Steve Dalkowski

American baseball player.
Died on Friday April 24th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Steve Dalkowski:

@midwestfilmbuff: For all you baseball fans and Bull Durham fans. ⁦@claystoldt⁩ ⁦@iamjamesthe3rd⁩ - 5 years ago

@BlogAndTackle: RT @PressBoxOnline: Jim Henneman reflects on the myths and legends of Steve Dalkowski and recalls the one time he saw him pitch. - 5 years ago

@PressBoxOnline: Jim Henneman reflects on the myths and legends of Steve Dalkowski and recalls the one time he saw him pitch. - 5 years ago

@conradtribble: Don’t buy the Steve Dalkowski stories? Davey Johnson will make you a believer. - The Washington Post - 5 years ago


@LanginTots13: Dalkowski is a myth. Utterly insane stories. Featured prominently in the “Fastball” documentary. Was also recently… - 5 years ago

@paintingcorner: @conhinch @LanginTots13 RIP Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@JohnEnrico: - 5 years ago

@baseballpro: RT @wavingatyou: I’m fascinated by Steve Dalkowski, the best could-have-been story in baseball post-integration If… - 5 years ago

@TimsTenz: RT @wavingatyou: I’m fascinated by Steve Dalkowski, the best could-have-been story in baseball post-integration If… - 5 years ago

@KnoxvilleKC: RT @amberraebae: - 5 years ago

@amberraebae: - 5 years ago

@Bob_Barrett_650: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball’s greatest what-if story, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@SwagnShades: @JoshRojass The ball is different too, guys would also have the same workout programs, diets, and training regimens… - 5 years ago

@sethpoho: Scott Pitoniak wrote a great post on the legacy of Steve Dalkowski, where I didn't even know his roommate was futur… - 5 years ago

@KevinJebens: RT @wavingatyou: I’m fascinated by Steve Dalkowski, the best could-have-been story in baseball post-integration If… - 5 years ago

@wavingatyou: I’m fascinated by Steve Dalkowski, the best could-have-been story in baseball post-integration… - 5 years ago

@JorgeRabatJr: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh… - 5 years ago

@JorgeRabatJr: RT @hartfordcourant: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing pitcher who became an enduring figure of baseball lore, died of coronavirus on Sunday… - 5 years ago

@TDAsportsNENC: The Daily Advance | Wood column: Steve Dalkowski was one of baseball's fastest throwers | - 5 years ago

@pjyankeeedved: RT @poneilinOttawa: Gr8 yarn. This guy was featured in that Netflix doc on the Fastball: Steve Dalkowski, model for erratic pitcher in ‘Bul… - 5 years ago

@jim_goldsmith: RT @ThomasBoswellWP: My col: Don't buy Steve Dalkowski stories? The model for wild Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham? Threw 110 mph? Can't be tru… - 5 years ago

@Kazuto_Yamazaki: RT @baseballpro: Fantasy Freestyle: Profiling Steve Dalkowski by @wavingatyou - 5 years ago

@passed_present: “That’s why Steve Dalkowski stays in our minds. In his sport, he had the equivalent of Michelangelo’s gift but coul… - 5 years ago

@wamomma8: RT @auricursine: Bull Durham’s Nuke LaLoosh was, in fact, based on a real person... - 5 years ago

@auricursine: Bull Durham’s Nuke LaLoosh was, in fact, based on a real person... - 5 years ago

@BradleyRoss: Steve Dalkowski, Inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh of ‘Bull Durham,’ Dead At 80 Due to COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@TimsTenz: RT @baseballpro: Fantasy Freestyle: Profiling Steve Dalkowski by @wavingatyou - 5 years ago

@poneilinOttawa: Gr8 yarn. This guy was featured in that Netflix doc on the Fastball: Steve Dalkowski, model for erratic pitcher in… - 5 years ago

@AlDunn45: Crown Royal shots & 110-mph fastball. - 5 years ago

@PulpEphemera: RT @NickMiroff: Just a perfect baseball story from @ThomasBoswellWP - 5 years ago

@baseballpro: Fantasy Freestyle: Profiling Steve Dalkowski by @wavingatyou - 5 years ago

@jorgepi90471963: RT @alfonsosaer: Los guarismos de Steve Dalkowski en las menores son increíbles. En 956 innings ponchó a 1.324 y otorgó 1.236 boletos. So… - 5 years ago

@jorgepi90471963: RT @alfonsosaer: Murió Steve Dalkowski (80, para muchos el brazo más poderoso que ha tenido el béisbol. Lo vimos con Lara en la liga occide… - 5 years ago

@NickMiroff: Just a perfect baseball story from @ThomasBoswellWP - 5 years ago

@eazeee2004: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@jrc0311: Steve Dalkowski, the model for Nuke LaLoosh, dies at 80. Fastest pitcher to ever live. - 5 years ago

@bvar: RT @ThomasBoswellWP: My col: Don't buy Steve Dalkowski stories? The model for wild Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham? Threw 110 mph? Can't be tru… - 5 years ago

@hoodieandtie: @baseballpro And I really enjoyed @wavingatyou's piece this week, profiling Steve Dalkowski, a guy I didn't know a… - 5 years ago

@TrickieRD: RT @GregJaffe: Struck out 24 and walked 18 in a minor league game: “He had the thickest glasses you could buy — like a quarter-inch. You fi… - 5 years ago

@AMartinezWSJ: RT @GregJaffe: Struck out 24 and walked 18 in a minor league game: “He had the thickest glasses you could buy — like a quarter-inch. You fi… - 5 years ago

@MikeElk: RT @pjsauer: I never knew there was a model for Nuke LaLoosh. Was there fungus on his shower shoes? - 5 years ago

@pjsauer: I never knew there was a model for Nuke LaLoosh. Was there fungus on his shower shoes? - 5 years ago

@GregJaffe: Struck out 24 and walked 18 in a minor league game: “He had the thickest glasses you could buy — like a quarter-inc… - 5 years ago

@annplus_: Don’t buy the Steve Dalkowski stories? Davey Johnson will make you a believer. - 5 years ago

@VMan925: RT @ThomasBoswellWP: My col: Don't buy Steve Dalkowski stories? The model for wild Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham? Threw 110 mph? Can't be tru… - 5 years ago

@Homerunbot1: New MLB story on SI: - 5 years ago

@blakeybaseball2: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@deedawg134ever: RT @MattLoede: The Point After: The Lasting Legend of Steve Dalkowski (Remember Nuke LaLoosh?) on @SInow and @IndiansOnSI - 5 years ago

@realHRS_TVC_cam: @scottpitoniak @RBJdaily Sent this picture to my brother; we both agree that Steve Dalkowski looks just like our da… - 5 years ago

@daispoworld2016: RT @NYTSports: "He had the equivalent of Michelangelo’s gift but could never finish a painting.” Steve Dalkowski, the pitcher who was the i… - 5 years ago

@howardmegdal: RT @NYTSports: "He had the equivalent of Michelangelo’s gift but could never finish a painting.” Steve Dalkowski, the pitcher who was the i… - 5 years ago

@alexcastropr: RT @NYTSports: "He had the equivalent of Michelangelo’s gift but could never finish a painting.” Steve Dalkowski, the pitcher who was the i… - 5 years ago

@NYTSports: "He had the equivalent of Michelangelo’s gift but could never finish a painting.” Steve Dalkowski, the pitcher who… - 5 years ago

@davesportsgod: RT @GaylonWhite: @SBNationRadio @davesportsgod @MattVerderame Always a pleasure to be on your show, Dave. Thanks for the opportunity to tal… - 5 years ago

@GaylonWhite: @SBNationRadio @davesportsgod @MattVerderame Always a pleasure to be on your show, Dave. Thanks for the opportunity… - 5 years ago

@mfly1971: One wonders if #SteveDalkowski had the same problem as #JamesisWinston 🤔🤔🤔 - 5 years ago

@deedawg134ever: RT @IndiansOnSI: The Point After: The Lasting Legend of Steve Dalkowski (Remember Nuke LaLoosh?) on @SInow - 5 years ago

@ComradeArthur: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, Baseball’s Last Legend - 5 years ago

@IndiansOnSI: The Point After: The Lasting Legend of Steve Dalkowski (Remember Nuke LaLoosh?) on @SInow - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: "He had the equivalent of Michelangelo’s gift but could never finish a painting.” Steve Dalkowski, the pitcher who… - 5 years ago

@PostSports: “Steve Dalkowski threw harder than anybody I ever saw,” said Johnson, who was a teammate of the southpaw in 1963 wi… - 5 years ago

@ohaack: RT @IgnacioSerrano: [VIDEO] ¿De verdad Steve Dalkowski ha sido el pitcher más rápido de la historia? En este documental lo afirman quienes… - 5 years ago

@Berrinchin33: RT @IgnacioSerrano: [VIDEO] ¿De verdad Steve Dalkowski ha sido el pitcher más rápido de la historia? En este documental lo afirman quienes… - 5 years ago

