Tetsuya Watari

Japanese actor
Died on Friday August 14th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Filip Krüeger, Vladimir Kosykh

Tweets related to Tetsuya Watari:

@amarinoen771: RT @NK_Intl: Today in 1969? The theatrical release day of Toshio Masuda's ”Gangster’s Raid” starring Tetsuya Watari #渡哲也 ! - 4 years ago

@NK_Intl: Today in 1969? The theatrical release day of Toshio Masuda's ”Gangster’s Raid” starring Tetsuya Watari #渡哲也 ! - 4 years ago

@masterofnone85: Tetsuya Watari appears on the Japanese version of "Who Wants To Be a Millionare?" #TetsuyaWatariRemembered… - 4 years ago

@masterofnone85: RT @king11sp: Thank you Tetsuya Watari. Enjoy a delicious drink with Yujiro and Tsunehiko. @ishiharapro1 #TetsuyaWatari - 4 years ago


@masterofnone85: RT @KennyWusstig: R.I.P. Tetsuya Watari, best known for japanese cop show Seibu Keisatsu. A man who made firing a shotgun from a helicopter… - 4 years ago

@masterofnone85: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor know for doing action J-Dramas, movies, and Celebrity VA playing Shintaro Kazama in… - 4 years ago

@GoNagaiWorld: 📷 Muore a 78 anni Tetsuya Watari, veterano dei film d'azione giapponesi #derivaatokyo–ilvagabondoditokyo. #lutto… - 4 years ago

@GoNagaiWorld: Muore a 78 anni Tetsuya Watari, veterano dei film d'azione giapponesi #derivaatokyo–ilvagabondoditokyo. #lutto… - 4 years ago

@ran_1214: @kolme_KOUMI watari tetsuya forever - 4 years ago

@InvidNinja92: RT @fymeikokaji: Tetsuro Tamba (丹波哲郎), Tetsuya Watari (渡哲也) and Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子) in a lobby card for The Code Of Man (男の掟), 1968, directed… - 4 years ago

@WeCutHeadsPod: RT @fymeikokaji: Tetsuro Tamba (丹波哲郎), Tetsuya Watari (渡哲也) and Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子) in a lobby card for The Code Of Man (男の掟), 1968, directed… - 4 years ago

@fymeikokaji: Tetsuro Tamba (丹波哲郎), Tetsuya Watari (渡哲也) and Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子) in a lobby card for The Code Of Man (男の掟), 1968, d… - 4 years ago

@TadeOKuuMushi: This morning's movie: Revisited Seijun Suzuki's pop-art masterpiece, Tokyo Drifter (東京流れ者 1966) in honor of star Te… - 4 years ago

@AlenisPallaresV: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Watari as… - 4 years ago

@ThemHours: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@JAG6042: Veteran Japanese action star and singer Tetsuya Watari dies at 78 | The Japan Times - 4 years ago

@tetsuya_watari_: RT @nikkatsu_rights: 明日21日13:00~、NHK BSプレミアムさまにて、『愛と死の記録』(監督:蔵原惟繕 出演:吉永小百合、渡哲也ほか)放送。 広島の印刷工場で働く青年・幸雄は、和江と交際を始めた。しかし、二人が幸せの絶頂にいるとき、幸雄の原爆症の症状… - 4 years ago

@Lisfelina: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Watari as… - 4 years ago

@Sergiofordy: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Watari as… - 4 years ago

@KCXDarkking: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@honey__c: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Watari as… - 4 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Watari as… - 4 years ago

@YorozuyaBoss: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@koroskin: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Watari as… - 4 years ago

@XanaxatTheDisc0: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@RaucousDivinity: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SpottlessMarxx: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Watari as… - 4 years ago

@BonsuFifi: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Watari as… - 4 years ago

@Sergiofordy: RIP #TetsuyaWatari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) Tokyo Drifter, 1966, directed by Seijun Suzuki. Tetsuya Wa… - 4 years ago

@Cloversong91: I'm a bit late, but I'm sad to hear about the death of Tetsuya Watari. I watched Tokyo Drifter not too long ago and… - 4 years ago

@jdm_products: RIP Tetsuya Watari, 1941 — 2020 - 4 years ago

@stemorgs: The Drifting Avenger was not the only Japanese film made in Australia in the late 60s. Nikkatsu also made the conte… - 4 years ago

@rehownet2: Family Theater Co., Ltd. Memorial: Tetsuya Watari Family Theater Announcement Special Feature Broadcast - 4 years ago

@pchille: RIP Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@akeda_tk: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@lilithliddell: - 4 years ago

@Dr_Vulpine: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Speedfoever: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@IbcpubS: RT @sumi: Tetsuya Watari was clench his fist when it came to important lines. 渡哲也は重要なセリフになると拳を握りしめていた。 #英語手帳 8月15日は"clench"でした。拳を握る場面って、スポ… - 4 years ago

@heroinsmoker: RT @marqueeposter: RIP Tetsuya Watari 😭 - 4 years ago

@sumi: Tetsuya Watari was clench his fist when it came to important lines. 渡哲也は重要なセリフになると拳を握りしめていた。 #英語手帳 8月15日は"clench"で… - 4 years ago

@koupuff: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Myhhluv: RT @TherealJBuddha: A old art i did of Tetsuya Watari, Tokyo Drifter and Outlaw are Nikkatsu gold. - 4 years ago

@MattWatchGundam: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Chavezisnotdead: Pont egyik leghíresebb filmjét fordítom éppen, mikor olvasom, hogy meghalt Tetsuya Watari. ☹️ (Nem először fordult… - 4 years ago

@nitbcn: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@YoonaBalloona: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@UapPn1IKCPK6VSG: RT @KennyWusstig: R.I.P. Tetsuya Watari, best known for japanese cop show Seibu Keisatsu. A man who made firing a shotgun from a helicopter… - 4 years ago

@nudistmaid: wait fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck tetsuya watari died of pneumonia rest in peace mr watari, you did a great job at playing sh… - 4 years ago

@Jordipicver: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@stobiepole: Tetsuya Watari died. He was one of the greats from the golden age of Nikkatsu studios, starring in Seijun Suzuki’s… - 4 years ago

