Ted Wheeler

American Olympic middle-distance runner (1956).
Died on Tuesday November 22nd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Ted Wheeler:

@ljmontello: @bosseduplife @drakkenmensch Yup which Ted Wheeler had no problem with until he faced criticism and then enabled th… - 2 years ago

@BrianRMichael: RT @RogerWi54398999: @mallisonKATU Interesting interview with Ted Wheeler on Lars Larson last week. My takeaway is Wheeler soundly understa… - 2 years ago

@EnnnisRichard: RT @TPostMillennial: A Portland, Oregon clothing store permanently closed following a wave of robberies, with the owner saying that Democra… - 2 years ago

@at12fe: RT @FOXBaltimore: 🚫📦"IT'S JUST TOO MUCH"| Business owner closes down permanently after 15th break-in within a year and a half - 2 years ago


@FOXBaltimore: 🚫📦"IT'S JUST TOO MUCH"| Business owner closes down permanently after 15th break-in within a year and a half - 2 years ago

@Juanmendez_jr: Winston More Polly Ted #精彩足球 #世界杯 Arlene Wheeler - 2 years ago

@ndgc12dx: RT @TPostMillennial: A Portland, Oregon clothing store permanently closed following a wave of robberies, with the owner saying that Democra… - 2 years ago

@ktsanews: Lars Talks with Portland Mayor, Ted Wheeler - 2 years ago

@CBS21NEWS: "It’s just too much with the losses that are not covered by insurance, the damages, everything. It’s just not susta… - 2 years ago

@ljmontello: @Jarek_Dragon @drakkenmensch Sure the feds were there. With the tacit approval and agreement of Ted Wheeler, a De… - 2 years ago

@LadyChainsaw: I’m surprised ANY businesses remain! Did the mayor say how more lighting will stop thieves?? LOL Get tough on crime… - 2 years ago

@JohnFlo05979211: Winston More Polly Ted #精彩足球 #世界杯 Arlene Wheeler - 2 years ago

@italianmammag: Winston More Polly Ted #精彩足球 #世界杯 Arlene Wheeler - 2 years ago

@CoachChadCarpe1: Winston More Polly Ted #精彩足球 #世界杯 Arlene Wheeler - 2 years ago

@KRNV: "The problem is, as small businesses, we cannot sustain those types of losses and stay in business. I won’t even go… - 2 years ago

@MSOswald: RT @CBS2Boise: Portland, Oregon business permanently closes over concerns with crime after 15th break-in - 2 years ago

@ChatelainePearl: @HugoLoarte2 I thought left was against slavery? Portland decaying city. Hey guys you keep voting this in! Portland… - 2 years ago

@markezvz: @RogerThatSOS @PdxHopeful @tedwheeler @SamAdamsPDX @reneforportland You must mean a theoretical valuable service, n… - 2 years ago

@MikeGallagher17: RT @CBS2Boise: Portland, Oregon business permanently closes over concerns with crime after 15th break-in - 2 years ago

@suspiriafilm: @grandmastattoo SO obsessed with you sneaking in the 'ted wheeler is a trekkie' gem in whenever you can, it's really so very good - 2 years ago

@Sammyfifield: @LarsLarsonShow @tedwheeler Ted Wheeler is like Kate Brown one of the worst politicians in the country. Not Ted ca… - 2 years ago

@AubornPiedad: Avery Curme Tyrone Barton #杭州 Spencer Wheeler #武汉 Prudence Kennedy #佛山 Ted Salome - 2 years ago

@america1andall: @RealJamesWoods That is in Portland Oregon, she is the head of the City counsel. The dude on the leash is there May… - 2 years ago

@VerucaSalty76: @RogerWi54398999 @mallisonKATU Ted Wheeler’s problem is Ted Wheeler. - 2 years ago

@COZCApdx: The Portland Police have never ever convicted me on anything and the only reason I took the federal plea deal on sh… - 2 years ago

