Thomas Elsaesser

German film historian.
Died on Friday December 6th 2019

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Thomas Elsaesser:

@NRFTSJournal: RT @ted_geier: A re-retweet. This is in the already-incomparably-missed Thomas Elsaesser’s book series. Gabriella has been the most active… - 5 years ago

@marianaliz_: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In commemoration of Thomas Elsaesser, our editorial board member Malte Hagener wrote a loving tribute to one of film studi… - 5 years ago

@ted_geier: A re-retweet. This is in the already-incomparably-missed Thomas Elsaesser’s book series. Gabriella has been the mos… - 5 years ago

@rotten_rita: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In commemoration of Thomas Elsaesser, our editorial board member Malte Hagener wrote a loving tribute to one of film studi… - 5 years ago


@_nbaer_: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In commemoration of Thomas Elsaesser, our editorial board member Malte Hagener wrote a loving tribute to one of film studi… - 5 years ago

@Avaret: RT @DiegoS_lgado: Creo que no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié estos días en la figura del ensayista alemán Thomas Elsaesser, fallecido el m… - 5 years ago

@paualsina: RT @amt_office: "Stories we tell: Remembering Thomas Elsaesser" - 5 years ago

@homotopical: Gah. Thomas Elsaesser is gone. I didn't know this until now. What a fucking shame. - 5 years ago

@homotopical: RT @caitiello: saddened to hear of the death of thomas elsaesser. i took a seminar with him once and he uploaded 20+ readings for every wee… - 5 years ago

@raphacubakowic: PQP, Thomas Elsaesser morreu e só descobri agora. Um dos grandes, se não o mais importante teórico contemporâneo do… - 5 years ago

@Ch_eekyGirl: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@emilstjernholm: Malte Hagener skriver fint om Thomas Elsaessers betydelse för filmvetenskapen - 5 years ago

@ohiomary: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@filmnickjames: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@Criterion: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@BerlinaleForum: "A vital figure in the fields of film and media studies“ – Tributes to Thomas Elsaesser keep coming in - @Criterion… - 5 years ago

@Entre_images: RT @amt_office: "Stories we tell: Remembering Thomas Elsaesser" - 5 years ago

@Archives_Memory: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In commemoration of Thomas Elsaesser, our editorial board member Malte Hagener wrote a loving tribute to one of film studi… - 5 years ago

@tvanderheijden: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In commemoration of Thomas Elsaesser, our editorial board member Malte Hagener wrote a loving tribute to one of film studi… - 5 years ago

@amt_office: "Stories we tell: Remembering Thomas Elsaesser" - 5 years ago

@CharlesColeman3: RT @NRFTSJournal: In memory of Editorial Board member Thomas Elsaesser's contribution to @NRFTSJournal & the field of media studies, we're… - 5 years ago

@JoseArroyo16: RT @NRFTSJournal: In memory of Editorial Board member Thomas Elsaesser's contribution to @NRFTSJournal & the field of media studies, we're… - 5 years ago

@cinemariasf: RT @NRFTSJournal: In memory of Editorial Board member Thomas Elsaesser's contribution to @NRFTSJournal & the field of media studies, we're… - 5 years ago

@NRFTSJournal: RT @_nbaer_: a beautiful tribute to Thomas Elsaesser by Dana Polan of @NYUTischSchool - 5 years ago

@Cineaste_Mag: RT @NRFTSJournal: In memory of Editorial Board member Thomas Elsaesser's contribution to @NRFTSJournal & the field of media studies, we're… - 5 years ago

@NRFTSJournal: In memory of Editorial Board member Thomas Elsaesser's contribution to @NRFTSJournal & the field of media studies,… - 5 years ago

@hodologies: @altyazidergisi @HasanHakbulut75 @asliozgent Yazıdaki bu önermeyi açmanız mümkün mü? "Bize bıraktığı bu zengin ente… - 5 years ago

@HasanHakbulut75: RT @altyazidergisi: 4 Aralık’ta hayatını kaybeden Thomas Elsaesser, özellikle sinema tarihi alanına çok şey katmış bir düşünür ve akademisy… - 5 years ago

@Colin__Perry: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In Memoriam, Thomas Elsaesser: - 5 years ago

@paulaarantzazu: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@DavidBrown_100: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In Memoriam, Thomas Elsaesser: - 5 years ago

@FilmCultureAUP: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@CallingBarranca: RT @_nbaer_: a beautiful tribute to Thomas Elsaesser by Dana Polan of @NYUTischSchool - 5 years ago