@chaoswolf1982: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Cookiehess24: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@CDJournal_staff: [ニュース] 追悼 渡 哲也 「渡哲也サスペンス 絆」「紅の流れ星」を映画・チャンネルNECOにて放送 (2020/08/18掲載) #渡哲也 - 4 years ago

@naoki3m: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@MyReviewer: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Karlsefni_T: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Bluesparks_: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Maxcooldown: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@BagBoxx: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@docsquiddy: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@renhsieh: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@santamontes12: RT ImprentGraficar "New post: "Fallece el actor japonés Tetsuya Watari a los 78 años" - 4 years ago

@charlestrotter: RT @charlestrotter: Japanese actor and singer Tesuya Watari, star of the yakuza cult classics TOKYO DRIFTER and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR and a tw… - 4 years ago

@IronKimra: As one of my favorite movie critics said: If a movie ends and the audience sings the movie's theme song, that movie… - 4 years ago

@wostry: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@ImprentGraficar: New post: "Fallece el actor japonés Tetsuya Watari a los 78 años" - 4 years ago

@Lazoworks: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@meltemsp: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@charlestrotter: Japanese actor and singer Tesuya Watari, star of the yakuza cult classics TOKYO DRIFTER and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR and… - 4 years ago

@charlestrotter: "No matter how far I wander, I'll still be in Japan. From now on, I'll be the drifter from Tokyo." R.I.P. TETSUYA… - 4 years ago

@cinemaparker: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@R0GUEE: RIP Tetsuya Watari #TokyoDrifter - 4 years ago

@tachtyke: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@javieriribarren: RT @faustianovich: Peli (Tetsuya Watari) del día: EL OCÉANO EN LLAMAS, un descanso del actor, a tope en los films y teleseries de yakuzas,… - 4 years ago

@anonymity12: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@73vAy0BHh8MIWoq: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Krycek_Facility: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@mg91919: RT @faustianovich: Tetsuya Watari in memoriam. - 4 years ago

@AndRivasC: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@Ms_Golightly: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@piyopiyop27: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@deliverance_de: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@PIA15416: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@enriquelavigne: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@Velma___Dinkley: RT @faustianovich: Tetsuya Watari in memoriam. - 4 years ago

@5757kurota: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@doomocuube: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Aaronfilmwriter: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@miiketakashibot: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@cranky_cineaste: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@RaezDupon: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@NotSoBigWheel: RIP Tetsuya Watari. Tokyo Drifter is an eternal cinematic classic. - 4 years ago

@FNLorter: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@whos_wesley: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@bayadere2018: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@commiecurious: Goddammit. Fuck this whole year. RIP, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@LuckyDeckNapier: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@mrcsms_: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@markfedora: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@int1980: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@cineasia_online: RT @faustianovich: Tetsuya Watari in memoriam. - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Tetsuya Watari in memoriam. - 4 years ago

@AlejandroGCalvo: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@ET13Productions: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Peli (Tetsuya Watari) del día: EL OCÉANO EN LLAMAS, un descanso del actor, a tope en los films y teleseries de yaku… - 4 years ago

@fantasiablog1: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fujikawa… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Adiós a Tetsuya Watari, estrella de las películas 60s y 70s de yakuzas de la Nikkatsu. Mítico su personaje Gorô Fuj… - 4 years ago

@ShugMckenna: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@CultoftheCinema: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@mtsan_savage: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@kenken_patent: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@spacealun: RIP Tetsuya Watari, voice of Shintaro Kazama. Too many good VA's lost this year. - 4 years ago

@ttyymmtt: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@CSkinner: Just saw the news about Tetsuya Watari. I have a vintage copy of this poster and Watari has stared down from it on… - 4 years ago

@Konstantine_81: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@fermin_17: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@savagecinephile: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@KobaChannel1: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@MugenShinsi: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@nV3biXQeku3iTz8: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@OnigiriFilm: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@AmarilloSkating: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Philippe_1984: RT @Fabfuzz: Une sortie française de #SeibuKeisatsu #西部警察 (la meilleure série au monde) devrait être obligatoire pour honorer la mémoire de… - 4 years ago

@cineoutsider: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@RealWallWilsh: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@StruanYoung97: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@iwai_beam: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@DLPayne4: RT @ianmacewan: RIP Tetsuya Watari, an astounding screen presence and the babeliest yakuza of them all - 4 years ago

@BitsofHorror: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@zzombiee: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@DOWNTOWN_BOY: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@haru5657: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@darkdetective87: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@eimei_kikaku: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@NAO_Genki: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@marqueeposter: RIP Tetsuya Watari 😭 - 4 years ago

@MegamanRA: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@mirch44966575: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@Gutsu247: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@unneededsequel: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@erosandmassacre: RT @moviefan55: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@nagare_nagasare: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@oshama_san613: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@PPissedofferson: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@filmnohito: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@hanwenyi: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@paddy_mcmahon64: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: An Outlaw Gangster for the ages. RIP Japanese action star Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@KennyWusstig: R.I.P. Tetsuya Watari, best known for japanese cop show Seibu Keisatsu. A man who made firing a shotgun from a heli… - 4 years ago

@Taedrem1: RT @TheatreScorpio: Seems like basic level social media stuff to make RIP posts about everyone, but it's worth noting that star Tetsuya Wat… - 4 years ago

@ichitaaa: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@Umigurashi5: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SakuyaFM: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TheBestEmmerich: RT @24hourmajima: //Rest in peace to Tetsuya Watari, dude is popular in Japan but I only knew him has Shintaro Kazama, my respects to his f… - 4 years ago

@EchoDaGator: RT @24hourmajima: //Rest in peace to Tetsuya Watari, dude is popular in Japan but I only knew him has Shintaro Kazama, my respects to his f… - 4 years ago

@dwahatanaka2: RT @bu_suko: ~ Toshiaki Sato's Entertainment Film researcher ~YouTube "Japanese actors Tetsuya Watari and me" Tetsuya Watari mourning talk… - 4 years ago

@CyberBitch51: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TheatreScorpio: Seems like basic level social media stuff to make RIP posts about everyone, but it's worth noting that star Tetsuya… - 4 years ago

