Stanley Drucker

American clarinetist.
Died on Wednesday December 21st 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Stanley Drucker:

@TimothyJudd2: Remembering Stanley Drucker - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Stanley Drucker played in the N.Y. Philharmonic for 60 years, performing under the baton of five music directors. H… - 2 years ago

@MimiPlevinFoust: RT @NYTObits: Stanley Drucker played in the N.Y. Philharmonic for 60 years, performing under the baton of five music directors. He personif… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Stanley Drucker played in the N.Y. Philharmonic for 60 years, performing under the baton of five music directors. H… - 2 years ago


@LAMusicFestival: - 2 years ago

@kurenainiou: RT @nyphil: The NY Phil mourns the passing of legendary clarinetist Stanley Drucker, who joined the Philharmonic in 1948 and was appointed… - 2 years ago

@playinglesshurt: This is wonderful. Listen to several conductors and colleagues of the @nyphil share their admiration for legendary… - 2 years ago

@phil_renzulli: via @NYTimes - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Director and screenwriter Mike Hodges ('Get Carter'); illustrator Elena Xausa; clarinetist St… - 2 years ago

@mch_clarinet: Renowned New York Philharmonic Clarinetist Stanley Drucker Has died aged 93 #clarinet - 2 years ago

@mch_news: Renowned New York Philharmonic Clarinetist Stanley Drucker Has died aged 93 #clarinet - 2 years ago

@NYC_Music_b: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies... ( Stanley Drucker,… - 2 years ago

@Broadus: RT @NYTObits: Stanley Drucker played in the N.Y. Philharmonic for 60 years, performing under the baton of five music directors. He personif… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Stanley Drucker played in the N.Y. Philharmonic for 60 years, performing under the baton of five music directors. H… - 2 years ago

@sr202438: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@LynnFredriksson: via @NYTimes - 2 years ago

@VinnyMarino1: A legend of the clarinet. William Bolcom wrote his clarinet concerto for Stanley. Drucker's son is Stray Cats bass… - 2 years ago

@shalbern: RT @nyphil: The NY Phil mourns the passing of legendary clarinetist Stanley Drucker, who joined the Philharmonic in 1948 and was appointed… - 2 years ago

@EmwrtrErica: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@doitoku: RT @nytimes: Stanley Drucker, who was known as the dean of American orchestral clarinetists during a 60-year career with the New York Philh… - 2 years ago

@SinfoniaToront1: RT @NurhanArman: RIP #clarinet legend Stanley Drucker! Copland's Clarinet Concerto by Stanley Drucker - 2 years ago

@OrchLeague: The latest from Symphony: Obituary: Stanley Drucker, Clarinet Player with New York Philharmonic for Six Decades, 94 - 2 years ago

@kitson: RT @jswatz: “You learn all of this stuff,” he once said. “And after a point, somebody has to tell you, ‘Forget it all, just go out and play… - 2 years ago

@fbandas_sevilla: RT @Quinteroclari: Día muy triste para el mundo del clarinete, nos ha dejando Stanley Drucker a la edad de 93 años, 60 de ellos en la Filar… - 2 years ago

@AlebaGartner: RT @zwoolfe: Such was his influence that when a clarinet-playing New York Times reporter put in a request to perform with the orchestra for… - 2 years ago

@beatgozon: RIP Stanley Drucker MOZART, Clarinet Concerto, K622; Stanley Drucker, Clarinet; New York Session Symphony… - 2 years ago

@beatgozon: RIP Stanley Drucker Carl Nielsen ~ Clarinet Concerto, Op. 57 (Remastered) - 2 years ago

@beatgozon: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@CleveClassical: Irish-Appalachian Christmas with Apollo's Fire, open positions at BGSU, R.I.P. clarinetist Stanley Drucker, holiday… - 2 years ago

@japecake: Posted a full link in my tweet about the death of clarinetist Stanley Drucker, but here's a clip from the very end… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93… - 2 years ago

@japecake: Stanley Drucker, a titanic figure in the orchestra world. John Corigliano's Clarinet Concerto (1977), commissioned… - 2 years ago

@jm_onaindia: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@RichardScheinin: In 1948, when Drucker (age 19) was hired by the New York Phil as its assistant principal clarinet, The Brooklyn Eag… - 2 years ago

@jswatz: “You learn all of this stuff,” he once said. “And after a point, somebody has to tell you, ‘Forget it all, just go… - 2 years ago

