Technoblade (YouTuber)

American YouTuber
Died on Friday July 1st 2022

View other recent people: Sara Carreira, Awesome Again, Des McAleenan

Tweets related to Technoblade (YouTuber):

@EboyElec: Hace poco tiempo Technoblade paso a una mejor vida pero solo quiero decir que esa persona hiso lo que nadie se pudo… - 3 years ago

@N0T_AnonymouseD: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@sootfilmz: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Himbrosdoodles: RT @punztwtHQ: ‼️PUNZTWTHQ SARCOMA FOUNDATION CHARITY COMMISSIONS‼️ Due to recent events concerning Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, we at… - 3 years ago


@JSomeguy73: Youtuber: *Makes 20+ videos about the passing of Technoblade* Audience: *Starts to call out the Youtuber about pro… - 3 years ago

@i4tntduo_: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@viralnews2021: #Minecraft news: Content creator and famous YouTuber Technoblade passed away. RIP. - 3 years ago

@Fishysplishy: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@jojo_kirbbb: technoblade was a minecraft youtuber and shinzo abe didn't believe that japan didn't commit any war crimes. be seri… - 3 years ago

@man4ensalada: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@purevanila__: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@petrapetro_: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@AldenFiniarel: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@ANQ3L_iN4: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@a_tired_echo: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@maxlbyankees: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@cat_the_kucing: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@cayleeistired: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@vixley: tommy saying every youtuber has failed singing??? bro.. blitz by technoblade is literally right there - 3 years ago

@ashnghosts: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@_DrCommodore: Sfrutta la morte di Technoblade in un video falso e viene bannato: chiede aiuto, ma i fan non lo perdonano -… - 3 years ago

@Yuvians12: RT @YOUWECAN: Popular YouTuber @Technothepig lost his battle to sarcoma. We offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and fans.… - 3 years ago

@creerSdetruire: RT @NaraShi13876794: 1/7/22 "Technoblade : YouTuber populaire de 23 ans annonce qu'il a un cancer, dit à 11 millions de fans de se faire va… - 3 years ago

@carlnavi: RT @GenocidioEnVena: Otro más... Se vacuna, cáncer fulminante y se muere en unos meses. #Repentinitis #repentitis #VacunasAsesinas https:… - 3 years ago

@GenocidioEnVena: Otro más... Se vacuna, cáncer fulminante y se muere en unos meses. #Repentinitis #repentitis #VacunasAsesinas - 3 years ago

@fortniteboi99yt: Rip techno blade,he was a legend #fuckcancer I never really watched minecraft or played the game a lot but I did s… - 3 years ago

@EvanderLionel: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@ACordinha: RT @JakeSucky: YouTuber ItsOwen had his account terminated following a video clickbaiting the death of Technoblade... - 3 years ago

@legi_378: #RestinpeaceTechnoblade Recently a Youtuber from Minecraft, Technoblade, left this world because of cancer, we hope… - 3 years ago

@Iamcriccrazy29: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@woolnothere: @bladedarlin screw the "How this youtuber got 2 Million subscribers in ONE month" videos, lets talk about TECHNOBLADE - 3 years ago

@Tiffany46298479: RT @HAGnews2: " If you leave your game, stay safe, stay alert, what ever you do, DON'T DIE, because if you die outside your own, you don't… - 3 years ago

@CaptainApolix: RT @Dexerto: Minecraft’s developers added a second tribute to YouTuber Technoblade by including his catchphrase “Technoblade never dies!” i… - 3 years ago

@Laughin01490507: RT @HAGnews2: " If you leave your game, stay safe, stay alert, what ever you do, DON'T DIE, because if you die outside your own, you don't… - 3 years ago

@kwAOf6ME5GJXVmi: RT @HAGnews2: " If you leave your game, stay safe, stay alert, what ever you do, DON'T DIE, because if you die outside your own, you don't… - 3 years ago

@AnnaNacola01: RT @HAGnews2: " If you leave your game, stay safe, stay alert, what ever you do, DON'T DIE, because if you die outside your own, you don't… - 3 years ago

@ArtZeep: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@logan06684596: RT @JakeSucky: YouTuber ItsOwen had his account terminated following a video clickbaiting the death of Technoblade... - 3 years ago

@OCole2013: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@anarchistsuga: @BoberryMilkshak Bro. Having YouTuber alters is super fucking common when it comes to modern introjects and it’s no… - 3 years ago

@Gnxmes_: RT @87spud: for my favourite youtuber thank you for everything #technofanart #technoblade - 3 years ago

@kuk1sh1nobu: RT @JakeSucky: YouTuber ItsOwen had his account terminated following a video clickbaiting the death of Technoblade... - 3 years ago

@MachFiveFalcon: RT @JakeSucky: YouTuber ItsOwen had his account terminated following a video clickbaiting the death of Technoblade... - 3 years ago

@kincirdotcom: Technoblade adalah salah satu youtuber Minecraft terkenal karena kehebatannya. Pada tanggal 1 Juli 2022 ayah dari T… - 3 years ago


@dantoss9797: RT @JakeSucky: YouTuber ItsOwen had his account terminated following a video clickbaiting the death of Technoblade... - 3 years ago

@imisswilbur_: RT @Omarmutwt: I rarely make posts like this but I'm honestly so fucking disgusted and done with this commentary YouTuber, they made over 2… - 3 years ago

@TdRsuisprsl2Ydv: RT @HAGnews2: " If you leave your game, stay safe, stay alert, what ever you do, DON'T DIE, because if you die outside your own, you don't… - 3 years ago

@Kaitlynlikefrog: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@TheDemon57: After a long time this thing has always sat at the back of my mind, the idea is that I will attempt to become a min… - 3 years ago

@Dismal_Mirage: RT @JakeSucky: YouTuber ItsOwen had his account terminated following a video clickbaiting the death of Technoblade... - 3 years ago

@matej_vitanovic: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Mbtom3: RT @JakeSucky: YouTuber ItsOwen had his account terminated following a video clickbaiting the death of Technoblade... - 3 years ago

@RedVaporeon: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@NicolaiRahall: rest in peace technoblade he was such a grade YouTuber we truly lost a legend. and fuck cancer - 3 years ago

@BlendPlaysCod: RT @JakeSucky: YouTuber ItsOwen had his account terminated following a video clickbaiting the death of Technoblade... - 3 years ago

@AlmaralesPupo: RT @Heremeteor: Ayer 30 de junio murió alguien muy querido en la comunidad de miencraft y en inglés technoblade. Lastimosamente este youtub… - 3 years ago

@Ms10HarryHarold: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Backstorymom1: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@Mang0NotFromUS: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Flower0601iris: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@liamisak_: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@SaikoOba: RT @Eurogamer_es: Mojang añade un homenaje al YouTuber Technoblade en Minecraft - 3 years ago

@hachikin0807: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@LibreJC: RT @Eurogamer_es: Mojang añade un homenaje al YouTuber Technoblade en Minecraft - 3 years ago

@TXiangli: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@Eurogamer_es: Mojang añade un homenaje al YouTuber Technoblade en Minecraft - 3 years ago

@KunKunihide: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@zohalu: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@NickBrown778: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@JamesAlciso: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@jbjktf: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@lettucepokemon: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@NichuLive: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@GaYsonOwO: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@shiroi_suna_2: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@umiharu56: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@petrblats: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@jKKYMJnc60wAqOK: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@totalgaming: Minecraft adds tribute to YouTuber Technoblade - 3 years ago

@seitentaisei_tw: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@periiiwinkIe: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@Shoofiyah051: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@nakainoryoko: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@makikombu1: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@yuji_kko: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@chikudainet: RT @IGNJapan: 『Minecraft』の動画で有名なYouTuberのTechnobladeが23歳で死去 - 3 years ago

@GoraiRupayan: R.I.P technoblade "technoblade never dies" has a new meaning to it now I better see him in god's throne when I die.… - 3 years ago

@CMeyers07: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@TheGhostofthe: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@Abby88066084: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Azuazu_07q: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@andreeelmao: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@musashi3715: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@SnowyChan16: RT @KerriSackville: A young man died and twelve million young people grieved. My piece about loss and the internet. #technoblade - 3 years ago

@TheLitt98242057: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@yukiusa310: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@kaikaikiki96: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@la5ie: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@taka_pub: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@BaiwolfTheGamer: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Tenzilat1: RT @ABDPOSTCOM: ABD'li YouTuber 22 Yaşında Kanserden Öldü Çektiği Minecraft videolarıyla milyonlara ulaşan YouTuber Technoblade 22 yaşında… - 3 years ago