@AllanIkesaka: Kayo Kyoku Plus: Tetsuya Watari -- Jun'ai no Blues(純愛のブルース) - 4 years ago

@Lexidaysical: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@AbsoluteZer0sol: RT @SpongeX14: Rest in peace Tetsuya Watari, the voice actor for Joji Kamaza and Shintaro Kazama in the Yakuza game series. - 4 years ago

@SpongeX14: Rest in peace Tetsuya Watari, the voice actor for Joji Kamaza and Shintaro Kazama in the Yakuza game series. - 4 years ago

@masataka_2007: - 4 years ago

@JapanFilmFest: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@RunedHarpy: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@DLS1242KS: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@magicalphi: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@JaxAcer: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mosu04484997: R.I.P. TETSUYA WATARI #西部警察 #渡哲也 - 4 years ago

@24hourmajima: //Rest in peace to Tetsuya Watari, dude is popular in Japan but I only knew him has Shintaro Kazama, my respects to… - 4 years ago

@serperuano: Fallece el actor japonés Tetsuya Watari a sus 78 años - 4 years ago

@ShinRequiem: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@lbg3: RT @NYAFF: Sad news. RIP Watari Tetsuya - 4 years ago

@lavroucha: RIP Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@to_sky_blue: 渡哲也さんの豪快エピソード!! ホテルの部屋に屋台を運ぶ、旅館の部屋に焼き肉店を呼んで焼く肉をする - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Street artist Ronnie Goodman; actor Tetsuya Watari; actor and theatre director Michel Dumont; p… - 4 years ago

@ThomasRougee: RT @ianmacewan: GRAVEYARDS OF HONOUR 2-film set of Kinji Fukasaku's 1975 GRAVEYARD OF HONOUR & Takashi Miike's 2002 remake. Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@nojilans: Tetsuya passed away. A beloved move star and my distant relative (I'm not joking) from Awaji. RIP. > Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@NUstalgiaaa: RT @JLuisMz_: @thetojodojo All we should visit Kazama's grave in Yakuza games as a form of respect to Tetsuya Watari. Rest in Peace https:… - 4 years ago

@Y3Kval: RT @JLuisMz_: @thetojodojo All we should visit Kazama's grave in Yakuza games as a form of respect to Tetsuya Watari. Rest in Peace https:… - 4 years ago

@Y3Kval: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@doba_anamaki: RT @bu_suko: ~ Toshiaki Sato's Entertainment Film researcher ~YouTube "Japanese actors Tetsuya Watari and me" Tetsuya Watari mourning talk… - 4 years ago

@joseperojapones: RT @bu_suko: ~ Toshiaki Sato's Entertainment Film researcher ~YouTube "Japanese actors Tetsuya Watari and me" Tetsuya Watari mourning talk… - 4 years ago

@toshiakis: RT @bu_suko: ~ Toshiaki Sato's Entertainment Film researcher ~YouTube "Japanese actors Tetsuya Watari and me" Tetsuya Watari mourning talk… - 4 years ago

@ByLucha: RT @bu_suko: ~ Toshiaki Sato's Entertainment Film researcher ~YouTube "Japanese actors Tetsuya Watari and me" Tetsuya Watari mourning talk… - 4 years ago

@yokojyun: RT @bu_suko: ~ Toshiaki Sato's Entertainment Film researcher ~YouTube "Japanese actors Tetsuya Watari and me" Tetsuya Watari mourning talk… - 4 years ago

@bu_suko: ~ Toshiaki Sato's Entertainment Film researcher ~YouTube "Japanese actors Tetsuya Watari and me" Tetsuya Watari mo… - 4 years ago

@yesimindeeko: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@em_Seq: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@1989_hydeist: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@unit02chan: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@CultMovieMania: RT @DailyGrindhouse: #RIP Tetsuya Watari, star of films like TOKYO DRIFTER, the OUTLAW series, and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR, and also an incredib… - 4 years ago

@cpasaribu: RT @letterboxd: Goodnight, Tetsuya Watari. 💙 - 4 years ago

@Logandude3: RT @tyler_rem: Rest In Peace Tetsuya Watari. You were an amazing actor. Thank you for playing Shintaro Kazuma. - 4 years ago

@Ando_Drago: RT @outcastmarc: R.I.P. to former Nikkatsu, then Toei, then Japanese TV star Tetsuya Watari, who passed away on the 10th at 78 from pneumon… - 4 years ago

@w33bie: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@paz0u: RT @MDAH9: Une légende du cinéma Japonais vient de nous quitter. Tetsuya Watari. 1941 - 2020. Ecoutons le thème de Tokyo Drifter ( Le va… - 4 years ago

@V_E_K_O_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Lustifer: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@MinicarPics164: RT @a6m5zero: Just found out that Watari Tetsuya passed away. RIP. He was a bad ass. - 4 years ago

@etintsd: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@a6m5zero: Just found out that Watari Tetsuya passed away. RIP. He was a bad ass. - 4 years ago

@Ruedeladanse: RT @JapanToday: Veteran Japanese action movie star, singer Watari dies: Veteran Japanese action movie star and singer Tetsuya Watari, known… - 4 years ago

@GustavetheXIII: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@emanuelesacchi: Tokyo Nagaremono RIP. Terribly sad. - 4 years ago

@Major_Tom95: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@noctfish: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@d0htanuk1: RT @masaoNesmith: Tetsuya Watari 君恋し 麻生レミ - 4 years ago

@tayartistic: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Enrakyoten: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mmiguelangell: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@Mushiraya: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@plainwonder: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@tempeachy: RT @ianmacewan: GRAVEYARDS OF HONOUR 2-film set of Kinji Fukasaku's 1975 GRAVEYARD OF HONOUR & Takashi Miike's 2002 remake. Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@MinovskyArticle: RT @ianmacewan: GRAVEYARDS OF HONOUR 2-film set of Kinji Fukasaku's 1975 GRAVEYARD OF HONOUR & Takashi Miike's 2002 remake. Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@WeedSenpai: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@HabeQuiddam: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@bixnoodles: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@sleepydood: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TheZapken: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@fictionalist: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mooogs_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Jeffreywoot_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ameto: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@d_snofkin: RT @SpenceTP: Tetsuya Watari, star of Tokyo Drifter and the great TV show Western Cops, has passed away. I made a karaoke tribute to Wester… - 4 years ago

