Sydney Samuelson

British cinematographer.
Died on Thursday December 15th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Sydney Samuelson:

@cheshellen: Thinking of Sir Sydney Samuelson at this time. He died last week aged 97 after an incredible career in film. Honour… - 2 years ago

@cheshellen: Thinking of Sir Sydney Samuelson at this time. He died last week aged 97 after an incredible career in film. Honour… - 2 years ago

@TimJBurden: Last year whilst working on the recent Fiddler on the Roof anniversary album I was fortunate to speak with Sir Sydn… - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Journalist Milton Viorst; singer Lalo Rodriguez; music critic and composer Bayan Northcott; dru… - 2 years ago


@ScreenAllianceW: Last Wednesday, we were sad to learn of the passing of Sir Sydney Samuelson. Our Managing Director Allison Dowzell… - 2 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: With 50 years of experience in the industry, Sir Sydney was awarded a knighthood for services to the British Film C… - 2 years ago

@ValMRotherhithe: RT @MeadowcroftRob: Very sad news Sydney Samuelson passed on 14 December. Lovely man, amazing career in film and cinema, close friend of #R… - 2 years ago

@MeadowcroftRob: Very sad news Sydney Samuelson passed on 14 December. Lovely man, amazing career in film and cinema, close friend o… - 2 years ago

@TopTVCameraman: RT @GTC_TV: It is with great sadness that we hear of the passing of Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE, BSC, GBCT aged 97. Our thoughts are with Syd… - 2 years ago

@GTC_TV: Sydney had a massive impact on the UK film and television industry. Sydney founded Samuelson Film Service, was the… - 2 years ago

@GTC_TV: It is with great sadness that we hear of the passing of Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE, BSC, GBCT aged 97. Our thoughts… - 2 years ago

@Cinematog_world: RT @DPuttnam: Sir Sydney’s contribution to our industry has been as long as it’s been remarkable. My deepest sympathies are with his sons,… - 2 years ago

@LorinczyT: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@Aiphos2: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@AnthonyGlees: Sir Sydney Samuelson obituary: Fantastic life. - 2 years ago

@DanceWithNick: Sad news the passing of Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE BSC. A legend in the film British film industry. I first met him a… - 2 years ago

@TalkinToU: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@marcosarellano: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@Anita_Ribeiro_: @BAFTA Sir Sydney gave my dad his first job at Sammies when he arrived in the UK and him and the whole Samuelson fa… - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 668) #British #cinematographer , #UK #film #industry #pioneer #Sydney #Samuelson #dies #December 14,… - 2 years ago

@ruth_madeley: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@pamdwriter: RT @LightfootInHwd: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@pressinformant: Sydney Samuelson Induce of demise, Age, Spouse, Kids, Net Worth, Mom and dad, Funeral - 2 years ago

@watchinuk: British film industry veteran Sir Sydney Samuelson dies at 97 Read More: #sydneysamuelson… - 2 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97: Britis… - 2 years ago

@epo9: - 2 years ago

@epo9: - 2 years ago

@BrianUkulele: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@rifan155: RT @DEADLINE: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@TriciaTuttle: RIP Sydney Samuelson. It was an honour to work with him when I was at BAFTA. I found him to be such lovely person,… - 2 years ago

@johnoft: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@Soriano310ms: RT @DEADLINE: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@iseankyle: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@TexasDem2: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@HollywoodSBlog: Sydney Samuelson, First British Film Commissioner, Dies at 97 - 2 years ago

@iseankyle: Sydney Samuelson, First British Film Commissioner, Dies at 97 - 2 years ago

@dreyamedia: DEADLINE: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@LightfootInHwd: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@londonronnie: @RobertElms Robert, I believe this is the gentleman who phoned in to your show a year or two ago and spoke about th… - 2 years ago

@satrian: RT @DEADLINE: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@juantheargent: - 2 years ago

@DEADLINE: Sir Sydney Samuelson Dies: Former BAFTA Head And First British Film Commissioner Was 97 - 2 years ago

@Sh1rley: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@Ayohugh: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@AyshahTull: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@gravy_crew: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE, cameraman and pioneer in the British film and television industry, passes away - 2 years ago

@ShugMckenna: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@BCineMag: British Cinematographer is sorry to hear of the passing of Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE BSC, a true champion of the fil… - 2 years ago

@PriyaSamuel1: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@emocionycambio: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@carolinemonk: RT @jonathanshalit: We at @VarietyGB remember the great Sir Sydney Samuelson with appreciation and gratitude for his great support and love… - 2 years ago

@Den_Fabrizi: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@CroydonBMEForum: RT @FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary, fo… - 2 years ago

@FloellaBenjamin: Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE passed away age 97. He was my dear friend and guardian angel at @BAFTA He was a visionary,… - 2 years ago

