Stephen Furst

American actor (Babylon 5
Died on Saturday June 17th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Stephen Furst:

@sandirs11: RT @Tim_Matheson: Ah, Flounder! You fucked up. You trusted us! But we loved ya, Pal. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@Tbaldwin510B: RT @killer_kitsch: Rest in Peace Stephen Furst (May 8, 1955 - June 17, 2017), American actor and director known from Babylon 5, St. Elsewhe… - 8 years ago

@MarkRF: RT @straczynski: Lost Babylon 5 Main cast: Michael O'Hare, Andreas Katsulas, Jeff Conaway, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, now Stephen Furst, a… - 8 years ago

@sDreyse: "Babylon 5": Stephen Furst mit 63 Jahren gestorben - Bekannt als Vir Cotto und durch "Chefarzt Dr. Westphall" - 8 years ago


@DeniseTomlin7: RT @straczynski: Lost Babylon 5 Main cast: Michael O'Hare, Andreas Katsulas, Jeff Conaway, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, now Stephen Furst, a… - 8 years ago

@PerryBlocher: From The Globe and Mail: Via The Globe and Mail's Android app - 8 years ago

@mikevansickler: It's a tribute to the great Stephen Furst. What, you think he'd be offended? - 8 years ago

@kelmoe71: RIP Performer Stephen Furst. - 8 years ago

@mg_hamilton: RT @PoliticalGeekUK: Another #Babylon5 soul goes beyond the rim 😥RIP Stephen Furst aka Vir Cotto, one of my favourite characters from B5 😥… - 8 years ago

@GrindedWord: #Grindcast New Episode, Special Guest Greg Billet, Carnage & Venom, Stephen Furst's Passing, The Mummy, and more! - 8 years ago

@NicoleL88876459: RT @straczynski: Lost Babylon 5 Main cast: Michael O'Hare, Andreas Katsulas, Jeff Conaway, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, now Stephen Furst, a… - 8 years ago

@MIgEDhJpOuibtNQ: RT @Tim_Matheson: Ah, Flounder! You fucked up. You trusted us! But we loved ya, Pal. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@AHaglington: RT @planetscifi: RIP Stephen Furst, best known for the key role of #Vir in the epic #TV science fiction saga #Babylon5 #SciFi @planetsci… - 8 years ago

@AHaglington: RT @PoliticalGeekUK: Another #Babylon5 soul goes beyond the rim 😥RIP Stephen Furst aka Vir Cotto, one of my favourite characters from B5 😥… - 8 years ago

@AHaglington: RT @straczynski: On behalf of everyone who worked on Babylon 5, Stephen Furst will be missed profoundly and everlastingly. - 8 years ago

@AaltoTatu: RT @PoliticalGeekUK: Another #Babylon5 soul goes beyond the rim 😥RIP Stephen Furst aka Vir Cotto, one of my favourite characters from B5 😥… - 8 years ago

@CNGBlog: Actor Stephen Furst, Best Known - 8 years ago

@Cryptoseries: Les news séries de la semaine : décès de Stephen Hurst, annulation officielle de #LastManStanding et #casting - 8 years ago

@JohnLennonTooth: Confessions of a Couch Potato by Stephen Furst - 8 years ago

@JohnLennonTooth: Stephen Furst, actor who played Flounder in Animal House, dies at 63 /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@robereid: RT @killer_kitsch: Rest in Peace Stephen Furst (May 8, 1955 - June 17, 2017), American actor and director known from Babylon 5, St. Elsewhe… - 8 years ago

@johnmorgan726: RT @SammyEricks: Fred Durst is good people. Oh wait...sorry I meant Stephen Furst. Stephen Furst is good people. - 8 years ago

@johnmorgan726: RT @AmoebaStampede: Sad to hear Stephen Furst has died. To me he'll always be Harold from "Midnight Madness." See you in room 2704, Mr. F.… - 8 years ago

@johnmorgan726: RT @FuriousDShow: RIP Stephen Furst. Best remembered for Animal House, but a prolific & versatile character actor. . - 8 years ago

@javiermemba: Mi obituario sobre Stephen Furst publicado en El Mundo de hoy Actor de comedias delirantes vía @elmundo_orbyt - 8 years ago

@calloway_ray: RT @Tim_Matheson: Ah, Flounder! You fucked up. You trusted us! But we loved ya, Pal. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@KCStar: Final Chapters: John G. Avildsen, Helmut Kohl, Bill Dana, Stephen Furst - 8 years ago

