Terry Wallis

American extended coma recoverer.
Died on Monday April 4th 2022

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Terry Wallis:

@NancyMa03599725: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@kareem79: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unr… - 3 years ago

@pijohnbateman: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago


@TarynLichenstei: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@HimaDulijan: - 3 years ago

@yodifiji: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@annanyms: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@HLomberk: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@ZhenyvLi: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@ironorehopper: Top story: Info & News Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury… - 3 years ago

@VAWeisman: RT @NYTHealth: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive… - 3 years ago

@FotoSaurio: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@Madoffstash2: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@ElGatitoSabe: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@abl_10: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@gorgeous_manon: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@elnocturno: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@mikeflawn1: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@Greene_Thoughts: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a si… - 3 years ago

@NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a si… - 3 years ago

@ancorona: RT @NYTHealth: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive… - 3 years ago

@NYTHealth: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unr… - 3 years ago

@Dandastur: RT @WhitStillman: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - 3 years ago

@FunnyLittleFro1: RT @WhitStillman: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - 3 years ago

@WhitStillman: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - 3 years ago

@SleepyMeadoze: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@CronacaSocial: Addio Terry, è morto il ragazzo che si era svegliato dopo 19 anni di coma nel 2003 👉 - 3 years ago

@pramaan_dev: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@Sea31600: @NYTScience For those who want to be able to read the story: His story gives hope for those in the same state. - 3 years ago

@jwgain01: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@lordwhorfin: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@LJLMD: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@SweetSassySyd: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@jewelbphd: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@LawriteraG: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a si… - 3 years ago

@LynnBurrowsWP: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@NYTHealth: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unr… - 3 years ago

@health3rdpwr: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@PZonLAKEontario: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@PrasadKPatanka1: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a si… - 3 years ago

@whnt: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@JimMcWilliams5: The brain. "...Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury...showed how… - 3 years ago

@veggieterrain: @lewagon This is unreal. Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - 3 years ago

@hallcyon: RT @NYTObits: Terry Wallis, who awoke 19 years after a traumatic brain injury, has died at 57. - 3 years ago

@romephotog: @NYTObits My condolences to the family and friends of Terry Wallis. - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Terry Wallis, who awoke 19 years after a traumatic brain injury, has died at 57. - 3 years ago

@BlessedMom5Boys: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@venus_ribbons: RIP Terry Wallis, though the New York Times may need to put a less confusing headline for his obituary than “Terry… - 3 years ago

@ethicsoncall: via @NYTimes. Another object lesson on the importance of the bioethical principle of HUMILITY. - 3 years ago

@RealRohitNaseem: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@Scott_Beamer: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury. Long after a car accident left him in a min… - 3 years ago

@JanatakhabarP: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - 3 years ago

@nekoya_3: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@GlobalNewsTH: #TerryWallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - The New York Times - @NYTScience - 3 years ago

@margaretfinephd: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@Santanumalbum: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@TheDucManBot: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - 3 years ago

@uhiiman: #うひーメモ 投稿時間:2022-04-08 10:14:33 Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury #海外科学 - 3 years ago

@ohlistic: Terry Wallis spent 19 years in a persistent vegetative or minimally conscious state. When he aroused, he still thou… - 3 years ago

@mlangston11: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@kathy_sherrill: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@LucyLocketKPSS: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@leighmunsil: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@geoffpilkington: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@Tupil19: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@Heemax_s: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@EINPepsiNews: Man who woke up after 19 years in a coma dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@siskycream: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@uhiiman: #うひーメモ 投稿時間:2022-04-08 06:18:08 Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury #海外科学 - 3 years ago

@colbymarshall: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@mikeyd_47: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@sonampalmo1955: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@Chubbychecker17: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@nak3bg: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@otisthegoat2: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@hrcsupervol01: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@Aiphos2: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@mmmexperimental: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@txrubyred: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@MaryRyder013: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@LoreSczepanski: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@kevinaudigier: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@munn_dayle: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@AlconaShell: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@MernaForster: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@BillSou: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@maggieNYT: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@mikiebarb: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@rifan155: RT @nytimes: Terry Wallis, who regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive for 19 years, a… - 3 years ago

@MeganDuffyPhD: I remember seeing a documentary on Terry in the mid 2000s and was absolutely amazed. Terry Wallis, 57, dies; awoke… - 3 years ago

@9NEWS: Terry Wayne Wallis made national headlines when he woke up from a coma in 2003. - 3 years ago

