Tam Dalyell

Scottish politician
Died on Thursday January 26th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tam Dalyell:

@IanMcCubbin: RT @jakimccarthy: A legendary MP died yesterday and his final message on #Brexit is something everyone should listen to #indyref2 - 8 years ago

@IsThisAB0t: RT @jakimccarthy: A legendary MP died yesterday and his final message on #Brexit is something everyone should listen to #indyref2 - 8 years ago

@robostarred: Tam Dalyell obituary | Politics | The Guardian - 8 years ago

@StillYesScot: RT @jakimccarthy: A legendary MP died yesterday and his final message on #Brexit is something everyone should listen to #indyref2 - 8 years ago


@jakimccarthy: A legendary MP died yesterday and his final message on #Brexit is something everyone should listen to #indyref2 - 8 years ago

@BooBamBooks: RT @edbookfest: We are deeply saddened to hear of Tam Dalyell’s death. He appeared @edbookfest many times and was principled, dignified and… - 8 years ago

@Steve_Banal: Tributes for Tam Dalyell, a scourge of PMs - 8 years ago

@Bliadhnaichean: RT @ChagosUK: Sad to hear of the death of Tam Dalyell: one of 1st MPs to stand up for Chagossians in Parliament - 8 years ago

@GdnPolitics: Letters: Tam Dalyell obituary - 8 years ago

@DundeeLocal: Tam Dalyell’s independent mind gives strength to all, writes Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey - 8 years ago

@DementedBonxie: RT @TheScotsman: Tam Dalyell’s independent mind gives strength to all, writes Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey - 8 years ago

@Undercover_mole: @Cromwell42 To many MP's without any balls as the late Tam Dalyell said. - 8 years ago

@OrionOB1: @lokiscottishrap "The name Tam Dalyell won’t ring any bells." Maybe the £18.000 he claimed for bookcases might jog some memories. - 8 years ago

@sarcainian: RT @paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@DundeeLocal: Tam Dalyell’s independent mind gives strength to all, writes Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey - 8 years ago

@DerekCStewart: Letters: Tam Dalyell obituary - the guardian - 8 years ago

@ConsultSuzie: RT @TheScotsman: Tam Dalyell’s independent mind gives strength to all, writes Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey - 8 years ago

@TheScotsman: Tam Dalyell’s independent mind gives strength to all, writes Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey - 8 years ago

@styer: RT @wheresmygift: @JonSavage1966 @GreatDismal the sorely missed Tam Dalyell said this best: - 8 years ago

@SusanSteven1: RT @paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@tweetonpolitics: Letters: Tam Dalyell obituary - 8 years ago

@DannyShookNews: Letters: Tam Dalyell obituary - 8 years ago

@Tpolitical_w: Letters: Tam Dalyell obituary - 8 years ago

@SullyGram: Obituary: "Letters: Tam Dalyell obituary" - 8 years ago

@KevinCollinsHR: # - 8 years ago

@TheScotsman: Tam Dalyell’s independent mind gives strength to all, writes Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey - 8 years ago

@bonapart100: RT @wheresmygift: @JonSavage1966 @GreatDismal the sorely missed Tam Dalyell said this best: - 8 years ago

@ignaziop1977: RT @wheresmygift: @JonSavage1966 @GreatDismal the sorely missed Tam Dalyell said this best: - 8 years ago

@Kanzleidepp: RT @wheresmygift: @JonSavage1966 @GreatDismal the sorely missed Tam Dalyell said this best: - 8 years ago

@turingcop: RT @wheresmygift: @JonSavage1966 @GreatDismal the sorely missed Tam Dalyell said this best: - 8 years ago

@JonSavage1966: RT @wheresmygift: @JonSavage1966 @GreatDismal the sorely missed Tam Dalyell said this best: - 8 years ago

@wheresmygift: @JonSavage1966 @GreatDismal the sorely missed Tam Dalyell said this best: - 8 years ago

@historyleic: RT @BL_OralHistory: Our latest blog by @EmmeLedgerwood pays tribute to the late #tamdalyell #labour #mp and his involvement in #science htt… - 8 years ago

@incongru: RT @TheScotsman: Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey: Tam Dalyell’s independent mind gives strength to all - 8 years ago

@ScottMacnab: Tam Dalyell and the value of independent mindedness in an age of angry moral by @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@lokiscottishrap: RT @fay_young: Fine tribute to Tam Dalyell and independent minds @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@soundarchive: When politics meets science: Tam Dalyell, Labour MP (1932-2017) - Sound and vision blog - 8 years ago

@fay_young: Fine tribute to Tam Dalyell and independent minds @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@shirleyyoung2: RT @paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@lokiscottishrap: RT @paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@fifi_gavin: Tam Dalyell: This is a War that will Strengthen Terrorism - 8 years ago

@chris_scotsman: RT @paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@kunwarNitin3: RT @paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@EdinburghWatch: RT @paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@TheScotsman: RT @paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap - 8 years ago

@paul_pwilson: Tam Dalyell's should be a beacon of encouragement to those afraid to speak their minds, writes @lokiscottishrap… - 8 years ago

@GoodStuffLawson: @HadleyFreeman Tam Dalyell would've been proud - 8 years ago

@UnisonDave: Tam Dalyell on Thatcher and how he'd like to be remembered - 8 years ago

