Sonya Eddy

American actress (General Hospital).
Died on Tuesday December 20th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Sonya Eddy:

@DougMarkham123: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@byob253: @jay80hunt My two favorite were Sonya Eddy who always said her name was Rebecca de mornay lol! That's actually the… - 2 years ago

@Bobby_Washable: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@viralnews772: RIP: General Hospital Actress Sonya Eddy – Cause Of Death & Obituary #SonyaEddy #SonyaEddyRIP #news #worldnew… - 2 years ago


@2022Sigh: @WUTangKids Wow, still sad about Sonya Eddy and I remember the actor Mike Haggerty from a ton of shows. May they as all rest in peace 🙏🏿 - 2 years ago

@koal2k: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: Lillian Hayman paved the way for Sonya Eddy to walk and shine on daytime. Sadie Gray and Epiphany Johnson were Black f… - 2 years ago

@koal2k: RT @nytimes: Sonya Eddy, who played the head nurse Epiphany Johnson in more than 500 episodes of the ABC soap opera “General Hospital,” has… - 2 years ago

@grayeagleswolv1: A Tribute to Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@BarstoolBubby: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@themosthigh__: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@deltdiggs: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@vinniemackenzie: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@chipnchasehky: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@zabackj: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@depierochris: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@homesick_flojo: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@SamCulper3: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@MitchellCohen7: RT @ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memories of… - 2 years ago

@ThisThirsty: Goodbye 2022. Let us honor those we've lost & keep their spirit alive. Help celebrate by sharing your favorite memo… - 2 years ago

@SusanMills158: @GeneralHospital We are VERY disappointed that you haven’t acknowledged the passing of Sonya Eddy on air. - 2 years ago

@GoughMonet: RT @ResearcherBy: ....and yet another. 💉 They say it was an "out of control infection." Can you say "crashed immune system"? #vaccine #mRNA… - 2 years ago

@rberka1: RT @ResearcherBy: ....and yet another. 💉 They say it was an "out of control infection." Can you say "crashed immune system"? #vaccine #mRNA… - 2 years ago

@RashiedLane: General Hospital Actress Sonya Eddy Creepy Last Words Before She Died @C... - 2 years ago

@DSMWcom: ‘General Hospital’ Star Sonya Eddy’s Cause of Death Revealed - 2 years ago

@brown400: ‘General Hospital’ actress Sonya Eddy dies at 55 l GMA - 2 years ago

@MyThirdParent: 📷 superghfan: Rebecca Herbst & Sonya Eddy backstage at GH. - 2 years ago

@CTSVideo: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@hueyforprez: R.I.P Sonya Eddy. ‘General Hospital’ actress Sonya Eddy dies at 55 l GMA - 2 years ago

@sageman1957: @TheRealSonyaEd Sonya Eddy was a asome gemini - 2 years ago

@GilbertCTweets: Just 55... RIP Sonya Eddy Dead: General Hospital Actress Was 55 – Deadline - 2 years ago

@Raes_art_: RT @BobbyStein: Tyria lost one of its voices this week. RIP Sonya Eddy aka Riel Darkwater and numerous charr voices. You were a joy to work… - 2 years ago

@SoapOperaSpy: General Hospital Alum Steve Burton Pays Tribute To Sonya Eddy #GH #GeneralHospital - 2 years ago

@JacquelineMeeh9: RT @sarahjoybrown: 😓 Sonya Eddy was truly one of the greatest people you could ever know. Fiercely talented & loyal, funny as all hell. Her… - 2 years ago

@_Rochii03: RT @9jacruisenation: Sonya Eddy: A Talented Actress and Voiceover Artist - 2 years ago

@MaldonadoVicki6: @GeneralHospital Are we gonna honor Sonya eddy? And not months later!! - 2 years ago

@MaldonadoVicki6: @GeneralHospital Are we gonna honor Sonya Eddy? And not months later? - 2 years ago

@QtJaybee: RT @wpcguy: Tyler Ford explained the 55-year-old GH soap star Sonya Eddy went in for a pre-scheduled procedure on Dec. 9, was released on D… - 2 years ago

