Stella Chiweshe

Zimbabwean musician.
Died on Friday January 20th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Stella Chiweshe:

@seanmureza: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@HilaryMlambo2: RT @daddyhope: Reading about how Stella Chiweshe was buried took me to 1979 when I was a little boy. My father’s brother Chibvongodze was b… - 2 years ago

@Matikaha67: RT @daddyhope: Reading about how Stella Chiweshe was buried took me to 1979 when I was a little boy. My father’s brother Chibvongodze was b… - 2 years ago

@asibindi: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago


@noneyabiznezz96: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@TheeBlackLight: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@MusicREDEF: Stella Chiweshe: Zimbabwe's mbira queen, rebel music star and pioneer (@gib_zzz - @ConversationUS) - 2 years ago

@rpjatBL: RT @FlorenceHRScott: "Not only did the young Chiweshe face criticism from her family and community. She also had to contend with a ban on t… - 2 years ago

@rpjatBL: RT @FalsettoJohn: A library is no more. A Mbira custodian joins the grand ancestors. RIP Stella Chiweshe. #StellaChiweshe - 2 years ago

@pmdon_24: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@EfieZethu: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@TheSAnews: Stella Chiweshe: tribute to Zimbabwe's mbira queen - 2 years ago

@Xitaxifambi1: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@mavula69: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@SimonMatinyara1: RT @daddyhope: Reading about how Stella Chiweshe was buried took me to 1979 when I was a little boy. My father’s brother Chibvongodze was b… - 2 years ago

@tinotenda_wacho: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@kaitanovalera: RT @daddyhope: Reading about how Stella Chiweshe was buried took me to 1979 when I was a little boy. My father’s brother Chibvongodze was b… - 2 years ago

@MoyoEddy1: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@SupernovaMandy: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@MandazaDouglas: RT @RangaMberi: Interesting on Stella Chiweshe’s burial yesterday: she wasn’t buried in a coffin, no church songs or sermons (Herald) https… - 2 years ago

@kuekue45: RT @ShamisoAnitah: Saka Souljah Love akaitwa hero but Mbuya Stella Chiweshe vonzi havana basa? - 2 years ago

@PitaBlacksmith: RT @ZimbabweHistor2: Tribute to 2 female pioneers of Mbira music in Zimbabwe(MTDSRIP). Mbuya Beulah Dyoko (23 Nov 1944-26 May 2013) & Mbuya… - 2 years ago

@JMutharika: RT @SunguraCentral: ‘Huya uzowona chaikuda kana chokuramba…’ Stella Chiweshe gave us this tune, which became the famous theme song of the… - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Scholar Betty Lee Sung; actress and acting teacher Sandra Seacat; musician Stella Chiweshe; act… - 2 years ago

@waynegazov: RT @ShamisoAnitah: Saka Souljah Love akaitwa hero but Mbuya Stella Chiweshe vonzi havana basa? - 2 years ago

@TrymoreMudawar1: RT @daddyhope: This is what makes the ZANUPF hero selection system vacuous and laughable🤣🤣🤣 Solja Love is declared a hero, and Stella Chiw… - 2 years ago

@TafCaesar: RT @zimbeliefs: Go well Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. We thank you for teaching us about our rich cultural traditions through your music. - 2 years ago

@VineyardFuneral: Rest In Peace, Mbuya Stella Chiweshe 🍇 #ShamwariParwendo - 2 years ago

@lovealways263: RT @ZimbabweHistor2: Tribute to 2 female pioneers of Mbira music in Zimbabwe(MTDSRIP). Mbuya Beulah Dyoko (23 Nov 1944-26 May 2013) & Mbuya… - 2 years ago

@AshleyFadzo: RT @zimbeliefs: Go well Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. We thank you for teaching us about our rich cultural traditions through your music. - 2 years ago

@HillaryMusarurw: RT @ZimbabweHistor2: Tribute to 2 female pioneers of Mbira music in Zimbabwe(MTDSRIP). Mbuya Beulah Dyoko (23 Nov 1944-26 May 2013) & Mbuya… - 2 years ago

@zimbeliefs: Go well Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. We thank you for teaching us about our rich cultural traditions through your music. - 2 years ago

@WeArePindula: Jenaguru Arts Centre founder and musician Clive Malunga says the late mbira music queen, Stella Rambisai Chiweshe,… - 2 years ago

@tatemars: RT @newswireZW: Huya uzowona: Stella Chiweshe has stepped off the stage, but the mbira shall still play on, writes @ArthurChoga - 2 years ago

