Terence Finlay

Canadian Anglican prelate
Died on Wednesday March 22nd 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Terence Finlay:

@EqwineAcres: RT @anglicandioTO: A few photos of Archbishop Terence Finlay over his years of ministry as Bishop of Toronto. #TBT #ThrowbackThursday https… - 8 years ago

@sg3sdaykov: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@danielhayward: RT @SaintsKingsway: For those who couldn't make it to Archbishop Terence ("Terry") Finlay's funeral, here are some compelling photos of the… - 8 years ago

@UCCan_MandE: RT @SaintsKingsway: For those who couldn't make it to Archbishop Terence ("Terry") Finlay's funeral, here are some compelling photos of the… - 8 years ago


@SaintsKingsway: For those who couldn't make it to Archbishop Terence ("Terry") Finlay's funeral, here are some compelling photos of… - 8 years ago

@anglicandioTO: See photos from the vigil and funeral for Archbishop Terence Finlay: - 8 years ago

@jokennelly: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@AnglicanOverloa: RT @anglicandioTO: St. James Cathedral is starting to fill for Archbishop Terence Finlay’s funeral. - 8 years ago

@AnglicanOverloa: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@luckyjackaubrey: RT @RSGCAA: The RSGCAA mourns the passing of the Most Rev. Terence Finlay this week. He was a great friend to the school and uncle to an ol… - 8 years ago

@g_henry01: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@stthomastoronto: RT @anglicandioTO: St. James Cathedral is starting to fill for Archbishop Terence Finlay’s funeral. - 8 years ago

@stthomastoronto: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@stolavesTO: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@tgavin_tim: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@swontguy: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@generalsynod: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@m_oulton: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@shiraz43: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@BrainerdBT: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@Roy_Camp: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@anglicanjournal: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@StLukesPboro: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@NiagaraAnglican: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@ontanglicans: RT @anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@anglicandioTO: The Bells of Old York ring following Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral. - 8 years ago

@taymoss: RT @anglicandioTO: St. James Cathedral is starting to fill for Archbishop Terence Finlay’s funeral. - 8 years ago

@SJWTAnglican: Our thoughts are with the Friends and Family mourning the loss and reflecting on the life of Archbishop Terence Finlay today. - 8 years ago

@torontonews3: Anglican leader Rev. Terence Edward Finlay who defrocked, reconciled with gay priest dies - 8 years ago

@Rob_Oliphant: Saddened by death of ally Terry Finlay- church leader who put thought, energy & love into the quest for LGBTQ right… - 8 years ago

@allsaintswhitby: RT @anglicandioTO: We'll be posting a few updates from Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral tomorrow. If you aren't able to attend, please f… - 8 years ago

@stthomastoronto: RT @anglicandioTO: A few photos of Archbishop Terence Finlay over his years of ministry as Bishop of Toronto. #TBT #ThrowbackThursday https… - 8 years ago

@thus_spake: Rev. Terence Edward Finlay, former Archbishop of Toronto, died Monday at the age of 79. His funeral is Saturday.... - 8 years ago

@latestcanada: (The Star):#Anglican leader who defrocked, reconciled with gay priest dies : Rev. Terence Edward Finlay,.. - 8 years ago

@anglicandioTO: We'll be posting a few updates from Archbishop Terence Finlay's funeral tomorrow. If you aren't able to attend, please follow along. - 8 years ago

@RSGCAA: The RSGCAA mourns the passing of the Most Rev. Terence Finlay this week. He was a great friend to the school and uncle to an old boy. - 8 years ago

@InTorontoCanada: Anglican leader who defrocked, reconciled with gay priest dies: Rev. Terence Edward Finlay, former…… - 8 years ago

@OffKilty: RT @anglicandioTO: A few photos of Archbishop Terence Finlay over his years of ministry as Bishop of Toronto. #TBT #ThrowbackThursday https… - 8 years ago

@AnglicanOverloa: RT @anglicandioTO: A few photos of Archbishop Terence Finlay over his years of ministry as Bishop of Toronto. #TBT #ThrowbackThursday https… - 8 years ago

@NationalBishop: RT @anglicandioTO: A few photos of Archbishop Terence Finlay over his years of ministry as Bishop of Toronto. #TBT #ThrowbackThursday https… - 8 years ago

@gcbrown1956: Here's an article re: Abp Finlay. A wonderful friend & brother in Christ - 8 years ago

@gcbrown1956: Sad 2 learn of death of a longtime friend Terence Finlay, former #Anglican archbishop of Toronto @anglicandioTO Condolences 2 his family - 8 years ago

@generalsynod: RT @anglicandioTO: A few photos of Archbishop Terence Finlay over his years of ministry as Bishop of Toronto. #TBT #ThrowbackThursday https… - 8 years ago

@anglicandioTO: A few photos of Archbishop Terence Finlay over his years of ministry as Bishop of Toronto. #TBT #ThrowbackThursday - 8 years ago