@Sybylla_: E por fim, Stephen Furst, o simpático Vir Cotto, morreu devido à complicações causadas por diabetes. 😭 - 8 years ago

@wnfoster3: RT @MattOswaltVA: (God shows Stephen Furst around heaven) "Theres Gandhi, FDR & Elvis" (sits him at back table) "And here's Gerald Ford, Ba… - 8 years ago

@drekb1: Actor Stephen Furst, Flounder in 'Animal House,' dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@shoecitychamps: Stephen Furst, Flounder in 'Animal House,' dies at 63 | - 8 years ago

@senecahill3: stephen furst died june 16, 2017 on a friday at age 63. - 8 years ago

@PamelaEspenoqu1: RT @mikekellyxpages: Stephen Furst, 'Animal House' actor, dead at 63 - NY Daily News - 8 years ago

@AirPallotti: Stephen Furst, Flounder in 'Animal House,' dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@LGjVlt93d3m7TRd: RT @scottEweinberg: RIP Stephen Furst, a lovable, talented, very funny actor. I will always love Flounder. - 8 years ago

@0CvApDuGHRhaiaC: RT @RobertHarvier: You were awesome as Vir, but you'll always be Flounder to me. Farewell Stephen Furst. - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Stephen Furst, the actor who played naive fraternity pledge “Flounder” in the movie “Animal House” died at the... - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Stephen Furst, Flounder in ‘Animal House,’ Dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@adthecook: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@ArtsEduMiami: Stephen Furst, 'Animal House' and 'St. Elsewhere' Actor, Dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@y81cshnaXHdxtqc: RT @devansADR: Stephen Furst, 'Animal House' actor, dies @CNN - 8 years ago

@hetflixdotcom: Animal House Actor Stephen Furst Passes Away at Age 62: Animal House actor… - 8 years ago

@ScarecrowMsKing: RT @boxleitnerbruce: I just received news of the passing of another member of our #Babylon5 family. Stephen Furst "Vir Cotto," RIP, my frie… - 8 years ago

@AngelinaReedus: RT @Tim_Matheson: Ah, we’re all UP THE CREEK without our pal Stephen Furst! - 8 years ago

@Nursemilissa: Animal House’s Stephen Furst: His Heartbreaking, Inspiring Battle with Diabetes Before Death at 63… - 8 years ago

@Dianese22679298: RT @Tim_Matheson: Ah, Flounder! You fucked up. You trusted us! But we loved ya, Pal. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@Smokeybird143: RT @MattOswaltVA: (God shows Stephen Furst around heaven) "Theres Gandhi, FDR & Elvis" (sits him at back table) "And here's Gerald Ford, Ba… - 8 years ago

@PeteLawler: RT @straczynski: Lost Babylon 5 Main cast: Michael O'Hare, Andreas Katsulas, Jeff Conaway, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, now Stephen Furst, a… - 8 years ago

@tvmoviede: In Kult-Serien wie „MacGyver“, „Mord ist ihr Hobby“ oder „Melrose Place“ hat uns Stephen Furst begeistert. Doch... - 8 years ago

@Fingolas: @fabsh @ctuplink Stephen Furst ist gestorben? Das hatte ich gar nicht mitbekommen 😦 - 8 years ago

@3PennyMovies: RT @NYTObits: Stephen Furst, who played a hapless pledge in "Animal House," died at 63 - 8 years ago

@usernameerror: RT @straczynski: Lost Babylon 5 Main cast: Michael O'Hare, Andreas Katsulas, Jeff Conaway, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, now Stephen Furst, a… - 8 years ago

@LouiseSparrow: RT @straczynski: Lost Babylon 5 Main cast: Michael O'Hare, Andreas Katsulas, Jeff Conaway, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, now Stephen Furst, a… - 8 years ago

@LouiseSparrow: RT @straczynski: On behalf of everyone who worked on Babylon 5, Stephen Furst will be missed profoundly and everlastingly. - 8 years ago

@LouiseSparrow: RT @patriciatallman: Our amazingly dear friend Stephen Furst has passed away. He was the kindest person I ever met. Simply lovely. He... ht… - 8 years ago

@LouiseSparrow: RT @boxleitnerbruce: I just received news of the passing of another member of our #Babylon5 family. Stephen Furst "Vir Cotto," RIP, my frie… - 8 years ago

@LouiseSparrow: RT @EthericExplorer: Sic Transit Vir... Bablyon 5 actor Stephen Furst dies at 63. - 8 years ago

