Sourtoe Cocktail

Canadian tourboat operator
Died on Saturday November 16th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Sourtoe Cocktail:

@serena4pr: RT @TravelYukon: "The True Story of a Yukon River Rat and the Toe-Infused Cocktail He Invented" article: - 5 years ago

@TravelYukon: "The True Story of a Yukon River Rat and the Toe-Infused Cocktail He Invented" article: - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: Inventor of 'sourtoe cocktail' dies and donates all 10 toes to hotel bar - The Independent - 5 years ago

@CrickettB5: Creator of the Sourtoe Cocktail Dies, Donates His Toes to Bar to Keep Creepy Drink Tradition Going - 5 years ago


@kootenaypow: This guys story and life was fascinating. Glad I had a chance to meet him and his daughter in person. Kind family.… - 5 years ago

@IAMCHERYLGAMBLE: BUT WHY: Who would Stomach a Sourtoe Cocktail? Sourtoe Cocktail is exactly what it sounds like! It's a human toe th… - 5 years ago

@DustinHapli: Bartender behind the infamous cocktail containing a human toe died and donated his toes to the bar - mostlysignssom… - 5 years ago

@Brassylassy: RT @theObituaries: Inventor of 'sourtoe cocktail' dies and donates all 10 toes to hotel bar - The Independent - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: Inventor of 'sourtoe cocktail' dies and donates all 10 toes to hotel bar - The Independent - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: Inventor of 'sourtoe cocktail' dies and donates all 10 toes to hotel bar - The Independent - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: Inventor of 'sourtoe cocktail' dies and donates all 10 toes to hotel bar - The Independent - 5 years ago

@GrownupTravels: Sorry to hear that the man behind the Yukon's famous 'Sour Toe Cocktail' has died. Captain Dick passed away on Nove… - 5 years ago

@nvdyukon: RT @TravelYukon: Toes, ashes of Sourtoe Cocktail founder headed for Dawson City saloon /via @globeandmail - 5 years ago

@yukonhotels: RT @TravelYukon: Toes, ashes of Sourtoe Cocktail founder headed for Dawson City saloon /via @globeandmail - 5 years ago

@SourtoeCocktail: RT @Agenzia_Italia: Avreste il coraggio di bere un #cocktail con un dito mummificato dentro? #sourtoe - 5 years ago

@SourtoeCocktail: RT @PeriodicoZocalo: #Mundo: Aunque no lo creas, existe un cóctel llamado ‘The sourtoe Cocktail’ en el que te colocan un dedo humano amputa… - 5 years ago

@KJNAlaskan: RT @ChristyandFras: The inventor of Dawson City's sour toe cocktail passed away last week at 89. His drink will live on after he willed his… - 5 years ago

@SourtoeCocktail: RT @travel2next: How to join the Sourtoe Cocktail Club #exploreyukon #explorecanada - 5 years ago

@SourtoeCocktail: RT @CTVNews: 'Sourtoe Cocktail' lives on at Yukon bar after creator wills his own toes - 5 years ago

@SourtoeCocktail: RT @ChristyandFras: The inventor of Dawson City's sour toe cocktail passed away last week at 89. His drink will live on after he willed his… - 5 years ago

@SourtoeCocktail: RT @LetraRoja2: The sourtoe Cocktail, la bebida que tiene un dedo cercenado ➡ - 5 years ago

@SourtoeCocktail: RT @DEADLIVEUK: The inventor of the Sourtoe Cocktail willed his own toes to the Downtown Hotel for use in future drinks, and instructed his… - 5 years ago

@SourtoeCocktail: RT @1073thefox: Inventor of 'Sourtoe Cocktail' Passes Away at 89 Leaves His Toes to the Bar - 5 years ago

@1073thefox: Inventor of 'Sourtoe Cocktail' Passes Away at 89 Leaves His Toes to the Bar - 5 years ago

@DEADLIVEUK: The inventor of the Sourtoe Cocktail willed his own toes to the Downtown Hotel for use in future drinks, and instru… - 5 years ago

@UrbaniteAlaska: RT @tomhawthorn: Keep your feet on the floor to pour one out for Captain Dick Stevenson, the River Rat, who developed a cocktail with a kic… - 5 years ago

@buddyvancouver: RT @tomhawthorn: Keep your feet on the floor to pour one out for Captain Dick Stevenson, the River Rat, who developed a cocktail with a kic… - 5 years ago

