Stewart Wieck

American game designer (White Wolf Publishing).
Died on Tuesday June 27th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Stewart Wieck:

@ScottJHolden: @dinosaur1945 1 of 2. Hi Andreas. I don't know if you've heard, but, suddenly and unexpectedly, Stewart Wieck passe… - 8 years ago

@SeeBrianWrite: RT @OutlandEnt: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck by @alanbahr - 8 years ago

@RagnarokPub: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck by @alanbahr - 8 years ago

@OutlandEnt: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck by @alanbahr - 8 years ago


@TheDanWells: RT @alanbahr: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@LaMarcadelEste: RT @alanbahr: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@dubmun: The world has lost a rare person in Stewart Wieck. He left it a better place. - 8 years ago

@RichardPF: RT @alanbahr: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@David_Annandale: RT @alanbahr: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@FredKiesche: RT @alanbahr: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@alanbahr: In Memoriam: Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@ty_carey: Very sad to hear of Stewart Wieck's passing. White Wolf/Vampire, particularly Mage the Ascension was a huge part of my life. Such a loss. - 8 years ago

@kuon_as: RT @cop_tokyo: ホワイトウルフ創業者の1人、Stewart Wieckさんが急死。享年49歳……良いゲームをありがとうございました。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 8 years ago

@trevorcurtis23: @MykeCole RIP Stewart Wieck. Dude went out with sword in hand, but way too soon. Changed the world for the better. - 8 years ago

@ForgotMyDice: RT @SJGames: Daily Illuminator: More About Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@paercebal: Stewart Wieck, one of White Wolf alumnus, passed away last month, at 49. 😢 More about him, and his contributions: - 8 years ago

@aizakku4: RT @cop_tokyo: ホワイトウルフ創業者の1人、Stewart Wieckさんが急死。享年49歳……良いゲームをありがとうございました。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 8 years ago

@SJGames: Daily Illuminator: More About Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@RpgExplorer: July 1, 2017: More About Stewart Wieck from Steve Jackson Games - Daily Illuminator - 8 years ago

@RPGnet: RT @watcher_969: "Advanced Designers & Dragons: Giants of the Industry: Stewart Wieck" via @RPGnet #rpg - 8 years ago

@TheAethernaut: @dubtea @djeo @MonteJCook @ShannaGermain @BruceCordell A repost from his brother, Steve: - 8 years ago

@TheAethernaut: @dubtea @djeo @MonteJCook @ShannaGermain @BruceCordell Sad. Stewart Wieck died. Found out via the S&S #Kickstarter - 8 years ago

@ZanziberPoV: Advanced Designers & Dragons #14: Giants of the Industry: Stewart Wieck - RPGnet - 8 years ago

@PublishingPanda: RT @BrettTheBrooks: I just heard of the passing of Stewart Wieck, one of the founders of White Wolf. A kind soul, indeed. RIP, Stewart. You… - 8 years ago

@a_man_in_black: The founders of that company were Mark Rein-Hagen and Wieck brothers. (Stewart Wieck died just this past week.) - 8 years ago

@ArnoDoucet: RT @perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... https:/… - 8 years ago

@Seth_Brower: RT @perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... https:/… - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 16 243) #Industry #Great #American #Stewart #Wieck #Passes #Away #June 22, 2017 At #Age 49 - 8 years ago

@GrownupGeekGirl: RT @perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... https:/… - 8 years ago

@Demonpuppy: RT @perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... https:/… - 8 years ago

@ArmyofWomack: RT @perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... https:/… - 8 years ago

@oggh: RT @perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... https:/… - 8 years ago

@largo621: RT @perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... https:/… - 8 years ago

@mushisan: RT @perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... https:/… - 8 years ago

@perezartist: White Wolf co-founder and co-creator of role playing game universe World of Darkness, Stewart Wieck passed away... - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Stewart Wieck dies - #StewartWieck #Stewart #Wieck #rip - 8 years ago

@phubar: I have about a foot of his games on my bookcase. Very sorry to see him go. Stewart Wieck, RIP. - 8 years ago

@CompleatStrat: @wwpublishing @stewartwieck Our deepest condolences from Danny and the Compleat Strategist family to the Wieck fami… - 8 years ago

@quietuswolfe: RT @Geekdomo: If you ever played any WhiteWolf games this man impacted your life in some way. RIP Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@coyttl: RT @BrettTheBrooks: I just heard of the passing of Stewart Wieck, one of the founders of White Wolf. A kind soul, indeed. RIP, Stewart. You… - 8 years ago

@BrettTheBrooks: I just heard of the passing of Stewart Wieck, one of the founders of White Wolf. A kind soul, indeed. RIP, Stewart. You will be missed. - 8 years ago

@Correspondence: oh, the guy behind mage: the ascension died :( - 8 years ago

@Bombbuzz: RT @Geekdomo: If you ever played any WhiteWolf games this man impacted your life in some way. RIP Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@WriterMacdonald: White Wolf's Stewart Wieck Died Sword in Hand - 8 years ago

@SC395097: RT @Geekdomo: If you ever played any WhiteWolf games this man impacted your life in some way. RIP Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@UsagiGoth: RiP Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@Homer_Morisson: RT @Geekdomo: If you ever played any WhiteWolf games this man impacted your life in some way. RIP Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@RenegadeShank: RT @Geekdomo: If you ever played any WhiteWolf games this man impacted your life in some way. RIP Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@kryptonradio: New post: White Wolf’s Stewart Wieck Died Sword in Hand - 8 years ago

@LevCTT: I was late to hear of it but, an RPG legend has passed away - 8 years ago

@Geekdomo: If you ever played any WhiteWolf games this man impacted your life in some way. RIP Stewart Wieck - 8 years ago

@TGSAguiar: R.I.P. Stewart Wieck. :( #RPG #WoD #Mage #Ascension - 8 years ago

@Desertpuma: Stewart Wieck, 1968 - 2017 - 8 years ago

@Aetherdyne: RIP Stewart Wieck. - 8 years ago

@werewolf_rage: Stewart Wieck has Passed (White Wolf) - 8 years ago

@JaroenK: I just got news the designer of my favourite RPG Mage: the Awakening passed away - - 8 years ago

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