@mortgageconsult: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@saucemaker2: Beyond the Baldwins and the Buttafuocos, a real #Massapequa legend: - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Stanley Drucker was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New York Philharmonic for… - 2 years ago

@op109: RT @larkingrumple: The great Stanley Drucker, principal clarinet @nyphil for 48 years, died on Monday. I especially loved him in the Nielse… - 2 years ago

@op109: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@NurhanArman: RIP #clarinet legend Stanley Drucker! Copland's Clarinet Concerto by Stanley Drucker - 2 years ago

@MediaHound89: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@BBC3MusicBot: 🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBCRadio3's #Breakfast Francis Poulenc & Stanley Drucker: 🎵 Clarinet Sonata - 2nd movement… - 2 years ago

@Jahaza: RIP, Stanley Drucker. An astounding 10,200 concerts with the @nyphil. - 2 years ago

@gram63: @PetrocTrelawny @BBCRadio3 Sad to hear of the death of Stanley Drucker, the great clarinettist. Likely too long to… - 2 years ago

@tcheckman: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@HandelGuy: RT @stephanegrant: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@Miss_U_Gram: Remembering Stanley Drucker 02/04/1929 – 12/19/2022, who was an American clarinetist. Drucker was highly regarded f… - 2 years ago

@LaurasMiscMovie: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@LaurasMiscMovie: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@LaurasMiscMovie: RT @nyphil: The NY Phil mourns the passing of legendary clarinetist Stanley Drucker, who joined the Philharmonic in 1948 and was appointed… - 2 years ago

@ScottGl64858656: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@gideon_relyveld: @stephanegrant En dessous un CD magnifique avec le Concerto pour Clarinette d'Aaron Copland & Stanley Drucker. - 2 years ago

@robmathesmusic: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - The New York Times - I saw this man… - 2 years ago

@Mayaguez1975: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@fifetch: RT @TommasiniNYT: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@JoelFanMusic: RT @supove: @JoelFanMusic One of America's greatest talents!!! Funny that he's got this birthday on the day that I read of Stanley Drucker'… - 2 years ago

@Perseis13: RT @stephanegrant: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@mkb_reflection: RT @nyphil: The NY Phil mourns the passing of legendary clarinetist Stanley Drucker, who joined the Philharmonic in 1948 and was appointed… - 2 years ago

@strikerightnote: RT @MusicalAmerica: Stanley Drucker, Ever-young Clarinetist, Has Died Stanley Drucker, the legendary clarinetist who joined the New York… - 2 years ago

@MusineaCom: Stanley Drucker, clarinetista eterno de la Filarmónica de Nueva York, muere a los 93 [por Conspicuous Bassoon]… - 2 years ago

@jesusalcivar: RT @ClarinetesVzla: Que descanse en paz el gran clarinetista Stanley Drucker - 2 years ago

@ClarinetesVzla: Que descanse en paz el gran clarinetista Stanley Drucker - 2 years ago

@minowasinya: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@ivan_naron: Weber's "Clarinet Quintet, Op. 34" (4th mvt.) Stanley Drucker, clarineti... - 2 years ago

@ivan_naron: #RIP Stanley Drucker - NYPO/Mehta/Weber Concertino for Clarinet - 2 years ago

@FlaFan: RT @nyphil: The NY Phil mourns the passing of legendary clarinetist Stanley Drucker, who joined the Philharmonic in 1948 and was appointed… - 2 years ago

@Vladipiano: RT @TommasiniNYT: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@nobleviola: via ⁦@nytimesarts⁩ - 2 years ago

@Almudena091: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@DrizLam: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@TommasiniNYT: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@naturalog: When I worked at the Phil, we had a lunch and learn that was basically "hang out while Stanley Drucker tells whatev… - 2 years ago

@MusicalAmerica: Stanley Drucker, Ever-young Clarinetist, Has Died Stanley Drucker, the legendary clarinetist who joined the New Y… - 2 years ago

@dberlurette: Stanley Drucker. - 2 years ago

@MusicGavalas: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 via /r/classicalmusic - 2 years ago

@ucanemaildean: RT @nytimes: Stanley Drucker, who was known as the dean of American orchestral clarinetists during a 60-year career with the New York Philh… - 2 years ago

@minimurthy1234: A brilliant player .Rest in Peace @DrDonnica @ElizaChinMD @sh46erry @VidhyaPrakashIL… - 2 years ago

@i_martz: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@Doctorcreative: Rip Stanley Drucker - 2 years ago

@_f_i_l_i: RIP Stanley Drucker #clarinet 60 years at the NY Phil. SIXTY YEARS. - 2 years ago

