Thomas Lovejoy

American ecologist.
Died on Sunday December 26th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Thomas Lovejoy:

@nydiaruiz: RT @mgrillet: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@riva_ecology: In the last few years we have lost many conservation giants including Edward O Wilson, Thomas Lovejoy, Georgina Mac… - 3 years ago

@TheTheGrinch7: RT @aaas: In December, the world lost Edward Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy, two of the strongest advocates for protecting the Earth's flora and… - 3 years ago

@sciencecat222: RT @aaas: In December, the world lost Edward Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy, two of the strongest advocates for protecting the Earth's flora and… - 3 years ago


@aaas: In December, the world lost Edward Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy, two of the strongest advocates for protecting the Ear… - 3 years ago

@AnitaMcbain: RT @mongabay: [BREAKING] ‘The tipping point is here, it is now,’ top Amazon scientists warn Scientists Carlos Nobre and Thomas Lovejoy rep… - 3 years ago

@AnitaMcbain: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@AnitaMcbain: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@beitris: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@mottsji: Thomas Lovejoy was still an optimist that we could stem #climatechange. “We all have an interest in fixing this bef… - 3 years ago

@AAAD25: RT @mgrillet: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@EWS_Schoenau: RT @EnergiewendeMag: In Gedenken an Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy: Am 25.12.21 hat die Welt einen herausragenden Biologen und Vordenker in Sachen #… - 3 years ago

@mgrillet: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@nicolakidsbooks: RT @pgreenfielduk: 🚨🦥Biodiversity Twitter: I need your help🐞🚨 I am working on a piece about the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, E. O. Wilson &… - 3 years ago

@RicardoNature: RT @pgreenfielduk: 🚨🦥Biodiversity Twitter: I need your help🐞🚨 I am working on a piece about the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, E. O. Wilson &… - 3 years ago

@GutmannLab: Conservation biologist Thomas Lovejoy, who coined the term biological diversity, died on 25 December 25, aged 80. L… - 3 years ago

@dpcarrington: RT @pgreenfielduk: 🚨🦥Biodiversity Twitter: I need your help🐞🚨 I am working on a piece about the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, E. O. Wilson &… - 3 years ago

@EnergiewendeMag: In Gedenken an Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy: Am 25.12.21 hat die Welt einen herausragenden Biologen und Vordenker in Sache… - 3 years ago

@wright_ingraham: In Memoriam: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer. Lovejoy was an advisor to our 2019 FS Progr… - 3 years ago

@GKecuador: Ambos biólogos trabajaron por la conservación mundial. Te contamos cómo fue su trabajo. - 3 years ago

@eCycleBr: Nota de pesar: Thomas Lovejoy deixa um legado de urgência na proteção da Amazônia - 3 years ago

@BerbachMarty: @jessphoenix2018 Thomas E. Lovejoy is the biggest loss, IMHO. - 3 years ago

@JaneLubchenco: ICYMI: a fond tribute to #EOWilson and Tom Lovejoy: - 3 years ago

@MancunianBirder: RT @audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@InternOrniUnion: RT @audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@JaneLubchenco46: ICYMI: @WHOSTP scientists join the global scientific & conservation communities in mourning the passing of… - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @SarayaWorldwide: Biologist who studied biodiversity and extinction dies #biodiversity #climatechange - 3 years ago

@SarayaWorldwide: Biologist who studied biodiversity and extinction dies #biodiversity #climatechange - 3 years ago

@KathrynLaskey: RT @GeorgeMasonU: The @nytimes remembers @GeorgeMasonU's Thomas Lovejoy! #MasonNation #MasonScience #MasonResearch 💚💛 Discover more about… - 3 years ago

@Force4GoodMusic: RT @audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@great_thunberg: Ecologist Thomas Lovejoy, Who Urged Preserving Amazon Rainforest, Dies - 3 years ago

@MarkJRozellGMU: RT @GeorgeMasonU: The @nytimes remembers @GeorgeMasonU's Thomas Lovejoy! #MasonNation #MasonScience #MasonResearch 💚💛 Discover more about… - 3 years ago

@jennyRo17529367: RT @tgranizo: Otra pérdida para el Planeta. A Thomas Lovejoy y Edward Wilson se suma el fallecimiento del famoso antropólogo Richard Leakey. - 3 years ago

@planet_forward: As @franksesno writes, Thomas Lovejoy, our beloved friend and Planet Forward Advisory Council member, passed away o… - 3 years ago

@ecolandlab: RT @jgpausas: R Lewontin (1929-2021), T Lovejoy (1941-1921) & EO Wilson (1929-2021) ... What a fateful year for natural science! Not all go… - 3 years ago

@craycray_cc: RT @GeorgeMasonU: The @nytimes remembers @GeorgeMasonU's Thomas Lovejoy! #MasonNation #MasonScience #MasonResearch 💚💛 Discover more about… - 3 years ago

@AnneHolton: RT @GeorgeMasonU: The @nytimes remembers @GeorgeMasonU's Thomas Lovejoy! #MasonNation #MasonScience #MasonResearch 💚💛 Discover more about… - 3 years ago

@MNTRYJOSEPH: RT @audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@smokeyplaces: RT @audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@kkonechny: RT @audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@OurInheritance1: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@NRDCNY_Rich: RT @audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@roripierpont1: RT @audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@audubonsociety: Known as “the Godfather of Biodiversity”, Thomas Lovejoy dedicated his career to understanding and protecting the A… - 3 years ago

@GMUHRandPayroll: RT @GeorgeMasonU: The @nytimes remembers @GeorgeMasonU's Thomas Lovejoy! #MasonNation #MasonScience #MasonResearch 💚💛 Discover more about… - 3 years ago

@DavidIRamadan: RT @GeorgeMasonU: The @nytimes remembers @GeorgeMasonU's Thomas Lovejoy! #MasonNation #MasonScience #MasonResearch 💚💛 Discover more about… - 3 years ago

@GeorgeMasonU: The @nytimes remembers @GeorgeMasonU's Thomas Lovejoy! #MasonNation #MasonScience #MasonResearch 💚💛 Discover more… - 3 years ago

@Mason4C: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@prefec2: RT @kkklawitter: 2021 sind zwei herausragende Vertreter der biologischen Forschung gestorben: Thomas E. Lovejoy und Edward O. Wilson. Ihrer… - 3 years ago

@MsLisaWilliams: Thomas Lovejoy, Biologist Who Studied Biodiversity And Extinction, Dies At 80 - 3 years ago

@girls_can: Thomas Lovejoy, E.O. Wilson and Richard Leaky all passed within weeks of each other. Such titans of #conservation t… - 3 years ago

@elliemcohen1: RT @dan_kammen: Wow ...end of 2021/early 2022 has been one high-profile loss after another. Re-reading and learning from these inspiring… - 3 years ago

@woodlandsangha: #obituaryBiologyThomasLovejoyAmazonBiodiversityCenter Thomas Lovejoy, Biologist Who Studied Biodiversity And Extinc… - 3 years ago

@tundrawolfqueen: A huge loss to our planet at large 🍃RIP Thomas Lovejoy May he be remembered for his contributions to animals esp.… - 3 years ago

@eCycleBr: Nota de pesar: Thomas Lovejoy deixa um legado de urgência na proteção da Amazônia - 3 years ago

@tgranizo: Otra pérdida para el Planeta. A Thomas Lovejoy y Edward Wilson se suma el fallecimiento del famoso antropólogo Richard Leakey. - 3 years ago

@rrafaelbio: RT @punkbiology: Por fim, eu não poderia deixar de citar um livro de Ecologia. Organizado em colaboração com Thomas Lovejoy que nos deixou… - 3 years ago

@CaribouMxBio: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation statement on the passing of Thomas Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@umbrios: RT @punkbiology: Por fim, eu não poderia deixar de citar um livro de Ecologia. Organizado em colaboração com Thomas Lovejoy que nos deixou… - 3 years ago

@wdorshow: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@CaribouMxBio: - 3 years ago

@vanjabel: RT @punkbiology: Por fim, eu não poderia deixar de citar um livro de Ecologia. Organizado em colaboração com Thomas Lovejoy que nos deixou… - 3 years ago

@dan_kammen: Wow ...end of 2021/early 2022 has been one high-profile loss after another. Re-reading and learning from these in… - 3 years ago

@punkbiology: Por fim, eu não poderia deixar de citar um livro de Ecologia. Organizado em colaboração com Thomas Lovejoy que nos… - 3 years ago

@ElissaKJacobs: It's been a rough week for biologists. Thomas Lovejoy. E.O. Wilson. Now Richard Leakey. Such a huge scientific lega… - 3 years ago

@TRVST_Biodiv: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@boomer_cya: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@PanfleteroBot: 📰 O ECO | "Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer" 🗓️ 25/12/2021 🔗… - 3 years ago

@pndblog: Thomas Lovejoy, wide-ranging ecologist and Amazon rescuer, dies at 80: His ambitious, long-running project in Brazi… - 3 years ago

@Legumendoas: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@RobRe62: RT @lifegate: Il biologo Thomas Lovejoy è morto all’età di 80 anni. È stato colui che ha coniato l'espressione “diversità biologica”, oggi… - 3 years ago

@lifegate: Il biologo Thomas Lovejoy è morto all’età di 80 anni. È stato colui che ha coniato l'espressione “diversità biologi… - 3 years ago

@Seaflower222: RT @carlsafina: The New York Times remembers Tom Lovejoy. - 3 years ago

@LucianaGatti5: RT @unatalie: Grande perda, Thomas Lovejoy deu imensa contribuição a ciência da natureza e da Amazônia #RIP - 3 years ago

@LucianaGatti5: RT @Argemirotlf: “É a ciência que deve espalhar o entendimento de que a escolha não é entre a natureza selvagem ou pessoas, mas, sim, entre… - 3 years ago

@camcath: RT @Sciguy999: Inventors & scientists we lost in 2021 9/9 12/19 Robert Grubbs, 79, Ring Opening Olefin Metathesis ROMP - 3 years ago

@jeanneenabottle: RT @Sciguy999: Inventors & scientists we lost in 2021 9/9 12/19 Robert Grubbs, 79, Ring Opening Olefin Metathesis ROMP - 3 years ago

@AlstromPer: Biodiversity Loses its Godfather – Thomas Lovejoy (1941-2021) - 3 years ago

@AndreuEscriva: RT @Uhandrea: Edward Wilson NO fue el padre de la biodiversidad; ni su madre. La noción de diversidad biológica se debe a Thomas Lovejoy, m… - 3 years ago

@FrancescoGhizz5: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@elebenty: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Minhquang8968: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Flblueskies: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Omniconsultoria: @TNCBrasil A Omnicomm lamenta profundamente a perda do Sr. Thomas Lovejoy. Os nossos pêsames à TNC e familiares. - 3 years ago

@EoinLlewellyn: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@chicogeleira: RT @MarceloNLeite: “Thomas Lovejoy e Edward O. Wilson: A Amazônia, floresta tropical mais conservada do planeta, deve muito aos dois natura… - 3 years ago

@GINI2022: - 3 years ago

@thirtydaysmp: Here’s a butterfly effect I find a little funny Looking up Thomas Sanders in 2017 -> Having a Lovejoy follow - 3 years ago

@Redford_LVJY: @LVJYLaura Right in between lovejoy and Thomas 😭 - 3 years ago

@Sciguy999: Inventors & scientists we lost in 2021 9/9 12/19 Robert Grubbs, 79, Ring Opening Olefin Metathesis ROMP… - 3 years ago

