Stefano Zacchetti

Italian academic.
Died on Thursday April 30th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Stefano Zacchetti:

@YannickLamber11: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@GandharaConnect: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@MarcoCampa10: RT @t_tonii: Stefano Zacchetti: "Believe it or not Zürcher's 'The Buddhist Conquest of China' was the first book I read in English"❤️ https… - 5 years ago

@t_tonii: Stefano Zacchetti: "Believe it or not Zürcher's 'The Buddhist Conquest of China' was the first book I read in Engli… - 5 years ago


@GhentCBS: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@mferrante03: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@MarcoCampa10: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@nocontextbuddha: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@mickimmccoy: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@alicecasalini: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@xujnx: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@satomi_hiyama: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@SimonaLazzerini: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@behrwolf: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@UBCfrogbear: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@Sinobevan: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@Sinobevan: RT @luisaemengoni: Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020) Contributo agli Studi Buddhisti. A moving tribute from his colleagues across the world htt… - 5 years ago

@Kalandakanivapa: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@luisaemengoni: Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020) Contributo agli Studi Buddhisti. A moving tribute from his colleagues across the world - 5 years ago

@U_K_A_B_S: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@Matthew55Mc: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@Galvany_Albert: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@ACharlesMuller: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@James_A_Benn: RT @H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@H_Buddhism: OBITUARY> Stefano Zacchetti (1968-2020), His Contribution to Buddhist Studies - 5 years ago

@AnnHeirman: RT @luisaemengoni: In memory of Stefano Zacchetti, not long ago giving a talk at the British Library. - 5 years ago

@OxfordOCBS: RT @luisaemengoni: In memory of Stefano Zacchetti, not long ago giving a talk at the British Library. - 5 years ago

@OxfordOCBS: We are deeply saddened to hear of the sudden death of Stefano Zacchetti, Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies at Ba… - 5 years ago

@middleway: Stefano Zacchetti era un grande esperto di buddismo: “Mente brillante e persona straordinaria” - 5 years ago

@middleway: RT @luisaemengoni: In memory of Stefano Zacchetti, not long ago giving a talk at the British Library. - 5 years ago

@middleway: RT @sangseraima: In total disbelief to wake up to a less brighter world without one of the most brilliant and generous mentors in the field… - 5 years ago

@middleway: RT @profdanhicks: Incredibly sad to hear of the sudden death of Stefano Zacchetti, Professor of Buddhist Studies here at Oxford, yesterday… - 5 years ago

@middleway: Professor Stefano Zacchetti, 1968-2020 "When Yin Hao was reading the Smaller Version of th… - 5 years ago

@rjber15: RT @behrwolf: Very saddened to learn that Sefano Zacchetti, outstanding philologist of Early Buddhist texts & a wonderfully kind colleague,… - 5 years ago

@UBCfrogbear: RT @behrwolf: Very saddened to learn that Sefano Zacchetti, outstanding philologist of Early Buddhist texts & a wonderfully kind colleague,… - 5 years ago

@SORAAADWorkshop: RT @behrwolf: Very saddened to learn that Sefano Zacchetti, outstanding philologist of Early Buddhist texts & a wonderfully kind colleague,… - 5 years ago

@James_A_Benn: RT @behrwolf: Very saddened to learn that Sefano Zacchetti, outstanding philologist of Early Buddhist texts & a wonderfully kind colleague,… - 5 years ago

@MovengoAnchio: RT @JohnRambo2014: I due mesi che sconvolsero la Lombardia Come l’epidemia ha distrutto le certezze della regione più ricca e popolosa d’It… - 5 years ago

@JohnRambo2014: RT @JohnRambo2014: I due mesi che sconvolsero la Lombardia Come l’epidemia ha distrutto le certezze della regione più ricca e popolosa d’It… - 5 years ago

@ReBerengario: RT @JohnRambo2014: I due mesi che sconvolsero la Lombardia Come l’epidemia ha distrutto le certezze della regione più ricca e popolosa d’It… - 5 years ago

@Presidente_SP: RT @JohnRambo2014: I due mesi che sconvolsero la Lombardia Come l’epidemia ha distrutto le certezze della regione più ricca e popolosa d’It… - 5 years ago

@Nerogiaguaro: RT @JohnRambo2014: I due mesi che sconvolsero la Lombardia Come l’epidemia ha distrutto le certezze della regione più ricca e popolosa d’It… - 5 years ago

@tenuh2011: RT @KogachiRyuichi: オックスフォード大学の、ステファノ・ザケッティ教授(1968-2020)が亡くなったと連絡を受けました。 昨年春、人文研を訪問され、意気投合して「共同研究しよう!」と言っていたところなのに。悲しくてなりません。 - 5 years ago