@adawho: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@asliozgent: RT @altyazidergisi: 4 Aralık’ta hayatını kaybeden Thomas Elsaesser, özellikle sinema tarihi alanına çok şey katmış bir düşünür ve akademisy… - 5 years ago

@mtokijirou: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@Dengerow: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@plan_sequence: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@rusekkel: RT @storybynumbers: In Memoriam: Thomas Elsaesser, pioneer of film and media studies - 5 years ago

@altyazidergisi: 4 Aralık’ta hayatını kaybeden Thomas Elsaesser, özellikle sinema tarihi alanına çok şey katmış bir düşünür ve akade… - 5 years ago

@CineFilmStudies: RT @storybynumbers: In Memoriam: Thomas Elsaesser, pioneer of film and media studies - 5 years ago

@CineFilmStudies: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In Memoriam, Thomas Elsaesser: - 5 years ago

@CineFilmStudies: Tributes to Thomas Elsaesser - 5 years ago

@Cineaste_Mag: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@ian_magor: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@FilmShef: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@jvrancken: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In Memoriam, Thomas Elsaesser: - 5 years ago

@CageyRant: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@filmstudiesff: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@yknmb77: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In Memoriam, Thomas Elsaesser: - 5 years ago

@LauraNiebling: RT @NECSUS_ejms: In Memoriam, Thomas Elsaesser: - 5 years ago

@giantroot: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@EkinErkan4: A melancholy reflection given the brilliant Thomas Elsaesser's recent passing but, alas, such praise ought to rever… - 5 years ago

@thedrivein_: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@frances_guerin: RT @_nbaer_: a beautiful tribute to Thomas Elsaesser by Dana Polan of @NYUTischSchool - 5 years ago

@gabriellablasi: RT @_nbaer_: a beautiful tribute to Thomas Elsaesser by Dana Polan of @NYUTischSchool - 5 years ago

@ctunaworks: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@md_no: RT @_nbaer_: a beautiful tribute to Thomas Elsaesser by Dana Polan of @NYUTischSchool - 5 years ago

@merzhaeuser: RT @FILMDIENST: Am 4.12. ist der Filmwissenschaftler Thomas Elsaesser verstorben. 3sat würdigt ihn in seiner Mediathek derzeit mit Elsaesse… - 5 years ago

@merzhaeuser: RT @MiaKeck1: Zum Tod von Thomas Elsaesser: Geschichte und Theorie in eigener Regie - 5 years ago

@graigu: RT @_nbaer_: a beautiful tribute to Thomas Elsaesser by Dana Polan of @NYUTischSchool - 5 years ago

@_nbaer_: a beautiful tribute to Thomas Elsaesser by Dana Polan of @NYUTischSchool - 5 years ago

@MiaKeck1: Zum Tod von Thomas Elsaesser: Geschichte und Theorie in eigener Regie - 5 years ago

@MikkoPihkoluoma: Tributes to Thomas Elsaesser - 5 years ago

@tenseagulls: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@AntonJaegermm: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@gerardfranz: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@rpohlenz: RT @eltalabel: Thomas Elsaesser fue mi maestro en la @UvA_Amsterdam y aunque por años tuve mis reservas sobre sus ideas se ha convertido en… - 5 years ago

@dan_dresdner: RT @FILMDIENST: Am 4.12. ist der Filmwissenschaftler Thomas Elsaesser verstorben. 3sat würdigt ihn in seiner Mediathek derzeit mit Elsaesse… - 5 years ago

@Orphan_Films: Thomas Elsaesser showed this slide at the Tribute Tom Gunning. (“Who are these guys?” asked Italian Facebook. - 5 years ago

@eltalabel: Thomas Elsaesser fue mi maestro en la @UvA_Amsterdam y aunque por años tuve mis reservas sobre sus ideas se ha conv… - 5 years ago

@IconicaCine: Para conocer su trayectoria académica: - 5 years ago

@tasog: RT @CriterionCast: From the Current: “Tributes to Thomas Elsaesser - 5 years ago

@IconicaCine: THOMAS ELSAESSER, fallecido el 4 de diciembre, es la influencia intelectual más importante en Icónica. Elsaesser, u… - 5 years ago

@CriterionCast: From the Current: “Tributes to Thomas Elsaesser - 5 years ago

@VahidVm: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@NANGmagazine: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@phenocine: Tributes to Thomas Elsaesser - 5 years ago

