Ted Grace

Australian politician
Died on Thursday August 27th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ted Grace:

@unefemmejames: Hot off the press, The September Issue of my newsletter is up now. This month I talk about Brene Brown, grace, Bill… - 4 years ago

@para82nd_1: @royisrael @thancockMD @Rotag2_0 @BassistOld @LifeNyc2 @FairStability @MinnesotaExpat @SwoleKyloRen… - 4 years ago

@expatmac1: @RooseveltTed @RepsForBiden I saw Ted Jr’s grace while I was there on a staff ride. If I recall correctly he was given the Medal of Honor. - 4 years ago

@Ted_ido: RT @Marvel0usJesus: The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Romans 16:20 - 4 years ago


@JacksonAntione: @themadcatter210 @dmsolano9 @ate_ted @briebriejoy Last time I checked we have public schools, police, fire fighters… - 4 years ago

@RummazKnowsBest: RT @The_Shiznit: Let’s face the music of Bill & Ted! Or something. @MrMattLooker goes track-by-track for the Bogus Journey soundtrack, “an… - 4 years ago

@garrickbailey: Nature and grace, y’all. Peas and carrots. Milk and cookies. Bill & Ted. Don’t break up the band. #bavinck… - 4 years ago

@ted_irvine: RT @chiquiesteban: 🚨 Last week to apply! 🚨 @PostGraphics is looking for a Visual Reporter who understands the power of visuals to explain… - 4 years ago

@ted_theblackboy: @jidenne Exactly he has nothing, he has no matter, he has no main friend, he doesn't deliver as much "content" as y… - 4 years ago

@LittleBigPicUK: RT @The_Shiznit: Let’s face the music of Bill & Ted! Or something. @MrMattLooker goes track-by-track for the Bogus Journey soundtrack, “an… - 4 years ago

@The_Shiznit: Let’s face the music of Bill & Ted! Or something. @MrMattLooker goes track-by-track for the Bogus Journey soundtrac… - 4 years ago

@ted_umeh: RT @WKE2eL848w5OmIH: @kanyewest Kanye, I need Yeezy slide. This is my mission from God in the Earth. Two pairs for resell in Russia, cause… - 4 years ago

@whimsical_grace: @kristenschaaled @txvoodoo But he probably thinks the body has ways to just shut all that down. You know, like wit… - 4 years ago

@MamaLouies: RT @AlaskanRadical: @ronquille_paul @Rotag2_0 @JenCages @truth_pilot @LadyOfTheOcean1 @Tanfox13 @SwoleKyloRen @KarmaKazi10 @Lovestr50361283… - 4 years ago

@annaka_grace: @karli_ann32 soooo glad we have experts like Ted Cruz who know more about our bodies than we do ✨ - 4 years ago

@JLuis_001: I know very well what I expected from this film and I understandably accept what it delivers. Bill & Ted Face the… - 4 years ago

@AlaskanRadical: @ronquille_paul @Rotag2_0 @JenCages @truth_pilot @LadyOfTheOcean1 @Tanfox13 @SwoleKyloRen @KarmaKazi10… - 4 years ago

@fairfieldtoday: - 4 years ago

@oldmancoyote22: 6. We will all be shitty to the people in our lives at some point and they will all be shitty to us to some degree.… - 4 years ago

@grace_jewett: RT @ilyseh: Ted Cruz has never been pregnant and clearly knows nothing about maternal mortality rates in the US or in Texas. People die in… - 4 years ago

@GirlsDwt: They are desperate to not lose Iowa. It’s their saving grace. If we want to hold these assholes accountable, we m… - 4 years ago

@gowith_grace: RT @TedDansonBDay: Today is not Ted Danson's birthday. - 4 years ago

@dundee_ted: @mind_centered @Princes91096831 @MattPalumbo12 Yes all true. This is because at about age six they are intellectual… - 4 years ago