@FulvioFrati: RT @JohnRambo2014: I due mesi che sconvolsero la Lombardia Come l’epidemia ha distrutto le certezze della regione più ricca e popolosa d’It… - 5 years ago

@NeveAmica: RT @JohnRambo2014: I due mesi che sconvolsero la Lombardia Come l’epidemia ha distrutto le certezze della regione più ricca e popolosa d’It… - 5 years ago

@JohnRambo2014: I due mesi che sconvolsero la Lombardia Come l’epidemia ha distrutto le certezze della regione più ricca e popolosa… - 5 years ago

@shibahou: RT @KogachiRyuichi: オックスフォード大学の、ステファノ・ザケッティ教授(1968-2020)が亡くなったと連絡を受けました。 昨年春、人文研を訪問され、意気投合して「共同研究しよう!」と言っていたところなのに。悲しくてなりません。 - 5 years ago

@KogachiRyuichi: オックスフォード大学の、ステファノ・ザケッティ教授(1968-2020)が亡くなったと連絡を受けました。 昨年春、人文研を訪問され、意気投合して「共同研究しよう!」と言っていたところなのに。悲しくてなりません。 - 5 years ago

@SavingMesAynak: RT @t_tonii: Astonished I sadly heard Covid-19 took Stefano Zacchetti life. He was smart, funny, curious and full of life. A loss for sinol… - 5 years ago

@IndikaTweet: Persona splendida, grandissimo studioso. Amina Crisma: Ricordo di Stefano Zacchetti - - 5 years ago

@XiaolinMa5: RT @t_tonii: Astonished I sadly heard Covid-19 took Stefano Zacchetti life. He was smart, funny, curious and full of life. A loss for sinol… - 5 years ago

@meipiaomaipiao: RT @BalliolOxford: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020: - 5 years ago

@Sinobevan: RT @behrwolf: Very saddened to learn that Sefano Zacchetti, outstanding philologist of Early Buddhist texts & a wonderfully kind colleague,… - 5 years ago

@Sinobevan: RT @t_tonii: Astonished I sadly heard Covid-19 took Stefano Zacchetti life. He was smart, funny, curious and full of life. A loss for sinol… - 5 years ago

@Sinobevan: RT @elisa_freschi: It is heartbreaking but true: Stefano Zacchetti passed away. It is an enormous loss for studies on #ChineseBuddhism and… - 5 years ago

@Sinobevan: RT @luisaemengoni: In memory of Stefano Zacchetti, not long ago giving a talk at the British Library. - 5 years ago

@luisaemengoni: In memory of Stefano Zacchetti, not long ago giving a talk at the British Library. - 5 years ago

@a_selbitschka: RT @behrwolf: Very saddened to learn that Sefano Zacchetti, outstanding philologist of Early Buddhist texts & a wonderfully kind colleague,… - 5 years ago

@dundubhi: RT @suhamma: Stefano Zacchetti 氏の訃報 - 5 years ago

@perpaduanmelayu: RT @BalliolOxford: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020: - 5 years ago

@behrwolf: Very saddened to learn that Sefano Zacchetti, outstanding philologist of Early Buddhist texts & a wonderfully kind… - 5 years ago

@BLAsia_Africa: RT @BalliolOxford: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020: - 5 years ago

@bert02246301: RT @anmintei: 【オックスフォード大学の指導的仏教学者 Professor Stefano Zacchetti が Covid-19 のために亡くなった。1968年生まれだ。】 Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 Thurs… - 5 years ago

@Carpohockey: Awful, awful news, one of the kindest and nicest academics I've met in my time here at Oxford. - 5 years ago

@FCBillari: Caro Stefano grazie per i momenti passati assieme a Oxford e per l'amicizia tra le nostre famiglie - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Stefano Zacchetti - 5 years ago

@t3dy: RT @sangseraima: In total disbelief to wake up to a less brighter world without one of the most brilliant and generous mentors in the field… - 5 years ago

@NateLovdahl: RT @t_tonii: Astonished I sadly heard Covid-19 took Stefano Zacchetti life. He was smart, funny, curious and full of life. A loss for sinol… - 5 years ago

@mk_tz: RT @suhamma: Stefano Zacchetti 氏の訃報 - 5 years ago

@MarioIAguilar: RT @James_A_Benn: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 | Balliol College, University of Oxford - 5 years ago