@494949miske: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@kjhuhijijasnsnm: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@maxsxm_: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@jamieandream_: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@funassypraycat: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@jayrodriguez68: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@yoyoshidashio: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@HReddit2: RT @latestly: RIP Technoblade! Condolences and Grieving Messages Pour In To Pay Tribute to the Minecraft YouTuber and Content Creator Who P… - 3 years ago

@tenkiyonko: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@CMan17944502: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@LiterallyDan_: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@owlflights52: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@batata_jota: @revan88647 @NathanSete_ Não mano é uma homenagem a um YouTuber chamado technoblade que faleceu vítima de cancer a… - 3 years ago

@BoatsfortheW: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@chiii0921: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@batata_jota: @Pinguim_Carioca @NathanSete_ Technoblade um YouTuber bem grande lá fora ele faleceu vítima de um câncer a uns dias… - 3 years ago

@MAHALOHA13: RT @jhmdrei: 23歳、人気Youtuber。 接種部位の「癌」で死亡。 . テクノブレードの相性で親しまれたアレクサンダーさんは、昨年7月に上腕の痛みを訴え「検査したら癌だった」と告白していた。ワク推奨派で、追加接種も行っていたようだ。腕切断の危機は乗り越えたが、1… - 3 years ago

@NeodiyCom: RT @IGN: Following the passing of famous Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Mojang has updated the launcher to the game to pay tribute to him… - 3 years ago

@Literalnigerian: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@TheInvisibleALT: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Panda98932047: RT @Tio_Gin: Ok, só 1 youtuber da comunidade fez vídeo sobre o Technoblade, acho que as coisas estão indo no rumo certo. Muito bom ver que… - 3 years ago

@steenbok1995: Technoblade, a popular Minecraft YouTuber, dies from cancer age 23 — shares final video - 3 years ago

@archcontext: Technoblade had a personal relationship with his followers, - more than 12m of them. He chatted directly for hours… - 3 years ago

@CameronRombough: Rest in peace technoblade you will be missed. Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade passes away from cancer - 3 years ago

@WovenPlayz: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@dragoncowley12: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@Alex51607505: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Alex51607505: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@GamersIntellig1: Minecraft YouTuber Skeppy posts a heartfelt tribute to Technoblade - 3 years ago

@nanaandnono: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Justin36498386: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Prideful9: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@knockdown1551: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@Honeybe66242691: RT @hypermekhhaha: #riptechnoblade Technoblade never dies We will miss him He is more than a youtuber All of his fans out there They just… - 3 years ago

@AndersonMlle: RT @minecraft_fra: Une pensée pour le youtuber Technoblade qui nous a quitté bien trop tôt.. Il était un pilier de la communauté Minecraft… - 3 years ago

@Lyr744: RT @Heremeteor: Ayer 30 de junio murió alguien muy querido en la comunidad de miencraft y en inglés technoblade. Lastimosamente este youtub… - 3 years ago

@ellpaHD: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Lycanex_: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@EvelyneB77: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@krewxjay: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@zarzosoo: @mortymartinez_ YouTuber gringo de Minecraft historico 10 millones de suscriptores murio el viernes por cáncer y en… - 3 years ago

@boburnhamluvr: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@Skelekinz: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@livewire11211: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@JedoJellyo: @Doodle_Zach @piiikaJ I haven't seen the video nor do I agree with any of their actions, but.. I think the title is… - 3 years ago

@Kalugatin: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@withcrs_: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@pel_pool_art: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@GabbyV626: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@gplayz_om: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@froggy_boi22: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@jeimax___: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@BromitaLa: RT @PonchoMunoz: Muere #Technoblade 🕹️a los 23 años y deja un conmovedor video 📹póstumo ..."Hasta luego, nerds" dijo el youtuber del videoj… - 3 years ago

@Mario_Gamer2: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@ItzEmojiYT: @Technothepig "Technoblade has been my favourite youtuber at 2021, it was amazing, his videos are amazing. He will… - 3 years ago

@OttPilbas: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Blancey33: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@OttPilbas: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@Art3nizy: RT @GamingLabBR: Technoblade, popular youtuber de Minecraft, morre aos 23 anos O criador de conteúdo recebeu diagnóstico de câncer em agos… - 3 years ago

@kGvenitocamela: RT @DalasReview: Me siento muy triste por lo ocurrido con Technoblade. Tan joven, tan exitoso, tan bueno, y se fue por culpa del cáncer. Er… - 3 years ago

@Conrad21880839: Just let us meme his death like this only actually funny youtuber in the dream SMP would've wanted us to. "Man sai… - 3 years ago

@UmReflexivo: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@inktomi544: Father of Technoblade, YouTube Minecraft Star, Says His Son Has Died - 3 years ago

@licspeach: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@snugglessz: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@3SGE300: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@JoaoVic29780856: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@abutaleb_b: R.I.P YouTuber Technoblade 😭😭😭 we are missing - 3 years ago

@VintLycon: RT @ZanderArtist: Everyone deals with death differently. I honestly didn't expect a YouTuber's death would get me this upset since I didn't… - 3 years ago

@DrameyYT: @_Witheredd_ @FNAFLover684 @ranboosasystuff Bro what??? I loved Technoblade definitely a top 10 Minecraft YouTuber… - 3 years ago

@CallonNWPod: RT @KerriSackville: A young man died and twelve million young people grieved. My piece about loss and the internet. #technoblade - 3 years ago

@ChevalierMoniqu: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@River_Rat29: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@penightmare_: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@jukka947843884: rest in peace technoblade you were an idol of mine and now you are in heaven you had you made cool content 🫡🥺😪 whe… - 3 years ago

@Alpha102948: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@puppylove2492: RT @JYISCOOL12: Technoblade was my comfort youtuber, so I wanted to draw something in memory of him. 🥲 I miss Technoblade. - 3 years ago

@jacksylander: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@RYOgen14: 先日に海外のマイクラyoutuberのTechnobladeさんが亡くなったんだけど、それに合わせてマイクラのluncherの豚がtechnobladeに変わってるのめっちゃ感動した。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 3 years ago

@oSlashh34: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@yxmenokiwi: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@Emmalikesapples: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@setosolace101: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@KimberlyDawnRu1: Open SmartNews and read "Youtuber Technoblade, 23, Announces Death in Final Message to Fans" here:… - 3 years ago

@ProjectS31415_1: RT @IGNJapan: 『Minecraft』の動画で有名なYouTuberのTechnobladeが23歳で死去 - 3 years ago

@CasseJ2: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@KerriSackville: A young man died and twelve million young people grieved. My piece about loss and the internet. #technoblade - 3 years ago

@dumass_random: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@FalconasArt: Technoblade died yesterday. Did chock me a bit. Feel a lot more sad than I would be expecting to be over a YouTuber… - 3 years ago

@Taxuewuhen0506: RT @HAGnews2: " If you leave your game, stay safe, stay alert, what ever you do, DON'T DIE, because if you die outside your own, you don't… - 3 years ago

@Heather04329340: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@_MrB_21_: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@Sweebbean: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@kimdoshanks: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@_carried_: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@gu9zan1: RT @HAGnews2: " If you leave your game, stay safe, stay alert, what ever you do, DON'T DIE, because if you die outside your own, you don't… - 3 years ago

@unapedra: RT @324cat: Les #324mésvistes 1⃣ "A reveure, nerds", el missatge pòstum del youtuber Technoblade, mort als 23 anys - 3 years ago

@XKashikoma: RT @Mlnecraftgaming: RT if Technoblade is the #1 Minecraft youtuber. #Legend #Iconic - 3 years ago

@Shazzta_: RT @DalasReview: Me siento muy triste por lo ocurrido con Technoblade. Tan joven, tan exitoso, tan bueno, y se fue por culpa del cáncer. Er… - 3 years ago

@Gunsufy: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@Biduzinho9: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@RedMushroomsss: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Autin37341791: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@choir_child_06: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@goodluck_erin: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Yndra1337: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@any_janne: RT @camruna: #WILBUR: maybe when one of you is a big streamer or a big youtuber and someone asks who was your inspiration you can say it wa… - 3 years ago

@Wilitou1: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@VibeKathy: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Thesebax845: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@Graceful_Astro: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Sunday_Waffles: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@Alex60294777: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Slim72081: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@incoherentlyodd: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Zorxay: RT @craftminePortal: Agora é possível encontrar uma coroa no porco da imagem do Minecraft Launcher para homenagear o YouTuber Technoblade🕊️… - 3 years ago

@Shapeshiftress1: That his death is even covered in German news outlets shows what a huge influence he had on a generation of gamers.… - 3 years ago

