Steve Parr

English footballer (Liverpool).
Died on Saturday August 24th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Steve Parr:

@paulhay1967: @BeardedGenius @Coldwar_Steve Martin parr is so good as this kind of photo - 6 years ago

@industrialfree3: RT @industrialfree3: @rexglacer @smfehir @kwqcnews @FBI @colonafire OUIoui see PODESTA willaim stingle and Rosenstien MULLEr HERMAN 100% CI… - 6 years ago

@parr_steve: @piersmorgan @MatteoGuendouzi You weren't saying that last week. - 6 years ago

@sr_parr: @JerryLawler @steveaustinBSR I agree with you 100% Steve Austin - 6 years ago


@giovanni_tremea: RT @lorenzo_sevieri: @mamaldonado61 @delivroemlivro @tonprans @adrianaosantos @Cepacol13 @RonaldoSva @oranduu @unnotedme @JuBibiano_ @faels… - 6 years ago

@RonaldoSva: RT @lorenzo_sevieri: @mamaldonado61 @delivroemlivro @tonprans @adrianaosantos @Cepacol13 @RonaldoSva @oranduu @unnotedme @JuBibiano_ @faels… - 6 years ago

@lorenzo_sevieri: @mamaldonado61 @delivroemlivro @tonprans @adrianaosantos @Cepacol13 @RonaldoSva @oranduu @unnotedme @JuBibiano_… - 6 years ago

@CoachCodyHop: RT @NCBulldogsAD: Great support tonight for the Scott Parr Coaches Show! Big thanks to Steve Petty for hosting on KAND Radio #OneBrickAtAT… - 6 years ago

@ChrisMac00: @cjcheesecake Steve winwood, John parr, mister mister, toto, journey, Whitney Bonnie Tyler the list goes on.. - 6 years ago

@NavarroSports: RT @NCBulldogsAD: Great support tonight for the Scott Parr Coaches Show! Big thanks to Steve Petty for hosting on KAND Radio #OneBrickAtAT… - 6 years ago

@NCDAWGPOUND: RT @NCBulldogsAD: Great support tonight for the Scott Parr Coaches Show! Big thanks to Steve Petty for hosting on KAND Radio #OneBrickAtAT… - 6 years ago

@NCBulldogsAD: Great support tonight for the Scott Parr Coaches Show! Big thanks to Steve Petty for hosting on KAND Radio… - 6 years ago

@graeme_parr: RT @cricketcomau: "There’s been a bit of talk that’s he’s got the wood over me, but he hasn’t actually got me out." - Steve Smith on Jofra… - 6 years ago

@WadePage67: RT @kwhit4: Thanks 4 pointing that fact out!! Lol those 3guys were really good players. I just went along 4 the ride. Side note- we had gre… - 6 years ago

@kwhit4: Thanks 4 pointing that fact out!! Lol those 3guys were really good players. I just went along 4 the ride. Side note… - 6 years ago

@hangglidded: @bossypants72 Before your time was the original Jack Parr and Steve Allen. The hosts of today never had a character… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Steve Parr (92) English footballer - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Steve Parr (footballer) - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Steve Parr - #SteveParr #Steve #Parr #rip - 6 years ago

@toriiproperties: WE GOT YOUR WEEKEND PLUG New crop of #ToriiTunes carefully curated by our fearless CEO,… - 6 years ago

@AliCupper: I would like to acknowledge Mr Kevin Chambers who started the community discussion back in 2012 & local campaigners… - 6 years ago

@endurotaion: - 6 years ago

@Brummie_Steve: Mundine v Parr 🥊🥊🥊🥊 - 6 years ago

@Brummie_Steve: Mundine v Parr 🥊🥊🥊🥊 - 6 years ago

@Brummie_Steve: Mundine v Parr 🥊🥊🥊🥊 - 6 years ago

@Brummie_Steve: Mundine v Parr 🥊🥊🥊🥊 - 6 years ago

@industrialfree3: @rexglacer @smfehir @kwqcnews @FBI @colonafire OUIoui see PODESTA willaim stingle and Rosenstien MULLEr HERMAN 100%… - 6 years ago

@ElikemStrokz: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@Nirmalaanimmie: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@BoxingNewsMedia: Mundine v Parr 🥊🥊🥊🥊 - 6 years ago

@BoxingNewsMedia: Mundine v Parr 🥊🥊🥊🥊 - 6 years ago

@redwesade: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@joefleet89: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@Geedhai: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@ppedrossalazar: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@jaseleehorsley: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@helenkerr23: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@BAKETHEBEST: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@Essvari: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@BizInWoking: RT @EM3GrowthHub: Meet our Growth Champion Steve Parr. Steve is an entrepreneurial sales leader, hands-on consultant, and Director with 30… - 6 years ago

@ordnaryfootyfan: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

@EM3GrowthHub: Meet our Growth Champion Steve Parr. Steve is an entrepreneurial sales leader, hands-on consultant, and Director wi… - 6 years ago

@Redrazor20: RT @clemente_carl: I've just heard the sad news that #LFC oldest former player Steve Parr has passed away aged 92. A full-back, from Bamber… - 6 years ago

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