@theunread: What if a Ted Wheeler voter were a social platform. - 2 years ago

@Lizzett77749312: Moses Whyet Carol Bloor #厦门 Ted Chaplin #长沙 Prima Wheeler #济南 Jim Malan - 2 years ago

@VincentAuGondor: @nypost Portland got the city they have because they voted for Ted Wheeler If Portland wants change, vote for bett… - 2 years ago

@MercWitAMouth88: @mariadesancha @loveisanonion @Kenny011111 @sourcekeery Nancy doesn’t want to end up like her mom in a loveless mar… - 2 years ago

@AdrianM69276705: Kerwin Wheeler Alexia Bertie #上海静安 Joseph Rose #南京栖霞 Ann Ted #合肥包河 - 2 years ago

@AlliottFaye: Ophelia Lancelot Roderick Wheeler #郑州 Ted Coleridge #南京 Natalie Luke #绍兴线下 Clyde Owen - 2 years ago

@ETHSports: RT @EvRoundTable: Theodore Stanley “Ted” Richardson Wheeler, 91, of Iowa City, Iowa passed away on Nov. 17. A track star at ETHS and the Un… - 2 years ago


@HomeCareGurus: @nypost Meanwhile Ted Wheeler is building pickleball courts. I loved living in Portland. But it's an absolute mess… - 2 years ago

@gpshriwas69: Donahue Wheeler Jo Dalton Winfred Aly Janice Ted Webb Benedict - 2 years ago

@Sr707P: @mallisonKATU And yet liberals continue to elect impotent leaders like Tina Kotek and Ted Wheeler. Their policies h… - 2 years ago

@Ramitnow: @TimAshman @mallisonKATU Remove Ted Wheeler, done - 2 years ago

@DarkFilly: Portland, Or - They continue to vote the same way, ensuring this plague continues. Ted Wheeler blames gun violence,… - 2 years ago

@GMalchewski: @hodgetwins Isn’t that Ted wheeler - 2 years ago

@thebobbymojave: @Oregonian Thank you Worthless Ted Wheeler Your zero experience of military or law enforcement experience while pr… - 2 years ago

@MistressSherry9: RT @MistressSherry9: The fact that Portland Oregon has been used in a political uprising & the popo here in Portland seem to rely on Andy N… - 2 years ago

@KylerHope1: Winston More Polly Ted #世界杯 Arlene Wheeler - 2 years ago

@GavinRendar: @fox12oregon We just voted for four more years of Kate Brown with a different haircut, and Portland keeps voting fo… - 2 years ago

@Hadra18543439: Valentine Walton Sebastiane Rosalind #上海 Wright Hamilton #无锡 Ted Brook #南京线下 Maggie Wheeler - 2 years ago

@Simran79281714: Kerwin Wheeler Alexia Bertie #上海静安 Joseph Rose #南京栖霞 Ann Ted #合肥包河 - 2 years ago

@hellaweasels: RT @yurirando: rejected descriptions for portland mayor ted wheeler's look: "a unitarian youth pastor" "a solo polyamorist still claiming t… - 2 years ago

@LeavittAlone: RT @yurirando: rejected descriptions for portland mayor ted wheeler's look: "a unitarian youth pastor" "a solo polyamorist still claiming t… - 2 years ago

@EkbergLaurie: RT @junogsp7: @elonmusk @MrAndyNgo @ramzpaul If you pull a random sample of Terrible Ted Wheeler ‘s PortLand area Lib Accounts You Will Dis… - 2 years ago

@kurri_jari: ‘Portland homicides set record at 93 as shootings continue’ Thanks Ted Wheeler and Jo Ann Hardesty! @tedwheeler… - 2 years ago

@RudeTexasKitty: @Macswain8 @HeiditheHoFjord Most of us are smart enough to flee #trashlandia - y’all can keep Ted wheeler’s toilet. - 2 years ago