@BananaMan1975og: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@accident: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Dead from Stage 4 Cancer at 23... Right shoulder began to swell... Tumor caused swel… - 3 years ago

@alpexmate: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@HastuInFandom: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@BluHeartArt: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@thalya190: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@some_dude22: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@mlacayos: RT @Telenoticias7: El popular jugador, que fue diagnosticado de cáncer, se despidió diciendo "hasta luego, 'nerds". - 3 years ago

@artihalo: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Mrpotat36448248: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Sipsipchile: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@NewsroomSix: Technoblade dead: Minecraft YouTuber says bye in 'so long nerds' video via @NewsroomSix #Tech #TechNews #Trending - 3 years ago

@RainyClouds118: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@stxrbxby_: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@SirStickmanII: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@UserTimedOut: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@_sunshinedrmnap: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@xxybnxx4: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@olivia_ivany: RT @CBSNews: The popular Minecraft YouTuber known as Technoblade has died after a battle with stage four cancer, his family announced. http… - 3 years ago

@NubbyNub6: RT @bird_brains_art: Having abolished all governments of men, I have ascended to heaven to take on the Kingdom of God. -Technoblade My fav… - 3 years ago

@BQuinja: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Telenoticias7: El popular jugador, que fue diagnosticado de cáncer, se despidió diciendo "hasta luego, 'nerds". - 3 years ago

@gnfsblulemonade: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@GirlByeLMFAO: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@adhav_txt: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@Dylstyne: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@yodh200: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Xenometer: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@kadieverse: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Sumonakasc: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@prettypunzo: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@10HarryHarold: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@ZarpF: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@CoolMan40578434: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Meomikii: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@EveFan18: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@lovesick_touya: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@DerekAsier: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@Thisisacooluse5: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@shlovia: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Maximum_Khaos: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@OctoPug419: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Sun_Raymond_: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@rtwasinnocent: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@emely86611662: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@VarinRaymonde: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@Of_Dakergogo: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@aishqqx: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@ETNOWlive: #ElonMusk back on Twitter; pays tribute to YouTuber Technoblade, shares picture with the Pope @elonmusk #twitter… - 3 years ago

@Goten_india: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@fleqxyz: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@FLouriens: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@leblancanne4: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@billy_and_dave: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Andreasmancell: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@rebelrousing1: When was the last time you saw this many young people, in the public eye, die from cancer related disease? Answer… - 3 years ago

@CreeperGoBoom_: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Cinmint1: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Amyystaken: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@lovedbygnf: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@CailMichele: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@ShadowdNight1: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@bass_chimera: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Liamdenisjohnw4: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@imrandomstuff: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Chloe66948706: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Hyper_eaq: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@ItsWolfieDude: I know I'm two days late on this but may you rest in peace Technoblade. You were an amazing YouTuber and an amazing… - 3 years ago

@iingrid____: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Wattlets: @NoLimitzAidan @FallGuysGame Why? Technoblade was a Minecraft YouTuber, I doubt they'd add a piggy skin in just for… - 3 years ago

@HydraGaming8197: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@Guardar77474259: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@nadkies: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@exe_liv: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@WilliamKalso: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Wenho10: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Yeshuavolgeling: Kijk 'YouTuber Technoblade Dead at 23 - Why Has God Allowed This?' op YouTube - 3 years ago

@Softstarlightx: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@marzzz04883557: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@hayhay4k: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@sorazlvr: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Coleisgae: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@AkilaWeersinghe: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@SmalMicha: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@d1ryy: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Cptnhedgehack: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@boofwastaken: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Lucy58856387: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@NathanSpiffy: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@hugz4moth: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Shmuggyy: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Fischl_Ft_Oz: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Carlosgaming121: Yo Rest in peace Technoblade you were a great YouTuber that makes people happy and always make videos to cheer them… - 3 years ago

@Kreweon: RT @folha: Celebridades: Quem era Technoblade, YouTuber do Minecraft morto de câncer aos 23 anos - 3 years ago

@LeaffyCClover2: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@MahitraS: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@phantom0blue: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@MComingToAngst: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@infightop: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@pickels61010764: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Klutzy_Nr1: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Insomnicrypt: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@NihalGoplani: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@wilbrz: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@PotRadiator: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@arendomg: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@kayllea1: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Leaden39455473: RT @bird_brains_art: Having abolished all governments of men, I have ascended to heaven to take on the Kingdom of God. -Technoblade My fav… - 3 years ago

@ell3nx1: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@aluetteofficial: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@SrNghtm4r3: Una cosa nunca tuve el honor de ver algún video suyo pero estoy seguro que era una gran persona y YouTuber Lamenta… - 3 years ago

@shadowangel119: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@cnthus: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@RaikoShin1: RT @CBSNews: The popular Minecraft YouTuber known as Technoblade has died after a battle with stage four cancer, his family announced. http… - 3 years ago

@henning_sander: - 3 years ago

@LaureBalestrini: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@cookie50967848: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@frogpats: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@bigladmadow: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@Anormal__person: RT @Alexa_eddsworld: Gracias technoblade por tantos momentos felices me alegraste siempre no importaba que ubiera pasado.... Hoy me levant… - 3 years ago

@fallenn_nix: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@LoonFooby: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@HiddenPenguin_: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@Hologammer: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@FayezGamer20: #Minecraft #Roblox I am really sorry from my heart after hearing that The Minecraft youtuber Technoblade has died.… - 3 years ago

@chris69532880: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@MrNachoooooo: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@cuppuccinokris: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@coxkhelps: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@HoffFondue: RT @Zanfa: F Alex, o Technoblade, YouTuber de Minecraft que nos deixou após uma brava batalha contra o câncer - 3 years ago

@ChristinaJo5: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@unrivalninja: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@CharoyPol: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@melodetine: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@anthony_deron: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@ADanBalance: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@rula_de: Technoblade: Ο YouTuber του Minecraft πέθανε από καρκίνο σε ηλικία 23 ετών - 3 years ago

@l1qu1d1sed: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@klikwebtv: Technoblade: Ο YouTuber του Minecraft πέθανε από καρκίνο σε ηλικία 23 ετών - 3 years ago

@NeoScienceGuy: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@DreeammWasTaken: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@myrickhill02: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@Jinx_denki: FUCK CANCER BRO, We lost another legend. Technoblade fly high buddy fly high. Technoblade wasn't just my favorite Y… - 3 years ago

@Slaughter1312: RT @GustaLabral: "Ai é só um youtuber de minecraft" O Technoblade ele apareceu em um momento crucial na minha vida estava com pensamentos r… - 3 years ago

@noenamie: RT @fedupmom12: My son is very upset about a Youtuber named technoblade who just died. He was 23. He developed a sarcoma at the end of July… - 3 years ago

@Tapanur: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@ily__ghost: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@LikeSempai: RT @Litoo_13: Levantarse a las 5 am y enterarse que un youtuber inglés de Minecraft que veias murió de cancer a los 23 años, te arruina el… - 3 years ago

@Thenotsosneaky1: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@SomeLimeRind: RT @YakkoGuy: Rest in peace Technoblade. I may not have known you on YouTube when you were making videos but may God bless you in heaven. M… - 3 years ago

@nzclover: My boy is absolutely distraught at this news. His most favourite YouTuber ever. RIP. - 3 years ago

@JennaBravo_: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@imtherealmorbid: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@MFenNormandie: RT @BCeaugrouh: 1⃣Mort d'un humoriste canadien 32 ans ds son sommeil (cause du décès inconnue).Mort du youtuber Technoblade 23 ans d'un can… - 3 years ago

@yourmomsadrunk: RT @BBCWorld: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@LJBethea47: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@RLiam123: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@TheGxdlyPhxenix: RT @emmstsryu: rest in peace technoblade. he was my favorite youtuber as a kid. he made such a positive impact on my life and so many other… - 3 years ago

@BStarky77: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@stem_nastics: Technoblade dead: Minecraft YouTuber says bye in 'so long nerds' video - 3 years ago

@harry10822: RT @BBCWorld: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@caskey_teddy: @MoistCr1TiKaL Yea technoblade is a great YouTuber and inspired a lot of use including me RIP the Blade - 3 years ago

@MzMarpeck: RT @tiltify: Thank you for everything, @Technothepig The Tiltify Team sends their love to his community, friends, and family. CNN articl… - 3 years ago

@MandosGamingWay: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@HelzSkinny: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Dead from Stage 4 Cancer at 23... Right shoulder began to swell... Tumor caused swel… - 3 years ago