@Emma_grace_2020: @MgRos48 @Roelzinga @ScottAdamsSays they are aware of that that is why the person going to replace ted wheeler has… - 4 years ago

@KarmaKazi10: @ronquille_paul @truth_pilot @JenCages @Black_is_back5 @thancockMD @AlaskanRadical @NikliVails @MamaLouies… - 4 years ago

@grace_BLM: RT @HKrassenstein: FACT: Pregnancy can be a life-threatening illness, and the abortion pill can save women’s lives. Can Ted Cruz please st… - 4 years ago

@Grace_12190: RT @USATODAY: Sen. Ted Cruz came under fire after saying Wednesday on social media that pregnancy is not "life-threatening" when the U.S. h… - 4 years ago

@Grace_12190: RT @adamcbest: Familiar theme: Ted Cruz has no idea what he’s talking about. - 4 years ago

@robin_grace__: RT @ncrawfordmd: PSA from a fertility doctor. Plan B won’t hurt your future fertility. Neither will birth control pills. Or an IUD. Protec… - 4 years ago

@dtdelosh: RT @NosyCrowBooks: ...from Ted Hughes, William Blake, and Shakespeare to Christina Rossetti, Grace Nichols and many more. - 4 years ago

@gozerworshipper: @EsquireUK @Winter Kristen Schaal took over the George Carlin-type role. *potential spoiler* Something the revie… - 4 years ago

@Grace_music_ace: RT @USATODAY: Sen. Ted Cruz came under fire after saying Wednesday on social media that pregnancy is not "life-threatening" when the U.S. h… - 4 years ago

@Grace_music_ace: RT @adamcbest: Familiar theme: Ted Cruz has no idea what he’s talking about. - 4 years ago

@jcaudill38: RT @Rebecca28049528: @RepDonBacon I missed your outrage when Ted Cruz flagrantly had his haircut in a salon where the Texas owner was arres… - 4 years ago

@Ted_Hammond: @GraceRandolph Loved your lip color shade on the "No Time to Die" reaction today. Is that a new color for you? Thank you Grace! - 4 years ago

@CurrSpecialties: @ilyseh Ted Cruz proven to use any & all means to retain his vaulted position: The one he holds grace to tampering… - 4 years ago

@Rebecca28049528: @RepDonBacon I missed your outrage when Ted Cruz flagrantly had his haircut in a salon where the Texas owner was ar… - 4 years ago

@wxdontlikecake: RT @beatrixfrankIin: grace is literally the biggest angel ever thanks for coming to my ted talk - 4 years ago

@beatrixfrankIin: grace is literally the biggest angel ever thanks for coming to my ted talk - 4 years ago

@darrenbayer2015: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@NosyCrowBooks: ...from Ted Hughes, William Blake, and Shakespeare to Christina Rossetti, Grace Nichols and many more. - 4 years ago

@_Grace_Ferry: RT @pnwdabmom: If you blast your ex friends addictions/struggles online after y’all ain’t friends; YOURE A PIECE OF SHIT Thanks for coming… - 4 years ago

@Ted_lgl: RT @RocketsnationFr: Si un jour on m’avait dit que James Harden enverrai Houston en demi-finale de conférence grâce à un contre juste incro… - 4 years ago

@3at3mandSmil3: Ted, crony Nancy GrAce, pawn is a racist, shit sandwichi in Laura - 4 years ago

@bluenutella14: @UmbrellaAcad Quiero decir, es verdad que Luther y Diego están un *poco* obsesionados con su padre y su madre, resp… - 4 years ago

@Grace_Li3: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 4 years ago

@awakened_grace: RT @MrAndyNgo: Portland Mayor ⁦@tedwheeler⁩, who owns multiple properties including an island house & beachfront home, plans to move out of… - 4 years ago

@WillResistAdmin: 3/ Raul Ruiz Norma J. Torres Ted W. Lieu Grace F. Napolitano Pete Aguilar Brad Sherman Adam B. Schiff Judy Chu Juli… - 4 years ago

