vías del tren a Thomas Schäfer, ministro de finanzas del lander alemán de Hesse, donde se encuentr… - 5 years ago

@ZickyX: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@grumpyhalfling: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@zhariffazhar: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@KunvarSuhaib: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@dehubinitiative: What chances provide technology in a crisis? Join the "A Shift in Thinking“ webcast with TechQuartier’s co-founder… - 5 years ago

@DoubleDownDuck: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@ToshiroBry_GE: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@arletevonkries1: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@Kathansojah: RT @gbetutv: Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over economic fallout - 5 years ago

@porras_malu: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@HAICK9: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@gbetutv: Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over economic fallout - 5 years ago

@GbetuBlog: Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over economic fallout - 5 years ago

@dj_vickiss: Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over economic fallout - 5 years ago

@iam_djnestle: Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over economic fallout - 5 years ago

@wjpolk62: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@VanessaNacamura: @tvbrasilgov @jairbolsonaro Excelente discurso. Que bom que a OMS voltou atrás. Tarde demais para o ministro alemão… - 5 years ago

@TenBoeSwitch: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@suvragett: RT @KoeppelRoger: Es wird leider noch mehr Tote geben, die nicht an den gesundheitlichen, sondern an den wirtschaftlichen Folgen von Corona… - 5 years ago

@FlogWarrior: RT @gld301218: @last_jones Yes, it is true, sad and quite horrific. I suspect there is more to this story. German state finance minister T… - 5 years ago

@TaunusOnline: mittelhessende | Michael #Boddenberg, CDU-Fraktionschef im hessischen Landtag, tritt die Nachfolge des verstorbenen… - 5 years ago

@y_ozgurpolitika: Schaefer’in ölümü koronafobi kaynaklı mı? Almanya’da Hessen Eyaleti Maliye Bakanı Thomas Schaefer’in ölümünde koro… - 5 years ago

@Heiderosie: #Hessen #Thomas_Schäfer c du #Finanzminister, aus #Biedenkopf #Landkreis #Marburg_Biedenkopf, ist tot, + 28.3.20… - 5 years ago

@93ip: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@Leo___Sturm: @ConneeRpunkt @MarioAndrich @Michael12814407 @novoklar in diesem fall ist es aber keine böse Verschwörung gegen die… - 5 years ago

@iPhorie: RT @DLFNachrichten: @c_drosten Er sei persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer in einer Email verantwortlich ge… - 5 years ago

@metinniki: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@SandyinKatoomba: “Thomas Schäfer died by suicide after his body was found on train tracks near Wiesbaden. He was #Merkel s finance m… - 5 years ago

@PoutrusPatriceG: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@xhertx: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@gld301218: @last_jones Yes, it is true, sad and quite horrific. I suspect there is more to this story. German state finance m… - 5 years ago

@bkindngood: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@shelleybleu: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@majid7_abdul: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@panospanw: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@doc_194: RT @dwnews: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale of t… - 5 years ago

@Heiderosie: RT @hanvoi: Schäfer wirkte stets wie ein Fels in der Brandung und sollte demnächst hessischer Ministerpräsident werden. Ein Nachruf von @Pv… - 5 years ago

@Heiderosie: RT @hanvoi: Schock und Trauer in #Hessen: Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer (CDU) wurde gestern tot aufgefunden. Die Polizei geht von einem Sui… - 5 years ago

@DeepStateCheryl: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@RaeAnon: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@Heiderosie: Thomas Schäfer hinterlässt in Hessen eine gewaltige Lücke - 5 years ago


@valde14_: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@Heiderosie: RT @PvBebenburg: Thomas #Schäfer hinterlässt in Hessen eine gewaltige Lücke. Nach seinem bestürzenden Tod müssen Nachfolger gefunden werden… - 5 years ago

@mariechannel: RT @okappa75: ドイツすごい!の陰で財務相が重責を苦に命を絶ってる。やるせない。。 - 5 years ago

@MentirasSombras: 👨‍✈️😷 ALEMANIA EN QUIEBRA, UN SECRETO A VOCES. Thomas Schaefer, del CDU, se suicida tras destaparse el enorme AGU… - 5 years ago

@CarthorseAus: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@rue_zoeh: RT @detikcom: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. - 5 years ago

@SchattenprinzM: RT @BjoernHoecke: Wir erleben dieser Tage die in ihren Auswirkungen vielleicht größte Krise seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik. Eine Nachrich… - 5 years ago

@patriot_pa: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@4HeritageMoms: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@MachelleLbartr1: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@Yurttas67: RT @CananKaratayTR: Almanyada Hessen eyaletinin maliye bakanı Thomas Schaefer intihar etti. #koronavirusu krizi yüzünden bunalım geçirmiş,… - 5 years ago

@sramachandran18: Spanish Princess Maria Teresa dies from Coronavirus German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavir… - 5 years ago

@Greg5th: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@dsrved759: RT @BeholdIsrael: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany's #Hesse state, has committed #suicide apparently after becoming "deepl… - 5 years ago

@Monica4Truth: RT @simonlaurence16: @Ju95881813 @MagniAnon Thomas Schaefer, who had led the finance ministry of Hesse for almost ten years, was found dead… - 5 years ago

@Traumvogel: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@Piton1910: RT @sensoinc: O ministro Thomas Schaefer, da região de Hesse, era membro do partido de Angela Merkel e estava no cargo por uma década - por… - 5 years ago

@Sefton456: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@ariiannamv: RT @descifraguerra: 🇩🇪 Ayer se suicidó Thomas Schäfer, Ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Alemania. Fue hallado muerto junto a las vías del tre… - 5 years ago

@Iyaloo_tye: RT @TheNamibian: Thomas Schaefer, finance minister of the German federal state of Hesse, has allegedly ended his own life, after becoming "… - 5 years ago

@kaplanmap79: RT @cinhabernet: #Corona intiharları 📌Avrupa'da intiharlar artıyor 📌İngiltere: İntihar eden sayısı 9 oldu 📌İtalya: Hemşire Daniela Trezzi;… - 5 years ago

@LLKmakenup: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@MackRockstar: RT @Sheeple101: Suicide or suicided? Thomas Schaefer found dead near a railroad track? - 5 years ago

@usaf1999: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ghost_berlin: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@ulligau: RT @fantasiafragile: "In seinem täglichen NDR-Podcast sagte Drosten, er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hes… - 5 years ago

@bildungsbucht: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@StappElizabeth: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@Neodeutscher: RT @Marius1094: Faden zu den wirtschaftlichen Langzeitfolgen von #COVID19 Der Selbstmord des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas #Schäfer w… - 5 years ago

@RuinsAmong: RT @Marius1094: Faden zu den wirtschaftlichen Langzeitfolgen von #COVID19 Der Selbstmord des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas #Schäfer w… - 5 years ago

@Lasalle922014: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@Polanetta: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@Flowerpowertric: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@mimimatic: RT @noahbarkin: Very sad news from the German state of Hesse, where veteran finance minister Thomas Schäfer appears to have taken his own l… - 5 years ago

@Liane13: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@SIamet_Banyumas: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Im Banne der Corona-Krise. "Wir können nicht zaubern, sondern nur das Menschenmögliche tun, um Schaden von unserem Land ab… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Der plötzliche Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer hat in ganz Deutschland große Bestürzung hervorgerufen. A… - 5 years ago

@IngridZenger: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@odinsjunge: RT @BlackDo04913777: Hessen: Spekulationen nach #Selbstmord von #Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer - Drohender Finanzskandal illegale Derivatg… - 5 years ago

@shellysherrchen: RT @DLFNachrichten: @c_drosten Er sei persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer in einer Email verantwortlich ge… - 5 years ago

@nilsen_marcus: RT @AnnikaBorg1: ”Hessens finansminister Thomas Schäfer (CDU) tog tragiskt nog livet av sig. Enligt medieuppgifter var orsaken kopplad till… - 5 years ago

@LeifPeter: RT @AnnikaBorg1: ”Hessens finansminister Thomas Schäfer (CDU) tog tragiskt nog livet av sig. Enligt medieuppgifter var orsaken kopplad till… - 5 years ago

@die_spurensuche: - 5 years ago

@CarlosKreidel: RT @kkklawitter: WTF? Er hat eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwo… - 5 years ago

@Bud_Doggin: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@AnnikaBorg1: ”Hessens finansminister Thomas Schäfer (CDU) tog tragiskt nog livet av sig. Enligt medieuppgifter var orsaken koppl… - 5 years ago

@avijay_dmk: RT @niranjan2428: கொரோனா வைரஸால் நாடு சந்திக்கபோகும் பொருளாதார சீரழிவுகள் குறித்த கவலையால் மனம் உடைந்து தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்ட ஜெர்மன் நாட்டு… - 5 years ago

@kermitnrw: RT @DLFNachrichten: @c_drosten Er sei persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer in einer Email verantwortlich ge… - 5 years ago

@Igor_Kraputnik: Biste in Schland - falls noch Zweifel bestanden, daß wir in einer Demokratiesimulation leben:… - 5 years ago

@letter_schubse: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@KanzleiPuKn: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@Anne__Waffel: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@BurgessGrowers: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@stachelvieh: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@ARNERIC: @AGalt88 Ya supiste lo de Thomas Schaefer?.... Eso nos habla de la "magnitud" del asunto... - 5 years ago

@Nis1010101: RT @BlackDo04913777: Hessen: Spekulationen nach #Selbstmord von #Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer - Drohender Finanzskandal illegale Derivatg… - 5 years ago

@sebaxthian: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@sxdoc: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@mic72fis: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@kenpachi__rg: RT @sensoinc: O ministro Thomas Schaefer, da região de Hesse, era membro do partido de Angela Merkel e estava no cargo por uma década - por… - 5 years ago

@KilllerBee777: RT @McguireScotty: Germany: Finance Minister commits suicide over coronavirus economic anxieties Thomas Schaefer, of Hesse’s Minister of… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Im Banne der Corona-Krise. "Wir können nicht zaubern, sondern nur das Menschenmögliche tun, um Schaden von unserem Land ab… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Der plötzliche Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer hat in ganz Deutschland große Bestürzung hervorgerufen. A… - 5 years ago

@Direitaconserv7: RT @sensoinc: O ministro Thomas Schaefer, da região de Hesse, era membro do partido de Angela Merkel e estava no cargo por uma década - por… - 5 years ago

@BlackDo04913777: Hessen: Spekulationen nach #Selbstmord von #Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer - Drohender Finanzskandal illegale Deriv… - 5 years ago

@Nestor711E: RT @TheNamibian: Thomas Schaefer, finance minister of the German federal state of Hesse, has allegedly ended his own life, after becoming "… - 5 years ago

@dufourgregory: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@BonySky: RT @sensoinc: O ministro Thomas Schaefer, da região de Hesse, era membro do partido de Angela Merkel e estava no cargo por uma década - por… - 5 years ago

@Magdaeixerida: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@BertInnx: @DeMolJohan @PhRoose @GLBouchez Waarom pleegde een bekwaam Treasury Secretary Thomas Schäfer een m.i. oprechte man… - 5 years ago

@RaySouz93221370: RT @sensoinc: O ministro Thomas Schaefer, da região de Hesse, era membro do partido de Angela Merkel e estava no cargo por uma década - por… - 5 years ago