@steverogersass: RT @PRADAPDX: On Nov 19th, PPB shot and injured someone in SE PDX. We updated our tracker and under Mayor Ted Wheeler, PPB has drasticall… - 2 years ago

@adesewa35568576: Valentine Walton Sebastiane Rosalind #上海 Wright Hamilton #无锡 Ted Brook #南京线下 Maggie Wheeler - 2 years ago

@iasperspectives: RT @PRADAPDX: On Nov 19th, PPB shot and injured someone in SE PDX. We updated our tracker and under Mayor Ted Wheeler, PPB has drasticall… - 2 years ago

@page972530: Kerwin Wheeler Alexia Bertie #上海静安 Joseph Rose #南京栖霞 Ann Ted #合肥包河 - 2 years ago

@weltonslightnin: looking for more moots 18+ •the l word •hannah waddingham •sarah jessica parker •sex and the city •ted lasso •b… - 2 years ago

@wendiej51204366: @fox12oregon Yay! Ted Wheeler and and Governor amd Bown! - 2 years ago

@JohnMcGFallout4: @CalltoActivism Antifa, which your party supported, threatened to kill Ted Wheeler & you Democrats said nothing.… - 2 years ago

@COZCApdx: Ted Wheeler is set to close a bridge down so the Nazis can march. Is Elon Musk coming? He is humping Nazi legs all… - 2 years ago

@2adfe5513dlc9f3: Kerwin Wheeler Alexia Bertie #上海静安 Joseph Rose #南京栖霞 Ann Ted #合肥包河 - 2 years ago

@Tiffany82454001: Kerwin Wheeler Alexia Bertie #上海静安 Joseph Rose #南京栖霞 Ann Ted #合肥包河 - 2 years ago

@SaidulLaskar17: Kerwin Wheeler Alexia Bertie #上海静安 Joseph Rose #南京栖霞 Ann Ted #合肥包河 - 2 years ago

@jrthestoner: @AlbertsAlberts8 @elonmusk @Liz_Wheeler The people that were saying jfk jr still alive that right , give me good o… - 2 years ago

@ShrS2c4UId9uqlt: Jared Bartlett Renee Wheeler #深圳 Sid Noel #西安 Thomas May #北京线下 Alma Ted - 2 years ago

@no2bylershipper: Ted wheeler - 2 years ago

@LlamaEyes: RT @freelunchpdx: Ted Wheeler and Dan Ryan have not commented on why they thought it was okay to bump #landlords and #realtors to the front… - 2 years ago

@JoelMai29574020: Valentine Walton Sebastiane Rosalind #上海 Wright Hamilton #无锡 Ted Brook #南京线下 Maggie Wheeler - 2 years ago

@BornOnTheBayou9: RT @junogsp7: @elonmusk @MrAndyNgo @ramzpaul If you pull a random sample of Terrible Ted Wheeler ‘s PortLand area Lib Accounts You Will Dis… - 2 years ago

@TED_Dupree: RT @elonmusk: @Liz_Wheeler I certainly hope it does not come to that, but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative pho… - 2 years ago

@2legit2quit9526: @IslandNews_USA @LangmanVince @elonmusk @stillgray yeah they won't do anything but neither will ted wheeler - 2 years ago

@KaliJewell: RT @freelunchpdx: Ted Wheeler and Dan Ryan have not commented on why they thought it was okay to bump #landlords and #realtors to the front… - 2 years ago

@junogsp7: RT @junogsp7: @elonmusk @MrAndyNgo @ramzpaul If you pull a random sample of Terrible Ted Wheeler ‘s PortLand area Lib Accounts You Will Dis… - 2 years ago

@TundeBa32811254: RT @Abe20221: @CharPayton @davidmweissman @elonmusk @Liz_Wheeler Marjorie is saying “Hold my beer. I have Ted Cruz in senate“ - 2 years ago

@Abe20221: @CharPayton @davidmweissman @elonmusk @Liz_Wheeler Marjorie is saying “Hold my beer. I have Ted Cruz in senate“ - 2 years ago