@tbarcelonaiv: RT @BerryMiller_JH: 📢Bobcats & Parents: We know this week has been different. AP Ms. Felix has a special message just for you. We appreciat… - 4 years ago

@DeniseHHahn: RT @BerryMiller_JH: 📢Bobcats & Parents: We know this week has been different. AP Ms. Felix has a special message just for you. We appreciat… - 4 years ago

@Waggapaul: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@BerryMiller_JH: 📢Bobcats & Parents: We know this week has been different. AP Ms. Felix has a special message just for you. We appre… - 4 years ago

@cheriemaureen: grace and love to the senator from the lone star state--ted cruz 11/03/2020 - 4 years ago

@MurrayHall16: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@J_Grace_Jr_87: RT @maggmountains: Ted Wheeler is moving out of his condo and away from rioters instead of calling in the National Guard to stop the terror… - 4 years ago

@ObserverParafox: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@MaulesCreek: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@kikirei: @PetrusTeddy amiinn. gue yang aminin :) gapapa kalo masih trauma, Ted. guepun. tapi namanya hidup pasti berhubungan… - 4 years ago

@ScallanNikki: @walsh_ted Grace and Frankie - 4 years ago

@NLFG: RT @RTE2: He had his fun and that's all that matters. Brendan Grace surprised us all when he portrayed the hilariously dark and sinister F… - 4 years ago

@DanVermingone: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@farmer_jimmy_H: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@JohnEClements: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@aijeuone: @secretstoryofmi Hi kak ted, ak grace 07l salken yaa - 4 years ago

@ted_danial: Blessed be the stalwart, for in thy heart lies grace 😇 - 4 years ago

@brendonsavage3: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@JamieEggers4: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@TOOTS69er: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@xodarap51: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@markc01: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@annbritton: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Jeanwandimi: I would not know how to act if I was doing a ted talk/ key note about myself. If it is about work that's ok. I can… - 4 years ago

@beautyson05: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@davidmatheson27: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@KentBroad: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@kennleandre: RT @Kakuchopurei: The Third Bill & Ted Movie Caps Off The Sci-fi Comedy Trilogy With Grace - 4 years ago

@Neety55: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Cookiemo1: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@rday_day: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@WA_Producers: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@alan_manton: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@jclfjanet: @BlairLorelei @ProjectLincoln Your grace in the face of unimaginable sacrifice is so admirable. You should record a… - 4 years ago

@GlennBrowning18: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@EricHall19: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@AccufireJohn: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Fiesty_Filly: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@J_Grace_Jr_87: RT @RealJamesWoods: How did being a fluffer for #DemocratAntifaTerrorists work out for you, sugar tits? #RubAndTugTed - 4 years ago

@ElizabetgLouise: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@FarmbotTechNick: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@WendyfWilson: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@tristan_westoz: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Hymie313: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@KimberlyH20211: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@chuditchconsult: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@KayGee9128: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Mercury51NNSS: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@joannehall69: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@TheresaThielen: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@MaliaKay5: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@ChelleAB: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@NewcastleGardia: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@kaplowman: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@stephenkimber5: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@simo11811: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@SheepProducers: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Hullabaloo_show: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Justloo85230955: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@gerster_kaylene: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@WoodLeonie: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@watch2o: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@brendon_vr_72: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@AustLiveExports: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@ted_edwin: RT @essmuniii_: 9 months into 2020, after a global pandemic, BLM protests and me and my household are alive ? it’s only by his grace and me… - 4 years ago

@BealABC: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@nicolejmwarner: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Tigger54027727: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@KarynBuller: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@PiggottTash: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@prosser_s: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@RobnWithAWhy: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@ScreenTubers: Grace Randolph reviews Bill & Ted Face the Music #BillandTedFaceTheMusic - 4 years ago

@lindsayebrennan: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@StationDog6725: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@Chris72052489: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@roseycatherine: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 4 years ago

