Suniti Solomon

Indian doctor
Died on Tuesday July 28th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Suniti Solomon:

@ALeftLiberal: RT @Obitopedia: .@MandakiniGahlot's obit for Dr. Suniti Solomon, who diagnosed India's 1st case of HIV in '86.

@MandakiniGahlot: RT @Obitopedia: .@MandakiniGahlot's obit for Dr. Suniti Solomon, who diagnosed India's 1st case of HIV in '86.

@dj_mishra: RT @Obitopedia: .@MandakiniGahlot's obit for Dr. Suniti Solomon, who diagnosed India's 1st case of HIV in '86.

@narain: RT @Obitopedia: .@MandakiniGahlot's obit for Dr. Suniti Solomon, who diagnosed India's 1st case of HIV in '86.


@vinodjose: RT @Obitopedia: .@MandakiniGahlot's obit for Dr. Suniti Solomon, who diagnosed India's 1st case of HIV in '86.

@Obitopedia: .@MandakiniGahlot's obit for Dr. Suniti Solomon, who diagnosed India's 1st case of HIV in '86.

@madasever: RT @weareji: @priyaramani Sharing a fine, fine tribute to #HIV pioneer Dr Suniti Solomon by The New Yorker

@rameshnair: RT @SupriyaUnniNair: Researchers had predicted an #AIDS catastrophe in India. But it never happened-in part becoz India had #SunitiSolomon …

@SasthaPrakash: I came to know of her after her death... there are people who work without much fanfare... RIP Dr Suniti Solomon!...

@weareji: @LowcountryAIDS Tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon who stopped India's largest modern health catastrophe

@sathyamurthi: RT @SupriyaUnniNair: Researchers had predicted an #AIDS catastrophe in India. But it never happened-in part becoz India had #SunitiSolomon …

@Vipinnair: RT @SupriyaUnniNair: Researchers had predicted an #AIDS catastrophe in India. But it never happened-in part becoz India had #SunitiSolomon …

@MathiFryy: RT @weareji: @priyaramani Sharing a fine, fine tribute to #HIV pioneer Dr Suniti Solomon by The New Yorker

@suchitrav: RT @weareji: @priyaramani Sharing a fine, fine tribute to #HIV pioneer Dr Suniti Solomon by The New Yorker

@gkjohn: RT @weareji: @MichaelEHayden #RIP Tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon who averted India's biggest modern health disaster

@bharatmohan: RT @SupriyaUnniNair: Researchers had predicted an #AIDS catastrophe in India. But it never happened-in part becoz India had #SunitiSolomon …

@NameFieldmt: RT @SupriyaUnniNair: Researchers had predicted an #AIDS catastrophe in India. But it never happened-in part becoz India had #SunitiSolomon …

@SupriyaUnniNair: Researchers had predicted an #AIDS catastrophe in India. But it never happened-in part becoz India had #SunitiSolomon

@sujitsuchindran: RT @DrYadavalli: Suniti Solomon, Doctor Who Found India's First HIV Case, Passes Away

@priyaramani: RT @weareji: @priyaramani Sharing a fine, fine tribute to #HIV pioneer Dr Suniti Solomon by The New Yorker

@weareji: @PriyankBeats @greensyntax Right after Kalam, Suniti Solomon who averted India's biggest health disaster, also left:

@weareji: @profsubramanian Few hrs after Dr Kalam, Dr Suniti Solomon (who pre-empted India's biggest health disaster) also left

@weareji: @nehadhiman1992 Sharing an A+ tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon, #AIDS pioneer, in the august New Yorker

@TeachAIDS: Remembering a pioneer of of #AIDS treatment in India via @NewYorker

@shantanudutta: Postscript: Suniti Solomon, A Pioneer in AIDS Research

@weareji: @apekshapd Sharing a sterling tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon from The New Yorker

@debraj_speaks: RT @weareji: @divaker01 Within hrs of Dr Kalam, Dr Solomon, who averted India's modern health disaster, also left

@weareji: @divaker01 Within hrs of Dr Kalam, Dr Solomon, who averted India's modern health disaster, also left

@weareji: @rgolay #HIV vaccines often region-specific. Sadly, India lost a pioneer who was working on local vaccine

@weareji: @ARangarajan1972 Yrs ago, Dr Suniti met TN educ minister, began basic SE in TN schools. Hope it's still on. SS obit:

@tvpadma: RT @weareji: @DrYadavalli Dr Solomon not only treated #HIV but also the stigma that accompanied it. New Yorker's tribute:

@HIV_AIDS_jails: RT @worldaidsmuseum: Dr. Suniti Solomon, Pioneering Indian HIV/AIDS Researcher, Dies at 76 #HIV #AIDS

@weareji: @DrYadavalli Dr Solomon not only treated #HIV but also the stigma that accompanied it. New Yorker's tribute:

@RibbonWarriorMC: RT @worldaidsmuseum: Dr. Suniti Solomon, Pioneering Indian HIV/AIDS Researcher, Dies at 76 #HIV #AIDS

@karenza_t: Postscript: Suniti Solomon

@karenza_t: Postscript: Suniti Solomon

@switchshot: On the day top Indian AIDS researcher Suniti Solomon died, here's India's top #HIV story - or not. @theaidsalliance

@KDMHealthUpdate: HIV Researcher Dr Suniti Solomon Succumbs to Liver Cancer at 76

@ashwinsudhir: RT @goldbone: What would've been a crisis unprecedented scale was averted "in part because India had Suniti Solomon."