@DumbCerb: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@Ryan2EZ: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@GrimL0ck17: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@iliekgamesP: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Taskuku: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@animatedtrigger: RT @MinovskyArticle: Farewell, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@Guyver_Spawn: #NowWatching Tokyo Drifter (1966) on Blu-Ray from @Criterion. RIP Tetsuya Watari #TokyoDrifter #SeijunSuzuki #1960s… - 4 years ago

@NawalaKarsa: [BREAKING] Tetsuya Watari, aktor senior di Jepang sekaligus seiyuu dari Shintaro Kazama di franchise gim Yakuza tel… - 4 years ago

@TriEdge_101: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@GrimL0ck17: Rest in peace to one of Japan's greatest legends in so many different genres, Tetsuya Watari. From Tokyo Drifter to… - 4 years ago

@shockmaster19: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Lui_VeeReadman: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LouTalksAnime: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@EchoDaGator: i’m still really sad about Tetsuya Watari. shit sucks. - 4 years ago

@buzzdroopy9: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@CoreyGriffindor: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@bIeeed: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@uldarhaci: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ItsAccursed: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@terrors_cluster: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@leonakalife: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@M4L30LM: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@sammy2lighters: RT @thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@KatsuF0rge: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@sojustallion: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mitchsama: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@_Domhan_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@styxwastaken: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Baby_Giorno: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MaShin_Chaser_0: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@mokurenjan: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@EchoAlpha_x5: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@AAAH1DE: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@Tyler_Salinas21: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@CoinYakisoba: RT @LaVanguardia: También ejerció de cantante y fue famoso sobre todo por participar en series policíacas - 4 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @AnnoDracula: Sad to hear of the death of Tetsuya Watari - star of a lot of Japanese film an TV, but a major icon of melancholy cool in… - 4 years ago

@strogonf: RT @TherealJBuddha: A old art i did of Tetsuya Watari, Tokyo Drifter and Outlaw are Nikkatsu gold. - 4 years ago

@299nkk: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@TherealJBuddha: A old art i did of Tetsuya Watari, Tokyo Drifter and Outlaw are Nikkatsu gold. - 4 years ago

@KurisuSparda: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TherealJBuddha: RIP Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@chim09lives: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@memeboi1780: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@GothGurlCeline: RT @thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@il_gatt0: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@HeyMattyK: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@OGBlaze_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ayame87830: RT @cinebeats: RIP Tetsuya Watari. He was brilliant in many Japanese crime films and had a quiet intensity on screen. Effortlessly cool. If… - 4 years ago

@stephr1975: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@BestDrWho: Tetsuya Watari dead: Japanese actor was 78 – Variety - 4 years ago

@Misha810: Ayer en las isletas publicaron el fallecimiento del actor nipón a los 78 años por una neumonía (no el Covid-19) el… - 4 years ago

@Rikitsu1: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@BaronKay6: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@majimasnose: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mistofeles: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@Nintendont_64: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SecondsPassNine: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@julianmario1up: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@KNOKAFOKE: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@V_Furawa: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ThatOneAdam: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Tnarh2: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LolicaptorDodo: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@IslanderDestiny: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@dth1971: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@the0_9: 渡 哲也 Tetsuya Watari (December 28, 1941 – August 10, 2020) - 4 years ago

@So12rovv: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@geekdownpod: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ThePyroMan_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ThePyroMan_: RT @Yakuzafrance: Je viens d'apprendre la disparition de Tetsuya Watari, qui est décédé aujourd'hui à l'age de 78 ans. Il avait notamment p… - 4 years ago

@ViewtifulGold: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@All_Burakku_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@cloudberryjams: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@earth_to_ee: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@fedexiv: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mosene_: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@standardman: RT @EigaNight: Saddened to hear of the passing of Tetsuya Watari. Best known for playing figures of unflappable suave and coolness, his per… - 4 years ago

@TheBarrylad: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Generic_Soda: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@AutumnofOwls: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@savagechance96: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@fatfukuro: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@KungFu_Grip: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Doijma: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ellyberries: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@AKBree49: RT @tokyohive: Actor Watari Tetsuya passes away from pneumonia - 4 years ago

@hermandhaliwal: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@palegraydeath: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@RetroMiami: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@pufnbal: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@THEKatKeen: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 #RIPTetsuyaWatari #RememberMeYoungAndStrong - 4 years ago

@Youngodkirin: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MCKirby11: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@FXROCIOUS: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@CGInfernoBlast: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@nova_ze: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MadMattMania: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ellischeng123: replurks 小二@2020: - 4 years ago

@nachoteso: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@1ive1ove1earn: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@Peterprr: RIP to the star of the great Tokyo Drifter and Outlaw Gangster VIP series. - 4 years ago

@CrossEyedBear: The late Tetsuya Watari (1941-2020) in "Tokyo Drifter" (1966). - 4 years ago

@bsmith8168: RT @outcastmarc: R.I.P. to former Nikkatsu, then Toei, then Japanese TV star Tetsuya Watari, who passed away on the 10th at 78 from pneumon… - 4 years ago

@Sethrandom22: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@midorikubota: RT @cinebeats: RIP Tetsuya Watari. He was brilliant in many Japanese crime films and had a quiet intensity on screen. Effortlessly cool. If… - 4 years ago

@NoelVera1: RIP Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@CrunkyBars: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@10aisley10: RT @AnnoDracula: Sad to hear of the death of Tetsuya Watari - star of a lot of Japanese film an TV, but a major icon of melancholy cool in… - 4 years ago

@takatoukana: RT @andys_room: “Tetsuya Watari, the Japanese actor who worked with international cult favorites Seijun Suzuki and Kinji Fukasaku on some o… - 4 years ago

@MJak120: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Zalgri: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@jongsae5: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MitsuNakamura: TOKYO DRIFTER. 20yrs ado, UCLA cinematography class introduced me this cinematic gem as an epitome of Nikkatsu Acti… - 4 years ago