@PureMassacre89: RT @TMZ: #UPDATE: Sonya Eddy's producing partner and close friend, Tyler Ford, shares details of the heartbreaking days leading up to her d… - 2 years ago

@PureMassacre89: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@wpcguy: Tyler Ford explained the 55-year-old GH soap star Sonya Eddy went in for a pre-scheduled procedure on Dec. 9, was r… - 2 years ago

@AdeleMoskowitz9: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Actress Sonya Eddy, TV Soap Opera Star, DEAD at 55... "Passed away"... - TVLine - 2 years ago

@Early2Rise2: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@Early2Rise2: RT @BySteveHolley: The first word that comes to mind when I think of Sonya Eddy is BELOVED. I never met anyone who didn’t like her or the c… - 2 years ago

@Leauxness: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@patricia_deri: @MauriceBenard Yes, Maurice,Sonya Eddy was a beautiful woman and actress. She was so talented and will be greatly missed. RIP Sonya Eddy 🙏🙏 - 2 years ago

@Silicon_Haole: RT @theblaze: Actress Sonya Eddy, known for playing a nurse in 'General Hospital,' dead at 55 - 2 years ago

@TheKhyatsMeow: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@desiandrea51789: @RisaDorken @TheRealSonyaEd @RisaDorken Sonya Eddy your GH co-star was an amazing actress who was loved by so many.… - 2 years ago

@NicoleC90333827: @GMA This is sad news to hear about Sonya Eddy my prayers 🙏 goes out to her family, My condolences to Her family an… - 2 years ago

@Kx32958069: RT @OxfordSevenStar: Global CCP Virus Vaccine Disaster Series Report - Sudden Death-14 The root of all sins - CCP "General Hospital" star… - 2 years ago

@Kx32958069: RT @OxfordSevenStar: 全球中共病毒疫苗災難之—猝死系列報導14 一切罪惡的根源--中共 執行製片人弗蘭克-瓦倫蒂尼證實,“綜合醫院”明星索尼婭-艾迪已經去世。她 55 歲。沒有提供死因。 索尼婭-艾迪,55 歲 美國女演員 2022 年 12 月 19… - 2 years ago

@ericsuniverse: RT @stacytklein: @NancyLeeGrahn #duet with @jonnyfroze #seinfeld Before Sonya Eddy was Epiphany Johnson on @GeneralHospital she was so spec… - 2 years ago

@ericsuniverse: RT @NormanCharles66: Many people will remember Sonya Eddy as Head Nurse Epiphany Johnson on 543 episodes of "General Hospital", but I'll al… - 2 years ago

@aarospeir: RT @matthewhayden: General Hospital actress Sonya Eddy has died aged 55 - 2 years ago

@StevenC74442989: #新中國聯邦 #爆料革命 #ccp #疫苗真相 #Luc Global CCP Virus Vaccine Disaster Series Report - Sudden Death-14 The root of all sin… - 2 years ago

@srforrester: RT @EW: Sonya Eddy, the actress beloved for her role as Epiphany Johnson on 'General Hospital,' died Monday at the age of 55. 'The world lo… - 2 years ago

@Micah5Verse12: RT @JackieBrownNow: Sonya Eddy as Rebecca DeMornay #Seinfeld #RIPSonyaEddy - 2 years ago

@KennyS12401812: RT @Janebon34813396: Rip 🙏 Actress Sonya Eddy, who has portrayed nurse Epiphany Johnson on TV soap, General Hospital, has died. She was 55.… - 2 years ago

@LesleyGale2: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Actress Sonya Eddy, TV Soap Opera Star, DEAD at 55... "Passed away"... - TVLine - 2 years ago

@NAMJINSE0K: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@IsThisShitOn: - 2 years ago

@Chaos2silent: Read "‘General Hospital’ Star Sonya Eddy’s Cause of Death Revealed" on SmartNews: - 2 years ago

@mast8680_mast: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@FrankSm23288852: General Hospital's Sonya Eddy Dead at 55 - 2 years ago