@RichMcWilliams1: RIP Steve Dalkowski. Don’t buy the Steve Dalkowski stories? Davey Johnson will make you a believer. - The Washing… - 5 years ago

@George_the_3rd: RT @ballparkprints: Steve Dalkowski, Model for Erratic Pitcher in ‘Bull Durham,’ Dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@jeffbankert: Hardest thrower ever? Steve Dalkowski - Davey Johnson will make you a believer. - 5 years ago

@ryanchichester1: RT @ryanchichester1: "He was complicated, but he was a great guy." Steve Dalkowski's sister Patricia Cain was by her brother's side for 26… - 5 years ago

@rybelmont: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@Billsmafia178: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@Yung_Title: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@FletcherWDSU: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@PlascenciaBeas_: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@26thYankee: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@juancplascencia: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@CarlosAlmanzarR: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@Faces_SI: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@si_mlb: RT @SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@SInow: Tom Verducci remembers Steve Dalkowski, the Paul Bunyan of pitching - 5 years ago

@MattLoede: The Point After: The Lasting Legend of Steve Dalkowski (Remember Nuke LaLoosh?) on @SInow and @IndiansOnSI - 5 years ago

@craignewman: RT @Charliemagne: "Ripken, Weaver and others sometimes added that they didn’t want to be quoted on how fast they thought he threw because t… - 5 years ago

@GlennOneal: RT @ThomasBoswellWP: My col: Don't buy Steve Dalkowski stories? The model for wild Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham? Threw 110 mph? Threw one pi… - 5 years ago

@JMann9: RT @ThomasBoswellWP: My col: Don't buy Steve Dalkowski stories? The model for wild Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham? Threw 110 mph? Threw one pi… - 5 years ago

@sportcentral: Steve Dalkowski, RIP: Lost and Found - 5 years ago

@jaykaydee: RT @ThomasBoswellWP: My col: Don't buy Steve Dalkowski stories? The model for wild Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham? Threw 110 mph? Threw one pi… - 5 years ago

@eazeee2004: RT @Orioles: Remembering the legendary Steve Dalkowski. Dalkowski, the inspiration for Bull Durham’s Nuke Laloosh, averaged 12.5 Ks and 11… - 5 years ago

@seller11: RT @ThomasBoswellWP: My col: Don't buy Steve Dalkowski stories? The model for wild Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham? Threw 110 mph? Threw one pi… - 5 years ago

@MxHamx: "He had the equivalent of Michelangelo’s gift but could never finish a painting.” - 5 years ago

@torresroberto: RT @Rinconfanatico: ERdF 347 - Lo que se vivio en el Draft virtual de la NFL 2020 - Angel arranco la seccion del beisbol, explicando lo que… - 5 years ago

@Rinconfanatico: ERdF 347 - Lo que se vivio en el Draft virtual de la NFL 2020 - Angel arranco la seccion del beisbol, explicando lo… - 5 years ago

@casterline: @Lynn_Henning @esquire This is Kathleen, Matt Hart's daughter. I wanted to share with you a quick piece that my dad… - 5 years ago

@SummerGameBooks: Writer Pat Jordan based a character on the real-life Steve Dalkowski in his novel, THE CHEAT, reissued by SGB in 20… - 5 years ago

@PaulValleIII: RT @PressBoxOnline: .@StanTheFan and Ross Grimsley talk with former #Orioles slugger Boog Powell about his playing days and plate disciplin… - 5 years ago

@SummerGameBooks: Steve Dalkowski, considered the fastest pitcher who ever lived, has passed away. - 5 years ago

@GlennClarkRadio: With limited options, tonight's a good night to watch #BullDurham on #MLBNetwork in honor of late #Orioles minor le… - 5 years ago

@cailandcompany: RT @GaylonWhite: Not to be confused with Nuke LaLoosh, artist Ben Sakoguchi did this great painting of Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@ExamineBaseball: RT @GaylonWhite: Not to be confused with Nuke LaLoosh, artist Ben Sakoguchi did this great painting of Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@GaylonWhite: Not to be confused with Nuke LaLoosh, artist Ben Sakoguchi did this great painting of Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@CubsDen: RT @MikePilbean: ICYMI, we discuss America and "a fly with a buzz", Steve Dalkowski and Nuke LaLoosh, and Ted Williams as a Devin Hester-is… - 5 years ago

@ALANDexter2020: RT @astockeyWTAE: The pitcher who inspired Nuke LaLoosh from "Bull Durham" fame died last week in Connecticut due to complications from COV… - 5 years ago

@astockeyWTAE: The pitcher who inspired Nuke LaLoosh from "Bull Durham" fame died last week in Connecticut due to complications fr… - 5 years ago

@si_mlb: Was Steve Dalkowski the hardest-throwing pitcher ever? The choice is up to you, writes @emmabaccellieri - 5 years ago

@SportsDailyKFH: Remembering Steve Dalkowski, a minor-league baseball legend - 5 years ago

@ELizaMSomers: Excellent story on the hardest throwing pitcher in baseball. Guess who? - 5 years ago

@tiburonchavez9: RT @LiderEsDeporte: Lanzaba casi siempre sobre las 100 millas por hora - 5 years ago

@GaylonWhite: Remembering Steve Dalkowski, a minor-league baseball legend - 5 years ago

@UNoticias: Será recordado por lanzar casi siempre sobre las 100 mph - 5 years ago

@Maripuerta: Steve Dalkowski, Model for Erratic Pitcher in ‘Bull Durham,’ Dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@elliottbaseball: RT @CDNBaseballNet: Elliott: Was Steve Dalkowski the fastest, wildest ever? - 5 years ago

@ahclarice: RT @snopes: Dalkowski never reached the major leagues but was said to have thrown well over 100 mph. Long before velocity was tracked with… - 5 years ago

@EmGusk: This obit by @MattSchudel reads like a book - 5 years ago

@NYPennNews: RT @HistoryEastern: ICYMI: Former Eastern League prospect Steve Dalkowski (Elmira Pioneers, 1962-64) died on April 19 at the age of 80. #Ea… - 5 years ago

@HistoryEastern: ICYMI: Former Eastern League prospect Steve Dalkowski (Elmira Pioneers, 1962-64) died on April 19 at the age of 80.… - 5 years ago

@Jozefowski: RT @emmabaccellieri: I wrote about Steve Dalkowski and baseball mythmaking - 5 years ago


@DCDining: Steve Dalkowski is the #DannyGatton of baseball. - 5 years ago

@Annoited111: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@gorevidal: RT @bmadden1954: Steve Dalkowski, the legendary fastest pitcher ever and Ron Shelton’s inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh dead of the coronvirus… - 5 years ago

@The_Scooter_Boy: Steve Dalkowski, the model for Nuke LaLoosh, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@shamrock44646: RT @emmabaccellieri: I wrote about Steve Dalkowski and baseball mythmaking - 5 years ago

@iDavidMurphy: RIP Steve Dalkowski. Fastest heater ever. The original Nuke LaLoosh. - 5 years ago

@thestevevaughan: RT @SteveKettmann: COVID claims real life “Bull Durham” @powellnyt @pedrogomezESPN @DDavisLA - 5 years ago

@AdamDubbin: RT @blessyouboys: Detroit Tigers Links: Pitchers tell the best Miguel Cabrera stories - 5 years ago

@FrancesWolf: RT @Bencjacobs: Remembering Steve Dalkowski, Perhaps the Fastest Pitcher Ever - 5 years ago

@Turley33: RT @SteveKettmann: COVID claims real life “Bull Durham” @powellnyt @pedrogomezESPN @DDavisLA - 5 years ago

@pedrogomezESPN: RT @SteveKettmann: COVID claims real life “Bull Durham” @powellnyt @pedrogomezESPN @DDavisLA - 5 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@blemtown: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@hppundit: - 5 years ago

@dhouse67: RT @WNEP: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the movie “… - 5 years ago

@FeedSportNews: Steve Dalkowski, Model for Erratic Pitcher in ‘Bull Durham,’ Dies at 80: Known for his extraordinary fastball, Dalk… - 5 years ago

@joetodora12: RT @WNEP: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the movie “… - 5 years ago

@31BJN: RT @WNEP: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the movie “… - 5 years ago

@WNEP: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh… - 5 years ago

@manisteenews: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh… - 5 years ago

@BeccaRay91: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@ClaudeLelay: RT @rip_mlb: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, possibly the fastest pitcher in professional baseball history. He died April 19 at the age of 80 from… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Steve Dalkowski, US-amerikanischer Baseballspieler, am 19.04.2020 im Alter von 80 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@WolfMyers3: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@robtned: Few would argue with him... Steve Dalkowski, 1939-2020 - 5 years ago

@Bill_Flood: RT @FOX61News: COVID-19 claims Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration behind 'Bull Durham' The legendary pitcher set a C… - 5 years ago

@FOX61News: COVID-19 claims Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration behind 'Bull Durham' The legendary pitche… - 5 years ago