@SShibon: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@SShNae: RT @Zanfa: F Alex, o Technoblade, YouTuber de Minecraft que nos deixou após uma brava batalha contra o câncer - 3 years ago

@elitherealist1: RT @TeknoBlast: MINECRAFT YOUTUBER LEGEND, TECHNOBLADE, PASSES AT 23 | - 3 years ago

@choisitaa: RT @DalasReview: Me siento muy triste por lo ocurrido con Technoblade. Tan joven, tan exitoso, tan bueno, y se fue por culpa del cáncer. Er… - 3 years ago

@malaka87179181: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@lycan_kay: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Talkzinho: RT @Zanfa: F Alex, o Technoblade, YouTuber de Minecraft que nos deixou após uma brava batalha contra o câncer - 3 years ago

@Santiag34569967: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@UlloaChristian8: RT @DalasReview: Me siento muy triste por lo ocurrido con Technoblade. Tan joven, tan exitoso, tan bueno, y se fue por culpa del cáncer. Er… - 3 years ago

@levantate_e: Me resultó difícil consolar a mi teen daughter por la muerte de Technoblade. No sabía cuán importante era este yout… - 3 years ago

@UlloaChristian8: RT @El_Universal_Mx: "Hasta luego, nerds" así se despide Technoblade, quien era un conocido youtuber del juego Minecraft 😪 - 3 years ago

@JosHenr13361484: RT @Zanfa: F Alex, o Technoblade, YouTuber de Minecraft que nos deixou após uma brava batalha contra o câncer - 3 years ago

@LittlejoeR: RIP to a well fellow YouTuber who died from cancer Speech: Rip technoblade, he will always remain in (others if yo… - 3 years ago

@ItssArlo: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@UlloaChristian8: RT @RobertGayol: Murió Technoblade (23) conocido youtuber del videojuego Minecraft. Saltó a la fama en vivo con sus clips. Le habían diagno… - 3 years ago

@CMEharp: My kids are crying. So sad. - 3 years ago

@FMMicah: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@TepidTrash: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@AceitoMontana1: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@ABeii_sa: RT @Litoo_13: Levantarse a las 5 am y enterarse que un youtuber inglés de Minecraft que veias murió de cancer a los 23 años, te arruina el… - 3 years ago

@jjwolfeman: YouTuber Technoblade Dead at 23 - Why Has God Allowed This? - 3 years ago

@may_the_softie: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@___aiden____: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@ANG3ELSUCKS: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@imanol_ultimate: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@Atomix______: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@joeku92: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@ElizaLloser: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@mari_3310: bros i didn't think i would cry over a youtuber but i remember watching technoblade way back in the day and when i… - 3 years ago

@williaz181: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@NepoSolis: Recientemente me he enterado del fallecimiento de uno de los youtubers de Minecraft que fueron mi infancia. TechnoB… - 3 years ago

@yin954: RT @YunBP2020: FUCK CANCER Quise hacer un dibujo para despedir a este youtuber que nos dejo heridos a muchísimos con su despedida.. Pero a… - 3 years ago

@xxdiamondwolfix: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@PrimeRicci: RT @IGN: Beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. He was 23. - 3 years ago

@Lena_cool55: RT @archivesTECHNO: RT if Technoblade is a top 5 minecraft youtuber. - 3 years ago

@Wandiwooo: Rest in peace Technoblade. You were honestly the only mc youtuber I still watched, sad to see you go. I wish I had… - 3 years ago

@BryanShaneBeck: RT @IGN: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. The 23 year old, whose name is Alex, had more t… - 3 years ago

@ps_arlove: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@foggybottomgal: Technoblade's death saddens fans of the popular Minecraft YouTuber - 3 years ago

@shanedank420: RT @IGN: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. The 23 year old, whose name is Alex, had more t… - 3 years ago

@ElaineH97008899: YouTuber Technoblade Dead at 23 - Why Has God Allowed This? - 3 years ago

@Admo200Do: RT @IGN: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. The 23 year old, whose name is Alex, had more t… - 3 years ago

@Puppens101: RT @maybecryptkeepr: I've seen a lot of bad articles about Techno rushed out by various news agencies today. I think the NYTimes one was a… - 3 years ago

@KeifyWym: RT @IGN: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. The 23 year old, whose name is Alex, had more t… - 3 years ago

@willdband: RT @IGN: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. The 23 year old, whose name is Alex, had more t… - 3 years ago

@chibi_banane: RT @nytimes: Technoblade, a YouTuber who built a following of millions with videos of himself playing Minecraft, has died, his father annou… - 3 years ago

@Thalia17545115: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@elovallee_: RT @Litoo_13: Levantarse a las 5 am y enterarse que un youtuber inglés de Minecraft que veias murió de cancer a los 23 años, te arruina el… - 3 years ago

@Darkn1c0: RT @DalasReview: Me siento muy triste por lo ocurrido con Technoblade. Tan joven, tan exitoso, tan bueno, y se fue por culpa del cáncer. Er… - 3 years ago

@GogoJonnie: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Dead from Stage 4 Cancer at 23... Right shoulder began to swell... Tumor caused swel… - 3 years ago

@rclBrooklyn: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@IceColdWaffle: RT @SoldierKitten_: Technoblade will always be my favorite youtuber. I wish his family the best Rest In Peace Technoblade - 3 years ago

@Eggyboi2134: rip technoblade he was my first minecraft youtuber to watch and he is such a awesome guy - 3 years ago

@SeriousSpidey: RT @IGN: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died following a battle with stage four cancer. The 23 year old, whose name is Alex, had more t… - 3 years ago

@KWilsonMG: RT @nichcarlson: The gaming community is 'devastated' and 'heartbroken' after a YouTuber's dad shared his final message to fans written hou… - 3 years ago

@_130LBS_: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@CarbonGalaxies: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@DoctoraStaxx: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@EyeZehUhh: RT @Kotaku: Tributes pour in for beloved Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade: - 3 years ago

@leslieanahyy: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@xalfeed: NPR: Fans are saddened over the death of Technoblade, a popular Minecraft YouTuber - 3 years ago

@pikapabu: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@NeijashakuMoon: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@b1jin_: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@bobarach: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@ThatPahlu: RT @Litoo_13: Levantarse a las 5 am y enterarse que un youtuber inglés de Minecraft que veias murió de cancer a los 23 años, te arruina el… - 3 years ago

@Gizmo0oMC: Technoblade was my favorite YouTuber and I remember watching him even years ago, and now seeing him go so soon is j… - 3 years ago

@kxliyh: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Karima130X: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@ianhoughs: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@Cloud_XDLOl: RT @Litoo_13: Levantarse a las 5 am y enterarse que un youtuber inglés de Minecraft que veias murió de cancer a los 23 años, te arruina el… - 3 years ago

@RodXz_z: RT @DalasReview: Me siento muy triste por lo ocurrido con Technoblade. Tan joven, tan exitoso, tan bueno, y se fue por culpa del cáncer. Er… - 3 years ago

@GoldGotGhosted: Every blade dulls and wears, eventually to be out into its sheath for eternal rest, to never be pulled back out. T… - 3 years ago

@livvlvjy: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@NL_Chiken: He inspired me to start streaming as he did with many others.This is one of the first times a youtuber that I enjoy… - 3 years ago

@Graatom: Cuando me fui a despedir de mi hermana para dormir me la encontre llorando, le pregunte porque, me dijo que technob… - 3 years ago

@fishin_door: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@Bernarnoob: o7 - 3 years ago

@PiggyrpgamesC: RIP technoblade he was an amazing youtuber of the Minecraft community...And I hope he rests Well. #TechnobladeRIP #Cancer - 3 years ago

@BuffGarfungus: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@Globalinfo_247: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade died at the age of 23 after a battle with cancer. The Minecraft community is quite… - 3 years ago

@periichiee: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@CintoraManuel: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@WinterVampire19: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@MyBunnyIs_Honey: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@blueberriesrpog: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@QueenieEsther6: RT @BBCWorld: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@QueenieEsther6: RT @BBCWorld: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@g01272009: RT @SplatZ032: it's terrible to hear that we lost technoblade today. he was a great youtuber and an even greater person. may he rest in pea… - 3 years ago

@tkimp14: RT @TJsjinxycat_YT: Even though I really only knew Technoblade for a short time, he was a great youtuber to me. I loved just watching him p… - 3 years ago

@loren6006: RT @getfandomgaming: 'Minecraft' YouTuber & creator Technoblade has died at 23 after a battle with cancer - 3 years ago