@KarmaKazi10: RT @Rotag2_0: @SwoleKyloRen @cbowling4512 @MamaLouies @Dennisabm @Grace_2A_mazing @GrooveChampion @JenCages @truth_pilot @SlimJimJohn1 @Lad… - 5 years ago

@LovelyWife: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@JaneMAngel: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@steven_bolt4: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@robertgrima2: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@nikolic_d_: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@Tedthekelpie: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@Rotag2_0: @SwoleKyloRen @cbowling4512 @MamaLouies @Dennisabm @Grace_2A_mazing @GrooveChampion @JenCages @truth_pilot… - 5 years ago

@agpromanagement: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@agriprof: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@Meat_Watcher: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@HallRaelene: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@bullockhills: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@SamuelJHigham: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@rgduffield: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@JamieNicolaou: RT @ashtongray01: Hey Tweeps, I have lost two good working dogs, the Black and Tan (Ness) and the brown dog (Ted) pictures on the left. Be… - 5 years ago

@Ted_Ross: RT @cjham28: Jesus is 100% Grace and 100% Truth, not one or the other. Remember that today 🙌🏾 - 5 years ago

@SaraGri68289602: @StechDoesItAll @wfb5046 @ted_rood @SusanLouise1977 Then u must not believe in the grace of God. - 5 years ago

@grace_jewett: RT @cadiulus: I have Type 1 diabetes. I am healthy enough to run ultramarathons. If I get attacked by a bear & the ICU has trouble managi… - 5 years ago

@pallas_ted: RT @ThomasCoutouzis: 3/ They are bowing against their will. When God chooses to save a person He violates their will to save them. That is… - 5 years ago

@J_Grace_Jr_87: @CBJoey321 But i also said something rude to Mr Ted Wheeler lol. - 5 years ago

@gnomie34832511: @ByMikeBaker Sure. Throw gas on the fire and blame Trump. This guy is a 24k hypocrite. It's HIS circus, HIS clowns.… - 5 years ago

@grace_mercy5: RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: If @JoeBiden cares about stopping the violence & ending these riots in Portland, all he has to do is pick up the phone… - 5 years ago

@DenaRothman: @ToddGernert @ted_rood I’m so sorry for your family. Grace to you and yours. 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @SheaOlcheski: Hi. Just a reminder that the President of the United States is Donald Trump... So showing footage from Trump’s presidency… - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @PeterAtlantic: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, at news conference just now: "Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first… - 5 years ago

@omari_ted: @chachapaul_ @Nelma_grace Life hack✔️ - 5 years ago

@chachapaul_: @Nelma_grace @omari_ted we approve this message. - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @Chandelis: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler tells CNN's @joshscampbell, "I'm going to do the work that I need to do here..with my local offic… - 5 years ago

@EdwardTWizard: @TeddyLupinLoup Passe une bonne journée aussi et à bientôt. *commence à lui serrer la main puis, et grâce à l’initi… - 5 years ago

@grace_mercy5: RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Ted Wheeler has blood on his hands. He decided to play politics and refused @realDonaldTrump's offer to send the Nation… - 5 years ago

@grace_mercy5: RT @KurtSchlichter: I served in, planned and commanded multiple civilian support operations in the Army National Guard for over 20 years, i… - 5 years ago

@grace_mercy5: RT @realDonaldTrump: Ted Wheeler, the wacky Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat Mayor of Portland, who has watched great death and destruction… - 5 years ago

@grace_mercy5: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Hey Ted Wheeler, Nobody believes that Trump hurting your feelings with mean words is why ANTIFA is burning Portland to… - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @JohnWDean: Bless you Ted Wheeler! You are correct Trump is hate mongering and provoking his followers to violence. Thank you Mr. Mayor… - 5 years ago

@lpachecox: Bora de verdades? Joel e Rachel > Rachel e Ross Barney e robin > Ted e robin. Thomas shelby pode até ser calculi… - 5 years ago