@mdalbert88: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@JHoneycutt_34: RT @jackshafer: The inspiration for the “Nuke” LaLoosh character in "Bull Durham" is dead. Terrific obit by @MattSchudel - 5 years ago

@coreywrites: RT @jackshafer: The inspiration for the “Nuke” LaLoosh character in "Bull Durham" is dead. Terrific obit by @MattSchudel - 5 years ago

@lovehugs86: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@FookNews: Steve Dalkowski, Model for Erratic Pitcher in Bull Durham, Dies at 80 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@kelitos_way: RT @snopes: Dalkowski never reached the major leagues but was said to have thrown well over 100 mph. Long before velocity was tracked with… - 5 years ago

@LoweryTam: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@mwerner97: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball’s greatest what-if story, dies at 80 of coronavirus - The Washi… - 5 years ago

@blakeybaseball2: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@ArdillaRules: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@BaltWayne: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@IgnazioChicago: @Uman85 Here you go: - 5 years ago

@mfly1971: Love #BaseBall? Then read this. Follow the links. #SteveDalkowski, Model for Erratic Pitcher in #BullDurham,’ Dies… - 5 years ago

@GlobeMetro: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball’s greatest what-if story, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@GazcueesArte: Este fin de semana murió el ex lanzador Steve Dalkowski, producto del Coronavirus 🦠 que le afectó sus precarias con… - 5 years ago

@WTLocke: Who, #baseballfan or not, didn’t see the movie #BullDurham? Then you’ll want a read this obit for sure #RIPDalko… - 5 years ago

@bpe45: @Jacob_E45 Headline in Wash Post article: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and greatest what-if story, dies… - 5 years ago

@djskoolboi33: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@scottgrant2: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@Tom_Shotz: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@TheLadyJane: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@robprather: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@Soyay: RT @baseballhall: The Hall of Fame remembers legendary fastballer Steve Dalkowski, who passed away April 19. - 5 years ago

@rjritzel: RT @EnnisNYT: Steve Dalkowski, who was the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in “Bull Durham,” lived a tragic life and died of coronavirus. His… - 5 years ago

@alphalphasprout: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball’s greatest what-if story, dies at 80 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@pkhoury_nyt: - 5 years ago

@getonwithsports: Steve Dalkowski, Model for Erratic Pitcher in ‘Bull Durham,’ Dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@Lucan_Mor: RT @ClydeHaberman: The real Nuke LaLoosh has died: - 5 years ago

@north_cool: RIP Steve Dalkowski, I love those stories. There’s no reason to believe he threw 110 though.... He probably threw… - 5 years ago

@post_asia: Steve Dalkowski, Model for Erratic Pitcher in ‘Bull Durham,’ Dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@marideenow: RT @ClydeHaberman: The real Nuke LaLoosh has died: - 5 years ago

@ClydeHaberman: The real Nuke LaLoosh has died: - 5 years ago

@grantcopywriter: #SteveDalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in baseball history,' dies at 80 RIP. Bull Durham role model. - 5 years ago

@Concernedwhite1: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@StyxMaker: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 (from @AP) - 5 years ago

@marthaapeterson: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball’s greatest what-if story, dies at 80 of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ChrisColbourne: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 (from @AP) #RIP - 5 years ago

@BREAK_BoyAplus: RT @GematriaHub: Murd3r 8y Numb3rs | Jace Prescott, Steve Dalkowski, Gene Deitch, Grandma Lee and Shirley Knights - 5 years ago

@billrayburn4: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@coachdabel: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@RickiMayhall: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@PointCounterpt: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@newscourier: Man who inspired "Bull Durham" pitcher dies at age 80. - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Steve Dalkowski, Model for Erratic Pitcher in 'Bull Durham,' Dies at 80 - - 5 years ago

@tdAZ12: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@1947Granny: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@lorinock: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@curtnel545: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@SullivanHockey: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@dakan001: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@mhcairns3: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@NoRepublican: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@PatrickCurrie2: How on earth did I not know about this guy? Amazing story - 5 years ago

@michaelfelmet: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@BacksweetBranch: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@fj_newman: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@Bobby_Don_Welch: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@Guy_Murray: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@DanteUSAInferno: RT @JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system, Cal Ripken… - 5 years ago

@JoeNBC: Fastest Pitcher Ever: “Radar guns were not in use when Mr. Dalkowski pitched, but his catcher in the Orioles system… - 5 years ago

@pageboy555: ⁦@kickthefb⁩ ⁦@DrewSportsTV⁩ - 5 years ago

@DiamondStarsGM: RT @CardboardHistry: Saddened to read we lost Steve Dalkowski this week, tho he’d suffered so much. Such a mythical figure but also a lesso… - 5 years ago

@t_taro55: RT @Orioles: Remembering the legendary Steve Dalkowski. Dalkowski, the inspiration for Bull Durham’s Nuke Laloosh, averaged 12.5 Ks and 11… - 5 years ago

@Royals_Jun: RT @Orioles: Remembering the legendary Steve Dalkowski. Dalkowski, the inspiration for Bull Durham’s Nuke Laloosh, averaged 12.5 Ks and 11… - 5 years ago

@CABLENOTICIAS: Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@Rolando83163166: RT @Villa_AllSport: Steve Dalkowski, un zurdo salvaje que Ted Williams calificó de "el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol", mur… - 5 years ago

@HurricaneCake: RT @NRO: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, Baseball’s Last Legend - 5 years ago

@MuseumTwenty: RT @NRO: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, Baseball’s Last Legend - 5 years ago

@KeystoneCrab757: RT @Orioles: Remembering the legendary Steve Dalkowski. Dalkowski, the inspiration for Bull Durham’s Nuke Laloosh, averaged 12.5 Ks and 11… - 5 years ago

@jovamix1581: RT @Orioles: Remembering the legendary Steve Dalkowski. Dalkowski, the inspiration for Bull Durham’s Nuke Laloosh, averaged 12.5 Ks and 11… - 5 years ago

@Doug_Street: RT @Orioles: Remembering the legendary Steve Dalkowski. Dalkowski, the inspiration for Bull Durham’s Nuke Laloosh, averaged 12.5 Ks and 11… - 5 years ago

@IzraelJesus: RT @NRO: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, Baseball’s Last Legend - 5 years ago

@PadresCentral: @TimSullivan714 Tim: I so vividly remember Vin Scully doing a Dodgers spring training game from Florida when Steve… - 5 years ago

@sabr: RT @Orioles: Remembering the legendary Steve Dalkowski. Dalkowski, the inspiration for Bull Durham’s Nuke Laloosh, averaged 12.5 Ks and 11… - 5 years ago

@Krew723: RT @NRO: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, Baseball’s Last Legend - 5 years ago

@baseballcrank: RT @NRO: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, Baseball’s Last Legend - 5 years ago

@NRO: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, Baseball’s Last Legend - 5 years ago

@PadresCentral: I propose a minor league Hall of Fame for great, dedicated dreamers who never quite made it to the Major Leagues. F… - 5 years ago

@IvonneSosaSanM1: RT @noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@PadresCentral: @TimSullivan714 I always treat Bull Durham as a salute to Steve Dalkowski. In one season in the California League,… - 5 years ago

@marlontroconiz1: RT @tripleplayha: Con las rectas pesadas, de moda por la muerte de Steve Dalkowski, qué tal este par, J,R.Richard y Nolan Ryan. En 1980 y 1… - 5 years ago

@MichaelTowery: RT @CardboardHistry: Saddened to read we lost Steve Dalkowski this week, tho he’d suffered so much. Such a mythical figure but also a lesso… - 5 years ago

@ElCandelazoNews: Murió Steve Dalkowski el lanzador más rápido de la historia del béisbol Lee más #ElCandelazo 🔥 👉… - 5 years ago

@Ana62020842: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@arnoold67: RT @danconnolly2016: A tremendous look into a legendary Orioles prospect written last month by ⁦@JPosnanski⁩ Dalkowski died earlier this we… - 5 years ago

@YrisVelsquez1: RT @noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@pedro73015707: RT @noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@RBitchardson: RT @KVUE: #SteveDalkowski, the inspiration for #BullDurham, dies at 80 of #COVID19 - 5 years ago

@Vectorsigma4442: RT @ABCNews4: "I want to bring the heater! Announce my presence with authority!" Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose… - 5 years ago

@KVUE: #SteveDalkowski, the inspiration for #BullDurham, dies at 80 of #COVID19 - 5 years ago

@ABCNews4: "I want to bring the heater! Announce my presence with authority!" Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-han… - 5 years ago

@jthector: Here's as good (and sad) a baseball story as you'll ever read. - 5 years ago

@BizzFam: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh character in 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@Badabinbadaban: RT @elespectador: Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" en la historia del béisbol. - 5 years ago

@Germantownrunne: @GOPeSucks @roadwarriorBob ⚾#RIP Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh character in 'Bull Durham,' Dead a… - 5 years ago

