
Mexican professional wrestler (CMLL).
Died on Friday September 23rd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Soul Jah Love

Tweets related to Starman:

@tabenum: @starman_baby (ベビーしゃん、アナ雪2観てて大人ですね🤭 オラフのポジションを脅かすベビー🤣) - 2 years ago

@RobAKemp1966: @Sophia_Nyx Starman - 2 years ago

@che_starman: RT @sandro_serpa: Quase tive um ataque de asma de tanto rir: - 2 years ago

@CarinaMelander: RT @brettmorgen: The Starman returns! Back by popular demand, MOONAGE DAYDREAM will return to the @ChineseTheatres in IMAX this Thursday.… - 2 years ago


@starman_baby: @cookie_znuffer 「ベビー。ぐるたんさんのご飯を、そんなに欲しがったらダメだよ?🐹🧢💦」 - 2 years ago

@starman_baby: @cookie_znuffer (でもきっとスターマングッズを買ったと思うので、そこからじわじわともちベビ沼へ誘いましょう……😏✨笑) - 2 years ago

@che_starman: RT @deinhamendes: Meu pai poderia estar vivo. Vários pais e mães poderiam estar vivos. Vários filhos e netos poderiam estar vivos. Só que n… - 2 years ago

@che_starman: RT @OVargas52: Neymar cheering for Bolsonaro reminds us just how special Maradona was. Players today would get cancelled into oblivion if t… - 2 years ago

@starman_simmer: RT @Touyarokii: Me on September 30th vs October 1st - 2 years ago

@FunkyFu42: @Sophia_Nyx Starman.. - 2 years ago

@starman_baby: @tabenum (最初は、もっちり友達として仲良くなりました💕 アナ雪2は、実は保護者&ベビー&オラフで観に行ったんですよ〜😂📹 これは、映画公開当時、大きいオラフさんの代わりにエルサの隣に立ちたいベビーの願望を叶えた写真です… - 2 years ago

@che_starman: RT @IanSBF: Isso é muito maravilhoso @DanielSFurlan @portadosfundos - 2 years ago

@astralfay: @starman_dx_ That whole thread made me want to 🤢 Dude who posted has never seen or touched a real tiddy in their life - 2 years ago

@DrewWMcDowell: @Sophia_Nyx Going old-school with Starman - 2 years ago

@Dabbling_Madman: @Sophia_Nyx Starman, Tron, Tron Legacy, Hell or High Water, The Fisher King, Blown Away, Whitw Squall, Stick It, Iron Man. - 2 years ago

@oghanafejiro: - 2 years ago

@gibbous_leo: RT @yoko1209yoko: お世話になっている 劇団Q +さんの 「#ワルプルギスの夜」観劇! 素晴らしかった😊✨✨ なんかもー素晴らしくて、この劇団はどんどん羽ばたいていくんだろうなぁーっ思わされ、無心でワルプルギスの夜の世界に浸った!! りおんちゃんStarman鳥… - 2 years ago

@PlaylistWicket: There's a Starman waiting in the sky. He'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds. There's a S… - 2 years ago

@starman_dx_: That AI be watching too much anime and needs to leave its parents basement - 2 years ago

@9JmcXtgJWRiwxVU: @starman_portal @iam_hi_me_ka @Chika_poncan ひめか 明日の朝もまた電話してくれよな!(*´³`*) ㄘゅ💕 - 2 years ago

@Amatuki_starman: えー、ねるくんも可愛いけどちゃんとしたショタ見っけたぞ。 これは可愛がらなきゃ。 - 2 years ago

@starman_123: @Ux3xKMJa3MY86v7 ありがとうございます😊 ステッカーなので貼りたいけど、貼れないよこれは😅 透明の保護フィルム的なやつに入れて大事にしたいと思います😊 - 2 years ago

@esco_oniisan62: @starman_baby 6200000000 こね🍙 - 2 years ago

@SnoopDoggyDoge3: RT @tMAIS0N: @opensea I see we are celebrating the late great starman himself… hats off to the legend @GenuineUndead #StayGenuine - 2 years ago