@grace_coronella: RT @funder: BREAKING: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says what America needs is for Trump “to be stopped.” Says Trump helped create the violenc… - 5 years ago

@Sadi_Grace: RT @PeterAtlantic: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, at news conference just now: "Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first… - 5 years ago

@poingly: @PJ_Dakota @SplitSingleband Wait, people are actively encouraging Kid Rock and Ted Nugent to make music? I thought… - 5 years ago

@grace_ppbgab: RT @kylegriffin1: Mayor Ted Wheeler to Trump: "You've tried to divide us more than any other figure in modern history and now, you want me… - 5 years ago

@island_grace: RT @PeterAtlantic: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, at news conference just now: "Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first… - 5 years ago

@calabrese_grace: @RepKenBuck Yesssss it should have been gone weeks ago.Maybe Mayor Ted Wheeler shoul do it!!!!!!! - 5 years ago

@calabrese_grace: Subject: Ted Wheelersyor of Portland. How can he get away with killing people. # he blamed President Trump because… - 5 years ago

@RachelS62008797: @TimRunsHisMouth @realDonaldTrump First of all, the President of the U.S. should have enough composure and grace to… - 5 years ago

@J_Grace_Jr_87: RT @Lis17m: Ted Wheeler refused help from the same person he blames for the violence on his own watch. Would Edward like to explain how m… - 5 years ago

@J_Grace_Jr_87: RT @TheJordanRachel: I think Ted Wheeler might now be considered the worst mayor in America. - 5 years ago

@kallywilli: @tedwheeler @PortlandPolice May the Lord God of grace bless, strengthen, and protect you Mayor Ted Wheeler! Ameri… - 5 years ago

@Grace_For_Life: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: The violence in Portland needs to stop* - Ted Wheeler *Now that polls show it's turning America against Democrats. - 5 years ago

@J_Grace_Jr_87: RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Ted Wheeler has blood on his hands. He decided to play politics and refused @realDonaldTrump's offer to send the Nation… - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @co_rapunzel4: Wow, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is calling out Donald Trump on TV and I am so here for it! I'm over here cheering!! Bravo… - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @Jaden_Reports: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler: "We don't always have to agree, but we have long done so without violence. That's part of wh… - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @LoveUSNJ: BRAVO! Hope you are all listening to a very brave & honest man, Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler! RT & make it go viral. - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @sherrifflucy: powerful words from Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler who is addressing Trump in his press conference: "You've tried to divide… - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @MameAuntie: The Mayor of Portland speaks for me. His recitation was specific and directly targeted to trump, Read Ted Wheeler’s words-a… - 5 years ago

@Grace_For_Life: RT @LisaMarieBoothe: Common theme in unsafe cities & states. NY: Bill de Blasio (D) & Andrew Cuomo (D); WA: Jenny Durkan (D) & Jay Inslee (… - 5 years ago

@J_Grace_Jr_87: RT @hollandcourtney: This is Ted Wheeler’s Portland This is Muriel Bowser’s Washington DC What we’ve been witnessing for weeks now is the… - 5 years ago

@ted_holmes: @wakefieldviking I think deep down you know it one of the worst bond films. Even the Daniel Craig ones are better (… - 5 years ago

@bruinsfan3725: I love Bill & Ted and I cannot wait to grace my new apartment with Bill & Ted 3 this week - 5 years ago

@CraigFrederic17: @KGWNews Great job Ted! Downtown Portland is now a murder scene. What a fall from grace; The Rose City. - 5 years ago

@J_Grace_Jr_87: RT @LisaMarieBoothe: Common theme in unsafe cities & states. NY: Bill de Blasio (D) & Andrew Cuomo (D); WA: Jenny Durkan (D) & Jay Inslee (… - 5 years ago

@grace_nicklas: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@grace_r0se: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@grace_jxrdine: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@Tanfox13: @robcarlson20 @Vickie627 @MamaLouies @Lovestr50361283 @MikePeterson_TH @Madshadycat @MinnesotaExpat… - 5 years ago

