Stephen Sulyk

Polish-born Ukrainian-American Ukrainian Catholic hierarch
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Stephen Sulyk:

@funkycedars: RT @Royal_Doors: Metropolitan-Archbishop Emeritus Stephen Sulyk - 5 years ago

@Royal_Doors: Metropolitan-Archbishop Emeritus Stephen Sulyk - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Stephen Sulyk, you will be missed - #StephenSulyk #Stephen #Sulyk #rip - 5 years ago

@Supernetworks: @HawkECEProf Such a stunning cathedral. #RIP Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk - 5 years ago


@HawkECEProf: Funeral Divine Liturgy for retired +Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk who succumbed from complications of… - 5 years ago

@CeesBoogaart: Retired Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk dies of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@frchriswalsh: RT @faithphillyours: Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, a longtime leader in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, dies of the coronavirus at 95 - 5 years ago

@Oksana_dok: RT @WHYYNews: COVID19 update: Former Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk dies from COVID-19 at 95. The funeral will be shown on Fa… - 5 years ago

@mykpy: RT @WHYYNews: COVID19 update: Former Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk dies from COVID-19 at 95. The funeral will be shown on Fa… - 5 years ago

@kerziouk: RT @lara_lazar: Retired Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk dies of COVID-19 | The Ukrainian Weekly - 5 years ago

@lara_lazar: Retired Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk dies of COVID-19 | The Ukrainian Weekly - 5 years ago

@adrock20: RT @faithphillyours: Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, a longtime leader in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, dies of the coronavirus at 95 - 5 years ago

@MaykowskiD: RT @faithphillyours: Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, a longtime leader in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, dies of the coronavirus at 95 - 5 years ago

@elmore85: RT @faithphillyours: Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, a longtime leader in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, dies of the coronavirus at 95 - 5 years ago

@faithphillyours: Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, a longtime leader in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, dies of the coronavirus at 95… - 5 years ago

@WHYYNews: COVID19 update: Former Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk dies from COVID-19 at 95. The funeral will be s… - 5 years ago

@jgp700: @FLOTUS Metropolitan-Arch­bishop emeritus Stephen Sulyk, who headed the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United Sta… - 5 years ago

@jgp700: @Pontifex Metropolitan-Arch­bishop emeritus Stephen Sulyk, who headed the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United S… - 5 years ago

@jgp700: @USCCB @ArchbishopGomez @lacatholics Metropolitan-Arch­bishop emeritus Stephen Sulyk, who headed the Ukrainian Cath… - 5 years ago

@AaronKtgod2: bible: - 5 years ago

@mykpy: RT @PhillyDailyNews: Daily News | Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, a longtime leader in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, dies of the coronavirus at… - 5 years ago

@Sybelia: RT @PhillyDailyNews: Daily News | Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, a longtime leader in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, dies of the coronavirus at… - 5 years ago

@PhillyDailyNews: Daily News | Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, a longtime leader in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, dies of the coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@HeinleinMichael: @CantareAmantis Another to add if you’re keeping track: - 5 years ago

@covid19rip1: RIP Stephen Sulyk - 5 years ago

@Tempname77: RT @CarolynEast2: Stephen Sulyk, 95, Pennsylvania Retired Metropolitan-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia #… - 5 years ago

@CarolynEast2: Stephen Sulyk, 95, Pennsylvania Retired Metropolitan-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelp… - 5 years ago

@TheRightsWriter: Metropolitan Stephen Sulyk, vichnaya pamyat. - 5 years ago

@CruzadaRosarios: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@TheBadgerDad: RT @gcatholic: Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, Metropolitan emeritus of Philadelphia of the Ukrainians (USA), dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@MatildeLatorre: Stephen Sulyk, de 95 años, era metropolitano de la Arqueparquía greco-católica ucraniana de Filadelfia. Se cree qu… - 5 years ago

@KnowWhatEyeMeme: Stephen Sulyk, 95, Ukrainian Catholic hierarch, Archeparch of Philadelphia Jay Benedict, 68, actor (Foyle's War, D… - 5 years ago

@bishbrit: @gcatholic 6 APR 2020: Stephen Sulyk, archbishop emeritus of Philadelphia of the #Ukrainians (USA), died aged 95. H… - 5 years ago

@bishbrit: RT @gcatholic: Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, Metropolitan emeritus of Philadelphia of the Ukrainians (USA), dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@gcatholic: Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, Metropolitan emeritus of Philadelphia of the Ukrainians (USA), dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@Sacerdotus: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Stephen Sulyk - 5 years ago

@knightofstcross: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@riconcc5: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@ecrivainspecial: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@MaykowskiD: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@Mazilli1: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@MarioIAguilar: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@VTortora: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@KatiaforJesus: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@preethi50632948: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

@CaMaSk: RT @CatholicNewsSvc: Retired Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia died today at age 95. He had symptoms of #COVID19.… - 5 years ago

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