@starman_baby: @esco_oniisan62 こんど、たべるの🐹🍙✨ - 2 years ago

@esco_oniisan62: @starman_baby か かわいすぎる🐹❤️ - 2 years ago

@Amatuki_starman: 可愛いじゃないの。 ショタだショタ - 2 years ago

@starman_baby: @esco_oniisan62 - 2 years ago

@Amatuki_starman: RT @panji4649: 簡単なマジック! - 2 years ago

@SteveButtercase: @lamarr_mark I’ve always thought the chorus melody in “Starman” starts like the instrumental break in “Knowing Me K… - 2 years ago

@Artsy_Chef: @MakeMineAmalgam Hunh...the just imagine crew? They weren't too bad..little funky tho. Wait..the first issue specia… - 2 years ago

@Ux3xKMJa3MY86v7: @starman_123 良いな良いな^ ^ コラボ商品スーパーレアですね\(//∇//)\ おめでとうございます♪🎉 - 2 years ago

@Amatuki_starman: @panji4649 中学2年生なんですかめっちゃ可愛いじゃないですかマジケ来ますか? - 2 years ago

@hypno_starman: @hii_3rd まぁ、分かるとしょうもないというか 本当に大した意味はないんですけどね とはいえ、どこまで他人の知識から知りたいかは人によるので - 2 years ago

@starman_123: LIVERTINEAGEのりなたんサイン入りステッカー届いてました✨😊 めっちゃ嬉しい😆 赤くてキラキラしてていい感じ✨✨ 語彙力無い😅 自分にとって初めてのりなたんグッズ、大事にします😂 りなたん、LIVERTINEAGEさん、… - 2 years ago

@mydailyfantasy: RT @tMAIS0N: @opensea I see we are celebrating the late great starman himself… hats off to the legend @GenuineUndead #StayGenuine - 2 years ago

@borateen0: These are two things I ran across on @eBay some time ago...production art for the cover and the first page. No idea… - 2 years ago

@hii_3rd: @hypno_starman 確認してくれるのめっちゃありがたいです、ありがとうございます!! - 2 years ago

@hypno_starman: @hii_3rd 了解です - 2 years ago

@hii_3rd: @hypno_starman いえ!!自分で理解できる日を楽しみにしてます!(31章までやってわからなかったら教えてください…) ありがとうございます~!! - 2 years ago

@JamieClayz: @AmyShiraTeitel Maybe get Starman to do a drive by and bump it back into a higher orbit? - 2 years ago

@starman_exe_bot: ウラインターネットに行こうよ、目標のナビのめじるしは カンオケだったね! - 2 years ago

@starman__bot: ワイリー博士が地球をほしがるのもわかる気がする・・・でも!! - 2 years ago

@Benlinebandit: @livvyjohn Who are you kidding pal? The Tories always return. The Tories scrapped Benn's BNOC and they'll scrap S… - 2 years ago

@Klone89: @CanWeGetToast Starman from the JSA. - 2 years ago

@osatou0317: @starman_2016 あなたのヨシーさんは何日生まれ?!笑 ヨシーさん・夫・実母と全員タイプが違うので、何をもってして強メンタルなのか難しいところですが…外から見て安定して見えるかどうかはあんまり関係ないのかもしれないですね🤔 - 2 years ago

@fkd_starman: 千秋楽終わったあとに少クラ生放送か、、、少年忍者たくさんでるかな、、、、 - 2 years ago

@fkd_starman: いやまって、ドリボ今日千秋楽なんだ🤣🤣昨日かと思ってた🤣🤣昨日休演日なんだね!! - 2 years ago

@sjuliamessias: Eu fico sempre do lado da Cindy. Essa SJA é uma bomba. Bando de chatos. E a Yolanda com o Rick já era chatos, agora… - 2 years ago

@sjuliamessias: O Rick falando que o Starman tem um temperamento... Como se ele mesmo não tivesse 😂 #DCStargirl - 2 years ago