@firestargazer: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@gpr_callaway: RT @9NEWS: Man who woke up after 19 years in a coma dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@9NEWS: Man who woke up after 19 years in a coma dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@bane_baldy: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@SoloResister: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@JayneHo30995128: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@giannimacheda: È morto Terry Wallis, che si risvegliò 19 anni dopo essere rimasto in stato vegetativo per un grave incidente e da… - 3 years ago

@McGinnis90: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@Foxmental_X: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@AAPSonline: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@AnewsGroup1: Terry Wallis Cause of Death? What Happened To Him? Passed Away at 57 - 3 years ago

@Habeeb_Mane: Terry Wallis Cause Of Death? What Happened To Him? Passed Away At 57 « CmaTrends - 3 years ago

@DjAmbalee: Terry Wallis Cause Of Death? What Happened To Him? Passed Away At 57 « CmaTrends - 3 years ago

@One_Health_In: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@gra1202: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@infopank: RT @ABC24Memphis: An Arkansas man whose story made national headlines when he regained consciousness after nearly two decades in a coma has… - 3 years ago

@pugpolitics1: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@Juanbar62971644: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@YuhNVious: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@News35683658: Terry Wallis Cause of Death? What Happened To Him? Passed Away at 57 - 3 years ago

@Newssss70723540: Terry Wallis Cause of Death? What Happened To Him? Passed Away at 57 - 3 years ago

@5NEWS: An Arkansas man whose story made national headlines when he regained consciousness after nearly two decades in a co… - 3 years ago

@tempkt: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@massimick1971: È morto Terry Wallis, che si risvegliò 19 anni dopo un grave incidente - 3 years ago

@Innov_Clin_Neur: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a si… - 3 years ago

@THV11: Terry Wallis, the Arkansas man whose story made national headlines when he woke up from a coma after nearly two dec… - 3 years ago

@Pato_F_M: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@Backstorymom1: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@FillmoreWhite: Heckuva story. Terry Wallis made great contributions to brain science simply by waking up. via @NYTimes ⁦@drbuff⁩ - 3 years ago

@infoitestero: Morto Terry Wayne Wallis, l'uomo che si risvegliò dopo 19 anni di coma (e non smise più di parlare) - 3 years ago

@DakotaStandard: He lived 19 years as a regular, somewhat wild guy, then spent 19 years in a coma-like state. His last 19 years, he… - 3 years ago

@armpit_alien: Car accident at 19, comatose for 19 years, lived another 19 years. - 3 years ago

@vkivlighan: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@aussiecoley: RT @NYTHealth: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unresponsive… - 3 years ago

@NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a si… - 3 years ago

@IJN: RT @NYTScience: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single wor… - 3 years ago

@EZYASIT: Top story: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - 3 years ago

@NYTScience: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unr… - 3 years ago

@Souichiro_TODA: 19年間植物状態で意識を回復したテリー・ウォレス氏が57歳で亡くなったとのこと。Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke up after nearly 2 decades in a coma, di… - 3 years ago

@AlexZan87: È morto Terry Wallis, che si risvegliò 19 anni dopo un grave incidente - 3 years ago

@emenietti: È morto Terry Wallis, che si risvegliò 19 anni dopo un grave incidente - 3 years ago

@aleterla: RT @ilpost: È morto Terry Wallis, che si risvegliò 19 anni dopo un grave incidente - 3 years ago

@Dondolino72: RT @ilpost: È morto Terry Wallis, che si risvegliò 19 anni dopo un grave incidente - 3 years ago

@biagiosimonetta: È morto Terry Wallis, che si risvegliò 19 anni dopo un grave incidente - 3 years ago

@ilpost: È morto Terry Wallis, che si risvegliò 19 anni dopo un grave incidente - 3 years ago

@gntlman: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@lluis1966: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@hakkariobjektif: ABD'li Terry Wayne Wallis 19 yıllık komada kaldıktan sonra uyanıp konuşarak tüm dünyanın dikkatini çekmişti. Wallis… - 3 years ago

@luckeecharms: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@cdon: RT @NYTHealth: Nineteen years after a car accident left him in a minimally conscious state, Terry Wallis awakened and uttered a single word… - 3 years ago

@Tenzilat1: RT @ABDPOSTCOM: ABD'nin Konuştuğu Adam Hayatını Kaybetti! Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Arkansas eyaletinde 19 yıl komada kaldıktan sonra… - 3 years ago

@STIJL: RT @FloLake: Terry Wallis, 57, Dies; Awoke 19 Years After a Traumatic Brain Injury - 3 years ago