@Kakyoin_is_gay: RT @tvn24: Przed śmiercią napisał przeznaczoną dla widzów wiadomość, którą w wideo opublikowanym w piątek odczytał jego ojciec. - 3 years ago

@elcrafterosito: R.I.P Technoblade El es la mejor persona, es un YouTuber inglés creo, pero es YouTuber. Siempre serás el mejor, y… - 3 years ago

@thepropork: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@tamimaru262: RT @BBCWorld: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@JohnMcReady_: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@maisierose06: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@_Skedaddleee_: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@Gabriel54612247: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Wydeeer2: RT @BBCWorld: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@Pegasus288E: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@X508eHv0oMtNxoy: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@wolfgamerworlds: Welp i herd that technoblade passed again i dont watch him but i do support him on his fight to cancer well i know… - 3 years ago

@LupusEternia: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@Josesando1515: RT @Litoo_13: Levantarse a las 5 am y enterarse que un youtuber inglés de Minecraft que veias murió de cancer a los 23 años, te arruina el… - 3 years ago

@ArkosAbaddon: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@ThomFGrogan: RT @BBCWorld: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@Shreshth0208: RT @getfandomgaming: 'Minecraft' YouTuber & creator Technoblade has died at 23 after a battle with cancer - 3 years ago

@Icebear85452370: #technobladeneverdies June 30 is when techno died and my birthday is june 29 Man i really hate it that when your bi… - 3 years ago

@FriedOrMashed1: Technoblade was such a good person, a good Minecraft YouTuber , sad that he passed away R.I.P Technoblade you will… - 3 years ago

@nerdymacncheese: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@KIMMG0: RT @DalasReview: Me siento muy triste por lo ocurrido con Technoblade. Tan joven, tan exitoso, tan bueno, y se fue por culpa del cáncer. Er… - 3 years ago

@ElleIssay: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@GhostZ_PlayZ: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@Gabriel54612247: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@swiishy_: RT @johngreen: So, so sad to hear about the death of technoblade, a talented and hilarious 23-year-old youtuber I often watched with my son… - 3 years ago

@justinflow1337: Das ist die Traurigste Nachricht gewesen als ich aufgewacht bin dass Mein Lieblings Minecraft Youtuber Technoblade… - 3 years ago

@JoseFold_888: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@ingame: Minecraft-Youtuber "Technoblade" stirbt mit 23 Jahren an Krebs 💔 #technoblade - 3 years ago

@Geno_BD: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@AngelKarimKamit: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@AndreasLopez17: RT @minecraft_fra: Une pensée pour le youtuber Technoblade qui nous a quitté bien trop tôt.. Il était un pilier de la communauté Minecraft… - 3 years ago

@kylian_bonnefoy: RT @minecraft_fra: Une pensée pour le youtuber Technoblade qui nous a quitté bien trop tôt.. Il était un pilier de la communauté Minecraft… - 3 years ago

@xAndrewCFC: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@XanyLeaves: Rest in peace Technoblade. I didn't start playing Minecraft until the beginning of 2017, and he was the first Minec… - 3 years ago

@overthinkingbry: RT @Sarcoma_UK: We are saddened to learn that Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade @Technothepig has died. His diagnosis came too late - a sad r… - 3 years ago

@crucial_news: Popular Youtuber Technoblade, Alex dies due to stage 4 cancer Read more: #RIP… - 3 years ago

@Cardbets: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Dead from Stage 4 Cancer at 23... Right shoulder began to swell... Tumor caused swel… - 3 years ago

@CourcyHAHA: @yngthai The minecraft youtuber Technoblade passed away from cancer today - 3 years ago

@Ely_Senpa1: RIP technoblade you will forever be my favourite and the best YouTuber to me😢 - 3 years ago

@RyokoShadow: Bro…found out my favorite YouTuber technoblade is dead…I know I said I be on a full hiatus after today. But imma ma… - 3 years ago

@acosta1808: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@Lywliety: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@ivytan7: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@XGTFIRE_7882: @theawesamdude Why twitter this night seem to be sad? Yeah cause its lost our biggest and legendary PVP minecraft p… - 3 years ago

@AnonymouslyGra2: Hello everyone so today I was in a server dedicated to paying respects for the fallen youtuber Technoblade and have… - 3 years ago

@robwastakenbb: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@salazarsantia12: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@Ems08200320: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@VixTheRat: RT @dxzysLIVE: I’ll never forget the moment I took a screenshot with you as a fan, the excitement I had finding a YouTuber I admired in a r… - 3 years ago

@neet_ryu: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Rishy64601887: Technoblade died,my favorite ever YouTuber,he was the reason I first ever played Minecraft.#riptechnoblade The tr… - 3 years ago

@Ems08200320: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@AmongUsUser12: RT @BBCNews: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@Aneckorss: RT @earlygamegg: Rest In Peace - #Minecraft YouTuber #Technoblade passes away from cancer.. 😢 - 3 years ago

@gummy7brains: RT @Azul_Yellow: No if your going to fucking insult technoblade and try to cancel him on his fucking day of death. U deserve nothing. Get o… - 3 years ago

@reuben_vel: RT @BBCNews: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@Capouhccino: RT @minecraft_fra: Une pensée pour le youtuber Technoblade qui nous a quitté bien trop tôt.. Il était un pilier de la communauté Minecraft… - 3 years ago

@BbyLevvv: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@easternconor: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@A3tic1: @Lazarbeam Lazar I saw a youtuber saying R.I.P to Technoblade and I ignored it i thought what the f*ck is this and… - 3 years ago

@bored_718: RT @BBCNews: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@xXLucasMCPROXx: RT @craftminePortal: Recebemos a notícia que o YouTuber de Minecraft Technoblade (@Technothepig) infelizmente veio a falecer por complicaçõ… - 3 years ago

@KoolKidKad3: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@Rkerlo1: RT @minecraft_fra: Une pensée pour le youtuber Technoblade qui nous a quitté bien trop tôt.. Il était un pilier de la communauté Minecraft… - 3 years ago

@Animestar5: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@P_Peple: Goodbye Technoblade 😥 #technoblade @Technothepig #techno #Texas #Cancer #Technothepig… - 3 years ago

@SGalhei: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@hellofaread: Dream posts tribute to Technoblade after Minecraft YouTuber’s tragic cancer death 💤 ⚱ #gamingyoutuber #theage - 3 years ago

@sayangsilverash: RT @chocochippys: Dear Alex, or known as Technoblade. Thank you, thank you for everything that you've done to the community. You might be… - 3 years ago

@ida_05_: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Milou_972: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@CosmicalKnight: R.I.P Technoblade 🪦 1999-2022 You are an awesome Minecraft YouTuber. we will miss you Alexander… :( @Technothepig - 3 years ago

@clownerycentral: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@rugbyjames: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@useableplum: i have now only just heard of my personal favourite youtuber and inspiration of almost my entire social life passed… - 3 years ago

@love_laogong: RT @deadfearr: I’ve known Technoblade ever since 2014, watched + supported him all the way up to where he was now. He was my favorite youtu… - 3 years ago

@NAH7714: RT @BeaconCream: Technoblade... Dia inspirasiku utk style jokes youtubeku, style commentary youtubeku, dan dia adalah salah satu youtuber m… - 3 years ago

@verycoolman2323: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@mintnetherite: RT @renttrew: полтора года назад я очень долго думала какую же фразу использовать в альбоме посчитала что это моментное действие и потом я… - 3 years ago

@chocochippys: Dear Alex, or known as Technoblade. Thank you, thank you for everything that you've done to the community. You mig… - 3 years ago

@oneartistlad: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@xlila_has_funx: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@dbb_brown_: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@TheSunGaming: Dream posts Technoblade tribute after Minecraft YouTuber's tragic cancer death - 3 years ago

@laviilmari: I started watching technoblade in early 2019 so I am in no way an OG viewer of his. Still he managed to be my most… - 3 years ago

@imToastosterone: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Kenzi3l_l: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@pan_nonbinary1: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@theboisYTOFC: @YRoyalruby Technoblade was a Minecraft YouTuber. Last year he was diagnosed with cancer, at around 9 o’clock he passed. - 3 years ago

@GuyWhoSaysBread: Today has been a time where a legend has fallen Technoblade was such a good YouTuber His death made me shed tears I… - 3 years ago

@hulyauun: mark have you heard the news technoblade died your favorite youtuber back then died - 3 years ago

@luv_beagle: RT @VyseDomo: I only watched 2 technoblade videos ever and thought he was the funniest minecraft youtuber out there. I stopped watching be… - 3 years ago