@josueconrado9: RT @eCycleBr: Nota de pesar: Thomas Lovejoy deixa um legado de urgência na proteção da Amazônia - 3 years ago

@eCycleBr: Nota de pesar: Thomas Lovejoy deixa um legado de urgência na proteção da Amazônia - 3 years ago

@LHBrok: WaPo: Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist who dedicated his career to preserving the Amazon rainforest, dies at 8… - 3 years ago

@pkattheshore: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@slidewinding: RT @JaneLubchenco46: 1/ We mourn the passing of 2 scientific pioneers & global champions of biodiversity, #EOWilson and Tom Lovejoy. See ou… - 3 years ago

@ILoveBooks786: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy, a prominent biologist for major conservation groups who spent decades on an expansive, ongoing project in B… - 3 years ago

@CleanAirMoms: RT @JaneLubchenco46: 1/ We mourn the passing of 2 scientific pioneers & global champions of biodiversity, #EOWilson and Tom Lovejoy. See ou… - 3 years ago

@JuttaGruenewal1: Die Bewahrung und Wiederherstellung der Natur ist die beste Lösung für den Klimawandel“, sagt Lovejoy. - 3 years ago

@eilperin: RT @JaneLubchenco46: 1/ We mourn the passing of 2 scientific pioneers & global champions of biodiversity, #EOWilson and Tom Lovejoy. See ou… - 3 years ago

@psymdec: RT @psymdec: RIP Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@psymdec: RT @psymdec: RIP Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@jlnnoticiastv: RT @TNCLatinAmerica: Lamentamos profundamente el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, ambientalista, investigador y miembro del Consejo de… - 3 years ago

@morrisn: RT @NYTScience: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He also invented the con… - 3 years ago

@analigia: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@CrypticWise: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Rosieroadrunner: @Wolfiesmom Just think: Betty White -- stellar advocate for animals -- just joined Edward O. Wilson and Thomas Lov… - 3 years ago

@CurlyClareToo: RT @psymdec: RIP Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@psymdec: RIP Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@psymdec: RIP Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@RSherbourne234: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@zani_fzp: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@folklorefosiles: RT @MNCN_Col: #RIP A unhappy Christmas this year for biologists and all those interested in ecology and biodiversity conservation for the l… - 3 years ago

@anchalgarg123: RT @EnviroVigyan: Thomas Lovejoy, Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80. #natureinnews #nin #thomaslovejoy #death #biologist #biodiversi… - 3 years ago

@QueenZionsIntel: RT @NYBG: We're deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, a pioneering figure in global conservation biology and a long-time NY… - 3 years ago

@QueenZionsIntel: RT @NYBG: Hear from Dr. Brian Boom, NYBG Curator Emeritus, as he reflects on the lives and contributions of Thomas Lovejoy & E.O. Wilson, w… - 3 years ago

@ClaudiaTUNISIE: RT @BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife Advis… - 3 years ago

@nature_journeys: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@piedradmatera: RT @KGeorgieva: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy has passed away. The world is a better place for having had Thomas in it… - 3 years ago

@Bosphiz: RT @eilperin: Within the span of two days, the world has lost two of the most important scientists who made the case for conserving biodive… - 3 years ago

@T1cho: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@UrsaBorealis: @ForrestDunbarAK I'm choosing to group Betty with EO Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy instead, because of her support for wildlife conservation. - 3 years ago

@Gloriaicairo: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@rdknowles2010: With E. O. Wilson, Thomas Lovejoy, & Jean-Marc Vallée, as well 🙏. - 3 years ago

@obsidiancr0ss: RT @JGN_Paleo: 2021 is going down swinging. Thomas Lovejoy, E.O. Wilson, and now (if reports are true), Betty White too. - 3 years ago

@JGN_Paleo: 2021 is going down swinging. Thomas Lovejoy, E.O. Wilson, and now (if reports are true), Betty White too. - 3 years ago

@Love_BiodivNews: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@year_super: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@WildForLifeNow: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@jgkoomey: @amcafee @ramez Rennie, John, Stephen H. Schneider, John P. Holdren, John Bongaarts, and Thomas Lovejoy. 2002. "Mis… - 3 years ago

@RealRohitNaseem: RT @nytimes: Thomas Lovejoy, a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest and was one of the first scient… - 3 years ago

@eCycleBr: Nota de pesar: Thomas Lovejoy deixa um legado de urgência na proteção da Amazônia - 3 years ago

@Comunalisis: Fallecen dos grandes de la conservación mundial: Edward O. Wilson y Thomas Lovejoy: - 3 years ago

@Chistery1: RT @PaulREhrlich: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@valsof_news: RT @KGeorgieva: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy has passed away. The world is a better place for having had Thomas in it… - 3 years ago

@PanfleteroBot: 📰 O ECO | "Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer" 🗓️ 25/12/2021 🔗… - 3 years ago

@JorgeColon: RT @NewsfromScience: Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson will both be remembered for “a lifelong love of science, a lifelong love of nature… - 3 years ago

@talan: He later wrote two papers using a new term: “biological diversity.” - 3 years ago

@gm_kirwan: Unsurprisingly, it was a packed house at the X Neotropical Ornithological Society Congress, in Manaus, in July 2015… - 3 years ago

@vaquitadepobre: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@ThisIsKammie: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@jeanyvesloiret: Biodiversity Loses its Godfather – Thomas Lovejoy (1941-2021) - 3 years ago

@GretchenVogel1: RT @NewsfromScience: Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson will both be remembered for “a lifelong love of science, a lifelong love of nature… - 3 years ago

@AlwaysAffable: RT @NewsfromScience: Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson will both be remembered for “a lifelong love of science, a lifelong love of nature… - 3 years ago

@m_hahn_baker: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@jkinneberg: RT @savegalapagos: Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the loss and celebrate the legacies of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy and Dr. Edward O. Wilson, two… - 3 years ago

@Paleophile: RT @NewsfromScience: Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson will both be remembered for “a lifelong love of science, a lifelong love of nature… - 3 years ago

@jkinneberg: RT @CenterForBioDiv: A statement from our Executive Director Kierán Suckling on the passing of Desmond Tutu, Sarah Weddington, E.O. Wilson… - 3 years ago

@NewsfromScience: Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson will both be remembered for “a lifelong love of science, a lifelong love of nat… - 3 years ago

@NaveenkumarA198: RT @EnviroVigyan: Thomas Lovejoy, Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80. #natureinnews #nin #thomaslovejoy #death #biologist #biodiversi… - 3 years ago

@rins2pworth: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@itsnayasa: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Muge_Ozlutiras: RT @DavidCarlin7: This past week, the planet lost two of its great champions: E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy. Two pathbreaking scientists w… - 3 years ago

@ShipTyagi7: RT @EnviroVigyan: Thomas Lovejoy, Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80. #natureinnews #nin #thomaslovejoy #death #biologist #biodiversi… - 3 years ago

@simonstuartSE: RT @PaulREhrlich: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@Brasilien4: RT @JaneLubchenco46: 1/ We mourn the passing of 2 scientific pioneers & global champions of biodiversity, #EOWilson and Tom Lovejoy. See ou… - 3 years ago

@thepowerofmeow: RT @iamgreenbean: Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist who dedicated his career to preserving the Amazon rainforest, dies at 80 #biodiversit… - 3 years ago

@AnimalandLandXO: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Louisa616: RT @earthlikeme: We are sorry to hear. Thomas Lovejoy, #biologist who championed #biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@Tripudiante: RT @earthlikeme: We are sorry to hear. Thomas Lovejoy, #biologist who championed #biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@leigh_morpeth: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @earthlikeme: We are sorry to hear. Thomas Lovejoy, #biologist who championed #biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @DKaimowitz: New York Times honors Tom Lovejoy’s life and legacy RIP - 3 years ago

@earthlikeme: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Jamesogradycam: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@earthlikeme: Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist who dedicated his career to preserving the Amazon rainforest, dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@earthlikeme: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@jackecha1: RT @GKecuador: El biólogo Edward O. Wilson impulsó la creación de la Enciclopedia de la Vida para catalogar las especies del mundo y establ… - 3 years ago

@claus_roesl: RT @earthlikeme: We are sorry to hear. Thomas Lovejoy, #biologist who championed #biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@earthlikeme: We are sorry to hear. Thomas Lovejoy, #biologist who championed #biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@DKaimowitz: New York Times honors Tom Lovejoy’s life and legacy RIP - 3 years ago

@StriblingSam: RT @nytimes: Thomas Lovejoy, a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest and was one of the first scient… - 3 years ago

@EpicWorldIndia: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@mates_pospa12: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@AnnettePasek: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@mmaakie: RT @eilperin: Within the span of two days, the world has lost two of the most important scientists who made the case for conserving biodive… - 3 years ago

@aliciabarcena: RT @KGeorgieva: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy has passed away. The world is a better place for having had Thomas in it… - 3 years ago

@avhr_bbaw: RT @amjukar: A wonderful obituary for Tom Lovejoy in the ⁦@nytimes⁩ today. His legacy lives on in all of us who he inspired to care for the… - 3 years ago

@MuhammadShamoi2: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@TataBatista9: RT @KGeorgieva: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy has passed away. The world is a better place for having had Thomas in it… - 3 years ago

@Faraaz57516992: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@ninakillham: He published an early projection of extinction rates, created TV series “Nature” and popularized the term “biologic… - 3 years ago

@reck999: RT @nytimes: Thomas Lovejoy, a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest and was one of the first scient… - 3 years ago

@MarkRic96501647: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@redtailredux: @Kellen_Browning @kevinmdraper What significance does this meathead have in comparison to EO Wilson or Thomas Lovej… - 3 years ago

@mhernandez0813: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@2sPM8uGmUbLjiEQ: RT @KGeorgieva: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy has passed away. The world is a better place for having had Thomas in it… - 3 years ago

@Gandhi74: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@stonky: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@ConnieB_PFT: RT @WilliamJRipple: Edward Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy have died on Christmas weekend: two biologists who did great things for the planet. I… - 3 years ago

@MariaLBorrero1: RT @nytimes: Thomas Lovejoy, a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest and was one of the first scient… - 3 years ago

@BitterWaterBlue: RT @CenterForBioDiv: A statement from our Executive Director Kierán Suckling on the passing of Desmond Tutu, Sarah Weddington, E.O. Wilson… - 3 years ago

@AtiliyaOcalan: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@AnneLitherland1: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@Norska11: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@GueOlm: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@sazzad0hossain: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@12monkeysfever: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@derekbbrett: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@HannahSorsch2: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@chris_larrea: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@406Llama: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Hapdean1: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@RudyChe: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Standupcoyote: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@Arasheeeeed: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@SotoLJorge: RT @NewsfromScience: Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson will both be remembered for “a lifelong love of science, a lifelong love of nature… - 3 years ago

@_GizemKarasu: - 3 years ago

@mahdigh1361: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@BlueBoy8000: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@CharuReid: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Krisztinajuh: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@DomeniLiz24: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@redmayne_robert: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@khanfaizan7401: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@dilip_chris: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@JosephWeskerX: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@Jorge__ms: RT @LeoDiCaprio: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy passed away – the “Godfather of Biodiversity”, creator of the debt-for-nature swap concept, mentor and… - 3 years ago

@plantpeoples: RT @nytimes: Thomas Lovejoy, a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest and was one of the first scient… - 3 years ago

@Mulher_Noticia: RT @nytimes: Thomas Lovejoy, a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest and was one of the first scient… - 3 years ago

@nyx_erebus: RT @CenterForBioDiv: A statement from our Executive Director Kierán Suckling on the passing of Desmond Tutu, Sarah Weddington, E.O. Wilson… - 3 years ago

