Stephen McKenna

Died on Sunday May 14th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Stephen McKenna:

@erisbarno1978: RT @donnafunkyhouse: 12 yrs today my cousin Stephen McKenna was takin from us R.I.P love u millions xxxxxxxxxxxx - 8 years ago

@everly_mckenna: RT @HuffPostPol: Stephen Colbert says Fox News is declining because the news "depresses" Trump voters - 8 years ago

@everly_mckenna: RT @HuffPostPol: Stephen Colbert says Fox News is declining because the news "depresses" Trump voters - 8 years ago

@everly_mckenna: RT @HuffPost: And now I'm going to have this song stuck in my head the rest of the day. -@lindsaygholmes - 8 years ago


@everly_mckenna: RT @HuffPost: Stephen Colbert lists why Robert Mueller is Trump’s "worst nightmare" - 8 years ago

@mahgary: StevenLister: Fantastic little Prosecco Bar! Loving the photo by Stephen McKenna and thanks for sharing! stephenmc… - 8 years ago

@Gary_Mckenna: RT @SnoozeInBrief: It turns out that 'not as bad as Andrea Leadsom, Michael Gove, Stephen Crabb, Liam Fox and Boris Johnson' is still very,… - 8 years ago

@StevenLister: Fantastic little Prosecco Bar! Loving the photo by Stephen McKenna and thanks for sharing! @stephenmckenna2 - 8 years ago

@LittleInfoCue: Lori McKenna Performs ‘Humble & Kind’ – The Late expose with Stephen Colbert - 8 years ago

@Mrsbuttonmoon: Pls rt @stephen_bear @HollyGShore @antanddec @Ginofantastico @AlanCarr @Megan_Mckenna_ @RealJamesArgent @P_Wicks01 - 8 years ago

@Gary_Mckenna: @stephentall Think you might still be a little on the optimistic side Stephen 🙁 - 8 years ago

@algproperty: If you’ve got a real #opportunity and a real deal, the #money will come.” - Stephen McKenna - 8 years ago

@ashfordtracks: On Air: Stephen Kennett & @rockingmonk are #NowPlaying Isombard by Declan Mckenna on Ashford Hometime - 8 years ago

@rossbarfoot: RT @ClydeCoAPAC: Partner Ross Barfoot & Legal Directors Thomas Choo & Stephen McKenna speaking at @EduInvestor conference in singapore http… - 8 years ago

@phantomima: Hoy me enteré de que murió Stephen McKenna :( - 8 years ago

@basair: Congratulations to Stephen McKenna for achieving your RPL last week - great work! #basaf #archerfieldcampus - 8 years ago

@ClydeCoAPAC: Partner Ross Barfoot & Legal Directors Thomas Choo & Stephen McKenna speaking at @EduInvestor conference in singapo… - 8 years ago

@telegraphprem: Stephen McKenna, painter – obituary - 8 years ago

@LukeWeeks5: @Aidan_McKenna_ @stephen_bear Dickhead - 8 years ago

@JasmineJJonez: RT @MTVUK: You HAVE to look at what @stephen_bear bought @charlottegshore for her birthday 😍: - 8 years ago

@MTVHitsUK: RT @MTVUK: You HAVE to look at what @stephen_bear bought @charlottegshore for her birthday 😍: - 8 years ago

@BANANAminionCMC: RT @MTVUK: You HAVE to look at what @stephen_bear bought @charlottegshore for her birthday 😍: - 8 years ago

@DannyDyermad97: RT @MTVUK: You HAVE to look at what @stephen_bear bought @charlottegshore for her birthday 😍: - 8 years ago

@MTVUK: You HAVE to look at what @stephen_bear bought @charlottegshore for her birthday 😍: - 8 years ago

@Aidan_McKenna_: @jackwood402 @stephen_bear Ffs I didn't even realise that 😭 - 8 years ago

@ClydeCoNews: RT @ClydeCoAPAC: Partner Ross Barefoot, Stephen McKenna & Thomas Choo will speak at a #Singapore #education Conference on Thursday. https:/… - 8 years ago

