Ted Mack

Australian politician
Died on Tuesday November 6th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ted Mack:

@secrati: @CNN Heard on the street “Anyone remember the Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour?” - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: @JohnWren1950 @mavsmum @TurnbullMalcolm Ted Mack and Bob Hawke discussed - 6 years ago

@Donnydinker: @Kitchener1850 @kittycatnut Ted Mack was even before BIG'S time!!!! - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: Tourism purple patch. TED MACK - 6 years ago


@kittycatnut: @Donnydinker I don't know who Ted Mack is, sorry - 6 years ago

@Donnydinker: @kittycatnut What the hell?? This is like Ted Mack's Amateur Hour!!! - 6 years ago

@StreetVineRadio: DJ Ted Smooth Presents Mack Wilds feat. Troy Ave - Henny - Remix - Dirty - 6 years ago

@StreetVineRadio: Mack Wilds Feat. Troy Ave - Henny (DJ Ted Smooth Remix) - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @MackDog2341: Ted Mack was an exceptionally fine human being. May he Rest In Peace. - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @archcontext: Ted Mack: Pure model of public accountability - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @corporatefox: A reminder that it’s perfectly possible to be highly effective and strongly principled - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @TimElliottSMH: Amazing man. In my household, when I was a kid, Ted Mack was held up as the gold standard for how politicians should be.… - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @BarbaraMasel: Vale Ted Mack. He reduced his mayoral allowance, sold the mayoral Mercedes to buy a community bus. He proposed amendments… - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @WillGlenwright: Rest In Peace Ted Mack: a politician & public servant of unmatched integrity. Completely transformed North Sydney; inst… - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @POCarch: Vale Ted, unassuming champion of integrity and design in public life. - 6 years ago

@MontyMandelburg: RT @SovrenMan: All these unprincipled, trough-snouting politicians of zero integrity lining up to eulogize a principled man of integrity. h… - 6 years ago

@mack_anderson46: @Madis0nGraham I’d come to your ted talk on this - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: @lola_tineo @markdreyfusQCMP @leerhiannon No Ted Mack pushed for it in 1991 - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: @markdreyfusQCMP Sabra Lane World Today with Ted Mack Politicians call for codes of conduct 25/05/2012 Still read… - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: Read what Ted Mack has said about ICAC “ while ever the parliament, while ever the government of the day an appoin… - 6 years ago

@newsmonitornsw: RT @GoldSuzie: TED MACK A public memorial service will be held at Luna Park’s Grand Ballroom on Friday, November 30, starting at 9.30am. - 6 years ago

@byrd0922: @ted_raesean13 Like if he wanted to be a Purdue he would of shot everything down. And said he’s staying at Purdue r… - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: TED MACK A public memorial service will be held at Luna Park’s Grand Ballroom on Friday, November 30, starting at 9.30am. - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: Pure model of public accountability - 6 years ago

@StreetVineRadio: DJ Ted Smooth Presents Mack Wilds feat. Troy Ave - Henny - Remix - Dirty - 6 years ago

@justanotweet: RT @BarbaraMasel: Vale Ted Mack. He reduced his mayoral allowance, sold the mayoral Mercedes to buy a community bus. He proposed amendments… - 6 years ago

@rubig1: Pure model of public accountability - a wonderful role model! - 6 years ago

@BarbaraMasel: Vale Ted Mack. He reduced his mayoral allowance, sold the mayoral Mercedes to buy a community bus. He proposed amen… - 6 years ago

@DocWSJames: RT @archcontext: Ted Mack: Pure model of public accountability - 6 years ago

@archcontext: Ted Mack: Pure model of public accountability - 6 years ago

@StreetVineRadio: Mack Wilds Feat. Troy Ave - Henny (DJ Ted Smooth Remix) - 6 years ago

@RAAAAAAIDER1975: @ShitMyFoodMakes @BruceMorton1313 @voodoomanland81 @AsherMathews Lester Hayes, willie brown, Ted Hendricks.... I wo… - 6 years ago

@TomStackhouse: On Veteran's Day we celebrate those with us at CAEC, Harold Easterling, Jimmy Gray, Amir Johnson, Milton Johnson, K… - 6 years ago

@eLFB57: RT @mirojurcevic: @pauldutton1968 It’s time the independents earned their salary. In the spirit of Ted Mack, Don Chip and Charles Perkins. - 6 years ago

@aconvict: RT @mirojurcevic: @pauldutton1968 It’s time the independents earned their salary. In the spirit of Ted Mack, Don Chip and Charles Perkins. - 6 years ago