@suhamma: Stefano Zacchetti 氏の訃報 - 5 years ago

@satomi_hiyama: RT @sangseraima: In total disbelief to wake up to a less brighter world without one of the most brilliant and generous mentors in the field… - 5 years ago

@JJRS_NIRC: RT @H_Buddhism: PASSING> Stefano Zacchetti (1968–2020) - 5 years ago

@JHMorris89: RT @James_A_Benn: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 | Balliol College, University of Oxford - 5 years ago

@Matthew55Mc: RT @James_A_Benn: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 | Balliol College, University of Oxford - 5 years ago

@Matthew55Mc: RT @H_Buddhism: PASSING> Stefano Zacchetti (1968–2020) - 5 years ago

@erica_baffelli: RT @H_Buddhism: PASSING> Stefano Zacchetti (1968–2020) - 5 years ago

@clvinnicombe: @t_tonii Very sad news indeed. - 5 years ago

@Gingetsu67: RT @anmintei: 【オックスフォード大学の指導的仏教学者 Professor Stefano Zacchetti が Covid-19 のために亡くなった。1968年生まれだ。】 Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 Thurs… - 5 years ago

@James_A_Benn: RT @birgit_kellner: Here's to Stefano, wherever he may be. - 5 years ago

@t_tonii: RT @birgit_kellner: Here's to Stefano, wherever he may be. - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Stefano Zacchetti @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #StefanoZacchetti add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@sam_vanschaik: RT @birgit_kellner: Here's to Stefano, wherever he may be. - 5 years ago

@birgit_kellner: Here's to Stefano, wherever he may be. - 5 years ago

@hakai_namagusa: RT @H_Buddhism: PASSING> Stefano Zacchetti (1968–2020) - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Stefano Zacchetti dies - #StefanoZacchetti #Stefano #Zacchetti #rip - 5 years ago

@SimonaLazzerini: RT @H_Buddhism: PASSING> Stefano Zacchetti (1968–2020) - 5 years ago

@nocontextbuddha: RT @H_Buddhism: PASSING> Stefano Zacchetti (1968–2020) - 5 years ago

@danbutt: RT @BalliolOxford: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020: - 5 years ago

@JamesMNDuffy: RT @BalliolOxford: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020: - 5 years ago

@Neko_gourmet: RT @anmintei: 【オックスフォード大学の指導的仏教学者 Professor Stefano Zacchetti が Covid-19 のために亡くなった。1968年生まれだ。】 Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 Thurs… - 5 years ago

@BalliolOxford: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020: - 5 years ago

@H_Buddhism: PASSING> Stefano Zacchetti (1968–2020) - 5 years ago

@utopiamatcha: RT @sangseraima: In total disbelief to wake up to a less brighter world without one of the most brilliant and generous mentors in the field… - 5 years ago

@Mgo__reg: RT @t_tonii: Astonished I sadly heard Covid-19 took Stefano Zacchetti life. He was smart, funny, curious and full of life. A loss for sinol… - 5 years ago

@Mgo__reg: RT @anmintei: 【オックスフォード大学の指導的仏教学者 Professor Stefano Zacchetti が Covid-19 のために亡くなった。1968年生まれだ。】 Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 Thurs… - 5 years ago

@Jayarava: Prajñāpāramitā Studies is a small field to start with. With the loss of Stefano Zacchetti yesterday and Karashima S… - 5 years ago

@Duchampia: RT @sangseraima: In total disbelief to wake up to a less brighter world without one of the most brilliant and generous mentors in the field… - 5 years ago

@James_A_Benn: RT @sangseraima: In total disbelief to wake up to a less brighter world without one of the most brilliant and generous mentors in the field… - 5 years ago

@sangseraima: In total disbelief to wake up to a less brighter world without one of the most brilliant and generous mentors in th… - 5 years ago

@babblist: Oh how awful. - 5 years ago

@issakobayashi: RT @t_tonii: Astonished I sadly heard Covid-19 took Stefano Zacchetti life. He was smart, funny, curious and full of life. A loss for sinol… - 5 years ago

@GandharaConnect: RT @t_tonii: Astonished I sadly heard Covid-19 took Stefano Zacchetti life. He was smart, funny, curious and full of life. A loss for sinol… - 5 years ago

@James_A_Benn: RT @Vessantara916: Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 | Balliol College, University of Oxford - 5 years ago

@James_A_Benn: RT @anmintei: 【オックスフォード大学の指導的仏教学者 Professor Stefano Zacchetti が Covid-19 のために亡くなった。1968年生まれだ。】 Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020 Thurs… - 5 years ago

@Kalandakanivapa: RT @GandharaConnect: We are so sorry to learn this shocking news: - 5 years ago

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