@YukonRadioDave: RT @tomhawthorn: Keep your feet on the floor to pour one out for Captain Dick Stevenson, the River Rat, who developed a cocktail with a kic… - 5 years ago

@tomhawthorn: Keep your feet on the floor to pour one out for Captain Dick Stevenson, the River Rat, who developed a cocktail wit… - 5 years ago

@CynicalCBlog: An amputated toe is not a cocktail garnish. An amputated toe is not a cocktail garnish. An amputated toe is not a… - 5 years ago

@RxOfRock: Bartender behind the infamous cocktail containing a human toe died and donated his toes to the bar… - 5 years ago

@tecnolero: RT @NYDailyNews: “Sourtoe Cocktail” inventor Captain Dick Stevenson has died at 89. His cocktail, served to nearly 100K drinkers, has a re… - 5 years ago

@joelivany: @robinwhiffen I can think of one thing to do with all those toes. @AtGtheatre @KIACtweets @YukonArtsCentre - 5 years ago

@SoulAsk: New post (Captain Dick Stevenson, Inventor of the Yukon's Legendary Sourtoe Cocktail, Has Died) has been published… - 5 years ago

@rnd1622: RT @TrueQanuck11: 736) Capt. Dick Stevenson, legendary Sourtoe Cocktail founder, dies in Whitehorse. The Sourtoe Cocktail, consists of a sh… - 5 years ago

@AliasHere: RT @TrueQanuck11: 736) Capt. Dick Stevenson, legendary Sourtoe Cocktail founder, dies in Whitehorse. The Sourtoe Cocktail, consists of a sh… - 5 years ago

@digimeowmeow: @arthur369 @virushuo @cuicat @nishuang @OLLie_8964_ 看起来都还行除了那个 Prairie oysters…… 另外 Sourtoe cocktail 有事吗??? - 5 years ago

@LetraRoja2: The sourtoe Cocktail, la bebida que tiene un dedo cercenado ➡ - 5 years ago

@AlexisGacon: Le cocktail Sourtoe, créé dans les années 1970, se compose généralement de whisky dans lequel flotte un orteil huma… - 5 years ago

@YukonSpirits: RT @CTVNews: 'Sourtoe Cocktail' lives on at Yukon bar after creator wills his own toes - 5 years ago

@1015todayradio: RT @ChristyandFras: The inventor of Dawson City's sour toe cocktail passed away last week at 89. His drink will live on after he willed his… - 5 years ago

@RobSwystun: The inventor of the Sourtoe Cockatail, a Yukon tradition, has passed. This is what he and… - 5 years ago

@NickFreeman4: @MeatEaterTV @stevenrinella - 5 years ago

@JenColl70737810: RT @ChristyandFras: The inventor of Dawson City's sour toe cocktail passed away last week at 89. His drink will live on after he willed his… - 5 years ago

@AlbrAmanda: RT @CTVNews: 'Sourtoe Cocktail' lives on at Yukon bar after creator wills his own toes - 5 years ago

@lvdckdynsty: RT @ruckmaker: ‘Sourtoe Cocktail’ lives on at Yukon bar after creator wills his own toes - 5 years ago

@InTGR_BAG: RT @PeriodicoZocalo: #Mundo: Aunque no lo creas, existe un cóctel llamado ‘The sourtoe Cocktail’ en el que te colocan un dedo humano amputa… - 5 years ago

@PeriodicoZocalo: #Mundo: Aunque no lo creas, existe un cóctel llamado ‘The sourtoe Cocktail’ en el que te colocan un dedo humano amp… - 5 years ago

@four_sides: RT @TravelYukon: Toes, ashes of Sourtoe Cocktail founder headed for Dawson City saloon /via @globeandmail - 5 years ago

@virushuo: @henryzhouhao @cuicat @arthur369 @digimeowmeow @nishuang @OLLie_8964_ - 5 years ago

@PerfectDay2Play: RT @travel2next: How to join the Sourtoe Cocktail Club #exploreyukon #explorecanada - 5 years ago

@DawsonCityYukon: RT @TravelYukon: Toes, ashes of Sourtoe Cocktail founder headed for Dawson City saloon /via @globeandmail - 5 years ago

@travel2next: How to join the Sourtoe Cocktail Club #exploreyukon #explorecanada - 5 years ago

@ChristyandFras: The inventor of Dawson City's sour toe cocktail passed away last week at 89. His drink will live on after he willed… - 5 years ago

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