Thomas Perkins

American businessman (Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers).
Died on Tuesday June 7th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Thomas Perkins:

@CViraraghavan: A film on t turbulent rel'ship bet legendary #editor Maxwell Perkins and #writer Thomas Wolfe - 9 years ago

@OAFE: RT @TNPerkins4: The Bootleg Adventures of the Unbelievable Arachanabat… Thomas Perkins 2014 #thomasperkins #characterdesign #mashup https:… - 9 years ago

@TheFinalDoctor: RT @TNPerkins4: The Bootleg Adventures of the Unbelievable Arachanabat… Thomas Perkins 2014 #thomasperkins #characterdesign #mashup https:… - 9 years ago

@DerrickJWyatt: RT @TNPerkins4: The Bootleg Adventures of the Unbelievable Arachanabat… Thomas Perkins 2014 #thomasperkins #characterdesign #mashup https:… - 9 years ago


@HeroesInColor00: RT @TNPerkins4: The Bootleg Adventures of the Unbelievable Arachanabat… Thomas Perkins 2014 #thomasperkins #characterdesign #mashup https:… - 9 years ago

@rovabega: RT @MarcelaMexia: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere... - 9 years ago

@BrettATipton: RT @NovelistsCorner: Genius Dramatizes Editor Maxwell Perkins' Shaping of Thomas Wolfe: If you can get past the spectacle of British and… h… - 9 years ago

@NovelistsCorner: Genius Dramatizes Editor Maxwell Perkins' Shaping of Thomas Wolfe: If you can get past the spectacle of British and… - 9 years ago

@TNPerkins4: The Bootleg Adventures of the Unbelievable Arachanabat… Thomas Perkins 2014 #thomasperkins #characterdesign #mashup - 9 years ago

@CW_Lenews77: Thomas Perkins pioneered Silicon Valley's venture investing culture... - 9 years ago

@LTSanDiego: Read the story behind #GeniusFilm from @WSJ & see it at #Hillcrest starting Fri: - 9 years ago

@QuelleLove: The new Maxwell Perkins movie is every publishing grad student's dream come true. <3 - 9 years ago

@JL02048628: RT @CR: R.I.P Thomas J. Perkins, the Tech Mogul Who Dared to Challenge Radical Lefties via @michellemalkin - 9 years ago

@matthewmoisan: "Thomas J. Perkins, Pioneering Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley, Dies at 84" by PUI-WING TAM via NYT Technology - 9 years ago

@LTSeattle: Read the story behind #GeniusFilm from @WSJ & see it at #SevenGables starting Fri: - 9 years ago

@HistoryvsHllywd: Is this story of the struggle between author Thomas Wolfe (Jude Law) and editor Max Perkins (Colin Firth)... - 9 years ago

@NewsNowLasVegas: #Money Thomas Perkins, Tech Financier Who Funded Google, Dies at 84 - 9 years ago

@davidjones720: Malkin: R.I.P. Thomas J. Perkins, the Tech Mogul Who Dared to Challenge Radical Lefties - 9 years ago

@SpectrumTheatre: Read all about the story behind #Genius in this article from The Wall Street Journal. Starts Friday 6/17! - 9 years ago

@QuelleLove: NPR Books: Max Perkins (Colin Firth) and Thomas Wolfe (Jude Law) in upcoming movie Genius. CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS! - 9 years ago

@blogofdeath: Thomas Perkins, one of the founding fathers of modern venture capital investing, died. He was 84 - 9 years ago

@obituarywriters: Thomas Perkins, one of the founding fathers of modern venture capital investing, died. He was 84 - 9 years ago

@karenfabcas: Review: ‘Genius’ Puts Max Perkins and Thomas Wolfe in a Literary Bromance - 9 years ago

@grabmike: Thomas Perkins pioneered Silicon Valley’s venture investing culture - 9 years ago

@sslevine: Thomas J. Perkins, Pioneering Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley, Dies at 84. - 9 years ago

@4Ransomm: Legendary Silicon Valley 'Founding Father' Dead at 84 - 9 years ago

@iammeganlee: #ThomasPerkins #SiliconValley VC pioneer #dies News@ #US #USnews #news #USA #USAnews #International #Google #Amazon - 9 years ago

@mariewhalenus1: Thomas J. Perkins, Pioneering Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley, Dies at 84 - 9 years ago

@KeithOsmun: @hhtahir one book I'd recommend would be Max Perkins, Editor of Genius. He cut novels out of Thomas Wolfe's novels - 9 years ago

@drdahahn: Maxwell Perkins & Thomas Wolfe left a stunning literary legacy: - 9 years ago

@olga_kravets: "#Genius sighs with palpable nostalgia for a supposed golden age of masculine artistic potency..." #gender #myths - 9 years ago

@AFormento: RT @Trident_Media: ‘Genius’ Puts Max Perkins and Thomas Wolfe in a Literary Bromance... - 9 years ago

@Trident_Media: ‘Genius’ Puts Max Perkins and Thomas Wolfe in a Literary Bromance... - 9 years ago

@JoannaHofman3: Thomas J. Perkins, Pioneering Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley, Dies at 84 - 9 years ago

@JoannaHofman3: Thomas J. Perkins, Pioneering Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley, Dies at 84 - 9 years ago

@FirthUnlimited: 'Genius' Movie Misses Thomas Wolfe's 6'6″ Height: Perkins is played with great discipline by Coli... - 9 years ago

@firthfansunited: 'Genius' Movie Misses Thomas Wolfe's 6'6″ Height: Perkins is played with great discipline by Coli... - 9 years ago

@srujanshinde27: #ThomasPerkins #SiliconValley VC pioneer #dies News@ #US #USnews #news #USA #USAnews #International #Google #Amazon - 9 years ago