@nyx_erebus: RT @5dogs2catsBrown: Rest in Peace… and thank you. Harry Reid Bishop Tutu Michael Nesmith John Madden Sarah Weddington Vicente Fernandez E… - 3 years ago

@sciencemarchpdx: RT @xercessociety: Remembering Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, a groundbreaking scientist and advocate against extinction. Although a big name in conse… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @EcoInvasions: The loss of E.O. Wilson & Thomas Lovejoy has inspired much reflection by ecologists. I appreciate the points in this thre… - 3 years ago

@srzjwalters: RT @EcoInvasions: The loss of E.O. Wilson & Thomas Lovejoy has inspired much reflection by ecologists. I appreciate the points in this thre… - 3 years ago

@nyx_erebus: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@anxkelly: @Lavinya95207746 sim :( - 3 years ago

@nyx_erebus: RT @FSCamposUB: #biodiversity is losing the godfathers today! Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson in the same day is a very sad news for al… - 3 years ago

@Chistery1: @RichardDawkins Condolences to Lovejoy family & friends. Gratitude for Thomas Lovejoy & legacy. Another reminder of… - 3 years ago

@RichardMcLellan: RT @EcoInvasions: The loss of E.O. Wilson & Thomas Lovejoy has inspired much reflection by ecologists. I appreciate the points in this thre… - 3 years ago

@UsaCalled: RT @donjefferis214: Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, another iconic figure in environmental activism, has died, and we continue our march toward a catac… - 3 years ago

@UsaCalled: RT @donjefferis214: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@RuthLaCavaEvans: RT @nytimes: Thomas Lovejoy, a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest and was one of the first scient… - 3 years ago

@NidefferRoss: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@AAAV_IMG_: RT @NYTScience: Thomas Lovejoy, a prominent biologist for major conservation groups who spent decades on an expansive, ongoing project in B… - 3 years ago

@ASPL365: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@nancyblackwords: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@ScholarlyChickn: Thomas Lovejoy, Amazon Ecologist, Promoter of Debt-for-Nature Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@vivienwhiskey: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@luciano_lao: RT @USAmbBR: Thomas E. Lovejoy III foi um dos responsáveis por tornar os 🇺🇸 mais comprometidos com a importância da Amazônia para o mundo.… - 3 years ago

@edgery: RT @CenterForBioDiv: Statement from our Executive Director Kierán Suckling: "The Center for Biological Diversity owes an enormous debt of… - 3 years ago

@Tanjirosbabymom: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@Felipe_Hinojosa: RT @NYTScience: Thomas Lovejoy, a prominent biologist for major conservation groups who spent decades on an expansive, ongoing project in B… - 3 years ago

@DonnaEn34569563: RT @5dogs2catsBrown: Rest in Peace… and thank you. Harry Reid Bishop Tutu Michael Nesmith John Madden Sarah Weddington Vicente Fernandez E… - 3 years ago

@MarryAnne8: RT @5dogs2catsBrown: Rest in Peace… and thank you. Harry Reid Bishop Tutu Michael Nesmith John Madden Sarah Weddington Vicente Fernandez E… - 3 years ago

@carlosa47236748: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@mijomojo1: RT @CenterForBioDiv: Statement from our Executive Director Kierán Suckling: "The Center for Biological Diversity owes an enormous debt of… - 3 years ago

@akuma_river: RT @CenterForBioDiv: Statement from our Executive Director Kierán Suckling: "The Center for Biological Diversity owes an enormous debt of… - 3 years ago

@Revlov3: RT @CenterForBioDiv: Statement from our Executive Director Kierán Suckling: "The Center for Biological Diversity owes an enormous debt of… - 3 years ago

@CenterForBioDiv: Statement from our Executive Director Kierán Suckling: "The Center for Biological Diversity owes an enormous debt… - 3 years ago

@ashponders: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@akuma_river: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@Mr_Spock: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@Manu__Ramalho: RT @EOWilsonFndtn: E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation statement on the passing of Thomas Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@djbarrios00: - 3 years ago

@MatthiasFi: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@kirbiiformes: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@buchfieber: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@AYCLearnDigital: RT @EnvAm: E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy: Two people who put the Earth first. #MoreNature - 3 years ago

@DavMo2020: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@MontAltoBiology: RT @carlzimmer: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@thenctoo: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@redmayne_robert: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@CharGoeyers: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@rubenvalpue: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@Dr_MTaylor: RT @JaneLubchenco46: 1/ We mourn the passing of 2 scientific pioneers & global champions of biodiversity, #EOWilson and Tom Lovejoy. See ou… - 3 years ago

@vinita_gowda: RT @JLosos: It's been a bad couple of days for biodiversity, but a very nice remembrance of Tom Lovejoy Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist… - 3 years ago

@sou_ecologico: Thomas Lovejoy deixa um legado de urgência na proteção da Amazônia - 3 years ago

@pbrown4348: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@Fara_Katiuscia: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@Cult_Crunch: Thomas Lovejoy, Large-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@Schouten_B: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@24x7_malayalam: ജൈവൈവിധ്യമെന്ന വാക്കിന്റെ പ്രചാരകനായ തോമസ് യുജീന്‍ ഇ ലവ്‌ജോയ്-3 - 3 years ago

@chabis_ch: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@peggybe_oonujut: RT @WatershedWatch_: Rest in peace Edward Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy, and thank you for your massive contributions to the science of ecology… - 3 years ago

@methylatedCpG: RT @RichardDawkins: Sad death of another scientific hero of world conservation, Thomas E Lovejoy of the Amazon rainforest. - 3 years ago

@dkimanimuriuki: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@viewerschoicefr: RT @nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one of the f… - 3 years ago

@nytclimate: Thomas Lovejoy was a leading conservation biologist who worked to preserve the Amazon rain forest. He was also one… - 3 years ago

@bio_diverse: RT @NewsfromScience: Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson will both be remembered for “a lifelong love of science, a lifelong love of nature… - 3 years ago

@MichaelGittins_: Thomas Lovejoy, Wide-Ranging Ecologist and Amazon Rescuer, Dies at 80: His ambitious, long-running project in Brazi… - 3 years ago

@leslie_guinan: RT @katieholten: Finding our way through the climate crisis also requires that we remember how our home planet works — as a linked biologic… - 3 years ago

@redmayne_robert: RT @tveitdal: Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist who dedicated his career to preserving the Amazon rainforest, dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@Markus_Market: A few science giants passed in recent days. More on the other, E.O. Wilson, later. - 3 years ago

@JulietaMRabago: Está semana se fueron dos gigantes de la conservación mundial: Edward O. Wilson y Thomas Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@harrisj99hi: RT @EnvAm: E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy: Two people who put the Earth first. #MoreNature - 3 years ago

@jwmalcom: RT @JaneLubchenco46: 1/ We mourn the passing of 2 scientific pioneers & global champions of biodiversity, #EOWilson and Tom Lovejoy. See ou… - 3 years ago

@BAUER_BAUER: RT @USAmbBR: Thomas E. Lovejoy III foi um dos responsáveis por tornar os 🇺🇸 mais comprometidos com a importância da Amazônia para o mundo.… - 3 years ago

@DrBioGC: RT @caryinstitute: On Dec. 25, we lost a giant in the fields of ecology + conservation, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. Cary was fortunate to have Tom… - 3 years ago

@WellmannGwen: RT @JanVoordouw: Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist who dedicated his career to preserving the #Amazon rainforest, dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@4Apes: RT @fraenkelamy: We have lost two biodiversity giants in just 48 hours. Tom Lovejoy, and E.O. Wilson. Am so grateful for the paths they pa… - 3 years ago

@RicardoNature: RT @GMU_COS: Tribute by @alonsoaguirre13 Dr. Thomas Lovejoy who passed away 12/25/21, Distinguished University Professor @ESPMasonU, foundi… - 3 years ago

@jayzieglerca: RT @PaulRogersSJMN: With the passing of E.O. Wilson and Tom Lovejoy this week, America has lost two of its most passionate and respected vo… - 3 years ago

@colediplo: RT @JaneLubchenco46: 1/ We mourn the passing of 2 scientific pioneers & global champions of biodiversity, #EOWilson and Tom Lovejoy. See ou… - 3 years ago

@hackneywick: RT @SPIEGEL_alles: Über Weihnachten hat die Welt zwei führende Biologen verloren. »Darwins natürlicher Erbe« Edward Wilson und Thomas Lovej… - 3 years ago

@hintz60124: Another important voice we lost. I just wish more people were listening. - 3 years ago

@thymarirochagm1: RT @miriamleitao: O mundo perdeu dois grandes no Natal. Desmond Tutu e Thomas Lovejoy, mas suas lutas permanecem vivas. Que futuro teremos… - 3 years ago

@jshively: RT @PaulBaribault: Deeply saddened by the passing of two environmental titans. E.O. Wilson & Thomas Lovejoy’s contributions to the importan… - 3 years ago

@Tropibrazuca: We still needed his and all voices for the Amazon. Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist who dedicated his career to… - 3 years ago

@MicheleManatt: Another giant passes in 2021. I met him while working at the House Foreign Affairs Cmte. Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an… - 3 years ago

@MicheleManatt: Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist who dedicated his career to preserving the Amazon rainforest, dies at 80 - The… - 3 years ago

@Apstefto1: RT @great_thunberg: Thomas Lovejoy, Biologist Who Studied Biodiversity And Extinction, Dies At 80 #Biodiversity - 3 years ago

@Revkin: A wonderful commentary from the @GarrisonInst recalling how E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy both crossed from scienc… - 3 years ago

@ksbioteachers: RT @ksbioteacher: @NABT_News @EOWilsonFndtn @Tom_Lovejoy I remember asking Thomas Lovejoy if he would speak to our group, not without some… - 3 years ago

@JuanAnd2021: RT @univ_ciencia: Falleció Thomas E. Lovejoy, "padrino de la biodiversidad" - 3 years ago

@bessieglass11: RT @WildPalmsLtd: Besides popularizing the expression #biodiversity Lovejoy found that habitat destruction, pollution and global warming we… - 3 years ago

@AlsanpeAna: RT @MongabayLatam: ¿Qué legado dejan ambos biólogos? 👇🏼 - 3 years ago

@ineeshadvs: Biologists E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy Pass Away, Leaving Behind Incredible Legacies. - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @great_thunberg: Thomas Lovejoy, Biologist Who Studied Biodiversity And Extinction, Dies At 80 #Biodiversity - 3 years ago

@celena1003: RT @inst_humboldt: Despedimos a Thomas Lovejoy, uno de los principales biólogos conservacionistas del mundo. Acuñó el término “diversidad b… - 3 years ago

@RutgersEENR: RT @gqromero: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@XiomyCM: RT @MongabayLatam: Dos grandes de la Biología fallecieron en los últimos días de diciembre. Thomas Lovejoy murió el 25 de diciembre a los 8… - 3 years ago

@memosquera: RT @inst_humboldt: Despedimos a Thomas Lovejoy, uno de los principales biólogos conservacionistas del mundo. Acuñó el término “diversidad b… - 3 years ago

@ideobisium: RT @jmguayasamin: Se han ido, casi juntos, dos seres humanos que cambiaron el como vemos y entendemos la naturaleza. Ambos, Edward O. Wilso… - 3 years ago

@viejomiguelito1: RT @inst_humboldt: Despedimos a Thomas Lovejoy, uno de los principales biólogos conservacionistas del mundo. Acuñó el término “diversidad b… - 3 years ago