@princembedzi33: RT @NedbankZimbabwe: Rest In Eternal Peace Mbuya Stella Chiweshe - Queen of Mbira 🕊 @StellaChiweshe @nacz @ZimbabweMusicAwards - 2 years ago

@T_a_t_e_n_d_a: RT @ZimbabweHistor2: Tribute to 2 female pioneers of Mbira music in Zimbabwe(MTDSRIP). Mbuya Beulah Dyoko (23 Nov 1944-26 May 2013) & Mbuya… - 2 years ago

@ediechauke: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@mrMusayaz: RT @ShamisoAnitah: Saka Souljah Love akaitwa hero but Mbuya Stella Chiweshe vonzi havana basa? - 2 years ago

@KahariThaddeus: RT @ShamisoAnitah: Saka Souljah Love akaitwa hero but Mbuya Stella Chiweshe vonzi havana basa? - 2 years ago

@soccerstein: RT @daddyhope: This is what makes the ZANUPF hero selection system vacuous and laughable🤣🤣🤣 Solja Love is declared a hero, and Stella Chiw… - 2 years ago

@GromykoMkoma: RT @ZimbabweHistor2: Tribute to 2 female pioneers of Mbira music in Zimbabwe(MTDSRIP). Mbuya Beulah Dyoko (23 Nov 1944-26 May 2013) & Mbuya… - 2 years ago

@BarakaZaire: RT @ZimbabweHistor2: Tribute to 2 female pioneers of Mbira music in Zimbabwe(MTDSRIP). Mbuya Beulah Dyoko (23 Nov 1944-26 May 2013) & Mbuya… - 2 years ago

@Mozart903720392: RT @ZimbabweHistor2: Tribute to 2 female pioneers of Mbira music in Zimbabwe(MTDSRIP). Mbuya Beulah Dyoko (23 Nov 1944-26 May 2013) & Mbuya… - 2 years ago

@JonesMusara: RT @DeptCommsZW: The Hon Acting President Dr CDGN Chiwenga has, in consultation with H.E. President @edmnangagwa, granted a State Assisted… - 2 years ago

@naczzim: A funeral service for the Late NAMA legend Mbuya Stella Chiweshe will be held on Tuesday morning at her Homestead i… - 2 years ago

@MenziNgcamane: RT @TsikaTinadzo: Imagine transitioning on a New Moon. 🌑✨I was a Stella Chiweshe groupie, I took this picture at the Mannenburg in 2013. I… - 2 years ago

@naczzim: MBUYA STELLA CHIWESHE BURIAL ON TUESDAY The late @namaszim Legend Mbuya Stella Chiweshe will be laid to rest on Tue… - 2 years ago

@Mumhanzi: Favorite Ambuya Stella Chiweshe Song? - 2 years ago

@mapendeke: RT @ShamisoAnitah: Saka Souljah Love akaitwa hero but Mbuya Stella Chiweshe vonzi havana basa? - 2 years ago

@alfnyamhunga: RT @daddyhope: This is what makes the ZANUPF hero selection system vacuous and laughable🤣🤣🤣 Solja Love is declared a hero, and Stella Chiw… - 2 years ago

@karliff37: RIP Ambuya Stella Chiweshe - 2 years ago

@ShamisoAnitah: Saka Souljah Love akaitwa hero but Mbuya Stella Chiweshe vonzi havana basa? - 2 years ago

@RangaMberi: RT @newswireZW: Huya uzowona: Stella Chiweshe has stepped off the stage, but the mbira shall still play on, writes @ArthurChoga - 2 years ago

@hararetoday: Stella Chiweshe granted state assisted funeral - 2 years ago

@RudoGumbo: RT @daddyhope: This is what makes the ZANUPF hero selection system vacuous and laughable🤣🤣🤣 Solja Love is declared a hero, and Stella Chiw… - 2 years ago

@asante_mo: RT @namaszim: Today we join the nation in mourning the loss of the great legend @stella.chiweshe. Mbuya Stella chiweshe had three NAMA go… - 2 years ago

@namaszim: Today we join the nation in mourning the loss of the great legend @stella.chiweshe. Mbuya Stella chiweshe had thr… - 2 years ago

@SirChizman: RT @daddyhope: This is what makes the ZANUPF hero selection system vacuous and laughable🤣🤣🤣 Solja Love is declared a hero, and Stella Chiw… - 2 years ago