@TheHalogamer: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Rin_BruceFan: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@ceconcedilla_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@__stainless: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ManuSnow1: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TheJackArcher: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@HighbrowShawn: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@s_alcohol: RT @thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@Meri_Manils: RT @LaVanguardia: También ejerció de cantante y fue famoso sobre todo por participar en series policíacas - 4 years ago

@LaVanguardia: También ejerció de cantante y fue famoso sobre todo por participar en series policíacas - 4 years ago

@SergioRJ86: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@liamrulz: RT @thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@nishikajinchu: RT @thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@iks2959: RT @thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@dsp9596: RT @thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@FilmMomatic: RT @thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@thirdwindow: A legend... Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@YumaFromChina: RT @Asiateca: Hace unos días se nos fue otro de los rostros más reconocibles de la Nikkatsu Action, Tetsuya Watari. Aquí unas líneas que es… - 4 years ago

@OhanBoi_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@jennyyangat: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@bloodyknight85: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@amazingly_awsum: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Lewmzi: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@iitarsii: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@tudsworthington: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@YakuzaRabbit: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@whited_79: RT @doramaworld: Watari Tetsuya passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia at 6.30pm on 10 Aug 2020 as per his agency's announcement via… - 4 years ago

@denjingompi: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Gzmoi: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@AlexTheULF: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@punishedhythm: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@nonymoux: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TopHammy: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LiamNTasker: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@hanbubbb: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Ashen_Seraphim: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@OceanicUK_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@USAMIMI_DOLL: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mitsuki_mikka: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@iseankyle: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@Sonickick2: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@MaDogOfshimano: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Rajodokkun: RT @tokyohive: Actor Watari Tetsuya passes away from pneumonia - 4 years ago

@suke7001: RT @japantimes: Veteran Japanese action star and singer Tetsuya Watari dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@okamikasama: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@klymaxx11: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@monishkhemani: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@notfspurejam: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@EEC0728: RT @japantimes: Veteran Japanese action star and singer Tetsuya Watari dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@GlobalNewsJapan: Veteran Japanese action star and singer #TetsuyaWatari dies at 78 | @JapanTimes - 4 years ago

@h_ohigashi: RT @japantimes: Veteran Japanese action star and singer Tetsuya Watari dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@alan_r_gallardo: RT @japantimes: Veteran Japanese action star and singer Tetsuya Watari dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@Ravenchansan: RT @japantimes: Veteran Japanese action star and singer Tetsuya Watari dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@keichain: RT @tokyohive: Actor Watari Tetsuya passes away from pneumonia - 4 years ago

@I_Like_Doggos76: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@Kosack27: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Dragox98: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@EdoTokaido: Fallece popular actor y cantante japonés Tetsuya Watari🙋  - 4 years ago

@UsernameAraya: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@jasonpjfan: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@notactualcarson: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@FrigginDweeb: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@kkinoe: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@miami_neko: 渡哲也さんの訃報を略歴付きで伝えるバラエティ誌の記事。 Tetsuya Watari dead: Japanese actor was 78 – Variety - 4 years ago

@bru74Lbutt3rf1y: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@NopeSisenem: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Noburin_Japan: ちょっと悩みましたが 渡哲也さんが好きですので書かさせていただきました。 今でも信じられない。 ありがとう I debated about whether to post this or not, but I made this… - 4 years ago

@nateart21: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@izzyheyo: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@KaizoWorld: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@aka9ma64: RT @andys_room: “Tetsuya Watari, the Japanese actor who worked with international cult favorites Seijun Suzuki and Kinji Fukasaku on some o… - 4 years ago

@paramead: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @nippon_en: Japanese actor Watari Tetsuya has died at the age of 78. - 4 years ago

@Xfactor_ssb: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@OutsideCoat: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@Nomski23: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@KimsookjinC: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@derekhill82: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@zebs_90: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TiDuraes: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@HuevosEnSerio: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@Yorkieplaysgame: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Sparky_TLG: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@hardianscore: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@sonoyama8777: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@Japr1998: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ujung_ssk: RT @fymeikokaji: Very sad to read that Tetsuya Watari (渡 哲也) passed away a few days ago. He appeared in a dozen or so films with Meiko Kaji… - 4 years ago

@live_open: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@cruelmaravilla: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@theluckyman: News from Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@serendipitouspr: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@Arisyah17951: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@kenkyuka44: RT @yamatokenichi: ᛭御逝去᛭ #渡哲也([#渡瀬道彦]1941年12月28日 - 2020年8月10日) #俳優 #歌手 Tetsuya Watari. R.I.P. #TetsuyaWatari (born #WatariTetsuya; December… - 4 years ago

@SFdirewolf: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@teeagernet: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@mokodoi: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@rusdaboss: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@pickmans: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@nonmomoz: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@rin_ka178: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@stevensantos: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@hokahibito: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@mlp7777: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@_NamiinBlue: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@boaaa45: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@NotTheBased: RT @Variety: Tetsuya Watari, Japanese Actor, Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@ArtificialCo_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MoOwaidat: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@bigbylovemail: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Quistiv: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ailinpaul: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@Xanthan81: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SNikaela: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Arandomnigga666: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Pocket_Warrior: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@grimioreNieR: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@coolsapphire18: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@BM7991: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@danuracula: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@HenshinRX: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@hilberlustosa: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@DerkyChocolate: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@DokPeace: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Iotusevoragte: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@iNotOriginal: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@foxaddict94: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@celersilens: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@VenHanamura: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@UltraSuperNova2: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@kai_lyoko: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@higgshellzone: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Avex_mode_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Nixosy: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@OP_Tsuna: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mareiw1ngz: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@susmar_0: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@AWanderingSouI: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Geniusbastard: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@_daijoubanai: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@0tasune: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SharPhoe: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SalvatoreLCh: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@orchardN7: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@JasonLopezII: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Folka_H: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ShadowMaster7lp: Biggest F i can give, may you rest in peace Tetsuya Watari, or as i know you in your best role: Shintaro Kazama or… - 4 years ago