@Power2Control: Golly wilikers I wonder what uncontrollable infection of #coronavirus she had? Sonya Eddy, longtime 'General Hospi… - 2 years ago

@DeciBeamz: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@iiiamdej: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@ManLogic4ya: RT @ResearcherBy: ....and yet another. 💉 They say it was an "out of control infection." Can you say "crashed immune system"? #vaccine #mRNA… - 2 years ago

@BeatByMariahB: RT @TVFan43: Please watch Sonya Eddy in Ptolemy Gray episode 5. She has this great aura about her where you felt happy as soon as you seen… - 2 years ago

@migueltovar: RT @CelebFallecidas: | Estados Unidos | Sonya Eddy Fue una actriz estadounidense conocida por que daba vida a la dura jefa de enfermeras en… - 2 years ago

@Amaya1531: RT @TVFan43: Please watch Sonya Eddy in Ptolemy Gray episode 5. She has this great aura about her where you felt happy as soon as you seen… - 2 years ago

@usatrend20230: Sonya eddy cause of death - 2 years ago

@LCFibrCreations: @Cimarron42 @lldubs @TheRealSonyaEd @BookCameo Thank you so much for sharing this! I lost my father at the end of A… - 2 years ago

@ShortyKatyK: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@bowmanlee7777: RT @TooFab: The cast of @GeneralHospital and friends including @OctaviaSpencer & @YNB are all showing love to the late actress - 2 years ago

@ilona84010600: RT @TooFab: The cast of @GeneralHospital and friends including @OctaviaSpencer & @YNB are all showing love to the late actress - 2 years ago

@TreasureC_com: RT @TooFab: The cast of @GeneralHospital and friends including @OctaviaSpencer & @YNB are all showing love to the late actress - 2 years ago

@marvinfloyd1208: Sonya Eddy, longtime 'General Hospital' actress, dies at 55 from 'uncontrollable infection' - 2 years ago

@BernardFrazie18: ‘General Hospital’ actress Sonya Eddy dies at 55 l GMA - 2 years ago

@calhounlatosha3: RT @people: Steve Burton Mourns Death of General Hospital Co-Star Sonya Eddy: 'We Had So Much Fun' - 2 years ago

@YNB: RT @TooFab: The cast of @GeneralHospital and friends including @OctaviaSpencer & @YNB are all showing love to the late actress - 2 years ago

@NickEck: RT @WUTangKids: RIP Sonya Eddy 🙏…made two epic scenes in Seinfeld as Rebecca DeMornay - 2 years ago

@MorganTheMuse: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@SueWard30457453: RT @ResearcherBy: ....and yet another. 💉 They say it was an "out of control infection." Can you say "crashed immune system"? #vaccine #mRNA… - 2 years ago

@UsaJaun: General Hospital actress Sonya Eddy’s cause of death revealed by close friend - 2 years ago

@Wisdom_Truth_: Died suddenly 'General Hospital' star Sonya Eddy dead at 55 | Fox News - 2 years ago

@nnnooan06: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: Go 'head, Good Morning America! I commend them for giving a shout-out to the late daytime veteran and trailblazer Sony… - 2 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Actress Sonya Eddy’s cause of death has been revealed after she unexpectedly passed away earlier this week. - 2 years ago

@ItsSkylizzels: RT @debbiemorristv: Sonya Eddy was one of those people, she would put u in ur place while giving u a hug. She always supported the GHFC & F… - 2 years ago

@promiflash: Die langjährige "General Hospital"-Darstellerin Sonya Eddy starb im Alter von nur 55 Jahren. Nun ist auch ihre Tode… - 2 years ago

@drienarene: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@ThaddeusBigsby: RT @Soap_Hub: Please join Soap Hub in sending our thoughts to the family, friends, and fans of Sonya Eddy during this difficult time. #GH #… - 2 years ago

@avery16fan: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@OrwellsRevenge: 'General Hospital' star Sonya Eddy dead at 55 | No Cause of Death Given - That’ll become the Number One Cause of de… - 2 years ago