@bflatmatt22: You will be missed Stanley Drucker 😢😢🎵 - 2 years ago

@Figure9Capital: RT @LennyBernstein: The Leonard Bernstein Family/Office join in mourning the recent death of American clarinetist Stanley Drucker (1929-202… - 2 years ago

@EmilyGray1: “You learn all of this stuff,” he once said. “And after a point, somebody has to tell you, ‘Forget it all, just go… - 2 years ago

@UrbanLi09290130: - 2 years ago

@strikerightnote: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@ciurlionis: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@imanimosley: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@TimeToCook: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@jonathanotcher1: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@JennieJareth: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@Brazensaddle: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@KevinWNg: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@larkingrumple: The great Stanley Drucker, principal clarinet @nyphil for 48 years, died on Monday. I especially loved him in the N… - 2 years ago

@DerekKMiller: Heard him play the Copland once. Great musician. - 2 years ago

@larkingrumple: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@TheAndyHudson: RT @zwoolfe: Such was his influence that when a clarinet-playing New York Times reporter put in a request to perform with the orchestra for… - 2 years ago

@zwoolfe: Such was his influence that when a clarinet-playing New York Times reporter put in a request to perform with the or… - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 706) #American #Stanley #Drucker, #Ageless #Clarinetist #of the N.Y. #Philharmonic, #Dies #December 19,… - 2 years ago

@mjoseph0077: RT @zislepovitch: Stanley Drucker, Z”L. An epoch is gone. - 2 years ago

@rightpointNS: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@datadivajf: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@drstef: RT @nytimesarts: Stanley Drucker, who died on Monday at 93, was a reigning dean of American orchestral clarinetists, playing with the New Y… - 2 years ago

@ABBeachbum: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - The New York Times -… - 2 years ago

@gmazel: RIP Stanley Drucker - 2 years ago

@darcyjamesargue: RT @JacobGarchik: Really curious when and why the NY Phil abandoned its mandatory retirement age of 65. One side effect is a dwindling numb… - 2 years ago

@FelipeVicini: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@JulieGoodale: Peace, Stanley Drucker. And thank you for every note, every phrase. - 2 years ago

@974Aki0156: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@strikerightnote: RT @ICSOM: Sad News: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@ICSOM: Sad News: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@shuheiumemoto: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@gregorg: RT @JacobGarchik: Really curious when and why the NY Phil abandoned its mandatory retirement age of 65. One side effect is a dwindling numb… - 2 years ago

@JacobGarchik: Really curious when and why the NY Phil abandoned its mandatory retirement age of 65. One side effect is a dwindlin… - 2 years ago

@proverbingo0: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@Quinteroclari: Día muy triste para el mundo del clarinete, nos ha dejando Stanley Drucker a la edad de 93 años, 60 de ellos en la… - 2 years ago

@Bergique: Oh wow. Stanley Drucker has passed. He was an institution within the insulation that is the @nyphil he lived a long… - 2 years ago

@huge_spectator: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@JackKiyuna: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@jkagiyama: RT @kazuofujii0206: 我が師Stanley Drucker逝去 1929年2月4日(享年93歳) 1948年(19歳)N.Y Phil. 入団 1960年(31歳)N.Y Phil.首席奏者 2009年(80歳)N.Y Phil.で、コープランドのコンツェルト… - 2 years ago

@azmart525: RT @azmart525: "Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93" by BY DANIEL J. WAKIN via NYT New York Times htt… - 2 years ago

@foliedeux2: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@gYsnVSkzlTBBBCV: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@kazuofujii0206: 我が師Stanley Drucker逝去 1929年2月4日(享年93歳) 1948年(19歳)N.Y Phil. 入団 1960年(31歳)N.Y Phil.首席奏者 2009年(80歳)N.Y Phil.で、コープランドのコン… - 2 years ago

@commyofficial2: Stanley Drucker Clarinetist, Former member of New York Philharmonic Orchestra has died - 2 years ago

@Federicopanini: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@Sanshi1989: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@tonto_kaimo: RT @kumimiii_cla: 師匠の師匠が昨日亡くなったそうです。 コルトレイクの街中で偶然会った時、すごく温かな笑顔でお話ししてくれて嬉しかったのを覚えています。 80歳を過ぎてもバリバリ演奏される姿に驚きました。 RIP…. - 2 years ago

@doriclaraeliza: RT @DougAdamsMusic: RIP Stanley Drucker, clarinetist for whom John Corigliano wrote his concerto - 2 years ago