@starman_2016: RT @caracolcaracole: 上流階級はちゃんと自分のことを上流階級だと理解して物を言ってほしいのだが、これまで出会った上流階級の人間は大体自分のことを庶民だと認識している。多分上流階級の中の下層に位置するような人々なのだろうと思う。その人達の世界のなかでは確かに「… - 2 years ago

@starman_baby: @DB_miryu (おしり、可愛いですよね〜😂🐹💓分かります😂🍑) - 2 years ago

@hayleymorgue: @UniversoDCnauta ainda tô com um pé atrás com o starman, como sempre,mas agora tô duvidando se é ele mesmo,e tô gos… - 2 years ago

@anamariapripe: RT @dbfaceofreality: David Bowie's original handwritten lyrics of pop classic 'Starman' auctioned for over ... - - 2 years ago

@ModernRocks: RT @austinfilm: “A product of when idiosyncratic directors deliberately tried to make great films.” —Roger Ebert Featuring surreal imagery… - 2 years ago

@Tako_2739: @AidanHatesTwitr @OfStarman @tragicbirdapp It’s how the Starman of Spacetime does it! - 2 years ago

@starman_2016: @osatou0317 冒頭の一文に声出して笑いましてけども🤣それぞれのヨシーさん違ってたら衝撃です💥 ちょっと捕食されてる気分:(´ºωº`):になってましたけど、たしかに護られてるのだと思えばいいんですね🤔鋼鉄の強さだなと思… - 2 years ago

@alamofilmguy: RT @austinfilm: “A product of when idiosyncratic directors deliberately tried to make great films.” —Roger Ebert Featuring surreal imagery… - 2 years ago

@paleautumnmoon: RT @austinfilm: “A product of when idiosyncratic directors deliberately tried to make great films.” —Roger Ebert Featuring surreal imagery… - 2 years ago

@JasonLAR81: @Starman_Dave @rabid_rabitt @SamanthaTaghoy I bet you did, because they were cheap at only 3.5 times the average salary! - 2 years ago

@cavy336: @Son_of_Starman まずエントランスがぬけられなくなるから終わりだよ - 2 years ago

@Son_of_Starman: @cavy336 そのための電子ロック - 2 years ago

@STARMAN_bot: へっどすらいでぃーんぐ!やりたいよー☆ - 2 years ago

@CheekyTracks: Vinyl Vandal follows up his summer hit "Still Sleepless" with this pumping cover of a 90s anthem! Vinyl Vandal & S… - 2 years ago

@hypno_starman: #崩壊3rd 原画集、今艦長レベル87でレベル上がるまで残り約14000必要なことを考えると正直イベント入手は諦めてる 一応全力で獲得目指してるけど、無理ならもう買うわ 安いしね - 2 years ago

@hypno_starman: RT @magazine_pash: 『崩壊3rd 原画集 流星の旅路』が12月16日に発売! #崩壊3rd - 2 years ago

@starman_dr: @RebeccaYChan I always considered the EU to be the Fourth Reich considering its recent actions and support for Ukra… - 2 years ago

@starman_2016: RT @JCG_koho: 【お知らせ】断水に対する巡視船の給水支援について 日時:9/28(水)08時30分~21時00分 場所:「巡視船いず」(静岡市清水区日の出埠頭) <ドライブスルー方式により車内でお待ちいただけます> ※容器を御持参ください #台風15号 #給水 #… - 2 years ago

@starman_2016: RT @nhk_news: 台風15号の影響で大規模な断水が続く静岡市清水区に本拠地を置くサッカー・J1の清水エスパルスが、断水している世帯に向けて、飲料水を無料で提供しました。 #nhk_video - 2 years ago

@starman_tc: @CYXuAxfGlfFzZCT 八重洲を行進してるのがオフィスから見えました。まあ200人前後といった規模でしたね。 - 2 years ago

@starman_exe_bot: さぁ、くるよ! - 2 years ago

@TishWroteThis: @darth Now I need to rewatch STARMAN, just to see Voyager II rocking through space playing “Satisfaction” by the Stones. - 2 years ago