@DanteBreastmilk: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@DoctorChristmas: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@RedScarf73: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Bartzebest: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Rosen_Thorne: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MC_Cum: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MagiKestral: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mesoamericas: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@jebusfox: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@samuraiflamenco: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@DamndDarkKnight: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Pulpcurry: RT @cinebeats: RIP Tetsuya Watari. He was brilliant in many Japanese crime films and had a quiet intensity on screen. Effortlessly cool. If… - 4 years ago

@TATAmama777: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@Sinattomizuki: RT @tingjapanese_: ญี่ปุ่นเสียดารารุ่นใหญ่ไปอีกคน เห็นดาราคนนี้ในซีรีส์หลายเรื่องมากกกกก (คุณ Tetsuya Watari) R.I.P. お悔やみ申し上げます🙏🏻 - 4 years ago

@TATAmama777: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@emily_pdf: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Infindox: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@YABOICITRUS: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@narumiakira: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@FlashingKnives: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@JhanJoestar: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@charlinful: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@necrobob43: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@doombase45: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@manarock69: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@langlestrangles: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@skarp129: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Seanskins1: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@OPHibari: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ThornIrisRibbon: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@Jay_Ghouligan: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@thetrut41019890: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@Simia_Pugno: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SakuraTheSky: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@semestakatarsis: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@rottengerm77: RT @DailyGrindhouse: #RIP Tetsuya Watari, star of films like TOKYO DRIFTER, the OUTLAW series, and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR, and also an incredib… - 4 years ago

@josemi9998: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@knivhands: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@idiotataru: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@osoroshiiningen: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@hiraharas: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@coinIockerbaby: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@coinIockerbaby: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@vampydizzy: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@bummuu: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@BlakenianSoul: RT @fymeikokaji: Very sad to read that Tetsuya Watari (渡 哲也) passed away a few days ago. He appeared in a dozen or so films with Meiko Kaji… - 4 years ago

@PKdeGallo: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@r0amingspirit: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@histeriakx: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Be1ial999: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@vinn_aleixo: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@gunwakun: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@FEfan229: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@SouthAFAO: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@kuugamighty: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@YakuzaOOC: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mjc0961: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Oz_IsHere: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@niiqiu: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@tyrantleon: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@bandeapart72: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@annesobru: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@DangZerglings: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@rmadriz: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@Sylphid_Dolphin: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@NoForeskinzGinz: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@plasticbump: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ljenkins314: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@nemetfox: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@alwinFA: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@NicolasT_Aleman: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@D3_L4_Souza: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Maypew_: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@Timetravel_maru: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@DavidCards8114: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@DiRRKDiGGLER: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@goastgeneral: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@reshrodancer: RT @thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@thetojodojo: NEWS: Tetsuya Watari Voice Actor of Shintaro Kazama In Yakuza Series Dies Aged 78: - 4 years ago

@Kyragreen16: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Sigitlincah: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@khkaijufan: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@solregent: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@DarkHakkunLove: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@watchdog_man: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SirScalendar: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Serpent_Solide: RT @fymeikokaji: Very sad to read that Tetsuya Watari (渡 哲也) passed away a few days ago. He appeared in a dozen or so films with Meiko Kaji… - 4 years ago

@MrDesgraciao: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SkotArmstrong: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@Bracero666: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@jason1749: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@neokefka_99: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@OtakuSelfie: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mew2heart: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MovieKessler: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@sgt_ghost141: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@NgaraTinu: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@vanoldun: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ShadowNite777: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Steph__McLean: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SlyTrixlerCSA: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@BrandonioV2: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@fathertorri: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LanceBoyle94: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Hororo: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@holliail: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@FlutterRodButt: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TheMGFAP: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Eli00F: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@nobd3: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ProjectNailbat: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LiilCrazedd: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mylifeasthea: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@proenator: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ExTheMan: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@KidOmega91: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@VagabondCode: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@CowTalesForever: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@JPenguini: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@UsagiRequiem: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SpaceOctet: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@kohakukuma_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@AbesolutZERO: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@HinataUzumakiPo: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MusiicCS: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@empty_tone: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@astolfoborger: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@sepu_uuuuuuu: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@kingdomkeeper02: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LazyAbdullah_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Ropsenshtils42: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Soup88979741: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MrSubspace: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@michaeljemmons1: RT @Perry_Ruh: RIP Tetsuya Watari. Losing both him and Jo Shishido in the same year is an indescribable loss to the history of Japanese noi… - 4 years ago

@Krellarlock: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@TaiyKun: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Date_Nagumo: RT @cinebeats: RIP Tetsuya Watari. He was brilliant in many Japanese crime films and had a quiet intensity on screen. Effortlessly cool. If… - 4 years ago

@canarykin: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@_DL21_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Saber0307: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@NintenderoEnf: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Vaisu_Kaguya: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@rogouko: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@PurplleHazel: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SwordHandTwitch: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Aurablade: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@jort__: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@AwaySoul: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@virgrill: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@mendelpalace87: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@Jacky_el_playas: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Nacho_Madness: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@keyandenter: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@AnarchyKrag: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@RaphsidentEvil: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Runzi333: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@OvrbroKingGainr: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LuxOverHeaven: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Riv507: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LozzimusPrime: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SNESMINION: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@itsELDxd: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Raichucin: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Natemare117: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@dendria: His amazing voice...😭 #RIPTetsuyaWatari #RIP渡哲也 Outlaw: Gangster VIP Theme - Performed by Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@TaoTruths: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ChefertheCooker: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@toshiyuka: RT @cinebeats: RIP Tetsuya Watari. He was brilliant in many Japanese crime films and had a quiet intensity on screen. Effortlessly cool. If… - 4 years ago

@Robokune: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@vert186570: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@CientificTxec: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@cordovatown: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@FrancisAlbertGN: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LoZ_fan13: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@CrazeBound: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MatthewB0i: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MikiIsHere: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@NoksNonsense: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@dendria: WTF #2020 we can’t even have Goro any more??Japanese movie star Watari Tetsuya dies | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News - 4 years ago