@Jasonrobo1000: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Zer06423276: RT @AkitaZFPS: Nem sei o que dizer, o Technoblade foi o melhor youtuber de minecraft que já assisti, vejo seus vídeos a muito tempo, aprend… - 3 years ago

@EnderMelekk: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Andrei62456831: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@AldoRz19: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@ignVxvid: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Red_emption_Arc: RT @deadfearr: I’ve known Technoblade ever since 2014, watched + supported him all the way up to where he was now. He was my favorite youtu… - 3 years ago

@Pompk1n: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@leafypage1: Technoblade: Minecraft YouTuber dies from cancer aged 23 - 3 years ago

@KronusIsMe: RT @DashDashArts: Profile Picture For July 2022 in Discord Avatar TechnoDash Never Dies! ❤ Goodbye Technoblade. You are my favorite Youtu… - 3 years ago

@LifeIsOblivious: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Helviti_: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@SolnechnoeChmo: RT @renttrew: полтора года назад я очень долго думала какую же фразу использовать в альбоме посчитала что это моментное действие и потом я… - 3 years ago

@awkwardm0ss: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Posi_Don: RT @deadfearr: I’ve known Technoblade ever since 2014, watched + supported him all the way up to where he was now. He was my favorite youtu… - 3 years ago

@LuisMar42518886: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@MLCCS: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@_lucydraws04_: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@KonaKoala: R.I.P Technoblade you were one of if not the best minecraft youtuber out there you did so much for so many people… - 3 years ago

@AvaE_nPesTy: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago


@Im_souplol: RT @deadfearr: I’ve known Technoblade ever since 2014, watched + supported him all the way up to where he was now. He was my favorite youtu… - 3 years ago

@m0odypers0n: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@DrMelonblox: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@AndrewIsQueer: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@BishopGoth: I can't believe Technoblade is gone.. I'm not a super fan or anything, but it still hits me. It's hard to believe😢… - 3 years ago

@Angel28399865: I’m gonna miss Technoblade, he was my favorite Minecraft YouTuber and I even rooted for him in the 100k tournament.… - 3 years ago

@itsfaunainnit: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@RoarRyanator: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@iLUVH4E: @JENKAIRIM technoblade era un youtuber/streamer y tenia cancer y no ha podido superarlo - 3 years ago

@AkasukiF: RT @AnthemOverload: While minecraft youtube stuffs been pretty damn stale, Technoblade was the only recent youtuber that I would insist wat… - 3 years ago

@hscattp: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@iamthatoneeli: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@6993Ketchup: @Brainle18983605 Technoblade? Pig minecraft YouTuber? - 3 years ago

@hm_government: @IRAMCommunity @PlayWarzoneSMP I call upon the international community to create a memorial in honor of technoblade… - 3 years ago

@donuts_tho: RT @GamerivGames: Popular Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has passed away following his battle with stage four cancer. Technoblade, whose… - 3 years ago

@TheCinnamonBruh: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@SimpForShips: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@followifuney: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@JacobCa66055028: Even though this won't be seen, I wanna say that from StampyLongNose to SwaggerSouls, one youtuber I never stopped… - 3 years ago

@Freck_less: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@leekn0w_wlin: RT @cepepepepe: É inacreditável ainda. Era o meu youtuber favorito de minecraft e me ajudou MUITO durante a pandemia. É muito triste ver co… - 3 years ago

@GalacticAxolotl: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@qversy: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Thamizhan74: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Dead from Stage 4 Cancer at 23... Right shoulder began to swell... Tumor caused swel… - 3 years ago

@Nhi45041268: Technoblade you are a Youtuber I love the most, I remember the smile and the way you joked with the smp members I'm… - 3 years ago

@pleasantstraw: RT @AngelFunVT: With the news of TechnoBlade’s passing I wanted to repost my art of him. I always enjoyed drawing him. He was a very kind a… - 3 years ago

@Jounior789: Fuck cancer. Well as most people know technoblade a famous YouTuber has died a few hours ago r.i.p techniblade may… - 3 years ago

@Kiseira2: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@HarleyTakita4: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@TheSyndicate45: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@Annlotte_Zee: Man, technoblade was pretty much the only minecraft youtuber ive been interested in for the last few years. I'll miss him mann ugggh😔 - 3 years ago

@OddityAlex: RT @dxzysLIVE: I’ll never forget the moment I took a screenshot with you as a fan, the excitement I had finding a YouTuber I admired in a r… - 3 years ago

@DawnIwn: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@your_demon_noxi: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@YeetLighter: RIP Technoblade. I have no words literally.... You were my fav mc youtuber...thanks you for all the funny moment,… - 3 years ago

@yakisobaninja: #Minecraft Youtuber #Technoblade that was doing vaccine propaganda all the time died from cancer. Even at his last… - 3 years ago

@TheRedVelveteer: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Eternavoid: RT @deadfearr: I’ve known Technoblade ever since 2014, watched + supported him all the way up to where he was now. He was my favorite youtu… - 3 years ago

@R0sly_: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Cdbutler23Camen: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@InsaneCycloYT: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@KtoUmarl: Technoblade (23) - amerykański Minecraft youtuber (10,7 mln subskrybentów), zmarł na raka. Znany gracz pozostawił p… - 3 years ago

@coraliacries: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@R_Robles_GTO: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@slyfox2134: RT @slyfox2134: # Technoblade you changed my life made me also want to be a youtuber and be just like you Technoblade never dies - 3 years ago

@totallynotsnook: I literally don't know how to feel right now. It doesn't even feel real. This was a youtuber I watched and laughed… - 3 years ago

@madisons_bee: technoblade was literally my favorite mcyt youtuber and for him to be gone is like... I can't even put it into word… - 3 years ago

@destetra: Technoblade was my favorite youtuber for a long, long time. I always looked up to him. And I always will. You cha… - 3 years ago

@stqris: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Penkekboba: RT @BeaconCream: Technoblade... Dia inspirasiku utk style jokes youtubeku, style commentary youtubeku, dan dia adalah salah satu youtuber m… - 3 years ago

@Talia_bts_army: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@lovve_moon: I used to watch technoblade sometimes, and he made me smile he was like a comfort youtuber for me.. but seeing him… - 3 years ago

@NathanC47011366: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@ITimels: Technoblade was a youtuber who put his heart into his community, through his videos He inspired people and made peo… - 3 years ago

@ChrisnOut: RT @OfficialXxsg: As a proper send off to our beloved TechnoBlade I'll be creating an animation all for him because this wasn't just any or… - 3 years ago

@toracanix: In memory of Techno; the only youtuber I've actually enjoyed in a long time, I'm posting some fanart I've made awhi… - 3 years ago

@Envy_Hunter23: RT @Envy_Hunter23: Just hearing this now, technoblade has Passed away, this shit hurts the soul fuck cancer man, I never got to play with… - 3 years ago

@fizzy_pixels: something about sobbing your eyes out in the backstage of a concert hall minutes before you’re about to go on to pl… - 3 years ago

@BubsBugs: @BetterThanFists @GetIntimidated A popular minecraft youtuber, TechnoBlade, passed away after battling stage four cancer - 3 years ago

@katie_TPWK: Rest in peace technoblade you were a incredible YouTuber and inspired so many people - 3 years ago

@TheKingGamer07: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@_amethystae_: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@kittygirl23739: @nonstopbaker84 I was really surprised to hear the news, especially because I was cooking food and suddenly my best… - 3 years ago

@threeoutofour: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@may_the_softie: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@notzeussz: just heard @Technothepig passed away not a fan of him but it’s so sad to see a great Minecraft youtuber go FUCK CANCER #technoblade - 3 years ago

@Lilyann35541771: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@xLavenderLoganx: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@13_liolio: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@sofisxmode: Joder, me acabo de enterar de lo de Technoblade... Que descanse en paz, un gran YouTuber de Minecraft que aunque no… - 3 years ago

@vivi25129: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@babybry_: This is a screenshot from 2016 of me in a SkyWars lobby with my favorite YouTuber. Rest In Peace to a legend of a c… - 3 years ago

@di0di03: @Technothepig 晚安,猪猪。 多亏了你的幽默与乐观,直到昨天我都在一直认为这只是一个小病,坚信并且期待着你重新回归。毕竟technoblade never dies。这也让你的突然告别更加的让我难过。你是我最喜欢的一个… - 3 years ago

@Nuamero_: Will never forget the joy and happiness you have brought me with your videos and streams Techno, you were an amazin… - 3 years ago

@Eren30620277: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Dead from Stage 4 Cancer at 23... Right shoulder began to swell... Tumor caused swel… - 3 years ago

