Thom Jones

American writer.
Died on Wednesday October 19th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Thom Jones:

@architectinsigh: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Back on the market: 1960s Thom - 8 years ago

@Olivaropaz: Postscript: #ThomJones, por Joyce Carol Oates. - 8 years ago

@Culturamas: Thom Jones (1945 – 2016) - 8 years ago

@cronicasvertigo: Thom Jones (1945 - 2016) - 8 years ago


@Angellika: This Incredible Leather Head Piece By Stephen Jones For Thom Browne #FashionInMotion #AngellikaFashionStylist - 8 years ago

@Trev_Thom: @turianfucker69 Julie: yeah her name's indie Julie's parents: oh for like Indiana Jones Julie: yeah sure why not - 8 years ago

@gertrude913: RT @karyobinga: トム・ジョーンズの訃報。享年七十一。ずっと闘病中と知ってはいたが、ショックだ。 - 8 years ago

@automotiveii13: RT @Hotel_Insomnio: Thom Jones sobre el coraje #RobertoDuran #JackDempsey #ThePugilistAtRest - 8 years ago

@RupertThomson1: "Books and writers essentially saved my life" Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@bullmurph: RT @BarlowBrewing: RIP Thom Jones. His Pugilist at Rest was an instant classic and, for him, insurmountable. - 8 years ago

@LiveRockPhilly: 🎤 Hinton, Bower, Jones & Thom McCarthy, Oct 30, Buy a ticket: 🎫 - 8 years ago

@BarlowBrewing: RIP Thom Jones. His Pugilist at Rest was an instant classic and, for him, insurmountable. - 8 years ago

@j_a_barrueco: RT @nytimes: Thom Jones, who drew on his hardscrabble life to become an idiosyncratic literary sensation, has died at 71 - 8 years ago

@j_a_barrueco: RT @dfoyble: RIP Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@bullmurph: My tribute to the late Thom Jones: The Pugilist at Rest (in Peace) - 8 years ago

@PhiladelphiaGig: 🎶 Hinton, Bower, Jones & Thom McCarthy, Oct 30, Grab a ticket: 🎫 - 8 years ago

@PaulDBrazill: Thom Jones: The Pugilist at Rest (in Peace) - 8 years ago

@SethAugenstein: RIP - Thom Jones: the writer who explored madness, art and violence - 8 years ago

@TheWeeklings: Thom Jones: The Pugilist at Rest (in Peace) - 8 years ago

@makatidogandcat: Dogs have a way of finding people who need them, filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have. - Thom Jones... - 8 years ago

@makatidogandcat: Dogs have a way of finding people who need them, filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have. - Thom Jones... - 8 years ago

@Hofstra_English: Thom Jones, onetime janitor who shone as a literary star in the 1990s, dies at 71. - 8 years ago

@momotokitasan: 本業明け、え?舞城王太郎翻訳?(しかもThom Jones?)と、日向ぼっこの猫と亀とコールドスナップ読んでる、さいこう。ルビテクがばかテクだー🍄 - 8 years ago

@CharlesHalton: RT @lithub: "Literary fame, he said, made him sick." @nickripatrazone in celebration of the life of American writer Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@o_oa2000: RT @lithub: "Literary fame, he said, made him sick." @nickripatrazone in celebration of the life of American writer Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: Thom Jones: “In any academic English program there are truly brilliant people who can dissect and explicate works.. - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: Thom Jones: “For me it was easy: Produce text that was so good, an editor could not reject it. If I couldn’t do.. - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: Acclaimed janitor-turned-author Thom Jones: “I channeled my obsessive-compulsive behavior into my writing and soon.. - 8 years ago

@FrankMarcopolos: Joyce Carol Oates on the writing of Thom Jones, who died last Friday - 8 years ago

@alainbocul: RT @GangstersIncWeb: Some Good Killers - 8 years ago

@james_aura: In praise of the late, great Thom Jones #authors - 8 years ago

@LordGeorg1: RT @GangstersIncWeb: Some Good Killers - 8 years ago

@GangstersIncWeb: Some Good Killers - 8 years ago

@storySouth: IN PRAISE OF THE GREAT THOM JONES by Nick Ripatrazone | @lithub - 8 years ago

@occhiopesto: Ma è morto Thom Jones? @minimumfax visto che i suoi libri sono introvabili sarebbe un bell'omaggio a un grande scr… - 8 years ago