@DimebagDarreII: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@supermcdante: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ThatOneGhost2: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@hyuckseoul: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Vito_Cappelli: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@GoldnNocturne: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Starblazer0330: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@OrpheusHero: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@yakolio: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@StratosBebop: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Cyllama: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LawfulEvil4: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@BabyDragon_Mizu: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Lewis_D_White: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Volkerstime: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Conankun66: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@punishedhythm: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@devil_arcana: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@w33bie: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@SuperNerdLand: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MAKINATOLL: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@dragonstormbla1: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@jiredale93: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@cnrm_: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ChippedT33th: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@seiyaawn: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@ThalimRaewold: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@B_Takeda: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@AhmedTeguh: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Hidzell: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@skolhalla: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@KawaiiMess: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@UnseenJapanSite: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@BasedLucoa: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Censor45263438: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Lifoxion: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@cantarella_rose: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@GohanSkywalker: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@WaifuSenpaiiX: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@allthatipossess: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@milfsimper: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@RoseyRinaGharib: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@JudgmentDae: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@majimamilkies: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@DaFatController: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@shadow79the79: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LFurfag: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@rainbow_dracula: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Buster_Boy22: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@Supra_Fonroy: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@_AtelierBlanc: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@LordOnisyr: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@MunBreaker: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@arevalosuarezd5: RT @moriyoshijon: Sad to hear today of the passing of Tetsuya Watari, who among various major TV and film roles also played Shintaro Kazama… - 4 years ago

@US80s90s: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@_DM02_: Rest in Peace Tetsuya Watari. Thank you for your performances oya-san - 4 years ago

@VSoulie: ◾️◾️ Tetsuya Watari 渡 哲也 1941 - 2020 - 4 years ago

@pinkline: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@pinkline: RT @Barbacaca: Adieu, Tetsuya Watari.🥃 #渡哲也 - 4 years ago

@TheManFrowns: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@VSoulie: RT @cinebeats: RIP Tetsuya Watari. He was brilliant in many Japanese crime films and had a quiet intensity on screen. Effortlessly cool. If… - 4 years ago

@WoopyFish: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@aka_ashley01: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@YiaCh: RT @antonjackson: RIP to the Tokyo Drifter, Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@General_Jimbo: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@JonZilla___: RT @DailyGrindhouse: #RIP Tetsuya Watari, star of films like TOKYO DRIFTER, the OUTLAW series, and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR, and also an incredib… - 4 years ago

@TimeBombMan: RT @DailyGrindhouse: #RIP Tetsuya Watari, star of films like TOKYO DRIFTER, the OUTLAW series, and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR, and also an incredib… - 4 years ago

@shentenza: RT @DailyGrindhouse: #RIP Tetsuya Watari, star of films like TOKYO DRIFTER, the OUTLAW series, and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR, and also an incredib… - 4 years ago

@filmdaze: RT @DailyGrindhouse: #RIP Tetsuya Watari, star of films like TOKYO DRIFTER, the OUTLAW series, and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR, and also an incredib… - 4 years ago

@DailyGrindhouse: #RIP Tetsuya Watari, star of films like TOKYO DRIFTER, the OUTLAW series, and GRAVEYARD OF HONOR, and also an incre… - 4 years ago

@SkyOnPC_: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@Cinemacreep: TOKYO DRIFTER is one of my favourite films of all time and a lot of that had to do with the effortless cool of Tets… - 4 years ago

@MatthieuEdKT: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@M1S2Owen: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@vigwer: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@GerardCasau: Adiós al yakuza errante... RIP Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@a_moon_rabbit: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@SylvianYouth: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@EmperorOTN1: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@rmwiscool: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@Don_Siesta: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@allmydads: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@mrweinerslav: RT @js_film_nyc: RIP to Tetsuya Watari, the iconic film and television star, best known to Western audiences as the lead in Seijun Suzuki's… - 4 years ago

@luizameira: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@steppinlazer: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@akydnala: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@Jazzahol: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@bloodycowards: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@CrunkyBars: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@PastelJaws: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@Saxhens: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@MinovskyArticle: RT @combattlerRickV: Where is he, the vagabond? Always drifting, always solo. Where will he be tomorrow? The wind, his girl may know The dr… - 4 years ago

@Dashynke: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@tenkai_gamer: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@Blueblur98: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@PledgeOfDemon: RT @Phantomzeo720: RIP, Mr. Tetsuya Watari (Shintaro Kazama for the RGG fans) - 4 years ago

@SGP009: RT @sam_mullen: Tetsuya Watari, the voice of Shintaro Kazama, has passed at the age of 78. RIP. - 4 years ago

@Grim_2o0o: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@ManaManacap: RT @sam_mullen: Tetsuya Watari, the voice of Shintaro Kazama, has passed at the age of 78. RIP. - 4 years ago

@TheNoseOfDeath: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@nippon_ja: Japanese Actor Tetsuya Watari Dies at 78 - 4 years ago

@blaine_hunter: RT @OliverJia1014: Tetsuya Watari passed away today at the age of 78. Western fans will know him best as the lead role in Seijun Suzuki’s “… - 4 years ago

@ThatHomestar: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@Phantomzeo720: RIP, Mr. Tetsuya Watari (Shintaro Kazama for the RGG fans) - 4 years ago

@TerukiUEHARA: RT @ClementRauger: RIP Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@andremsalgueiro: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@GillesLPoitras: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@katouyujin: RT @themainichi: Famed veteran Japanese action movie star, singer Tetsuya Watari dies - 4 years ago

@PeachyHanwell: RT @Brian_Ashcraft: Rest in peace, Tetsuya Watari. Thank you for all the cool movies. - 4 years ago

@thoton9: RT @themainichi: Famed veteran Japanese action movie star, singer Tetsuya Watari dies - 4 years ago

@KurisuSparda: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@IHONOfukushima: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@lakandula0923: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@dmhk09: RT @Barbacaca: Adieu, Tetsuya Watari.🥃 #渡哲也 - 4 years ago

@Natesmb64: RT @sam_mullen: Tetsuya Watari, the voice of Shintaro Kazama, has passed at the age of 78. RIP. - 4 years ago

@hydeacount: Tetsuya Watari passed away on 10th August. I’m shocking to hear the news. - 4 years ago

