Stephen Jeffreys

British playwright (The Libertine
Died on Tuesday September 18th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Stephen Jeffreys:

@StephensSimon: And I bet I was one of not many people watching POET IN DA CORNER that thought “ah! Shades of Chicken Soup With Bar… - 6 years ago

@SteveDBarber: I love reading the revivalists... Stephen Jeffreys: I want to go all the way with the Lord and he will make me a flame of fire. - 6 years ago

@KalsomDepp: RT @johnnydeppreads: #THELIBERTINE playwright #StephenJeffreys has died. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends. He was such a k… - 6 years ago

@LMHuffman: RT @SleeveNotes: Stephen Jeffreys’ enthusiastic support of other writers was boundless. His work will live on not just in his own brilliant… - 6 years ago


@LMHuffman: RT @IRubasingham: Stephen Jeffreys passed away last night. Cannot find the words to describe how much he meant to a generation of playwrigh… - 6 years ago

@ruhahussain: RT @StephensSimon: When many of his peers turned their noses up at a generation coming after them Stephen Jeffreys encouraged and inspired… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Leaving a meeting at the Royal Court Theater, Stephen Jeffreys couldn't get the door to the stairway open. He was s… - 6 years ago

@Nmharley2: RT @LynnShawProd: Stephen Jeffreys, Playwright Known for ‘The Libertine,’ Dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@LynnShawProd: Stephen Jeffreys, Playwright Known for ‘The Libertine,’ Dies at 68 - 6 years ago

@braintumourrsch: Our condolences to the family of playwright Stephen Jeffreys - 6 years ago

@biddyonthehill: RT @PhyllidaLloyd: Stephen Jeffreys, In a tiny hotel room in Palestine, with rubber bullets flying past the window, held a group of fledgli… - 6 years ago

@eyupmeducky: RT @PhyllidaLloyd: Stephen Jeffreys, In a tiny hotel room in Palestine, with rubber bullets flying past the window, held a group of fledgli… - 6 years ago

@sola_flora: RT @SimonMcBurney: Stephen Jeffreys has left us. Brilliantly funny. Unassumingly brilliant. Generous, selfless and unfailingly kind, he was… - 6 years ago

@sola_flora: RT @propershameful: Stephen Jeffreys. Kind, generous, always interested, never aloof. One night the man just stopped by to see us: I'd writ… - 6 years ago

@sola_flora: RT @PhyllidaLloyd: Stephen Jeffreys, In a tiny hotel room in Palestine, with rubber bullets flying past the window, held a group of fledgli… - 6 years ago

@RubySen1: RT @RiversideLondon: Remembering playwright #StephenJeffreys who has sadly died aged 68 #TheLibertine #ValuedFriends #IJustStoppedBytoSeeth… - 6 years ago

@genznyt: RT @NYTObits: As a writer, "He had a directness like a good handshake,” a fellow playwright said. Stephen Jeffreys is dead at 68. His best-… - 6 years ago

@1novr: RT @NYTObits: As a writer, "He had a directness like a good handshake,” a fellow playwright said. Stephen Jeffreys is dead at 68. His best-… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: As a writer, "He had a directness like a good handshake,” a fellow playwright said. Stephen Jeffreys is dead at 68.… - 6 years ago

@dannyleewynter: RT @BBCFrontRow: Playwright @royboywilliams gives a personal tribute to the enduring influence of his friend Stephen Jeffreys. - 6 years ago

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