@RutgersEENR: RT @EcoInvasions: The world lost Thomas Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson almost within the same day. But they left us a legacy of deep insight, insp… - 3 years ago

@EcosystmDecoder: I am quite sad & busted up about the deaths of #EOWilson and #ThomasLovejoy. Sad I didn't meet either of them! Th… - 3 years ago

@batgirl_susan: Briefly coming online to pay my respects to the passing of Lovejoy and EO Wilson. I know both mean a lot to friends… - 3 years ago

@Hernancasanas: RT @AvesArgentinas: El “padre de la biodiversidad” ha partido, pero nos dejó un legado notable. El Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, biólogo conservacion… - 3 years ago

@fecologist: RT @americanrivers: Bad day for the environment, as we also lost Thomas Lovejoy, a renowned biologist who coined the phrase 'biological div… - 3 years ago

@KateEYT: RT @TonyJuniper: Two of the giants of Nature conservation passed this Christmas. Thomas Lovejoy, who came up the idea of ‘biological divers… - 3 years ago

@TheOregonDesert: Thomas Lovejoy (1941-2021): - 3 years ago

@TheOregonDesert: “The natural world in which we live is nothing short of entrancing—wondrous really. Personally, I take great joy in… - 3 years ago

@savegalapagos: Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the loss and celebrate the legacies of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy and Dr. Edward O. Wilson… - 3 years ago

@GeoffreyLean: RT @TonyJuniper: Two of the giants of Nature conservation passed this Christmas. Thomas Lovejoy, who came up the idea of ‘biological divers… - 3 years ago

@Novacula_Occami: @Didascienze Un giorno dopo Thomas Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@jphicks: RT @WildPalmsLtd: Besides popularizing the expression #biodiversity Lovejoy found that habitat destruction, pollution and global warming we… - 3 years ago

@GuardianAus: Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@johnny_queer: RT @WildPalmsLtd: Besides popularizing the expression #biodiversity Lovejoy found that habitat destruction, pollution and global warming we… - 3 years ago

@comradeprepper: RT @americanrivers: Bad day for the environment, as we also lost Thomas Lovejoy, a renowned biologist who coined the phrase 'biological div… - 3 years ago

@GatolabiosRosa: RT @inst_humboldt: Despedimos a Thomas Lovejoy, uno de los principales biólogos conservacionistas del mundo. Acuñó el término “diversidad b… - 3 years ago

@DavidJYates: A great loss .... - 3 years ago

@ianrosewrites: RT @americanrivers: Bad day for the environment, as we also lost Thomas Lovejoy, a renowned biologist who coined the phrase 'biological div… - 3 years ago

@AfghanistanInLK: RT @MAshrafHaidari: Remarkable life and contributions to conservation of #biodiversity. RIP Thomas Lovejoy! - 3 years ago

@JTKerby: RT @nijhuism: Desmond Tutu, E.O. Wilson, Thomas Lovejoy. Much wisdom lost these past 24 hours. - 3 years ago

@Green42Red: RT @eilperin: Within the span of two days, the world has lost two of the most important scientists who made the case for conserving biodive… - 3 years ago

@john_s_wilkins: RT @UntilDarwin: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80. - 3 years ago

@amongstwits: RT @OurSacredGrove: @WaterVole Half-Earth is a simply marvellous book… Three giants lost in as many days: Archbishop Desmond, Thomas Lovejo… - 3 years ago

@ProfSDodds: Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@Keri_J_Russell: RT @guardianscience: Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@Sotnedal: @GlobalEcoGuy Rest In Peace Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson 😔 My condolences to their family and friends 🙏❤ - 3 years ago

@FPPunohuReport: RT @HuffPost: The leading conservation biologist, who is credited with popularizing the term “biological diversity," was also a passionate… - 3 years ago

@KylanWWatson: RT @AP: Thomas Lovejoy, a leading conservation biologist who is credited with popularizing the term “biological diversity,” has died at age… - 3 years ago

@MBRMark: RT @guardianscience: Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@davabel: RT @eilperin: Within the span of two days, the world has lost two of the most important scientists who made the case for conserving biodive… - 3 years ago

@doubledig1: RT @guardianscience: Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@Daliakhojely: RT @fraenkelamy: We have lost two biodiversity giants in just 48 hours. Tom Lovejoy, and E.O. Wilson. Am so grateful for the paths they pa… - 3 years ago

@Daliakhojely: RT @BlaineHashimoto: Thomas Lovejoy, #Biologist Who Studied #Biodiversity And Extinction, Dies At 80 | HuffPost Impact - 3 years ago

@ameliacervera: RT @guardianscience: Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@PRforplants: RT @NTBG: NTBG is saddened to learn of the deaths of Profs. Thomas Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson. Both men were friends and inspirations to us an… - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @fraenkelamy: We have lost two biodiversity giants in just 48 hours. Tom Lovejoy, and E.O. Wilson. Am so grateful for the paths they pa… - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @BlaineHashimoto: Thomas Lovejoy, #Biologist Who Studied #Biodiversity And Extinction, Dies At 80 | HuffPost Impact - 3 years ago

@guardianscience: Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies at age 80 - 3 years ago

@PoppyCulture: RT @wildfoundation: Thomas (Tom) Lovejoy was a friend -- & renowned conservation biologist/scientist -- who fought for "biological diversi… - 3 years ago

@jnorville: RT @nijhuism: Desmond Tutu, E.O. Wilson, Thomas Lovejoy. Much wisdom lost these past 24 hours. - 3 years ago

@VG_Rodriguez: Wilson, Lovejoy... días de luto para la biología 😢 - 3 years ago

@NTBG: NTBG is saddened to learn of the deaths of Profs. Thomas Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson. Both men were friends and inspira… - 3 years ago

@epuiseeauxUSA: RT @nijhuism: Desmond Tutu, E.O. Wilson, Thomas Lovejoy. Much wisdom lost these past 24 hours. - 3 years ago

@foxcarolinanews: Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies - 3 years ago

@nbc6: Thomas Lovejoy, Biologist Who Championed Biodiversity, Dies - 3 years ago

@tcarlow: RT @SmithsonianSec: Today we at the Smithsonian reflect on the legacy of Thomas Lovejoy. He was a giant in biodiversity, conservation biolo… - 3 years ago

@BlaineHashimoto: Thomas Lovejoy, #Biologist Who Studied #Biodiversity And Extinction, Dies At 80 | HuffPost Impact - 3 years ago

@tcarlow: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@kw1979: RT @nbcchicago: Thomas Lovejoy, Biologist Who Championed Biodiversity, Dies - 3 years ago

@tcarlow: RT @TonyJuniper: Two of the giants of Nature conservation passed this Christmas. Thomas Lovejoy, who came up the idea of ‘biological divers… - 3 years ago

@tcarlow: RT @HuffPost: The leading conservation biologist, who is credited with popularizing the term “biological diversity," was also a passionate… - 3 years ago

@eztango: - 3 years ago

@NBC10Boston: Thomas Lovejoy, Biologist Who Championed Biodiversity, Dies - 3 years ago

@nbcchicago: Thomas Lovejoy, Biologist Who Championed Biodiversity, Dies - 3 years ago

@carbonectrix: RT @fraenkelamy: We have lost two biodiversity giants in just 48 hours. Tom Lovejoy, and E.O. Wilson. Am so grateful for the paths they pa… - 3 years ago

@berettasudaca: RT @HuffPost: The leading conservation biologist, who is credited with popularizing the term “biological diversity," was also a passionate… - 3 years ago

@E_VanEvery: RT @nijhuism: Desmond Tutu, E.O. Wilson, Thomas Lovejoy. Much wisdom lost these past 24 hours. - 3 years ago

@DebbieLock6: RT @HuffPost: The leading conservation biologist, who is credited with popularizing the term “biological diversity," was also a passionate… - 3 years ago

@CarolynRadlo: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@HuffPost: The leading conservation biologist, who is credited with popularizing the term “biological diversity," was also a p… - 3 years ago

@OlgaViota: RT @SEO_BirdLife: "Si cuidas a las aves, te ocuparás de la mayoría de los problemas ambientales del mundo" Dr. Thomas Lovejoy🙏 Homenaje de… - 3 years ago

@huangudo27: RT @LuchoSuarez60: En estos días han fallecido dos grandes biólogos (Thomas Lovejoy y Edward O. Wilson) que han contribuido muchísimo al co… - 3 years ago

@KatinLexington: RT @borenbears: The world has lost two giants both of biology and science communication: EO Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy. I had the privilege… - 3 years ago

@GreatLakesGay: RT @borenbears: The world has lost two giants both of biology and science communication: EO Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy. I had the privilege… - 3 years ago

@IUCNfungi: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@LGLizDowdeswell: As Tom Lovejoy wrote for #Awakening: “Biodiversity … can be a source of sheer wonder and inspiration. Our choice i… - 3 years ago

@LEEF_Florida: RT @borenbears: The world has lost two giants both of biology and science communication: EO Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy. I had the privilege… - 3 years ago

@ProtectSpecies: RT @lemurwrangler: Tom Lovejoy was a giant. We owe him a great debt for his battle against extinction. - 3 years ago

@alpineedna: RT @EcoInvasions: The world lost Thomas Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson almost within the same day. But they left us a legacy of deep insight, insp… - 3 years ago

@carsan12: RT @SEO_BirdLife: "Si cuidas a las aves, te ocuparás de la mayoría de los problemas ambientales del mundo" Dr. Thomas Lovejoy🙏 Homenaje de… - 3 years ago

@SEO_BirdLife: "Si cuidas a las aves, te ocuparás de la mayoría de los problemas ambientales del mundo" Dr. Thomas Lovejoy🙏 Homena… - 3 years ago

@gajenx: RT @borenbears: The world has lost two giants both of biology and science communication: EO Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy. I had the privilege… - 3 years ago

@oarcinie: RT @CmapVenezuela: Ayer falleció THOMAS LOVEJOY biólogo conservacionista que acuñó el término #diversidadbiologica. Fundador y presidente d… - 3 years ago

@dapavao2706: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@masuda_ko_1: RT @masuda_ko_1: 読書メモ (2019-07-17) Thomas E. Lovejoy & Lee Hannah (2019) Biodiversity and Climate Change [生物多様性と気候変化] (仮のメモ) - 3 years ago

@CrowElizabeth: RT @borenbears: The world has lost two giants both of biology and science communication: EO Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy. I had the privilege… - 3 years ago

@masuda_ko_1: RT @masuda_ko_1: 読書ノート(2007-08-02) 気候変化と生物多様性 / Thomas E. LOVEJOY & Lee HANNAH 編 (2005) Climate Change and Biodiversity. - 3 years ago

@haltaq: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@Risaroos: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@BostonBoomer: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@AntonioMoll: RT @NatGeoEspana: Thomas Lovejoy, biólogo y explorador de National Geographic fallecido este 25 de diciembre, pasó más de 50 años trabajand… - 3 years ago

@XR_BSE: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@crashalan: RT @Revkin: Gone much too soon, @Tom_Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@kjfeeley: First Thomas Lovejoy and now EO Wilson. Two giants of conservation have left us. - 3 years ago

@sarah_hoef: RT @EcoInvasions: The world lost Thomas Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson almost within the same day. But they left us a legacy of deep insight, insp… - 3 years ago

@JuanarioMedina: - 3 years ago

@Isabelgranadina: RT @NatGeoEspana: Thomas Lovejoy, biólogo y explorador de National Geographic fallecido este 25 de diciembre, pasó más de 50 años trabajand… - 3 years ago