@para82nd_1: @LynnLan49214862 @LadyOfTheOcean1 @Dennisabm @UncleScorp @Klee34036780 @Manny_Street @SmokeyStafford @ic_lib… - 5 years ago

@grace_panetta: @NilesGApol @andrewDC_ US Senate seats here are incredibly hard to get into, but once you do get one as a Democrat,… - 5 years ago

@court_grace: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@BG_Grace: RT @carolecadwalla: Facebook is a malignant global power destroying liberal democracy - when I said this at TED, it seemed to genuinely sho… - 5 years ago

@grace_cardew18: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@grace_renae00: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@HelionDuarte: Qualquer situação da vida: a Grace: ... Ted Bundy - 5 years ago

@taylor_grace_58: RT @wyntermitchell: I’ll see your Kyle Rittenhouse cleaning graffiti and raise you a Ted Bundy doing dishes. - 5 years ago

@dmk_ted: RT @ZLAN_FR: GROS LOT INCOMING !!! Et si c’était l’heure de remporter un pack gaming complet grâce à @XboxGamePassFR ?? C’est facile, foll… - 5 years ago

@carrisa_grace: RT @THR: The first reviews for #BillandTedFacetheMusic have arrived, with critics praising the chemistry of Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter de… - 5 years ago

@mrrtther: @ShannonBream Wish I could find Ted Williams' Twitter acct... Always hated him, thought dumb, now I know he is...De… - 5 years ago

@Grace_Escott: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@_Kathryn_Grace: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@rlprice74: Only the daughters of Bill & Ted would have a video of Jimi Hendrix playing Amazing Grace already downloaded on the… - 5 years ago

@Nick_and_Grace_: RT @votevets: Ted Cruz doesn’t know who’s president right now. Oh, Ted. - 5 years ago

@amazing__grace_: Abandon the bipartisan system it doesn’t work ❤️ not a democrat and not a republican I’m an independent, both part… - 5 years ago

@Grace_E_Shae: RT @realDonaldTrump: If the incompetent Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, doesn’t get control of his city and stop the Anarchists, Agitators,… - 5 years ago

@Grace_E_Shae: RT @BretWeinstein: Dear Ted Wheeler, Your chickens are not yet home to roost, but they are in the lobby. Bret - 5 years ago

@Grace_E_Shae: RT @KittyLists: Group inside the lobby at Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's condo chained together. Residents wanting to walk their dogs #PDX ht… - 5 years ago

@richards_grace: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@grace____taylor: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@grace_kerwin: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@Grace_stansell: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@grace_shugert: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@Alexaa_Grace: RT @5ogotthejuice: @Alexaa_Grace Ted talk 💀 - 5 years ago

@911_grace: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@grace_margaretx: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@chela_grace: RT @TEDTalks: “If other people don't listen to me, that doesn't matter. Because as long as I keep on fighting, I know that they will at som… - 5 years ago

@5ogotthejuice: @Alexaa_Grace Ted talk 💀 - 5 years ago

@Grace_E_Shae: RT @RichardGrenell: Hey @samstein - your Democrats are rejecting help. Mayor Ted thinks it’s peaceful protesting. Don’t you think this is… - 5 years ago

@grace_park07: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@Grace_E_Shae: RT @M2Madness: @tedwheeler @realDonaldTrump Portland's blood is on your hands, Ted. - 5 years ago

@Ted_bits: RT @kezaaa_: I’ve failed God so many times but God has never failed me, it’s his grace & mercy that has kept me - 5 years ago

@armagh_john: @Choyaa13 Fawlty Towers Only Fools & Horses Father Ted Will & Grace Car Share Never seen so much as an episode of… - 5 years ago

@Alexaa_Grace: Bro you are hurt we get it but stfu about me already n how i “hurt you” if i really fucked u up, you wouldnt have b… - 5 years ago

