Tame One

American rapper (Artifacts
Died on Monday November 7th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Tame One:

@FrankKish6pak: @mayu10102000 Tame? We have lots if stuff in common with the right person. But is commonality the essence of unders… - 2 years ago

@mcatemar: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@SuzieSuzzette: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@middlenamemoni: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago


@_ajit8_: RT @GeorgeJulian: Need to close browser windows... please read these threads about #ChildrenInNeed and do your research before deciding to… - 2 years ago

@spacejamhams: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@touretteshero: RT @GeorgeJulian: Need to close browser windows... please read these threads about #ChildrenInNeed and do your research before deciding to… - 2 years ago

@itskillakenz: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@tyuanajanai: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@bzotix: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@ApRock_HipHop: RT @hiphopgods: Please RT & check the sounds on our special tribute to TAME ONE and HURRICANE G... HipHopGods Radio: - 2 years ago

@ItsAllSoUgly: @DahliaZahava this one seems pretty tame, doesn't annoy me tbh. This is just George Costanza not liking to wait for… - 2 years ago

@HandsOnSaiyan: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@its_simplyyjess: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@jadoreash: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@TheEMillioEgBar: RT @hiphopgods: Please RT & check the sounds on our special tribute to TAME ONE and HURRICANE G... HipHopGods Radio: - 2 years ago

@quastasiaaa: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@AlienBaeKB: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@iamDitzy_: RT @Zodi_Am: No one who loves me tries to tame me. They allow me me to be more wild, more liberated, more free and more me. - 2 years ago

@GeorgeJulian: Need to close browser windows... please read these threads about #ChildrenInNeed and do your research before decidi… - 2 years ago

@bujakatzja: @eldasensei YOOOO! Between A Rock And A Hard Place is in my Top 5 albums of all time - no lie! And @BUCKWILD_DITC i… - 2 years ago

@_marielle_2807: Bro my Gulpin, your solidarity feels like a wild hawk fluttering miserably above the cage of a tame one, your moral… - 2 years ago

@music_boi_: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 If you see me almost exclusively following sexual roleplay accounts, the reason is the following one: I'm a… - 2 years ago

@reiimeii: i was so hyped for the tame impala feature on the last one and then the song turned out to be kinda meh imo - 2 years ago

@rockacow: maybe its me but the hostel movies are real tame compared to what one can do with the human body. like the buyers t… - 2 years ago

@NicholasGavidi1: RT @Power1051: #TameOne 🕊 hailed from Newark, was the first cousin of #Redman and got his start in the music industry in the rap duo #Artif… - 2 years ago

@vgnhiphopmvmnt: RT @DEC0L0NIZE: REST IN BEATS, TAME ONE OF THE ARTIFACTS! - 2 years ago

@ColvardNoah: @HkonMk @IceAgeAokiji In fairness though by One Piece standards that is incredibly tame He isn’t committing mass murder or genocide - 2 years ago

@NicolasDenfar: 🕊✨💙 Tame One 💙✨🕊 (Ainsi va la vie… 😔) - 2 years ago

@MyEvilRobot: @skitscomic They can rip you up pretty good. These are tame because everyone feeds them. But there have been a few… - 2 years ago

@OwBloDaKidd: @SandreTheGiant I’d become one with nature and just tame it, is there polar bears even cutting about in Alaska - 2 years ago

@defsquadhq: RT @unique336: Hip Hop is dying slowly we are losing our hip hop legends... Rest easy to the King Tame One and to the Queen Hurricane G...… - 2 years ago

@AbbottSupreme: RT @ShabaamSahdeeq: R.I.P Tame One 🤲🏾🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️ - 2 years ago

@RBMusicGroup: RT @Ismael_BBM_NYK: The Artifacts debut was the first Hip Hop album I brought with my own money. A Jersey legend, RIP Tame One🕊️ Hurricane… - 2 years ago

@godfrey_baker: @TheNationNews One of the most reptilian, unreasonable, comical, lessoned human being I have ever seen on the inter… - 2 years ago

@LenRavelo: RT @lordjamar: R.I.P. Tame One - 2 years ago

@NOLABOOKFAIR: RT @Rapstation365: Hip Hop Mourns The Deaths Of Tame One + Hurricane G. RIP 🙏 (cc: @MrChuckD) - 2 years ago