@supadupaminx: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@MarianJ94995351: @NancyLeeGrahn RIP Sonya Eddy. 🙏🏽 - 2 years ago

@sageman1957: RT @bernie747: @GeneralHospital R.I.P. Sonya Eddy! You will be remembered for your incredible talent, warmth and heart. You are now singing… - 2 years ago

@MarianJ94995351: @Cimarron42 @TheRealSonyaEd @BookCameo What a beautiful person. A beautiful soul. I loved her on GH. She was a grea… - 2 years ago

@DrNeblett: Sonya Eddy. 55. #RIP - 2 years ago

@jgillil2: Sonya Eddy, longtime 'General Hospital' actress, dies at 55 from 'uncontrollable infection' - 2 years ago

@HollywoodLife: Here's what to know about Sonya Eddy after her heartbreaking death at age 55. - 2 years ago

@Fiona_C1: RT @johnnydiaz__: Sonya Eddy, who played the no-nonsense head nurse Epiphany Johnson in more than 500 episodes of the enduring ABC soap ope… - 2 years ago

@RebelliousMag: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: Lillian Hayman paved the way for Sonya Eddy to walk and shine on daytime. Sadie Gray and Epiphany Johnson were Black f… - 2 years ago

@kissmyCRAS: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@DancingFernanie: RIP Sonya Eddy 😔 - 2 years ago

@FEMSGALORE: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@LindaKT54: 'General Hospital' Actress Sonya Eddy Dead At 55, Octavia Spencer Announces - 2 years ago

@RebelliousMag: RT @BlackPressUSA: IN MEMORIAM: Sonya Eddy of ‘General Hospital’ Soap Opera Fame Has Died at 55 — ROLLING OUT — Eddy’s passing was confirme… - 2 years ago

@JustAMBates32: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@GraceKellyAnnC: RT @peachypuk: Sonya Eddy dies aged 55: General Hospital actress' shock passing announced by Octavia Spencer   | Daily Mail Online - 2 years ago

@candicesynclair: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: Lillian Hayman paved the way for Sonya Eddy to walk and shine on daytime. Sadie Gray and Epiphany Johnson were Black f… - 2 years ago

@alleybenz: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: Lillian Hayman paved the way for Sonya Eddy to walk and shine on daytime. Sadie Gray and Epiphany Johnson were Black f… - 2 years ago

@RacheSutton101: RT @Pauline76318996: @valentinifrank @GeneralHospital My prayers are with Sonya Eddy's family, her General Hospital family and many fans. W… - 2 years ago

@PokerDame: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: Lillian Hayman paved the way for Sonya Eddy to walk and shine on daytime. Sadie Gray and Epiphany Johnson were Black f… - 2 years ago

@houstkyn: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@FollowWinniie: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@edwardslea2008: RT @johnnydiaz__: Sonya Eddy, who played the no-nonsense head nurse Epiphany Johnson in more than 500 episodes of the enduring ABC soap ope… - 2 years ago

@VCPNewz: Sonya Eddy, star of 'General Hospital,' dead at 55 - 2 years ago

@recurringstatus: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@recurringstatus: RT @sarahjoybrown: 😓 Sonya Eddy was truly one of the greatest people you could ever know. Fiercely talented & loyal, funny as all hell. Her… - 2 years ago

@zairemw: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@recurringstatus: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@PlannedTheRide: RT @WUTangKids: RIP Sonya Eddy 🙏…made two epic scenes in Seinfeld as Rebecca DeMornay - 2 years ago

@tucaluciana2: RT @g1: A morte foi anunciada pela também atriz e amiga Octavia Spencer e confirmada por um representante - 2 years ago

@ItsKingsWorld: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@lms1980: RT @TooFab: The cast of @GeneralHospital and friends including @OctaviaSpencer & @YNB are all showing love to the late actress - 2 years ago

@clintonharp: RT @WUTangKids: RIP Sonya Eddy 🙏…made two epic scenes in Seinfeld as Rebecca DeMornay - 2 years ago