@BAFTAScotland: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@jonathanshalit: We at @VarietyGB remember the great Sir Sydney Samuelson with appreciation and gratitude for his great support and… - 2 years ago

@deirdremhopkins: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@ThisIsSammy: I haven’t tweeted in a long time, but I want to acknowledge the beautiful photos and anecdotes being shared about m… - 2 years ago

@FilmLiverpool: We are deeply saddened to hear that Sir Sydney Samuelson, pioneer of the UK film and TV industry and a great ambass… - 2 years ago

@M_Troostwijk: Film pioneer Sir Sydney Samuelson dies aged 97 - 2 years ago

@christinejbond: Sad to hear of the death of Honorary Life Member of BECTU. His obit tells some of the story of his commitment to ou… - 2 years ago

@Cinekim2016: UK film industry pioneer Sydney Samuelson dies aged 97 - 2 years ago

@telegraphobits: Sir Sydney Samuelson, film-industry veteran who as the first Film Commissioner brought Hollywood shoots to Britain… - 2 years ago

@aojwFL_BFC: RT @Film_London: A message from Film London and British Film Commission Chief Executive, Adrian Wootton OBE: “We are deeply saddened to le… - 2 years ago

@newcastleboyy: RT @deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Sydney Samuelson - #SydneySamuelson #Sydney #Samuelson #rip - 2 years ago

@bh_film: So sorry to hear the news today of the passing of Sir Sydney Samuelson. Samuelson’s were legendary in the British F… - 2 years ago

@matsteiner: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@Smithyshere: RT @j_edwards_photo: Pioneer of the UK film & TV, Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE has died aged 97. I took this photo in 2016 during "My Life in p… - 2 years ago

@TomBrada1991: RT @JohnnyFocal: I am so saddened to learn my mate Sydney Samuelson has passed away. Both he & his late brother Micheal helped me like I wa… - 2 years ago

@TomBrada1991: RT @MorrisBrightMBE: Sad to hear Bafta award and fellowship winner, director and cinematographer Sir Sydney Samuelson has died aged 97. He… - 2 years ago

@TomBrada1991: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@archivesteph: A name I know from a previous archival life. Had the privilege to get some of his films for Ryder-Cheshire films di… - 2 years ago

@lukemckernan: One of the great names in British films, certainly one of the wisest - 2 years ago

@saltairebkshop: Sir Sydney Samuelson, film-industry veteran who as the first Film Commissioner brought Hollywood shoots to Britain… - 2 years ago

@dave_norris: RT @j_edwards_photo: Pioneer of the UK film & TV, Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE has died aged 97. I took this photo in 2016 during "My Life in p… - 2 years ago

@alex_FTCharity: RT @FilmTVCharity: “Our thoughts are with the family of our friend Sir Sydney Samuelson following today’s announcement of his passing. As a… - 2 years ago

@j_edwards_photo: Pioneer of the UK film & TV, Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE has died aged 97. I took this photo in 2016 during "My Life i… - 2 years ago

@FilmLiverpool: We are deeply saddened to hear that Sir Sydney Samuelson, pioneer of the UK film and TV industry and a great ambass… - 2 years ago

@GailRenard: @mauricegran @MorrisBrightMBE @ElstreeStudios To me, Sir Sydney Samuelson was synonymous with @BAFTA ... and so much more. - 2 years ago

@MikeHird: RT @FilmTVCharity: “Our thoughts are with the family of our friend Sir Sydney Samuelson following today’s announcement of his passing. As a… - 2 years ago

@ProductionGuild: Sir Sydney Samuelson, pioneer of the UK film and TV industry and founder of the Samuelson Group, has died aged 97.… - 2 years ago

@bdavieswykes: RT @FilmTVCharity: “Our thoughts are with the family of our friend Sir Sydney Samuelson following today’s announcement of his passing. As a… - 2 years ago

@lulubenson: RT @FilmTVCharity: “Our thoughts are with the family of our friend Sir Sydney Samuelson following today’s announcement of his passing. As a… - 2 years ago

@FilmTVCharity: A true pioneer and a kind and sparkling man, the industry has lost but will long remember a great friend.” Alex Pu… - 2 years ago

@FilmTVCharity: “Our thoughts are with the family of our friend Sir Sydney Samuelson following today’s announcement of his passing.… - 2 years ago

@OrlandoParfitt: RT @Screendaily: UK film industry pioneer Sydney Samuelson dies aged 97 - 2 years ago

@Smithyshere: RT @Screendaily: UK film industry pioneer Sydney Samuelson dies aged 97 - 2 years ago

@JoeFilippone: - 2 years ago

@JohnnyFocal: I am so saddened to learn my mate Sydney Samuelson has passed away. Both he & his late brother Micheal helped me li… - 2 years ago