@otero_ted: @Liz_Wheeler @elonmusk Agree with you. Love to see him do it. - 2 years ago

@flgazr1: @LostSoul_76 @elonmusk @Liz_Wheeler Tis a cunning ploy. If enough vote Yes,Ted Nugent will be annointed CEO - 2 years ago

@PaulMessersmit4: RT @PRADAPDX: On Nov 19th, PPB shot and injured someone in SE PDX. We updated our tracker and under Mayor Ted Wheeler, PPB has drasticall… - 2 years ago

@m0ot2r59djwqu70: Kerwin Wheeler Alexia Bertie #上海静安 Joseph Rose #南京栖霞 Ann Ted #合肥包河 - 2 years ago

@junogsp7: @elonmusk @MrAndyNgo @ramzpaul If you pull a random sample of Terrible Ted Wheeler ‘s PortLand area Lib Accounts Yo… - 2 years ago

@MarkLafleur11: @NickJay17553433 @MattBinder Teddy Weasels invited the m4gg0ts - 2 years ago

@DoaneTrack: RT @vinlananna: The legendary Iowa Track and Field coach, Ted Wheeler passed away on November 17. He was an awesome human being and left a… - 2 years ago

@Esteanyliriano1: Lynn Veblen Kim Raymond #苏州 Meroy Mackintosh #南京 Keith Wheeler #南通线下 Ted Johnson - 2 years ago

@Aja99784196: Alan Taylor Justin Wheeler #上海 Bernice Chesterton #西安 Ted Pansy #北京线下 Annabelle Austen - 2 years ago

@ben10dpt: RT @vinlananna: The legendary Iowa Track and Field coach, Ted Wheeler passed away on November 17. He was an awesome human being and left a… - 2 years ago

@ylC8nJCa8bwGiPa: Darcy Eleanor Delia Masefield #厦门 Ted Aldington #绍兴 Antonio Wheeler #南京线下 Edwiin Johnston(e) - 2 years ago

@akibu_mumuni: Noel Dan Ted Wheeler #厦门 Tess Nell #成都 Woodrow Tobias #泉州 Angela Moll - 2 years ago

@RobertOptional: @WallStreetSilv The Mayor of Portland Ted Wheeler wants to do the same for our homeless. It'll cost $30 mill and wi… - 2 years ago

@doeantlers: RT @yurirando: rejected descriptions for portland mayor ted wheeler's look: "a unitarian youth pastor" "a solo polyamorist still claiming t… - 2 years ago

@syed_khuda: Kerwin Wheeler Alexia Bertie #上海静安 Joseph Rose #南京栖霞 Ann Ted #合肥包河 - 2 years ago

@wweek: Did you successfully avoid any arguments with your relatives over their wild political opinions? Sorry—here’s ano… - 2 years ago

@Kenneth58969996: @ShaneRPDX @FuturePNWGOP @elliottyoungpdx The cops have been neutered by feckless Ted Wheeler. Resignations and re… - 2 years ago


@reallarslarson: @LarsLarsonShow Well HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS! At Least THE MAN TED WHEELER WAS MAN ENOUGH TO COME ON AIR AND SEGM… - 2 years ago

@karpen_gordon: From BlueOregon beautiful downtown Portland Oregon our own Mayor Ted Wheeler 🌱💚🎨🤹 - 2 years ago

@Amin59617349: Noel Dan Ted Wheeler #厦门 Tess Nell #成都 Woodrow Tobias #泉州 Angela Moll - 2 years ago

@yourfriendpiper: @tedwheeler Ted wheeler targets indigenous activists - 2 years ago

@NightOwl_Custom: happy thanksgiving! gonna go ride a cow through downtown! oh yeah FUCK TED WHEELER! - 2 years ago

@lois_martha: @tedwheeler Happy Thanksgiving, Mayor Ted Wheeler! Thanks for everything you have given to raise integrity in Orego… - 2 years ago

