This Country

English actor (This Country)
Died on Wednesday July 10th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to This Country:

@radimeko: This country though ja ne! - 6 years ago

@SooetSara: RT @exo_fan_iran: جایی که واقعا دوست دارم بچه ها ببینن جزیره هرمزه با این خاک های جذابش 😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ My dear EXO, i really want you see this p… - 6 years ago

@MarianP25484623: RT @KTHopkins: How I wish we had such leadership in the U.K. “Don’t like this country? Don’t like what it gives you? Then leave” Trump d… - 6 years ago

@Will_LJ: RT @ScottGR: You know we pay 10x more than Germany in beer tax... it’s a primary reason for 3 pubs a day closing in this country costing th… - 6 years ago


@HAMMADA13614217: RT @Eddywarsi: Pakistani seafarers should get ON ARRIVAL visa for foreign countries as our neighboring country's seafarers ... kindly sir d… - 6 years ago

@AnnaleezaT: RT @kboakye92: Shatta Wale and Beyoncé’s song is actually LIT🔥And it talks about a king. Beyoncé says ‘King already, my baby you know it!… - 6 years ago

@huddlestone_v: @Andrew_Adonis Every republican in Congress should watch this and have a little think of how they wish to contribu… - 6 years ago

@plasteezy: RT @kboakye92: Shatta Wale and Beyoncé’s song is actually LIT🔥And it talks about a king. Beyoncé says ‘King already, my baby you know it!… - 6 years ago

@viejoenjabali: RT @vanberkeI: no offence but how’s it possible millions of spaniards have balconies yet it’s only drunk brits in maga that tragically fall… - 6 years ago

@GOD_LG: Understand this country was once torn on whether black ppl should be property or not lol - 6 years ago

@shoaibriz: RT @imMAK02: Next Time when some one says , We all are equal citizens of India then I wud shove these data into his mouth and will ask him… - 6 years ago

@sheharyaralii: RT @Huk06: Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has been arrested over the LNG deal. In this thread I will put forth all facts I know related to LNG deal s… - 6 years ago

@Rob_Pasquale: @USAmbNMacedonia @UMDiaspora Please do not call our country North Macedonia. UMD does not support this, nor do the… - 6 years ago

@TrollMyPm: RT @chinmoyee5: Priyanka Gandhi staged a dharna against the autocratic Yogi government in UP. This is juncture when people of the country n… - 6 years ago

@iam_turawa: RT @chukwueze_8: Good way to end the season,so happy to represent this great country,🇳🇬❤️🙏 - 6 years ago

@MichelleOGrad12: RT @KokeReport: @realDonaldTrump This made me feel something strong and it wasn’t Hate it was “LOVE OF COUNTRY!” 🇺🇸 - 6 years ago

@P_Formigal: RT @Comey: We have long had ugly margins in this country, but we are a fundamentally decent people, with shared values. We treasure our ide… - 6 years ago

@BingleBm: RT @kboakye92: Shatta Wale and Beyoncé’s song is actually LIT🔥And it talks about a king. Beyoncé says ‘King already, my baby you know it!… - 6 years ago

@DanyalChelsea: RT @percy_logan_7: @andoh_walters @1NorrisBee @TracySarkcess Ok bossu. I just no dey like the way them dey drag a legend's name in the mud… - 6 years ago

@Ad1234Alex: @KarlaHilton1 @LarkmanMarie @iconic7_ The top 3 managers in this country right now - Pep, Klopp, Poch - All got cha… - 6 years ago

@CaptainJimDandy: RT @UKLabour: If Boris Johnson did this as Mayor of London, just imagine the damage he’d do to our country. Make sure people know about thi… - 6 years ago

@mimikollie: RT @ChrisEvans: 1. So first this clown attempts some back-breaking gymnastics to reframe Biff’s comments as ‘he didn’t mean go back to your… - 6 years ago

@ChrisScherz: @MeghanMcCain I am a Democrat, and I am very much on the metaphysical spectrum. But this lady is a crackpot if she… - 6 years ago

@remodamiani: @RealDonaldTrump—The 4 MUSLIM women’s faces,we see on Twitter,,,are PPL that HATE AMERICA! These r the PPL that the… - 6 years ago

@BRIANJ32: RT @ChrisEvans: 3....the president if he openly stated he were racist. This obsequious dunce should have no place in politics. PS rememb… - 6 years ago

@umbra_vox: RT @BernieSanders: If you’re a pharmaceutical executive, or a health insurance lobbyist, keep your money. I don’t want it. What I want is… - 6 years ago

@DJ73567156: RT @BridgetKF30: House Dems formally condemn Trump remarks deemed 'racist,' after dramatic floor fight over Pelosi - 6 years ago

@markdrop: RT @kazweida: Make no mistake. This is an effort to frame dissent as unpatriotic. It’s an effort to corrupt the very thing that makes our… - 6 years ago

@AllieinMO: RT @JessicaV_CIS: I'm hearing that S386, the per country cap bill dubbed "India First" bill, is being marked up by Senate Judiciary this mo… - 6 years ago

@kynakwado: RT @GabbyDarko: “Ghana On The Mend” is how this latest IMF report on the country puts it. We are not there yet but we are getting there. IM… - 6 years ago

@gailrunsfar: RT @girlsreallyrule: I don’t want to hear Trump or any other member of the GOP say they love America. I’ve had it. The #FirstResponders are… - 6 years ago

@tennissturgis: RT @MarkHertling: “These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from… - 6 years ago

@doraidaledesma2: @TeaBoots @FreeSpeech_2018 the money of Soros pays for this, to the jail all, the conservatives we must obstruct El… - 6 years ago

@JosephDeMauro1: RT @GOP: “Our record-smashing fundraising haul is a testament to the ongoing enthusiasm for President Trump and the pro-growth agenda that… - 6 years ago

@NYCritix: @SaarioBrandon @IlhanMN Hey saario, your false indignation and use of all caps doesn't mean you care more about 9/1… - 6 years ago

@Gold_416: RT @BryanRenno: Theres a unique skill in the history of games that was very brief but I've always been fascinated by: the transfer of 3D re… - 6 years ago

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