@LouiseSparrow: RT @natural20: He was *our* Moon Faced Assassin of Joy and he waved at Mordin *like this* but now he is gone. :( RIP Stephen Furst. https:/… - 8 years ago

@CLNBlog: Actor Stephen Furst of 'Animal House' Dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@KrellTechnomage: RT @Londo_Mollari_: Here you are, Republic, a great interview with the man himself: - 8 years ago

@VWHORUSHD: @JonahNRO Great job! Stephen Furst shout out and Sideshow Bob! - 8 years ago

@LightningWaltz: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@lai_muriel: RT @Tim_Matheson: Ah, Flounder! You fucked up. You trusted us! But we loved ya, Pal. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@franksamillion: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@MartinPittaway: RT @boxleitnerbruce: I just received news of the passing of another member of our #Babylon5 family. Stephen Furst "Vir Cotto," RIP, my frie… - 8 years ago

@Jhic709365: @ericbolling @FoxNews To quote Flounder (Stephen Furst): "This is gonna be great." - 8 years ago

@misha444: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@herman_johansen: #TimMatheson Remembers #AnimalHouse Co-Star Stephen Furst: "He Was Brilliant" - 8 years ago

@StevenZunich1: RT @Betty4President: Well? Out With it! Stephen Furst will be missed. Great actor, fine career and by all accounts a great family man...htt… - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Stephen Furst, the actor who played naive fraternity pledge “Flounder” in the movie “Animal House” died at the... - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Stephen Furst, Flounder in ‘Animal House,’ Dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@joshpincus: This week's Dead Celebrity Spotlight is Stephen Furst. #deadcelebrityspotlight #actor… - 8 years ago

@joshpincus: This week's Dead Celebrity Spotlight is Stephen Furst. #deadcelebrityspotlight #actor #animalhouse #flounder... - 8 years ago

@CineMGC: Muere el actor estadounidense Stephen Furst. - 8 years ago

@guardianobits: Stephen Furst obituary. Actor who first made his mark as Flounder in National Lampoon’s Animal House - 8 years ago

@RLF2100: Stephen Furst, Who Played Flounder in ‘Animal House,’ Dies at 63, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@CLNBlog: ‘Animal House’ Actor Stephen Furst Dies at Age 63 - 8 years ago

@CassCalderon: RT @HamillHimself: Thank you Stephen Furst! A wonderfully versatile actor/director/producer as kind as he was talented. #SnickerLaughSnortW… - 8 years ago

@Ion_Banal: RT @Eight_Banal: Stephen Furst, actor who played Flounder in 'Animal House,' dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: “Stephen Furst does some very successful scene-stealing as the house blimp.” Janet Maslin on Mr. Furst as Flounder - 8 years ago

@RickySchroder: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@ceramicat: I did not know Stephen Furst died. Animal House, B5. He will be missed. All of our favorites are dying off. - 8 years ago

@jesseRvigil: Stephen Furst is dead. I don't know who's going to look up and wave at the heads of traitors to the human race on all those pikes. - 8 years ago

@Rafelaya: Muere el actor Stephen Furst, el colega tragón de 'Desmadre a la americana' - 8 years ago

@therealAFJ: RT @mezcotoyz: Check out our latest #tbt of our #AnimalHouse figures, dedicated Stephen Furst, who passed away last week. - 8 years ago

@mochamattie: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@cjstone48: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@Lionors17: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@cupquakes: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@ShyAngelLuv419: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@Wildrider51: Somehow I missed this last week. RIP, Vir. Stephen Furst Dies: ‘Animal House’, ‘St. Elsewhere’ Actor Was 63 - 8 years ago

@TofuForBrains: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@krharlan14: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@mdnightwriter: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@escapecar: Watching some Stephen Furst scenes as Vir on Babylon 5. Oh, the feels.... need to watch this show again. - 8 years ago

@ilovemyzendaya: RT @MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a tru… - 8 years ago

@MrBillDaniels: Stephen Furst was my favorite kind of actor. He always knew what he was doing, well-prepared and yet spontaneous - a true joy to work with. - 8 years ago

@happy2013guy: RT @HamillHimself: Thank you Stephen Furst! A wonderfully versatile actor/director/producer as kind as he was talented. #SnickerLaughSnortW… - 8 years ago

@AywonWilliams: Rest In Peace Stephen Furst (May 8, 1954-June 16, 2017). Actor and Film & TV Director. #StephenFurst - 8 years ago