@ClydeCoAPAC: Partner Ross Barefoot, Stephen McKenna & Thomas Choo will speak at a #Singapore #education Conference on Thursday. - 8 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Actors Rekha Sindu, Yumeji Sukioka, Albert Nalbandian; artists Michael Zwack, Stephen McKenna - 8 years ago

@MCKENNA_60: RT @VanityFair: "Mr. Trump, there’s a lot you don’t understand, but I never thought one of those things would be show business" - 8 years ago

@algproperty: If you’ve got a real #opportunity and a real deal, the #money will come.” - Stephen McKenna - 8 years ago

@NYT_1917: Britain Is Fully Organized for War; Stephen Mckenna Tells of the Wide Restriction of Individual Activities. Governm… - 8 years ago

@Nautika_beats: Andy Oliver Stephen McKenna Lee Harwood - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Stephen McKenna is no longer with us - #StephenMcKenna #Stephen #McKenna #rip - 8 years ago

@BookBugsuk: RT @BookBugsuk: Sonia. Between Two Worlds. Stephen McKenna. A #Vintage #Penguinbook #newstock #weekend #b… - 8 years ago

@NCAD_Gallery: RT @KerlinGallery: A wonderful #obituary for #StephenMcKenna published by @IrishTimes over the weekend. Thank you, #AidanDunne. - 8 years ago

@BookBugsuk: Sonia. Between Two Worlds. Stephen McKenna. A #Vintage #Penguinbook #newstock… - 8 years ago

@algproperty: If you’ve got a real #opportunity and a real deal, the #money will come.” - Stephen McKenna - 8 years ago

@kingsleychapman: Had the pleasure of installing Stephen McKenna's work at @mimamodernart in 2015, lovely fella...a good European. - 8 years ago

@joemalico10: RT @LIRoughRiders: Congrats to Harrison Weilbacher and Stephen McKenna for signing with the Rough Riders for their rookie season! 🔵🔴⚽… http… - 8 years ago

@joemorreale1243: RT @LIRoughRiders: Congrats to Harrison Weilbacher and Stephen McKenna for signing with the Rough Riders for their rookie season! 🔵🔴⚽… http… - 8 years ago

@algproperty: If you’ve got a real #opportunity and a real deal, the #money will come.” - Stephen McKenna - 8 years ago

@shelmaliers: No lotto Jackpot winner- no's, three match 3, Ann Mckenna, Stephen Bánvillé, Helen Cullen, €70 each. Next Jackpot €8600 - 8 years ago

@MiddlesbroughRR: Stephen McKenna: Perspectives of Europe 1980 – 2014 - 8 years ago

@paulkellyartist: Painter Stephen McKenna dies at home in Co Carlow - 8 years ago

@mimamodernart: We are sorry to learn of the death of #StephenMcKenna,Turner Prize-nominated painter who exhibited with us in 2015 - 8 years ago

@KerlinGallery: A wonderful #obituary for #StephenMcKenna published by @IrishTimes over the weekend. Thank you, #AidanDunne.… - 8 years ago

@MolesworthGall: RT @KerlinGallery: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our friend and colleague Stephen McKenna, 1939–2017 - 8 years ago

@KerlinGallery: RT @LaurenceMackin: RIP Stephen McKenna. A terrific painter whose work is always a real pleasure to encounter - 8 years ago

@UnitedArtsClub: RT @Adams1887: Sorry to hear of the passing of former RHA President and much admired artist Stephen McKenna RIP. (His portrait below by Mic… - 8 years ago

@dr_mckenna: RT @PompeyLabour: We are proud to announce that Stephen Morgan will be our candidate for #Portsmouth South and Rumal Khan our candidate for… - 8 years ago

@LilianeBreuning: Stephen McKenna (British, 1939-2017) - An English Oak Tree, 1981 Oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm. english... - 8 years ago

@brandartillery: Painter Stephen McKenna dies at home in Co Carlow - 8 years ago

@canningart: RT @Adams1887: Sorry to hear of the passing of former RHA President and much admired artist Stephen McKenna RIP. (His portrait below by Mic… - 8 years ago

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