@Areyoureallyth2: @whatgives1313 @Brendan12334558 Committee Members Dems. Ted Deutch, Fl - Chairman Grace Meng, New York Susan Wild,… - 5 years ago

@oharamal: @Choyaa13 In no particular order and subject to change; Fleabag Nighty Night Will & Grace Father Ted The Vicar of Dibley - 5 years ago

@brady_grace_: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@AandHInsurance1: Bill & Ted 3 was released today! Grace & Amanda (purveyors of medicare plans and group medical insurance) visit Bil… - 5 years ago

@kehoe_ted: RT @WarNuse: Abigail Grace. 18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious Conspiracy - 5 years ago

@Grace_B7A: RT @sonzaix: 新型コロナについて扱った本ではないのですが、今日の病気に対する情報の奔流に圧倒されないためにもオススメの一冊です。 さらっと書かれていた偽陽性と検査の問題とかは、多分、コロナの場合でも同じ気がしますね。 不確かな医学 (TEDブックス) シッダ… - 5 years ago

@SereathaS: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@KarmaKazi10: RT @SwoleKyloRen: @MikePeterson_TH @Grace_2A_mazing @royisrael @SlimJimJohn1 @Rotag2_0 @dam0n_n0mad @Merry_Hippie @JstJayne @Cmoore045 @Mad… - 5 years ago

@Grace_stansell: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@Rotag2_0: RT @SwoleKyloRen: @MikePeterson_TH @Grace_2A_mazing @royisrael @SlimJimJohn1 @Rotag2_0 @dam0n_n0mad @Merry_Hippie @JstJayne @Cmoore045 @Mad… - 5 years ago

@Jordan23Trump45: @GraceRandolph Honestly Grace, I did not have the highest expectations for this. I tried not to. I love Bill & Ted… - 5 years ago

@SwoleKyloRen: @MikePeterson_TH @Grace_2A_mazing @royisrael @SlimJimJohn1 @Rotag2_0 @dam0n_n0mad @Merry_Hippie @JstJayne… - 5 years ago

@grace_greenaway: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@Grace_Epps: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@grace_guimaraes: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@hepp_grace: RT @bronwyniguess: Please write in Ted Greek for state representative on Nov. 3rd!! @RealClancyBrown Wanna help get the word out to help vo… - 5 years ago

@grace_brown1: RT @TheJulieBenson: Ted Bundy worked as a crisis hotline volunteer. Jeffrey Dahmer worked in a chocolate factory. So I really don't care if… - 5 years ago

@Olive_Grace_: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@grace_lowther: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@ted_edwin: RT @kezaaa_: I’ve failed God so many times but God has never failed me, it’s his grace & mercy that has kept me - 5 years ago

@BlandiCLC: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@NLOmahaHL: @ate_ted "If only we had Grace" - 5 years ago

@grace_vigorito: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@DixonB32: @GraceRandolph Grace, I just purchased Bill & Ted Face The Music @ home! I also Watched it & Wow it is definitely E… - 5 years ago

@maee_grace: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@grace_margaretx: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@speaks_ted: RT @cspan: .@VP Mike Pence: "So, with gratitude for the confidence President Donald Trump has placed in me, the support of our Republican p… - 5 years ago

@grace_wilburn: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@barker_grace: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@kara_grace: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@hepp_grace: RT @lizziebeth0102: Hey Urbana friends, Ted Greek, a co-owner of local business Birch Bark Canoe Livery, is running against Vitale as a wri… - 5 years ago

@Grace_Diaz25: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@ally_grace__: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@Grace_Angeline_: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@grace_hamner: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@grace_Segarra: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@EasternHealing: RT @Karen97363141: This woman is one of the bravest and beautiful human beings to grace this earth . Show your kid her ted talk and inspire… - 5 years ago

@brady_grace_: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@brady_grace_: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@ruman_grace: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@StillQuimosabe: @independant1492 It’s a contest of good vs evil. Light vs darkness. Hope vs dispair. Grace vs disgrace. And Biden w… - 5 years ago