@Dales_Starman: RT @WeatherWolds: Autumn Skies. A chilly 9°C on the Yorkshire Wolds. Chaffinches in the hedge. - 2 years ago

@ordinaryukguy: @SkyNews If Kermit Starman has the answers, they must have been pretty stupid questions! - 2 years ago

@_Super_Starman_: RT @oct_bbb: 「ここよ ここ!」 - 2 years ago

@Ness_Exists: Ness fact of the day, Ness' Mom kissed Starman - 2 years ago

@Son_of_Starman: あと噂通りめっちゃお客さん多かったから落ち着いて食べたい身としてはちょっとつらいかもしれない、味はおいしかったです - 2 years ago

@FabioMarcal: "Starman" – manuscrito da música de David Bowie vai a leilão na Inglaterra. O preço estimado é de £ 40.000 (cerca d… - 2 years ago

@Son_of_Starman: 今日二郎初めて食べたけど豚が超クッソもちもちでうまかった、二郎は店によって味が全然違うらしいけど、どう違うんだろう - 2 years ago

@starman_2016: @melody08mayumin わかりますー! 秋は本当にご飯が美味しい! 日本に生まれて良かったなーって思います! (৹ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ ч ᵒ̴̶̷᷅৹)ŧ‹"ŧ‹"ŧ‹"ŧ‹" - 2 years ago

@Son_of_Starman: @tombeeeem - 2 years ago

@Son_of_Starman: 免許の住所変更手続きも終わり、これで総ての手続きが終わりじゃ! - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @bumbie_splatoon: 미션실패 - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @stupjam: I am excited to share with you my Splatoon fan-made animatic, "Takotsubo Heartbeat," telling the story of Marina and her frien… - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @fleeway_art: huge fry #splatoon #splatoon2 #splatoon3 #splatoon3d #blender - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @forestminish: The love and care that goes into some Etsy sellers’ businesses is often outstanding. Thank you @little_ampharos for the e… - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @stupjam: Showdown: Sunny vs Marina. clip from #takostuboheartbeat full animatic on my youtube #splatoon - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @_MrHeadcrab: dall-e 2 is wild - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @Johnny2Cellos: Miyazaki's reaction to Deep Learning AI back in 2016 - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @banditmill: We have officially hit our $15,000 goal! With this we can begin pre-production and the push to fund Boxtown’s pilot! This i… - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @tontaro_: トレーニング - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @LoudManJoe: brushin up on sentence mixing (gonna animate this later) - 2 years ago

@_Super_Starman_: RT @wta6vgi55Dfkj3: 「私とだけ遊ぼ」 - 2 years ago

@starman_exe_bot: 今日は星がよくみえるはずだよ。 - 2 years ago

@MrWilliamisah1: @KuWallet @kucoincom @I_amStarAy @StarMan_36 @OmikaKashim2 - 2 years ago

@starman__bot: ティンクルティンクル シューティングスターッ! きょうのキミのうんせいは・・・  フッ、ジョークさ! - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @OOCCouchGags: - 2 years ago

@starman_baby: 保護者💁🏻‍♂️からのお土産で、もらいました🐹🐹🧀 #BAKE #かぼちゃあんバターチーズタルト #ストロベリーチーズタルト - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @Tf2Cursed: submitted by @FAZART10 - 2 years ago

@starman_123: @Ux3xKMJa3MY86v7 しおまねきさん、投票選抜戦おつかれさまでした✨ 気付けばランキング32位!自分のすぐ後ろまで来てて、危うく抜かされるところでした笑😄 大幅目標クリアですね😊おめでとうです🎉 投票選抜戦は終わってし… - 2 years ago

@_Super_Starman_: @EponymousEcho Because ur epic - 2 years ago

@IzzyinSd: @PaulStanleyLive You’re cute. I prefer the Starman guitar smash though. 😂 - 2 years ago

@Son_of_Starman: 昼エース食 - 2 years ago

@starman_037: RT @lamegff: Imagine having sex with someone and they moan out your gamer tag instead of your name - 2 years ago

@starman_037: RT @Ida_Clemens: can't believe they made mussolini a woman in the reboot. this woke nonsense has ruined yet another franchise - 2 years ago

