Thinle Lhondup

Nepalese actor (Himalaya)
Died on Sunday April 24th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Thinle Lhondup:

@RIP_2016: #RIP Thinle Lhondup. Nepalese actor who died after falling from a horse. Featured in #Oscar nominated film Himalaya - 9 years ago

@AcharyaBhanu: A tragic end of Caravan (OSCAR nominated film) hero Thinle Lhondup, who died falling from a steep hill to a... - 9 years ago

@GhimireSanjeeb: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@docadn: Enfin un matin sans chanteur des années 70-80 mort ! Thinle Lhondup est mort avant-hier, mais il était acteur et Népalais #Raté - 9 years ago


@DeonHinds_Inc: Thinle Lhondup, Nepalese actor, Died at 72 - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: Thinle Lhondup, Nepalese actor, Died at 72 - 9 years ago

@121reggae: Thinle Lhondup, Nepalese actor, Died at 72 - 9 years ago

@VybzEn: Thinle Lhondup, Nepalese actor, Died at 72 - 9 years ago

@phillipwilby: Thinle Lhondup, Nepalese actor, Died at 72 - 9 years ago

@entbuz: Thinle Lhondup, Nepalese actor, Died at 72 - 9 years ago

@oneworldtrek: RIP Thinle - 9 years ago

@BeingShrestha: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@ikishu101: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@Mongalpravas: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@dipak_deepika: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@nabinacharya654: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@sharmila_magar: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@AbinaDumee: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@twiteswor: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@s_khadka77: Actor and oscar nominiated Thinle Lhondup passes away yesterday RIP - 9 years ago

@HamroNC: ओस्कार मनोनित फिल्म क्याराभानका नायक थिन्लेको ७२ बर्षको उमेरमा निधन - खच्चडले धकेलेर भीरबाट खस्दा डोल्पामा उनको... - 9 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Thinle Lhondup (unknown - 2016): was a popular Nepalese Himalayan actor. He is… - 9 years ago

@s_khadka77: RT @ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@s_khadka77: RT @dialmformovies: Thinle Lhondup, star of the 1999 Oscar nominated Nepalese film HIMALAYA, has died from a fall, aged 72. - 9 years ago

@kreischvogel: @thehimalayan R.I.P. Thinle Lhondup - 9 years ago

@kreischvogel: RT @thehimalayan: Caravan actor Thinle Lhondup dies - - 9 years ago

@MalByrneSA: RT @dialmformovies: Thinle Lhondup, star of the 1999 Oscar nominated Nepalese film HIMALAYA, has died from a fall, aged 72. - 9 years ago

@AJ_WilliamKerns: RT @dialmformovies: Thinle Lhondup, star of the 1999 Oscar nominated Nepalese film HIMALAYA, has died from a fall, aged 72. - 9 years ago

@dialmformovies: Thinle Lhondup, star of the 1999 Oscar nominated Nepalese film HIMALAYA, has died from a fall, aged 72. - 9 years ago

@SimonTheCaptain: RIP Billy Paul, Michelle Monaghan, Thinle Lhondup, Mei Baojiu, Papa Wemba, Tommy Kono, and all lost around the world. - 9 years ago

@dlnepalnews: Caravan actor Thinle no more: Thinle Lhondup, who received international recognition for his performance in th... - 9 years ago

@NishantaDhungel: RT @deadpeoplecom: Thinle Lhondup, you will be missed - #ThinleLhondup #Thinle #Lhondup #rip - 9 years ago

@NowNepal: Caravan actor Thinle no more - 9 years ago

@RamesHughes: Rest In Peace Thinle Lhondup Caravan Legend - 9 years ago

@teentare: RT @Poonam_Maharjan: Thinle Lhondup, actor of the 'Caravan' fame, passes away. - 9 years ago

@KProductionInc: Thinle Lhondup . . तिमि लाई सबै थाहई थियॊ.. आखि मरे पछी लिएर जानु के छ र !!!! थिन्ले बा !! - 9 years ago

@nepali_bro: #RIP Thinle Lhondup .. The Great Person and a simple Man #Nepal You are the true son of mother Nepal , you give... - 9 years ago

