Ted V. Mikels

American filmmaker (Girl in Gold Boots
Died on Monday October 17th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ted V. Mikels:

@wsca_music: Ted V. Mikels—The Astro Zombies - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: Ted V. Mikels final film, from last year: “Paranormal Extremes: Text Messages From the Dead." - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: 1/ Classic film titles from Ted V. Mikels: “Blood Orgy of the She-Devils,” “The Worm Eaters,” “Ten Violent Women,” “Mission: Killfast,” - 8 years ago

@timodonnell14: RT @killerwolffilms: very sad to heard of Ted V Mikels passing to eternal reward. I cant imagine B-movie cinema without him n he did it his… - 8 years ago


@JimBessman: Late low-budget cult favorites ("The Corpse Grinders") director Ted V. Mikels: "They talk about low budgets as.. - 8 years ago

@NightwatchRadio: A tribute to Ted V. Mikels with Pete Chiarella, Maureen Gaffney, and Gary Warner Kent. - 8 years ago

@comhcinc: Ted V. Mikels died about 10 days ago. He was just a shitty film maker but Astro Zombies have given me hours of enjoyment. - 8 years ago

@NightwatchRadio: Right now on - 8 years ago

@NightwatchRadio: On now @tvmstudios Ted V. Mikels Tribute with @Dajango420 42nd Street Pete, @GaryWarnerKent and Maureen Gaffney.... - 8 years ago

@NightwatchRadio: On now @tvmstudios Ted V. Mikels Tribute with @Dajango420 42nd Street Pete, @GaryWarnerKent and Maureen Gaffney.… - 8 years ago

@wineandvicodin: RT @PsychoDriveIn: ABCs of Horror 2016 Day 20: M is for Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@PiddeAndersson: TOPPRAFFEL! sörjer: Ted V Mikels #nekrolog #dödsfall #TedVMikels #TheAstroZombies #TheCorpseGrinders - 8 years ago

@eveharlin: Blu-ray Review: 1968’s Astro Zombies: From schlock maestro Ted V. Mikels, who unfortunately… - 8 years ago

@shiigeeboo: RT @DarkCorners3: We review THE DOLL SQUAD! Directed by the late Ted Mikels. - 8 years ago

@DarkCorners3: We review THE DOLL SQUAD! Directed by the late Ted Mikels. - 8 years ago

@NightwatchRadio: Tonight on Nightwatch Radio friends of Ted V. Mikels pay tribute to his life, his work, and his legacy. Tune in... - 8 years ago

@2shedscreative: @badbradwheeler On the Halloween tip, gotta shout-out to the late, great Herschel Gordon Lewis and Ted V. Mikels #BloodFeast #CorpseGrinders - 8 years ago

@RetroStufff: Watch “The Wild World of Ted V. Mikels” on #Vimeo On Demand - 8 years ago

@E_LucasTaylor: RIP: Ted V. Mikels, 87, Vegas cult #Film Auteur Of ‘The Corpse Grinders’ & ‘Blood Orgy Of The She-Devils’ - 8 years ago

@seanmorelli: With a heavy heart I say goodbye and RIP to legendary cult classic director/producer Ted V Mikels. Gave me first lead role n movie! - 8 years ago

@CultCompass: How the hell did I not hear about Ted V. Mikels dying days ago? I'm literally writing my CORPSE GRINDERS 3 review right now... - 8 years ago

@The_Worm_Eaters: テッド・V・マイクルズ(Ted V.Mikels,本名:Theodore Vincent Mikacevich,1929年4月29日-)はクロアチア系アメリカ人の映画監督。現在もアメリカ国内でインデペンデント映画、Z級カルト映画の製作を行っている。 (Wikipediaより引用) - 8 years ago

@NormanCharles88: Ted V. Mikels, director of “The Astro-Zombies” & “The Corpse Grinders,” died at 87. Obit by William Grimes @nytimes. - 8 years ago

@SteveFriess: RIP Ted V. Mikels, schlockmeister extraordinaire. My @lasvegasweekly column from 2010: - 8 years ago

@PulsingCinema: Pulsing Cinema Podcast Ted V Mikels Interview: - 8 years ago

@noblesergentem2: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - New York Times - - 8 years ago

@OnfreNealon: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - New York Times - - 8 years ago

@MaxEmmery: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - New York Times - - 8 years ago

@ed_brander: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - New York Times - - 8 years ago

@BeauregardAsher: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - New York Times - - 8 years ago

@dgary870: RT @theturasatana: We will always love and remember Ted. Tura Thursday: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@Toniconfid: RT @theturasatana: We will always love and remember Ted. Tura Thursday: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@amylopan: RT @johnmapes: RIP Ted V. Mikels. Was fortunate enough 2 score a film he was in. Here was a trailer I made in '06 (not my music) - 8 years ago

@theturasatana: RT @theturasatana: We will always love and remember Ted. Tura Thursday: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@BF_NightBlogger: @KateSherrod Yeah. 2016 has been pretty merciless Ted V. Mikels passed away too. - 8 years ago

@DavidWilde49: RT @joe_dante: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@RetroStufff: RT @joe_dante: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@GulfAtlanticInd: RT @MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@artlynch: RIP Ted Ted V Mikels - 8 years ago

@RipMcStudly: The more I read about Ted V Mikels' work, the more I feel like I've found something I should have found years earlier. - 8 years ago

@BradleyjKornish: RT @AstroRadioZ: ARZ: 73 – Remembering Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@BradleyjKornish: RT @AstroRadioZ: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@theturasatana: We will always love and remember Ted. Tura Thursday: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@eamonngriffin: Ted V Mikels, ladies and gentlemen - 8 years ago