@STARMAN_JUNI0R: RT @SPARKLE_SSB: these first two stocks were clean,,, - 2 years ago

@STARMAN_JUNI0R: RT @DezBryant: Let’s put ‘em away so I can go smoke on this giant pack - 2 years ago

@RH_Starman: RT @SxrgioSZN: Stones hamstring injury i cba. Hate the international break with every bone in my body - 2 years ago

@KYA9u_u6KAST: RT @arbhi_: らぁ麺飯田商店@湯河原9/25 つけ麺しょうゆ味にお出汁割り煮干を(*´-`) 瑞々しい白麺…歯応えある黒麺😋 へべすの爽やかな香り…芳ばしい鶏チャーシュー😌 ピリ辛出汁割りにプラス昆布水がお気に入り😆 そしてBGMにBowieのStarmanが…😢 特… - 2 years ago

@starman_change: 自分の好みの問題なんだけど、淡い色が好きだったらこんな苦労しないんだろうなって。黒は、型紙写すのが一番面倒。 - 2 years ago

@SanctumLIVE_: STARGIRL SPOILERS i think starman is the killer, it’s not a coincidence that right after solomon grundy died and h… - 2 years ago

@starman_change: CLOVER vs DAISO 素材によるのかもだけど、今回使った生地ではぶっちぎりでDAISOの勝利。⬅️個人的意見 前者は全然見えなかった😢 - 2 years ago

@STARMAN_JUNI0R: Can’t hear the CD haters anymore LOL - 2 years ago

@TerceraVenida: Labour under Keith Starman be like - 2 years ago

@7Zo4CPYueZysJvM: @hypno_starman はじめまして! わー!とても丁寧にありがとうございます!! 順番通りに進めます! - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @hocusb0t: this is what tf2 will look like in 2015 in 23 minutes, feel old yet? - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @INKBLOTo: YEah - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @PBValve: AND THE GIBBUS GOGGLES ARE BACK HELL YEAH - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @curioscurio: I love Splatoon 3 #Splatoon3 - 2 years ago

@hypno_starman: 近藤のDe入りは草しか生えないんだわ - 2 years ago

@Dales_Starman: RT @ratemyplatenow: Lamb Dinner by Kieron - 2 years ago

@Starman: And just like every other year, the @Lions snatch defeat from certain victory. #DETvsMIN - 2 years ago

@Starman: @NickAdamsinUSA Sure. Cadet Bone Spurs was an athlete. Just like you are a real American. - 2 years ago

@Starman: @NickAdamsinUSA First Family of Grifters and crooks. - 2 years ago

@hypno_starman: @Aer4M 楽園の会話見てても、千劫くんエリシアやサクラ辺りと話してる時は声色いつもより優しいし、エリシア主催なら悪態はついても結構乗り気でやってくれそう - 2 years ago

@hypno_starman: マジで投手で戦ってるチームだってのがファンと非ファンの間でよく認識に齟齬が発生するのよね ありがたいことに、打線の中でコアになる野手は定期的に出てきてくれるから、目立たなくなってるのかもしれんけど - 2 years ago

@Moh_Hamza_Zain: RT @weltonsboys: #tedlasso starman! - 2 years ago

@hypno_starman: RT @hamanontan: DeNAは2017年ぐらいから投手陣が生命線の球団になってて、投手が良ければ上位だし悪ければ下位になってる 今年も投手陣の成績が大きく改善したことで2位まで戻せたし、あとは打線の上積み 野手は打撃も守備もまだまだ上積みできる余地があるし、来年は得… - 2 years ago

@Nextwave_Gaming: @KCaudillmorris @stonegasman @scottEmovienerd Of course, having played EarthBound recently, Starman also makes me t… - 2 years ago

@KW1Z_K1D: there's a starman waiting in the sky! he'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds! - 2 years ago