@JohnKI7YRA: RT @seattletimes: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unrespons… - 3 years ago

@falconcrust99: RT @seattletimes: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unrespons… - 3 years ago

@seattletimes: Terry Wallis, who spontaneously regained his ability to speak after a traumatic brain injury left him virtually unr… - 3 years ago

@MichaelTJasper: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@nottalking: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ An Arkansan’s story. - 3 years ago

@ThatVDOVault: RT @jasonkarlawish: “Terry’s legacy to neuroscience at the highest level is to instill our enduring, undiluted and deep interest in underst… - 3 years ago

@foggybottomgal: - 3 years ago

@isiltasdelen: RT @milliyet: #MİLLİYETÖZEL | ✍️ @betulyaseminn Herkes onun mucizesini konuştu! 19 yıllık komadan uyanıp konuşarak şaşkınlık yaratan A… - 3 years ago

@milliyet: #MİLLİYETÖZEL | ✍️ @betulyaseminn Herkes onun mucizesini konuştu! 19 yıllık komadan uyanıp konuşarak şaşkınlık… - 3 years ago

@wrblnews3: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@SkonieSkoop: - 3 years ago

@aikiladee: RT @people: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@FOX23: A 1984 wreck left Terry Wayne Wallis in a coma for 19 years. - 3 years ago

@ABDPOSTCOM: ABD'nin Konuştuğu Adam Hayatını Kaybetti! Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Arkansas eyaletinde 19 yıl komada kaldıkt… - 3 years ago

@kittybravofan: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@1025TheBone: A 1984 wreck left Terry Wayne Wallis in a coma for 19 years. - 3 years ago

@WPXI: A 1984 wreck left Terry Wayne Wallis in a coma for 19 years. - 3 years ago

@spennington33: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@TampaHoy: Wallis se hizo conocido como "El hombre que durmió durante 19 años", y su notable historia fue fuente de numerosas… - 3 years ago

@sitetnonline: O americano Terry Wayne Wallis, de 67 anos, morreu nesta segunda-feira (4) #tnonline #morte #coma - 3 years ago

@WJHL11: An Arkansas man whose story made national headlines when he regained consciousness after nearly two decades in a co… - 3 years ago

@dreamtrydogood: RT @people: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@mayarinhabela: RT @RevistaISTOE: Aos 67 anos, o americano Terry Wayne Wallis, que ficou conhecido após acordar de um coma que durou mais de 19 anos, morre… - 3 years ago

@RevistaISTOE: Aos 67 anos, o americano Terry Wayne Wallis, que ficou conhecido após acordar de um coma que durou mais de 19 anos,… - 3 years ago

@whiotv: A 1984 wreck left Terry Wayne Wallis in a coma for 19 years. - 3 years ago

@Queen_City_News: “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years” whose story made national headlines when he regained consciousness after nearly tw… - 3 years ago

@ZvonimirWIRIP: RT @clevelanddotcom: Terry Wayne Wallis was known as “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years." (via NBC News) - 3 years ago

@KPLR11: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@LurlineKimbell: Terry Wallis aus Arkansas: Mann stirbt, der 2003 aus einem 19 Jahre andauernden Koma aufgewacht war - 3 years ago

@myfox8: Terry Wallis, man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@JodyField: - 3 years ago

@SPIEGEL_alles: Ein Autounfall brachte ihn um einen großen Teil seines Lebens: Terry Wallis lag fast 20 Jahre im Koma, bis er 2003… - 3 years ago

@Spiegel_Schlagz: Terry Wallis aus Arkansas: Mann stirbt, der 2003 aus einem 19 Jahre andauernden Koma aufgewacht war - 3 years ago

@Need2KnowJoe: Terry Wallis, man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Amber Wallis: Meet Terry Wayne Wallis Daughter - 3 years ago

@wtwonews: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said ‘Mom,’ dies at 57. - 3 years ago

@WTNH: An Arkansas man whose story made national headlines when he regained consciousness after nearly two decades in a co… - 3 years ago

@Sabari15061985: RT @USATODAY: Terry Wayne Wallis, the Arkansas man who spent 19 years in a coma before regaining awareness and speaking in 2003, died last… - 3 years ago

@WHIORadio: A 1984 wreck left Terry Wayne Wallis in a coma for 19 years. - 3 years ago

@obituarywriters: Terry Wayne Wallis, the Arkansas man who spent 19 years in a coma before regaining awareness and speaking in 2003,… - 3 years ago