@ShongaManyati: RT @ndinonziyati: On Nov 9 in 2013,I had the honour of interviewing the iconic Ambuya Stella Chiweshe. Today I bring it to you as a tribute… - 2 years ago

@MaiCrossland2: RT @daddyhope: This is what makes the ZANUPF hero selection system vacuous and laughable🤣🤣🤣 Solja Love is declared a hero, and Stella Chiw… - 2 years ago

@Wynnejoel1: RT @daddyhope: This is what makes the ZANUPF hero selection system vacuous and laughable🤣🤣🤣 Solja Love is declared a hero, and Stella Chiw… - 2 years ago

@HovePhidilia: RT @DeptCommsZW: The Hon Acting President Dr CDGN Chiwenga has, in consultation with H.E. President @edmnangagwa, granted a State Assisted… - 2 years ago

@tawamusa: RT @SundayMailZim: “Mbuya Chiweshe played a huge role in the preservation, celebration as well as taking Zimbabwean culture on to the globa… - 2 years ago

@raytchemvura: RT @DeptCommsZW: The Hon Acting President Dr CDGN Chiwenga has, in consultation with H.E. President @edmnangagwa, granted a State Assisted… - 2 years ago

@raytchemvura: RT @zanupf_patriots: State assisted funeral for Ambuya Stella Chiweshe‼️ State will meet all burial costs. - 2 years ago

@EdsonMdluli2: RT @CCCZimbabwe: 🟡CONDOLENCE MESSAGE: The CCC joins Zimbabweans in mourning the sad loss of mbira icon, Mbuya Stella Rambisai Chiweshe who… - 2 years ago

@VividGwede: Thank you Ambuya Stella Rambisai Nekati Chiweshe for tendering to our culture and heritage through music. You will… - 2 years ago

@Zichivhu: RT @DumiMiz: Ambuya Stella Chiweshe performed in Malawi in 2015 and we learnt alot about Mbira and her culture from her. Rest in Power🙏 htt… - 2 years ago

@zanupf_patriots: RT @zanupf_patriots: State assisted funeral for Ambuya Stella Chiweshe‼️ State will meet all burial costs. - 2 years ago

@paidaseke: RT @CCCZimbabwe: 🟡CONDOLENCE MESSAGE: The CCC joins Zimbabweans in mourning the sad loss of mbira icon, Mbuya Stella Rambisai Chiweshe who… - 2 years ago

@faithcutler: RT @CCCZimbabwe: 🟡CONDOLENCE MESSAGE: The CCC joins Zimbabweans in mourning the sad loss of mbira icon, Mbuya Stella Rambisai Chiweshe who… - 2 years ago

@AfricanWatchman: RT @DeptCommsZW: The Hon Acting President Dr CDGN Chiwenga has, in consultation with H.E. President @edmnangagwa, granted a State Assisted… - 2 years ago

@TondeGonzo: RT @freemanchari: RIP Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. She is the only mbuya we are allowed to call by her first name. My favorite of all time is Huy… - 2 years ago

@BMutambiranwa: RT @advocatemahere: Rest in peace, Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. - 2 years ago

@KMutisi: RT @DeptCommsZW: The Hon Acting President Dr CDGN Chiwenga has, in consultation with H.E. President @edmnangagwa, granted a State Assisted… - 2 years ago

@MasawiMasimba: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@ZimbabweUpdate: RT @ManicaPostZim: Government grants state-assisted funeral to the late legandary and iconic mbira music queen Mbuya Stella Chiweshe @moys… - 2 years ago

@kuzicool: RT @SunguraCentral: ‘Huya uzowona chaikuda kana chokuramba…’ Stella Chiweshe gave us this tune, which became the famous theme song of the… - 2 years ago

@Mug2155: RT @DeptCommsZW: The Hon Acting President Dr CDGN Chiwenga has, in consultation with H.E. President @edmnangagwa, granted a State Assisted… - 2 years ago

@ZimbabweUpdate: RT @ZBCNewsonline: Acting President Chiwenga mourns Mbuya Stella Chiweshe "Mbuya Chiweshe played a huge role in the preservation, and cele… - 2 years ago

@mamakaCleo: RT @StarfmZimbabwe: Remembering Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. - 2 years ago

@Makombo99135191: RT @ishemukati: Huya uzoona, huya uzoona , chembere dziri kuchoto 🎵🎼🎶 Rest in peace Stella Chiweshe,matisiya vana tichingochema 😭😭💔 https:/… - 2 years ago

