Stephen Ross

American economist.
Died on Monday March 6th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Stephen Ross:

@Roaringpurr: RT @kellihatha1: BLUE CITY, Ross Macdonald. #NoirLivesOn @meganeabbott @KristiBelcamino @christobartley @stephen_jared @DominicPiper1 https… - 8 years ago

@JudyKemp69: RT @kellihatha1: BLUE CITY, Ross Macdonald. #NoirLivesOn @meganeabbott @KristiBelcamino @christobartley @stephen_jared @DominicPiper1 https… - 8 years ago

@kinggymnast: #tbt to meeting the legendary Stephen M Ross. Thank you for everything Go Blue! - 8 years ago

@Footballnomics: "Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73" via @nytimes - 8 years ago


@Stephen_Lee20: No, I would not take John Ross at 14. - 8 years ago

@TmJeck75: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@BizarroMoMA: Cover - Frontier Ross Lovegrove, Stephen Antonakos Gelatin silver print from a glass negative - 8 years ago

@hftblackbox: Ross Women Dominate Poets & Quants 'Women to Watch' List - Stephen M. Ross School of Business (blog) - 8 years ago

@fantasybballbot: team with stephen curry, ross teeter, Kevin love, captin crunch, and david west - 8 years ago

@BuggyChaput: RT @kellihatha1: BLUE CITY, Ross Macdonald. #NoirLivesOn @meganeabbott @KristiBelcamino @christobartley @stephen_jared @DominicPiper1 https… - 8 years ago

@ryf_feed: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@SecNewsBot: Hacker News - Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@ChristiansenJe3: Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross Elated After Securing Real Madrid-Barcelona Match In Miami: Getting a commitment from Real Madrid and FC… - 8 years ago

@InterMiamiFC: @OhSoWokeYas @jonahfreedman Or Stephen Ross, the Arthur Blank of South Florida. - 8 years ago

@5short8deep: Stephen "Ragga" Marley - The Lion Roars (ft. Rick Ross & Ky-Mani Marley)... - 8 years ago

@clemfrost: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@ross_macfarlane: RT @NickKristof: Looks as if Steve Bannon lied under oath to claim Florida residence, avoiding taxes, acc to great WashPost reporting https… - 8 years ago

@bnukan1: RT @ProfDemirtas: - 8 years ago

@shonaapap: Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications Stephen Ross McGraw-Hill Higher Education Bradford Jordan…… - 8 years ago

@tal_ross: RT @tedlieu: I love #irony. Dr. Evil, aka Steve Bannon, is under criminal investigation for voter registration fraud. - 8 years ago

@JJDjoum: ....At its core, the theory offers a framework for analyzing risks and returns in financial markets..... - 8 years ago

@eozentr: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@langeandhuston: RT @LMagelio: Ewan McGregor, Rick Ross, And Jessica Lange To Appear On The Late Show - 8 years ago

@Ross_yep: RT @happenstxnce: stranger things —i love my stranger kids —los únicos críos que soporto —20/20 WINONA RYDER —EL GUSTILLO A STEPHEN KING S… - 8 years ago

@Econ2Penn: RIP - 8 years ago

@millan_ashleigh: RT @LMagelio: Ewan McGregor, Rick Ross, And Jessica Lange To Appear On The Late Show - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: The theorist Stephen Ross relished marshaling complex theories in academia and applying them to Wall Street - 8 years ago

@TPanagiotidis: RT @NESG2013: Mar 3 2017 @mit #Econometrics IM #StephenRoss (1944-2017) Finance #Econ Developer #ArbitragePricingTheory #CIR #APT - 8 years ago

@apolonyus_eyup: RT @ProfDemirtas: - 8 years ago

@huseyinoktay01: RT @ProfDemirtas: Stephen Ross'un vefatının arkasından şöyle bir anımı paylaşmak isterim. Kendisi Arbitrage Pricing Theory'nin yaratıcıları… - 8 years ago

@shiangsir: Stephen Ross (1944-2017) RIP - 8 years ago

@ClouDatAI: kimludcom : Half AI Big Data Cloud Boot Camp @ Sofia Univ - - 8 years ago

@LMagelio: Ewan McGregor, Rick Ross, And Jessica Lange To Appear On The Late Show - 8 years ago