@SteveZeitch: Venture Capitalist Legend Thomas Perkins Dies - 9 years ago

@MREConsulting: Thomas Perkins, Venture Capitalist Legend, Dies | #VC - 9 years ago

@Famous_Mentors: #Mentoring at the Movies: Maxwell Perkins (played by Colin Firth) is a mentor to Thomas Wolfe (played by Jude Law) & others in "Genius." - 9 years ago

@Peer_Resources: #Mentoring at the Movies: Maxwell Perkins (played by Colin Firth) is a mentor to Thomas Wolfe (played by Jude Law) & others in "Genius." - 9 years ago

@dlMaltanews: Thomas Perkins, the man who funded Google and Amazon, dies at 84: … . As owner of the 289-foot “Malte... - 9 years ago

@TFR_INFO: Thomas Perkins, le « roi de la Silicon Valley », est décédé En savoir plus sur - 9 years ago

@rhuid: ‘Genius’ Puts Max Perkins and Thomas Wolfe in a Literary Bromance: submitted by /u/againstthecountry... - 9 years ago

@sebvanker: Thomas Perkins, Legendary & Pioneering VC in Silicon Valley, Dies at 84. Mr. Perkins co-founded the venture capital… - 9 years ago

@SuchFriends: @MichaelGrandage Interesting insight in @deadline about editors and directors. Both are managers of creative people: - 9 years ago

@SageLinQ: SageLinQ #Technology #Thomas J #Perkins, Early Pillar of Silicon Valley, Is Remembered - 9 years ago

@LTRiverOaks: #GENIUSFILM is a stirring look at the relationship between world-renowned book editor Maxwell Perkins and literary giant Thomas Wolfe. - 9 years ago

@joseluisgutie: Thomas J. Perkins, Pioneering Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley, Dies at 84 - 9 years ago

@It_c0nsulting: #Pazoo Bits: Thomas J. Perkins, Early Pillar of Silicon Valley, Is Remembered. Read Blog: - 9 years ago

@gamedesigners: Thomas Perkins: Tokusatsu Bat Action....#thomasperkins #tokusatsu #batman #characterdesign… - 9 years ago

@It_c0nsulting: #Pazoo Thomas J. Perkins, Pioneering Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley, Dies at 84. Read Blog: - 9 years ago

@receptornot: Tom Perkins, impulsor de Silicon Valley: Thomas James Perkins (Nueva York 1932 – Condado de… - 9 years ago

@gamedesigners: Thomas Perkins: That Smallville Kid....#thomasperkins #Characterdesign #superman #elseworld… - 9 years ago

@michel_nunez: #mn Tom Perkins, impulsor de Silicon Valley - Thomas James Perkins (Nueva York 1932 – Condado de Marín, 2016), ... - 9 years ago

@DianitaSing: #ds Tom Perkins, impulsor de Silicon Valley - Thomas James Perkins (Nueva York 1932 – Condado de Marín, 2016), ... - 9 years ago

@GraigSF: RT @CR: R.I.P Thomas J. Perkins, the Tech Mogul Who Dared to Challenge Radical Lefties via @michellemalkin - 9 years ago

@FernandezSophia: #sf Tom Perkins, impulsor de Silicon Valley - Thomas James Perkins (Nueva York 1932 – Condado de Marín, 2016), ... - 9 years ago

@EmilianoBarril: #eb Tom Perkins, impulsor de Silicon Valley - Thomas James Perkins (Nueva York 1932 – Condado de Marín, 2016), ... - 9 years ago

@RSalazarOnLine: #rs Tom Perkins, impulsor de Silicon Valley - Thomas James Perkins (Nueva York 1932 – Condado de Marín, 2016), ... - 9 years ago

@FUNDEF: #Economía Tom Perkins, impulsor de Silicon Valley - Thomas James Perkins (Nueva York 1932 – Condado de Marín, 2... - 9 years ago

@soccervinec: VC legend Thomas Perkins, 84, dies - 9 years ago

@biotechnolog_dp: Thomas Perkins, Silicon Valley VC pioneer dies - Business Standard #perkins - 9 years ago

@Wolfesghost: Discovered a Perkins/Thomas Wolfe movie is coming out. Wowza! - 9 years ago

@mADtivity: RT @AnnaGinzburg: 4 #Tech #Giants: Tom #Perkins @dealbook @nytimes @AnnaGinzburg @AGMGLOBALGROUP #VentureCapital #SiliconValley @wsj https… - 9 years ago

@clairebotai: RT @AnnaGinzburg: 4 #Tech #Giants: Tom #Perkins @dealbook @nytimes @AnnaGinzburg @AGMGLOBALGROUP #VentureCapital #SiliconValley @wsj https… - 9 years ago

@Los3Guisantes: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@alejandrakleinc: RT @AlbertVilella1: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@OrquideaSoto: RT @AlbertVilella1: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@DanielGomez04: RT @SoyCristhianE: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@AlbertVilella1: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@SoyCristhianE: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@joel_felip: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@AGomezCampos: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@Gonzi92: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años: Perkins, fallecido esta sema... - 9 years ago

@GagoJM: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@nattch: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@RRPP_Ros: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@claveproductiva: RT @GestcomProducto: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@BridgeStudioMx: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@RudeDogg16: Thomas James Perkins. #rip - 9 years ago

@WSJopinion: Thomas James Perkins: e venture-capital pioneer helped to build Silicon Valley. - 9 years ago

@Rozzporbel: RT @MauricioJaramil: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@DiegoStefano_RM: RT @MauricioJaramil: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@MauricioJaramil: Thomas Perkins, el financiero que creyó en Google y Amazon, muere a los 84 años - 9 years ago

@jillieclements: Thomas J. Perkins, controversial venture-capital pioneer, dies - 9 years ago

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