@ft2006: RT @ishemukati: Huya uzoona, huya uzoona , chembere dziri kuchoto 🎵🎼🎶 Rest in peace Stella Chiweshe,matisiya vana tichingochema 😭😭💔 https:/… - 2 years ago

@advocatemahere: RT @CCCZimbabwe: 🟡CONDOLENCE MESSAGE: The CCC joins Zimbabweans in mourning the sad loss of mbira icon, Mbuya Stella Rambisai Chiweshe who… - 2 years ago

@GMadanyika: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@BrianKasu: Mbuya Stella Chiweshe gone at 76 years of birth .May your soul rest in peace ,We have been robbed oh God why so .z… - 2 years ago

@Azon_Twala: A great loss! The mbira genre will never be same without Mbuya Stella Chiweshe and Chiwoniso Maraire. - 2 years ago

@NdiZizi: RT @percyzvomuya: In which I write about mbuya stella chiweshe - 2 years ago

@t_tigersimba: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@BrianKasu: RT @awa_khiwe: This was one of the best moments in my life. Mama Stella Chiweshe has passed away, I am so heartbroken💔 My condolences to th… - 2 years ago

@Denzoo99: RT @CCCZimbabwe: 🟡CONDOLENCE MESSAGE: The CCC joins Zimbabweans in mourning the sad loss of mbira icon, Mbuya Stella Rambisai Chiweshe who… - 2 years ago

@Magura_Ngara: RT @ZTNPrime: 1. REMEMBERING A LEGEND Ngano naMbuya Stella Chiweshe, Nhengure. Enjoy this interesting folklore by the late mbira music le… - 2 years ago

@zharikira: RT @CCCZimbabwe: 🟡CONDOLENCE MESSAGE: The CCC joins Zimbabweans in mourning the sad loss of mbira icon, Mbuya Stella Rambisai Chiweshe who… - 2 years ago

@jamie_renton: Really sad to hear that Zimbabwean m’bira queen Stella Chiweshe has died. She was one of my earliest and most endur… - 2 years ago

@EMKudakwas: RT @CCCZimbabwe: 🟡CONDOLENCE MESSAGE: The CCC joins Zimbabweans in mourning the sad loss of mbira icon, Mbuya Stella Rambisai Chiweshe who… - 2 years ago

@SpeakTruth2Pow: Rest In Peace Stella Chiweshe great loss a true heroine of our time ❤️❤️❤️🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾#zimbabwe #zim - 2 years ago

@enthusemag: RT @Afrow_Zenda: RIP Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. - 2 years ago

@lloydtaps: RT @SunguraCentral: ‘Huya uzowona chaikuda kana chokuramba…’ Stella Chiweshe gave us this tune, which became the famous theme song of the… - 2 years ago

@den_machacha: RT @CharambaPastor: As we receive the sad news of the passing of mbuya Stella Chiweshe, we salute her for determination to record music at… - 2 years ago

@vinnyzhola: RT @namataik_: Nhai Ambuya Chiweshe. Nhai Stella. Kudanwa wodaira. Kuenda usina kuoneka. Mbira dzenyu dzinoramba dzichirira mundangariro ye… - 2 years ago

@leovangabrielg1: RT @CCCZimbabwe: 🟡CONDOLENCE MESSAGE: The CCC joins Zimbabweans in mourning the sad loss of mbira icon, Mbuya Stella Rambisai Chiweshe who… - 2 years ago

@indabaenkulu: RT @VusaMkhaya: Stella Chiweshe💔 - 2 years ago

@ExpendablesKb: RT @Mavhure: Mbuya Stella Chiweshe's Chaachimurenga song 🎵 was one of her signature songs at shows. She was always energetic and electric o… - 2 years ago

@logen_son: RT @earGROUNDzw: "A mountain has fallen" Ambuya Stella Chiweshe died today in Harare. She reportedly succumbed to cancer. Ambuya Stella Chi… - 2 years ago

@stanleyjobsonzw: RT @ZimbabweCultur1: Appeal to 🇿🇼President @edmnangagwa @GeorgeCharamba2 to accord STELLA RAMBISAI CHIWESHE National Hero Status for her im… - 2 years ago

@iammapfumo: RT @dave_koki: Hope there's mbira in the afterlife ........ R.I.P. mbuya Stella Chiweshe - 2 years ago

@iammapfumo: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@MakomboreroH: To the 90s generation, the late Stella Chiweshe was the one whose song was played as background music for the Gring… - 2 years ago