@UoDFootyJournos: 19’ First real sign of Wolves coming forward in this one as Gonçalo Guedes breaks into the box but his shot was tam… - 2 years ago

@Mrtitannwheels: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Artifacts Rapper "Tame One" Rahem Brown, DEAD at 52... "Heart gave out"... - Rolling Stone NY Rapper "Hurricane G" Gl… - 2 years ago

@NML_Canada: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Artifacts Rapper "Tame One" Rahem Brown, DEAD at 52... "Heart gave out"... - Rolling Stone NY Rapper "Hurricane G" Gl… - 2 years ago

@FootyMic: RT @HipHopHistoryGy: Name your favorite hip hop artist or group that begins with the letter "A" (video: Artifacts (RIP Tame One) - 'The Ult… - 2 years ago

@revTrelos: @ali98_noor @kinslayer2022 @softfornini @kkabrokwa87 @Luna57814035 @dragontidddies @Deedamai @FilmUpdates In the sh… - 2 years ago

@TinoLoves2Code: @Chels_HQ U better tame ur hopes..we need a good performance that’s all..d team owes us one - 2 years ago

@here_to_smile: @SkewSmug My condolences, I remember the Mr Men theme tune with horror ( son had a video thst played it between eve… - 2 years ago

@956_2766: RT @Rapstation365: Hip Hop Mourns The Deaths Of Tame One + Hurricane G. RIP 🙏 (cc: @MrChuckD) - 2 years ago

@wilsontom: RT @Rapstation365: Hip Hop Mourns The Deaths Of Tame One + Hurricane G. RIP 🙏 (cc: @MrChuckD) - 2 years ago

@m1kks: RT @Rapstation365: Hip Hop Mourns The Deaths Of Tame One + Hurricane G. RIP 🙏 (cc: @MrChuckD) - 2 years ago

@stevetwitta: RT @Rapstation365: Hip Hop Mourns The Deaths Of Tame One + Hurricane G. RIP 🙏 (cc: @MrChuckD) - 2 years ago

@MrChuckD: RT @Rapstation365: Hip Hop Mourns The Deaths Of Tame One + Hurricane G. RIP 🙏 (cc: @MrChuckD) - 2 years ago

@Rapstation365: Hip Hop Mourns The Deaths Of Tame One + Hurricane G. RIP 🙏 (cc: @MrChuckD) - 2 years ago

@ConnorStanberry: Man it's weird knowing Tame One is really gone, I'll never forget first hearing Wrong side of the Tracks by Artifac… - 2 years ago

@MarcKingGrant: @PINKR1CE people literally getting pissed over one of the most tame ships in sonic just because it’s two guys. weak 😂 - 2 years ago

@juggaknots: RT @mcramonvelez: timeless shit here 💎 RIP Tame One - 2 years ago

@RandyDubin: RT @mcramonvelez: timeless shit here 💎 RIP Tame One - 2 years ago

@Iheartnoise: RT @MonolithBlogger: As always it’s both a celebration and commiseration as I mark the passing of both the hip-hop legend Tame One, and cel… - 2 years ago

@meysamnemati: @DartaArt It's the love of one mistaken for doubt on uniqueness. Will I ever find my rose in others? Tame my ignora… - 2 years ago

@MsBlueEarth2: @glennkirschner2 RFK's favorite quotation, 1968. I use it often. Plus, his Aeschylus one: "The duty of government… - 2 years ago

@stock64292268: That is one monstrous H&S on the 10-year Bond. Think Fed will tame it until June 1st. - 2 years ago

@kathmandupost: From off-colour to with flying colours, Pakistan openers tame New Zealand Pakistan’s bowlers and their middle orde… - 2 years ago

@smokesoilfood: RT @COSMICASSHOLE: みんなに愛されたArtifactsのTame Oneが急逝しました。今年、Artifactsとしての新作を発表したばかりだったので惜しまれます。 - 2 years ago

@36JokA_Karni17: RT @HumbleAmong: RIP Tame One - 2 years ago

@birch_kalawa: RT @vinnie_paz: RIP TAME ONE - 2 years ago

@Eriquillo: RT @HipHopDX: Redman shares throwback pics in tribute to "cuzzo" Tame One 🙏 ⏩ READ MORE: - 2 years ago