@Girlwerks: Bless you and your genius Ted ❤️Tura Thursday: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@Girlwerks: RT @theturasatana: we will always love Ted. Tura Thursday: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@theturasatana: we will always love Ted. Tura Thursday: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@johnmapes: RIP Ted V. Mikels. Was fortunate enough 2 score a film he was in. Here was a trailer I made in '06 (not my music) - 8 years ago

@PugliaTweets: Las Vegas cult filmmaker Ted V. Mikels dies at 87 - Las Vegas Review-Journal - 8 years ago

@RichardRossiJr: R.I.P. Ted Ted V Mikels - 8 years ago

@PugliaTweets: Las Vegas cult filmmaker Ted V. Mikels dies at 87 - Las Vegas Review-Journal - 8 years ago

@lonbouldin: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@theturasatana: Your weekend reading...say goodbye to a dear friend <3 #turasatana #tedvmikels #dollsquad #astrozombies #cultfilms - 8 years ago

@PugliaTweets: Las Vegas cult filmmaker Ted V. Mikels dies at 87 - Las Vegas Review-Journal - 8 years ago

@jim_moody: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@riotsqurrrl: RT @blumhouse: We've lost another genre great. We remember the life & career of prolific #grindhouse filmmaker, Ted V. Mikels. #RIP https:/… - 8 years ago

@ElMoralista: Marchó Ted V. Mikels y nadie dice nada. - 8 years ago

@AstroRadioZ: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago

@KevinSCollier: My book "Unmasking the Astro-Zombies," the film series by Ted V. Mikels coming by Thanksgiving, has an... - 8 years ago

@RetroStufff: RT @Cinesploitation: Remembering Ted V. Mikels: THE ASTRO ZOMBIES (Review) @KLStudioClassic - - 8 years ago

@Cinesploitation: Remembering Ted V. Mikels: THE ASTRO ZOMBIES (Review) @KLStudioClassic - - 8 years ago

@MidnightGrind79: RT @llsoares: @NickCato and I say farewell to legendary grindhouse filmmaker Ted V. Mikels, who died this week at age 87 - 8 years ago

@MaryMDalton: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@AliWish66: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - Horror something moving toward you. Sadness is it moving away - 8 years ago

@DavidSchmid1: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 #film #exploitation #grindhouse - 8 years ago

@MikeCookAuthor: RT @horrormuseum: Rest in Peace Ted V Mikels 60's Exploitation film maker of Corpse Grinders, Astro Zombies and Doll Squad - 8 years ago

@lmtvictoria: My condenses to the Mikels tribe. - 8 years ago

@PugliaTweets: Las Vegas cult filmmaker Ted V. Mikels dies at 87 - Las Vegas Review-Journal - 8 years ago

@RozzyKron: RT @llsoares: @NickCato and I say farewell to legendary grindhouse filmmaker Ted V. Mikels, who died this week at age 87 - 8 years ago

@NickCato: RT @llsoares: @NickCato and I say farewell to legendary grindhouse filmmaker Ted V. Mikels, who died this week at age 87 - 8 years ago

@llsoares: @NickCato and I say farewell to legendary grindhouse filmmaker Ted V. Mikels, who died this week at age 87 - 8 years ago

@_courteroy: Day 19: 31 Days of #Horror Threequels; ASTRO ZOMBIES MC3: CLONED...Ted V Mikels tribute… - 8 years ago

@Ramonzmania: RT @DarkCorners3: RIP Ted V. Mikels. It's been a bad month for cult legends. - 8 years ago

@PugliaTweets: Las Vegas cult filmmaker Ted V. Mikels dies at 87 - Las Vegas Review-Journal - 8 years ago

@JGreenImages: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@sleepingsloth: RT @joe_dante: RIP Ted V. Mikels - 8 years ago

@malware24935: RT @IndieWire: Ted V. Mikels, Legendary Grindhouse Filmmaker Behind ‘The Doll Squad’ and More, Dies At 87 - 8 years ago

@SlipawayFilm: R.I.P. Ted V. Mikels, prolific exploitation filmmaker - 8 years ago

@AndyENystrom: RIP B-movie director Ted V Mikels (Astro-Zombies, Corpse Grinders, Dr Sex, 10 Violent Women, Undertaker & His Pals) - 8 years ago

@Lastdaydeaf: Cult ‘The Astro-Zombies’ director Ted V. Mikels dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@ArborBooksLarry: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@ToddDarby: Met Ted V. Mikels once at a convo. Lovely fascinating man. RIP - 8 years ago

@bhASAntika: RT @lasvegasweekly: Las Vegas filmmaking icon Ted V. Mikels dead at age 87 - 8 years ago

@abstractnytimes: Ted V. Mikels, Entity Of Low-budget Entity Cognitions, Dies At 87 - 8 years ago

@CreepyBrian: Las Vegas Review Journal: Las Vegas cult filmmaker Ted V. Mikels dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@jukeandjive: Watching Corpse Grinders tonight! RIP Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@_SpectreVision: RIP Ted V. Mikels. You were a cult master. You will be missed. - 8 years ago

@JanKooi: Ted V. Mikels. - 8 years ago

@popvoid: Kudos to @GrimesNYT for the great obit on Ted V. Mikels. - 8 years ago

@dedph1sh: #DeathscreenToday Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

@TheJavcore: RT @elskemccain: Ted V. Mikels, Master of Low-Budget Cult Favorites, Dies at 87 - 8 years ago

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