Sunday Mirror

Welsh sports writer (Sunday Mirror
Died on Friday September 27th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sunday Mirror:

@CH_2014: @TheSun Prince Harry Launches Legal Battle Against The Sun and The Mirror After Phone Hacking. The claims come just… - 5 years ago

@ProChristopher: RT @Cromwell606: #SussexSquad #PrinceHarry realising that he's had quite enough bullshit from The Sun, The Mirror, The Mail on Sunday and… - 5 years ago

@julian47hill: RT @Cromwell606: #SussexSquad #PrinceHarry realising that he's had quite enough bullshit from The Sun, The Mirror, The Mail on Sunday and… - 5 years ago

@ravenlandstyles: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago


@TheLeftWingUK: Nelson's Column: Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson desperate to avoid a kick in the ballots Everyone seems to expect… - 5 years ago

@kalavgang: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@babybubbas_: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@inlovewithLandH: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@gagagaia29: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@nudisha: RT @RoseDAnnor: Once Harry named mail on Sunday everyone else jumped in thinking if they screamed loud enough their own sins would be cover… - 5 years ago

@isdora17: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@bluecatsarah: @ArtCrunchy Mail on Sunday stole Markle's copyright by publishing her letter. Should not copyright be protected, es… - 5 years ago

@unojen_wood: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@xziamsmagic: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@makisstasinos: RT @100YearsAgoLive: A squadron of biplanes used for postal services ready to take off to distribute the Sunday Pictorial, a supplement of… - 5 years ago

@measorgeezer: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@Idontmind64: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@TallulahB2012: 2014: “I hope the MP is OK. It makes me feel really awful that this will ruin his life. The fact that a newspaper w… - 5 years ago

@AlishaStyles18: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@Nahitoh19: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@Craigames5: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@TerenceBeckley: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@Gaziskwakers: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@ProduktTimeline: Haunted Black Feather Voodoo Double Mirror Dybbuk Demon Vessel Box - Strange Wax $31.00 (3 Bids)End Date: Sunday Oc… - 5 years ago

@Nikineo: RT @RoseDAnnor: Once Harry named mail on Sunday everyone else jumped in thinking if they screamed loud enough their own sins would be cover… - 5 years ago

@BBCWeekendGMS: Prince Harry has launched a phone-hacking case against the Sun and the Daily Mirror. It's as the Duchess of Sussex… - 5 years ago

@jackalsbynight: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@itsceline_xo: RT @RoseDAnnor: Once Harry named mail on Sunday everyone else jumped in thinking if they screamed loud enough their own sins would be cover… - 5 years ago

@leeDouglasjone1: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@7FTog6QZtjWwAcT: RT @Telegraph: It comes just days after his wife, the Duchess of Sussex, announced she was suing the Mail on Sunday - 5 years ago

@davidbutcher007: RT @Cromwell606: #SussexSquad #PrinceHarry realising that he's had quite enough bullshit from The Sun, The Mirror, The Mail on Sunday and… - 5 years ago

@TahirBinHussai2: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@pellioose: RT @RoseDAnnor: Once Harry named mail on Sunday everyone else jumped in thinking if they screamed loud enough their own sins would be cover… - 5 years ago

@laurdivaregui: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@essikert: @flaregun yes!!! pioneer. i wanted mirror selfie from a sunday sesh where i’m wearing a vintage football shirt but i’m not so brave - 5 years ago

@Feraox: RT @RoseDAnnor: Once Harry named mail on Sunday everyone else jumped in thinking if they screamed loud enough their own sins would be cover… - 5 years ago

@rosedagger2891: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@AndryPresh: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@olaleye_teniola: RT @RoseDAnnor: Once Harry named mail on Sunday everyone else jumped in thinking if they screamed loud enough their own sins would be cover… - 5 years ago

@petebestuk: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@Littlebitgayls1: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@freyfrost: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@gina_asada: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@aninhallthelove: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@velvetapollo: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@Dmcltd2: RT @queenbhuie: I will sleep well tonight knowing that: The mirror is getting sued. The sun is getting sued. Mail on Sunday getting sued.… - 5 years ago

@hxlidaylarry: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@lumostroye: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@gina_asada: RT @MyDukeandI1: Prince Harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday! He has had enough of their bully… - 5 years ago

@phoenyxsequoyah: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@AnitaDarnell8: RT @DancingTheMind: This is the best news all week. Now Prince Harry to sue the Sun and Mirror, as well as Meghan to sue the Mail on Sund… - 5 years ago

@kiwiiemily: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@youguyssavedme: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@TariqSiddiqi: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@DryHumorBabe: RT @CABRAXAS10: Meghan's suing the Mail on Sunday, Harry's suing the Daily Mirror and Sun. This means just one thing to me - the media's a… - 5 years ago

@BakerSonPeekay: RT @chrisshipitv: Just like the other day when we asked “Why now?” about Meghan suing the Mail on Sunday, I’m left asking “Why now?” about… - 5 years ago

@delilahstyles_: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@TariqSiddiqi: RT @MyDukeandI1: Prince Harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday! He has had enough of their bully… - 5 years ago