@KiwiLeSurvivant: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@Cornmuffin64: RT @sam_mullen: Tetsuya Watari, the voice of Shintaro Kazama, has passed at the age of 78. RIP. - 4 years ago

@etherdoubler: RT @sam_mullen: Tetsuya Watari, the voice of Shintaro Kazama, has passed at the age of 78. RIP. - 4 years ago

@sam_mullen: Tetsuya Watari, the voice of Shintaro Kazama, has passed at the age of 78. RIP. - 4 years ago

@Geloniano: RT @Ryo_Saeba_3: On apprend le décès de l'acteur Tetsuya Watari à l'âge de 78 ans, le 10 août 2020. Une vrai gueule du cinéma japonais des… - 4 years ago

@Blueblur98: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@FOLDFILMS: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@LauraArroArt: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@BucaSegnata: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@Aaronaje: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@AvrgAndOrdinary: RT @OliverJia1014: Tetsuya Watari passed away today at the age of 78. Western fans will know him best as the lead role in Seijun Suzuki’s “… - 4 years ago

@easy_andy: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@skelterd: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@DieandReply: RT @pwfregonese: Pour anecdote, Tetsuya Watari était doublé par Maurice Sarfati, la voix des méchants de Nicky Larson, dans le formidable A… - 4 years ago

@IkoeTanioka: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@yakuzandi: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@mkristX: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@Guardian_2017: Tetsuya Watari had died by pneumonia. He was an actor one of the most famous in Japan. Disease is very afraid. I'm… - 4 years ago

@XRaider927: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@hoppy_tiger: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@EdzOfPain: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@no85463131: RT @OliverJia1014: Tetsuya Watari passed away today at the age of 78. Western fans will know him best as the lead role in Seijun Suzuki’s “… - 4 years ago

@ragnarxiv: RT @Brian_Ashcraft: Rest in peace, Tetsuya Watari. Thank you for all the cool movies. - 4 years ago

@speedou: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@VinsShelby: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@Quark_Type_M: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@f_solaris: Tetsuya Watari who is one of the most iconic Japanese actors sadly passed away on this month. The most unforgettabl… - 4 years ago

@TigerFestival1: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@0429yanks: 吉田拓郎さんと小室等さんがラジオ企画・日本最強ヒットソングで歌った ♪青いくちなしのワルツを唄おう という曲があった。 青い山脈 + くちなしの花 + 星影のワルツ 甲斐巨匠は、サウンドストリートのカラオケで、渡哲也さんの曲は歌… - 4 years ago

@Lonelinessman22: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@metal_mom20: 大門軍団よ永遠なれ 🇯🇵 RIP Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@thoton9: 舘ひろしさん。 - 4 years ago

@D_TheHedgehog: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@_Kill_Yr_Idols: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@godandgodzilla: R.I.P. Tetsuya Watari May you always be drifting - 4 years ago

@geminicollision: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@miiketakashibot: RT @tokyo_scope: The other Watari Tetsuya movies to look for are his back to back stunners Graveyard of Honor (1975) and Yakuza Graveyard (… - 4 years ago

@BoxBoyChance: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@pratt360: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@ChrisxMoyse: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@TruckNuts1: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@EggSandvich: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@jslaterwilliams: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@ArchivistsAlley: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@Swing_Kinker: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@FRIKYdonno: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@mmfs2015: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@cerescdor: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@AcidDragonPunch: RT @OliverJia1014: Tetsuya Watari passed away today at the age of 78. Western fans will know him best as the lead role in Seijun Suzuki’s “… - 4 years ago

@erifu_birugen: Actor Tetsuya Watari dies at 78 years old because of pneumonia 渡哲也さん #TETSUYA… - 4 years ago

@Lilly45980248: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@simonsaybrams: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@shochubar: Damn Watari Tetsuya died. Thats sucks. - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Tetsuya Watari has passed away - #TetsuyaWatari #Tetsuya #Watari #rip - 4 years ago

@my_rito: RT @ddolan_journo: Tetsuya Watari, the longtime actor who epitomised understated coolness as a yakuza in the 1966 film "Tokyo Nagaremono" (… - 4 years ago

@malasdair: joe shishido and tetsuya watari, huh. 2020 feasting on bones. - 4 years ago

@AmuroNu: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Japanese movie star Watari Tetsuya dies - 4 years ago

@malasdair: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@ClementRauger: RIP Tetsuya Watari - 4 years ago

@AndObituary: Tetsuya Watari Death – Dead | Tetsuya Watari Obituary | Cause of Death - 4 years ago

@RyanPuffs: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@mechabomb: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@UmiBakast: Le cinéma japonais perd encore une bonne gueule comme celle de #渡哲也. Tetsuya Watari. - 4 years ago

@vesperia_87: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@AnneBillson: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

@Svethlane: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@mgR9gZZ4h5bugRh: 【訃報】渡哲也さんが肺炎で死去 78歳 #渡哲也 #渡哲也さん #西部警察 - 4 years ago

@gov_japan: RT @Peckitt: I wonder if Tetsuya Watari has a PCR test. Difficult to comprehend how, even at 78 years old, one can die of pneumonia on this… - 4 years ago

@ahontwi: RT @tokyo_scope: RIP Japanese TV and movie action icon Tetsuya Watari, maybe best known for his starring role in TOKYO DRIFTER (1966) but a… - 4 years ago

@U_S_Ace: RT @Wildbergerrrr: Tetsuya Watari, voice of Kazama from Yakuza has passed away from pneumonia a few days ago.😔💔 - 4 years ago

@bandeapart72: 📷 asbestoe: Tetsuya Watari in Seijun Suzuki’s Tokyo Drifter (1966) - 4 years ago

@massssmish: @subodh1945 Many Tetsuya Watari fans seemed to be so sad . I pray for him tonight . - 4 years ago

@MiloAisuuu: RT @MoogleKupoCake: News just out that Tetsuya Watari has passed away at the age of 78 due to pneumonia. He seems to have been involved as… - 4 years ago

@TheMorlock: RT @midnightmes: RIP Tetsuya Watari, unforgettable in Tokyo Drifter and Graveyard of Honour. Launched as one of Nikkatsu studio's Yujiro Is… - 4 years ago

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