@leandro97312823: RT @sensoinc: O ministro Thomas Schaefer, da região de Hesse, era membro do partido de Angela Merkel e estava no cargo por uma década - por… - 5 years ago

@Basia_Necessary: W wyniku presji związanej z #CCPVirus minister finansów #Niemcy Hesji Thomas Schaefer popełnił samobójstwo 🤯 - 5 years ago

@BertInnx: @gannemans @torfsrik Waarom pleegde Treasury Secretary Thomas Schäfer een m.i. oprechte man "zelfmoord" in hartje €… - 5 years ago

@mrstone0856: RT @ShakRiet: Wer war Dr. Thomas Schäfer? Nach nur zwei Tagen ist er von den Medien schon vergessen. Sein tragisches Schicksal passt nicht… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Maloy: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@HBechnak: RT @DLFNachrichten: @c_drosten Er sei persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer in einer Email verantwortlich ge… - 5 years ago

@FarooqTauqir: RT @Shaz_Adv: Finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become “deeply worried” over… - 5 years ago

@_wildeWutz: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@Cera_PI: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@RuthKastner: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@HBechnak: RT @Balex55LP: Thomas Schäfer, der verstorbene Hessische Finanzminister, soll sich an der Börse verzockt haben; drei Milliarden Steuergeld… - 5 years ago

@pusztapunk: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@LiseElliott: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@therthonjackon: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Der plötzliche Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer hat in ganz Deutschland große Bestürzung hervorgerufen. A… - 5 years ago

@QuirinWeber: RT @QuirinWeber: Im Banne der Corona-Krise. "Wir können nicht zaubern, sondern nur das Menschenmögliche tun, um Schaden von unserem Land ab… - 5 years ago

@DorisSchoener: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@HansTheGerman: RT @kkklawitter: WTF? Er hat eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwo… - 5 years ago

@SandraBhebhe: RT @EagleDoreen: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state,committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply worried… - 5 years ago

@J_B_oo7: RT @ShakRiet: Wer war Dr. Thomas Schäfer? Nach nur zwei Tagen ist er von den Medien schon vergessen. Sein tragisches Schicksal passt nicht… - 5 years ago

@J_Garagozzo: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@R_Kappel: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@gastuli: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@so_jen74: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@uwellstein: #Hessen#Landesregierung#Finanzminister#Boddenberg Michael Boddenberg wird hessischer Finanzminister. Der bisherige… - 5 years ago

@daswarkeinhuhn: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@ebonyplusirony: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@_lovesLondon: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@steffen25: RT @DLFNachrichten: @c_drosten Er sei persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer in einer Email verantwortlich ge… - 5 years ago

@jskeletti: RT @DLFNachrichten: @c_drosten Er sei persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer in einer Email verantwortlich ge… - 5 years ago

@HGP13a: WENN STAATSHILFE IN SELBSTMORD FÜHRT. Der hessische Finanz-Minister Thomas Schäfer, 10 Jahre sehr erfolgreich im Am… - 5 years ago

@RomaGray6: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@KarstenBeinhorn: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@ReallyMimo: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@FutureEssen: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@mochaar15: RT @detikcom: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. - 5 years ago

@_Heimat_Liebe_: RT @BjoernHoecke: Wir erleben dieser Tage die in ihren Auswirkungen vielleicht größte Krise seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik. Eine Nachrich… - 5 years ago

@biosprit4711: RT @ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer verantwortlic… - 5 years ago

@mayhew_tanya: German state minister kills himself as coronavirus hits economy Sent via @updayUK - 5 years ago

@rameez_SRH: RT @shahid_siddiqui: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy. Must be a sensitive man unlike many of our o… - 5 years ago

@ichbinhier: „Er habe eine E-Mail bekommen, in der er persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer veran… - 5 years ago

@vicjc22: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@MarcusSchuler: RT @DLFNachrichten: @c_drosten Er sei persönlich für den Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer in einer Email verantwortlich ge… - 5 years ago

@TweetyBeds: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@pennyh56: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@pjamarige: RT @BeholdIsrael: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany's #Hesse state, has committed #suicide apparently after becoming "deepl… - 5 years ago

@Swevicus: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@ReggWong: RT @etribune: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany’s Hesse state, was found dead near a railway track on Saturday #etribune #n… - 5 years ago

@wahedmohammed99: RT @shahid_siddiqui: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy. Must be a sensitive man unlike many of our o… - 5 years ago

@Darren2Plan: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@AdrienPX10: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@mbc4kindness: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Hatch526: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@jeadore13: RT @descifraguerra: 🇩🇪 Ayer se suicidó Thomas Schäfer, Ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Alemania. Fue hallado muerto junto a las vías del tre… - 5 years ago

@luisauguti: RT @dw_brasil: Secretário das Finanças de Hessen, na Alemanha, é encontrado morto: polícia acredita que Thomas Schäfer tenha cometido suicí… - 5 years ago

@luisauguti: RT @joaobcsaraiva: Thomas Schäfer era o secretário de finanças do estado de Hessen, não o ministro de Economia alemão. Cometeu suicídio no… - 5 years ago

@luisauguti: RT @NewsBFM: In Germany, finance minister of the Hesse state Thomas Schäfer has reportedly committed suicide over worries about the handlin… - 5 years ago

@luisauguti: RT @infohealthbr: URGENTE: O ministro alemão das Finanças do estado de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, foi encontrado morto com sinais de suicídio,… - 5 years ago

@luisauguti: RT @LiloVLOG: Thomas Schaefer se mata com medo da crise econômica. - 5 years ago

@luisauguti: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Johanabarver: RT @margotbouthelie: Encuentran muerto junto a las vías del tren al ministro de Finanzas alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer. Se había mostrado… - 5 years ago

@AceManChris: RT @BeholdIsrael: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany's #Hesse state, has committed #suicide apparently after becoming "deepl… - 5 years ago

@dharm_wanderer: RT @mvmeet: Spanish Princess Maria Teresa dies from Coronavirus German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavirus worries… - 5 years ago

@TonyCar85178491: RT @dwnews: Schäfer had been living under considerable worry and stress because of the current #COVID19 pandemic, state premier Volker Bouf… - 5 years ago

@CevahirYlmaz5: RT @IhrfWetterau: Wir sind alle tief erschüttert über den plötzlichen Tod von Dr. Thomas Schäfer und möchten Euch unser aufrichtiges Beilei… - 5 years ago

@The_Woodsy: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@seby_perez: RT @Juana_VOX: 🔴🔴🔴 Encuentran muerto al ministro de Finanzas alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@letstakethe: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Interaktion_UMR: RT @Uni_MR: Das Präsidium der Philipps-Universität Marburg und der Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaften der Universität trauern um den hessisch… - 5 years ago

@markmmin: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@CentredOpinio: RT @elcaceres: El ministro, Thomas Schäfer, que cumplió 54 años, fue encontrado muerto en unas vías del tren en Hesse. - 5 years ago

@sremanuel25: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Supa_slay: RT @dwnews: The body of a man identified as Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of the German state of Hesse, was found on a high-speed tr… - 5 years ago

@bridges_tom: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Cliodhnagh: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Lazypaws: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@jessmurphy84: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Sukasukahelmi: RT @detikcom: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. - 5 years ago

@Carolin01419153: RT @80_mcswan: Dreadful news from Germany German minister commits suicide after '#CoronavirusCrisis worries' Mr Thomas Schaefer, 54, was… - 5 years ago

@bravo1alf: RT @dw_espanol: Thomas Schäfer, de 54 años, ministro de Finanzas del estado federado de Hesse, apareció muerto en un tren cerca de la capit… - 5 years ago

@KevinHo98285195: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Supa_slay: RT @ntvuganda: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state has committed suicide after becoming "deeply worried" over ho… - 5 years ago

@karlfischer_biz: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@tschaeferm: @suppenzorro @maikm Du müsstest nur einen Eintrag ändern. - 5 years ago

@VgerNeedsInfo: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@oa_bola: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@PearlmutterS: RT @bcn4eva: BREAKING: German finance minister of the state Hesse, home to the ECB and Deutsche Bank, commits suicide over financial worrie… - 5 years ago

@LeoKomando: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@GuffyNicola: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Rosie60973178: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@FredGeorg2: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@KussShakira: RT @AlfredMittelbch: Zum Suizid von Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer: Mit Zinsderivaten verspekuliert? Man munkelt von einem Verlust,… - 5 years ago

@ajaykulk: RT @shahid_siddiqui: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy. Must be a sensitive man unlike many of our o… - 5 years ago

@jezzapele: RT @trump2054: #qanon Bullllllll shittt He was about to be outed as a pedo. Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse st… - 5 years ago

@Barbara_AOK: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Michael50487268: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@pabloespablo: RT @FAZ_RheinMain: Der Tod von Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer erschüttert die Landespolitik. Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier spricht davon… - 5 years ago

@caesear: RT @Soniaporchile: 🔴Se suicida ministro de Finanzas, abrumado por el coronavirus 🔴"Thomas Schaefer Minist d finanzas d Hesse se suicido" a… - 5 years ago

@AhgasesporGOT7: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@LaneThomaHewitt: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Discour85348557: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@ratologa: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@RolZipfel: RT @AlfredMittelbch: Zum Suizid von Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer: Mit Zinsderivaten verspekuliert? Man munkelt von einem Verlust,… - 5 years ago

@WillBates97: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@telx100: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Leafuss: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@BatesTheresa: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@WatlingPauline: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@ourmunov: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@squeezpea: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@jackopj16: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Duck_hk: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@johncorden47: RT @imajsaclaimant: Another victim. Sadly, he's not the first to take his own life... Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s H… - 5 years ago

@minni_ist: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@oldbid45: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@janebclark06: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Zusatzaccount: Übrigens hat sich der hessische #Finanzminister wegen der #Coronakrise das Leben genommen! ☹️ - 5 years ago

@Palak30038573: RT @etribune: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany’s Hesse state, was found dead near a railway track on Saturday #etribune #n… - 5 years ago

@yoyo_exol: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@TrevorAlanBell: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@hercynte: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@lifeofeben: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@susanlovechrist: RT @banfftourguide: @WorldOLuxe @777KAB1 @colgrove11 @TheCollectiveQ @VincentCrypt46 @JuliansRum @3days3nights @SantaSurfing German state f… - 5 years ago

@retweetsen: RT @Nath_Yamb: Le ministre des finances de l’Etat de Hesse, dont la capitale est Francfort, siège de la BCE et de la finance 🇩🇪, s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@truthseeker130: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@tripwidme: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@AARNO_XXII: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@mynkpathak: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@OzmaLionheart: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Syarafuddin7070: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@brendan_saxton: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@manliuz: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ignis_fatum: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@_jamesssx: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@LondonDonald: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@OyebanjiAdewumi: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@AcapoLinda: RT @studentofenergy: Last speech of Dr. Thomas Schäfer in German explaining the catastrophic financial situation we find ourselves in. May… - 5 years ago