@stephen_ty18: RT @ochocinco: Switch sides you better stay there -Ross - 8 years ago

@syzewecopofy: 'Cabana boy' Stephen Ross? Believe it or not, Miami Dolphins' owner was one - 8 years ago

@NESG2013: Mar 3 2017 @mit #Econometrics IM #StephenRoss (1944-2017) Finance #Econ Developer #ArbitragePricingTheory #CIR #APT - 8 years ago

@denizdurham: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@MathFeed: Obituary / Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@ZeynepAakarslan: RT @ProfDemirtas: - 8 years ago

@ZeynepAakarslan: RT @ProfDemirtas: Stephen Ross'un vefatının arkasından şöyle bir anımı paylaşmak isterim. Kendisi Arbitrage Pricing Theory'nin yaratıcıları… - 8 years ago

@p_zloy: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@ClouDatAI: evalynsworldy : 4/15-16 AI Big Data Container Train - 8 years ago

@josecarlosgol: Stephen Ross dueño de los Dolphins anunciando el Clásico en Miami - 8 years ago

@MathFollower: Obituary - 8 years ago

@john_ryu: Literally wrote the textbook for finance "Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@ULTRAJOEBALL: RT @jonrosenberg: listen all y'all it's a arbitrage - 8 years ago

@egosantrizma: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@avislam_simsek: RT @ProfDemirtas: - 8 years ago

@henokfasil: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@Modriel1: RT @ProfDemirtas: - 8 years ago

@DBestseventy2: Stephen M. Ross owner of the Miami Dolphins.😊@realmadriden @realmadrid @FCBarcelona @IntChampionsCup - 8 years ago

@witchw: RT @ProfDemirtas: - 8 years ago

@ProfDemirtas: - 8 years ago

@Baturhanberk: RT @ProfDemirtas: Stephen Ross'un vefatının arkasından şöyle bir anımı paylaşmak isterim. Kendisi Arbitrage Pricing Theory'nin yaratıcıları… - 8 years ago

@ProfDemirtas: Stephen Ross'un vefatının arkasından şöyle bir anımı paylaşmak isterim. Kendisi Arbitrage Pricing Theory'nin yaratıcılarından. İyi tanıdığım - 8 years ago

@yildurim: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@SasStevanovic: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@Pudgie154: @2017ResistNow @CNNPolitics Good, but what about Wilbur Ross, Rex Tillerson, Stephen Bannon, Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions,and many others? - 8 years ago

@hamguleken: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@odemis_taner: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@samdonmez: RT @MITSloan: We are saddened by the loss of Professor Stephen Ross, a legend in modern finance. - 8 years ago

@nedretseval: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@drayselgundogdu: RT @Yener_Coskun: Arbitraj fiyatlama kuramını ortaya atan Ross vefat etti. Finansı değiştirdi - 8 years ago

@jonrosenberg: listen all y'all it's a arbitrage - 8 years ago

@E_LucasTaylor: RIP: Stephen Ross, 73, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, work reshaped the field of fin’l economics… - 8 years ago

@DAlantar: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@huseyinoktay01: RT @ProfDemirtas: Son derece önemli bir Finans Profesörü: Stephen Ross vefat etti. Çok üzgünüm. Varlık fiyatlama konusunda bir deha idi. - 8 years ago

@Kiffmeister: RT @jeremygold: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@Seanku: RIP Prof.Stephen Ross APT (Arbitrage Pricing Theory) - 8 years ago

@jeremygold: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@tknilsso: RT @MarkusEconomist: R.I.P. Stephen Ross asset pricing theory, binomial option pricing model, interest rate term structure models, ... htt… - 8 years ago

@Asphalt_Warrior: RT @kellihatha1: BLUE CITY, Ross Macdonald. #NoirLivesOn @meganeabbott @KristiBelcamino @christobartley @stephen_jared @DominicPiper1 https… - 8 years ago

@bobaceti: #Economic #Theorist #Stephen #Ross, 73, is #dead - - 8 years ago

@stephen_cpw: RT @WealthCP: Last night, our very own Tony Ross was awarded the Birmingham Insurance Institute Young Achiever of the Year 2017! - 8 years ago

@JamesJosephIgoe: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@paul13walnut5: @JournoStephen Ross Greer... you are too funny Stephen. Haha. - 8 years ago