@NorthIowaToday: College Track & Field: Former Iowa Head Coach Ted Wheeler passes - 2 years ago

@Amin59617349: Dawn Wheeler Carol Arabella #郑州 Asa Waters #青岛 Ted Esther #天津线下 Ada Yule - 2 years ago

@nightsungIasses: Ted Wheeler was ok with that? Wow, I guess the spirit of thanksgiving exists after all. That would be really nice… - 2 years ago

@HerbsLine: RT @PRADAPDX: On Nov 19th, PPB shot and injured someone in SE PDX. We updated our tracker and under Mayor Ted Wheeler, PPB has drasticall… - 2 years ago

@DevH79: @rationalinpdx @cocainemichelle @ChicHammon1 This isn't a Ted Wheeler problem. This is a Oregon voted for Measure 110 in 2020 problem. - 2 years ago

@UlaGree11240854: Julia Blake #OKX Conrad Toynbee Ted Lily #W88 Amos Wheeler #体育首存 - 2 years ago

@COZCApdx: I said a long time ago I apologize to Ted Wheeler. IDK one person in that restaurant. I wanted to beg for the lives… - 2 years ago

@Misha00993237: Chloe Carroll Jim Wheeler #北京 Drew Graham #武汉 James Kelsen #天津线下 Ted Lily - 2 years ago

@sunil_kagra: Dawn Wheeler Carol Arabella #郑州 Asa Waters #青岛 Ted Esther #天津线下 Ada Yule - 2 years ago

@Coachkuwait: Julia Blake #OKX Conrad Toynbee Ted Lily #W88 Amos Wheeler #体育首存 - 2 years ago

@DUNGEONSNDRUGS: ⠀ also, karen ? she may not the be the most attentive mother, but she loves her kids to hel… - 2 years ago

@rationalinpdx: @cocainemichelle @ChicHammon1 Ummmm our choice was between the current mayor or a woman who would’ve been the first… - 2 years ago

@wisconsinsane: @cocainemichelle Welcome to Portland Oregon. This is the reason why people are not patronizing businesses downtown,… - 2 years ago

@papabear19991: - 2 years ago

@djobuckley: @_sidejoe ME TOO 😭 ALL I GET IS FUCKING TED WHEELER AND B*LLY - 2 years ago

@urarbind786: Dawn Wheeler Carol Arabella #郑州 Asa Waters #青岛 Ted Esther #天津线下 Ada Yule - 2 years ago

@THEBBABYSITTER: //idk if it's reasonable at all but I love the idea of steve getting into an argument with Mr Wheeler about Thanksg… - 2 years ago

@Spelivianist: Why y’all surprised? Have y’all met Ted Wheeler? The man is a npc 😂 - 2 years ago

@Nedaamini11: Dawn Wheeler Carol Arabella #郑州 Asa Waters #青岛 Ted Esther #天津线下 Ada Yule - 2 years ago

@LFG_Court: @tedwheeler Support Portland's small business by demanding Ted Wheeler resign and start his run for Vice President… - 2 years ago

@IdmeJunior: Elvira Poe Baron Ted #东莞 Rose Humphr(e)y #南京 Darcy Wheeler #重庆线下 Megan Commons - 2 years ago

@EclecticRadical: Why is Lars Larson telling the lie that Ted Wheeler has voted to "defund cops?" #TeargasTed Wheeler has been the b… - 2 years ago

@JennyFi27694031: Julia Blake #OKX Conrad Toynbee Ted Lily #W88 Amos Wheeler #体育首存 - 2 years ago

@HilaryW75093700: Julia Blake #OKX Conrad Toynbee Ted Lily #W88 Amos Wheeler #体育首存 - 2 years ago

@barbara_defoe: Julia Blake #OKX Conrad Toynbee Ted Lily #W88 Amos Wheeler #体育首存 - 2 years ago

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