@NoshFoodandWine: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Real_shaida: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@ShirleyAKav: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@bulentulgerr: RT @FerdacetinF: Almanya/Hessen Eyaleti Maliye Bakanı Thomas Schäfer’in, korona krizi dolayısıyla, ihtiyaç sahiplerine mali yardım yapılabi… - 5 years ago

@nevitonap: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@cdobbolpool: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@ortmair: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@REGENTmanADB: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@lovelybokeh: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@MarcGrabuleda: RT @carlesplb: Esto es muy bestia. El ministro de finanzas del Estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer (de la CDU de Merkel), se habría suic… - 5 years ago

@Morris839Morris: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@angelicataibe2: RT @Soniaporchile: 🔴Se suicida ministro de Finanzas, abrumado por el coronavirus 🔴"Thomas Schaefer Minist d finanzas d Hesse se suicido" a… - 5 years ago

@LilyofBiscay: RT @dwnews: Schäfer had been living under considerable worry and stress because of the current #COVID19 pandemic, state premier Volker Bouf… - 5 years ago

@milehigh007: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@zahidshahafridi: Our finance ministers do not qualify to run corner shops let alone the ministries We are aweful as a bunch that’s… - 5 years ago

@marymor97551427: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@fensterschublad: RT @lange_tobias_hh: Bevor ich ins Bett gehe: Der Selbstmord von Thomas #Schaefer bedrückt mich sehr. Und es macht mir große Angst, denn wi… - 5 years ago

@meg60573709: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@stanleyijeoma: RT @abati1990: German finance Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavirus crisis - 5 years ago

@ZahideSozeri: RT @BirGunAvrupa: Almanya'da şüpheli ölüm: Hessen eyaletinin Maliye Bakanı Thomas Schaefer tren raylarında ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@kedlarski: RT @bweglarczyk: Nie żyje niemiecki minister. Prokuratura podejrzewa samobójstwo - 5 years ago

@Politics1com: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Turean2017: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@LesleyMDunders: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Markus_Arlt: RT @Newsburger: Roland Koch: Tod von Schäfer ist „unfassbar trauriges Ereignis“: Der ehemalige hessische Ministerpräsident Roland Koch (CDU… - 5 years ago

@AnnettArlt: RT @Newsburger: Roland Koch: Tod von Schäfer ist „unfassbar trauriges Ereignis“: Der ehemalige hessische Ministerpräsident Roland Koch (CDU… - 5 years ago

@LalitoR8: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@camkfb: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@TheBloodEagle: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@RyanDMGray: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@RkGmag: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Olizim: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@luksgf: RT @dw_brasil: Secretário das Finanças de Hessen, na Alemanha, é encontrado morto: polícia acredita que Thomas Schäfer tenha cometido suicí… - 5 years ago

@findrajnisharma: RT @shahid_siddiqui: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy. Must be a sensitive man unlike many of our o… - 5 years ago

@HenryTudor1457: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@McMoneypenny: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@rhysrmann: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@cat7mitchell: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@AyaxMLanda: El cuerpo de un hombre identificado como Thomas Schäfer, el ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, fue en… - 5 years ago

@AyaxMLanda: El ministro de finanzas del estado alemán Thomas Schäfer encontrado muerto - 5 years ago

@asifawan74: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Froy54907174: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@jammy03: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@TCagianut: RT @StettlerRoger: Wieviele Menschen haben sich in der Schweiz wegen der #Berufsverbote des @BAG_OFSP_UFSP und @alain_berset bereits umgebr… - 5 years ago

@ladyjan67: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@MAGA4Eternity: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@VIKBataille: Thomas Schaefer's suicide over C0VID-19 fear shocks Germany | Coronaviru... - 5 years ago

@Charlot37307205: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@grumpygranny21: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@stampmntsk: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@NeuralFyke: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@TMF92: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Mese71633816: Sad story from Germany:finance minister of the German state of Hesse,Thomas Schäfer,committed suicide because he ha… - 5 years ago

@notamccannfan: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@kicarmalhi: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@rawlimark: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@sita_aley: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@StephenSharron: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@BT_baitoeyz: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@chomchomglad2cu: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@sandyjm12: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@RaphaelJohn13: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Benellis55Ben: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@alphabetress: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@affannenrique: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Crisrhoades: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@juliepooley5: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Semper_Viridis_: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ajbond007: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@SYLVIASELZER: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@BluegrassPundit: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@edelgriffin1: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@chant_ian: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@rag_koko: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@iggledypiggled1: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Padders188191: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@markboylin: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@powrieneil: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Zipzta: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@james_housing: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@MarkGander3: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@MatthewBlott: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@DR81998098: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@JamesMcHale99: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Anneke_d_p: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@tyaabdullah_: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@tashingamuzira: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@amazing_island: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@HermesPaulsen: RT @JamiiForums: #CORONAVIRUS-UJERUMANI: WAZIRI WA FEDHA WA JIMBO ADAIWA KUJIUA - Ni Thomas Schäfer (54), Waziri wa Fedha katika Jimbo la… - 5 years ago

@mjc_cook: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@RayALLFED: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@AnnRobb08: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@CTighfield: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Nadia982: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@jesuisloulou: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@ATITNUK: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@EdCross65972665: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@westham009: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@Pippipupi: RT @AlfredMittelbch: Zum Suizid von Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer: Mit Zinsderivaten verspekuliert? Man munkelt von einem Verlust,… - 5 years ago

@jonic1986: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@silverstrivers: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@real_aaron_reed: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@russellalford_: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@lazer_rubin: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@eyeni_: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@rochejane1: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@adele09501079: RT @afneil: Sad story from Germany: finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide because he had become… - 5 years ago

@PrabhatBhrdwaj: RT @mvmeet: Spanish Princess Maria Teresa dies from Coronavirus German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavirus worries… - 5 years ago

@thindansali: RT @bleedgreenarmy: The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state Thomas Schaefer has committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply w… - 5 years ago

@ughhhqx: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@su_smile4u: RT @mvmeet: Spanish Princess Maria Teresa dies from Coronavirus German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavirus worries… - 5 years ago

@RHNurcahyo: RT @detikcom: Khawatir dampak virus corona, Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. #CoronaVirus #Jerman… - 5 years ago

@Welikumbura: Death of Thomas Schäfer is a good example of how this #CoronavirusOutbreak can take a toll on one's mental health.… - 5 years ago

@KhotAbhi07: RT @mvmeet: Spanish Princess Maria Teresa dies from Coronavirus German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavirus worries… - 5 years ago

@pc2m2ji_: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@sonalik_sarkar: RT @mvmeet: Spanish Princess Maria Teresa dies from Coronavirus German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavirus worries… - 5 years ago

@TurielAna: Encuentran muerto al ministro de Finanzas alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@cybernana7: RT @abati1990: German finance Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavirus crisis - 5 years ago

@FUKU_FORFUN: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@jutaikokuchi: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@NasirRizviTLP: RT @DrMaryamMalik: The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state Thomas Schaefer committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply worrie… - 5 years ago

@SickDiana: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Suwisa_ss: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@cokdalulu: RT @BirGunAvrupa: Almanya'da şüpheli ölüm: Hessen eyaletinin Maliye Bakanı Thomas Schaefer tren raylarında ölü bulundu - 5 years ago

@vicc_nicolee: RT @TheFabledAesop: “German state's finance minister kills himself The finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, Thomas Schäfer, has kill… - 5 years ago

@DamnItKhai: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@saimfatima1: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@elsahwann: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@MickGreenhough: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@oia1282: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@pppinpinn94: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@PanickerUma: RT @mvmeet: Spanish Princess Maria Teresa dies from Coronavirus German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Coronavirus worries… - 5 years ago

@LastNicodemus: RT @detikcom: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. - 5 years ago

@yedamismylife: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@ChipmunksVIEW: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@RawinLookkrung: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@chanpenphee: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@RotorRyan1: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@rockolifee: RT @iMac_too: German minister commits suicide after 'virus crisis worries' [Thomas Schaefer finance minister of German state Hesse] https:/… - 5 years ago

@lormontes: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@something19xx: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@obchoiii: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@MaxwellMakanga: RT @KemiOlunloyo: #BREAKING UPDATE Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide after becoming "dee… - 5 years ago

@sonietta881: RT @roberta_fasani: “Con l’avvicinarsi della sconfitta e per i crimini commessi, gli uomini più vicini al Fuhrer iniziarono a suicidarsi”… - 5 years ago

@banfftourguide: @WorldOLuxe @777KAB1 @colgrove11 @TheCollectiveQ @VincentCrypt46 @JuliansRum @3days3nights @SantaSurfing German sta… - 5 years ago

@job861006: RT @mthai: อัปเดต #โควิด19 -30/03/2563 - เยอรมันรายงานของ Thomas Schaefer รมว.คลัง ของรัฐ Hesse ระบุว่า เป็นการฆ่าตัวตาย ซึ่งผู้ใกล้ชิดกล่… - 5 years ago

@davamara16: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Kanaclane: RT @FranceNews24: 🔴 INFO - #Allemagne : Thomas #Schaefer était responsable depuis dix ans des finances du land où se trouve la ville #Franc… - 5 years ago

@sigmatecni: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@sufiasani: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@anna_ceguerra: RT @SBSNews: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply worrie… - 5 years ago

@HaziqAimann: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Bit21200: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead - - 5 years ago

@cumpanhero: RT @LiloVLOG: Thomas Schaefer se mata com medo da crise econômica. - 5 years ago

@armandobon64: RT @Jaretos: Qué cañón está esto: “Thomas Schäfer, secretario de finanzas de Hessen, Alemania, se suicidó por la preocupación sobre la pand… - 5 years ago

@FarH53633196: RT @fmtoday: Thomas Schaefer, 54, ditemui mati berhampiran landasan kereta api pada Sabtu. #FMTNews #Covid19 #MenteriJerman - 5 years ago

@A_State_of_E: RT @dwnews: Thomas Schäfer had been the finance minister for the German state of Hesse for 10 years. Police suspect he may have committed s… - 5 years ago

@bibicarrera: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@dmansfield3: RT @group1crew: 🇩🇪 #GERMANY 🇩🇪 The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair… - 5 years ago

@klimkovich_lv: RT @GaryDrinkwater2: Menteri Kewangan German, Thomas Schaefer, 54 di temui mati di tepi landasan keretapi disyaki bunuh diri kerana bimbang… - 5 years ago

@Juankarpico: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@Neno1523: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@kalimajeem: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@silvinanov: RT @opinoleg_: Thomas Schaefer, ministro de economía alemán de la provincia de Hesse. Se ha suicido por no poder soportar las repercusione… - 5 years ago

@laurel_kimjin: RT @Radio_Formula: Ante panorama por coronavirus, ministro alemán decide quitarse la vida ➡️ - 5 years ago

@KikeARdlV: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@pajhwok: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair… - 5 years ago

@Syed84175814: RT @ShivAroor: Terrible. German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale o… - 5 years ago

@alvinlibra2018: RT @IndoPac_Info: #German finance minister found dead, committed suicide over #coronavirus economic fear Thomas Schaefer, 54, finance mini… - 5 years ago

@smastura_: RT @laurenzcollins: Thomas Schaefer, finance minister for the Hesse region (Frankfurt), dies by suicide, "profoundly worried" about the eco… - 5 years ago