@lanona72756199: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@TommyDBone: RT @EcoInvasions: The world lost Thomas Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson almost within the same day. But they left us a legacy of deep insight, insp… - 3 years ago

@essaroberta: um dia depois do Thomas Lovejoy morreu também Edward O. Wilson 😥 😥 - 3 years ago

@NatGeoEspana: Thomas Lovejoy, biólogo y explorador de National Geographic fallecido este 25 de diciembre, pasó más de 50 años tra… - 3 years ago

@carlosbirc: RT @MNCN_Col: #RIP A unhappy Christmas this year for biologists and all those interested in ecology and biodiversity conservation for the l… - 3 years ago

@punkbiology: Ontem Thomas Lovejoy e Desmond Tutu, hoje E. O. Wilson... Acaba logo, 2021. E se for levar mais alguém, que seja um… - 3 years ago

@anubisbrutus: RT @RPellagrini: Energy is energy. Law of physics. Every action has a reaction. The dinosaurs were to big to fail. Attracted an asteroid. T… - 3 years ago

@epocanegocios: Morre um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy, aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@bntecology: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@chapoisat: Thomas Lovejoy, dies at 80 the National Geographic explorer also published the first estimate of global extinction… - 3 years ago

@chapoisat: Thomas Lovejoy, muere a los 80 años el explorador de National Geographic también publicó la primera estimación de… - 3 years ago

@VKomyakova13: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@oprimeiroportal: Morre Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia - 3 years ago

@NunoGOliveira: e também o fabuloso Thomas Lovejoy! Estamos mesmo a assistir a uma 'mudança de turno' muito grande na ecologia cont… - 3 years ago

@DrColinTrainor: RT @BirdLife_News: A tribute to Dr. Thomas Lovejoy from @BirdLife_CEO Patricia Zurita - 3 years ago

@BirdLife_News: A tribute to Dr. Thomas Lovejoy from @BirdLife_CEO Patricia Zurita - 3 years ago

@emiliobiologo: RT @elespectador: El biólogo se ganó este apodo por introducir el termino diversidad biológica en 1980. Gran parte de su trabajo de conserv… - 3 years ago

@ManoloSanchezA: RT @ArtrhopMed: @ManoloSanchezA @SEMicrobiologia Dos grandes en dos días: - 3 years ago

@belicoso2: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@c_duigan: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@NSaliverou: @InsideNatGeo @QueenNoor I bid farewell ,Thomas Lovejoy, remembering his significant quote: Natural Species are the… - 3 years ago

@pnamgyel: - 3 years ago

@imagine_garden: RT @MNCN_Col: #RIP A unhappy Christmas this year for biologists and all those interested in ecology and biodiversity conservation for the l… - 3 years ago

@izeni_farias: RT @FSCamposUB: #biodiversity is losing the godfathers today! Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson in the same day is a very sad news for al… - 3 years ago

@ANTI_URIBENO: RT @elespectador: El biólogo se ganó este apodo por introducir el termino diversidad biológica en 1980. Gran parte de su trabajo de conserv… - 3 years ago

@joseduardorueda: RT @elespectador: El biólogo se ganó este apodo por introducir el termino diversidad biológica en 1980. Gran parte de su trabajo de conserv… - 3 years ago

@Santixs: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@verdescience: RT @o_eco: Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo trabalho de mais de 50 anos na Amazônia, faleceu neste sábado (25/12), em Washington (EU… - 3 years ago

@ANGIEPOPS11: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@Adrifluesterin: RT @elespectador: El biólogo se ganó este apodo por introducir el termino diversidad biológica en 1980. Gran parte de su trabajo de conserv… - 3 years ago

@ovuagri: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@BragaChiquita: RT @o_eco: Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo trabalho de mais de 50 anos na Amazônia, faleceu neste sábado (25/12), em Washington (EU… - 3 years ago

@SergioSilva03: Juepucha. Primero, Thomas Lovejoy. Ahora, Edward O. Wilson. Y quedan 5 días pa que se acabe el 2021. - 3 years ago

@TiniDo: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@QueenNoor: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@hbdchick: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@elespectador: El biólogo se ganó este apodo por introducir el termino diversidad biológica en 1980. Gran parte de su trabajo de c… - 3 years ago

@LASanchezC: RT @Hcoya: 🔴 Thomas Lovejoy, el ‘padrino de la #biodiversidad ' y considerado el mayor investigador de la #Amazonia , muere a los 80 años h… - 3 years ago

@greenarkpress: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@greenarkpress: RT @amazonwatch: Rest In Power Thomas Lovejoy, thank you for all you have done for science, especially Amazonia, its wildlife, and its peop… - 3 years ago

@TedGenoways: Losing Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy in a 24-hour period is pretty tough to take. - 3 years ago

@caec_espinoza: RT @Hcoya: 🔴 Thomas Lovejoy, el ‘padrino de la #biodiversidad ' y considerado el mayor investigador de la #Amazonia , muere a los 80 años h… - 3 years ago

@jeanisagomez: RT @elespectador: #LoMásLeído en Medio Ambiente: Falleció el biólogo Thomas Lovejoy, el padrino de la biodiversidad - 3 years ago

@lisaldesj: JC. First Thomas Lovejoy passed away yesterday, and today EO Wilson passed away. The world has lost some real champ… - 3 years ago

@din_mon: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@EduardoLabarc11: RT @PictureThisAI: Thomas E. Lovejoy, the ecologist who has worked in the Brazilian Amazon since 1965, passed away on Christmas Day this ye… - 3 years ago

@tkrizler: RT @AliceCHughes: Thomas Lovejoy was an inspirational man,reminiscing about Gerald Durrell and his legacy(another conservation great)at the… - 3 years ago

@s_informado: Morre biólogo norte-americano Thomas Lovejoy, aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@JuanMil68545574: Se fue el de las parcelas… - 3 years ago

@shayohill: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@JUANGONZALOSAL1: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@Biteris_: RT @BrunoVelde: Thomas Lovejoy, ‘godfather of biodiversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@PaleoJZ: RT @YaleBiosphere: We are saddened by the loss of Tom Lovejoy. In addition to his leadership in conceptualizing biodiversity and in Amazon… - 3 years ago

@reubenmuhindi: We will remember fondly the “Godfather of biodiversity” For such a time when we face a huge challenge of biodiversi… - 3 years ago

@threefivefive18: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@FlynnColeman: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@TuxICT: RT @ConservationOrg: The conservation movement has lost one of its giants. Renowned ecologist Dr. Thomas Lovejoy died Dec. 25 at the age of… - 3 years ago

@arvindusretay: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@BsMorabe: RT @PictureThisAI: Thomas E. Lovejoy, the ecologist who has worked in the Brazilian Amazon since 1965, passed away on Christmas Day this ye… - 3 years ago

@OscarSinLaRenta: RT @elespectador: #LoMásLeído en Medio Ambiente: Falleció el biólogo Thomas Lovejoy, el padrino de la biodiversidad - 3 years ago

@jagcoutureNY: RT @BrunoVelde: Thomas Lovejoy, ‘godfather of biodiversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@Maluvasq: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@m97tang: RT @PictureThisAI: Thomas E. Lovejoy, the ecologist who has worked in the Brazilian Amazon since 1965, passed away on Christmas Day this ye… - 3 years ago

@monkprayogshala: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 Via: @NatGeo… - 3 years ago

@TheMartiScott: RT @apetrusk: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@Pkhpk: RT @apetrusk: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@PictureThisAI: Thomas E. Lovejoy, the ecologist who has worked in the Brazilian Amazon since 1965, passed away on Christmas Day th… - 3 years ago

@zacket23: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@pedroamaciel: RT @axelgrael: Perdemos hoje Thomas Lovejoy, ambientalista norte-americano que trabalhou muito no Brasil. Defensor da preservação da Amazôn… - 3 years ago

@idearium: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@NvrKnew1: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@CarolinaFYH: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@apetrusk: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@jettbritnell: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@izabelcrisp: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@MondacaWaliki: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@medeaenzo: RT @elespectador: #LoMásLeído en Medio Ambiente: Falleció el biólogo Thomas Lovejoy, el padrino de la biodiversidad - 3 years ago

@KarolGomezU: RT @Brigittelgb: Buen viaje al gran Lovejoy, infinitamente generoso e inspirador del más grande experimento de fragmentación ecológica de l… - 3 years ago

@infoambiental: Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer •Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo t… - 3 years ago

@microsoftnews: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@MSN: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@_brolland_: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@joelalava1: RT @EcoInvasions: "[The] reduction of the biological diversity of the planet is the most basic issue of our time." (1980) "It is nothing s… - 3 years ago

@Ella_AlShamahi: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@rosavespinoza: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@CVCF65: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@alemoros: RT @elespectador: #LoMásLeído en Medio Ambiente: Falleció el biólogo Thomas Lovejoy, el padrino de la biodiversidad - 3 years ago

@infoambiental: DESPEDIDA Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer 📰 @o_eco 🌱 - 3 years ago

@marianocastro: RT @AmazonBiodivCtr: The @AmazonBiodivCtr is deeply saddened by the passing of our Founder and President, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, on December 2… - 3 years ago

@BertaBeltranCD: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@avecitach: RT @AmazonBiodivCtr: The @AmazonBiodivCtr is deeply saddened by the passing of our Founder and President, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, on December 2… - 3 years ago

@LRRamsay: Three amazing, brilliant people who were superstars in each of their three totally different worlds. Rest In Peace… - 3 years ago

@MillanJanuario: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@JoshuaGoji: RT @DrScottSampson: A tremendous loss. Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80. - 3 years ago

@DarioCuellar: RT @elespectador: #LoMásLeído en Medio Ambiente: Falleció el biólogo Thomas Lovejoy, el padrino de la biodiversidad - 3 years ago

@Apstefto1: RT @elespectador: #ATENCIÓN El biólogo se ganó este apodo por introducir el termino diversidad biológica en 1980. Gran parte de su trabajo… - 3 years ago

@israel0067: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@auridesmora: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@bipul67: Thomas E. Lovejoy III, conservation biologist who helped catalyze a global movement to save the Amazon rainforest i… - 3 years ago

@OsnoflaCo: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@DrScottSampson: A tremendous loss. Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80. - 3 years ago

@letaguesesho: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@francisvolh: RT @ColombiaBF: Con profunda tristeza nos unimos a los mensajes por el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy, un admirado, respetado y mu… - 3 years ago

@ReyOspina3: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@LuisHer71815064: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@ariefinns: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@Anamariamojita: Un adiós a dos grandes en la construcción de un planeta mejor, desde la humanidad y la biodiversidad. Sus ejemplos… - 3 years ago

@ineeshadvs: RT @e_cousens: Tom Lovejoy was a brilliant and pioneering conservation biologist, steadfast champion for nature and his beloved Amazon, and… - 3 years ago

@Alex30303173: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@fortivus: Thomas Lovejoy, 'godfather of biodiversity,' dies at 80 #Biodiversity via - 3 years ago

@BrunaLab: RT @theATBC: It is with great sadness that we learned about the passing of Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy III, ATBC Past-President (2005) and ATBC H… - 3 years ago

@ineeshadvs: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@humbersanchez2: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@fredemiro: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@CarlosM50862524: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@manuel0853: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@FakeHackersList: Thomas Lovejoy, 'godfather of biodiversity,' dies at 80 #Biodiversity via - 3 years ago

@ClaraSolano6: RT @Brigittelgb: Buen viaje al gran Lovejoy, infinitamente generoso e inspirador del más grande experimento de fragmentación ecológica de l… - 3 years ago

