Steve Dillon

English comic book artist (Preacher).
Died on Saturday October 22nd 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Steve Dillon:

@tehcontrarian: RT @CoolComicArt: A sad thing about Steve Dillon is that he was still kicking ten thousand kinds of ass on Punisher w/ @beckycloonan https:… - 8 years ago

@TristanVernon: also, RIP Steve Dillon, one of Daken's creators and an iconic artist. Your work lives on. - 8 years ago

@WaywardBlues: Steve Dillon. - 8 years ago

@Willambeau: - 8 years ago


@sugar_yin: RT @mariuschapuis: La BD perd l'irrévérencieux Steve Dillon - 8 years ago

@rpancost: Celebrating the work of Steve Dillon - bold and challenging - 8 years ago

@ToffeeTigers: #horror6music Until the End of the World/Nick Cave. We lost the amazing Steve Dillon this last week and without him and JC no melding for us - 8 years ago

@VGN_online: 13 Pages That Made Steve Dillon a Comic Book Legend - 8 years ago

@AntonSteinman: 13 Iconic Pages That Made Steve Dillon a Comic Book Legend #comics #illustration #amwriting - 8 years ago

@MarcisaScheron: RT @GoshComics: RIP Steve Dillon. An amazing artist. - 8 years ago

@yipjumpmusic: "13 Iconic Pages That Made Steve Dillon a Comic Book Legend - IGN" @Marvel #comics #Marvel @IGN - 8 years ago

@marura_mjomba: RT @Jawiin: #RIP Steve Dillon. Thank you for creating one of the best westerns in comics. You will be missed. #preacher - 8 years ago

@marura_mjomba: RT @EW: Steve Dillon, the #Preacher comic book artist, dies: - 8 years ago

@Johnleonardsil1: RT @BloodDriveTV: Bye Steve Dillon. From Preacher to Punisher, your are was inspiring. RIP. - 8 years ago

@Hazza_5000: 13 Pages That Made Steve Dillon a Comic Book Legend - The comic book industry suffered another huge loss this y... - 8 years ago

@HassanOE: RT @multiversityart: El video de esta semana de Strip Panel Naked está dedicado a Steve Dillon. Como siempre un estupendo trabajo. https… - 8 years ago

@HerediasIsland: RT @graffica_info: Fallece Steve Dillon, creador de ‘Preacher’ y dibujante de ‘Punisher’ - 8 years ago

@nebolevar: RT @HassanOE: Strip Panel Naked on Steve Dillon's Economic Storytelling. Taking a look at some of his work on 'Preacher'! - 8 years ago

@FelicityBrandon: RT @JohnApp63499667: 13 Iconic Pages That Made Steve Dillon a Comic Book Legend - IGN - 8 years ago

@MariaKappatou: RT @insidestory_gr: #SteveDillon: Μέχρι το τέλος του κόσμου. O σχεδιαστής #comics πέθανε το Σάββατο σε ηλικία 54 ετών. Του @sp_der - 8 years ago

@Projetodiego: RT @MDHollingsworth: Color guide from Preacher #16. Lineart by the great Steve Dillon, colors by me. All color guides from the mid 1990s.… - 8 years ago

@JuarezAc: RT @CoolComicArt: John Constantine by Steve Dillon - 8 years ago

@HHFactotum: El segundo arco lo dibuja Steve Dillon y ay mi corazoncito... - 8 years ago

@deathchrist2000: RT @MDHollingsworth: Color guide from Preacher #2. Lineart by the great Steve Dillon, colors by me. - 8 years ago

@DavidMann95: RT @MDHollingsworth: Color guide from Preacher #2. Lineart by the great Steve Dillon, colors by me. - 8 years ago

@HCullenLaw: Newswire: R.I.P. Steve Dillon, co-creator of Preacher - 8 years ago

@cjlongchris: RT @KnowingFlame: Preacher #4 Vertigo #Comics Garth Ennis Steve Dillon NM - 8 years ago

@ADAMTALLEY: Doing shots for Steve Dillon and the Dead or Alive singer. JOIN MEEEEEEEEEE - 8 years ago

@gavsygoo: RT @GeeksOUT: Renowned Artist Steve Dillon Passes Away via @devinagonistes - 8 years ago