@goldbone: What would've been a crisis unprecedented scale was averted "in part because India had Suniti Solomon."

@evanlitsa: RT @TIME: Pioneering Indian HIV/AIDS researcher Dr. Suniti Solomon dies at 76


@theabhayk: RT @weareji: @theabhayk The late Dr. Suniti Solomon knew how to do both, & averted India's greatest modern health catastrophe:

@HIVptn: RT @weareji: @Gunashekhar The New Yorker tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon's life & achievements

@icaap2015: Suniti Solomon, the AIDS-treatment pioneer who died on Tuesday. In 1986, Solomon diagnosed India first cases.

@i_vp: "Researchers predicted an unparalleled AIDS catastrophe in India. It never happened-in part due to Suniti Solomon"

@acorn: RT @weareji: @Ashwani_KS This obit beautifully sums up Dr Solomon's work, spirit, & what she did for India

@Priya_Kadam: RT @weareji: @Ashwani_KS This obit beautifully sums up Dr Solomon's work, spirit, & what she did for India

@weareji: @shahidul Dr Suniti Solomon passed away this week. Sharing tribute to her in The New Yorker:

@eBookAnil: Postscript: Suniti Solomon

@vinimowo: Dr. Suniti Solomon, Pioneering Indian HIV/AIDS Researcher, Dies at 76

@gsAfsar: RT @vigneshram: The New Yorker's obituary on Prof. Suniti Solomon

@weareji: @Gunashekhar The New Yorker tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon's life & achievements

@RHMJournal: Dr Suniti Solomon: researcher & passionate community activist, who spoke for people who'd otherwise be ignored

@weareji: @atiyaz @irfhabib Late Dr Suniti Solomon, who averted India's biggest modern health disaster, took both in her stride

@weareji: @theabhayk The late Dr. Suniti Solomon knew how to do both, & averted India's greatest modern health catastrophe:

@PseudoBabinski: RT @qtfan: The @NewYorker Postscript for Suniti Solomon, HIV AIDS pioneering doctor in India.

@weareji: @Ashwani_KS This obit beautifully sums up Dr Solomon's work, spirit, & what she did for India

@qtfan: The @NewYorker Postscript for Suniti Solomon, HIV AIDS pioneering doctor in India.

@weareji: @nemothegreat1 #India's PM may have been on this list if the late Dr Suniti Solomon hadn't averted this catastrophe

@pritash: RT @scroll_in: If it were not for Suniti Solomon, India would have never known about its AIDS crisis

@Dead_hot_Dodo: RT @weareji: Of all obits for Dr Suniti Solomon, #AIDS pioneer who died this week, this one

@weareji: @DrAsisAcharya @arunjei @ikaveri Indeed. Sharing A+ obit from The New Yorker on Dr SS that highlights this:

@vinayaravind: RT @weareji: Of all obits for Dr Suniti Solomon, #AIDS pioneer who died this week, this one

@inkroutes: RT @weareji: Of all obits for Dr Suniti Solomon, #AIDS pioneer who died this week, this one

@NigelBritto: RT @weareji: Of all obits for Dr Suniti Solomon, #AIDS pioneer who died this week, this one

@karthic: RT @RKKrishnan: Great work. #Indian media gave a rat's ass.But the #Newyorker didn't forget! Postscript: Suniti Solomon

@Kranzzz: RT @weareji: Of all obits for Dr Suniti Solomon, #AIDS pioneer who died this week, this one

@weareji: Of all obits for Dr Suniti Solomon, #AIDS pioneer who died this week, this one

@AlumniNETNews: Suniti Solomon, who woke India up to HIV threat, dies at 76

@AnantBhan: RT @weareji: @anupsoans Tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon from Conference on Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections (CROI)

@Kranzzz: Postscript: Suniti Solomon

@Kranzzz: RT @weareji: #AIDS crisis, predictions of an unparalleled catastrophe in India never happened - because India had Suniti Solomon: "

@weareji: @anupsoans Tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon from Conference on Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections (CROI)

@swayam_dude: Postscript: Suniti Solomon

@theabhi2026: Suniti Solomon - a pioneer in India's AIDS research

@weareji: @suresh_cpc Indeed. Without Dr SS #AIDS in India = gargantuan. Sharing another fine piece:

@weareji: @scroll_in @oratorgreat So true. And here is a stirring tribute to Dr Suniti Solomon in @NewYorker:

@weareji: @scarysouthpaw So true, & this fine tribute from @NewYorker explains it succinctly

@wildwonderweb: RT @weareji: #AIDS crisis, predictions of an unparalleled catastrophe in India never happened - because India had Suniti Solomon: "

@gsnarayan: RT @weareji: #AIDS crisis, predictions of an unparalleled catastrophe in India never happened - because India had Suniti Solomon: "

@weareji: #AIDS crisis, predictions of an unparalleled catastrophe in India never happened - because India had Suniti Solomon: "

@HelloDox: Suniti Solomon, Doctor Who Awakened India To HIV, Passes Away Suniti Solomon, the doctor credited with...

@samlcarr: RT @htTweets: Remembering #SunitiSolomon a pioneer in India's #AIDS research

@dlaids: Aiding the outcasts: In the wake of Dr Suniti Solomon's (a pioneer HIV/AIDS researcher in India) passing away,...

@sarasujones: Postscript: Suniti Solomon

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