@rut_vilar: El dueño de los Dolphins, Stephen Ross, principal impulsor del Barça-Madrid q se jugará en Miami en julio - 8 years ago

@GeorgeNamur: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@BusinessNewsEye: Stephen #Ross, #Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing: - 8 years ago

@ausechea: RT @MITSloan: “Steve Ross will be remembered as an intellectual giant.” –MIT Sloan Dean David Schmittlein - 8 years ago

@WordLinkECON: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 #economy - 8 years ago

@OhioMugshots: Stephen Ross - 8 years ago

@CristinaGilstra: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@9dominick9: RT @MITSloan: “Steve Ross will be remembered as an intellectual giant.” –MIT Sloan Dean David Schmittlein - 8 years ago

@ItsAPlanB: RT @sport: El dueño de los Dolphins, Stephen Ross, principal impulsor del clásico de Miami - 8 years ago

@financializer: Stephen Ross, Economist Who Developed Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Dies at 73 - 8 years ago

@az_dolfan: Major tip of the cap to Stephen Ross, @TomGarfinkel, and company. - 8 years ago

@Stephen_M_A: RT @RapSpotlights: Rick Ross new album tracklist, which song are you most excited for?? - 8 years ago

@fishin4trout: If I got a dollar for every time I embarrass myself, I could give Stephen M. Ross a run for his money. - 8 years ago

@eduvaldesjimene: RT @marcmenchen: Stephen Ross es un genio. Se inventó la ICC, le ha vendido el 'naming' del estadio de Miami a Hard Rock y lo estrenará un… - 8 years ago

@marcmenchen: Stephen Ross es un genio. Se inventó la ICC, le ha vendido el 'naming' del estadio de Miami a Hard Rock y lo estrenará un Barça-Madrid. - 8 years ago

@samj988681: RT @MiamiDolphins: .@MorganLBrennan of @CNBC's @PowerLunch, caught up with Stephen Ross and Cam Wake on Day 4 of the Business Combine. htt… - 8 years ago

@samj988681: RT @KT_PlayerEngage: Dolphins Business Combine Day #1 "Those that put together the right people and create a great team are gonna win" - St… - 8 years ago

@samj988681: RT @MiamiDolphins: Stephen Ross kicks off the annual Dolphins Business Combine in New York. - 8 years ago

@MITSloanExecEd: RT @MITSloan: We are saddened by the loss of Professor Stephen Ross, a legend in modern finance. - 8 years ago

@UniLUISS: Prof #LUISS Emilio Barone ricorda l'economista Stephen Ross, uno dei padri della moderna teoria della finanza… - 8 years ago

@sebojdb: [Patricia CS] Principles of Financial Economics (by Stephen F. LeRoy (Author), Jan Werner (Author), Stephen A. Ross… - 8 years ago

@portallivreiros: [Patricia CS] Principles of Financial Economics (by Stephen F. LeRoy (Author), Jan Werner (Author), Stephen A. Ross… - 8 years ago

@digestivo: [Livro] Principles of Financial Economics (by Stephen F. LeRoy (Author), Jan Werner (Author), Stephen A. Ross…… - 8 years ago

@Hotstover: You know, maybe we've been wrong about Stephen Ross this whole time #Dolphins .... - 8 years ago

@FlyClassKenny: And @MiamiDolphins tell Stephen Ross if he don't know football .. let someone else run it period ! -Management - 8 years ago

@CFApubs: We deeply regret the passing of Stephen A. Ross. Here are recent thoughts he shared as part of a Q Group panel: - 8 years ago

@Judy_Folger: RT @kellihatha1: BLUE CITY, Ross Macdonald. #NoirLivesOn @meganeabbott @KristiBelcamino @christobartley @stephen_jared @DominicPiper1 https… - 8 years ago

@hsinyiyu_ed: - 8 years ago

@Ross__92: RT @Absolutehero69: 09 March 2009 Carroll, Stephen (48) Royal Ulster Constabulary/PSNI Shot in patrol car attending call at Lismore Manor,… - 8 years ago

@evelynweiss1912: RT @kellihatha1: BLUE CITY, Ross Macdonald. #NoirLivesOn @meganeabbott @KristiBelcamino @christobartley @stephen_jared @DominicPiper1 https… - 8 years ago

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