@TaraVenn: RT @mirojurcevic: @pauldutton1968 It’s time the independents earned their salary. In the spirit of Ted Mack, Don Chip and Charles Perkins. - 6 years ago

@DeclanGay: RT @ScottMorrisonMP: Vale Ted Mack - a dedicated and respected servant of his community at all levels of government who cared deeply about… - 6 years ago

@kam_mack: RT @MLBStatoftheDay: Ted Williams missed several seasons in his prime to serve in the military. That didn’t stop Teddy Ballgame from ownin… - 6 years ago

@ted_naquin: RT @NFL_Memes: Khalil Mack just ran through him 😱 - 6 years ago

@DatTacoMack: This is gonna sound petty and I don’t want it to HECK. I am really bad at taking compliments. If someone says Mack… - 6 years ago

@Ted_Bink: RT @barstoolsports: Khalil Mack is a scary human @RedLineRadio - 6 years ago

@pauldutton1968: RT @mirojurcevic: @pauldutton1968 It’s time the independents earned their salary. In the spirit of Ted Mack, Don Chip and Charles Perkins. - 6 years ago

@mirojurcevic: @pauldutton1968 It’s time the independents earned their salary. In the spirit of Ted Mack, Don Chip and Charles Perkins. - 6 years ago

@nswelectric: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@SamAntixMusiQ: RT @natecochrane: Everything @emfarrelly writes in this piece is rolled gold, a fitting tribute to the wonderful unicorn of Australian poli… - 6 years ago

@mec1948: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@r_quazzy: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@mavsmum: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@JacintaArnold1: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@pedwards2014: RT @LexiMetherell: The former New South Wales independent MP Ted Mack has died in Sydney at the age of 84. He represented the federal seat… - 6 years ago

@barryrutherford: RT @margaretthrosby: We’ve lost one of Australia’s truly great politicians with the death of Ted Mack. He loathed the snout in the trough o… - 6 years ago

@Jenn1964Hussey: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: TED MACK - 6 years ago

@colleenmenzies: RT @colleenmenzies: TED MACK - Refused a Parliamentary Pension! ! - 6 years ago

@AjBrooz: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@nellesmi1920: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@alyxei1: RT @Forthleft2: @MikeCarlton01 @slimpickings37 Have you read this Mike? - 6 years ago

@alyxei1: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@Caroleina2: RT @Forthleft2: @MikeCarlton01 @slimpickings37 Have you read this Mike? - 6 years ago

@Forthleft2: @MikeCarlton01 @slimpickings37 Have you read this Mike? - 6 years ago

@Forthleft2: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@slimpickings37: RT @MikeCarlton01: This is such a good column about such a good man. Ted Mack was a one-off. A diamond in a dung heap. - 6 years ago

@AdamNedeff: More treasure: 7-year-old Gladys Knight’s application to be a contestant on “Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour.” - 6 years ago

@OurNewHomecoach: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@geebeeWA: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@DresserMelissa: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@savesydco: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@LyndsayFarlow: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@ShaunCarter70: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@JodiFrawley: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@mickyd44: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@Sue0606: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @parksmovement: @emfarrelly Marvellous, Elizabeth how you understand Ted Mack and how he championed the ‘Public Interest’. - 6 years ago

@tilly64: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@JosieMcskimming: ‘Ted Mack was so loved...as proof that goodness & Australian public life are not inherently incompatible... Public… - 6 years ago

@AlanJMitchell_: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@DMacOttawa: @ddale8 Ted Mack's Original Amateur had way more polish, and WAY more talent. - 6 years ago

@Billandbecks: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@parksmovement: @emfarrelly Marvellous, Elizabeth how you understand Ted Mack and how he championed the ‘Public Interest’. - 6 years ago

@mikerdot: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@parksmovement: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@DrLilon: RT @margaretthrosby: We’ve lost one of Australia’s truly great politicians with the death of Ted Mack. He loathed the snout in the trough o… - 6 years ago

@cunningham_cch: RT @emfarrelly: Vale Ted Mack, an indie’s indie - 6 years ago

@WFS_Insurance: Ted Mack and DeMolay - 6 years ago

@mack_b_rose: RT @NellyTells: @AssangeMrs @wikileaks Because when I first saw your son on TED in 2010, I thought ‘this is what the world needs and if thi… - 6 years ago

@faully33: RT @matt_devine_: Sad to hear about #TedMack passing away. A wonderful #independentpolitician plus an alumni of #GAO! - 6 years ago

@paddockbasha: RT @matt_devine_: Sad to hear about #TedMack passing away. A wonderful #independentpolitician plus an alumni of #GAO! - 6 years ago