@Lucia_Lohmann: RT @theATBC: It is with great sadness that we learned about the passing of Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy III, ATBC Past-President (2005) and ATBC H… - 3 years ago

@andres_schz: RT @Brigittelgb: Buen viaje al gran Lovejoy, infinitamente generoso e inspirador del más grande experimento de fragmentación ecológica de l… - 3 years ago

@HimaniChand6: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@davidnvs: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@dulcedemon: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@NILTONRUIZ: RT @Brigittelgb: Buen viaje al gran Lovejoy, infinitamente generoso e inspirador del más grande experimento de fragmentación ecológica de l… - 3 years ago

@SDG_Academy: We are sad to learn of the passing of renowned conservation biologist Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, who teaches in our course… - 3 years ago

@DocMarkPlotkin: RT @ConservationOrg: The conservation movement has lost one of its giants. Renowned ecologist Dr. Thomas Lovejoy died Dec. 25 at the age of… - 3 years ago

@DocMarkPlotkin: RT @Revkin: Gone much too soon, @Tom_Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@LaFasstidiosita: RT @elespectador: #ATENCIÓN El biólogo se ganó este apodo por introducir el termino diversidad biológica en 1980. Gran parte de su trabajo… - 3 years ago

@torvaanser: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@andytoronto: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@fredkuukusmith: RT @BrunoVelde: Thomas Lovejoy, ‘godfather of biodiversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@jelares551: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@EstebanVicenzi: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@SJC_fishy: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@HoferChofer: RT @theGEF: The GEF is deeply saddened by the passing of renowned conservation biologist, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. A former Chair of GEF's Scie… - 3 years ago

@ANTI_URIBENO: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@AsadUmay: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@GiovannaBustam5: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@jagcouturegifts: Thomas Lovejoy, 'godfather of biodiversity,' dies at 80 #Biodiversity via - 3 years ago

@InsdataInter: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@Berekade: RT @Revkin: Gone much too soon, @Tom_Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@EugenioRengifo: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@Cyberkedi: RT @amazonwatch: Rest In Power Thomas Lovejoy, thank you for all you have done for science, especially Amazonia, its wildlife, and its peop… - 3 years ago

@FeinbergEcology: RT @ConservationOrg: The conservation movement has lost one of its giants. Renowned ecologist Dr. Thomas Lovejoy died Dec. 25 at the age of… - 3 years ago

@RoseGWhite: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@VojtechKotecky: Včera umřel legendární Thomas Lovejoy. Málokdo se tolik jako on postaral o to, aby ochrana přírody dostala solidní… - 3 years ago

@samil60111975: RT @unfoundation: Today we mourn the loss of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, pioneering and acclaimed conservation and tropical biologist, UN Foundatio… - 3 years ago

@e_cousens: Tom Lovejoy was a brilliant and pioneering conservation biologist, steadfast champion for nature and his beloved Am… - 3 years ago

@unfoundation: Today we mourn the loss of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, pioneering and acclaimed conservation and tropical biologist, UN Fou… - 3 years ago

@FerreiraVanucia: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@hannajim: RT @DaveScottSC: Sorry to hear that eminent conservation biologist Thomas Lovejoy has died. This 2013 NY Times op ed was his succinct argum… - 3 years ago

@UnidosBrasil2: RT @andrearoeirap: Meu Deus. Perdemos Thomas Lovejoy, um dos mais importantes nomes da conservação da biodiversidade tropical e apaixonado… - 3 years ago

@dricabianco: RT @andrearoeirap: Meu Deus. Perdemos Thomas Lovejoy, um dos mais importantes nomes da conservação da biodiversidade tropical e apaixonado… - 3 years ago

@ecology_tweets: RT @loppes1: Grande baixa, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. Padrinho do termo "Biodiversidade". _ Thoma… - 3 years ago

@AmazonBiodivCtr: RT @RainforestTrust: Rainforest Trust joins the world in mourning the loss of Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy III, preeminent conservation biologist… - 3 years ago

@SoniaBridi: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@WolbachK: - 3 years ago

@AmazonBiodivCtr: RT @andesamazonfund: We lament the passing of renowned biologist and AAF board member Thomas Lovejoy. Known as the “Godfather of Biodiversi… - 3 years ago

@AmazonBiodivCtr: RT @ConservationOrg: The conservation movement has lost one of its giants. Renowned ecologist Dr. Thomas Lovejoy died Dec. 25 at the age of… - 3 years ago

@Lunorva: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@AmazonBiodivCtr: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@AmazonBiodivCtr: The @AmazonBiodivCtr is deeply saddened by the passing of our Founder and President, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, on Decembe… - 3 years ago

@godsodbr: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@Mara_Rocio: RT @elespectador: "El padrino de la biodiversidad" concentró gran parte de su trabajo de conservación en el estudio del Amazonas y en explo… - 3 years ago

@MrPumpi: RT @Carter_Roberts: WWF remembers legendary conservation biologist Thomas Lovejoy, who passed away on December 25, 2021. Our statement: htt… - 3 years ago

@Kansinga: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@CivilRightsProf: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@dircilenee: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@pinktweets: RIP, Thomas Lovejoy. - 3 years ago

@pedoconnective: RT @NYBG: We're deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, a pioneering figure in global conservation biology and a long-time NY… - 3 years ago

@kevin_damasio: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@BiodiversHealth: RT @mremae: I am deeply saddened to hear that Thomas Lovejoy passed away this week and send my condolences to his friends and family. Know… - 3 years ago

@JiggySevilla: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@GreenAssam: RT @PushpamK: Lovejoy's legacy is enduring and inspiring. He played his remarkable inning, we need to carry forward. - 3 years ago

@JChrisPires: RT @NYBG: We're deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, a pioneering figure in global conservation biology and a long-time NY… - 3 years ago

@tu_yuyo: RT @UNBiodiversity: “His work will live on for generations.” @UNBiodiversity Executive Secretary @mremae remembers Professor Thomas Lovejo… - 3 years ago

@NYBG: We're deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, a pioneering figure in global conservation biology and… - 3 years ago

@MaikeMC2001: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@jerseygirlstill: Thomas Lovejoy, ‘godfather of biodiversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@BPBES_oficial: RT @CoalizaoCs: O cientista Carlos Joly (Unicamp) escreve sobre o ambientalista e biólogo estadunidense Thomas Lovejoy, referência mundial… - 3 years ago

@GuilloRodrig: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@CrisStoeberl: RT @unatalie: Grande perda, Thomas Lovejoy deu imensa contribuição a ciência da natureza e da Amazônia #RIP - 3 years ago

@Eco_melon: RT @carlsafina: Tom Lovejoy, a towering presence in conservation, has died. - 3 years ago

@hnrqsv: RT @andrearoeirap: Meu Deus. Perdemos Thomas Lovejoy, um dos mais importantes nomes da conservação da biodiversidade tropical e apaixonado… - 3 years ago

@oarnold32: RT @Carter_Roberts: WWF remembers legendary conservation biologist Thomas Lovejoy, who passed away on December 25, 2021. Our statement: htt… - 3 years ago

@trainedbrains: RT @CraigAWelch: This is such a loss. Dr. Lovejoy was a giant. He spent decades warning abt risks to the Amazon. He was also just a lovely,… - 3 years ago

@BillKitchen2: @billmckibben @SenWhitehouse - 3 years ago

@VizualizeDream: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@ProudfootAndrew: RT @BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife Advis… - 3 years ago

@FernandoMagnat3: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@JChrisPires: RT @MotherAmazon: 🌿Thomas E. Lovejoy, "the Godfather of Biodiversity", President of the @AmazonBiodivCtr, a world-renowned champion for glo… - 3 years ago

@kwmcnamee: Pax et Bonum, Thomas Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@DocMarkPlotkin: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@mr_marceloreal: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@mr_marceloreal: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@mljavieramos: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@mr_marceloreal: RT @CIBrasil: “É a ciência que deve espalhar o entendimento de que a escolha não é entre a natureza selvagem ou pessoas, mas sim entre uma… - 3 years ago

@mr_marceloreal: RT @CIBrasil: É com grande pesar que comunicamos que o Dr Thomas Lovejoy, membro do Conselho Deliberativo da CI-Brasil, faleceu no dia de h… - 3 years ago

@Aerin_J: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@BruxoMilady: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@cynthiatapley: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@jjaramilloblt: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@cynthiatapley: RT @ZacGoldsmith: Thomas Lovejoy devoted his life to standing up for the environment. I feel immense gratitude to him. RIP - 3 years ago

@TedLoch: Sad news... Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@Davidefishes: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@JeannePitts: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@aimycp: Descansa en paz Thomas Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@mr_marceloreal: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@Autonomo16: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@g1amazonas: Lovejoy foi um dos principais nomes em defesa da preservação da Amazônia e da biodiversidade da região - 3 years ago

@CVilca1819: RT @PushpamK: Lovejoy's legacy is enduring and inspiring. He played his remarkable inning, we need to carry forward. - 3 years ago

@politico_br: Finalizo o ano com esse artigo no @poder360 sobre a nossa relação com a Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thoma… - 3 years ago

@silvioluiz: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@PiedadeMagda: RT @miriamleitao: Numa pequena comunidade ribeirinha no Rio Negro, eu encontrei uma escola com o nome dele: Thomas Lovejoy. Grande amigo qu… - 3 years ago

@barun_kalita: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@claudialriani: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@SrgiodeLaRocque: RT @andrearoeirap: Meu Deus. Perdemos Thomas Lovejoy, um dos mais importantes nomes da conservação da biodiversidade tropical e apaixonado… - 3 years ago

@MarceloACoelho1: RT @RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@DrLimnology: RT @bio_diverse: I am left reeling tonight at the news that Tom Lovejoy has passed away. He was a friend and mentor to me and so many other… - 3 years ago

@jamsmcgowan: On Christmas we lost Thomas Lovejoy who championed biodiversity. Now Desmond Tutu who championed the principle of r… - 3 years ago

@CraigAWelch: RT @CraigAWelch: This is such a loss. Dr. Lovejoy was a giant. He spent decades warning abt risks to the Amazon. He was also just a lovely,… - 3 years ago

@infopresidencia: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@coatiwhisperer: RT @PeterDaszak: We lost a giant yesterday with Tom Lovejoy’s passing. Conservation biologist, climate change activist, One Health supporte… - 3 years ago

@loupalu: RT @Indira_L: Sad news tonight. A member of our @InsideNatGeo family has passed away: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biolog… - 3 years ago

@TrudaOceans: RT @miriamleitao: Numa pequena comunidade ribeirinha no Rio Negro, eu encontrei uma escola com o nome dele: Thomas Lovejoy. Grande amigo qu… - 3 years ago

@LadyCasannova: RT @RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@JoseAloiseBahia: RT @RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@greenbadger49: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@msoares: RT @tdbem: nem terminei de ler os obituários da joan didion e já se seguiam as mortes do desmond tutu e do thomas lovejoy. - 3 years ago

@Guiller15051951: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@Warley_Lopes: RT @RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@Videar: RT @ColombiaBF: Con profunda tristeza nos unimos a los mensajes por el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy, un admirado, respetado y mu… - 3 years ago

@MooreFound: In gratitude for an extraordinary life and legacy, and with condolences to his family and friends around the world - 3 years ago

@VaniseMonteneg1: RT @RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@khoney: RT @lemurwrangler: Tom Lovejoy was a giant. We owe him a great debt for his battle against extinction. - 3 years ago

@SrgiodeLaRocque: RT @RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@O_Gazzola_Jr: Morreu Desmond Tutu (Nobel da Paz) e Thomas Lovejoy (ambientalista). Que o legado de ambos ilumine este mundo marca… - 3 years ago