@stmarksbford: RT @anglicandioTO: Details about the visitation and funeral for Archbishop Terence Finlay have been posted on our website: - 8 years ago

@ToddTownshend: RT @StAidansLondon: Our parish remembers one of our early rectors - archbishop #TerryFinlay -may he rest in peace and rise in glory https:… - 8 years ago

@francis_julian8: RT @StAidansLondon: Our parish remembers one of our early rectors - archbishop #TerryFinlay -may he rest in peace and rise in glory https:… - 8 years ago

@CanonKevy: RT @StAidansLondon: Our parish remembers one of our early rectors - archbishop #TerryFinlay -may he rest in peace and rise in glory https:… - 8 years ago

@StAidansLondon: Our parish remembers one of our early rectors - archbishop #TerryFinlay -may he rest in peace and rise in glory - 8 years ago

@CanonKevy: RT @CompRoseSoc: Archbishop Fred Hiltz pays tribute to one of his predecessors, Archbishop Terence Finlay. - 8 years ago

@TheRedeemerTO: RT @anglicandioTO: Details about the visitation and funeral for Archbishop Terence Finlay have been posted on our website: - 8 years ago

@twitdeek: Terence Finlay, 79, ‘joyful…and deeply faithful’ - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Terence Finlay, Canadian Anglican prelate, Died at 79 - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Terence Finlay - #TerenceFinlay #Terence #Finlay #rip - 8 years ago

@stannesTO: RT @generalsynod: A Tribute to a dear friend in Christ: Fred Hiltz, Primate, remembers Abp Terence Edward Finlay, who died yesterday. https… - 8 years ago

@stannesTO: RT @anglicandioTO: Details about the visitation and funeral for Archbishop Terence Finlay have been posted on our website: - 8 years ago

@JenniferYang17: #Toronto Details on the funeral of Archbishop Terence Finlay, at St. James Cathedral. Vigil Fri., funeral Sat. - 8 years ago

@StSavioursOrono: RT @anglicandioTO: Details about the visitation and funeral for Archbishop Terence Finlay have been posted on our website: - 8 years ago

@Logmc50: RT @generalsynod: A Tribute to a dear friend in Christ: Fred Hiltz, Primate, remembers Abp Terence Edward Finlay, who died yesterday. https… - 8 years ago

@generalsynod: RT @anglicandioTO: Details about the visitation and funeral for Archbishop Terence Finlay have been posted on our website: - 8 years ago

@anglicandioTO: Details about the visitation and funeral for Archbishop Terence Finlay have been posted on our website:… - 8 years ago

@docsavagephd: Terence Finlay, 79 ‘joyful…and deeply faithful’ - 8 years ago

@StMartinsPicker: RT @generalsynod: A Tribute to a dear friend in Christ: Fred Hiltz, Primate, remembers Abp Terence Edward Finlay, who died yesterday. https… - 8 years ago

@StMattBuckhorn: Terence Finlay, 79, ‘joyful…and deeply faithful’ - Terence Finlay, who served as Bishop ... - 8 years ago

@StMattBuckhorn: Terence Finlay, 79, ‘joyful…and deeply faithful’ - Terence Finlay, who served as Bisho... - 8 years ago

@StLukesPboro: Terence Finlay, 79, ‘joyful…and deeply faithful’ - 8 years ago

@SJWTAnglican: RT @anglicandioTO: The Most Rev. Terence Finlay, 10th Bishop of Toronto, died early this morning. Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord. http… - 8 years ago

@samanthacaravan: RT @generalsynod: A Tribute to a dear friend in Christ: Fred Hiltz, Primate, remembers Abp Terence Edward Finlay, who died yesterday. https… - 8 years ago

@michaelcoren: RT @CompRoseSoc: Archbishop Fred Hiltz pays tribute to one of his predecessors, Archbishop Terence Finlay. - 8 years ago

@MichaelPryse: RT @CompRoseSoc: Archbishop Fred Hiltz pays tribute to one of his predecessors, Archbishop Terence Finlay. - 8 years ago

@rev_heather: RT @CompRoseSoc: Archbishop Fred Hiltz pays tribute to one of his predecessors, Archbishop Terence Finlay. - 8 years ago

@ssjdcanada: RT @CompRoseSoc: Archbishop Fred Hiltz pays tribute to one of his predecessors, Archbishop Terence Finlay. - 8 years ago

@MollyJFinlay: RT @generalsynod: A Tribute to a dear friend in Christ: Fred Hiltz, Primate, remembers Abp Terence Edward Finlay, who died yesterday. https… - 8 years ago

@Kiwibiff: RT @generalsynod: A Tribute to a dear friend in Christ: Fred Hiltz, Primate, remembers Abp Terence Edward Finlay, who died yesterday. https… - 8 years ago

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