Subir Gokarn

Indian economist
Died on Tuesday July 30th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Subir Gokarn:

@EconomistDK: RT @ncaer: @ncaer @BrookingsIndia @bsindia are holding a joint memorial meeting to pay tribute to Dr Subir Gokarn at the NCAER Conference C… - 6 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @ncaer: @ncaer @BrookingsIndia @bsindia are holding a joint memorial meeting to pay tribute to Dr Subir Gokarn at the NCAER Conference C… - 6 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @BrookingsIndia: Tributes poured in for Dr. Subir Gokarn, our first Research Director, at a joint memorial meeting organised by @ncaer,… - 6 years ago

@BrookingsIndia: Tributes poured in for Dr. Subir Gokarn, our first Research Director, at a joint memorial meeting organised by… - 6 years ago


@ELVIES23: RT @ArvindKejriwal: Untimely passing away of eminent economist Mr Subir Gokarn is a huge loss to the nation. His deep understanding of comp… - 6 years ago

@Geetika_Dang: RT @ncaer: @ncaer @BrookingsIndia @bsindia are holding a joint memorial meeting to pay tribute to Dr Subir Gokarn at the NCAER Conference C… - 6 years ago

@ShamikaRavi: RT @ncaer: @ncaer @BrookingsIndia @bsindia are holding a joint memorial meeting to pay tribute to Dr Subir Gokarn at the NCAER Conference C… - 6 years ago

@BrookingsIndia: RT @ncaer: @ncaer @BrookingsIndia @bsindia are holding a joint memorial meeting to pay tribute to Dr Subir Gokarn at the NCAER Conference C… - 6 years ago

@ncaer: @ncaer @BrookingsIndia @bsindia are holding a joint memorial meeting to pay tribute to Dr Subir Gokarn at the NCAER… - 6 years ago

@DineshS51200030: RT @arunjaitley: Saddened to know about the demise of eminent economist and former RBI deputy governor Subir Gokarn. Subir was a sound Econ… - 6 years ago

@Jmhubballi: RT @arunjaitley: Saddened to know about the demise of eminent economist and former RBI deputy governor Subir Gokarn. Subir was a sound Econ… - 6 years ago

@pranali_01: RT @arunjaitley: Saddened to know about the demise of eminent economist and former RBI deputy governor Subir Gokarn. Subir was a sound Econ… - 6 years ago

@Manish_SBJP: RT @ianuragthakur: I express my deepest condolences on the demise of eminent economist & former RBI Dpty Gov Sh Subir Gokarn. Om Shanti. - 6 years ago

@vikramgade: RT @cogencis: Gokarn - Reminiscences of a rookie RBI reporter #FirstPerson - 6 years ago

@vikramgade: RT @cogencis: Gokarn's advice for pursuing sustainable growth #RBIWatch - 6 years ago

@udaimehta: RT @durgaraghunath: Two excellent pieces in @bsindia this weekend: 1) one gorgeous tribute to Subir Gokarn from D Subbarao and 2) a brillia… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Subir Gokarn (59) Indian banker - 6 years ago

@eu_indo: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@JournoDebjit: RT @vrishtibeniwal: Subbarao's tribute to Gokarn. A must read. - 6 years ago

@gdalmiathinks: RT @andymukherjee70: Lovely tribute. And it’s true. Delhi and Bombay economists might as well be from different planets. For Delhi economis… - 6 years ago

@NirbhayBhut: RT @ArvindKejriwal: Untimely passing away of eminent economist Mr Subir Gokarn is a huge loss to the nation. His deep understanding of comp… - 6 years ago

@karanBali_: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@SangwanNarender: RT @MukeshAghi: Deeply saddened to hear passing away of our friend Subir Gokarn, a patriot and great supporter of US-India partnership. He… - 6 years ago

@AsadDoctor1: RT @cogencis: Gokarn's advice for pursuing sustainable growth #RBIWatch - 6 years ago

@KunalVe74538178: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@joshi_mukund136: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@wpssidhu: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@BobLancia: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@gaurav_rockman: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@Neeraj_Tomar86: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@IndiainNewYork: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@vijai63: RT @IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Executive… - 6 years ago

@IndianEmbassyUS: Ambassador @HarshShringla paid his respects by laying a wreath at the funeral service of eminent economist & Execut… - 6 years ago

@AkshayReddy_K: RT @ArvindKejriwal: Untimely passing away of eminent economist Mr Subir Gokarn is a huge loss to the nation. His deep understanding of comp… - 6 years ago

@VIVEKKU92955168: RT @ArvindKejriwal: Untimely passing away of eminent economist Mr Subir Gokarn is a huge loss to the nation. His deep understanding of comp… - 6 years ago

@vrishtibeniwal: Subbarao's tribute to Gokarn. A must read. - 6 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @durgaraghunath: Two excellent pieces in @bsindia this weekend: 1) one gorgeous tribute to Subir Gokarn from D Subbarao and 2) a brillia… - 6 years ago

@corporate_mahi: RT @ShamikaRavi: I share this with a heavy heart...Subir Gokarn, my friend and colleague, passed away a few hours back. Our thoughts and pr… - 6 years ago

@Newashango: RT @ArvindKejriwal: Untimely passing away of eminent economist Mr Subir Gokarn is a huge loss to the nation. His deep understanding of comp… - 6 years ago

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