@charlie23001677: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@WBBPHILLYFLY: RT @usatodaysports: The left-hander became legendary for how hard he could throw, with a fastball that was said to top 100 mph. - 5 years ago

@ElenaMaraNavar2: RT @CardboardHistry: Saddened to read we lost Steve Dalkowski this week, tho he’d suffered so much. Such a mythical figure but also a lesso… - 5 years ago

@Free_Spirit2972: Player who inspired 'Bull Durham' character dies of COVID-19 at 80 - 5 years ago

@guerrerot1234: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@jaimefelipegon2: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@MikeWendt: Hit the bull...get a free steak. RIP Steve Dalkowski (inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh) #MoviesWithMike #BullDurham… - 5 years ago

@jigglynubbins: RT @david_j_roth: RIP Steve Dalkowski, who lived a life like one of the characters in Leonard Gardner's "Fat City," reportedly threw 110mph… - 5 years ago

@Scottie713: @BaseballQuotes1 Steve Dalkowski was the inspiration for Tim Robins character. He passed away just a few days ago. - 5 years ago

@gustavogudino: RT @tripleplayha: Con las rectas pesadas, de moda por la muerte de Steve Dalkowski, qué tal este par, J,R.Richard y Nolan Ryan. En 1980 y 1… - 5 years ago

@andresr2408: RT @elespectador: Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" en la historia del béisbol. - 5 years ago

@fsuclassof1971: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh character in 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@USATODAY: RT @usatodaysports: The left-hander became legendary for how hard he could throw, with a fastball that was said to top 100 mph. - 5 years ago

@cezarykrysztopa: RT @Tysol: W wieku 80 lat na COVID-19 zmarł słynny baseballista Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@billportnova: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh character in 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@hrblock_21: RT @pgammo: Near the end of the Eisenhower administration, the Orioles had Steve Dalkowski, Bo Belinksky, Pat Gillick, Dave McNally, Jerry… - 5 years ago

@BillZimmer18: Real life Nuke Laloosh dead. Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham,’ dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@Oydeedoydeedoy: RT @david_j_roth: RIP Steve Dalkowski, who lived a life like one of the characters in Leonard Gardner's "Fat City," reportedly threw 110mph… - 5 years ago

@Wilfred27934805: RT @tripleplayha: Hablando de ponches, por la muerte de Steve Dalkowski y los 18 abanicados de Sandy Koufax un día como hoy de 1962, aquí e… - 5 years ago

@Zippy_TMS: @TarantinoMike94 His story is remarkable. Ted Williams, a coach at the time, stepped in the box to see what the fus… - 5 years ago

@Benhartman: RT @david_j_roth: RIP Steve Dalkowski, who lived a life like one of the characters in Leonard Gardner's "Fat City," reportedly threw 110mph… - 5 years ago

@netdog713: Player who inspired 'Bull Durham' character dies of COVID-19 at 80 - 5 years ago

@elvis5241: RT @elespectador: Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" en la historia del béisbol. - 5 years ago

@breakingnewshe1: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@MagnetCarta: RT @david_j_roth: RIP Steve Dalkowski, who lived a life like one of the characters in Leonard Gardner's "Fat City," reportedly threw 110mph… - 5 years ago

@ElCandelazoNews: Murió Steve Dalkowski el lanzador más rápido de la historia del béisbol Lee más #ElCandelazo 🔥 👉… - 5 years ago

@Wlaymar1: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@jaimefelipegon2: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@invictos_mx: RT @643Network: ¡QEPD! 🕊 Steve Dalkowski, a quien Ted Williams calificó de ser “el pitcher más rápido en la historia”, murió a los 80 años… - 5 years ago

@DPRockies: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh… - 5 years ago

@MidstateEvents: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham’ movie, dies at 80 after getting coronavirus - 5 years ago

@yorman_izquiel: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@kellygrl62: Player who inspired 'Bull Durham' character dies of COVID-19 at 80 - 5 years ago

@Efra_astral: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@YetlyVilchez: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@RobBlum: “Another time, in an extra-inning minor-league game, he walked 18 hitters and struck out 27 while throwing 283 pitc… - 5 years ago

@wiltonyguty: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@JeanMichel228: RT @o_paquereau: L'ancien lanceur Steve Dalkowski est mort - 5 years ago

@luiscarrillo66: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador “más rápido” del béisbol - 5 years ago

@643Network: ¡QEPD! 🕊 Steve Dalkowski, a quien Ted Williams calificó de ser “el pitcher más rápido en la historia”, murió a los… - 5 years ago

@Hctor79587119: RT @VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19 - 5 years ago

@TantricMex: Want a fascinating baseball story? - 5 years ago

@VTVcanal8: El último adiós a Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" del béisbol #VenceremosAlCovid19… - 5 years ago

@jignrig: RT @MMcCarthyREV: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball’s greatest what-if story, dies at 80....Sad story. The inspiration fo… - 5 years ago

@Danny65329884: - 5 years ago

@CJWarner1: Steve Dalkowski, Inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh of ‘Bull Durham,’ Dead At 80 Due to COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@jdustinhill: RT @Deadspin: He inspired Bull Durham's Nuke LaLoosh - 5 years ago

@DennisF79338235: Long before velocity was tracked with precision, he spawned legends that estimated he approached 110 mph or 115 mph… - 5 years ago

@ron_fournier: RT @jonallendc: RIP, Steve (Nuke LaLoosh) Dalkowski. - 5 years ago

@adambrodsky: Aaaand the president has killed Nuke Laloosh ⁦@tagjim⁩ - 5 years ago

@CBW059: RT @jonallendc: RIP, Steve (Nuke LaLoosh) Dalkowski. - 5 years ago

@petesnyder: RT @Deadspin: He inspired Bull Durham's Nuke LaLoosh - 5 years ago

@frenchcori: RT @NBCLA: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the movie… - 5 years ago

@CardboardHistry: Saddened to read we lost Steve Dalkowski this week, tho he’d suffered so much. Such a mythical figure but also a le… - 5 years ago

@rccmi: RT @NBCLA: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the movie… - 5 years ago

@Deadspin: He inspired Bull Durham's Nuke LaLoosh - 5 years ago

@NBCLA: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh… - 5 years ago

@Jmilkorepub: RT @nypost: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dead at 80 - 5 years ago

@HotlineJosh: RT @jonallendc: RIP, Steve (Nuke LaLoosh) Dalkowski. - 5 years ago

@max_sprout: New Deadspin Post: Steve Dalkowski, Inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh of ‘Bull Durham,’ Dead At 80 - 5 years ago

@detnews_sports: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham,’ dies at 80. - 5 years ago

@ron_fournier: “That’s why Steve Dalkowski stays in our minds. In his sport, he had the equivalent of Michelangelo’s gift but coul… - 5 years ago

@hostcook: Steve Dalkowski, Inspiration for ‘Bull Durham’ Character, Dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@WinWithMalliard: RT @DatosDeCandido: #Beisbol #MLB El zurdo Steve Dalkowski, quien supuestamente se acercó a las 110 millas, falleció este viernes, a los 81… - 5 years ago

@ErnieVanderbilt: “That is what haunts us. He had it all and didn’t know it. That’s why Steve Dalkowski stays in our minds. In his sp… - 5 years ago

@FabioMassi: RT @chepalleblog: Una storia per il fine settimana Il #Coronavirus ha portato via Steve Dalkowski Non lo sapete chi è. Eppure lo conoscet… - 5 years ago

@jonallendc: RIP, Steve (Nuke LaLoosh) Dalkowski. - 5 years ago

@acentodiario: Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador «más rápido» en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@Steve67373821: RT @TB_Times: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@PulpNews: #Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Bull #Durham, #dies at 80 with coronavirus - Apr 25 @ 5:59 AM ET - 5 years ago

@ICano7: RT @SportYou: ⚾😢 Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" de la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@BoopleSnoot19: RT @MannyOnMLB: The real pitcher who was the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham died Sunday due to complications from #Covid19: h… - 5 years ago

@armycop1973: R.I.P. Steve Dalkowski ! - 5 years ago

@JordiScrubbings: RT @TB_Times: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@LFTimes_sports: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@Sournat_B: RT @lequipe: Baseball : Steve Dalkowski, ancien lanceur en ligue mineure et personnage folklorique du baseball américain, est mort des suit… - 5 years ago

@LiotardMathis: RT @lequipe: Baseball : Steve Dalkowski, ancien lanceur en ligue mineure et personnage folklorique du baseball américain, est mort des suit… - 5 years ago

@mario19g: RT @lequipe: Baseball : Steve Dalkowski, ancien lanceur en ligue mineure et personnage folklorique du baseball américain, est mort des suit… - 5 years ago

@youcoul084: RT @lequipe: Baseball : Steve Dalkowski, ancien lanceur en ligue mineure et personnage folklorique du baseball américain, est mort des suit… - 5 years ago