@iamahongkonger5: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@jamjjrds: RT @LiloVLOG: Thomas Schaefer se mata com medo da crise econômica. - 5 years ago

@emhstewart: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@terewinney: RT @proceso: Thomas Schäfer, secretario de finanzas del estado federal de Hessen, Alemania, se suicidó por la enorme preocupación sobre la… - 5 years ago

@SMF1953: RT @intheMatrixxx: German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide after 'virus crisis worries' 😳 - 5 years ago

@helphelpandhelp: RT @SBSNews: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply worrie… - 5 years ago

@mallan_carol: RT @MuthuiMkenya: German minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over #coronavirus crisis worries. The finance minister of Germany's Hess… - 5 years ago

@tuslidas: RT @waglenikhil: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy - 5 years ago

@crissdavila2: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@Jaretos: Qué cañón está esto: “Thomas Schäfer, secretario de finanzas de Hessen, Alemania, se suicidó por la preocupación so… - 5 years ago

@bahman43658103: RT @DGinPersian: درونی‌ترین دلیل خودکشی، نداشتن چشم‌انداز روشن برای آینده است. در این دوران دشوار که گاها چشم‌انداز روشنی در انتهای تونل د… - 5 years ago

@alfrod24: RT @descifraguerra: 🇩🇪 Ayer se suicidó Thomas Schäfer, Ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Alemania. Fue hallado muerto junto a las vías del tre… - 5 years ago

@Fatur_Ardians: RT @kumparan: Jasad Thomas Schaefer ditemukan di dekat rel kereta. #kumparanNews - 5 years ago

@EPronaki: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@CarlosLosGomes: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@FelipeO18222504: RT @LiloVLOG: Thomas Schaefer se mata com medo da crise econômica. - 5 years ago

@Elizabeth_MAGA1: RT @intheMatrixxx: German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide after 'virus crisis worries' 😳 - 5 years ago

@MuqeemAhmad11: जर्मनी: कोरोना से बिगड़ी इकॉनमी, सदमे में वित्तमंत्री ने की सुसाइड - 5 years ago

@kristyhayward: RT @SBSNews: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply worrie… - 5 years ago

@AAussie2: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@torque2punto0: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@un_crema_dice: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Rgood2020: RT @plumQfrog: Hey Anons...L👀K what's happening in Germany! - 5 years ago

@AlanBayer2: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@lupita_barrios: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Jak7sois: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@annam1181or: RT @elcaceres: El ministro, Thomas Schäfer, que cumplió 54 años, fue encontrado muerto en unas vías del tren en Hesse. - 5 years ago

@RWayneFischer1: RT @intheMatrixxx: German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide after 'virus crisis worries' 😳 - 5 years ago

@haikalhzlm: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@13lerele: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@lvaro56829458: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@wthizdat: RT @thereportersth: พบศพชายฆ่าตัวตายที่สถานีรถไฟความเร็วสูง ในเมือง Hochheim คาดเป็นรัฐมนตรีคลัง รัฐ Hesse ของเยอรมนี นายThomas Schäfer โดย… - 5 years ago

@ElijahVerum: RT @intheMatrixxx: German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide after 'virus crisis worries' 😳 - 5 years ago

@AzfarZA: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@MonicaPerezShow: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@msgerke3: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@gazooly12: RT @BrugesGroup: Terrible news from Germany that Thomas Schäfer, Finance Minister of Hesse, has been found dead in an apparent suicide. P… - 5 years ago

@2Mickcg: RT @MD_HO_DrAaronFC: #ULTIMAHORA: El ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, aparentemente se suicidó desesperado… - 5 years ago

@nurshahirahh_: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Maritmarquez471: RT @rolandoteleSUR: Se suicida ministro regional alemán "profundamente preocupado" por la #Covid_19. Thomas Schaefer, ministro Finazas de H… - 5 years ago

@daughterUSA_Rev: RT @KarenL516: And the suicides begin......@realDonaldTrump German Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide after 'virus crisis worries'… - 5 years ago

@CarriePeach2: 👀 Hesse is home to Germany's financial capital Frankfurt, where major lenders like Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank ha… - 5 years ago

@sirbanca: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@jcarlosroguz: RT @Radio_Formula: Ante panorama por coronavirus, ministro alemán decide quitarse la vida ➡️ - 5 years ago

@LampardOut: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@DEF407: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@asturalma64: RT @carlesplb: Esto es muy bestia. El ministro de finanzas del Estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer (de la CDU de Merkel), se habría suic… - 5 years ago

@ragamalhar: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@M_Aqwerty: RT @mitrashodjaie: اولین خودکشی در سایه کرونا، وزیر دارایی ایالت هسن آلمان خودکشی کرد. بر اساس نامه ای که وزیر دارایی از خودش بر جا گذاشته… - 5 years ago

@jolee01983: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@x1mejorpais: RT @santosjorgeh: Drama. El ministro de Finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, de la conservadora CDU, se ha quitado la vid… - 5 years ago

@dvgob1: RT @freddier: Ahm... Se suicidó el ministro de finanzas de Alemania - 5 years ago

@RajaLeonardy: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@John17Churchill: RT @Anniedeboer89: 德国黑森州(德国金融中心法兰克福所在地)财政部长疑似不堪承受新冠疫情对经济所造成的冲击,在当地高速铁轨线上卧轨自尽。 现年54岁的Thomas Schaefer近日一直为如何应对冠病所带来的经济后果“深感担忧” 周六(28日),他的遗体… - 5 years ago

@JesyL52446992: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@zombie_nun: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@IrshadA42884652: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@MarioOlaldeZ: RT @qtf: El ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, aparentemente se suicidó desesperado por la magnitud de la res… - 5 years ago

@kidsteel6: RT @MD_HO_DrAaronFC: #ULTIMAHORA: El ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, aparentemente se suicidó desesperado… - 5 years ago

@TanjiroKamado39: RT @porkestendencia: Thomas Schaefer, ministro de economía alemán de la provincia de Hesse, es tendencia porque se encontró muerto hoy. Seg… - 5 years ago

@us888209: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@Gamrus1: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@shdpfdkwjTl: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@santosjorgeh: Drama. El ministro de Finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, de la conservadora CDU, se ha quitado… - 5 years ago

@georgeoketch12: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@dickensondanna: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Karthik_krish5: RT @firstpost: Volker Bouffier, the governor of Germany's Hesse region, said state finance minister #ThomasSchaefer was overwhelmed by worr… - 5 years ago

@addyorozco: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@CamiloGuezRodri: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@leydibarranco: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@daribaalam: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Jules4grace: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@AngieSC31625092: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Kmarada11Prada: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@JulenLanda: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@RafaelRomeroVas: RT @MirafloresRadio: #Alemania Ministro se suicida por “profunda preocupación” x el #covid19 Thomas Schaefer trabajaba “día y noche” para… - 5 years ago

@jesusgonzalezz2: RT @porkestendencia: Thomas Schaefer, ministro de economía alemán de la provincia de Hesse, es tendencia porque se encontró muerto hoy. Seg… - 5 years ago

@proximaratio: RT @reinboth: Der tragische Freitod von Dr. Thomas Schäfer erinnert den einen oder anderen vielleicht daran, dass auch in der Ebene, in der… - 5 years ago

@asSmand: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@DvdMrn: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@IAM__Network: German politician found dead from apparent suicide ‘over coronavirus… READ MORE: - 5 years ago

@joseraul458: RT @ListinDiario: #MundialesLD| El ministro de Finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, se ha quitado la vida tras quedar "pro… - 5 years ago

@daviddg84: RT @WbeimarMunoz: Las autoridades de Alemania investigan si se suicidó el Ministro de Finanzas del estado de Hesse, cuyo cadáver fué encont… - 5 years ago

@TsageDouglas: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@slalom0: RT @foersterjoerg: Ruhe in Frieden, Thomas #Schaefer. #CDU - 5 years ago

@NattyNoles13: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@thecementpond: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@schreck_horn: RT @KoeppelRoger: Es wird leider noch mehr Tote geben, die nicht an den gesundheitlichen, sondern an den wirtschaftlichen Folgen von Corona… - 5 years ago

@CaklAmdk: El cuerpo de Thomas Schaefer fue encontrado el sábado en las vías del tren en Hochheim, cerca de Frankfurt. Thomas… - 5 years ago

@terelua1hotmai1: RT @carlesplb: Esto es muy bestia. El ministro de finanzas del Estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer (de la CDU de Merkel), se habría suic… - 5 years ago

@EdsoonNoriega: RT @sopitas: 🚨Thomas Schäfer, ministro de finanzas del estado de Hesse en Alemania, falleció este domingo. De acuerdo con los reportes se… - 5 years ago

@grenzo10: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@KellyGraterol27: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@slalom0: RT @News__Poster: Innenminister ordnet für Hessen Trauerbeflaggung an Nach dem Tod von Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer (CDU) werden in Hesse… - 5 years ago

@_lxmbrg_: Thomas Schaefer, âgé de 54 ans, marié et père de deux enfants, a été retrouvé mort samedi près d’une voie de chemin de ... - 5 years ago

@kissyou37927453: RT @descifraguerra: 🇩🇪 Ayer se suicidó Thomas Schäfer, Ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Alemania. Fue hallado muerto junto a las vías del tre… - 5 years ago

@andro1317: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@SilviaCostaEU: Coronavirus, suicida il ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia Thomas Schäfer: "Sotto stress per crisi pandemia" - La Re… - 5 years ago

@vehuar: En @elconfidencial: Encuentran muerto al ministro de Finanzas alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@ReneAlexandeR88: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@lilianaveda: RT @elPULP0: Se suicidó Thomas Schäfer, Ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Alemania. Fue hallado muerto junto a las vías del tren en Hochheim… - 5 years ago

@georgeoketch12: RT @kazungupatoo: Thomas Schaefer, the German state finance minister, was found dead next to train tracks near Frankfurt, according to a po… - 5 years ago

@_teutonia: RT @politerei: Der Selbstmord von Schäfer dürfte nur der Anfang gewesen sein. Mehr werden folgen, die wirtschaftlich vor dem Nichts stehen… - 5 years ago

@ccw1933: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@agustin_artemio: RT @elsoldepuebla1: Se suicida ministro de Finanzas ante crisis por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ocelldefoc_13: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Chamomalinee: RT @triefince: @CNNIndonesia @oddiod bener mas... 😢 - 5 years ago

@MShohairi: RT @detikcom: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. - 5 years ago

@omoba_sa: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@kkaasteri: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Sandra_vhs01: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@LawyerChubby: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@MahdiAmel0: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@marcossanabia: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ammarazmann: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@slalom0: RT @Mirjam_Fischer: Thomas Schäfer war nicht nur Politiker, er war vor allem ein Mensch, er hinterlässt 2 junge Kinder und seine Frau. Das… - 5 years ago

@HANIA654: RT @CesareSacchetti: I media sostengono che Thomas Schäfer, ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia, si è suicidato per la pressione del coronavi… - 5 years ago

@ClarkClarkH93: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@BarraInformati1: Muere ministro de finanzas de Hesse; se habría suicidado por la crisis económica del Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@unmetrosesenta: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@GaryDoucer: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@_BlackBoyFly_: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@DonatoSaliola: Coronavirus, suicida il ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia Thomas Schäfer: "Sotto stress per crisi p… - 5 years ago