@mohan_shambhavi: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Oliver71866952: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@wngel_angel: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@ProblemSirius: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@AllenRondez1801: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@BlackyMoonTw: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@mintfyart: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@rushinglol: Rest in Peace Technoblade I remember he was great youtuber and he kinda stood out from the rest, he also had a grea… - 3 years ago

@beast_greatest: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@aryanthebro: Technoblade was my favourite MC youtuber RIP king - 3 years ago

@Username_Pass23: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@jawmstks: RT @https_dr3am: é até reconfortante ler o que as pessoas tão falando, infelizmente essas coisas acontecem, só restam saudades, mas a gente… - 3 years ago

@Schlogicc: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Saelendious: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@Sinon_1602: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@oddities_online: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Mimi_Rawr_: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@_Cristian_sem_h: This is just a short mensage in honor to Technoblade, a youtuber that I really liked. I could write a really long t… - 3 years ago

@Jinxedjackalop3: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@iceshmael: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@ReiPicanha: RT @craftminePortal: Recebemos a notícia que o YouTuber de Minecraft Technoblade (@Technothepig) infelizmente veio a falecer por complicaçõ… - 3 years ago

@Bubbllyboi: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Packster64: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@solluzxcaptor: Technoblade cant be dead. What the fuck. He was my favourite minecraft youtuber. No fucking way. No. Oh my god - 3 years ago

@Pucxi_sakich: RT @dxzysLIVE: I’ll never forget the moment I took a screenshot with you as a fan, the excitement I had finding a YouTuber I admired in a r… - 3 years ago

@BurGamign: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Bounckery: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@adam_vivo: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@faerieyblossom: I’m? So shocked and crying for a YouTuber I don’t even watch. Dying to cancer as it is, is upsetting. Definitely Rest In Peace technoblade. - 3 years ago

@TexasBluebonne6: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Dead from Stage 4 Cancer at 23... Right shoulder began to swell... Tumor caused swel… - 3 years ago

@crack_bread: Rest in peace Technoblade! Im still processing the fact that youre actually gone... I havent stopped crying since t… - 3 years ago

@Anibalshock: @ITzAndre1215XD @RealForeverYT Technoblade fue un YouTuber de habla inglés que fue considerado es más grande para l… - 3 years ago

@Hidekiih: RT @AkitaZFPS: Nem sei o que dizer, o Technoblade foi o melhor youtuber de minecraft que já assisti, vejo seus vídeos a muito tempo, aprend… - 3 years ago

@memodreamy: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@FriedRissa: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Emmm_innit: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@b_arkly: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Vixxen_Fox: Holy shit I can’t process this, you’ll always be in our hearts Technoblade. You were and always will be my favorite youtuber, rest in peace - 3 years ago

@Sp0d3r: Rest in peace Technoblade i didnt watch him like that but he was a good youtuber L cancer bro - 3 years ago

@TlakaxiaIpantli: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@jinxed_it: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@StasisBoyo: Im not gonna be the first nor last person to say this but RIP Technoblade. You were a good YouTuber - 3 years ago

@Artistickitten: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@ChilliT31: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@glassfr0gg: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@knjlittle: RT @https_dr3am: é até reconfortante ler o que as pessoas tão falando, infelizmente essas coisas acontecem, só restam saudades, mas a gente… - 3 years ago

@NightElixir_alt: Just went home and saw the news about one of my biggest inspiration in life, Technoblade, a Minecraft youtuber, jus… - 3 years ago

@Gringotssss: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@CharCommentates: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@MeliArichell: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@ClearlyCleric: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@Jeremia20539791: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@btbaldwin25: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@BIGChungus69102: Rest In Peace Technoblade @Technothepig you will be missed now your in a better place now every Minecraft youtuber… - 3 years ago

@Hollywood06_8: I’m crushed and at a loss for words. Techno was a comfort YouTuber and streamer for me and many more. It it’s sad… - 3 years ago

@Satoshisage: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, Dead from Stage 4 Cancer at 23... Right shoulder began to swell... Tumor caused swel… - 3 years ago

@PastelPrincce: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Cheese3164: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@YoSwift3: RIP technoblade you have been the best Minecraft YouTuber ever to be in my mind you have done so much to inspire me… - 3 years ago

@sicktaiz: Thanks Technoblade for helping me out learning English Thanks Technoblade for making me laugh during days i wasn't… - 3 years ago

@Carver56770973: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Torri56067415: RT @Dexerto: YouTuber @Technothepig has sadly lost his battle with cancer He left one last video RIP Technoblade - 3 years ago

@Fossilsky4: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@XmnicD: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@pabumsch: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@Autumnurbeloved: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@ComptonJayleigh: Although I don't really tweet much... I just wanted to say that technoblade was the best youtuber I can honestly as… - 3 years ago

@Bonthdrako: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@Uncrustable_0o0: @HypixelNetwork I was never interested in the dream smp, but it always sucks when a youtuber passes so i just wante… - 3 years ago

@kerudex: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@gloguse: RT @dxzysLIVE: I’ll never forget the moment I took a screenshot with you as a fan, the excitement I had finding a YouTuber I admired in a r… - 3 years ago

@lo_rissa1: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Simran37917795: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@snowflurs: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Kyr0h: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@WhoeverIAmTo: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@ahhAndreita: @bipbiplechu Man I can't believe this. Technoblade was and will always be an amazing human being. Apart from being… - 3 years ago

@drizzlenotfound: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@meanmichellee: RT @angelaonuora: He was my son’s favourite YouTuber. He’d told me Technoblade had cancer some time ago. My boy is inconsolable. RIP Alex.… - 3 years ago

@lovvchuu: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@beatenflowers: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@x_flix8: RT @porktendencia: “Technoblade”: Por el video que publicaron sus padres en YouTube en el que informaron de la muerte del famoso YouTuber d… - 3 years ago

@GoAheadThenJUMP: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@lukedoesthingz: "Technoblade never dies." A quote that will forever be true. Legends never die. And that's exactly what Techno is;… - 3 years ago

@KriztianVT: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@ThoughtConcept_: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@paddycake679: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Abyssmo0: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@that_voip: Eu achava que era aqueles típicos vídeos de YouTuber que ele iria falar que ia deletar o canal, ou que ele iria jus… - 3 years ago

@LilBull31: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@scoutbrotf: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@sophunderscore: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@mygoshdudes: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@RadianceRosario: @YuukiPrime A youtuber named technoblade ;-; I don’t watch him though but it is sad to see another person gone cause of cancer… - 3 years ago

@RamenChan_twit: It was fun seeing technoblade living his best life among the minecraft community, I hope technoblade's family is do… - 3 years ago

@ItsOakaa: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@Fatally_Anon: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@ShadimFall: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Prasopa12: RT @valenkozak_123: Technoblade. Fue uno de los mejores youtubers que vi y me pone muy triste el hecho de que tengamos de despedirnos de el… - 3 years ago

@caanths: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@nice35679384: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@imdscnnctd: RT @dxzysLIVE: I’ll never forget the moment I took a screenshot with you as a fan, the excitement I had finding a YouTuber I admired in a r… - 3 years ago

@LilithMeeks: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@bananastyle24k: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@brit_drunk: Rip Technoblade truly goated DSMP youtuber - 3 years ago

@OptismTwo: Not a big Minecraft youtuber kinda guy but this does suck. Technoblade truly made great content and made millions s… - 3 years ago

@Emmyisc00l_: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Zombified_Rat: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@homeinurgut: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@TCalories: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@ubujira: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@JustinTheMinec1: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@hrtstopperlvjy: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Th3GrahamReaper: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@yndl_orbn: RT @zrj98: Today July 1st 2022 we received the last technoblade video. Rest in peace techno your legacy will march further and beyond as th… - 3 years ago

@Raeminer35: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@duct_tape_dust: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@puppyzhang3: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Cutie01C: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@that0nefreak: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@DreamSM99926659: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Kiko_Es_Kool: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@belovedmacaque: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@huj48: technoblade, the minecraft youtuber, lost his battle to cancer. i used to watch him when i was younger, it’s heartb… - 3 years ago

@HachiJuHachiP: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@EternalDarkest: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Inoull_Live: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@moonsorbiting: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@cindered_: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@abluecrystal: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Faizzz53620910: U were my one of my favourite Minecraft youtuber Can't never forget that hello of yours I really liked the videos… - 3 years ago

@ItzHorrorr: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Matpat06802850: RT @FirreCapitaine: Rest in peace Technoblade you were a super good youtuber your death makes me very sad. Good bye, everyone will remember… - 3 years ago