@starman_yb: RT @anonymous_post2: 【悲報】大雨により取水設備が被害を受け5万世帯以上で断水が発生中の静岡市清水区 「給水所へ水を貰いに行った車に警察が駐禁切符を切っていた」との複数の目撃証言 「目の付け所がシャープすぎる静岡県警、罰金荒稼ぎのボーナスタイムか」と話題に… - 2 years ago

@starman_037: @JammerJammy They're not wrong. Silent Hill 2's praise is worthwhile, but the only people ever talking about it are other Silent Hill fans. - 2 years ago

@QnkWfUm3qtvzfV7: @starman_baby @miokokoga ベイスターズ、CS優勝😊 - 2 years ago

@migueltc98: RT @_oftroya13: ✨⭐STARMAN⭐✨ To celebrate the world premiere of "Moonage daydream" The David Bowie documentary, I bring you here an illustr… - 2 years ago

@starman_037: RT @JammerJammy: Happy anniversary Silent Hill 2 - 2 years ago

@goethexs: nome: Damian(o). pronomes: pei/tudo. idade: 19 anos. signo: Áries. mbti: ENTP. aniversário: 27/03. animalzinho de… - 2 years ago

@starman_037: @IamRageSparkle Errant apostrophes and the word "literally" are my primary pet peeves. - 2 years ago

@arwatson714: RT @AjepArts: This is so funny because it’s like saying people missed the mark on DC because the 32nd Starman did not appear. This is the g… - 2 years ago

@The_Starman: RT @archaeologyart: The Garni Temple is the only pagan Hellenistic and Greco-Roman structure that has survived in Armenia and the Caucasus.… - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @DeputyRustArt: USC - Haintsland Staff Meet some of the more focal Ranger and Council representatives of the Haintsland region - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @futurama_frames: - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @CartoonGal1: Saying goodbye #StevenUniverse #SU #amphibia #BigCityGreens #GravityFalls - 2 years ago

@TheDevil_69_: There's a Starman waiting in the sky. - 2 years ago

@Ness_Exists: Ness fact of the day, Ness batted Ness and killed them in cold blood, or maybe it was Starman? We'll never know. - 2 years ago

@liz9oo1: There’s a starman 😲 waiting in the sky he like to come and meet us 😏 but he thinks he’d blow our mind 🤯 - 2 years ago

@STARMAN_HZXH: RT @DumbsYT: you can't predict how this ends - 2 years ago

@STARMAN_JUNI0R: @CarlEarving @MARKGOR26 @wolfgodtft @5oclockJimmy @barstoolsports You’re really smart mister - 2 years ago

@RusalkaNYC: @busterthecatto Absolutely gorgeous! Missing my own beloved long-haired boy, Mr. Starman (: - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @EeyorbEdgelord: A commission I've done for @kharchung & it's all about Mr. Krabs! - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @HannaBarberaCap: (CN 30th) Ruby & Sapphire’s Wedding - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @Inker_comics: - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @HannaBarberaCap: (CN 30th) Huckleberry Hound fighting Mojo Jojo - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @shitpods: splatoon hairstyles, might finish this later 🤧 - 2 years ago

@Natarufateehed1: fre claim @RyanNickell816 @SENNA7455 @MAD_Starman @DineroTazz @morrisroots @futuroontem @NT0x27 @kirresh_leen… - 2 years ago

@eicochrane: Went to see #MoonageDaydream today and it was the most beautiful, incredible and wonderful film. So stunning and wh… - 2 years ago

@dog_starman: I am losing my mind here. What does “too by sea” mean. The spelling change was obviously intentional, but to what e… - 2 years ago

@lado_starman: RT @RobotsOTD: Today's Robot of the day is Sinclair 2k from the futurama series - 2 years ago

@JClaireBurke: @JohnFugelsang I loved her in Raiders and missed her in the other ones. Loved her even more in Starman! - 2 years ago

@CarlEarving: @STARMAN_JUNI0R @MARKGOR26 @wolfgodtft @5oclockJimmy @barstoolsports Cardinals were best team for an entire 7 weeks… - 2 years ago

@starman_037: RT @femaIehysterias: the seinfeld characters wouldve beat the friends characters with hammers i can tell you that much - 2 years ago

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