@siouxmimir: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@kumimiii_cla: 師匠の師匠が昨日亡くなったそうです。 コルトレイクの街中で偶然会った時、すごく温かな笑顔でお話ししてくれて嬉しかったのを覚えています。 80歳を過ぎてもバリバリ演奏される姿に驚きました。 RIP…. - 2 years ago

@k3m6k: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@ken_mikami: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@arataka_lie_gen: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@pianovoiceopera: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - PianoVoiceOpera - 2 years ago

@porkpiepres: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@Marcie69816: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@nejlikalove: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@ALLROUNDMAGIC: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@kenta45rpm: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@EwmtoneEva: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@berezina: - 2 years ago

@udupho: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@mirobop: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@taniguchi_68: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@bcbnyc1: A giant. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@104komori: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@Astroterras: RT @oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」のイントロのソロが思い… - 2 years ago

@nob_maz: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@aibahiro: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@hinkyumondouka2: スタンリー・ドラッカーと言えば私の世代(?)では カール・ライスターと並ぶクラリネット奏者なのです。 Leaving a Legend - Stanley Drucker, clarinetist - 2 years ago

@hinkyumondouka2: RT @eurojournalENG: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@oreberry: 19歳で入団したNYフィルに61年間在籍した伝説のクラリネット奏者、スタンレー・ドラッカー逝去。93歳。ストレイキャッツのベース奏者リー・ロッカーの父上でもある。ウディ・アレン「マンハッタン」で流れる「ラプソディ・イン・ブルー」の… - 2 years ago

@KDM_KJ: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@LisaIronTongue: Farewell to Stanley Drucker, clarinetist with the @nyphil for 60 years. - 2 years ago

@michaelbshane: Rest in peace, Stanley Drucker. The best clarinetists have always played by their own rules. What a life. - 2 years ago

@ladnermusic: RIP Stanley Drucker, one of the greatest clarinetists of the 20th century and principal of NY Phil for 61 years. v… - 2 years ago

@TakK0214: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@Skipper_bfly: RT @okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@okaka_1968: クラリネット奏者のスタンリー・ドラッカー逝去。巨星堕つ、ですね。R.I.P. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@Belindarosen12: - 2 years ago

@allaenelcampo: The end of an era. You may have not heard of Stanley, but chances are you did hear his clarinet. “Stanley Drucker,… - 2 years ago

@Juanzen1: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@CorceliusMusic: I am so lucky to have met Stanley Drucker when he was alive. These pictures are from my freshman year of college wh… - 2 years ago

@CorceliusMusic: I met Stanley Drucker a few times while I was in college studying music at @VCU. He holds the world record for long… - 2 years ago

@sbassopb: If you think ⁦Tom Brady’s longevity is amazing, read about Stanley Drucker who played with the ⁦@nyphil⁩ for 60 yea… - 2 years ago

@ClarinetNow: RT @ClarinetJobs: - 2 years ago

@jameszimmermann: RT @ClarinetJobs: - 2 years ago

@ClarinetJobs: RT @jameszimmermann: Stanley Drucker, the former Principal Clarinetist of the @nyphil for an astonishing 61 years, passed away last night.… - 2 years ago

@ClarinetJobs: - 2 years ago

@jameszimmermann: Stanley Drucker, the former Principal Clarinetist of the @nyphil for an astonishing 61 years, passed away last nigh… - 2 years ago

@drkaligator: Stanley Drucker was a true force of nature. I had the great privilege of playing for him a dozen years ago. The pho… - 2 years ago

@zislepovitch: Stanley Drucker, Z”L. An epoch is gone. - 2 years ago

@DougAdamsMusic: RIP Stanley Drucker, clarinetist for whom John Corigliano wrote his concerto - 2 years ago

@JimRicci: Sorry to read in the NY Times that great clarinetist Stanley Drucker has passed away. He was a an esteemed colleag… - 2 years ago

@MmeDirectrice: Very sad week. First Herb Deutsch, now Stanley Drucker. I imagine they’re laughing together in the stars. What lega… - 2 years ago

@mayiwrite: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@JoyceMRosenberg: So fitting that @danwakin wrote the obit for an exemplary musician. Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.… - 2 years ago

@THE2MNETWORK: Stanley Drucker, Ageless Clarinetist of the N.Y. Philharmonic, Dies at 93 - 2 years ago

@ShinsoStation: Very sad to hear this news today. Stanley was the inspiration for me playing in the first place and my grand-teache… - 2 years ago

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