@logen_son: RT @SunguraCentral: ‘Huya uzowona chaikuda kana chokuramba…’ Stella Chiweshe gave us this tune, which became the famous theme song of the… - 2 years ago

@AMutambira: RT @NewZimbabweCom: ● Mbuya Stella Chiweshe has died - 2 years ago

@mashnets: RT @ChronicleZim: She sat on a traditional reed mat rolled on the ground, legs stretched. Her back leaned on the sofa. She could have chose… - 2 years ago

@chipochung: RT @FalsettoJohn: A library is no more. A Mbira custodian joins the grand ancestors. RIP Stella Chiweshe. #StellaChiweshe - 2 years ago

@YOUTH4CHAMISA2: RT @ceechimbiri2: Rest in eternal peace Ambuya Stella Chiweshe . You recorded your music at a time when the odds were against women ,I sal… - 2 years ago

@mtinery: RT @MakomboreroH: To the 90s generation, the late Stella Chiweshe was the one whose song was played as background music for the Gringo dram… - 2 years ago

@YaaChief: RT @ibbosnr: RIP Stella Chiweshe, hama yedu, our icon. Cherishing what turns out now to have been your farewell at PanAfrika on Africa Day,… - 2 years ago

@PatelEssy: RT @263Chat: Musician Mbuya Stella Chiweshe has died. She passed away at her Kuwadzana home this morning at the age of 76. - 2 years ago

@politicalprophe: @ZBCNewsonline Dambudziko renyu nderekuita breaking news zvinhu zvato muvanhu kare. Rest in peace Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. - 2 years ago

@MakomboreroH: To the 90s generation, the late Stella Chiweshe was the one whose song was played as background music for the Gring… - 2 years ago

@Stanlack007: RT @ZBCNewsonline: BREAKING… Mbuya Stella Chiweshe dies - 2 years ago

@IruraMwongera: RT @MimiReeds: The fact that I didn’t know any song from Stella Chiweshe or even her face till 5 minutes ago. After listening to a few tra… - 2 years ago

@MaryArmour2: RT @rxy_wxy: So sad to hear of Stella Chiweshe’s passing this morning. You will be forever missed, Ambuya. Thank you for sharing your life… - 2 years ago

@oita_etyang: RT @DrStephenChan: - 2 years ago

@unclekuda1: RT @LynneStactia: RIP Mbira music G.O.A.T …. Mbuya Stella Chiweshe …🙏🏽 - 2 years ago

@Tawanda71089824: RT @CharambaPastor: As we receive the sad news of the passing of mbuya Stella Chiweshe, we salute her for determination to record music at… - 2 years ago

@SbudaBlade: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@JamesBaeLess007: Saddened by the passing of this legend. RIP Ambuya Stella Chiweshe.😪 - 2 years ago

@baNoku1: RT @263Chat: Musician Mbuya Stella Chiweshe has died. She passed away at her Kuwadzana home this morning at the age of 76. - 2 years ago

@ishemukati: Huya uzoona, huya uzoona , chembere dziri kuchoto 🎵🎼🎶 Rest in peace Stella Chiweshe,matisiya vana tichingochema 😭😭💔 - 2 years ago

@TafadzwahVavi: RT @NashTvZimbabwe: 20 January what a historic date. Last year on the 20th of January we lost The Legend Zex Manatsa. Today the nation is m… - 2 years ago

@YaaChief: RT @HillaryMusarurw: Rest easy Queen of Mbira. You ran your race diligently Stella Rambisai Chiweshe. - 2 years ago

@CurranDave: #AroundTheWorldIn30Days Day 20 - Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 Stella Chiweshe- Kachembere About to post this as news has been repo… - 2 years ago

@ChariVin1: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@YaaChief: RT @LynneStactia: RIP Mbira music G.O.A.T …. Mbuya Stella Chiweshe …🙏🏽 - 2 years ago

@YaaChief: RT @BigTimmz: Stella Rambisai Nekati Reich (Mbuya Stella Chiweshe): Zimbabwean musician. Internationally acclaimed for her singing & playin… - 2 years ago

@BlessingMuseki: RT @MahachieJosey: AWARD-winning Mbira musician Mbuya Stella Chiweshe has died. She passed on this morning at her Kuwadzana home in Harare,… - 2 years ago

@NegomoPique_: RT @awa_khiwe: This was one of the best moments in my life. Mama Stella Chiweshe has passed away, I am so heartbroken💔 My condolences to th… - 2 years ago