@varundraws: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@TheAbyssHellish: thanks for making me laugh technoblade you are my favorite youtuber that I have had more than anything I will love… - 3 years ago

@StripezPlayz: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@RChaser96: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@vPhoenixFire: I’ve watched Technoblade for the past 7 years and from the first video, he instantly became my favorite YouTuber. H… - 3 years ago

@w0rmstr1ng: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@theDragnSlayr: RT @LunarRabbitzz: Rest in peace Technoblade. The YouTuber who helped me smile and laugh through one of the hardest years of my life. You… - 3 years ago

@StarryNightSoda: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@pebblebrrain: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@ClearChIorine: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@m0nkeybee: RT @IAmESpecter: I only followed minecraft content for one reason and one reason only: TECHNOBLADE. Technoblade was the ONLY minecraft you… - 3 years ago

@Kirbyhascombus1: RT @Scepticskeptic1: Rest in Peace Technoblade. Honestly my favorite youtuber of all time. I remember watching his videos since Minecraft… - 3 years ago

@Slickjaw: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@LilJohanz42: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@TwitCotaku: RT @zrj98: Today July 1st 2022 we received the last technoblade video. Rest in peace techno your legacy will march further and beyond as th… - 3 years ago

@925Nwr: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Creativequeenan: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@rachycharm: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Kimberly_Claw: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Axxeling: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@constconstruct: cw death // we have.major issues processing loss and technoblade as a creator was just so near and dear to our hea… - 3 years ago

@yokailover5391: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@AprilInSpring22: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@UncannyThomas: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@darklink1926: technoblade has always been a role model and an inspiration to me and millions of others. ive watched him for over… - 3 years ago

@Joshiin347: Goodbye Techno, You were and always will be my favorite youtuber, your jokes, your will to never lose and also to n… - 3 years ago

@theefall: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@margamylove: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@VHiraeth: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@charmirie: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@BunniBoi5: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@mainofensive: RT @valenkozak_123: Technoblade. Fue uno de los mejores youtubers que vi y me pone muy triste el hecho de que tengamos de despedirnos de el… - 3 years ago

@colorza_: RT @angelaonuora: He was my son’s favourite YouTuber. He’d told me Technoblade had cancer some time ago. My boy is inconsolable. RIP Alex.… - 3 years ago

@RReignStar: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@huskey995: @JakeSucky "The goal isn't to live forever, The goal is to make something that will" R.I.P Technoblade ❤ Barely wat… - 3 years ago

@RetroRealities: R.I.P. Technoblade As one of my all-time favorite MC YT's, I am insanely overwhelmed with emotions. He was such a g… - 3 years ago

@YagoySk: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@maybezibet: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@ShanelleJillia1: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@bobohalo: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Berriiiblue: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@yyasibearr: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Ax1le_qq: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@NiqhtHD: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@corpse_bimbus22: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@dnllqfjr: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Terrakowo: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@zgub6: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@reubendapiggeh: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@jinpeed: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@GeckoGremmy: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@OrphanUpdates: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@IcyIsTired: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@scoupofnectar: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@iLikeBeeduo: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@RBLXUO: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Bigfish458: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Courtne04613787: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@SirlssacNewton: RT @Hailtesers: Goodbye, Technoblade. A young and astonishing YouTuber who did his best to fight against the deadly cancer until his last h… - 3 years ago

@cooperN7404: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@CondonRotope_: @Dimitro_cbn @AradirYT cómo no sabes quién es technoblade? en pocas palabras un youtuber grande de habla inglesa qu… - 3 years ago

@rax_draws: Technoblade fue un grande, ya revise el video final. En verdad, me saco una lagrima :c Era un buen youtuber, de seg… - 3 years ago

@Fatally_Anon: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@moreangstpls: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@maibunzy: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Ferzamo773: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@mikasinsomnia: RT @dxzysLIVE: I’ll never forget the moment I took a screenshot with you as a fan, the excitement I had finding a YouTuber I admired in a r… - 3 years ago

@bonnieeev: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Hoezluv_leo: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@BlueComesBack: Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade has died from cancer. His newest video was sad, but a little basic, So, I came up… - 3 years ago

@FernBeloved: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@scope_dragon: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@FlooferDoo: If anyone viewing this hasn't heard, YouTuber Technoblade has passed away. He, along with many of the other creator… - 3 years ago

@theonebelac: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@DelilahGrey4: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@tictacbird: technoblade was an incredible youtuber who touched the lives of millions. he will never be forgotten. my deepest co… - 3 years ago

@DROSERACEAEALT: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Petra034: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@akivo__: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@CyrionF: Technoblade passed away today. For those who don't know who he is, he was a youtuber I've really enjoyed watching f… - 3 years ago

@YomiWearsASmile: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Itza_Stick: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@ComicBook83: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@decembabebis: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Dwelvedere: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@nikoloveswaffle: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@barbar_2288: @dreamewastaken I feel very sad. a month ago my grandfather passed away and during this difficult month I was watch… - 3 years ago

@Mightymouth09: We will miss you technoblade me and my tears running down my face wish you had more time for my favorite youtuber s… - 3 years ago

@metanoia6969: rest easy king o7.i was 12 years old the first tjme i ever watched technoblade i found his videos very entertaining… - 3 years ago

@Thatbody3: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@pureflowermist: RT @muffidoodle: Technoblade was a huuuuge inspiration for me on trying animation again, playing Minecraft, trying a lot of new stuff, gett… - 3 years ago

@Hero_2312: Sometimes i thought why would anyone cry on someone's death online, like a youtuber or a celebrity. Today i sit her… - 3 years ago

@weirdchild063: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@racctubi: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@sama_kasa: I’ll miss you very much mr technoblade o7 I would have not met so many lovely people who enjoy your content if i… - 3 years ago

@SugarsKookieYT: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Mintfeum: Hey, so I heard about technoblade just like 20 minutes ago. He was always a comfort youtuber for me. His humor and… - 3 years ago

@barao_fred: RT @craftminePortal: Recebemos a notícia que o YouTuber de Minecraft Technoblade (@Technothepig) infelizmente veio a falecer por complicaçõ… - 3 years ago

@twtPringle: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@yanisa_2000: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@CodylegitnessYT: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@arroba7kkkkkkk: RT @https_dr3am: é até reconfortante ler o que as pessoas tão falando, infelizmente essas coisas acontecem, só restam saudades, mas a gente… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Technoblade (YouTuber) is no longer with us - #Technoblade #rip - 3 years ago

@shaythevga: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@TakingGummyz: And i am sure that he , will not be forgotten from who he was. A great youtuber that showed always a positive side… - 3 years ago

@adieissad: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@anna_rae_banana: He will forever be a youtuber I remember. He will forever stay in my heart and help cheer myself on when things get… - 3 years ago

@HiPopcarn: @CarltonFC I’m not sure if you noticed, but popular YouTuber Technoblade (10.4 million subscribers) has passed due… - 3 years ago

@EmySJ_: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@WYDSefty: I was never really technoblade fan but some of his videos did make me laugh he was a funny guy even tho I never met… - 3 years ago

@juicedotjpg: r.i.p technoblade, an amazing youtuber <3 fuck cancer - 3 years ago

@inigoodboyy: RT @cedarshade_: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for a certain youtuber who was farming potatoes in minecraft. His impact on thi… - 3 years ago

@Blackgemini1997: @Technothepig TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES! rip a legend youtuber friend family son brother and inspiration to us all h… - 3 years ago

@graceloid: RT @zrj98: Today July 1st 2022 we received the last technoblade video. Rest in peace techno your legacy will march further and beyond as th… - 3 years ago

@PatTheWizard117: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@karlvol6: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@francislloydee: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@Azoart9: RT @Azul_Yellow: No if your going to fucking insult technoblade and try to cancel him on his fucking day of death. U deserve nothing. Get o… - 3 years ago

@artt_aemilia: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@iarteaga0232: RT @evanmcgaming: For 5 years, Technoblade has been my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. The way he always turned a sad moment into a joke was t… - 3 years ago

@Barry16874121: RT @KEEMSTAR: During Minecraft Monday a small YouTuber know as Technoblade destroyed all the Influencers & became a legend. He was the be… - 3 years ago

@CodylegitnessYT: RT @ConnorEatsPants: Techno was also my little brother’s favorite Youtuber. I mentioned this to him offhandedly on a call one time, this ar… - 3 years ago

@cclouisexox: RT @dxzysLIVE: I’ll never forget the moment I took a screenshot with you as a fan, the excitement I had finding a YouTuber I admired in a r… - 3 years ago

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