@Sheleni_: RT @koko_matshela: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, killed himself apparently after becoming "deeply worried… - 5 years ago

@LucasPalape: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@Nins_: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@ayeshasilvia: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@slalom0: RT @RNR_0: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer committed suicide - 5 years ago

@ananasmm: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead - 5 years ago

@ndakimachiyagm1: RT @JamiiForums: #CORONAVIRUS-UJERUMANI: WAZIRI WA FEDHA WA JIMBO ADAIWA KUJIUA - Ni Thomas Schäfer (54), Waziri wa Fedha katika Jimbo la… - 5 years ago

@djdave1926: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Atheist1987: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@WbeimarMunoz: Las autoridades de Alemania investigan si se suicidó el Ministro de Finanzas del estado de Hesse, cuyo cadáver fué… - 5 years ago

@AY_ikeja: RT @ogundamisi: Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply worr… - 5 years ago

@SugarDa50066131: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@CamiloGuezRodri: "El ministro de finanzas de Alemania, Thomas Schäfer fue encontrado muerto, en lo que parece ser un suicidio ante l… - 5 years ago

@johanson_aj: RT @freddier: Ahm... Se suicidó el ministro de finanzas de Alemania - 5 years ago

@everythingbintu: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ladiesman16789: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@georgeoketch12: RT @covid2019_info: 🇩🇪 #Hesse Finance Minister Thomas Schaefer, "deeply concerned" about the repercussions of the #coronavirus epidemic on… - 5 years ago

@chisita_: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@nagai_N3: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@javiqbal09: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@LagarrapataS22: ⚠️ El ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profundamente preocupado" por las repercusiones de la epidem… - 5 years ago

@bernd471: RT @BjoernHoecke: Wir erleben dieser Tage die in ihren Auswirkungen vielleicht größte Krise seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik. Eine Nachrich… - 5 years ago

@aybikesinan: RT @tunaoztunc: 🛑TRAJİK Almanya Hessen Eyaleti’nin Maliye Bakanı Thomas Schaefer’in (54) intiharının arka planından corona virüsü krizi ç… - 5 years ago

@Rotp00: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@ankyy0211: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Desi_inginear1: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@Amarjee60173392: RT @ZeeNewsHindi: #Corona: #Economy बर्बाद हुई तो #Germany के इस राज्य के वित्त मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, रेलवे ट्रैक पर मिला शव #Suicide #Zee… - 5 years ago

@Johanvoois: - 5 years ago

@mreider: No need to panic. Umm. - 5 years ago

@anoli_030: RT @BjoernHoecke: Wir erleben dieser Tage die in ihren Auswirkungen vielleicht größte Krise seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik. Eine Nachrich… - 5 years ago

@aakhan2089: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@joanlluisg: RT @elcaceres: El ministro, Thomas Schäfer, que cumplió 54 años, fue encontrado muerto en unas vías del tren en Hesse. - 5 years ago

@cox_tamarra: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@sasha031: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@rts_58: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@ROBCLEAN: RT @trump2054: #qanon Bullllllll shittt He was about to be outed as a pedo. Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse st… - 5 years ago

@tshoe12: RT @zeefa64: - 5 years ago

@rob_wijnhoven: @MuroCrypto - 5 years ago

@HVillasenorC: RT @opinoleg_: Thomas Schaefer, ministro de economía alemán de la provincia de Hesse. Se ha suicido por no poder soportar las repercusione… - 5 years ago

@ShhtCoin: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@driver_1313: RT @scherbenstein: R.I.P. Thomas Schäfer Er war unser hessischer Finanzminister und als zukünftiger Ministerpräsident im Gespräch. Vermutli… - 5 years ago

@Jamarbo: RT @freddier: Ahm... Se suicidó el ministro de finanzas de Alemania - 5 years ago

@fixerunchained: RT @ali_naka: Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of the German state of Hesse, has committed suicide due to worry over the impact of #Cor… - 5 years ago

@MustafaERGNAL1: RT @CananKaratayTR: Almanyada Hessen eyaletinin maliye bakanı Thomas Schaefer intihar etti. #koronavirusu krizi yüzünden bunalım geçirmiş,… - 5 years ago

@allen_hallock: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@SheikhIrphan: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@isaribi11: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@HotelEstigia: Encuentran muerto al ministro de Finanzas alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@AdemuyiwaOgunba: RT @ogundamisi: Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply worr… - 5 years ago

@DigMemePray: SUSPECT -> Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after be… - 5 years ago

@w1lp34: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@2dmaxo: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Carlo_A_Macc: RT @CesareSacchetti: I media sostengono che Thomas Schäfer, ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia, si è suicidato per la pressione del coronavi… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Tavo: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@TDborJ: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Rheinjogger: RT @AlfredMittelbch: Zum Suizid von Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer: Mit Zinsderivaten verspekuliert? Man munkelt von einem Verlust,… - 5 years ago

@Nick_972: RT @CesareSacchetti: I media sostengono che Thomas Schäfer, ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia, si è suicidato per la pressione del coronavi… - 5 years ago

@yuliev22: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Roswitamind: RT @SchaeferHessen: "Wir werden die Mittel des Bundes aufstocken und eine Milliarde zusätzlich aus Landesmitteln hinzusteuern, um möglichst… - 5 years ago

@scoobiesnacks: RT @ShivAroor: Terrible. German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale o… - 5 years ago

@goswell01: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@_mohdmahzuz11: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@p_tanzania: RT @JamiiForums: #CORONAVIRUS-UJERUMANI: WAZIRI WA FEDHA WA JIMBO ADAIWA KUJIUA - Ni Thomas Schäfer (54), Waziri wa Fedha katika Jimbo la… - 5 years ago

@AkinzTweet: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@prabhashmaharaj: RIP Senior CDU member and state finance minister of Hesse, Germany Mr.Thomas Schaefer. #CoronaCrisis… - 5 years ago

@nijinskys: RT @descifraguerra: 🇩🇪 Ayer se suicidó Thomas Schäfer, Ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Alemania. Fue hallado muerto junto a las vías del tre… - 5 years ago

@Kkoko1907: RT @BMoon_bee: Thomas Schaefer, Ministre régional depuis dix ans, qui gérait les finances du land où se trouve la ville de Francfort, s’es… - 5 years ago

@shujaa_00: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@rdelaf_: RT @descifraguerra: 🇩🇪 Ayer se suicidó Thomas Schäfer, Ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Alemania. Fue hallado muerto junto a las vías del tre… - 5 years ago

@oliverartist: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@aldo3G5: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@sumio11110925: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@BrigitteLubke: RT @KoernerTh: @ulfposh Ähm, genauso lautete der O-Ton von Bouffier heute: „Ich muss davon ausgehen, dass ihn diese Sorgen [wg. Corona] erd… - 5 years ago

@JohnNicklay2: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@iparthpatel: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@Sudarsh78723004: RT @mat_jane_de_yar: Waqt aur Halaat dono bure hai Per Karvan phir bhi nikal jayega. - 5 years ago

@_aaaina: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@YigitBruxelles: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ropa_i_gaz: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@BeatriceLaidin: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@kaykay_sjk: RT @KemiOlunloyo: #BREAKING UPDATE Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide after becoming "dee… - 5 years ago

@kay646464: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@AiniApgg: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Sospark4: RT @HappeningNow__: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair abou… - 5 years ago

@AFBM16: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@DonaldRayLink: RT @Q17Patriot: This German pol Thomas Schäfer was found dead at train tracks and it's called a 'Suicide' lol do you believe this [187] - 5 years ago

@fhn822: RT @iffgone: “Thomas Schaefer, Menteri Kewangan negeri Heese, Jerman telah membunuh diri kerana terlalu bimbang dalam menangani krisis ekon… - 5 years ago

@carmguz: RT @rolandoteleSUR: Se suicida ministro regional alemán "profundamente preocupado" por la #Covid_19. Thomas Schaefer, ministro Finazas de H… - 5 years ago

@Seven7Michael: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@Candy__r: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@izqdiabolica: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@jcgdelcp: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@MiriamRoseMc: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@SoniaBlock: RT @SylviaM2410: Le ministre des #Finances de Hesse (province de #francfort), Thomas Schaefer, profondément inquiet des répercussions de l’… - 5 years ago

@felixvelez: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@lopitayq: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@i_m_henry: RT @freddier: Ahm... Se suicidó el ministro de finanzas de Alemania - 5 years ago

@Isabel34157770: RT @rolandoteleSUR: Se suicida ministro regional alemán "profundamente preocupado" por la #Covid_19. Thomas Schaefer, ministro Finazas de H… - 5 years ago

@MarcusSchwarze: Die Rede von Thomas Schäfer, Hessens verstorbenen Finanzminister, verdeutlicht seinen Respekt vor der Größe der Auf… - 5 years ago

@jamado63: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@ErikaSueroFeliz: RT @ListinDiario: #MundialesLD| El ministro de Finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, se ha quitado la vida tras quedar "pro… - 5 years ago

@LibertarianZA: If the state finance minister in a country like Germany committed suicide over the financial collapse, you have to… - 5 years ago

@ginachv2: RT @pichinchauniver: 🌎#ElMundo | Thomas Schaefer, Ministro de finanzas regional alemán se suicidó por preocupación de efectos económicos de… - 5 years ago

@013Lancaster: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@jen_myPsalms182: @JesseKellyDC German state finance minister commits suicide after 'virus crisis worries'Thomas Schaefer was apparen… - 5 years ago

@spktruth45: RT @trump2054: #qanon Bullllllll shittt He was about to be outed as a pedo. Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse st… - 5 years ago

@didoucheb: RT @Poulin2012: Allemagne : Le Ministre des Finances du Lander de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer a été retrouvé mort le long d’une voie ferrée same… - 5 years ago

@aziur50: RT @elcaceres: El ministro, Thomas Schäfer, que cumplió 54 años, fue encontrado muerto en unas vías del tren en Hesse. - 5 years ago

@NFLObjectors: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead - 5 years ago

@valeartu27: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@Magdalena_C22: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@liakadhija: RT @Davidone74: Coronavirus, suicida il ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia Thomas Schäfer: "Sotto stress per crisi p… - 5 years ago

@jes_yosoy: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@tinman1004: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@razbbc: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@johnnjenga: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@WBYeats1865: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@marioafv: RT @sopitas: 🚨Thomas Schäfer, ministro de finanzas del estado de Hesse en Alemania, falleció este domingo. De acuerdo con los reportes se… - 5 years ago

@he1entweets: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@jorgevila2_3: RT @sopitas: 🚨Thomas Schäfer, ministro de finanzas del estado de Hesse en Alemania, falleció este domingo. De acuerdo con los reportes se… - 5 years ago

@DCBlogging: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@Ginawmson: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@w_lemn: RT @Vasile55502205: Ministrul de finanţe al landului german Hessa, Thomas Schaefer, ”profund îngrijorat” de consecinţele epidemiei Covid-19… - 5 years ago

@tsmamba: RT @koko_matshela: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, killed himself apparently after becoming "deeply worried… - 5 years ago