@red_roy_: RT @Redlabour2016: RIP Tam Dalyell 1932-2017. - 8 years ago

@katbairwell: RT @grahamfarmelo: The late Tam Dalyell said MPs should 'have the balls' to block Brexit: - 8 years ago

@theObituaries: Controversial MP Tam Dalyell had ancestor who fought in the Battle of Worcester - Worcester News - 8 years ago

@GothicBlue: RT @grahamfarmelo: The late Tam Dalyell said MPs should 'have the balls' to block Brexit: - 8 years ago

@adambanksdotcom: RT @grahamfarmelo: The late Tam Dalyell said MPs should 'have the balls' to block Brexit: - 8 years ago

@skiptothelu2: RT @grahamfarmelo: The late Tam Dalyell said MPs should 'have the balls' to block Brexit: - 8 years ago

@GazNorris15: RT @Redlabour2016: RIP Tam Dalyell 1932-2017. - 8 years ago

@trevolafoam: RT @grahamfarmelo: The late Tam Dalyell said MPs should 'have the balls' to block Brexit: - 8 years ago

@thestrayworld: RT @grahamfarmelo: The late Tam Dalyell said MPs should 'have the balls' to block Brexit: - 8 years ago

@jazzbington: RT @Redlabour2016: RIP Tam Dalyell 1932-2017. - 8 years ago

@MickHiggins5: RT @Redlabour2016: RIP Tam Dalyell 1932-2017. - 8 years ago

@glynmoody: RT @grahamfarmelo: The late Tam Dalyell said MPs should 'have the balls' to block Brexit: - 8 years ago

@Redlabour2016: RIP Tam Dalyell 1932-2017. - 8 years ago

@JosephJmg1962: RT @PaulGosling1: In memory of Tam Dalyell could we refer to challenge of sorting out the Irish border the Killea question? A village with… - 8 years ago

@PaulGosling1: In memory of Tam Dalyell could we refer to challenge of sorting out the Irish border the Killea question? A village with one foot each side. - 8 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @davidgrossman: Interviewing Tam Dalyell post brexit vote, I found him heartbroken but defiant. Lab's 3 line whip would not have pleased… - 8 years ago

@tonyplewis: RT @JoePajak: In tune with Tam Dalyell's view: MPs must have the b@!!s to use their best judgement because Brexit is wrong, and Parliament… - 8 years ago

@MaureenChild1: RT @grahamfarmelo: The late Tam Dalyell said MPs should 'have the balls' to block Brexit: - 8 years ago

@WhitesidePaula: RT @JoePajak: In tune with Tam Dalyell's view: MPs must have the b@!!s to use their best judgement because Brexit is wrong, and Parliament… - 8 years ago

@rblackqc: Tam Dalyell’s last interview: #Megrahi conviction “massive injustice" - @NeilMackay, Sunday Herald today. #Lockerbie - 8 years ago

@stuartpwitt: Tam Dalyell, former #Labour MP, dies aged 84 #Labour #Politics - 8 years ago

@Nicolasgwet: RT @justinbyrne42: Just heard of MP Tam Dalyell's death. He was a great supporter of #Science, #research #Environment and human rights #ne… - 8 years ago

@Soupelina: RT @newsundayherald: Exclusive Tam Dalyell's last interview: I will go to my grave believing Megrahi is innocent Full story in tomorrow's p… - 8 years ago

@AndrewJKeir: RT @AndrewJKeir: Veteran Labour parliamentarian Tam Dalyell dies - 8 years ago

@CinaedMacAilpin: RT @AndrewJKeir: Veteran Labour parliamentarian Tam Dalyell dies - 8 years ago

@woifim: RT @KRTpro_News: 📢 #BREXIT A MP died yesterday. His final message on Brexit is something everyone should listen to - 8 years ago

@nosshnet: RT @Independent: A legendary MP died yesterday and his final message on Brexit is something everyone should listen to - 8 years ago

@KRTpro_News: 📢 #BREXIT A MP died yesterday. His final message on Brexit is something everyone should listen to #KRTpro #News - 8 years ago

@davidtorrance: Tam Dalyell, tenaciously independent-minded Labour MP – obituary - 8 years ago

@davidtorrance: Tenacious Labour MP known for the ‘West Lothian question’ and his badgering of Margaret Thatcher over the Belgrano - 8 years ago

@davidtorrance: Tam Dalyell obituary - 8 years ago

@OlmsteadJustin: RT @thatchernetwork: Tam Dalyell never held office, but he was Margaret Thatcher’s sternest critic - by @MartinJohnFarr - 8 years ago

@davidfreud: RT @stephenpollard: Some context amid the paeans of praise for Tam Dalyell. He peddled antisemitic tropes. Here's my piece from way back ht… - 8 years ago

@thus_spake: TAM DALYELL, the former campaigning MP who died on Thursday, said in a poignant final interview he would go to h... - 8 years ago

@RealBristolNews: RT @Independent: A legendary MP died yesterday and his final message on Brexit is something everyone should listen to - 8 years ago

@theObituaries: Controversial MP Tam Dalyell had ancestor who fought in the Battle of Worcester - Worcester News - 8 years ago

@Grey_Wolfcub: - 8 years ago

@SafariSara: RT @Independent: A legendary MP died yesterday and his final message on Brexit is something everyone should listen to - 8 years ago

@nephiehazel: RT @Independent: A legendary MP died yesterday and his final message on Brexit is something everyone should listen to - 8 years ago

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