T. S. R. Subramanian

Indian politician.
Died on Monday February 26th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to T. S. R. Subramanian:

@dhruvbhim: RT @swarup58: "बिछड़े सभी बारी-बारी ". One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. Rest in peace TSR. - 7 years ago

@VijayKBhatia2: RT @IASassociation: Cremation of Shri. T.S.R. Subramanian, Former Cabinet Secretary will take place at Lodhi Road crematorium at 5.30 pm to… - 7 years ago

@JayMurari: RT @swarup58: "बिछड़े सभी बारी-बारी ". One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. Rest in peace TSR. - 7 years ago

@vishysunil: RT @DrGPradhan: One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. ॐ शांति - 7 years ago


@tayal_yash: RT @swarup58: "बिछड़े सभी बारी-बारी ". One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. Rest in peace TSR. - 7 years ago

@chand_ghanshyam: RT @swarup58: "बिछड़े सभी बारी-बारी ". One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. Rest in peace TSR. - 7 years ago

@sanketsaluja: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@AmanVis10865893: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@DikshaS18910252: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@tariquehasan17: @Rupa_Books इस किताब का हिंदी version ऑनलाइन कहाँ से ख़रीदा जा सकता है? नाम- Journeys Through Babudom and Netaland… - 7 years ago

@gmukherji13: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@PallaviLimetray: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@vicky_saurav: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@Immanispeaks: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@rratnoo: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@hatilaraghunan1: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@NewsBossIndia: Former Cabinet Secretary T S R Subramanian Passes Away.. - 7 years ago

@Bvrraju1: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@Nirdeshak1: Know Personality this week T.S.R. Subramanian, who passed away on 26 February 2018, had played an important role... - 7 years ago

@GafoorEdu: RT @swarup58: "बिछड़े सभी बारी-बारी ". One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. Rest in peace TSR. - 7 years ago

@prabha32687317: RT @swarup58: "बिछड़े सभी बारी-बारी ". One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. Rest in peace TSR. - 7 years ago

@prabha32687317: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@prabha32687317: RT @IASassociation: Cremation of Shri. T.S.R. Subramanian, Former Cabinet Secretary will take place at Lodhi Road crematorium at 5.30 pm to… - 7 years ago

@satugold: RT @DrGPradhan: One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. ॐ शांति - 7 years ago

@RAJESH196588: RT @DrGPradhan: One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. ॐ शांति - 7 years ago

@GaganKu24509646: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@TrudySolange: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@HolyGanga: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@bondsatyam: RT @DrGPradhan: One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. ॐ शांति - 7 years ago

@Indraje51596285: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@vkyadav_sp: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@naveengjoshi: T S R Subramaniyan को मेरी श्रद्धांजलि- - 7 years ago

@tsiddharth90: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@pandeyanant99: RT @DrGPradhan: One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. ॐ शांति - 7 years ago

@AbhiGurawaliya: RT @AtharAamirKhan: May his soul rest in peace. T S R Subramanian was a great mind and an outstanding officer. It is huge loss to the natio… - 7 years ago

@ROHILHKHAND97: RT @swarup58: "बिछड़े सभी बारी-बारी ". One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. Rest in peace TSR. - 7 years ago

@hardiask: @the_hindu An outstanding bureaucrat, T S R Subramanian passed away, who served with all his might. Why is he not g… - 7 years ago

@0786Sartaj: RT @IASassociation: Cremation of Shri. T.S.R. Subramanian, Former Cabinet Secretary will take place at Lodhi Road crematorium at 5.30 pm to… - 7 years ago

@0786Sartaj: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@docravish: RT @IASassociation: Extremely shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of T S R Subramanian. He was the tallest amongst all and is a big… - 7 years ago

@andlibsh: RT @swarup58: "बिछड़े सभी बारी-बारी ". One of the most outstanding officers, T S R Subramanian no more. Rest in peace TSR. - 7 years ago

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