@CrazyRae21: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@Binette_kaolack: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@Crawdaddy1969: RT @WUTangKids: RIP Sonya Eddy 🙏…made two epic scenes in Seinfeld as Rebecca DeMornay - 2 years ago

@MadeInNassau: RT @people: 'General Hospital' Actress Sonya Eddy Dead at 55: 'The World Lost Another Creative Angel' - 2 years ago

@shoilpick3: Sonya Eddy, ‘General Hospital’ Actress, Dies at 55 - 2 years ago

@RuthHeminger3: RT @Soap_Hub: Please join Soap Hub in sending our thoughts to the family, friends, and fans of Sonya Eddy during this difficult time. #GH #… - 2 years ago

@JustJared: #GeneralHospital alum Steve Burton is remembering his former co-star Sonya Eddy after her death: - 2 years ago

@Moneymac101: RT @GMA: Remembering the life and career of "General Hospital" actress Sonya Eddy, who passed away at the age of 55. - 2 years ago

@RevistaISTOE: #ISTOÉGENTE Tyler Ford, parceiro de produção e amigo de Sonya, afirmou que a atriz foi vítima de uma condição pós-… - 2 years ago

@soapsudsy: RT @saintlesbian: i wanted to do a little epiphany fanart, as tribute to sonya eddy. i hope i did her justice... may she rest in peace 🕊️ #… - 2 years ago

@EganLA: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@MickLellan: RT @WUTangKids: RIP Sonya Eddy 🙏…made two epic scenes in Seinfeld as Rebecca DeMornay - 2 years ago

@willhuhges: - 2 years ago

@Patrici48022002: RT @TVFan43: Please watch Sonya Eddy in Ptolemy Gray episode 5. She has this great aura about her where you felt happy as soon as you seen… - 2 years ago

@KCCINews: Sonya Eddy, star of 'General Hospital,' dead at 55 - 2 years ago

@SoapJenn: RT @lcsoaptweets: An episode of the Seinfeld podcast “This Podcast is Making Me Thirsty” with Sonya Eddy. #GH #SonyaEddy - 2 years ago

@Rhetta: @lisalocicerogh I miss her morning post. I am still trying to except this one Lord help me. Praying for her family,… - 2 years ago

@JamShowbiz: 'General Hospital' actress Sonya Eddy dead aged 55 - 2 years ago

@lcsoaptweets: An episode of the Seinfeld podcast “This Podcast is Making Me Thirsty” with Sonya Eddy. #GH #SonyaEddy - 2 years ago

@Soap_Dude2: RT @YNB: The official announcement makes it real. 😔 @TheRealSonyaEd was my friend & I am heart-broken by this news. Nothing lately feels… - 2 years ago

@workingtrucker: RT @blackinfonet: #SonyaEddy, a longtime star on ABC's General Hospital, has passed away at the age of 55. Rest In Peace. 🕊️❤️ 📰: - 2 years ago

@gabbemarissa: RT @wdsu: Sonya Eddy, star of 'General Hospital,' dead at 55 - 2 years ago

@MrGivan: RT @ragdaht: In the loving memory of General Hospital’s star Sonya Eddy who passed away yesterday Monday, December 19, at age 55. What a gr… - 2 years ago

@the_briedjay: RT @WomenFilmOfColr: 'General Hospital' Actress Sonya Eddy Dead At 55, Octavia Spencer Announces - 2 years ago

@Lanett78: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@FultzHaylie: RT @BMWSequelDotCom: Our thoughts and prayers also go out to the family and friends of Sonya Eddy who also passed away. Sonya played Geraly… - 2 years ago

@msjayfatty: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@TrumpGi79056629: Hmmmm..... Why so many deaths everyday? Sonya Eddy, ‘General Hospital’ Actor, Dies at 55 - 2 years ago

@NYReign1247: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@gm2dm: RT @TheInsiderPaper: JUST IN 🚨 American actress Sonya Eddy dead at 55 - 2 years ago

@putismallu: RT @g1: A morte foi anunciada pela também atriz e amiga Octavia Spencer e confirmada por um representante - 2 years ago