@TheMistressRox: RT @AintSnp: Germany: Hesse state finance minister found dead Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has killed him… - 5 years ago

@panther_g3: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@Karlita_Cesar: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@golasa76: RT @mitrashodjaie: اولین خودکشی در سایه کرونا، وزیر دارایی ایالت هسن آلمان خودکشی کرد. بر اساس نامه ای که وزیر دارایی از خودش بر جا گذاشته… - 5 years ago

@bearaletg: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@fmansur12: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@ChuchaGuapa: RT @Radio_Formula: Ante panorama por coronavirus, ministro alemán decide quitarse la vida ➡️ - 5 years ago

@Rgmarcos25: “Encuentran muerto al ministro de Finanzas alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer”. Pobre hombre, mucho estrés no hay rece… - 5 years ago

@Caffeine_HA: RT @akk: Die Nachricht vom plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer hat mich, hat uns alle in der CDU schockiert. Sie trifft uns und macht uns tr… - 5 years ago

@Keogroth: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@negrilm: RT @abc_mundo: Su cuerpo fue encontrado el sábado junto a las vías del tren. El ministro regional de Finanzas de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, de… - 5 years ago

@T2Rantor: RT @PrisonPlanet: German Minister of Finance of Hesse Thomas Schäfer commits suicide over his despair about the scale of the coronavirus pr… - 5 years ago

@agoler: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Tibayde40: RT @SuresDDHH: Fue encontrado sin vida el cuerpo del ministro de Finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer. Autoridades declarar… - 5 years ago

@anriactual: RT @WarsontheBrink: NEW: Finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, commits suicide in despair about the scale of the… - 5 years ago

@GtzSen: RT @_FriedrichMerz: Die Nachrichten über den plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer erschüttern mich zutiefst. Menschlich anständig und politis… - 5 years ago

@JessYegez2: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@Rizzi2Rizzi: RT @eziomauro: Coronavirus, suicida il ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia Thomas Schäfer: "Sotto stress per crisi p… - 5 years ago

@Daniel_Otero_M: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@galaxico11: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@DaktariPoup: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@pietrosirigu: Dovrebbe far pensare... Coronavirus, suicida il ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia Thomas Schäfer: "Sotto stress pe… - 5 years ago

@ockhams: Minister Thomas Schaefer pleegt zelfmoord, wellicht omdat hij besefte welke economische storm er op ons afkomt na h… - 5 years ago

@shaikzam786786: RT @ndtvindia: जर्मनी के मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कोरोना के होने वाले प्रभाव से थे परेशान - 5 years ago

@sternuit: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@bdwnti: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@aromaowl: RT @tcsnoticias: Encuentran muerto a Thomas Schäfer, ministro de Finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, según investigaciones se habría suici… - 5 years ago

@ADiNoticias: RT @AmericaDigital: El ministro de finanzas del estado de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, se suicidó preocupado por el impacto del coronavirus en A… - 5 years ago

@thedishonestabe: - 5 years ago

@Eduardo70698741: RT @PanAmPost_es: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, se suicida por las proyecciones de la cris… - 5 years ago

@Ravi11121975: RT @niranjan2428: கொரோனா வைரஸால் நாடு சந்திக்கபோகும் பொருளாதார சீரழிவுகள் குறித்த கவலையால் மனம் உடைந்து தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்ட ஜெர்மன் நாட்டு… - 5 years ago

@SalehAlMushekih: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@unicolyxn: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@savemyIRAN: RT @RealPrincessJas: مامور عالیرتبه وزارت اقتصاد آلمانThomas Schaefer به خاطر نگرانی از طبعات اقتصادی #کرونا در آلمان خود کشی کرد. حالا ح… - 5 years ago

@EyeofdaGod: RT @Blueprint_ng: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply w… - 5 years ago

@EcklAndreas: RT @scherbenstein: R.I.P. Thomas Schäfer Er war unser hessischer Finanzminister und als zukünftiger Ministerpräsident im Gespräch. Vermutli… - 5 years ago

@kargadan: RT @VikingInRasht: دویچه وله نوشته وزیر دارایی آلمان، آقای توماس شفر Thomas Schäfer دیروز خودکشی کرده! حدس می‌زنن دلیلش فشارهای کاری این مد… - 5 years ago

@IrwanHi45842900: RT @detikcom: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. - 5 years ago

@Kaiim29: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@1gorsantos: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Thakur_deepak_s: हे भगवान अमित शाह की रक्षा करना - 5 years ago

@bassarelli: RT @repubblica: 🔴 Coronavirus, suicida il ministro delle Finanze dell'Assia Thomas Schäfer: "Sotto stress per crisi pandemia" - 5 years ago

@mujereshuliano: RT @ntvuganda: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state has committed suicide after becoming "deeply worried" over ho… - 5 years ago

@Ramesh83925523: RT @aajtak: कोरोना वायरस के कारण तेजी से गिरती अर्थव्यवस्था को लेकर चिंतित मंत्री थामस शेफर ने खुदकुशी कर ली है #Germany #CoronavirusPandem… - 5 years ago

@rastafari007: RT @AlfredMittelbch: Zum Suizid von Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer: Mit Zinsderivaten verspekuliert? Man munkelt von einem Verlust,… - 5 years ago

@Deivisson_dias: RT @ivan: O Min. das Finanças Thomas Schaefer, profundamente preocupado c/ as consequências da epidemia de COVID-19 na Economia, cometeu su… - 5 years ago

@b_diddy_p: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@MohamedKonj555: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Eric0007: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@infoitestero: Coronavirus in Germania, suicida l'assessore tedesco alle finanze Thomas Schaefer: «Non ha retto allo stress della… - 5 years ago

@AikoMida: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@infoitestero: Coronavirus Germania, suicida l'assessore tedesco alle finanze Thomas Schaefer: «Non ha retto allo stress della cri… - 5 years ago

@ManiShankarTri1: RT @ZeeNewsHindi: #Corona: #Economy बर्बाद हुई तो #Germany के इस राज्य के वित्त मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, रेलवे ट्रैक पर मिला शव #Suicide #Zee… - 5 years ago

@BoujeeDuchess: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@FestinMalefique: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@JamesChhetri7: RT @waglenikhil: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy - 5 years ago

@gogetemboy1969: RT @Gerrrty: The body of a man identified as Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of the German state of Hesse, was found on a high-speed t… - 5 years ago

@vmm1728: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@pirateirwin: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@officialdedi: RT @kumparan: Jasad Thomas Schaefer ditemukan di dekat rel kereta. #kumparanNews - 5 years ago

@neerajmishra096: RT @aajtak: कोरोना वायरस के कारण तेजी से गिरती अर्थव्यवस्था को लेकर चिंतित मंत्री थामस शेफर ने खुदकुशी कर ली है #Germany #CoronavirusPandem… - 5 years ago

@Vicky36606150: RT @aajtak: कोरोना वायरस के कारण तेजी से गिरती अर्थव्यवस्था को लेकर चिंतित मंत्री थामस शेफर ने खुदकुशी कर ली है #Germany #CoronavirusPandem… - 5 years ago

@psmitty6790: RT @WarsontheBrink: NEW: Finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, commits suicide in despair about the scale of the… - 5 years ago

@direalsachin: RT @ZeeNewsHindi: #Corona: #Economy बर्बाद हुई तो #Germany के इस राज्य के वित्त मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, रेलवे ट्रैक पर मिला शव #Suicide #Zee… - 5 years ago

@AllenKufuor: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ThePatoGuy: RT @ntvuganda: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state has committed suicide after becoming "deeply worried" over ho… - 5 years ago

@manickamtagore: RT @waglenikhil: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy - 5 years ago

@dhs007patel: RT @ZeeNewsHindi: #Corona: #Economy बर्बाद हुई तो #Germany के इस राज्य के वित्त मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, रेलवे ट्रैक पर मिला शव #Suicide #Zee… - 5 years ago

@sandeepvgv: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@kenekeneae: RT @detikcom: Menteri Keuangan Negara bagian Hesse, Jerman, Thomas Schaefer bunuh diri. - 5 years ago

@EvanNWambugu: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@S__u__n__Shine: RT @etribune: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany’s Hesse state, was found dead near a railway track on Saturday #etribune #n… - 5 years ago

@After_Ourz: RT @WarsontheBrink: NEW: Finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, commits suicide in despair about the scale of the… - 5 years ago

@RaHaake: RT @Die_Insider: Gestern wurde der hessische Finanzminister Dr. Thomas Schäfer tot aufgefunden. Unser Beileid gilt Familienangehörigen und… - 5 years ago

@cpnp200317: RT @WarsontheBrink: NEW: Finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, commits suicide in despair about the scale of the… - 5 years ago

@Tini92745934: RT @KoeppelRoger: Es wird leider noch mehr Tote geben, die nicht an den gesundheitlichen, sondern an den wirtschaftlichen Folgen von Corona… - 5 years ago

@JatinJayKaran3: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@alessuube: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@IchHeisseMikey: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@stasac01: RT @niranjan2428: கொரோனா வைரஸால் நாடு சந்திக்கபோகும் பொருளாதார சீரழிவுகள் குறித்த கவலையால் மனம் உடைந்து தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்ட ஜெர்மன் நாட்டு… - 5 years ago

@flo_bouhot: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@buscatier84: RT @Poulin2012: Allemagne : Le Ministre des Finances du Lander de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer a été retrouvé mort le long d’une voie ferrée same… - 5 years ago

@kabirazad2017: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@Superpantsu98: RT @descifraguerra: 🇩🇪 Ayer se suicidó Thomas Schäfer, Ministro de Finanzas de Hesse, Alemania. Fue hallado muerto junto a las vías del tre… - 5 years ago

@kashif_zuberi: RT @Khushbu68906378: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of German state Hesse killed himself after being 'deeply worried' over how to co… - 5 years ago

@XSigint: RT @nemo_777_: They know their central banking system is crashing. German state finance minister found dead. Police suspect Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@tipheret: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@DontCallMeShan: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Tiiyee: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@nomoles83436718: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@AdamStockers: RT @Conservative_JA: German Finance Minister for Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, has committed suicide because of extreme stress and anxiety relatin… - 5 years ago

@NonInscrits: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer (CDU) found dead on train track - 5 years ago

@fmab213: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@bspassanha: RT @waglenikhil: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy - 5 years ago

@Uyoyo_O: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Davidbeloveth: RT @vg123e: #Germany minister commits suicide after '#coronavirus crisis worries' Mr Thomas Schaefer, 54, was Hesse state's finance chief f… - 5 years ago

@tripathiparesh: RT @ndtv: German state finance minister kills himself as #coronavirus hits economy. - 5 years ago

@APJ_BUILDERS1: RT @niranjan2428: கொரோனா வைரஸால் நாடு சந்திக்கபோகும் பொருளாதார சீரழிவுகள் குறித்த கவலையால் மனம் உடைந்து தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்ட ஜெர்மன் நாட்டு… - 5 years ago

@MakesPoint: RT @ZeeNewsHindi: #Corona: #Economy बर्बाद हुई तो #Germany के इस राज्य के वित्त मंत्री ने की खुदकुशी, रेलवे ट्रैक पर मिला शव #Suicide #Zee… - 5 years ago