@LucianoNascime6: RT @RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@mhroseman: RT @jamsmcgowan: @SenWhitehouse I worked with Thomas Lovejoy on many projects to save the diversity of life on Earth. A brilliant scientist… - 3 years ago

@diraholanda: RT @RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@TrudaOceans: RT @coalizao_brasil: Morreu ontem, aos 80 anos, o biólogo Thomas Lovejoy, defensor incondicional da Amazônia. Estudou a floresta desde os a… - 3 years ago

@gduquej: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@JamesRe39604162: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@victordanielcas: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@JuanCar04624072: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@RubensOtoni: ✅♦️PAI DA BIODIVERSIDADE ▶️Considerado pai da biodiversidade, Thomas Lovejoy morre vítima de câncer - - 3 years ago

@zedoreggae: RT @JornalOGlobo: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@TrudaOceans: RT @o_eco: Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo trabalho de mais de 50 anos na Amazônia, faleceu neste sábado (25/12), em Washington (EU… - 3 years ago

@jamsmcgowan: @SenWhitehouse I worked with Thomas Lovejoy on many projects to save the diversity of life on Earth. A brilliant sc… - 3 years ago

@arcocielo: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@HumbertoLopezD7: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@gabymorales830: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@ExtractivesCU: RT @saleem_ali: Deeply saddened by passing of one my mentors - Dr. Tom Lovejoy - who is credited for coining the term #biodiversity - we se… - 3 years ago

@Carlos_Tnlgo: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@BirdWatchDaily: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@stevenpbrumby: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@coniferr: RT @amjukar: - 3 years ago

@APS31018713: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@sersaamo: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@NatureEcoEvo: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@TrudaOceans: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos | Meio Ambiente | G1 - 3 years ago

@PauloSilva1955: RT @alcileneblog: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos | Meio Ambiente | G1 - 3 years ago

@PRANGELMARMOL: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@juancalizr: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@ivaldomoraes: RT @SoniaBridi: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos | Meio Ambiente | G1 - 3 years ago

@Malelo2711: RT @andrearoeirap: Meu Deus. Perdemos Thomas Lovejoy, um dos mais importantes nomes da conservação da biodiversidade tropical e apaixonado… - 3 years ago

@Energy51: Tom made an impressive contribution to the field of conservation biology and brought attention to the fragile state… - 3 years ago

@CarlosS_Col: RT @CabreraAngel: So sad to lose Tom Lovejoy. Science & conservation giant. Coiner & life-long advocate of biological diversity. Dedicated… - 3 years ago

@ysifueradora: RT @o_eco: Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo trabalho de mais de 50 anos na Amazônia, faleceu neste sábado (25/12), em Washington (EU… - 3 years ago

@InsideNatGeo: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@nycLAF: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@jrjota4: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@RomeroSaltaren: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@fabio_nehme: RT @kaleekreider: Remembering Explorer at Large Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. A friend, a mentor, an incredible scientist, and a true gentleman, Tom… - 3 years ago

@OfficialWilken: RT @BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife Advis… - 3 years ago

@fabriziolima: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@paty0367: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@asandovalla: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@TeresaDePelegri: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@bibi_org: RT @robmuggah: Powerhouse #biologist, Thomas Lovejoy, who coined the expression “biological diversity” and worked tirelessly to protect the… - 3 years ago

@carlosrzamora93: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@Araujo_lab: I am deeply saddened by the loss of Thomas Lovejoy; key figure in bringing biodiversity science to the high spheres… - 3 years ago

@TurgeonTremblay: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@RamiroQ98792297: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@Garrapatudo: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@BSScaldaferri: RT @robmuggah: Powerhouse #biologist, Thomas Lovejoy, who coined the expression “biological diversity” and worked tirelessly to protect the… - 3 years ago

@brynecol: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@Marioga09526937: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@PorLaDERECHA16: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@MAPU789: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@SoniaTo20376347: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@SoniaRRomeroMo1: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@JuankFuentesc1: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@dr_hick: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@feedingbuzz: RT @Argemirotlf: “É a ciência que deve espalhar o entendimento de que a escolha não é entre a natureza selvagem ou pessoas, mas, sim, entre… - 3 years ago

@Perseu54847237: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@simon_schama: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@TrudaOceans: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@taitmaps: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@EcodefendersBr: RT @MotherAmazon: 🌿Thomas E. Lovejoy, "the Godfather of Biodiversity", President of the @AmazonBiodivCtr, a world-renowned champion for glo… - 3 years ago

@anajanaina: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@adelach: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@NRDCNY_Rich: RT @ChristopherNFox: “Thomas Lovejoy, a well-known American conservation biologist who coined the term “biological diversity” in 1980, died… - 3 years ago

@Javi_Osorio: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@_laportentosa: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@lorna_greenw00d: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@EmisorasABC: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@revistalavie: RT @o_antagonista: Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@VicentePugliaAr: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@GrandeMinoria: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@zarin33: RT @iserrapilheira: O Serrapilheira lamenta o falecimento do seu conselheiro científico Thomas Lovejoy no sábado, 25/12. Professor da Unive… - 3 years ago

@CoralVitaReefs: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@ANTONIO01765267: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@Manoloparis_: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@macmargolis: - 3 years ago

@juanpablobenite: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@Guiller_Rubiano: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@nedza_md: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@navaaale: RT @MarceloNLeite: What a sad coincidence: just after watching Don’t Look Up I hear the news about Tom Lovejoy passing. Never has the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@egurcabogado: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@AlHendiify: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@bailadores_: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@LFF: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@DavidOlarteA: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@ValenciaCapy: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@SotoLJorge: RT @pedro_jordano: Rest In Peace Tom Lovejoy, a pillar of Amazonian rainforest conservation. One of the brightest minds in conservation bio… - 3 years ago

@johopean: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@dianariveras: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@marcofjc123: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@franfer050: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@chefitaliano89: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@WorldGovDepart: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@domphillips: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@TenagliaGabriel: Como não referenciar esse expoente da Biologia no mundo! Como compreender biodiversidade, sem lembrar do Lovejoy!… - 3 years ago

@outoforderx: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@AtlanticoEmi: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@MnicaTo18682430: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@venezuela_29833: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@SotoLJorge: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@MarthaYANIRA10: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@wadakashiho: RT @IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales biólogos… - 3 years ago

@vcaivano: Big loss for the world. Conservation biologist Thomas Lovejoy, a pioneer defender of the Amazon rainforest, dies at… - 3 years ago

@IvanDuque: Lamentamos profundamente la partida de Thomas Lovejoy, gran amigo, protector del #Amazonas, uno de los principales… - 3 years ago

@medithroll: RT @SoniaBridi: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos | Meio Ambiente | G1 - 3 years ago

@umbrios: RT @TrudaOceans: Via @estadao: Biólogo Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - - 3 years ago

@Juju281124: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@TrudaOceans: Via @estadao: Biólogo Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - - 3 years ago

@MarcosSantosAM: Clique no link para ver os detalhes da notícia - 3 years ago

@xicograziano: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@pimenta_suzana: RT @o_antagonista: Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@kaleekreider: Remembering Explorer at Large Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. A friend, a mentor, an incredible scientist, and a true gentleman… - 3 years ago

@healing_energy4: RT @NatGeoMag: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center… - 3 years ago

@ecoterracolombi: RT @ColombiaBF: Con profunda tristeza nos unimos a los mensajes por el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy, un admirado, respetado y mu… - 3 years ago

@Stefanellojulia: RT @caiosborges: John Ruggie, bell hooks e hoje Thomas Lovejoy, um dos maiores estudiosos sobre a Amazônia, co-autor de influente artigo so… - 3 years ago

@kates_rangers: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@GlaucoPortela: RT @portaldoholanda: Defensor da Amazônia Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos-> - 3 years ago

@catarisas: RT @ColombiaBF: Con profunda tristeza nos unimos a los mensajes por el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy, un admirado, respetado y mu… - 3 years ago

@meamaluca: RIP 😭 - 3 years ago

@aximtreo: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@24beavers: Sad news. Tom Lovejoy died on Christmas Day. - 3 years ago

@DHARMA_K: Farewell @Tom_Lovejoy Thomas Lovejoy, o cara, um querido, já fazendo muita falta!!💔💔🙏🏽🙏🏽 - 3 years ago

@baconrj: RT @o_antagonista: Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@Malelo2711: RT @iserrapilheira: O Serrapilheira lamenta o falecimento do seu conselheiro científico Thomas Lovejoy no sábado, 25/12. Professor da Unive… - 3 years ago

@a_lins: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@EdnardoBraga_1: RT @JornalOGlobo: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@maxirogalo: RT @ColombiaBF: Con profunda tristeza nos unimos a los mensajes por el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy, un admirado, respetado y mu… - 3 years ago

@AC_nycteris: RT @o_eco: Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo trabalho de mais de 50 anos na Amazônia, faleceu neste sábado (25/12), em Washington (EU… - 3 years ago

@cloriscm: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@DrKMAbrams: RT @RichardMcLellan: Vale Thomas Lovejoy — best remembered for many accomplishments, but especially for the term “biological diversity” and… - 3 years ago

@ProjetosAmbien2: RT @o_eco: Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo trabalho de mais de 50 anos na Amazônia, faleceu neste sábado (25/12), em Washington (EU… - 3 years ago

@o_eco: Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo trabalho de mais de 50 anos na Amazônia, faleceu neste sábado (25/12), em W… - 3 years ago

@TidepoolAnn: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@CTCullensArt: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@scaquiles: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@RogerioRocco: RT @andrearoeirap: Meu Deus. Perdemos Thomas Lovejoy, um dos mais importantes nomes da conservação da biodiversidade tropical e apaixonado… - 3 years ago

@DaniRabaiotti: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@ChristopherNFox: “Thomas Lovejoy, a well-known American conservation biologist who coined the term “biological diversity” in 1980, d… - 3 years ago

@kikruk: RT @RichardMcLellan: Vale Thomas Lovejoy — best remembered for many accomplishments, but especially for the term “biological diversity” and… - 3 years ago

@AbdalaFabio: Um grande defensor da Amazônia, generoso, gente boa demais, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos | Meio Ambiente | G1 - 3 years ago

@smcaldeira60: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@Annacmmoraes: RT @JornalOGlobo: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@Annacmmoraes: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@julioglamas: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@Sandeep26102: RT @rowhoop: Thomas Lovejoy has died aged 80. In 1987 he said if we don’t tackle climate change we can forget about biodiversity (from chap… - 3 years ago

@blogdaamazonia: Dia a Dia | Conhecido como padrinho da biodiversidade, Lovejoy morreu em Washington, nos Estados Unidos. Causa da m… - 3 years ago

@erstkate: RT @rowhoop: Thomas Lovejoy has died aged 80. In 1987 he said if we don’t tackle climate change we can forget about biodiversity (from chap… - 3 years ago

@GeraldKutney: RT @rowhoop: Thomas Lovejoy has died aged 80. In 1987 he said if we don’t tackle climate change we can forget about biodiversity (from chap… - 3 years ago

@gnetgalo: RT @WagnerTerzi: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos | Meio Ambiente | G1 - 3 years ago

@SolangeJesamari: RT @imavieira: Remembering Explorer at Large Dr. Thomas Lovejoy – National Geographic Society Newsroom - 3 years ago

@LuchoSuarez60: RT @RobbieBisset: @theGEF A huge loss for the science and conservation community - read former @theGEF @UNEP @STAPGEF Chair & Senior Adviso… - 3 years ago

