Thomas R. Donahue

American labor leader
Died on Sunday February 19th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, James Lovelock

Tweets related to Thomas R. Donahue:

@mcricker: RT @shankerinst: It is with great sadness that the Albert Shanker Institute acknowledges the passing of former longtime Shanker Institute b… - 2 years ago

@shankerinst: It is with great sadness that the Albert Shanker Institute acknowledges the passing of former longtime Shanker Inst… - 2 years ago

@demdigest: R.I.P. #TomDonahue - committed labor leader, internationalist and genuine mensch - former @NEDemocracy board member… - 2 years ago

@glamama: RT @nytimesbusiness: He was second in command of organized labor’s most important organization for 16 years, but fell short of his goal to… - 2 years ago


@nytimesbusiness: He was second in command of organized labor’s most important organization for 16 years, but fell short of his goal… - 2 years ago

@DeathNews8: American labour leader Thomas R. Donahue, who was 94 years old and president of the AFL–CIO in 1995, passed away du… - 2 years ago

@sfreel1: RT @EricDChenoweth: “The critical element of democracy, we all believe, is a free trade union movement, the critical measure of democracy.”… - 2 years ago

@sfreel1: RT @EricDChenoweth: Mourning today the loss of a great American labor leader, Thomas R. Donahue. A man of honor & grace, he never tired of… - 2 years ago

@EricDChenoweth: “The critical element of democracy, we all believe, is a free trade union movement, the critical measure of democra… - 2 years ago

@EricDChenoweth: Mourning today the loss of a great American labor leader, Thomas R. Donahue. A man of honor & grace, he never tired… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Thomas R. Donahue dies - #ThomasRDonahue #Thomas #R.Donahue #rip - 2 years ago

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