@YaaChief: RT @HMetro_: BREAKING... LEGENDARY mbira musician, Mbuya Stella Chiweshe, has died. The award winning entertainer died this morning at he… - 2 years ago

@YaaChief: RT @awa_khiwe: This was one of the best moments in my life. Mama Stella Chiweshe has passed away, I am so heartbroken💔 My condolences to th… - 2 years ago

@SabhukuTaku: #ZimbabweRising!🇿🇼 Our BEAUTIFUL "Queen of Mbira" Gogo Stella Chiweshe has been promoted to a better place.. Alth… - 2 years ago

@WenaMaretee: RT @s_t_a_c_k_x: #R.I.P Mbuya Stella Chiweshe - 2 years ago

@ChronicleZim: She sat on a traditional reed mat rolled on the ground, legs stretched. Her back leaned on the sofa. She could have… - 2 years ago

@jennings_rukani: RT @ProfJNMoyo: Sad that the inimitable Mbuya Stella Chiweshe is no more. Her rich body of mbira music is a foundational legacy of local co… - 2 years ago

@tichdefine: RT @ZBCNewsonline: BREAKING… Mbuya Stella Chiweshe dies - 2 years ago

@Emie72808164: RT @advocatemahere: Rest in peace, Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. - 2 years ago

@TakudzwaManando: RT @awa_khiwe: This was one of the best moments in my life. Mama Stella Chiweshe has passed away, I am so heartbroken💔 My condolences to th… - 2 years ago

@JrNatiki: RT @awa_khiwe: This was one of the best moments in my life. Mama Stella Chiweshe has passed away, I am so heartbroken💔 My condolences to th… - 2 years ago

@ImVeeMk: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@april_bon_bon: RT @SunguraCentral: ‘Huya uzowona chaikuda kana chokuramba…’ Stella Chiweshe gave us this tune, which became the famous theme song of the… - 2 years ago

@Emie72808164: RT @Shumba84: @daddyhope Zimbabwe international Culture, Stella Chiweshe - 2 years ago

@youngchidzy: RT @FalsettoJohn: A library is no more. A Mbira custodian joins the grand ancestors. RIP Stella Chiweshe. #StellaChiweshe - 2 years ago

@Emie72808164: RT @daddyhope: Zimbabwean Mbira music legend Ambuya Stella Chiweshe has died in Harare’s Kambuzuma suburb. The Mbira legend was once marri… - 2 years ago

@KatlehoSeekoei: RT @dave_koki: Hope there's mbira in the afterlife ........ R.I.P. mbuya Stella Chiweshe - 2 years ago

@rancalinos: RT @ZTNPrime: BREAKING: AWARD-winning mbira musician Mbuya Stella Chiweshe has died. Born Stella Rambisai Nekati Chiweshe, the internati… - 2 years ago

@wekwaSimango: RT @FalsettoJohn: A library is no more. A Mbira custodian joins the grand ancestors. RIP Stella Chiweshe. #StellaChiweshe - 2 years ago

@GodknowsNyando1: RT @namataik_: Nhai Ambuya Chiweshe. Nhai Stella. Kudanwa wodaira. Kuenda usina kuoneka. Mbira dzenyu dzinoramba dzichirira mundangariro ye… - 2 years ago

@Butana_N: RT @MimiReeds: The fact that I didn’t know any song from Stella Chiweshe or even her face till 5 minutes ago. After listening to a few tra… - 2 years ago

@its_cool_e: RT @advocatemahere: Rest in peace, Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. - 2 years ago

@its_cool_e: RT @awa_khiwe: This was one of the best moments in my life. Mama Stella Chiweshe has passed away, I am so heartbroken💔 My condolences to th… - 2 years ago

@MSwahilistadia: RT @earGROUNDzw: "A mountain has fallen" Ambuya Stella Chiweshe died today in Harare. She reportedly succumbed to cancer. Ambuya Stella Chi… - 2 years ago

@BrianKasu: RT @ProfJNMoyo: Sad that the inimitable Mbuya Stella Chiweshe is no more. Her rich body of mbira music is a foundational legacy of local co… - 2 years ago

@MrsVanBryn: RT @advocatemahere: Rest in peace, Mbuya Stella Chiweshe. - 2 years ago

@Daniel53516450: RT @CharambaPastor: As we receive the sad news of the passing of mbuya Stella Chiweshe, we salute her for determination to record music at… - 2 years ago

@MnyMeister: RT @LynneStactia: RIP Mbira music G.O.A.T …. Mbuya Stella Chiweshe …🙏🏽 - 2 years ago

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