@ViraKarshan: - 5 years ago

@svdrocks: RT @waglenikhil: German State Finance Minister Kills Himself As Coronavirus Hits Economy - 5 years ago

@bhardwajme: RT @ShivAroor: Terrible. German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale o… - 5 years ago

@SylvieYonke: RT @etribune: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of #Germany’s Hesse state, was found dead near a railway track on Saturday #etribune #n… - 5 years ago

@AthiestKEK: RT @ShivAroor: Terrible. German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead, apparently committed suicide in despair about the scale o… - 5 years ago

@lrsmg13: RT @kumparan: Jasad Thomas Schaefer ditemukan di dekat rel kereta. #kumparanNews - 5 years ago

@TokDaddy69: RT @GaryDrinkwater2: Menteri Kewangan German, Thomas Schaefer, 54 di temui mati di tepi landasan keretapi disyaki bunuh diri kerana bimbang… - 5 years ago

@ErPayoManue: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@defele: 2017 London Stock Exchange avvisa con 30 minuti di preavviso che nega cessione 51% quote di controllo di Mts/ Titol… - 5 years ago

@athirah_ms: RT @fmtoday: Thomas Schaefer, 54, ditemui mati berhampiran landasan kereta api pada Sabtu. #FMTNews #Covid19 #MenteriJerman - 5 years ago

@JoseLuisSF5: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ZoriEchevarria: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@adbyzd: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@niemehrgruen: RT @_FriedrichMerz: Die Nachrichten über den plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer erschüttern mich zutiefst. Menschlich anständig und politis… - 5 years ago

@cloudnikki: RT @IndiaToday: The body of Thomas Schaefer was found Saturday on railway tracks at Hochheim, near Frankfurt. #Germany - 5 years ago

@Ulysse_Nemo: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@chilupereira: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@mymorav: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@napoleon5empire: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@amazingpiyo: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Queen_Nandi: RT @toshpolela: German finance minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide, reportedly because of economic impact of Corona virus. - 5 years ago

@maroliva22: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Mayra_acc: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@P4b10_: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@chuksjonia: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@fromrussia_wluv: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@tharun521: RT @Mirchi9: CORONA SUICIDE: The finance minister of Hesse, One of the States in Germany, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide in despair abo… - 5 years ago

@Quenmorreu: Morreu Thomas Schäfer (54), conselleiro de Economía no estado de Hessen e senador alemán. Botouse ao tren. - 5 years ago

@LMarchenoir: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@GregorioDeLara1: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Choesahaib47: RT @noahbarkin: Very sad news from the German state of Hesse, where veteran finance minister Thomas Schäfer appears to have taken his own l… - 5 years ago

@robinsonlo5: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@SoboyejoTunde: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@JD04422587: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@historiador: ¿Cómo reaccionar ante esta noticia que viene de un país donde, supuestamente, la enfermedad está controlada? - 5 years ago

@meinungsbildung: +++ Thomas Schäfer (CDU) ist tot +++ Hintergründe auf - 5 years ago

@RealAlokAwasthi: RT @HindiNews18: जर्मनी के हेसे राज्य के वित्त मंत्री थॉमस शाएफर ने कथित रूप से आत्महत्या की. - 5 years ago

@LimonadovyP: RT @spekhorstova: V Německu spáchal sebevraždu ministr financí Hessenska, Thomas Schäfer. Jeho kolegove jsou přesvědčeni, že byl zoufalý… - 5 years ago

@SpookySally23: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@packmasss: RT @DreamOfLasagna: Thomas #Schäfer ist tot und hat wahrscheinlich Selbstmord begangen. Solltest du Selbstmordgedanken haben, ruf bitte 08… - 5 years ago

@Au_mo_ron: - 5 years ago

@Its_Jaymo: RT @StandardKenya: BREAKING : German state finance minister Thomas Schaefer found dead - 5 years ago

@CarlosEsp2505: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@yannickza: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@IngoWeidelt: Zum Tod des hessischen Finanzministers Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@Paul_Sacca: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@McleanGareth: RT @CrazyPotato863: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply… - 5 years ago

@hablamedetifs: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@rose_bayern: RT @m_alexar: - 5 years ago

@tripraishubham: RT @news18dotcom: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply w… - 5 years ago

@Nipoara: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Schenck: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@lufe_bs: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@PVogelwalter: RT @AlfredMittelbch: Zum Suizid von Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer: Mit Zinsderivaten verspekuliert? Man munkelt von einem Verlust,… - 5 years ago

@Sexmero: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@Darkminho: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@davidjmcclure: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@SaniKadiri: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@basit1231: RT @Congress_Army: German Finance Minister Thomas Schaefer commits suicide over Corona 19 😥 run over by train. - 5 years ago

@BABOUNE04: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@i_am_ganguly: I think we all know the German economy was already in trouble, especially #automobileindustry due to the rise of… - 5 years ago

@_whatsinaname: RT @PBNS_India: German minister committed suicide over COVID 19 crisis worries. The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state Thomas Schaef… - 5 years ago

@villegas_pao: - 5 years ago

@gamesitas15e: ACTUALIZACIÓN: El ministro de finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, aparentemente se suicidó desespe… - 5 years ago

@psg_squad93: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@andoporfe: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@VinodDX9: Thomas Schaefer, the Finance Minister of Hesse state #Germany is reported to commit suicide deeply worrying economi… - 5 years ago

@deivitno: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@AliceDuncanson: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ivanfdez1996: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@albto_: RT @peru21noticias: 🚨#LOÚLTIMO Ministro alemán se suicida debido a “profunda preocupación” por el #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@L_Arcadia_: RT @Poulin2012: Allemagne : Le Ministre des Finances du Lander de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer a été retrouvé mort le long d’une voie ferrée same… - 5 years ago

@prashantbme: RT @Mirchi9: CORONA SUICIDE: The finance minister of Hesse, One of the States in Germany, Thomas Schäfer, committed suicide in despair abo… - 5 years ago

@gemimah_79: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@bokkle0724: RT @amefootfreaks: ヘッセン州の財務大臣、Thomas Schäfer氏が死体で見つかるというショッキングなニュースが飛び込んできた。現場の状況や目撃者の情報から自殺と思われるとのこと。ヘッセン州で約10年に渡って財務大臣を務め、昨今のコロナ対策で多忙だった様… - 5 years ago

@REawrightzz: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@mshafie_ms: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@StephdashK: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@Vancouver531: RT @Pabloneruda54: 🔴💥#Coronavirus. Suicide d’un #ministre régional #allemand « profondément #inquiet » de la situation Thomas Schaefer étai… - 5 years ago

@muhrikof: RT @kumparan: Jasad Thomas Schaefer ditemukan di dekat rel kereta. #kumparanNews - 5 years ago

@PiotrWeresniak: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@ferryirawanac: RT @kumparan: Jasad Thomas Schaefer ditemukan di dekat rel kereta. #kumparanNews - 5 years ago

@rimamutia: RT @kumparan: Jasad Thomas Schaefer ditemukan di dekat rel kereta. #kumparanNews - 5 years ago

@LyronLA: RT @afpfr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, "profondément inquiet" des répercussions du #covid_19, s'est suicidé, a anno… - 5 years ago

@Sean_Alma: RT @kumparan: Jasad Thomas Schaefer ditemukan di dekat rel kereta. #kumparanNews - 5 years ago

@Sanj_news: German minister committed suicide over COVID 19 crisis worries. The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state Thoma… - 5 years ago

@bull500: RT @roteIndischer: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer committed suicide, reportedly out of the stress due to the economic ramific… - 5 years ago

@JoernLinnertz: RT @_FriedrichMerz: Die Nachrichten über den plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer erschüttern mich zutiefst. Menschlich anständig und politis… - 5 years ago

@Willigofuture: RT @juertiss: Eine große Tragödie - Und eine Warnung an all jene, die in Politikern nur seelenlose Maschinen sehen, die zu funktionieren ha… - 5 years ago

@pntbttrguzzler: RT @fmtoday: Thomas Schaefer had been working 'day and night' to help mitigate the pandemic's economic impact. #FMTNews #German - 5 years ago

@jafo___o: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@BeltandRoadDesk: Very saddening. Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently a… - 5 years ago

@AkshayKhatry: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming ‘de… - 5 years ago

@janelledumalaon: RT @dwnews: UPDATE: The finance minister of the German state of Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, apparently committed suicide in despair about the sc… - 5 years ago

@CAQSMEDIA: 🔴 #Coronavirus - Le ministre Allemand des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, s'est suicidé car il ne pouvait plus s… - 5 years ago

@imen67stras: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@babymayaaaa: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@afdmunich: @fredwalton216 Sure. On the suicide of Hesse's FINANCE minister Thomas Schaefer: Fact is, since 2018 Hesse speculat… - 5 years ago

@hdstanton1: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@Juliie_97: RT @sputnik_fr: Le ministre des Finances de Hesse, Thomas Schaefer, «profondément inquiet» des répercussions de l'épidémie de #coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@UGNewshub: The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, Thomas Schaefer has committed suicide after becoming worried over ho… - 5 years ago

@Ich2ES: RT @RolandTichy: Zum Tod des hessischen Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer. - 5 years ago

@RachZab: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@HarrisKahn1: The #Finance Minister of #Germany Thomas Schaefer has committed suicide apparently after becoming deeply worried ov… - 5 years ago

@PAULINEC1949: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@Stacysgr: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@dedelkhey: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@mister_noname_: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@PDuggiraala: RT @PBNS_India: German minister committed suicide over COVID 19 crisis worries. The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state Thomas Schaef… - 5 years ago

@MrKoro_: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@manavaeva: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@ComandoAzulSV: Encuentran muerto a Thomas Schäfer, ministro de Finanzas del estado alemán de Hesse, según investigaciones se habrí… - 5 years ago

@altaf74023985: RT @omar_quraishi: The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state Thomas Schaefer has committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply wo… - 5 years ago

@jlnsan250: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇩🇪 FLASH - Thomas Schaefer, le ministre de l’économie de la région de Hesse en #Allemagne (région de Francfort) s’est suic… - 5 years ago

@suresh_kadavala: RT @PBNS_India: German minister committed suicide over COVID 19 crisis worries. The finance minister of Germany's Hesse state Thomas Schaef… - 5 years ago

@BandyCrash: RT @romagnorum: Minchia - 5 years ago

@Baldus_Michael: RT @cdu_hessen: Wir sind fassungslos. Die CDU Hessen trauert um Dr. Thomas Schäfer. Mit Bestürzung haben wir die Nachricht seines plötzlich… - 5 years ago

@AgataOlejnik: RT @Antosiewicz: Minister finansów landu Hesja Thomas Schäfer (54, CDU) popełnił samobójstwo. "Przerosły go aktualne problemy z konsekwencj… - 5 years ago

@s_kubinec: RT @SteinbachErika: Ich bin tief erschüttert. Thomas Schäfer gehörte zu den Politikern und Menschen, die ich sehr geschätzt habe. - 5 years ago

@leone150872: RT @PaginaVox: Trovato morto il ministro delle finanze tedesco dello stato di Hesse Thomas #Schäfer. - 5 years ago