@gsegadgets: RIP Sonya Eddy : Beloved General Hospital star Actor, Diedd at age 55 | ... #sonyaeddy #SonyaEddyRIP - 2 years ago

@MissRads: RT @people: 'General Hospital' Actress Sonya Eddy Dead at 55: 'The World Lost Another Creative Angel' - 2 years ago

@Static33j: RT @sarahjoybrown: 😓 Sonya Eddy was truly one of the greatest people you could ever know. Fiercely talented & loyal, funny as all hell. Her… - 2 years ago

@gsemobiles: RIP Sonya Eddy : Beloved General Hospital star Actor, Diedd at age 55 | ... #sonyaeddy #SonyaEddyRIP - 2 years ago

@Static33j: RT @LoniLove: Sonya and I would audition together she was a fantastic and creative actress.. And used her talent to help support nurses and… - 2 years ago

@oldschool20: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@meme1964hall: RT @yael_c: I thought it would be appropriate to post Sonya Eddy's singing Live On as Epiphany on #GH @GHBlips @valentinifrank #GeneralHosp… - 2 years ago

@DDTL68: RT @people: 'General Hospital' Actress Sonya Eddy Dead at 55: 'The World Lost Another Creative Angel' - 2 years ago

@blauesfragmente: RT @LauraKronen: Two more sudden deaths at age 55 - Martin Duffy, the keyboardist from Primal Scream, and Sonya Eddy a long time cast membe… - 2 years ago

@summerfindlay05: RT @BMWSequelDotCom: Our thoughts and prayers also go out to the family and friends of Sonya Eddy who also passed away. Sonya played Geraly… - 2 years ago

@cammjohn_04: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@luckyseven3: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: Lillian Hayman paved the way for Sonya Eddy to walk and shine on daytime. Sadie Gray and Epiphany Johnson were Black f… - 2 years ago

@trinaswebber: ‘Proud Reba’ is one of my favorite Reba episodes, and the best part of the episode is this interaction between Reba… - 2 years ago

@Stephan73796722: - 2 years ago

@Juliana74833549: RT @g1: A morte foi anunciada pela também atriz e amiga Octavia Spencer e confirmada por um representante - 2 years ago

@ChrisApril97: RT @TMZ: Sonya Eddy, known for her work on "General Hospital," has died ... according to her pal Octavia Spencer. - 2 years ago

@Creat1ve: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@EvansLabathe: I liked her a lot from G.H!!! May she rest in peace! - 2 years ago

@shahmir69832392: Watch now the trending death news of Sonya Eddy An American - 2 years ago

@badgaldanni: RT @sarahjoybrown: 😓 Sonya Eddy was truly one of the greatest people you could ever know. Fiercely talented & loyal, funny as all hell. Her… - 2 years ago

@symplysymph__: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@goddess_6: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@datGheeChiGul: RT @annetteconlon: RIP to the lovely, talented, remarkable, beautiful, and funny Sonya Eddy. You will be well missed. ❤️ #GH 📷 2014 https… - 2 years ago

@Tina35050237: @kinshriner @GeneralHospital RIP Sonya Eddy. 👼 - 2 years ago

@MonaLighty: RT @DiMera87: Genuinely heartbroken over the news of Sonya Eddy's passing. I instantly went to her being amazing on GH Night Shift. Epiphan… - 2 years ago

@MonaLighty: RT @KellyLovesGH: It’s so hard when you lose an actor like Sonya Eddy. She made Epiphany such a fan favorite and was such a nice person. 💔… - 2 years ago

@datGheeChiGul: RT @YNB: The official announcement makes it real. 😔 @TheRealSonyaEd was my friend & I am heart-broken by this news. Nothing lately feels… - 2 years ago

@oH_U_fAnCyHuH: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@SweetTEA345: @susierae9 @LC69182040 @MauriceBenard Regarding Sonya Eddy, there is no reports that says her death is linked to th… - 2 years ago

@BobbieK85399317: @GeneralHospital Absolutely Breathtaking!!! I miss Sonya Eddy already. Rest in Peace. You will now sing with the Angels ❤️🙏 - 2 years ago