@anfernee_mack: RT @willis_cj: Texas Twitter when they found out Ted Cruz won - 6 years ago

@emmah_mack: RT @ColtonStephens: To all the people who voted for Ted Cruz so Texas can “stay red”; aren’t your NECKS already RED enough? BITCHES - 6 years ago

@mack_jorse: RT @CalebJHull: Robert O'Rourke (a white guy) was beat by Ted Cruz (a hispanic) - 6 years ago

@JohnSmith88897: @jillianmcarroll @DamonBlakeOz I agree but the @GladysB government has not offered his family a state funeral for T… - 6 years ago

@SusTransOptions: RT @PhilipThalis: And Ted Mack was spot on about that too; Sydney still wasting money on roads & motorways, when instead we should be inves… - 6 years ago

@DresserMelissa: RT @matt_devine_: Sad to hear about #TedMack passing away. A wonderful #independentpolitician plus an alumni of #GAO! - 6 years ago

@tilly64: RT @matt_devine_: Sad to hear about #TedMack passing away. A wonderful #independentpolitician plus an alumni of #GAO! - 6 years ago

@matt_devine_: Sad to hear about #TedMack passing away. A wonderful #independentpolitician plus an alumni of #GAO! - 6 years ago

@alphabeattweet: RT @JohnSmith88897: Ted Mack deliberately retired from both State & Federal politics just days BEFORE he was due for a parliamentary pensio… - 6 years ago

@jillianmcarroll: @JohnSmith88897 @DamonBlakeOz Ted Mack should be given a State Funeral for being an ethical politician. - 6 years ago

@mgct79: RT @JoeHockey: Very sad to learn of the passing of Ted Mack, my predecessor as the Member for North Sydney. He was a decent and honorable m… - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @curious_scribe: Ted Mack in today's SMH on Australia's electoral system - only an illusion of democracy: - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @bondi_izzy: - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @MrDenmore: Australia's democracy is broken. How to fix it? Listen to this speech by former MP Ted Mack @ABCBigIdeas - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @johndory49: Ted Mack was the only MP to vote against Australian involvement in the Gulf War @prof_rr #auspol - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @oldlillipilli: @paintsandsings @RobOakeshott1 @TonyHWindsor @MosmanDaily @dailytelegraph Ted Mack a giant of Australian politics. Incor… - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @LambLetak: Vale Ted ‘..Mack was the only Australian ever to have been elected and re-elected as an independent to local, state and fede… - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @margaretthrosby: We’ve lost one of Australia’s truly great politicians with the death of Ted Mack. He loathed the snout in the trough o… - 6 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @charmie13: @PetraAu Not only is Ted Mack gone forever so is the dignity, humility & integrity of Australian politics. #auspol - 6 years ago

@crankyserf: RT @PhilipThalis: And Ted Mack was spot on about that too; Sydney still wasting money on roads & motorways, when instead we should be inves… - 6 years ago

@Huardi: RIP Ted Mack, a decent man who was incorruptible. - 6 years ago

@KerryAnnSmith1: RT @JohnSmith88897: Ted Mack deliberately retired from both State & Federal politics just days BEFORE he was due for a parliamentary pensio… - 6 years ago

@_ja9: RT @ArchitectureAU: Architect, independent politician Ted Mack dies aged 84 - 6 years ago

@alextees: RT @JohnSmith88897: Ted Mack deliberately retired from both State & Federal politics just days BEFORE he was due for a parliamentary pensio… - 6 years ago

@pleaseuseaussie: RT @RodS108443078: @pleaseuseaussie @JohnRuddick2 @rowandean It’s really a matter of personal integrity for politicians. Not what you can g… - 6 years ago

@RodS108443078: @pleaseuseaussie @JohnRuddick2 @rowandean It’s really a matter of personal integrity for politicians. Not what you… - 6 years ago

@FCancerAus: RIP: Ted Mack, 'father of the independents', dies aged 84 after cancer, stroke - - 6 years ago

@SeanVancouver: RT @miccaplus: Ted Mack 2/2 "Just a few simple principles like the workings of government should be totally open to public scrutiny.” Mack… - 6 years ago

@Isayneversaydie: RT @alisonkollenbe1: @ScottMorrisonMP Ted Mack a real person that genuinely cared about others and acted on it. Unlike "ScoMo" - yet anoth… - 6 years ago

@Isayneversaydie: RT @Peterjibber: @ScottMorrisonMP Ted Mack - A truly decent man, and the kind of Politician we all hope for, but rarely get. - 6 years ago

@davebrooker322: Ted Mack, former MP and 'father of independents', dies at 84 - 6 years ago

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