@Bay955: 【MLBジェット!】MAX125mphの話も!伝説の速球王、スティーブ・ダルコウスキーが新型コロナで亡くなる - 5 years ago

@Bapt_4_4: RT @lequipe: Baseball : Steve Dalkowski, ancien lanceur en ligue mineure et personnage folklorique du baseball américain, est mort des suit… - 5 years ago

@LoyFabien: RT @lequipe: Baseball : Steve Dalkowski, ancien lanceur en ligue mineure et personnage folklorique du baseball américain, est mort des suit… - 5 years ago

@lequipe: Baseball : Steve Dalkowski, ancien lanceur en ligue mineure et personnage folklorique du baseball américain, est mo… - 5 years ago

@TodoGolesRadio: ⚾️ El béisbol vuelve a estar de luto tras conocerse este viernes que Steve Dalkowski, considerado por muchos como e… - 5 years ago

@ramcruces: RT @ElNacionalWeb: Steve Dalkowski «el lanzador “más rápido» falleció a los 80 años de edad - 5 years ago

@Avonan: RT @TB_Times: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@TB_Times: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@6NewsCTX: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@6NewsCTX: His sister said he had pre-existing conditions that were complicated by the coronavirus. He never pitched in the ma… - 5 years ago

@davidmalamut: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@FireyeP: Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador «más rápido» en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@Hirotee_mlb4j: 野球史上最速!伝説のファーステスト左腕、スティーブ・ダルコウスキー氏がお亡くなりになりました。 ものすごい伝説が残っています!一説では125mph!これ200kmですから! - 5 years ago

@Dealladelcerro: RT @jatirado_oc: #Deportes Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador «más rápido» en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@GaetanAlibert: RT @o_paquereau: L'ancien lanceur Steve Dalkowski est mort - 5 years ago

@WinWithMalliard: RT @o_paquereau: L'ancien lanceur Steve Dalkowski est mort - 5 years ago

@o_paquereau: L'ancien lanceur Steve Dalkowski est mort - 5 years ago

@slugger1331: RT @CL_History: So sad to hear about the passing of Steve Dalkowski. Often referred to as the fastest pitcher in baseball history, Dalkowsk… - 5 years ago

@fstop107: - 5 years ago

@jatirado: RT @jatirado_oc: #Deportes Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador «más rápido» en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@MelodiaFmSierra: RT @jatirado_oc: #Deportes Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador «más rápido» en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@jose197312: RT @jatirado_oc: #Deportes Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador «más rápido» en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@jatirado_oc: #Deportes Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador «más rápido» en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@CarnageMovie: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation o… - 5 years ago

@earth_liveing: Top story: Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in 'Bull Durham,' dies - Los Angeles Times… - 5 years ago

@forkbender: Top story: Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in 'Bull Durham,' dies - Los Angeles Times… - 5 years ago

@abc_deportes: Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador «más rápido» en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@lauraapollo: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@Fiskadoro74: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol… - 5 years ago

@marsT1090715: RT @mizutsugi: ケビン・コスナー主演『さよならゲーム』のモデルになった伝説の剛速球左腕が新型コロナに感染して亡くなったようです。RIP... Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 ht… - 5 years ago

@therealjimrich: RT @RealChrisBaud: - 5 years ago

@mychromatic: RT @CL_History: So sad to hear about the passing of Steve Dalkowski. Often referred to as the fastest pitcher in baseball history, Dalkowsk… - 5 years ago

@nwtony: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@IraisGtzz: Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" de la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@nhregister: New Britain’s Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for “Nuke” LaLoosh in “Bull Durham,” died on April 19 at age 80. - 5 years ago

@BlogBookMark: Steve Dalkowski, Minor League Folk Hero With Scorching, Wild Fastball, Dead At 80 - 5 years ago

@CL_History: So sad to hear about the passing of Steve Dalkowski. Often referred to as the fastest pitcher in baseball history,… - 5 years ago

@Tommykariya: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 - ABC News - - 5 years ago

@oandres_castell: RT @alfonsosaer: Los guarismos de Steve Dalkowski en las menores son increíbles. En 956 innings ponchó a 1.324 y otorgó 1.236 boletos. So… - 5 years ago

@Arcdeparis: RT @WTHRcom: He never pitched in the majors but Steve Dalkowski inspired a baseball movie classic. - 5 years ago

@DanCas2: RT @snopes: Dalkowski never reached the major leagues but was said to have thrown well over 100 mph. Long before velocity was tracked with… - 5 years ago

@scoreboardpage: Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in history,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@connpost: New Britain’s Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for “Nuke” LaLoosh in “Bull Durham,” died on April 19 at age 80. - 5 years ago

@WhoDatWarriors: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@RealChrisBaud: - 5 years ago

@TJMitchellWS: RT @BostonGlobe: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham,’ dies at 80 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@apthornley: RT @BostonGlobe: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham,’ dies at 80 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@JeanNic09: RT @nypostsports: He was the real-life Nuke LaLoosh - 5 years ago

@TabberAnn: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@MrPicoBoulevard: @BrentASJax shame most people didnt/dont know of Steve Dalkowski. - 5 years ago

@AlvaroBaciga16: RT @20m: Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" de la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@nypostsports: He was the real-life Nuke LaLoosh - 5 years ago

@kittycatrj: Dalkowski, 'Bull Durham' inspiration, passes away - 5 years ago

@sakura173939: RT @mizutsugi: ケビン・コスナー主演『さよならゲーム』のモデルになった伝説の剛速球左腕が新型コロナに感染して亡くなったようです。RIP... Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 ht… - 5 years ago

@max_sprout: New Deadspin Post: Steve Dalkowski, Minor League Folk Hero With Scorching, Wild Fastball, Dead At 80 - 5 years ago

@robjannetty: Dalkowski, 'Bull Durham' inspiration, passes away - 5 years ago

@GreenwichTime: New Britain’s Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for “Nuke” LaLoosh in “Bull Durham,” died on April 19 at age 80. - 5 years ago

@dmac5dmark2: RT @SInow: Dalkowski, the inspiration for “Bull Durham,” had several pre-existing conditions that were complicated when he became infected… - 5 years ago

@ReportoCA: #PA Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador "más rápido" en la historia del béisbol. Dalkowski luchó contra el alcohol… - 5 years ago

@CarolynEast2: Steve Dalkowski, 80, CT Legendary baseball player known as the hardest-throwing baseball pitcher in history. Playe… - 5 years ago

@Carmen_Musick: RT @tnsportslive: Steve Dalkowski, a wild left-hander whose minor league career — including an incredible 1957 stint in Kingsport in which… - 5 years ago

@Organista24: One of the saddest stories in baseball #HailFellowWellMet #TheOriginalNuke - 5 years ago

@SwagnShades: Baseball lost a great one today. R.I.P. Steve Dalkowski, aka the real-life Nuke LaLoosh, passed away. Estimated… - 5 years ago

@starkers_tweets: RIP Steve Dalkowski, one of the all-time minor league legends. He leaves an endless trove of great stories and stat… - 5 years ago

@RealMikeBayless: RT @WHAS11: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@WHAS11: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@WLTX: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@timesnewsonline: RT @tnsportslive: Steve Dalkowski, a wild left-hander whose minor league career — including an incredible 1957 stint in Kingsport in which… - 5 years ago

@tnsportslive: Steve Dalkowski, a wild left-hander whose minor league career — including an incredible 1957 stint in Kingsport in… - 5 years ago

@WinWithMalliard: RT @x3tko: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 #MLB - 5 years ago

@x3tko: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 #MLB - 5 years ago

@syousai3373: RT @mizutsugi: ケビン・コスナー主演『さよならゲーム』のモデルになった伝説の剛速球左腕が新型コロナに感染して亡くなったようです。RIP... Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 ht… - 5 years ago

@claytheproducer: Read the incredible story of Dalkowski. A lefty with God-like heat. “In his sport, he had the equivalent of Miche… - 5 years ago

@Mr_MattB: Steve Dalkowski has died of COVID-19. His is one of the most interesting baseball stories. Probably the hardest thr… - 5 years ago

@SherryG_04: RT @WTHRcom: He never pitched in the majors but Steve Dalkowski inspired a baseball movie classic. - 5 years ago

@pamelakivett: RT @WTHRcom: He never pitched in the majors but Steve Dalkowski inspired a baseball movie classic. - 5 years ago

@abog_luisrivas: RT @tripleplayha: Hablando de ponches, por la muerte de Steve Dalkowski y los 18 abanicados de Sandy Koufax un día como hoy de 1962, aquí e… - 5 years ago

@WTHRcom: He never pitched in the majors but Steve Dalkowski inspired a baseball movie classic. - 5 years ago

@KrisCamelio: RT @BostonGlobe: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham,’ dies at 80 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@KangaeruEmoji: RT @mizutsugi: ケビン・コスナー主演『さよならゲーム』のモデルになった伝説の剛速球左腕が新型コロナに感染して亡くなったようです。RIP... Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 ht… - 5 years ago

@ChinMusic6: #RIP To Steve Dalkowski reportedly the all time “ hardest/fastest “ thrower of all time. Just take a look at his li… - 5 years ago

