Tabu Taid

Indian educationist.
Died on Saturday August 17th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tabu Taid:

@Sentinel_Assam: Tabu Taid cremated with State honour at Gogamukh in Dhemaji district #TabuTaid #Cremation - 6 years ago

@PradanBaruah: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@Prakash96102773: RT @DhemajiPolice: Last rites for noted educationist, eminent linguist, author and administrator Prof. Tabu Taid performed with full State… - 6 years ago

@peteralextodd: RT @ArindomPanging: RIP Prof Tabu Taid - 6 years ago


@ShuffledOff: Tabu Taid (77) Author, Linguist - 6 years ago

@DhemajiPolice: Last rites for noted educationist, eminent linguist, author and administrator Prof. Tabu Taid performed with full S… - 6 years ago

@tabataku: Arunachal Pradesh Abotani Community Confederation ( APACC) deeply Mourns the sudden and untimely demise of Tabu Ram… - 6 years ago

@NewsLiveGhy: Eminent educationist and linguist Prof Tabu Ram Taid laid to rest with full state honours - 6 years ago

@manasharandhar1: RT @ArindomPanging: RIP Prof Tabu Taid - 6 years ago

@ArindomPanging: RIP Prof Tabu Taid - 6 years ago

@HimangshuSarma5: RT @Rameswa10423461: Deeply saddened to know that Tabu Ram Taid is no more with us.He was an able linguist, author and administrator. I pra… - 6 years ago

@insidene: #Assam Bids Tearful Adieu to Legendary Mishing Educationalist #TabuTaid @himantabiswa… - 6 years ago

@Sentinel_Assam: প্ৰখ্যাত সাহিত্যিক টাবুৰাম টাইদৰ দেহাৱসান #TabuRamTaid #Educationist #Linguist - 6 years ago

@Sentinel_Assam: Noted Educationist Tabu Ram Taid Passes Away #TabuRamTaid #Died - 6 years ago

@AkanDas11: RT @mygovassam: A visionary & eminent scholar Tabu Ram Taid today left for his heavenly abode. His contribution towards preservation of Mis… - 6 years ago

@pratidintime: #REGIONAL | Last rites of Tabu Taid to be performed today #Assam #AssamNews #TabuRamTaid @sarbanandsonwal - 6 years ago

@News18Northeast: আজি শেষকৃত্য সম্পন্ন হ’ব শি‍ক্ষাবিদ টাবুৰাম টাইডৰ - 6 years ago

@AmitabhBarooa: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@plabantwitt: @sarbanandsonwal RIP Sir Tabu Ram Taid🙏 - 6 years ago

@VIKASHK66856522: RT @HimanshuTalukd6: My deep condolences to death of tabu ram taid. RIP OM SHANTI - 6 years ago

@oddteapot: Noted Educationist Tabu Ram Taid Passes Away - 6 years ago

@netre3rd: Vidya Sinha, Neelum Sharma, V Chandrasekhar, Tabu Taid. May all departed souls attain sadgati. Om Shanti. - 6 years ago

@RatanMoniSaik10: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@dipankar_ict: RT @mygovassam: A visionary & eminent scholar Tabu Ram Taid today left for his heavenly abode. His contribution towards preservation of Mis… - 6 years ago

@iamadnanashraf: RT @BatoriWorld: #Assam | Noted Educationist Tabu Ram Taid Passes Away #AssamNews #TabuRamTaid - 6 years ago

@apnnewsInt: Assam: Educationalist, administrator Tabu Taid passes away at 77 - 6 years ago

@YaPravin: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@IsmailC01091049: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@ChinteyTarun: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@aninBG: RT @manoranjanpegu: Adieu . Tabu Taid. The Mising community shall forever miss you ! - 6 years ago

@PradanBaruah: RT @manoranjanpegu: Adieu . Tabu Taid. The Mising community shall forever miss you ! - 6 years ago

@Jayanta21762014: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@sunny_nawaz: RT @bobbeeta: Tabu Taid sir belonged to the Mishing community hailing from a very backward area of Lakhimpur District. Yet surmounting mamm… - 6 years ago

@ChoudhuryNayani: RT @BatoriWorld: #Assam | Noted Educationist Tabu Ram Taid Passes Away #AssamNews #TabuRamTaid - 6 years ago

