Susan Lindquist

American biologist
Died on Friday October 28th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Susan Lindquist:

@franzi2709: RT @kochinstitute: A lovely piece: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases - 8 years ago

@amuthenerd: A big loss for Science- Susan Lindquist. - 8 years ago

@sairama: RT @Yumanitytx: We work to help fulfill her legacy. @WSJ tribute to our founder Susan Lindquist - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Susan Lindquist, American biologist, Died at 67 - 8 years ago


@wittyremarkhere: RT @kendrakf13: Susan Lindquist memorial fund to encourage women in science : - 8 years ago

@Leenah_Alaalm: One of the postdocs from Susan Lindquist lab gave a heart touching short speech to commemorate her death #hsp90 #meeting #Germany - 8 years ago

@eskay8: RT @DonnellyCentre: Obituary: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases - 8 years ago

@touteiro: RT @DMM_Journal: Susan Lindquist's excellent poster review of protein-folding disease mechanisms is our most highly accessed poster: https:… - 8 years ago

@touteiro: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@cmmannion: RT @Yumanitytx: We work to help fulfill her legacy. @WSJ tribute to our founder Susan Lindquist - 8 years ago

@AEDeconinck: RT @kochinstitute: A lovely piece: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases - 8 years ago

@DonnellyCentre: Obituary: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases - 8 years ago

@LariaLGenViller: RT @kochinstitute: A lovely piece: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases - 8 years ago

@S_Corcoran: RT @kochinstitute: A lovely piece: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases - 8 years ago

@sengupso: RT @kochinstitute: A lovely piece: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases - 8 years ago

@philipyam: Sad news. She studied yeast prions. Whitehead's Susan Lindquist, accomplished & beloved scientist, has died at 67 - 8 years ago

@TweetedScience: kochinstitute: A lovely piece: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases … - 8 years ago

@kochinstitute: A lovely piece: Susan Lindquist’s Work Spurred Efforts to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases - 8 years ago

@kendrakf13: Susan Lindquist memorial fund to encourage women in science : - 8 years ago

@Yumanitytx: We work to help fulfill her legacy. @WSJ tribute to our founder Susan Lindquist - 8 years ago

@VanDerSar_Lab: RT @RobinMay9: Sad, premature passing of one of the greatest yeast biologists of the last 50 years: - 8 years ago

@SamratLabMohali: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@MahakSharma23: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@Germain41: RT @GeneticsGSA: Very sad news: Susan Lindquist, prion and protein folding legend, died yesterday. - 8 years ago

@mfmcmanus: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@laurie_snyder: RT @fiddle: Love this: “Some of my projects don’t work, but when they do work, they are pretty fabulous." - 8 years ago

@ZacharyMarch1: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@MondouxLab: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@TNRLab: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@Smish100: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@kk_loke86: RT @DMM_Journal: Susan Lindquist's excellent poster review of protein-folding disease mechanisms is our most highly accessed poster: https:… - 8 years ago

@SaraScientista: RT @MIT: MIT Professor @Sue_Lindquist, pioneering biologist and former director of @WhiteheadInst, has died at 67. - 8 years ago

@erikfyhom: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@Brooks_Rob: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@jjyerbury: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@ClaesAndreasson: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@MarsTweep: MIT’s Susan Lindquist, 67, a pioneer in science - 8 years ago

@WomenSciAUST: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@ejtillman10: "The sheer intellectual joy of finding out how life works is really cool" inspiring, true, @Sue_Lindquist @NYT obit - 8 years ago

@dallandrummond: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@KayatekinCan: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@Eric_Chevet: RT @ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@ShorterLab: The Whitehead Institute Fund to Encourage Women in Science. Created to honor the memory of Susan Lindquist: - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: Late molecular biologist Susan Lindquist: "I have to tell you that the sheer intellectual joy of finding out how.. - 8 years ago

@NeuroJo: EdgeForScholars - Susan Lindquist Drops the Mic and Leaves the Room. - 8 years ago

@rahulgandhi007: RT @BioRadLifeSci: Susan Lindquist, Scientist Who Made Genetic Discoveries Using Yeast, Dies at 67 - 8 years ago

@MGH_DNA_Core: There are no words to express our sorrow .... - 8 years ago

@AmeerTphd: RT @pollyp1: What annoys me about the Dudes Giving Dudes Prizes culture is that highly deserving women like Susan Lindquist die before gett… - 8 years ago

@JuneauXena: Another huge loss: Susan Lindquist, Scientist Who Made Genetic Discoveries Using Yeast, Dies at 67, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@KuhaniKuvani: RT @BostonGlobe: Susan Lindquist’s experiments with fruit flies and brewer’s yeast broke new scientific ground - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Susan Lindquist - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Susan Lindquist (1949 - 2016), died at age 67 years - 8 years ago

@HalfmannLab: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@XuanShirleyLi: Unbelievably saddened by passing of Susan Lindquist, 67, a pioneer in science @MIT - 8 years ago

@GSegala: Susan Lindquist, Scientist Who Made Genetic Discoveries Using Yeast, Dies at 67 - - 8 years ago

@ae_mckee: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@burklowj: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@erikfyhom: Susan Lindquist, Scientist Who Made Genetic Discoveries Using Yeast, Dies at 67 - 8 years ago

@juedwang: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@WEHI_Director: RT @NatRevNeurol: Sad news. Tribute to Susan Lindquist by NY Times: - 8 years ago

@Muscateer5: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@TGACVertebrates: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@SalvaPDP: RT @DMM_Journal: Susan Lindquist's excellent poster review of protein-folding disease mechanisms is our most highly accessed poster: https:… - 8 years ago

@marthataggart: Susan Lindquist, who did poineering research into protein misfolding in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, dies at 67 - 8 years ago

@merrilyn57: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@ozgungokce: RT @NIHDirector: A bright flame gone too soon. Susan Lindquist will be sorely missed. We remember her inspiring presentation here: - 8 years ago

@DrosoPhilly: Susan Lindquist, Scientist Who Made Genetic Discoveries Using Yeast, Dies at 67 - 8 years ago

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