Terry Cryer

British jazz and blues photographer.
Died on Saturday January 21st 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Terry Cryer:

@FalcondaleJan: RT @Purfylle: A great photographer's story all started with a pretty co-worker. #photography #mysundayphoto JanetT - 8 years ago

@Purfylle: A great photographer's story all started with a pretty co-worker. #photography #mysundayphoto JanetT - 8 years ago

@Purfylle: A great photographer's story all started with a pretty co-worker. #photography Photalife #mysundayphoto... - 8 years ago

@Purfylle: A great photographer's story all started with a pretty co-worker. #photography #mysundayphoto @FalcondaleJan - 8 years ago


@ChDecs: RT @tacryer: Terry Cryer Self Portrait 1957 - 8 years ago

@Rix1965: This guy was an inspiration and a darkroom genius - 8 years ago

@anarcicfish: In memory of #Terry Cryer who was good enough to give us an interview back in my WankBall days. - 8 years ago

@FalcondaleJan: Judging a Photograph #2 – a Tribute to Terry Cryer - 8 years ago

@FalcondaleJan: Judging a Photograph #2 – a Tribute to Terry Cryer - 8 years ago

@SebWrites: Interesting chap Terry Cryer, and right that "the establishment shift the goals posts to suit themselves" too often. - 8 years ago

@iamdylanquinn: Been meaning to share this for a few weeks and just reminded to by listening to an interview with Terry Cryer by... - 8 years ago

@markwoff: RT @HgateAdvertiser: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world: htt… - 8 years ago

@vonzipperuk: RT @HgateAdvertiser: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world: htt… - 8 years ago

@tacryer: RT @HgateAdvertiser: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world: htt… - 8 years ago

@tacryer: RT @NrthYorksNews: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world: https… - 8 years ago

@jazzhistory02: RT @jazzstagenet: #Jazz #TerryCryer #jazzphotography #rip Jazz stars photographed by Terry Cryer, who died Jan. 15 at age 83.... - 8 years ago

@NeilMcBrideArt: Obituary to Terry Cryer in today's Yorkshire Post Andrew Andrew Bret Wallis - 8 years ago

@deanclough: A sad loss. Terry appeared at DC a number of times... - 8 years ago

@NrthYorksNews: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world:… - 8 years ago

@Wetherby_News: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world:… - 8 years ago

@HgateAdvertiser: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world:… - 8 years ago

@RiponRover: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world:… - 8 years ago

@HarrogateGigs: Terry Cryer worked briefly for Harrogate Advertiser. This brilliant obituary explains his importance to the world:… - 8 years ago

@NewsdeskHG: Obituary: Terry Cryer, top music photographer, 1934-2017 - 8 years ago

@AndanteIvanov: RT @guardianphotos: Terry Cryer obituary: Lennon told him: “If you’re ever any good, you’re always good .... You’ve just got to find it" ht… - 8 years ago

@DenisDalby: Terry Cryer the great photographer from Leeds has died. Lovely obit here - 8 years ago

@BondChris73: I had the pleasure of interviewing the late, great #TerryCryer. His stories were almost as good as his photos.… - 8 years ago

@tacryer: RT @dawsondenim: In the memory of brilliant British photographer Terry Cryer please follow @tacryer #terrycyer #jazz #blues #legend https:/… - 8 years ago

@woolclip: RIP Terry Cryer - photographer - happy to have worked with you & called you friend - fun times. Still have treasured originals on my walls. - 8 years ago

@dawsondenim: In the memory of brilliant British photographer Terry Cryer please follow @tacryer #terrycyer #jazz #blues #legend - 8 years ago

@vonzipperuk: RT @guardianphotos: Terry Cryer obituary: Lennon told him: “If you’re ever any good, you’re always good .... You’ve just got to find it" ht… - 8 years ago

@joethedougheboo: Family friend Terry Cryer died last week btw. - 8 years ago

@TTmotions68: RT @tacryer: Terry's obituary. Thank you Val Wilmer - 8 years ago

@d_arnault: Terry Cryer with Louis Armstrong, caught on camera by the tuba player Bob Barclay in Liverpool, 1956. Photograph Va… - 8 years ago

@tacryer: RT @guardianphotos: Terry Cryer obituary: Lennon told him: “If you’re ever any good, you’re always good .... You’ve just got to find it" ht… - 8 years ago

@tacryer: RT @dawsondenim: Terry Cryer - The Dean of Jazz and Blues Photography – dawsondenim - 8 years ago

@tacryer: RT @FalcondaleJan: Very sad to hear Terry Cryer has died, such a friendly guy for a superstar photographer. Loved to hear him tell his craz… - 8 years ago

@sophiarandr: Terry Cryer, who has died aged 82, was a photographer who took portraits of jazz & blues musicians in the late 1950… - 8 years ago

@FalcondaleJan: Very sad to hear Terry Cryer has died, such a friendly guy for a superstar photographer. Loved to hear him tell his… - 8 years ago

@dawsondenim: Terry Cryer - The Dean of Jazz and Blues Photography – dawsondenim - 8 years ago

@barbed50: Jazz and dance photographer Terry Cryer obituary - 8 years ago

@Bouffadou: RT @LondonJazz: Obit of photographer Terry Cryer by Val Wilmer - 8 years ago

@John_BHarvey: RT @LondonJazz: Obit of photographer Terry Cryer by Val Wilmer - 8 years ago

@murari: RT @LondonJazz: Obit of photographer Terry Cryer by Val Wilmer - 8 years ago

@rwilliams1947: RT @LondonJazz: Obit of photographer Terry Cryer by Val Wilmer - 8 years ago

@adaviesheritage: RT @LondonJazz: Obit of photographer Terry Cryer by Val Wilmer - 8 years ago

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