@977magazine: ओस्कार मनोनित फिल्म क्याराभानका नायक थिन्लेको ७२ बर्षको उमेरमा निधन - खच्चडले धकेलेर भीरबाट खस्दा डोल्पामा उनको... - 9 years ago

@shibainu: 神々の山嶺(映画)でアン・ツェリンを演じたThinle Lhondupが逝去とな RIP - 9 years ago

@nepalfilming: Nepali actor Thinle Lhondup, popular for his role in Caravan (Himalaya) of 1999, died on Sunday. Thinle was... - 9 years ago

@ramghale: Actor of Nepal's first Oscar nominated movie, Caravan, Thinle Lhondup passed away on Sunday. RIP #Himalaya #Caravan - 9 years ago

@EyeOnTheReaper: Thinle Lhondup, 72, Nepalese actor (Himalaya), stomach cancer. - 9 years ago

@prakasub: RT @CricketBijay: The actor of Nepal’s first Oscar nominated movie, Himalaya-Caravan, Thinle Lhondup has passed away ! #RIPThinle - 9 years ago

@004nino: RIP 8368) #Caravan #Nepalese #actor Thinle #Lhondup 72 dies - April 24, 2016 - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Thinle Lhondup, you will be missed - #ThinleLhondup #Thinle #Lhondup #rip - 9 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Thinle Lhondup, 72, Nepalese actor (Himalaya), complications from a fall. - 9 years ago

@AnnaHimalaya: Caravan actor Thinle Lhondup dies | Nepal Mountain News - 9 years ago

@MahendraRaz: RIP - MR THINLE LHONDUP - an actor came in the world arena from Himalaya. - 9 years ago

@KcKeshav: #RIP Thinle Lhondup - 9 years ago

@ooosh_ooosh: Rest in Peace ! Thinle Lhondup - 9 years ago

@GuihardLuc: Décès de Thinle Lhondup l'acteur népalais, grand-père du film Himalaya. - 9 years ago

@ReviewNepal: KATHMANDU, NEPAL: Caravan Actor Thinle Lhondup died on Sunday. He breathed his last at Dolpa headquarter Dunai.... - 9 years ago

@ReviewNepal: Caravan Actor Thinle Lhondup no more- Review Nepal News - 9 years ago

@pbpokhrel: Caravan Actor Thinle Lhondup no more- Review Nepal News - 9 years ago

@ghimirepushpa: RT @CricketBijay: The actor of Nepal’s first Oscar nominated movie, Himalaya-Caravan, Thinle Lhondup has passed away ! #RIPThinle - 9 years ago

@sushilpdl: 'Himalaya' best known 'Caravan' actor Thinle Lhondup passes away - 9 years ago

@chanamate: RT @CricketBijay: The actor of Nepal’s first Oscar nominated movie, Himalaya-Caravan, Thinle Lhondup has passed away ! #RIPThinle - 9 years ago

@ImSaroz: RT @CricketBijay: The actor of Nepal’s first Oscar nominated movie, Himalaya-Caravan, Thinle Lhondup has passed away ! #RIPThinle - 9 years ago

@uupoudel: RT @CricketBijay: The actor of Nepal’s first Oscar nominated movie, Himalaya-Caravan, Thinle Lhondup has passed away ! #RIPThinle - 9 years ago

@Anencephalous__: RT @Poonam_Maharjan: Thinle Lhondup, actor of the 'Caravan' fame, passes away. - 9 years ago

@isajie99: RT @bhuchungtsering: #Himalaya actor Thinle Lhondup passes away #Dolpo དོལ་པོ་བ་ཁོང་ཚེ་འདས། Photo: Ganesh Paudel - 9 years ago

@hinhung0119: RT @bhuchungtsering: #Himalaya actor Thinle Lhondup passes away #Dolpo དོལ་པོ་བ་ཁོང་ཚེ་འདས། Photo: Ganesh Paudel - 9 years ago

@kcsuzan: RT @CricketBijay: The actor of Nepal’s first Oscar nominated movie, Himalaya-Caravan, Thinle Lhondup has passed away ! #RIPThinle - 9 years ago

@tplamsal: RT @CricketBijay: The actor of Nepal’s first Oscar nominated movie, Himalaya-Caravan, Thinle Lhondup has passed away ! #RIPThinle - 9 years ago

@avatarnepal: Thinle Lhondup RIP - 9 years ago

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