@op109: RT @lithub: “While I was afraid, I was also exhilarated…” An excerpt of The Pugilist at Rest, in memory of Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@angelique1z: RT @ImDavidAbrams: [Thom Jones'] “The Pugilist at Rest” seemed to me a small masterpiece, vividly imagined, wonderful in all ways. ~ @Joyce… - 8 years ago

@TMA7: RT @ImDavidAbrams: [Thom Jones'] “The Pugilist at Rest” seemed to me a small masterpiece, vividly imagined, wonderful in all ways. ~ @Joyce… - 8 years ago

@FrankBFreeman: RT @ImDavidAbrams: [Thom Jones'] “The Pugilist at Rest” seemed to me a small masterpiece, vividly imagined, wonderful in all ways. ~ @Joyce… - 8 years ago

@JoyceCarolOates: RT @ImDavidAbrams: [Thom Jones'] “The Pugilist at Rest” seemed to me a small masterpiece, vividly imagined, wonderful in all ways. ~ @Joyce… - 8 years ago

@terrylkennedy: IN PRAISE OF THE GREAT THOM JONES by Nick Ripatrazone | @lithub - 8 years ago

@sandrateacher: “Cães têm uma forma de encontrar as pessoas que deles necessitam, preenchendo um vazio que nem sequer elas sabem qu… - 8 years ago

@dfoyble: RIP Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@cranewang: Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@WadeIvan: The Pugilist At Rest remains my favourite short story collection. Sad news. - 8 years ago

@narrativelight: Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - The New York Times - 8 years ago

@MichaelKodas: Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - The New York Times - 8 years ago

@demerson19: A major loss. Meeting him was a life highlight. Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@thomaspluck: A great story by the late Thom Jones, "The Pugilist at Rest." - 8 years ago

@ExcitedUttRead: ‘The Pugilist at Rest’ by Thom Jones | Literary Hub - 8 years ago

@ExcitedUttRead: In Praise of the Great Thom Jones | Literary Hub - 8 years ago

@BenteSmidt: - 8 years ago

@DigitalBooks: Thom Jones Has Died - 8 years ago

@MichaelKodas: Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@narrativelight: Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@LGWhiteAuthor: RT @ProseImprint: In praise of the great Thom Jones, ‘The Pugilist at Rest’ #bookworm - 8 years ago

@ProseImprint: In praise of the great Thom Jones, ‘The Pugilist at Rest’ #bookworm - 8 years ago

@ShernaKhambatta: Postscript: Thom Jones by @JoyceCarolOates - 8 years ago

@jeff_lyn: RT @lithub: “While I was afraid, I was also exhilarated…” An excerpt of The Pugilist at Rest, in memory of Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@kl_thom: Or was it Alex Jones... - 8 years ago

@ProseImprint: In praise of the great Thom Jones, ‘The Pugilist at Rest’ #bookworm - 8 years ago

@techwriterKC: RT @lithub: “While I was afraid, I was also exhilarated…” An excerpt of The Pugilist at Rest, in memory of Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@DarrinEnglish: RT @JoyceCarolOates: Will be missing Thom Jones badly. Always looking for new work of his, & had not realized he was so ill. "The Pugilist… - 8 years ago

@JAPak: RT @lithub: “While I was afraid, I was also exhilarated…” An excerpt of The Pugilist at Rest, in memory of Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@andrewrmitchell: RT @NewYorker: Thom Jones, who died last Friday, wrote stories with a distinctive, idiosyncratic voice, @JoyceCarolOates writes - 8 years ago

@bjpontalion: RT @lithub: “While I was afraid, I was also exhilarated…” An excerpt of The Pugilist at Rest, in memory of Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@caravia158: Thom Jones, onetime janitor who shone as a literary star in the 1990s, dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@lithub: “While I was afraid, I was also exhilarated…” An excerpt of The Pugilist at Rest, in memory of Thom Jones.… - 8 years ago

@SaraMonk8: Postscript: Thom Jones - 8 years ago

@3ty3: RT @lithub: "Literary fame, he said, made him sick." @nickripatrazone in celebration of the life of American writer Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@lithub: "Literary fame, he said, made him sick." @nickripatrazone in celebration of the life of American writer Thom Jones.… - 8 years ago

@robertquashie: RT @pageturner: The stories that Thom Jones wrote "thrummed with his distinctive, idiosyncratic voice," @JoyceCarolOates writes: - 8 years ago