@VolkerRahn: Der hessische Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer @SchaeferHessen ist aus dem Leben geschieden. Das hat auch die evangeli… - 5 years ago

@HardLifeBadgirl: RT @tagesschau: Bouffier zum Tod von Thomas Schäfer: "Er war verzweifelt" - 5 years ago

@RegHessen: RT @FinanzenHessen: Wir sind schockiert und unendlich traurig, dass unser Chef, Finanzminister Dr. Thomas Schäfer, viel zu früh und für uns… - 5 years ago

@KsySCHaW: RT @welt: Hessens Finanzminister tot: "Ich muss davon ausgehen, dass ihn diese Sorgen erdrückt haben" - 5 years ago

@Cambridge_Rach: RT @dwnews: The body of a man identified as Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister of the German state of Hesse, was found on a high-speed tr… - 5 years ago

@crismiuy: RT @akk: Die Nachricht vom plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer hat mich, hat uns alle in der CDU schockiert. Sie trifft uns und macht uns tr… - 5 years ago

@alriyadhdaily: URGENT: Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after beco… - 5 years ago

@horacio123: RT @welt: Hessens Finanzminister tot: "Ich muss davon ausgehen, dass ihn diese Sorgen erdrückt haben" - 5 years ago

@ThomeCampo: RT @KoeppelRoger: Es wird leider noch mehr Tote geben, die nicht an den gesundheitlichen, sondern an den wirtschaftlichen Folgen von Corona… - 5 years ago

@kaibaumgartner: Kontroverse über Löschung von Passagen zum Motiv in der @faznet zum Freitod von #Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer. Di… - 5 years ago

@SebaVTR: RT @Antosiewicz: Minister finansów landu Hesja Thomas Schäfer (54, CDU) popełnił samobójstwo. "Przerosły go aktualne problemy z konsekwencj… - 5 years ago

@SavioFicorella: RT @RogerHalsted: è stato suicidato? #Germania, trovato morto vicino ai binari il ministro delle finanze dell'Assia Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@bananajoe2015: RT @SteinbachErika: Ich bin tief erschüttert. Thomas Schäfer gehörte zu den Politikern und Menschen, die ich sehr geschätzt habe. - 5 years ago

@Hellinvernel: RT @watch_union: #Hessen-Finanzminister Thomas #Schäfer (#CDU) ist tot. Man fand seine Leiche an einer Bahnstrecke - und geht von Suizid au… - 5 years ago

@allemacc: RT @romagnorum: Minchia - 5 years ago

@DieterSteffmann: RT @FWWinterberg: Bouffier zum Tod von Thomas Schäfer: "Ich muss davon ausgehen, dass ihn diese Sorgen erdrückt haben" - 5 years ago

@Bundesrepublick: 🎗️🌹Hessens Finanzminister Dr. #Schäfer zum #CumEx-Urteil des LG Bonn letzte Woche: "Diese Geschäfte sind rechtswidr… - 5 years ago

@andrebellins: RT @ItalianPolitics: Nota n.3: Gli inquirenti hanno già fatto circolare la possibilità di 'suicidio' da parte di Thomas Schäfer. Certe vol… - 5 years ago

@rkeuper: Zum Tod von Thomas Schäfer: Mit bewegender Rede würdigt Bouffier seinen politischen Freund - 5 years ago

@danischwa: RT @Suizid_Info_de: An alle Medienschaffenden: anlässlich des Todes von Dr. Thomas Schäfer verweisen die Expert*innen für #Suizidprävention… - 5 years ago

@Webmonster8: RT @EnricoTokarEU: Tief bewegte Ansprache des hessischen Ministerpräsidenten Volker Bouffier zum Tode von Dr. Thomas Schäfer. Ich war tief… - 5 years ago

@ClaudiaOeking: RT @Suizid_Info_de: An alle Medienschaffenden: anlässlich des Todes von Dr. Thomas Schäfer verweisen die Expert*innen für #Suizidprävention… - 5 years ago

@dare_dems: RT @Die_Insider: Gestern wurde der hessische Finanzminister Dr. Thomas Schäfer tot aufgefunden. Unser Beileid gilt Familienangehörigen und… - 5 years ago

@suha_gom: RT @dmthoth: 해센주 재무부장관인 Thomas Schäfer가 고속철도(ICE) 선로에서 사망한채로 발견. - 5 years ago

@HugoMuellerVogg: Vielleicht macht der tragische Tod von #ThomasSchaefer diejenigen nachdenklich, die Politiker ständig als verantwor… - 5 years ago

@HoWink: RT @RTLHessen: „Er war verzweifelt und ging von uns. Das erschüttert uns, das erschüttert mich." Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier hat sich… - 5 years ago

@4Suvariii: Almanya'da Hessen eyaletinin maliye bakanı Thomas Schäfer, hızlı tren hattı üzerindeki raylarda ölü bulundu.muhteme… - 5 years ago

@Nahe71: RT @focusonline: +++ Ermittler gehen von Suizid aus: Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer tot an ICE-Strecke gefunden +++ - 5 years ago

@CarlosPepps: RT @Die_Insider: Gestern wurde der hessische Finanzminister Dr. Thomas Schäfer tot aufgefunden. Unser Beileid gilt Familienangehörigen und… - 5 years ago

@DieterSteffmann: RT @Patrick_Kunkel: Danke, Werner D’Inka, @faznet. 🙏🏻 Nachruf auf Thomas Schäfer: „Mein Verhältnis zum lieben Gott ist geklärt“ - 5 years ago

@Gnrl_Strike_Bot: RT @Jtallafuss: “Police suspect Thomas Schäfer died by suicide after his body was found on train tracks near Wiesbaden.” #COVID19 #GlobalFi… - 5 years ago

@TORTEHHTT: RT @TschenPe: ◾️Bestürzende Nachricht. Hessen verliert einen versierten und engagierten Finanzminister. Für mich war er sieben Jahre ein se… - 5 years ago

@MovPopulistaIta: RT @filippo_nesi: Il ministro delle finanze dell'Assia, Thomas Schäfer (CDU), è stato ritrovato morto ieri sera a Hochheim vicino ai binari… - 5 years ago

@Rob47957578: RT @petervlelieveld: CDU bobo gooit zichzelf voor de trein en komt om! - 5 years ago

@Champ123: RT @TomTSEC: German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead | News | DW | 29.03.2020 - 5 years ago

@Gregor00852858: RT @hessenschau: Der Schock über den plötzlichen Tod von Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer sitzt tief. Das war Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffie… - 5 years ago

@Blue74986994: RT @AlfredMittelbch: Zum Suizid von Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer: Mit Zinsderivaten verspekuliert? Man munkelt von einem Verlust,… - 5 years ago

@sonnengrins: RT @BILD: 🔴 Thomas Schäfer (†54) war Hessens Finanzminister. Nun wurde seine Leiche gefunden. Er hinterlässt einen Abschiedsbrief | Corona-… - 5 years ago

@pfuideifipegida: RT @reinboth: Der tragische Freitod von Dr. Thomas Schäfer erinnert den einen oder anderen vielleicht daran, dass auch in der Ebene, in der… - 5 years ago

@StiefelfrauHH: RT @_FriedrichMerz: Die Nachrichten über den plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer erschüttern mich zutiefst. Menschlich anständig und politis… - 5 years ago

@reinboth: Der tragische Freitod von Dr. Thomas Schäfer erinnert den einen oder anderen vielleicht daran, dass auch in der Ebe… - 5 years ago

@Denise_Hommel: O ministro das Finanças do Hesse, Thomas Schäfer, morreu completamente inesperadamente. O corpo do político da CDU… - 5 years ago

@handelsblatt: RT @dneuerer: Der Hessische #Finanzminister #Schäfer ist am Samstag gestorben. Die Ermittler gehen von einem #Suizid aus. - 5 years ago

@Julian_Laduga_1: @Markus_Wojahn Ich bin sprach- und fassungslos. 2011, nach einem Jahr als Hessens neuer Finanzminister, habe ich ei… - 5 years ago

@globaldefence: Er habe offenbar große Sorgen gehabt, die riesigen Erwartungen der Bevölkerung in Bezug auf finanzielle Hilfen nich… - 5 years ago

@Astarte_31OCT: - 5 years ago

@peterzanger1: - 5 years ago

@bernd_zucker: RT @_FriedrichMerz: Die Nachrichten über den plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer erschüttern mich zutiefst. Menschlich anständig und politis… - 5 years ago

@X10761611: RT @BILD_Frankfurt: Dr. Thomas Schäfer (†54) tot aufgefunden - Finanzminister sprach von „Aussichtslosigkeit“ - 5 years ago

@JrgenJPSchmidt1: RT @SteinbachErika: Ich bin tief erschüttert. Thomas Schäfer gehörte zu den Politikern und Menschen, die ich sehr geschätzt habe. - 5 years ago

@GiacomoDellaPo2: RT @TheWantedEmcees: - 5 years ago

@GabrieleGaganis: Volker Bouffier über Thomas Schäfer: „Gerade ihn hätten wir in einer so schweren Zeit besonders gebraucht“ - WELT - 5 years ago

@DerBarkewitz: Was auch immer Thomas #Schäfer zu seiner Verzweiflungstat veranlasst hat, sein feinsinniger Humor wird mir unverges… - 5 years ago

@Metatron1239: RT @J_B_oo7: Abschiedsbrief? Gab es Ermittlungen gegen ihn? Was wusste Thomas Schäfer, das "die Bürger draußen im Lande" nicht wissen solle… - 5 years ago

@TheStormQ_17: @milasolidus_hk @pierrejovanovic UPDATE : Le Ministre des Finances Thomas SCHÄFER “s’est jeté” sous un train cette nuit - 5 years ago

@lienientroy1: RT @politerei: Der Selbstmord von Schäfer dürfte nur der Anfang gewesen sein. Mehr werden folgen, die wirtschaftlich vor dem Nichts stehen… - 5 years ago

@RicoOl76: RT @_FriedrichMerz: Die Nachrichten über den plötzlichen Tod von Thomas Schäfer erschüttern mich zutiefst. Menschlich anständig und politis… - 5 years ago

@AfD_Paderborn: RT @SteinbachErika: Ich bin tief erschüttert. Thomas Schäfer gehörte zu den Politikern und Menschen, die ich sehr geschätzt habe. - 5 years ago

@leone150872: RT @RogerHalsted: è stato suicidato? #Germania, trovato morto vicino ai binari il ministro delle finanze dell'Assia Thomas Schäfer - 5 years ago

@kaibaumgartner: "Er fand offensichtlich keinen Ausweg mehr": Hessens Regierungschef #Bouffier verknüpft Tod von Finanzminister Thom… - 5 years ago

@ProFairBP: RT @Die_Insider: Gestern wurde der hessische Finanzminister Dr. Thomas Schäfer tot aufgefunden. Unser Beileid gilt Familienangehörigen und… - 5 years ago

@Doris_Ahnen: RT @FM_RLP: Mit großer Betroffenheit hat die Vorsitzende der Finanzministerkonferenz und rheinland-pfälzische Finanzministerin @Doris_Ahnen… - 5 years ago

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