Stephen Li Si-de

Chinese Roman Catholic prelate
Died on Wednesday June 12th 2019

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Tweets related to Stephen Li Si-de:

@deadpeoplecom: Stephen Li Si-de is no longer with us - #StephenLiSide #Stephen #LiSi-de #rip - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Stephen Li Si-de - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Stephen Li Si-de, chinesischer Bischof, am 08.06.2019 im Alter von 92 Jahren. - 6 years ago

@bishbrit: @gcatholic 8 JUN 2019: Stephen Li Si-de, bishop of Tianjin (China), died aged 92. He was ordained bishop on 15 JUN 1982 (clandestinely). - 6 years ago


@bishbrit: RT @gcatholic: Bishop Stephen Li Si-de (李思德), Bishop of Tianjin 天津 (China) recognized by the Vatican but not by the State, dies at 92 https… - 6 years ago

@gcatholic: Bishop Stephen Li Si-de has been under house arrest in a remote village since 1992, for refusing to join the Chines… - 6 years ago

@gcatholic: Bishop Stephen Li Si-de (李思德), Bishop of Tianjin 天津 (China) recognized by the Vatican but not by the State, dies at… - 6 years ago

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