@JewishChron: Film pioneer Sir Sydney Samuelson dies aged 97 - 2 years ago

@GailRenard: @MorrisBrightMBE @ElstreeStudios I'm sorry. Sir Sydney Samuelson was a legend. - 2 years ago

@DennisCMcMahon: RT @MorrisBrightMBE: Sad to hear Bafta award and fellowship winner, director and cinematographer Sir Sydney Samuelson has died aged 97. He… - 2 years ago

@sigmatheta777: RT @MorrisBrightMBE: Sad to hear Bafta award and fellowship winner, director and cinematographer Sir Sydney Samuelson has died aged 97. He… - 2 years ago

@mcp_guru: RT @PeterJKnight78: I’m really sad to here the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson (centre) has died. I was lucky to be able to call him a frien… - 2 years ago

@MadCornishProj: RT @PeterJKnight78: I’m really sad to here the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson (centre) has died. I was lucky to be able to call him a frien… - 2 years ago

@Lyndsayduthie: RT @filminuk_BFC: A message from British Film Commission Chief Executive, Adrian Wootton OBE: “We are deeply saddened to learn of the pass… - 2 years ago

@rifan155: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@PeterJKnight78: I’m really sad to here the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson (centre) has died. I was lucky to be able to call him a f… - 2 years ago

@UKJewishFilm: It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of our Honorary Life Patron Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE. - 2 years ago

@WYSIW: A mighty and immensely kind figure in the Film Industry has been lost. Sir Sydney Samuelson passed peacefully in hi… - 2 years ago

@CabinetStories: RT @Film_London: A message from Film London and British Film Commission Chief Executive, Adrian Wootton OBE: “We are deeply saddened to le… - 2 years ago

@aojwFL_BFC: RT @filminuk_BFC: A message from British Film Commission Chief Executive, Adrian Wootton OBE: “We are deeply saddened to learn of the pass… - 2 years ago

@Gillian321part2: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@AllanHunter_GFF: RT @Screendaily: UK film industry pioneer Sydney Samuelson dies aged 97 - 2 years ago

@Film_London: A message from Film London and British Film Commission Chief Executive, Adrian Wootton OBE: “We are deeply saddene… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Sydney Samuelson - #SydneySamuelson #Sydney #Samuelson #rip - 2 years ago

@BAFTACymru: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@filminuk_BFC: A message from British Film Commission Chief Executive, Adrian Wootton OBE: “We are deeply saddened to learn of th… - 2 years ago

@_TVExtra: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@vampirepunkgirl: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@gaurav010x: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@samuelescritor: RT @BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has died. Sir Sy… - 2 years ago

@BAFTA: We're saddened by the news that Sir Sydney Samuelson - former BAFTA Chair, Fellow and Special Award recipient - has… - 2 years ago

@Screendaily: UK film industry pioneer Sydney Samuelson dies aged 97 - 2 years ago

@dave_norris: A great help to me when I started out in the industry who also became a friend. I miss the bacon rolls on Royal Fil… - 2 years ago

@LondonFilmCrews: RT @IberfilmPartner: Very sad news that Sir Sydney Samuelson – former BAFTA Chair, BAFTA Fellow and recipient of the Outstanding British Co… - 2 years ago

@IberfilmPartner: Very sad news that Sir Sydney Samuelson – former BAFTA Chair, BAFTA Fellow and recipient of the Outstanding British… - 2 years ago

@TheGBCT: Rest In Peace Sir Sydney Samuelson - 2 years ago

@ANDYDB7: RT @sothcott: Sad news - Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE has died. Doyen of the Samuelson film dynasty he was also the first British Film Commissi… - 2 years ago

@HillPlaceBlog: RT @sothcott: Sad news - Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE has died. Doyen of the Samuelson film dynasty he was also the first British Film Commissi… - 2 years ago

@mjsimpsonfilms: RT @sothcott: Sad news - Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE has died. Doyen of the Samuelson film dynasty he was also the first British Film Commissi… - 2 years ago

@HerefordFilms: RT @sothcott: Sad news - Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE has died. Doyen of the Samuelson film dynasty he was also the first British Film Commissi… - 2 years ago

@sothcott: Sad news - Sir Sydney Samuelson CBE has died. Doyen of the Samuelson film dynasty he was also the first British Fil… - 2 years ago

@AllanHunter_GFF: RT @MorrisBrightMBE: Sad to hear Bafta award and fellowship winner, director and cinematographer Sir Sydney Samuelson has died aged 97. He… - 2 years ago

@MorrisBrightMBE: Sad to hear Bafta award and fellowship winner, director and cinematographer Sir Sydney Samuelson has died aged 97.… - 2 years ago

@Sydney_Beach_: RT @solisolsoli: Lit up by Dillon Samuelson - 2 years ago

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