@mirpur2500: RT @nationalbook: Thom Jones, a National Book Award Finalist, has died. - 8 years ago

@MajestyJames1: RT @nationalbook: Thom Jones, a National Book Award Finalist, has died. - 8 years ago

@TPLWychwood: RT @nationalbook: Thom Jones, a National Book Award Finalist, has died. - 8 years ago

@shipleywriter: My hometown of #Olympia is having a sad day. Poet #LuciaPerillo has died, as has short story writer #ThomJones. - 8 years ago

@rmharris: RT @nationalbook: Thom Jones, a National Book Award Finalist, has died. - 8 years ago

@JackieBlem: Postscript: Thom Jones - 8 years ago

@nationalbook: Thom Jones, a National Book Award Finalist, has died. - 8 years ago

@EthanTheIdiot: It's like that one Indiana jones scene where he switches a statue with a bag. Lil kiddie switches racing t… - 8 years ago

@briasoboojie: RT @lithub: "I saw several more bodies fall..." Read The Pugilist at Rest in celebration of the life of Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@lithub: "I saw several more bodies fall..." Read The Pugilist at Rest in celebration of the life of Thom Jones.… - 8 years ago

@sandpiper_books: RT @littlebrown: A wonderful tribute via @lithub + read "The Pugilist at Rest" in full: - 8 years ago

@nickripatrazone: RT @lithub: He was deep and dark and a bit folksy: @nickripatrazone remembers the boisterous, blue-collar fiction of Thom Jones. - 8 years ago

@E_LucasTaylor: RIP: Thom Jones, 71, onetime janitor who shone as a literary star in 1990s - 8 years ago

@HachetteUS: RT @littlebrown: A wonderful tribute via @lithub + read "The Pugilist at Rest" in full: - 8 years ago

@lynellgeorge: RT @littlebrown: A wonderful tribute via @lithub + read "The Pugilist at Rest" in full: - 8 years ago

@MissCarrieK: RT @chris_power: 'The Pugilist at Rest' by Thom Jones: a stone-cold classic. - 8 years ago

@nickripatrazone: My elegy for Thom Jones @lithub - 8 years ago

@pops131: In Praise of the Great Thom Jones | Literary Hub: - 8 years ago

@JohnJGaynard: Postscript: Thom Jones and his remarkable stories - 8 years ago

@DrewEstateMofro: RT @NewYorker: Thom Jones, who died last Friday, wrote stories with a distinctive, idiosyncratic voice, @JoyceCarolOates writes - 8 years ago

@barakkassar: Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@aliceboatwright: "In the act of writing I am not Thom Jones. And it is such a relief not to be Thom Jones." #amwriting - 8 years ago

@aliceboatwright: Writer's life: 20 yrs after Iowa MFA, sober, he "burst" onto scene w/ 1993's best story. RIP Thom Jones - 8 years ago

@Artspromo: Thom Jones, 71, The Janitor Who Became A Literary Star In The 90s - 8 years ago

@TimPeshek: Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@writethinker: JC Oates comments on the late great writer Thom Jones who died last Friday. - 8 years ago

@EustaceChisholm: Thom Jones, Janitor Turned Acclaimed Author, Dies at 71 - 8 years ago

@hawaiinokaoe: Thom Jones, Brigit Pegeen Kelly, Lucia Perillo: "The Carriage held but just ourselves - /And Immortality." ~Dickins… - 8 years ago

@clivescollins1: Lovely. It says so much about both author and subject, and all of it good. Postscript: Thom Jones - 8 years ago

@JoyceCarolOates: RT @evanmcmurry: .@JoyceCarolOates perfectly captures the feeling of reading (or rereading, this week) Thom Jones: - 8 years ago

@evanmcmurry: .@JoyceCarolOates perfectly captures the feeling of reading (or rereading, this week) Thom Jones:… - 8 years ago

@AdamSanto: RT @keithyd6: Postscript: Thom Jones: Thom Jones, who died this past Friday, at the age of seventy-one, wa... - 8 years ago

@ndowd2001: RT @BillHayesNYC: @JoyceCarolOates' lovely remembrance of writer #ThomJones - #pugilist - 8 years ago

@keithyd6: Postscript: Thom Jones: Thom Jones, who died this past Friday, at the age of seventy-one, wa... - 8 years ago

@ReporterPhoenix: RT @edroso: ",... in the act of writing I’m not Thom Jones. And it’s such a relief to not be Thom Jones.” - 8 years ago

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