@LaPombe: @LetitiaTHELemon @sassylady1103 @egyptianruin Omg! My friend, there is a whole world of bizarreness. Here is one of… - 2 years ago

@meysamnemati: @King_PRomulus @ArtvisionNFT @AleyArtist @sakeshart @arty_golitsyna It's the love of one mistaken for doubt on uniq… - 2 years ago

@DrN0_: RT @therealelp: rest in peace Tame One 😔 - 2 years ago

@DrN0_: RT @kalonge93: Rest In Peace to Jersey’s own, Tame One 😢 - 2 years ago

@ambour21: RT @GoldTelegraph_: Zimbabwe has passed regulations allowing the state to collect mining royalties partly in the form of refined metal Tha… - 2 years ago

@recordsbywoof: RIP TAME ONE & DJ KAOS - 2 years ago

@BIOHAZRAP: Artifacts Cmon wit da git Down Buckwild Remix Instrumental 1994 I'm shocked… - 2 years ago

@maninthearmor: IC: These tentacles weren't originally a physical part of me. Maybe something I'd conjure via my magic horn. But af… - 2 years ago

@itsojijo: RT @vinnie_paz: RIP TAME ONE - 2 years ago

@hicha_nya: RT @COSMICASSHOLE: みんなに愛されたArtifactsのTame Oneが急逝しました。今年、Artifactsとしての新作を発表したばかりだったので惜しまれます。 - 2 years ago

@huzzah_e: @numegumii Ngel, the AoT ending is TAME compared to TRs ending. One made somewhat sense or was cohesive, the other… - 2 years ago

@XRPbeauty: RT @GoldTelegraph_: Zimbabwe has passed regulations allowing the state to collect mining royalties partly in the form of refined metal Tha… - 2 years ago

@HerlinaLopez1: Redman Shares Throwback Pics In Tribute To ‘Cuzzo’ Tame One - 2 years ago

@hiplifehiphop: Redman Shares Throwback Pics In Tribute To ‘Cuzzo’ Tame One - - 2 years ago

@_Parisakz_: RT @meysamnemati: @gozde_ekz @_Parisakz_ It's the love of one mistaken for doubt on uniqueness. Will I ever find my rose in others? Tame my… - 2 years ago

@meysamnemati: @gozde_ekz @_Parisakz_ It's the love of one mistaken for doubt on uniqueness. Will I ever find my rose in others? T… - 2 years ago

@bakinyele: N.J. rapper Tame One dead at 52. The Artifacts hip-hop great remembered by fans, friends. - 2 years ago

@trip_stone: RT @Dart_Adams: The passing of Tame One & Hurricane G has really made me think about how many of these emcees that are passing away not fro… - 2 years ago

@SteP__Arts: @NANNABANKIE no this is better in my book honestly except the barfing one part but ot herwise, jt's pretty tame - 2 years ago

@jdonteprayer: - 2 years ago

@cashinmyhand: RT @kalonge93: Rest In Peace to Jersey’s own, Tame One 😢 - 2 years ago

@kijanafulani: RT @GoldTelegraph_: Zimbabwe has passed regulations allowing the state to collect mining royalties partly in the form of refined metal Tha… - 2 years ago

@nicmercer77: RT @StretchArmy: “Lately playing Hurricane G demos in my Walkman…” - Tame One 💔🙏🏼 - 2 years ago

@The_Audio_Pimp: #Dj music equipment || #soulmusic #funkmusic #jazz #edm #realhiphop .... - 2 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @ernieball: What would it sound like if Tame Impala had a guitar solo? Harrison Saltzman shows us exactly how he would write one with hi… - 2 years ago

@Nawapon36715211: RT @GoldTelegraph_: Zimbabwe has passed regulations allowing the state to collect mining royalties partly in the form of refined metal Tha… - 2 years ago

@thawilsonMAG: RIP TAME ONE Of The Artifacts - 2 years ago

@DanoZiontifik: RT @djpos2: Tame One’s raps was inspirational to Redman on his pen game. This is before Redman’s rap career started professionally. Redman… - 2 years ago

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