Tetsuo Gotō

Japanese voice actor.
Died on Thursday November 8th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Tetsuo Gotō:

@goto_tetsuo: おはようございます!元気ですか!! - 6 years ago

@gabemstr: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@goto_tetsuo: @nanase0702 ありがとうございます。素敵な一日を! - 6 years ago

@_MyrddinWyllt_: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago


@goto_tetsuo: おはようございます!元気ですか!! - 6 years ago

@HECTOR4X: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@lakerfan_323: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@luffy_fans_: RT @OPfandom: Today we lose another talented One Piece voice actor, Tetsuo Gotō has passed away at 68. He voiced Hannyabal, Lao G, and Don… - 6 years ago

@TeraGamesMX: Fallece a la edad de 68 años, el seiyuu Tetsuo Goto - 6 years ago

@DVPisMoose: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@oggishkun00: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@GeeliganStache: RT @DbsHype: Japanese Voice Actor of Gowasu, Tetsuo Goto passes away. May his soul rest in peace - 6 years ago

@asheborne: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@LaurynHgb: RT @LiveDeGonzalo: Tetsuo Goto, le seiyuu de GOWASU dans Dragon Ball Super et Lao G/Hannyabal dans One Piece est apparemment décédé d'un ca… - 6 years ago

@JessyGlez13: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@goto_tetsuo: @nanase0702 ありがとうございます。素敵な一日を! - 6 years ago

@goto_tetsuo: おはようございます!元気ですか!! - 6 years ago

@TheShaggyP: RT @newworldartur: The voice actor of Hannyabal and Lao G, Tetsuo Gotō, has passed away at age 68 due to esophageal cancer. He's someone in… - 6 years ago

@Diodissime: RT @394Histoires: #New 6 Novembre 2018 (mardi dernier): Disparition également de Tetsuo Goto acteur Japonais actif de 1975 à 2018, notammen… - 6 years ago

@syednaqibahmad: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@RyanMoussa91: RT @DBSuperFrance: Tetsuo Gotō, voix japonaise de Gowasu, nous a quittés - 6 years ago

@SageRagnar: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@CervantsMartin: RT @CuriosidadesOP: Lamentablemente ha fallecido Tetsuo Gotō, el actor de voz japonés que en #OnePiece ha dado vida a personajes como Hanny… - 6 years ago

@redskullerz: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@Azure_Horizon: RT @yahoo201027: Tetsuo Goto, known as the Japanese Voice of the Characters of Gowasu on #DragonBallSuper and Hannyabal on #OnePiece, passe… - 6 years ago

@sanosuke2127: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@ShirowSama: Ha fallecido Tetsuo Goto, su relación con el universo GITS está que en el mundo de Arise pu… - 6 years ago

@AfrogenixDBZ: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@ShinjiI30519829: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@Sonukyi: RT @DBZcom: Le comédien japonais Tetsuo Gotō est décédé à l'âge de 68 ans. Il a interprété Gowasu dans Dragon ball Super, mais aussi Hannya… - 6 years ago

@marianr23: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@TayTheSqueaker: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@PowaPikachu: RT @DBZcom: Le comédien japonais Tetsuo Gotō est décédé à l'âge de 68 ans. Il a interprété Gowasu dans Dragon ball Super, mais aussi Hannya… - 6 years ago

@ElMonjeMiroku: El viernes pasado fue un día triste para todos, pues el seiyuu Tetsuo Gotō nos dejó a la edad de 68 años. Este gran… - 6 years ago

@DBGT890: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@trunks_u7: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@ChanTressia: RT @manga_news: Triste nouvelle aujourd'hui : le seiyû Tetsuo Goto nous a quitté avant-hier, des suites d'un cancer de l’œsophage. Le coméd… - 6 years ago

@BeltranLup: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@gabriel_gabdiel: One Piece Voice Actor Tetsuo Goto Passes Away - 6 years ago

@atrmonerepublic: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@MediaBoy7: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@DtownDragon: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@Poison_Candies: RT @newworldartur: The voice actor of Hannyabal and Lao G, Tetsuo Gotō, has passed away at age 68 due to esophageal cancer. He's someone in… - 6 years ago

@goto_tetsuo: @nanase0702 ありがとうございます。素敵な一日を! - 6 years ago

@Adrian30464224: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@jesusdiaz10987: RT @yisustvOFICIAL: Lamentable pérdida. Fallece Tetsuo Goto, voz japonesa de Gowasu. :( Q.E.P.D. - 6 years ago

@firippu_dbs: RT @GovetaXV: Voice Actor Tetsuo Goto passes away. He did the Voice Over of Gowasu in Dragon Ball Super - 6 years ago

@Xelmoras: RT @GovetaXV: Voice Actor Tetsuo Goto passes away. He did the Voice Over of Gowasu in Dragon Ball Super - 6 years ago

@cinemasticcco: RT @GovetaXV: Voice Actor Tetsuo Goto passes away. He did the Voice Over of Gowasu in Dragon Ball Super - 6 years ago

@GreenOkapia: RT @newworldartur: The voice actor of Hannyabal and Lao G, Tetsuo Gotō, has passed away at age 68 due to esophageal cancer. He's someone in… - 6 years ago

@Ryan_N_Jakkuba: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@OssanCollector: RT @newworldartur: The voice actor of Hannyabal and Lao G, Tetsuo Gotō, has passed away at age 68 due to esophageal cancer. He's someone in… - 6 years ago

@XevnRendiem: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@goto_tetsuo: おはようございます!元気ですか!! - 6 years ago

@tsukikichan: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@manuelcand1a: RT @MangaMexico: Tetsuo Goto, actor de voz en Dragon Ball y One Piece, fallece tras cáncer de esófago. Que descanse en paz - 6 years ago

@CharlieBNic: RT @OPfandom: Today we lose another talented One Piece voice actor, Tetsuo Gotō has passed away at 68. He voiced Hannyabal, Lao G, and Don… - 6 years ago

@ChrisLeo316: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@BlyMont: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Denver restaurateur Pierre Wolfe; MLB's Ken Howell; voice actor Tetsuo Goto; actors Nikolai Rum… - 6 years ago

@kenrinion: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@DrErmacX: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@CarefreeTom_182: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@FinaTomoki: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@Ablazingstorm: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@GohanBl79576986: RT @Goji19991: We have unfortunately lost with us dragon ball fans today as The voice of Gowasu, Tetsuo Goto, has passed away from esophage… - 6 years ago

@Cookiecook13: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@Wade79785030: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@LosDaInfluencer: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@Alicia78403039: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@CollinMe2: RT @DbsHype: Japanese Voice Actor of Gowasu, Tetsuo Goto passes away. May his soul rest in peace - 6 years ago

@Gokhu_kakaroto: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@Kabe_Japan: RT @DBZcom: Le comédien japonais Tetsuo Gotō est décédé à l'âge de 68 ans. Il a interprété Gowasu dans Dragon ball Super, mais aussi Hannya… - 6 years ago

@The_7th_Fist: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@PokemonIongame: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@Angelolucinda: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@yuqiy: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@dust2dry: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@megamanx67: RT @EmperorBigD: Sad news... RIP Tetsuo Goto... the voice of GOWASU in Dragon Ball Super (among other shows). HUGE bummer. Dude was fant… - 6 years ago

@_nanashizero: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

@StormPraise: RT @ToeiAnimation: Our deepest thoughts for the passing of Tetsuo Gotō, who's done amazing voice work as Gowasu (Dragon Ball Super), Hannya… - 6 years ago

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