@blogofdeath: Terry Wayne Wallis, the Arkansas man who spent 19 years in a coma before regaining awareness and speaking in 2003,… - 3 years ago

@Foxmental_X: Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma in 2003 dies age 57 - New York Daily News - 3 years ago

@Habeeb_Mane: Who Was Terry Wallis? Arkansas Man Dies At 57 After Spending 19 Years In Coma - 3 years ago

@whiotv: A 1984 wreck left Terry Wayne Wallis in a coma for 19 years. - 3 years ago

@elpasotimes: The media and medical attention that surrounded Terry Wayne Wallis resulted in him being named "The Man Who Slept f… - 3 years ago

@apheka_rokunow1: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke up after nearly 2 decades in a coma, dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@Kari_Bear: RT @8NEWS: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@wnct9: A car accident in 1984 left Terry Wayne Wallis, of Big Flat, in a coma for 19 years until he stunned family members… - 3 years ago

@8NEWS: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@4StateNews: Post Edited: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57… - 3 years ago

@KRBCnews: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@KTABTV: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@indigobabs: RT @people: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@AmyBean82861035: RT @KETK: Wallis became known as “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years,” and his remarkable story was the source of numerous news and medical art… - 3 years ago

@WEHTWTVWlocal: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@WVNS59News: “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years" dies at 57 years old. - 3 years ago

@MyArkLaMiss: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@myrna_laboy4000: Open SmartNews and read "Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma" here… - 3 years ago

@DispatchAlerts: Terry Wayne Wallis was named "The Man Who Slept for 19 Years" after he said his first words in 2003 after he was co… - 3 years ago

@Enquirer: Terry Wayne Wallis was named "The Man Who Slept for 19 Years" after he said his first words in 2003 after he was co… - 3 years ago

@peopletv: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@asha272: RT @people: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@bigcountryhome: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@clevelanddotcom: Terry Wayne Wallis was known as “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years." (via NBC News) - 3 years ago

@jlfleite: RT @people: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@bakercharlie33: RT @people: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@people: Terry Wayne Wallis Dies Nearly 19 Years After Miraculously Awaking from 19-Year Coma - 3 years ago

@JordanPHickey: My heart goes out to the family of Terry Wallis today. For a few months back in 2013, I had the good fortune to sp… - 3 years ago

@WGNRadioNews: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@1reddragon696: Arkansas man, Terry Wayne Wallis, who awoke from 19-year coma in 2003 has died aged 57 - 3 years ago

@MichaelHugg2591: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke up after nearly 2 decades in a coma, dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Terry Wallis is no longer with us - #TerryWallis #Terry #Wallis #rip - 3 years ago

@WBTWNews13: A 1984 car accident Terry Wayne Wallis, of Big Flat, in a coma for 19 years before he stunned family members and do… - 3 years ago

@ScrippsNational: A man who regained consciousness in 2003 after spending 19 years in a coma has passed away. According to an obituar… - 3 years ago

@KREX5_Fox4: IN OTHER NEWS — NEXSTAR — Terry Wallis, who came to be known as "The Man Who Slept for 19 Years," has died at the a… - 3 years ago

@windycityevnts: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said ‘Mom,’ dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@WKRN: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@chicagomediaX: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@WJBF: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said ‘Mom,’ dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@KelleySmithWHNT: RT @AustinKellerman: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@WeAteAllTheDodo: RT @KARK4News: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@AmySperopTV: RT @3onyourside: Wallis became known as “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years,” and his remarkable story was the source of numerous news and medi… - 3 years ago

@armycop1973: R.I.P. Terry Wallis ! - 3 years ago

@WGNNews: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@KimberlyCantu87: RT @KLBKNews: Terry Wayne Wallis, who regained consciousness after 19 years, has sadly died at the age of 57. - 3 years ago

@kfxkfox51: Wallis became known as “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years,” and his remarkable story was the source of numerous news a… - 3 years ago

@KETK: Wallis became known as “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years,” and his remarkable story was the source of numerous news a… - 3 years ago

@KLBKNews: Terry Wayne Wallis, who regained consciousness after 19 years, has sadly died at the age of 57. - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Terry Wayne Wallis wiki, wife, children, death, coma, net worth, age - 3 years ago

@KNWAFOX24: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said 'Mom,' dies at 57 - 3 years ago

@3onyourside: Wallis became known as “The Man Who Slept for 19 Years,” and his remarkable story was the source of numerous news a… - 3 years ago

@MyStateline: Terry Wallis, Arkansas man who woke from 19-year coma and said ‘Mom,’ dies at 57 - 3 years ago

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