@tetlow_john: RT @straczynski: On behalf of everyone who worked on Babylon 5, Stephen Furst will be missed profoundly and everlastingly. - 8 years ago

@BruceKlayman: RIP Flounder: Stephen Furst, Who Played Flounder in ‘Animal House,’ Dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@ERNESTZorro: RT @HamillHimself: Thank you Stephen Furst! A wonderfully versatile actor/director/producer as kind as he was talented. #SnickerLaughSnortW… - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: “Stephen Furst does some very successful scene-stealing as the house blimp.” Janet Maslin on Mr. Furst as Flounder - 8 years ago

@prdickinson: It the words of Kent "Flounder" Dorfman, as played by the late Stephen Furst, "Oh, boy is this great!" - 8 years ago

@Tarmac492v2: RT @TheSupernaughts: Spinning Headlines - Week 24: John G. Avildsen & Stephen Furst RIP, Weekend Box Office, Lord & Miller OUT of ... – htt… - 8 years ago

@K3nn3dy91: RT @TVGuide: St. Elsewhere star Stephen Furst dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@Hellkaiser69: RT @mezcotoyz: Check out our latest #tbt of our #AnimalHouse figures, dedicated Stephen Furst, who passed away last week. - 8 years ago

@Belv2998: Stephen Furst, Flounder in 'Animal House,' dies at 63 | - 8 years ago

@Ricwi: @artiequitter It's like finding Stephen Furst's forgotten open casket the Monday after the July 4th long weekend. - 8 years ago

@SPBarber7: Stephen Furst obituary - 8 years ago

@EByzio: RT @HamillHimself: Thank you Stephen Furst! A wonderfully versatile actor/director/producer as kind as he was talented. #SnickerLaughSnortW… - 8 years ago

@JanetRay919: Actor Stephen Furst Dies From Complications With Diabetes - 8 years ago

@nbartlett: Oh no, Stephen Furst RIP. Is there some curse on the cast of Babylon 5?? - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Stephen Furst, the actor who played naive fraternity pledge “Flounder” in the movie “Animal House” died at the... - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Stephen Furst, Flounder in ‘Animal House,’ Dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@BrantleyDunaway: Tim Matheson Remembers 'Animal House' Co-Star Stephen Furst: "He Was Brilliant" - 8 years ago

@FilmFracture: Cinema Fearité Presents ‘The Unseen’ – The Late Stephen Furst In A Different Kind Of Animal House - 8 years ago

@dorris_monica: RT @Tim_Matheson: Ah, Flounder! You fucked up. You trusted us! But we loved ya, Pal. Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@BuzzGawker: Stephen Furst, actor who played Flounder in ‘Animal House,’ dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@brensam80: RT @straczynski: Lost Babylon 5 Main cast: Michael O'Hare, Andreas Katsulas, Jeff Conaway, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, now Stephen Furst, a… - 8 years ago

@brensam80: RT @boxleitnerbruce: I just received news of the passing of another member of our #Babylon5 family. Stephen Furst "Vir Cotto," RIP, my frie… - 8 years ago

@TheHappyWriters: RT @RBwalksintoabar: Had the pleasure and honor of not only meeting Stephen Furst, but working with him as well.… - 8 years ago

@1966rob: Oh no, Flounder is dead - I never listened to Dean Wormer either #AnimalHouse - 8 years ago

@macandsoul: RT @RBwalksintoabar: Had the pleasure and honor of not only meeting Stephen Furst, but working with him as well.… - 8 years ago

@pavlovlover: Stephen Furst obituary - 8 years ago

@madkodeyfilms: 'Animal House' Star Stephen Furst Dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@Edwin_Karinga: Animal House Actor Stephen Furst Passes Away at Age 62 - 8 years ago

@Russell_Rygh: Stephen Furst obituary - 8 years ago

@TumoraXsaultX: Stephen Furst, who played Flounder in the hit comedy ‘Animal House,’ dies at 63 - 8 years ago

@Catharz: RT @straczynski: On behalf of everyone who worked on Babylon 5, Stephen Furst will be missed profoundly and everlastingly. - 8 years ago

@Catharz: RT @boxleitnerbruce: I just received news of the passing of another member of our #Babylon5 family. Stephen Furst "Vir Cotto," RIP, my frie… - 8 years ago

@CramerHobbs: Stephen Furst obituary - 8 years ago

@Australia7News: Stephen Furst from 'Animal House,' dies (AAP) - 8 years ago

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