@xpayneapple: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@Emma_Lewy: RT @holylarents: prince harry is taking legal action against the sun, daily mirror and the mail on sunday - 5 years ago

@veniviedivici: RT @HRHMegSussex: "A legal insider told Byline Investigates: “Piers Morgan has been critical of Harry and Meghan's recourse to law this wee… - 5 years ago

@Lianameerah23: RT @sqincode: ATTENTION ❗️ 📍Get a cute mirror for FREE if you purchase anything on this weekend!! Only valid until this Sunday ✨ - 5 years ago

@HRHMegSussex: "A legal insider told Byline Investigates: “Piers Morgan has been critical of Harry and Meghan's recourse to law th… - 5 years ago

@benglevy1969: Besides Meghan suing Mail on Sunday, Harry is suing The SUN & MIRROR for misused of his private info by 'allegedly… - 5 years ago

@WeAreIBP: Nevada's first cannabis tasting lounge is set to open this Sunday. The new venture will mirror a craft brewery or w… - 5 years ago

@andrewsduncan1: Prince Harry Sues The Sun and Mirror as Well as the Mail on Sunday in War on Tabloids. 🇬🇧#HarryMeghan #Press - 5 years ago

@CTV_PR: Photo Alert: Episodic images for Sunday's episode of #TheTruthAboutTheHarryQuebertAffair, titled "Mirror, Mirror" a… - 5 years ago

@james170969: RT @SocialistVoice: Crossrail workers have downed tools after 5 workers have died in their sleep in the last 6 months Crossrail Ltd said… - 5 years ago

@SiyabongaG2: RT @TimesLIVE: Hollywood star Lupita Nyong'o announced on Wednesday that her long-awaited children's book, Sulwe, is ready for release. htt… - 5 years ago

@callboymick: RT @SocialistVoice: Crossrail workers have downed tools after 5 workers have died in their sleep in the last 6 months Crossrail Ltd said… - 5 years ago

@kaiwhakamahi_: RT @SocialistVoice: Time to halt sick killings of the zebra Unbelievably there are hardly any legal restrictions on shooting wild animals… - 5 years ago

@marionpfallon: RT @SocialistVoice: Crossrail workers have downed tools after 5 workers have died in their sleep in the last 6 months Crossrail Ltd said… - 5 years ago

@Sunnyclaribel: RT @Sunnyclaribel: @JacquiDillon @Esther9982 He also stands up for a man called Darren Laverty who stole a photo of me from a Sunday Mirror - 5 years ago

@Sunnyclaribel: @JacquiDillon @Esther9982 He also stands up for a man called Darren Laverty who stole a photo of me from a Sunday M… - 5 years ago

@rainiangel: RT @SocialistVoice: Time to halt sick killings of the zebra Unbelievably there are hardly any legal restrictions on shooting wild animals… - 5 years ago

@SocialistVoice: Time to halt sick killings of the zebra Unbelievably there are hardly any legal restrictions on shooting wild anim… - 5 years ago

@mpp_gtto: RT @SocialistVoice: Crossrail workers have downed tools after 5 workers have died in their sleep in the last 6 months Crossrail Ltd said… - 5 years ago

@SocialistVoice: Crossrail workers have downed tools after 5 workers have died in their sleep in the last 6 months Crossrail Ltd s… - 5 years ago

@wanie_suhaimi: RT @sqincode: ATTENTION ❗️ 📍Get a cute mirror for FREE if you purchase anything on this weekend!! Only valid until this Sunday ✨ - 5 years ago

@Bioconductor: @SherlockpHolmes @wolfgangkhuber Oops; mark your calendar for Sunday 3 Oct 2021 when the certificates expire again… - 5 years ago

@sqincode: ATTENTION ❗️ 📍Get a cute mirror for FREE if you purchase anything on this weekend!! Only valid until this Sunday ✨ - 5 years ago

@__Drey_: RT @BooksLIVESA: Lupita Nyong'o announced that her long-awaited children's book, 'Sulwe', is ready for release! - 5 years ago

@SueNyathi: RT @BooksLIVESA: Lupita Nyong'o announced that her long-awaited children's book, 'Sulwe', is ready for release! - 5 years ago

@HollifieldOwen: RT @thesundaypeople: 'Time to halt sick killings of the zebra' says Voice of the Sunday People. - 5 years ago

@Swathi_Azad: RT @DeccanHerald: Setting the stage💡 A breathtaking mirror reflection of illuminated Mysuru Palace in rainwater on Sunday night. DH Photo… - 5 years ago

@BooksLIVESA: Lupita Nyong'o announced that her long-awaited children's book, 'Sulwe', is ready for release!… - 5 years ago

@RayMaboya: RT @TimesLIVE: Hollywood star Lupita Nyong'o announced on Wednesday that her long-awaited children's book, Sulwe, is ready for release. htt… - 5 years ago

@lerato_degriz_F: RT @TimesLIVE: Hollywood star Lupita Nyong'o announced on Wednesday that her long-awaited children's book, Sulwe, is ready for release. htt… - 5 years ago

