Stefano Li Side

Chinese clandestine Roman Catholic prelate
Died on Wednesday June 12th 2019

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Stefano Li Side:

@Christomicro: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@Kriskos11: RT @zolesnicki1389: Biskup chińskiego Tianjin Stefano Li Side nie chciał podporządkować się rządowi ChRL. Zmarł 4 dni temu w areszcie domow… - 6 years ago

@carriececel: RT @Johnthemadmonk: Catholic persecution continues unabated. No public funeral allowed for Bp. Stefano Li Side, of Tianjin. He died Saturd… - 6 years ago

@ryantulaylay_22: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago


@FrankAvilaLaw: RT @Johnthemadmonk: Catholic persecution continues unabated. No public funeral allowed for Bp. Stefano Li Side, of Tianjin. He died Saturd… - 6 years ago

@LiefdeTrouw: RT @CajunPapist: @LiefdeTrouw @JZmirak @ProtecttheFaith Holy Confessor-Bishop Stefano Li Side, pray to God for the persecuted Catholic Fait… - 6 years ago

@christi35639485: @ShesATrad @Pontifex The case of Stefano Li side is emblematic: the government wants to prevent other priests from… - 6 years ago

@Fritz303: Tianjin, an official priest and an underground priest remember Msgr. Stefano Li Side - 6 years ago

@Tam_Rich: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@Onceandfuturepr: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@abhadland: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@Tamerlane_Musab: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@Hatsfree: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@DaynaColored: Niente funerali pubblici per Mons Stefano Li Side, vescovo di Tianjin. Eroe di Cristo. ✝️🙏 - 6 years ago

@SStraightener: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@brumeade: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Here's an example for you @Pontifex What reparations will you undertake for betraying Bishop Stefano Li Side? https:… - 6 years ago

@FelipeEnzoS: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@peter_deighan: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Here's an example for you @Pontifex What reparations will you undertake for betraying Bishop Stefano Li Side? https:… - 6 years ago

@TSentenil: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@JMNg17: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@Fight2EndAbuse: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@MauriceSalvador: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@philominaEapen: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@MBugnyar: Tianjin (AsiaNews) - No public funeral is scheduled for Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin, recognized by the… - 6 years ago

@Brigid_Ire: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Here's an example for you @Pontifex What reparations will you undertake for betraying Bishop Stefano Li Side? https:… - 6 years ago

@l7therese5: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Here's an example for you @Pontifex What reparations will you undertake for betraying Bishop Stefano Li Side? https:… - 6 years ago

@hudakcmcdu: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@AJDoolin: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@g_kaluza: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This is bishop Stefano Li Side who passed away on June 8. He was living under house arrest since 1992. B… - 6 years ago

@Charlot39964301: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Here's an example for you @Pontifex What reparations will you undertake for betraying Bishop Stefano Li Side? https:… - 6 years ago

@DeplorableBSB: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@emiliorrubio: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@ninconanco21: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@ForGodAndKing: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@newsjunkie000: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Stefano Li Side (92) - 6 years ago

@Lech51272513: RT @zolesnicki1389: Biskup chińskiego Tianjin Stefano Li Side nie chciał podporządkować się rządowi ChRL. Zmarł 4 dni temu w areszcie domow… - 6 years ago

@Verum_amator: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@dansliw: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@LiefdeTrouw: @CardJosephZen @breeadail @VaticanNews I posted the news of Bishop Stefano Li Side's death on Twitter with a pictur… - 6 years ago

@merritt301: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@SandraMeireles2: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@DominieStemp: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@Lifelightofmen: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@JMNg17: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@JaWlodek: RT @zolesnicki1389: Biskup chińskiego Tianjin Stefano Li Side nie chciał podporządkować się rządowi ChRL. Zmarł 4 dni temu w areszcie domow… - 6 years ago

@AgneluttoP: RT @mcuart: L’Associazione patriottica, alla quale mons. Li ha sempre rifiutato di appartenere, proibisce di seppellire la sua salma nel ci… - 6 years ago

@AdorationServe: RT @LeMeTellUSumtin: #Catholic elsewhere in the world...“No public funeral is scheduled for Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin, recog… - 6 years ago

@BobbyDoubts: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@christi00447351: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@DavidJoaquin15: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@Regatta36206851: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@aShantyIrish: RT @save_church: @LiefdeTrouw @ProtecttheFaith Bishop Stefano Li Side; Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine… - 6 years ago

@aShantyIrish: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@AJDoolin: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@Ioannes_nomen: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@Ioannes_nomen: RT @save_church: @ProtecttheFaith @Pontifex Bishop Stefano Li Side; Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upo… - 6 years ago

@Josephvss: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@S_OReilly_USA: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@texlovera: RT @Johnthemadmonk: Catholic persecution continues. No public funeral allowed for Bp. Stefano Li Side, of Tianjin. He died Saturday, June 8… - 6 years ago

@michal_kopek: RT @zolesnicki1389: Biskup chińskiego Tianjin Stefano Li Side nie chciał podporządkować się rządowi ChRL. Zmarł 4 dni temu w areszcie domow… - 6 years ago

@save_church: @ProtecttheFaith @Pontifex Bishop Stefano Li Side; Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light sh… - 6 years ago

@Elisabeth_Benn: RT @zolesnicki1389: Biskup chińskiego Tianjin Stefano Li Side nie chciał podporządkować się rządowi ChRL. Zmarł 4 dni temu w areszcie domow… - 6 years ago

@AlfonsoNL137: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@JunecouncilJune: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@sandyKlaud: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@harv681: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@Brigid_Ire: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@BeGreatSaints: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@LBoogy31: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@Tntquinn120: RT @Johnthemadmonk: Catholic persecution continues. No public funeral allowed for Bp. Stefano Li Side, of Tianjin. He died Saturday, June 8… - 6 years ago

@madamepasquier: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

@defendtradition: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@suzukazeharu211: RT @Johnthemadmonk: Catholic persecution continues. No public funeral allowed for Bp. Stefano Li Side, of Tianjin. He died Saturday, June 8… - 6 years ago

@thelurker57: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@jevk571: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@Boomer69060018: RT @LiefdeTrouw: .@ProtecttheFaith This bishop Msgr. Stefano Li Side, bishop of Tianjin didn't want to give in to communists in China. He d… - 6 years ago

@patrickegan3: RT @ProtecttheFaith: How can you live with yourself @Pontifex ? Do you have a conscience informed by the Catholic faith? Bishop Msgr. Stef… - 6 years ago

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