@TuneglobalHuman: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@LuchoSuarez60: @cmrodrigueze Thomas Lovejoy nos inspiró a muchos biólogos de la conservación, con sus publicaciones sobre la Amazo… - 3 years ago

@AtthowGlen: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@ro_lustosa: RT @FPallmeiras: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos Conhecido como padrinho da biodiversidade, Love… - 3 years ago

@ange_cibrian: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@EdnardoBraga_1: RT @MarcianoBrito13: Morre Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia Biólogo e ambientalista tinha 8… - 3 years ago

@susanptr: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@cerrosbogota: RT @ColombiaBF: Con profunda tristeza nos unimos a los mensajes por el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy, un admirado, respetado y mu… - 3 years ago

@miguelmcminn: RT @pedro_jordano: Rest In Peace Tom Lovejoy, a pillar of Amazonian rainforest conservation. One of the brightest minds in conservation bio… - 3 years ago

@Pedro_mar_tins: RT @maureensantos: Thomas Lovejoy nos deixou e ganhou a eternidade. Sua importância nos estudos da Ecologia e conhecimento sobre diversidad… - 3 years ago

@AnaLuizaHolan10: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@JamCorrea58: RT @JornalOGlobo: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@EfeSomos: Sua capacidade de transitar com a mesma habilidade entre a selva, produzindo ciência, e a… - 3 years ago

@LetiValverdes: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@mytrader_io: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - Jornal O Globo,… - 3 years ago

@FPallmeiras: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos Conhecido como padrinho da biodiversidad… - 3 years ago

@mweiss_tue: RT @lemurwrangler: Tom Lovejoy was a giant. We owe him a great debt for his battle against extinction. - 3 years ago

@El_K_Bong: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@marktutton25: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@OneDivineAnnie: RT @pgreenfielduk: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@combateracismo: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@binobiasutti: RT @miriamleitao: Numa pequena comunidade ribeirinha no Rio Negro, eu encontrei uma escola com o nome dele: Thomas Lovejoy. Grande amigo qu… - 3 years ago

@cesardvf: RT @ClaudiaCostin: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - Jornal O Globo - 3 years ago

@pgreenfielduk: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@carolescreve_: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@ammcanizares: RT @ColombiaBF: Con profunda tristeza nos unimos a los mensajes por el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy, un admirado, respetado y mu… - 3 years ago

@Argemirotlf: “É a ciência que deve espalhar o entendimento de que a escolha não é entre a natureza selvagem ou pessoas, mas, sim… - 3 years ago

@luizebg: RT @o_eco: Biólogo norte-americano, conhecido pelo trabalho de mais de 50 anos na Amazônia, faleceu neste sábado (25/12), em Washington (EU… - 3 years ago

@Eco_melon: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@warmoezer: RIP Thomas E. Lovejoy cit.: (Biodiversity EDITED BY THOMAS E. LOVEJOY & LEE HANNAH and Climate Change Tran… - 3 years ago

@luizebg: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@luizebg: RT @folha: Morre biólogo norte-americano Thomas Lovejoy, aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@WagnerTerzi: RT @imavieira: Remembering Explorer at Large Dr. Thomas Lovejoy – National Geographic Society Newsroom - 3 years ago

@JSPendot: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@ian_mcfadden_: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@Cecilia_HdezP: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@enlasplantas: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@jrfsfcj: RT @JornalOGlobo: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@marianlturner: RT @rowhoop: Thomas Lovejoy has died aged 80. In 1987 he said if we don’t tackle climate change we can forget about biodiversity (from chap… - 3 years ago

@EdsonmMello: RT @miriamleitao: Numa pequena comunidade ribeirinha no Rio Negro, eu encontrei uma escola com o nome dele: Thomas Lovejoy. Grande amigo qu… - 3 years ago

@claudioangelo: RT @MarceloNLeite: What a sad coincidence: just after watching Don’t Look Up I hear the news about Tom Lovejoy passing. Never has the Amazo… - 3 years ago

@Vivianesa12: RT @wilsonlimaAM: Lamento profundamente o falecimento do Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, um dos maiores cientistas e estudiosos da Amazônia. Ele deixa… - 3 years ago

@pedro_jordano: - 3 years ago

@pedro_jordano: Rest In Peace Tom Lovejoy, a pillar of Amazonian rainforest conservation. One of the brightest minds in conservatio… - 3 years ago

@rowhoop: Thomas Lovejoy has died aged 80. In 1987 he said if we don’t tackle climate change we can forget about biodiversity… - 3 years ago

@AnibalPauchard: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@eduardo_tuxen: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@JSeverinojr: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@Jailton64637703: RT @SoniaBridi: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos | Meio Ambiente | G1 - 3 years ago

@christollone: Thomas Lovejoy, 80, American ecologist.[10] - 3 years ago

@marinhos: Thomas Lovejoy. Biólogo, defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade. Descanse em paz. Biologist, defender of the Am… - 3 years ago

@Paul_Hatchwell: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@JPayneWildlife: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@vaneasimivrsa: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@BirdLifeAfrica: RT @BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife Advis… - 3 years ago

@BernanosDe: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@Edvaneeghem: - 3 years ago

@ClariceMeirell1: RT @LaisSonkin1: Gratidão Tom. Eu ainda era aluna da rural nos anos 70 Tom implantava o projeto dinâmica biológica de fragmentos florestais… - 3 years ago

@MartinPanigaj: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@daniambiental: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@Goyzuet4: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@gi5_paulo: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@mlvv21: Um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos | Meio Ambiente | G1 RICARDO, MOTOSSERRA… - 3 years ago

@DiniomarG: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@lucia98624147: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@gnatalini: RT @Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@pogomcl: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@Luizdomeignoz: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@marcelo_ba7: RT @xicograziano: Um pacifista, outro ambientalista, faleceram Desmond Tutu (90) e Thomas Lovejoy (80), dois importantes construtores da no… - 3 years ago

@TomFerreiraAU: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

@almancio: #RIP Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais nomes em defesa da preservação da Amazônia e da biodiversidade da região. - 3 years ago

@Estadao: Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia, morre aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@SFM481: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@peteraf1: RT @BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife Advis… - 3 years ago

@BirdLifeEurope: RT @BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife Advis… - 3 years ago

@ColombiaBF: Con profunda tristeza nos unimos a los mensajes por el fallecimiento del Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy, un admirado, respet… - 3 years ago

@Jamiebojko: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@danak_s: RT @miriamleitao: Numa pequena comunidade ribeirinha no Rio Negro, eu encontrei uma escola com o nome dele: Thomas Lovejoy. Grande amigo qu… - 3 years ago

@thiagoepicuro: RT @marpimenta: “É a ciência que deve espalhar o entendimento de que a escolha não é entre a natureza selvagem ou pessoas, mas, sim, entre… - 3 years ago

@BrumAssis: RT @ClaudiaCostin: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - Jornal O Globo - 3 years ago

@BarnSug: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@ClaudiaCostin: Defensor da Amazônia e da biodiversidade, biólogo Thomas Lovejoy morre aos 80 anos - Jornal O Globo - 3 years ago

@musickel26: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@DavidGTosh: One of primary thinkers around biodiversity and conservation in the 1980s, Thomas Lovejoy, has died. It's amazing… - 3 years ago

@ica_mj: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@mkdyderski: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@GAndreaus: RT @InsideNatGeo: We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of National Geographic Explorer at Large and conservation biologist Thom… - 3 years ago

@livingarchitect: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@worldtripblogco: Remembering Explorer at Large Dr. Thomas Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@Birder_Katie: RT @BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife Advis… - 3 years ago

@tophsands: RT @BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife Advis… - 3 years ago

@WildlifeConfidl: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 #diversity #biologicaldiversity… - 3 years ago

@BirdLife_News: We mourn with his family, friends and colleagues the passing of Thomas Lovejoy, a treasured member of the BirdLife… - 3 years ago

@juanbello_06: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@AguilarMaria21: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@GEOSEC2025: RT @theGEF: The GEF is deeply saddened by the passing of renowned conservation biologist, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. A former Chair of GEF's Scie… - 3 years ago

@fps5000: Morre o biólogo ambientalista Thomas Lovejoy aos 80 anos - 3 years ago

@akmacroecology: RT @CarlosPeres_: Very sad to hear about Tom Lovejoy's passing. He passionately championed the cause in defense of the Amazon for nearly 5… - 3 years ago

@HromadaMartin: RT @EcoInvasions: We've lost a great champion for biodiversity. Tom Lovejoy coined the term "biological diversity" in 1980. He conducted th… - 3 years ago

@maliherazazan: RT @CraigAWelch: This is such a loss. Dr. Lovejoy was a giant. He spent decades warning abt risks to the Amazon. He was also just a lovely,… - 3 years ago

@ponglipong: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@Kathlee67998457: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@Besthoteldeals5: RT @The__Traveler: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biological diversity,’ dies at 80 - 3 years ago

@Tushar30121: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Thomas Lovejoy - #ThomasLovejoy #Thomas #Lovejoy #rip - 3 years ago

@rubenvalpue: RT @rubenvalpue: Tom Lovejoy made a friend of me with his very generous and humble soul. I wanted to learn as much as possible from him, an… - 3 years ago

@Collier_Justin: RT @Indira_L: Sad news tonight. A member of our @InsideNatGeo family has passed away: Thomas Lovejoy, renowned biologist who coined ‘biolog… - 3 years ago

@Sol07798202: RT @MarcianoBrito13: Morre Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia Biólogo e ambientalista tinha 8… - 3 years ago

@MarcianoBrito13: Morre Thomas Lovejoy, um dos principais defensores da Amazônia Biólogo e ambientalista tinh… - 3 years ago

@POHHNE: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@rubenvalpue: RT @CarlosPeres_: Very sad to hear about Tom Lovejoy's passing. He passionately championed the cause in defense of the Amazon for nearly 5… - 3 years ago

@rubenvalpue: RT @JonnyEcology: Saddened to hear of the death of the great conservation biologist Tom Lovejoy - 3 years ago

@rubenvalpue: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@dr_dingle: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@shardulbajikar: RT @vancegmartin: Our friend and colleague...the world is a better place for him.#biodiversity - 3 years ago

@MatthiasFi: RT @theGEF: The GEF is deeply saddened by the passing of renowned conservation biologist, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. A former Chair of GEF's Scie… - 3 years ago

@rubenvalpue: RT @bio_diverse: I am left reeling tonight at the news that Tom Lovejoy has passed away. He was a friend and mentor to me and so many other… - 3 years ago

@edwardleodavey: RT @jonathanwatts: Sad to learn of the death of the inspirational biologist, conservationist and Amazon defender Thomas Lovejoy. Meeting hi… - 3 years ago

@lowsodiumfreaks: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@pocoyoco77: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@nattynyc: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@rdpalacio: I met Tom Lovejoy at a biodiversity event at @DukeU, where I showed him a poster presentation on my reseach about 1… - 3 years ago

@prateek03387700: RT @NatGeo: Thomas Lovejoy spent more than 50 years working in the Amazon rainforest, founding the nonprofit Amazon Biodiversity Center and… - 3 years ago

@Steven_Ramage: RT @theGEF: The GEF is deeply saddened by the passing of renowned conservation biologist, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. A former Chair of GEF's Scie… - 3 years ago

@chicogeleira: RT @ClimaInfoNews: Que pena, morreu hoje um grande biólogo, ambientalista e defensor da Amazônia. RIP Thomas Lovejoy. 😥 Guardaremos com mui… - 3 years ago

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