@rogerharford: RIP to the rea Sidd Finch...RIP Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@mikan_burg0312: RT @mizutsugi: ケビン・コスナー主演『さよならゲーム』のモデルになった伝説の剛速球左腕が新型コロナに感染して亡くなったようです。RIP... Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 ht… - 5 years ago

@MikeYagmin: Gramps always used Steve Dalkowski as an example -good & bad- when I was growing up: “Booze, broads & baseball: Fo… - 5 years ago

@wdmcewan: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball’s greatest what-if story, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@MillondeFloss: RIP. A living legend. Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball’s greatest what-if story, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@erinpogmothoin: Dalkowski had some of the most insane pitching stats ever seen. Some said he threw pitches that were as fast as 11… - 5 years ago

@maciej_szymczak: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@erinpogmothoin: RT @SInow: Dalkowski, the inspiration for “Bull Durham,” had several pre-existing conditions that were complicated when he became infected… - 5 years ago

@sportslabs: Steve Dalkowski meurt à l'âge de 80 ans - 5 years ago

@Scribble4me: @gbennettpost @Topps @SABRbbcards @WaxPackGods @CardboardHistry RIP Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@millbarg2: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@mrcrpoetry: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@TND: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@cd_fuller: RT @MattMurph24: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in ‘Bull Durham,’ dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@jonfromcali: I didn't know Nuke LaLouche was based on a real guy. This was the guy--and he did walk 18 & strike out 18 in one ga… - 5 years ago

@sampietro75: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@Mel_Storni: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@VagabondPNW: @drewdavis71 Steve Dalkowski a legend in the minors, the guy was the inspiration for Nuke Laloosh. An amazing arm b… - 5 years ago

@uticaOD_Sports: Hard-throwing, wild left-hander who inspired Bull Durham character passes away - 5 years ago

@NewsTimes: New Britain’s Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for “Nuke” LaLoosh in “Bull Durham,” died on April 19 at age 80. - 5 years ago

@XiomyCM: RT @noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@ToolsyFielder: @BaseballEditor @hartfordcourant Sometimes wonder if people remember how much Dalkowski came up among old timers wh… - 5 years ago

@Jrlvr88: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@ToolsyFielder: RT @BaseballEditor: The @hartfordcourant's obit calls Dalkowski' "One of the most written-about subjects in baseball history..." - 5 years ago

@alx0828: RT @Foro_TV: Muere Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador “más rápido” en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@shell_loyd: RT @MattMurph24: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in ‘Bull Durham,’ dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TheHelenChapel: RT @MattMurph24: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in ‘Bull Durham,’ dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Cats4mice: RT @NYDailyNews: Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in "Bull Durham," has died from coronavirus. Dalkowski suffered several… - 5 years ago

@93787875: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@BaseballEditor: The @hartfordcourant's obit calls Dalkowski' "One of the most written-about subjects in baseball history..." - 5 years ago

@Sonof76: RT @AP_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in the mo… - 5 years ago

@debsomewhere: RT @MattMurph24: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in ‘Bull Durham,’ dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@songsofthegame: Steve Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in baseball history,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@BellzWebster: RT @PadresCentral: One of the folkheroes of baseball has died at the age of 80. Steve Dalkowski was said to throw up to 110 mph. Once had 2… - 5 years ago

@SusanDadamo: RT @nypost: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dead at 80 - 5 years ago

@JosJuanVarela1: RT @noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@DTurnerMedia: New Britain’s Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for “Nuke” LaLoosh in “Bull Durham,” died on April 19 at age 80. - 5 years ago

@DPietrusza: In BP in spring training Ted Williams took one pitch from Steve Dalkowski, dropped his bat, & walked away. He said… - 5 years ago

@estoenlinea: ¡El mundo del beisbol está de luto! El lanzador Steve Dalkowski, se nos adelantó. Q.E.P.D 🙌 - 5 years ago

@MannyOnMLB: The real pitcher who was the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham died Sunday due to complications from… - 5 years ago

@panamonty: RT @noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@Zoleid1: RT @noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@IndiaNews777: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@Dilo_PtoLaCruz: RT @noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@noticias24: #QuédateEnCasa #YoApoyoLaCuarentena Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol… - 5 years ago

@bouzunogare42: RT @mizutsugi: ケビン・コスナー主演『さよならゲーム』のモデルになった伝説の剛速球左腕が新型コロナに感染して亡くなったようです。RIP... Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 ht… - 5 years ago

@StarSports: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham,’ dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@wtjahn: RT @PadresCentral: One of the folkheroes of baseball has died at the age of 80. Steve Dalkowski was said to throw up to 110 mph. Once had 2… - 5 years ago

@Hayes_BHCSports: RT @PadresCentral: One of the folkheroes of baseball has died at the age of 80. Steve Dalkowski was said to throw up to 110 mph. Once had 2… - 5 years ago

@sigg20: RT @PadresCentral: One of the folkheroes of baseball has died at the age of 80. Steve Dalkowski was said to throw up to 110 mph. Once had 2… - 5 years ago

@mySA: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball's greatest what-if story, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@LSpencerCain: RT @ctcapitolreport: Steve Dalkowski, Inspiration for 'Bull Durham, Dies at 80 from coronavirus in New Britain... - 5 years ago

@MtnShepherdess: RT @BostonGlobe: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham,’ dies at 80 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@el_carabobeno: Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador más rápido en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@DennysDrcv75: RT @ElNacionalWeb: Steve Dalkowski «el lanzador “más rápido» falleció a los 80 años de edad - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Steve Dalkowski, hard-throwing pitcher and baseball's greatest what-if story, dies at 80 - - 5 years ago

@DiarioMashn: Fallece Steve Dalkowski, el lanzador “más rápido” en la historia del béisbol - 5 years ago

@ctcapitolreport: Steve Dalkowski, Inspiration for 'Bull Durham, Dies at 80 from coronavirus in New Britain... - 5 years ago

@Burgh646: RT @BaseballDigest: We remember Steve Dalkowski, legendary pitcher who eyewitnesses swore was the hardest thrower who ever lived. Subject o… - 5 years ago

@WeirMB: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@Adam9123: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@martymachowsky: RT @snopes: Dalkowski never reached the major leagues but was said to have thrown well over 100 mph. Long before velocity was tracked with… - 5 years ago

@beezes16: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@Alessandro_H1: RT @mundodeportivo: El ex jugador estadounidense, de 80 años, tenía una zurda demoledora capaz de lanzar bolas a más de 170 km/h - 5 years ago

@barclayalmanac: RT @BaseballDigest: We remember Steve Dalkowski, legendary pitcher who eyewitnesses swore was the hardest thrower who ever lived. Subject o… - 5 years ago

@ElNacionalWeb: Steve Dalkowski «el lanzador “más rápido» falleció a los 80 años de edad - 5 years ago

@juanangelavila: RT @BaseballDigest: We remember Steve Dalkowski, legendary pitcher who eyewitnesses swore was the hardest thrower who ever lived. Subject o… - 5 years ago

@tillkiller67: RT @nypost: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dead at 80 - 5 years ago

@jeffgoldesq: RT @snopes: Dalkowski never reached the major leagues but was said to have thrown well over 100 mph. Long before velocity was tracked with… - 5 years ago

@RHSportsDesk: RT @Register_Herald: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh in… - 5 years ago

@TEKTMZ: RT @snopes: Dalkowski never reached the major leagues but was said to have thrown well over 100 mph. Long before velocity was tracked with… - 5 years ago

@Forza__Parma__: RT @snopes: Dalkowski never reached the major leagues but was said to have thrown well over 100 mph. Long before velocity was tracked with… - 5 years ago

@drew_sorrentino: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@JoshMankiewicz: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@BrentnallE: - 5 years ago

@Edward508: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@mavrickace: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@JoshDay12026873: - 5 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@benfoxatap: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dies at 80 (from @AP) - 5 years ago

@RounderLife: “Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing, wild left-hander whose minor league career inspired the creation of Nuke LaLoosh… - 5 years ago

@rsgaddy18: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@LakersGold: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@KWPeery: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@arrialah: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@fotodave: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@DrummerWrites: RT @latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockton, he wasn… - 5 years ago

@latimes: “You heard all the stories about Steve, and they were true. I can remember him being on the mound one day in Stockt… - 5 years ago

@LeifSkodnick: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@Headlines4You: RT @nypost: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for 'Bull Durham,' dead at 80 - 5 years ago

@g_mac15: RT @sportsbiblio: RIP Steve Dalkowski, the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh. From 1970 SI profile by Pat Jordan: "“Dalkowski struck out more ba… - 5 years ago

@_Coach_Campbell: RT @TheAthleticMLB: RIP, Steve Dalkowski "Steve Dalkowski threw a no-hitter where he walked 18 and struck out 18. You know what he called… - 5 years ago