@manoranjanpegu: Adieu . Tabu Taid. The Mising community shall forever miss you ! - 6 years ago

@GeorgekurianINC: RT @bobbeeta: Tabu Taid sir belonged to the Mishing community hailing from a very backward area of Lakhimpur District. Yet surmounting mamm… - 6 years ago

@UtsavPurohit4: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@anirban1970: RT @NENowNews: Assam: Educationalist, administrator Tabu Taid passes away at 77 #Assam #SEBA #SCERT #CottonCollege #AASU @CMOfficeAssam @hi… - 6 years ago

@NELiveTV: Noted Educationist Tabu Ram Taid passes away at 77. - 6 years ago

@DipankarHandi14: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@Ms_Lutyens: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@bobbeeta: Tabu Taid sir belonged to the Mishing community hailing from a very backward area of Lakhimpur District. Yet surmou… - 6 years ago

@SmitaGoswami13: Noted Indian educationist, linguist, author, an able and an excellent administrator Sir Tabu Ram Taid breathed his… - 6 years ago

@vipin123panwar: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@ManojDa82948670: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@sagar_ghy: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@shantanunandan2: @parisaikia02 @sangbarooahpish RIP Tabu Taid sir. 🙏 He was a well known linguist in Assam. ...and hailed from Lakhi… - 6 years ago

@dulumedhi123: শিক্ষাবিদ টাবুৰাম টাইডৰ দেহাৱসান। মুখ্য মন্ত্ৰী সৰ্বানন্দ সোণোৱাল আৰু উদ্যোগ মন্ত্ৰী চন্দ্ৰমোহন পাটোৱাৰীৰ শোক প্ৰকা… - 6 years ago

@ISHWARLALSAHU4: RT @Rameswa10423461: Deeply saddened to know that Tabu Ram Taid is no more with us.He was an able linguist, author and administrator. I pra… - 6 years ago

@Rameswa10423461: Deeply saddened to know that Tabu Ram Taid is no more with us.He was an able linguist, author and administrator. I… - 6 years ago

@mygovassam: A visionary & eminent scholar Tabu Ram Taid today left for his heavenly abode. His contribution towards preservatio… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Tabu Taid - 6 years ago

@redolfi_tony: ashton kutcher obituary Tabu Taid, 77, Indian educationist.[2] - 6 years ago

@BHARATBAG: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Tabu Taid, you will be missed - #TabuTaid #Tabu #Taid #rip - 6 years ago

@BatoriWorld: #Assam | Noted Educationist Tabu Ram Taid Passes Away #AssamNews #TabuRamTaid - 6 years ago

@taidk: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@KalitaAtanu: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@Sentinel_Assam: Noted Educationist Tabu Ram Taid breathes his last in Guwahati hospital #TabuTaid #Demise - 6 years ago

@airnews_ghy: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@NEIndia_ANI: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@monisha_dewraja: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@RamaniKantaShar: RT @ddnews_guwahati: Tabu Ram Taid, Assam's eminent educationist , linguist and author passed away today morning. - 6 years ago

@asli_niranjan: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@ShivamBhashkar: RT @sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese lang… - 6 years ago

@sarbanandsonwal: My condolences on the demise of educationist and linguist Tabu Ram Taid. His works towards enriching the Assamese l… - 6 years ago

@ddnews_guwahati: Tabu Ram Taid, Assam's eminent educationist , linguist and author passed away today morning. - 6 years ago

@NENowNews: Assam: Educationalist, administrator Tabu Taid passes away at 77 #Assam #SEBA #SCERT #CottonCollege #AASU… - 6 years ago

@News18Northeast: বিশিষ্ট ভাষাবিদ টাবু টাইড আৰু নাই - 6 years ago

@payeng_nirmal: Professor Agom migang Tabu Ram Taid sir is no more #Rest_in_peace - 6 years ago

@jayashreekalit7: RT @SenapatiNilim: Tabu Taid is no more. A name that needs no introduction! His efforts for the development of Mising language and contrib… - 6 years ago

@SenapatiNilim: Tabu Taid is no more. A name that needs no introduction! His efforts for the development of Mising language and co… - 6 years ago

@airnews_ghy: Industries and Commerce Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary condoled on the demise of eminent educationist, linguist, a… - 6 years ago

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