@paulhester1958: ‘General Hospital’ Star Dies At 55 - 2 years ago

@JMox987: RT @LoniLove: Sonya and I would audition together she was a fantastic and creative actress.. And used her talent to help support nurses and… - 2 years ago

@Persinge3Manuel: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Actress Sonya Eddy, TV Soap Opera Star, DEAD at 55... "Passed away"... - TVLine - 2 years ago

@imnotchase: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@helenes1101: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@zetahutch: RT @greggrunberg: I just cannot let myself believe that this beautiful, incredible, hilarious, super-talented amazing soul is no longer wit… - 2 years ago

@JET24FOX66: Sonya Eddy of ‘General Hospital’ dies at 55 - 2 years ago

@WEBDENews_Stars: "General Hospital"-Star Sonya Eddy ist gestorben - 2 years ago

@WEBDENews: "General Hospital"-Star Sonya Eddy ist gestorben - 2 years ago

@allenhawkins51: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@JustBeingRoss: RT @greggrunberg: I just cannot let myself believe that this beautiful, incredible, hilarious, super-talented amazing soul is no longer wit… - 2 years ago

@Queen_KK_Lexbby: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@UroojRehab: Watch now the trending news of death of Sonya - 2 years ago

@zetahutch: RT @DonaldJrPeebles: Lillian Hayman paved the way for Sonya Eddy to walk and shine on daytime. Sadie Gray and Epiphany Johnson were Black f… - 2 years ago

@iCMPL3X: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@BekeAbe: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@Anasales43Ana: RT @g1: A morte foi anunciada pela também atriz e amiga Octavia Spencer e confirmada por um representante - 2 years ago

@DiamondRenee121: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@ReaperGremlin: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@zetahutch: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@justj_son: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@Fallon12347667: Sonya Eddy, star of 'General Hospital,' dead at 55 #NewsBreak - 2 years ago

@karIaIima: RT @g1: A morte foi anunciada pela também atriz e amiga Octavia Spencer e confirmada por um representante - 2 years ago

@Arminda10405727: RT @g1: A morte foi anunciada pela também atriz e amiga Octavia Spencer e confirmada por um representante - 2 years ago

@ASI97699544: Sonya Eddy Death: Sonya Eddy ‘GENERAL HOSPITAL’ has passed away – Obituary and Cause of Death - 2 years ago

@asimnaw34382308: Sonya Eddy Death: Sonya Eddy ‘GENERAL HOSPITAL’ has passed away – Obituary and Cause of Death - 2 years ago

@Hussain93266078: Sonya Eddy Death: Sonya Eddy ‘GENERAL HOSPITAL’ has passed away – Obituary and Cause of Death - 2 years ago

@PhillyCat1956: @susierae9 @Mary_Cons1972 @MauriceBenard @NancyLeeGrahn Do you even know what you’re talking about? Sonya Eddy had… - 2 years ago

@MiserableB21: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@MiserableB21: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@fox5dc: "General Hospital" star Sonya Eddy has died, executive producer Frank Valentini has confirmed. She was 55. - 2 years ago

@ABC11_WTVD: Sonya Eddy, known for her role on the ABC soap opera "General Hospital," has died. She was 55. - 2 years ago

@blacccmomba22: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@TheDreamDoctor_: 🖤'd her on @GeneralHospital and Married with Children. Always one tough cookie. RIP Sonya Eddy/Epiphany - 2 years ago

@tazgams1: @lldubs @TheRealSonyaEd My heart is breaking for Sonya Eddy's family. Rest in Peace Sonya. We all love you and wi… - 2 years ago

@Amber06062012: RT @people: General Hospital Actress Sonya Eddy Dead at 55: 'The World Lost Another Creative Angel' - 2 years ago

@nickymb8: RT @David83823494: Sonya Eddy, star of 'General Hospital,' dead at 55 #FullyVaccinated #DiedSuddenly Dec 2022 💉💀 Eddy had appeared in seve… - 2 years ago