@devinagonistes: RT @GeeksOUT: Renowned Artist Steve Dillon Passes Away via @devinagonistes - 8 years ago

@Sub_Spacer: RT @TheMatthewCraig: A loving examination of Steve Dillon's clarity of storytelling by @HassanOE - 8 years ago

@Blackbear102: RT @MDHollingsworth: Color guide from Preacher #3. Lineart by the great Steve Dillon, colors by me. - 8 years ago

@gphillips8652: RT @MDHollingsworth: Color guide from Preacher #3. Lineart by the great Steve Dillon, colors by me. - 8 years ago

@lodix1: RT @MDHollingsworth: Color guide from Preacher #3. Lineart by the great Steve Dillon, colors by me. - 8 years ago

@valleymike07: RT @KnowingFlame: Preacher #4 Vertigo #Comics Garth Ennis Steve Dillon NM - 8 years ago

@_DrComicBook: Steve Dillon's Economic Storytelling | Preacher | Strip Panel Naked via /r/DCcomics - 8 years ago

@kalemlalonde: RT @MDHollingsworth: Color guide from Preacher #3. Lineart by the great Steve Dillon, colors by me. - 8 years ago

@MrBitterwitter: RT @pjbond: #inktober 22nd. for Steve Dillon, inspiration, mentor, legend, and my comics uncle. cheers Steve. 🤘💙 - 8 years ago

@AlexRFJS: RT @KnowingFlame: Preacher #4 Vertigo #Comics Garth Ennis Steve Dillon NM - 8 years ago

@KnowingFlame: Preacher #4 Vertigo #Comics Garth Ennis Steve Dillon NM - 8 years ago

@GrzesiekDasko: RT @CoolComicArt: A sad thing about Steve Dillon is that he was still kicking ten thousand kinds of ass on Punisher w/ @beckycloonan https:… - 8 years ago

@GrossPointBlack: RT @jordcluff: No one drew a shit-eater quite like Steve Dillon. RIP. - 8 years ago

@Prettylettuce: RT @joelmeadows1: Steve Dillon Interview - 8 years ago

@MJPantling: RT @LutonOnSunday: Tributes paid from across the globe to Luton comic artist Steve Dillon - 8 years ago

@Lutontweets: #Luton Tributes paid from across the globe to Luton comic artist Steve Dillon Luton On Sunday RESPECTS…… - 8 years ago

@crazydiscostu: 📷 2000adonline: A Tribute to the Inimitable Steve Dillon (22 March 1962- 22 October 2016) It is with a... - 8 years ago

@ChrisBrosnahan: RT @joelmeadows1: Steve Dillon Interview - 8 years ago

@LutonOnSunday: Tributes paid from across the globe to Luton comic artist Steve Dillon - 8 years ago

@TheCorsairsTat2: RT @glyn_dillon: For those interested in making a gesture in memory of my brother Steve Dillon, we're suggesting (cont) - 8 years ago

@joelmeadows1: Steve Dillon Interview - 8 years ago

@EnglishmanSDCC: RT @joelmeadows1: Marvel Remembers Steve Dillon - 8 years ago

@joelmeadows1: Marvel Remembers Steve Dillon - 8 years ago

@joelmeadows1: Marvel Remembers Steve Dillon - 8 years ago

@realtripwire: Tribute To A British Comics Legend ♦Marvel, the company that Steve Dillon had done more work for in recent years... - 8 years ago

@RattyPumpkin: RT @mccreaman: Steve Dillon's cremation service is in 15 mins- so pass your thoughts on to his family- here's my last pic too in celebratio… - 8 years ago


@HSchumitz: RT @westonfront: Steve Dillon's Judge Dredd. - 8 years ago

@meikahidenori: RT @mccreaman: Steve Dillon's cremation service is in 15 mins- so pass your thoughts on to his family- here's my last pic too in celebratio… - 8 years ago

@andrewphillipy: RT @sharkeatsman: Jack Chick and Steve Dillon passing this close together feels like an odd balancing of the universe. - 8 years ago

@scott_springer: RT @westonfront: Steve Dillon's Judge Dredd. - 8 years ago

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