@_Coach_Campbell: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@MnTom5: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@GDubCub: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@wowk13sports: Steve Dalkowski, inspiration for ‘Bull Durham,’ dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@civilitywars: Anyone who is a baseball junkie knows who Steve Dalkowski was. Legendary arm. I heard about him as a kid, believing… - 5 years ago

@orioles_fanly: Steve Dalkowski, flame-throwing figure of baseball lore, dies of coronavir... #Orioles - 5 years ago

@gerryjaxcapgaz: RT @BaltSunSports: Steve Dalkowski, flame-throwing figure of baseball lore, dies of coronavirus in New Britain - 5 years ago

@NotBrandonHyde: RT @masnSteve: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, who legend has it, could throw a FB perhaps 110 mph, maybe more. But his walk totals were legendary… - 5 years ago

@ZombeeNova: RT @danconnolly2016: A tremendous look into a legendary Orioles prospect written last month by ⁦@JPosnanski⁩ Dalkowski died earlier this we… - 5 years ago

@civilitywars: @wmfloyd43 @danconnolly2016 @leisurefriar @JPosnanski By sad, Mr. Connolly, if you cannot open the article, means t… - 5 years ago

@BaltSunSports: Steve Dalkowski, flame-throwing figure of baseball lore, dies of coronavirus in New Britain - 5 years ago

@_Sauull: RT @danconnolly2016: A tremendous look into a legendary Orioles prospect written last month by ⁦@JPosnanski⁩ Dalkowski died earlier this we… - 5 years ago

@ricksoisson: Pay site, but ICYMI, Steve Dalkowski died late last month of COVID-19. Legend has it he could throw 115. Ted Willia… - 5 years ago

@genes_arias: Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in history,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@stayswayin2001: RT @danconnolly2016: A tremendous look into a legendary Orioles prospect written last month by ⁦@JPosnanski⁩ Dalkowski died earlier this we… - 5 years ago

@lmterps: RT @masnSteve: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, who legend has it, could throw a FB perhaps 110 mph, maybe more. But his walk totals were legendary… - 5 years ago

@SED30: RT @danconnolly2016: A tremendous look into a legendary Orioles prospect written last month by ⁦@JPosnanski⁩ Dalkowski died earlier this we… - 5 years ago

@kcchia80: RT @hartfordcourant: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing pitcher who became an enduring figure of baseball lore, died of coronavirus on Sunday… - 5 years ago

@SethMclemore5: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@wldnRetrograde: RT @danconnolly2016: A tremendous look into a legendary Orioles prospect written last month by ⁦@JPosnanski⁩ Dalkowski died earlier this we… - 5 years ago

@TroveCollect: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@BorzMN: RT @Courant_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, flame-throwing figure of baseball lore, dies of coronavirus in New Britain via @AmoreCourant - 5 years ago

@tripleplayha: Aquí tienen a Steve Dalkowski, que falleció a los 80 años de edad y de quien escribimos en un tuit anterior. "El la… - 5 years ago

@McCormick_HOF: What a story. Someone could make a movie. - 5 years ago

@ltblaize: RT @jjcoop36: Steve Treder did a good piece on Dalkowski years ago Dalkowski had an Appy Lg game where he struck… - 5 years ago

@hartfordcourant: Steve Dalkowski, a hard-throwing pitcher who became an enduring figure of baseball lore, died of coronavirus on Sun… - 5 years ago

@IBWAA: RT @JeffKallman55: @SABR @IBWAA Farewell to a legend who couldn't save himself . . . - 5 years ago

@AmoreCourant: RT @Courant_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, flame-throwing figure of baseball lore, dies of coronavirus in New Britain via @AmoreCourant - 5 years ago

@bmadden1954: RIP “Living Legend” Steve Dalkowski, the fastest pitcher ever who died in a New Britain nursing home of the coronav… - 5 years ago

@Alfonso037: RT @EfrainZavarce: Leo que murió Steve Dalkowski, un zurdo de quien se dijo era el pitcher que más duro había lanzado en la historia. Pero… - 5 years ago

@t_713P: RT @PadresCentral: One of the folkheroes of baseball has died at the age of 80. Steve Dalkowski was said to throw up to 110 mph. Once had 2… - 5 years ago

@tuhhcker: @AmoreCourant Jim Penders Sr. loved to tell us stories about Steve Dalkowski. - 5 years ago

@robmiech: RT @PadresCentral: One of the folkheroes of baseball has died at the age of 80. Steve Dalkowski was said to throw up to 110 mph. Once had 2… - 5 years ago

@kylebandujo: @jjcoop36 Pretty haunting last few paragraphs of his obit on ESPN. - 5 years ago

@jjcoop36: Steve Treder did a good piece on Dalkowski years ago Dalkowski had an Appy Lg game where… - 5 years ago

@craigschmitt2: @CoachBerto12 RIP to the fastest arm ever Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@_MarcusGuy: RT @gfstarr1: After facing Steve Dalkowski, Ted Williams said he was the fastest-throwing pitcher he'd ever seen and that he never wanted t… - 5 years ago

@danbrechlin: RT @AmoreCourant: Now on - 5 years ago

@AmoreCourant: Now on - 5 years ago

@Courant_Sports: Steve Dalkowski, flame-throwing figure of baseball lore, dies of coronavirus in New Britain via @AmoreCourant - 5 years ago

@JonBecker28: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@alexspeier: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@oriolesfan8: RT @masnSteve: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, who legend has it, could throw a FB perhaps 110 mph, maybe more. But his walk totals were legendary… - 5 years ago

@tripleplayha: Lo que mucha gente no sabe, al menos que tenga el conocimiento de Alfonso Saer @alfonsosaer, es que Steve Dalkowski - 5 years ago

@PadresCentral: One of the folkheroes of baseball has died at the age of 80. Steve Dalkowski was said to throw up to 110 mph. Once… - 5 years ago

@MikeAshleyHater: If you’ve never read up on this guy, do it. Crazy stuff. RT @TheAthleticMLB: RIP, Steve Dalkowski "Steve Dalkowsk… - 5 years ago

@oriolesrise: RT @masnSteve: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, who legend has it, could throw a FB perhaps 110 mph, maybe more. But his walk totals were legendary… - 5 years ago

@BRawlinson3: RT @TheAthleticMLB: RIP, Steve Dalkowski "Steve Dalkowski threw a no-hitter where he walked 18 and struck out 18. You know what he called… - 5 years ago

@joanryan: RT @tomhoffarth: To see Steve get out of his chair, throw a pitch then lift his arms at Dodger Stadium. I'm in the press box watching. A fe… - 5 years ago

@Jbroks86: RT @masnSteve: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, who legend has it, could throw a FB perhaps 110 mph, maybe more. But his walk totals were legendary… - 5 years ago

@Bencjacobs: RT @masnSteve: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, who legend has it, could throw a FB perhaps 110 mph, maybe more. But his walk totals were legendary… - 5 years ago

@masnSteve: RIP to Steve Dalkowski, who legend has it, could throw a FB perhaps 110 mph, maybe more. But his walk totals were l… - 5 years ago

@ckamka: RT @TheAthleticMLB: RIP, Steve Dalkowski "Steve Dalkowski threw a no-hitter where he walked 18 and struck out 18. You know what he called… - 5 years ago

@luisJmnzA: RT @AlvaradoDeSousa: Falleció Steve Dalkowski. Se decía que era la persona que había lanzado más rápido una pelota de beisbol en la histori… - 5 years ago

@gamedaycaps: Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in history,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@ITABaseballPod: RT @TheAthleticMLB: RIP, Steve Dalkowski "Steve Dalkowski threw a no-hitter where he walked 18 and struck out 18. You know what he called… - 5 years ago

@deweyoxburger74: RT @TheAthleticMLB: RIP, Steve Dalkowski "Steve Dalkowski threw a no-hitter where he walked 18 and struck out 18. You know what he called… - 5 years ago

@MLBguyz: Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in history,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@PadresCentral: @TheAthleticMLB @jaysonst Steve Dalkowski believed to be hardest thrower of his era - 5 years ago

@last_paragon: Steve Dalkowski, ‘fastest pitcher in baseball history,’ dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@Tigers_of_DET: RT @TheAthleticMLB: RIP, Steve Dalkowski "Steve Dalkowski threw a no-hitter where he walked 18 and struck out 18. You know what he called… - 5 years ago

@BKirmer: RT @CelebFlatline: Steve Dalkowski, legendary minor league pitcher & the original Nuke LaLoosh, is now dead. Struck out 1324 and walked 123… - 5 years ago

@ScottMark98: RIP Steve Dalkowski.. 1957 New Britain High School standout & inspiration for the "Nuke" LaLoosh character in Bull… - 5 years ago

@JamesFromCT: RIP Steve Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in baseball history,' dies at 80 - via @ESPN App - 5 years ago

@SportsbookBTC: MLB ⚾ Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in history,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@RonBohning: Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in history,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@DJGilPowerPop: RIP Steve Dalkowski, Baseball legend who inspired the character Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham #bulldurham #nukelaloosh - 5 years ago