@grubb_grace: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@grace_jewett: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@grace_jewett: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@brady_grace_: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@Grace__Tuttle: RT @wyattseed: In 1970 Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning. - 5 years ago

@maee_grace: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@grace_wierus: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@grace_ejohn: RT @vmenendezb: This is Ted Bundy doing the dishes - 5 years ago

@SarahASmith75: RT @Karen97363141: This woman is one of the bravest and beautiful human beings to grace this earth . Show your kid her ted talk and inspire… - 5 years ago

@luizanatalc: @urfoolmalu A fall from Grace, ted bundy são suspenses da netflix - 5 years ago

@grace_ejohn: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@Grace_Elaine3: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@grace__angelina: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@hahannah_grace: RT @AshleyStrongarm: Suspected serial killer Ted Bundy politely offers ride before killing woman - 5 years ago

@GaryCarrollr35: @Postvox Brendan Grace in father Ted was the best 😉 - 5 years ago

@ted_baker: @griffffss20 Hi Grace! You are welcome to drop us a DM and we can look into this further for you! - 5 years ago

@grace_shitposts: @fxucets i have the same as j.k rowling and ted bundy 😃 - 5 years ago

@thepissclown: List of people who own my ass: -Violet from The Incredibles -Topher Grace -Markiplier -Keanu Reeves -Evan Rachel Wo… - 5 years ago

@MsLods: RT @mfarnsworth: The other death, announced today, was Ted Grace, the ALP member for Fowler (1984-98). He was 89 and was the first member f… - 5 years ago

@mfarnsworth: The other death, announced today, was Ted Grace, the ALP member for Fowler (1984-98). He was 89 and was the first m… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Ted Grace dies - #TedGrace #Ted #Grace #rip - 5 years ago

@jcrsroc: @SonyMovieCh Kirsten Dunst, Sam Raimi, James Franco, Jk Simmons, Rosemary Harryis, Ted Raimi, Chloë Grace, Aaron Jo… - 5 years ago

@mfarnsworth: The House acknowledges the death of Ted Grace, ALP member for Fowler (1984-98). He was 89. - 5 years ago

@BerkeleyMission: RT @Harvard4Christ: It is time for a moral, spiritual turning. There but for the grace of God go I. This spirit of humility is the civic vi… - 5 years ago

@alexxxandreh: @bonekabea Will e a Grace Ted Mosby - 5 years ago

@DougChinMD: RT @Harvard4Christ: It is time for a moral, spiritual turning. There but for the grace of God go I. This spirit of humility is the civic vi… - 5 years ago

@Harvard4Christ: It is time for a moral, spiritual turning. There but for the grace of God go I. This spirit of humility is the civi… - 5 years ago

@ProfTobinMLS: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@ryandrew424: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@shobare07: @AGastineau777 @DWUhlfelderLaw I guess you haven’t heard of Beergate or Amazing Grace or arriving with Ted Cruz on… - 5 years ago

@PinkPurseIntl: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@grace_panetta: RT @RosieGray: Ted Cruz was not even invited to speak to this year's RNC, @mattfleg reports in this sharp piece: - 5 years ago

@Yo_Soy_Tormenta: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@FMSSLibrary: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@schlegel_ted: RT @RyanAFournier: If Melania Trump were a Democrat, She would be on the cover of every major magazine and hailed by the media for her gr… - 5 years ago

@gkiraguri: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@Savage_Engineer: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@wenxo___: In conclusion, stop wondering why white aggressors, who are sometimes more dangerous than the black people police o… - 5 years ago

@omid9: @grace_w_o_o_d_s Not sure you’re clear on the question but limo driver calls Ted ‘Becker’ - 5 years ago

@69Sherred1313: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

@A_DWinchester: RT @TEDTalks: "Can you imagine our country embracing young black men, seeing them as part of our future, giving them that kind of openness,… - 5 years ago

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