@revistalafuga: Thomas Elsaesser (1943-2019) - 5 years ago

@Mietgeist: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@Sabzianbe: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@YosemiteBailey: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@Glen_Norton: RT @CriterionDaily: Tributes to the late Thomas Elsaesser, a foundational figure in cinema and media studies, from @Sabzianbe, @VinzenzHedi… - 5 years ago

@filmspur: RT @ZfM_Redaktion: Vinzenz Hedigers Nachruf auf Thomas Elsaesser, der der Film- und Medienwissenschaft wichtige Texte hinterlässt - vom neu… - 5 years ago

@Alvy_Singer: RT @labuzamovies: Whenever talking about blockbusters and seeing debates on their ideology I pretty much fall back on Elsaesser’s analysis… - 5 years ago

@therealnick44: RT @_nbaer_: shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Thomas Elsaesser. He was an incomparable scholar—brilliant, restlessly curious… - 5 years ago

@KinoFuerMoabit: Der Essayfilm von Thomas Elsässer über seinen Großvater Martin Elsässer und das Neue Bauen in den 20er Jahren ist b… - 5 years ago

@VahidVm: RT @Sabzianbe: Thomas Elsaesser (1943-2019) >>> - 5 years ago

@TheJimeister: RT @Sabzianbe: Thomas Elsaesser (1943-2019) >>> - 5 years ago

@Sabzianbe: Thomas Elsaesser (1943-2019) >>> - 5 years ago

@KinoFuerMoabit: R.I.P. Thomas Elsässer - der hoch angesehene und einflussreiche Filmtheoretiker/-historiker verstarb vorige Woche.… - 5 years ago

@erlantzmiragaya: RT @DiegoS_lgado: Creo que no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié estos días en la figura del ensayista alemán Thomas Elsaesser, fallecido el m… - 5 years ago

@alltagslabor: Geschichte & Theorie in eigener Regie: Thomas Elsaesser. - 5 years ago

@CarlosLara3x4: RT @DiegoS_lgado: Creo que no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié estos días en la figura del ensayista alemán Thomas Elsaesser, fallecido el m… - 5 years ago

@jeroenson: RT @markdeuze: Thomas Elsaesser, founder of our Department of Media Studies at @UvA_Humanities, passed away last week (4 December). My dear… - 5 years ago

@alvarocdc: RT @DiegoS_lgado: Creo que no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié estos días en la figura del ensayista alemán Thomas Elsaesser, fallecido el m… - 5 years ago

@Niundiasinfsec: RT @DiegoS_lgado: Creo que no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié estos días en la figura del ensayista alemán Thomas Elsaesser, fallecido el m… - 5 years ago

@toniolalarcon: RT @DiegoS_lgado: Creo que no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié estos días en la figura del ensayista alemán Thomas Elsaesser, fallecido el m… - 5 years ago

@CarlesMatamoros: RT @DiegoS_lgado: Creo que no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié estos días en la figura del ensayista alemán Thomas Elsaesser, fallecido el m… - 5 years ago

@DiegoS_lgado: Creo que no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié estos días en la figura del ensayista alemán Thomas Elsaesser, fallecid… - 5 years ago

@asliozgent: in memoriam #ThomasElsaesser by #PatriciaPisters, one of his first PhD students. A great article about Elsaesser’s… - 5 years ago

@makoro_18: Devastating loss to all film studies. An honour to have met him last year in Cluj-Napoca, with latest film based on… - 5 years ago

@mjk: @markdeuze @UvA_Humanities Ik heb fijne herinneringen aan de colleges van Thomas Elsaesser. Hij was een bevlogen docent en wetenschapper. - 5 years ago

@louchelarue: RT @Screen_Journal: 1/4 Screen and its editors mourn and remember their longstanding friend and colleague Thomas Elsaesser (1943-2019) who… - 5 years ago

@markdeuze: Thomas Elsaesser, founder of our Department of Media Studies at @UvA_Humanities, passed away last week (4 December)… - 5 years ago

@de_kinemathek: RT @kinozeit: Das Kino als Zeitbild haben wenige so genau gesehen wie Thomas Elsaesser. Er war eine bedeutende Gründerfigur der Filmwissens… - 5 years ago

@memoriav_ch: RT @ZfM_Redaktion: Vinzenz Hedigers Nachruf auf Thomas Elsaesser, der der Film- und Medienwissenschaft wichtige Texte hinterlässt - vom neu… - 5 years ago

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