@Patrick_Small86: Steve Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in baseball history,' dies at 80 via @ESPN App - 5 years ago

@johnmanuelNC: RT @JoshWhetzel: Many longtime baseball folks will tell you the hardest thrower of all time was Steve Dalkowski. Joe Altobelli's one time R… - 5 years ago

@JoshWhetzel: Many longtime baseball folks will tell you the hardest thrower of all time was Steve Dalkowski. Joe Altobelli's one… - 5 years ago

@Catzee11: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@bernabeaperezc: RT @EfrainZavarce: Leo que murió Steve Dalkowski, un zurdo de quien se dijo era el pitcher que más duro había lanzado en la historia. Pero… - 5 years ago

@ReadWithMeTV: RT @jareddiamond: The story of Steve Dalkowski might be the most fascinating of any player in baseball history. Very sad. - 5 years ago

@AlvaradoDeSousa: Falleció Steve Dalkowski. Se decía que era la persona que había lanzado más rápido una pelota de beisbol en la hist… - 5 years ago

@sethpoho: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@mlbuk: Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in history,' dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@BraveRoyal: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@osoriojc: RT @EfrainZavarce: Leo que murió Steve Dalkowski, un zurdo de quien se dijo era el pitcher que más duro había lanzado en la historia. Pero… - 5 years ago

@plov30: En el documental fastball, hay una parte en la cual Steve Dalkowski relata su historia. Me estoy enterando por… - 5 years ago

@obxleatherman: @chrisdimino Gonna have to mention Steve Dalkowski on tomorrow’s show. - 5 years ago

@UVAHooGirl: RT @MearnsPSA: On Sunday, we lost Steve Dalkowski, a 100+ mph flamethrower whose legend was all over the place (much like his control). @Ma… - 5 years ago

@rootinghigh: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@yeettanz: Steve Dalkowski died and I’d like to honor the legendary pitcher by sharing some of his best stories - 5 years ago

@AnilAdyanthaya: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@tramz18: RT @tomhoffarth: To see Steve get out of his chair, throw a pitch then lift his arms at Dodger Stadium. I'm in the press box watching. A fe… - 5 years ago

@JessicaFastball: RT @MattMono11: Saddened to learn that Steve Dalkowski passed away this weekend. RIP to Steve and his mythical 125-mph fastball. - 5 years ago

@CoachBerto12: RIP Steve Dalkowski. A New Britain legend and the stories about him are amazing. #hurricaneway - 5 years ago

@JamesSmyth621: RIP Steve Dalkowski, a pitcher seemingly out of myth. This, from @JPosnanski a few weeks ago, was great. - 5 years ago

@C_R_3304: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@HectorCruzESPN: - 5 years ago

@JoeVasilePBP: Steve Dalkowski faced Ted Williams in spring training once. After one pitch he stepped out of the box and said, “I… - 5 years ago

@townnewsguy: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@EfrainZavarce: Leo que murió Steve Dalkowski, un zurdo de quien se dijo era el pitcher que más duro había lanzado en la historia.… - 5 years ago

@CollinsvillePrs: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@CollinsvillePrs: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@JavierVasquez85: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@MattMono11: Saddened to learn that Steve Dalkowski passed away this weekend. RIP to Steve and his mythical 125-mph fastball. - 5 years ago

@MCFADDEN08: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@Knapsack: RT @baseballcrank: I confess I had never known that Nuke LaLoosh was *literally* based on Steve Dalkowski, rather than being based generall… - 5 years ago

@NathanWurtzel: I don't know if Steve Dalkowski was the inspiration for Ricky Vaughn, but he might have been. His fastball may hav… - 5 years ago

@baseballcrank: I confess I had never known that Nuke LaLoosh was *literally* based on Steve Dalkowski, rather than being based gen… - 5 years ago

@scottyl711: RT @JonHeyman: Quite a story. Steve Dalkowski, RIP - 5 years ago

@SamDykstraMiLB: As Dom wrote, Steve Dalkowski was the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh. RIP. - 5 years ago

@LakerGMC: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@NickResister: .@WxmanTony I saw that Steve Dalkowski died April 19. Yet to see a semi legit news story to link to the Facebook gr… - 5 years ago

@TimothyRRyder: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@ITABaseballPod: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@philpiv: RT @JonHeyman: Quite a story. Steve Dalkowski, RIP - 5 years ago

@ImFoolie_: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@ScotBertram: RIP, Steve Dalkowski. @JPosnanski recently captured his story beautifully - 5 years ago

@PRINCE_OF_NY: Imagine standing at the plate against Steve Dalkowski when there were no batting helmets? #RIP - 5 years ago

@ScotBertram: @baseballcrank You read @JPosnanski's recent essay, I trust? - 5 years ago

@dougbarclay17: RT @AmoreCourant: I met and wrote about Steve Dalkowski last May. The legendary flame thrower died this week at 80, succumbing to COVID 19.… - 5 years ago

@JonHeyman: Quite a story. Steve Dalkowski, RIP - 5 years ago

@jareddiamond: The story of Steve Dalkowski might be the most fascinating of any player in baseball history. Very sad. - 5 years ago

@MattMono11: RT @MearnsPSA: On Sunday, we lost Steve Dalkowski, a 100+ mph flamethrower whose legend was all over the place (much like his control). @Ma… - 5 years ago

@AllTheBaseballs: Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in history,' dies at 80 #MLB #Baseball #Fans - 5 years ago

@CelebFlatline: Steve Dalkowski, legendary minor league pitcher & the original Nuke LaLoosh, is now dead. Struck out 1324 and walke… - 5 years ago

@GiantsGem: Steve Dalkowski, 'fastest pitcher in baseball history,' dies at 80 - via @ESPN App - 5 years ago

@dianagram: RT @MearnsPSA: On Sunday, we lost Steve Dalkowski, a 100+ mph flamethrower whose legend was all over the place (much like his control). @Ma… - 5 years ago

@MearnsPSA: On Sunday, we lost Steve Dalkowski, a 100+ mph flamethrower whose legend was all over the place (much like his cont… - 5 years ago

@bogey72: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@thorn_john: RT @tomhoffarth: To see Steve get out of his chair, throw a pitch then lift his arms at Dodger Stadium. I'm in the press box watching. A fe… - 5 years ago

@delta_rat: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@kjkeelty: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@martymaciaszek: One of baseball's truly legendary fireballers - 5 years ago

@tomhoffarth: To see Steve get out of his chair, throw a pitch then lift his arms at Dodger Stadium. I'm in the press box watchin… - 5 years ago

@2xAught7: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@HummelTodd: For people that have never heard of this pitcher, he some wild minor league numbers Ks and BBs. Google him (Steve D… - 5 years ago

@MagnetCarta: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@sepinwall: The real Nuke LaLoosh, as @JPosnanski so eloquently discussed just last month: - 5 years ago

@phil_rosenthal: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@BKellyPxP: 262 strikeouts. 262 walks. 170.0 innings. 7 CGs in 31 starts. I’d love to know pitches did he throw in 1960 for the… - 5 years ago

@joemikebud: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@StatsScorer: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@mickmanselle: @KeithOlbermann "Steve Dalkowski could throw a ball through a brick wall if he could only hit the brick wall." --- Jim Murray - 5 years ago

@JamesSReaney: RIP an original. Sending love to family & friends of Steve Dalkowski. Here is a passage you probably know from… - 5 years ago

@MikeBurkeMDT: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@CelticVisionOrg: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@Lill81890225: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@nwapaulb: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@Srhariton: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@MsftDave: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@HallBlakehall52: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@vin34dmb: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@billykaos: @GraigKreindler did u see Steve Dalkowski passed? #RIP - 5 years ago

@tmichalak6: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@billykaos: #RIP Steve Dalkowski 🔥⚾️🔥 - 5 years ago

@billykaos: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@TheWeams: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@TimJenkins1962: @SABRbbcards Legendary minor league flame thrower Steve Dalkowski has died. RIP - 5 years ago

@yosoyrorro: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@elliegirltx: RT @BaseballQuotes1: Steve Dalkowski, who is said to have had the fastest fastball of all time and the inspiration for Nuke LaLoosh, has pa… - 5 years ago

@philpiv: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@TimJenkins1962: RT @KeithOlbermann: The legendary Steve Dalkowski has died; threw impossibly hard, made the ‘63 Orioles, injured on a bunt, never pitched i… - 5 years ago

@docpetit_art: RT @AmoreCourant: COVID 19 has claimed the life of baseball legend Steve Dalkowski. Though he never made the major leagues, many Hall of Fa… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Steve Dalkowski dies - #SteveDalkowski #Steve #Dalkowski #rip - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Steve Dalkowski @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #SteveDalkowski add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@VonBenko: Just received word from his sister that Steve Dalkowski regarded as the fastest pitcher who ever lived passed away… - 5 years ago

@CardDrawings: Card #46: Steve Dalkowski 1960 at Stockton (C) 170 IP, 105 hits, 262 BB, 262 K - 5 years ago

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