@TimesLIVE: Hollywood star Lupita Nyong'o announced on Wednesday that her long-awaited children's book, Sulwe, is ready for rel… - 5 years ago

@kingsford73: RT @Lewis4Ealing: "In November 2013 Nadhim Zahawi "apologised unreservedly" after The Sunday Mirror reported that he had claimed £5,822 exp… - 5 years ago

@lifeisblog: @Maryamhasnaa Thanks for being a mirror and confirmation.! Looking forward to Sunday, classes two weeks in a row - 5 years ago

@KathleenBelmon7: RT @Ylen_5: @marklevinshow This needs to be played on every radio and news outlets even though it was played during the 1st Russian Witchhu… - 5 years ago

@CJWimmer: @GOP @realDonaldTrump Enough. All of you need to Go to church Sunday, or move in that church because you have turne… - 5 years ago

@cubinhodeyoongi: RT @crisayonara: niall estava optando por iniciar sua carreira como cantor solo e escolheu justamente a produtora rival, e simon fez crític… - 5 years ago

@SueLukes: RT @Lewis4Ealing: "In November 2013 Nadhim Zahawi "apologised unreservedly" after The Sunday Mirror reported that he had claimed £5,822 exp… - 5 years ago

@ProduktTimeline: Psychic Powers Haunted Mirror Candle Holder Energy Magic Wiccan Paranormal $58.00End Date: Sunday Nov-3-2019 14:31:… - 5 years ago

@ARICHTALL: RT @Lewis4Ealing: "In November 2013 Nadhim Zahawi "apologised unreservedly" after The Sunday Mirror reported that he had claimed £5,822 exp… - 5 years ago

@themicropoett: RT @Lewis4Ealing: "In November 2013 Nadhim Zahawi "apologised unreservedly" after The Sunday Mirror reported that he had claimed £5,822 exp… - 5 years ago

@Lewis4Ealing: "In November 2013 Nadhim Zahawi "apologised unreservedly" after The Sunday Mirror reported that he had claimed £5,8… - 5 years ago

@NickStevenson63: @BBCNews @hendopolis Yeah... about the Mirror headline. Metro, Sunday Times and Mail had a completely different tak… - 5 years ago

@Blahica1: RT @Luana84473134: Voice of the Sunday People: Time to halt sick killings of the #zebra #AnimalRights #AnimalWelf… - 5 years ago

@SHB6964: RT @themackenzilee: Hi! I’m at NYC Comicon this weekend! Aside from this signing, I’ll be on the Women of Marvel panel on Sunday at 12:15,… - 5 years ago

@DrDaveSmithUK: Exciting to see Josh’s story being picked up by the press linked to @KingsGateLEI moving to Fullhurst Community Chu… - 5 years ago

@6079smith: @rentonMagaUK Wow, that's some Sunday Sport right there! Even the Mirror is struggling with crappy scare stories hahaha - 5 years ago

@Thierry62937619: Heartland preview of Sunday’s new episode. Looks intense. Episode 3 "Rearview Mirror" First Look | Heartland: Seaso… - 5 years ago

@DadaistTwit: don't saying: told But He a he drug failed gross what of hit destroyed misconduct I'm has "I the going Mirror: test… - 5 years ago

@eastcityart: RT @AlexArtsOffice: Today's theme for National Arts & Humanities Month is Street Art. These past few months, we have been bringing music to… - 5 years ago

@writersofboston: RT @themackenzilee: Hi! I’m at NYC Comicon this weekend! Aside from this signing, I’ll be on the Women of Marvel panel on Sunday at 12:15,… - 5 years ago

@AlexArtsOffice: Today's theme for National Arts & Humanities Month is Street Art. These past few months, we have been bringing musi… - 5 years ago

@animeshqueen: RT @thesundaypeople: 'Time to halt sick killings of the zebra' says Voice of the Sunday People. - 5 years ago

@thesundaypeople: 'Time to halt sick killings of the zebra' says Voice of the Sunday People. - 5 years ago

@drewcostley: My Sunday shift buddy @gkerag's Black Mirror technology story was such a cool application of pop culture zeitgeist… - 5 years ago

@Eowyn_spn33: RT @themackenzilee: Hi! I’m at NYC Comicon this weekend! Aside from this signing, I’ll be on the Women of Marvel panel on Sunday at 12:15,… - 5 years ago

@miss_melissalee: RT @themackenzilee: Hi! I’m at NYC Comicon this weekend! Aside from this signing, I’ll be on the Women of Marvel panel on Sunday at 12:15,… - 5 years ago

@IAmTheReverb: RT @themackenzilee: Hi! I’m at NYC Comicon this weekend! Aside from this signing, I’ll be on the Women of Marvel panel on Sunday at 12:15,… - 5 years ago

@Dana84900297: RT @themackenzilee: Hi! I’m at NYC Comicon this weekend! Aside from this signing, I’ll be on the Women of Marvel panel on Sunday at 12:15,… - 5 years ago

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