@clwallaceSR: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@tayyydizzle_: RT @ThisThirsty: We are 💔 tonight learning of the passing of Sonya Eddy. We all remember her from Seinfeld playing "Rebecca DeMornay." We w… - 2 years ago

@Jacquel17980966: RT @YNB: The official announcement makes it real. 😔 @TheRealSonyaEd was my friend & I am heart-broken by this news. Nothing lately feels… - 2 years ago

@HarriDicht: Stumphs Stumphs Stumphs Sonya Eddy Wells Fargo settles with CFPB over consumer abuses - 2 years ago

@ruthellaowens: 'General Hospital' Actress Sonya Eddy Dead at 55: 'The World Lost Another Creative Angel'… - 2 years ago

@ruthellaowens: - 2 years ago

@VoiceOfPopulli: Sonya Eddy, star of 'General Hospital,' dead at 55 💉🪦👀 #FullyVaccinated #DiedSuddenly (December 2022) (Source (… - 2 years ago

@ECURadioGuy: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@Bazothise: RT @CheckerFack: @DrJamesOlsson - 2 years ago

@NezziShy: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@GHfan1122: RT @YNB: The official announcement makes it real. 😔 @TheRealSonyaEd was my friend & I am heart-broken by this news. Nothing lately feels… - 2 years ago

@ABC7NY: 'General Hospital' actress Sonya Eddy dies at 55 - 2 years ago

@ClaypoolTanyce: RT @blackinfonet: #SonyaEddy, a longtime star on ABC's General Hospital, has passed away at the age of 55. Rest In Peace. 🕊️❤️ 📰: - 2 years ago

@WALBNews10: Eddy joined the cast of “General Hospital” in 2006 and was best known for her role as Epiphany Johnson. - 2 years ago

@MagnoliaMama56: RT @SourceRyan: Sonya Eddy had a beautiful voice and was given the chance to showcase it through her role as Epiphany Johnson. Here is one… - 2 years ago

@TristanLudlow10: RT @TheInsiderPaper: JUST IN 🚨 American actress Sonya Eddy dead at 55 - 2 years ago

@spg525: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Actress Sonya Eddy, TV Soap Opera Star, DEAD at 55... "Passed away"... - TVLine - 2 years ago

@rjgbass: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@MagnoliaMama56: RT @KellyHart193: RIP Sonya Eddy you are gone you will never be forgotten #SonyaEddy - 2 years ago

@__rashad: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@MagnoliaMama56: RT @AsubontengJoan: RIP Sonya Eddy. 😭😭 A magnificient actress for #GH #GeneralHospital. She will be truly missed by myself & many others a… - 2 years ago

@MagnoliaMama56: RT @theycallmeMr_G: My heart is shattered!!! RIP Sonya Eddy!! 💔💔 - 2 years ago

@charlybrwn134: - 2 years ago

@RutkowskiDr: - 2 years ago

@honestabes: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@BKlaeren: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@ItsJustMeShanae: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@NickKnipe: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@Lola90704005: RT @sarahjoybrown: 😓 Sonya Eddy was truly one of the greatest people you could ever know. Fiercely talented & loyal, funny as all hell. Her… - 2 years ago

@Tvchica: RT @MuzzikLvr: RIP Sonya Eddy. Loved her as #EpiphanyJohnson on General Hospital...especially during the Nurses Ball. She also made a memor… - 2 years ago

@Jrosplizzy: RT @imsonjaannjones: I am so sad to hear that Sonya Eddy has passed away. I had the opportunity to not only work with her on GH but spend… - 2 years ago

@Tvchica: RT @TVMomentKing: SONYA EDDY 💔 Epiphany Johnson #GH #GeneralHospital #SonyaEddy #EpiphanyJohnson #AllMyChildren #AMC #OneLifeToLive #OLT… - 2 years ago

@DquanHarvey: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@TVMusicNetwork: TVMusic Network Remembers ‘General Hospital’s’ Sonya Eddy: - 2 years ago

@jwmahn: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@froboys: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@Tvchica: RT @TonyTheeG: Such a powerful scene between Carly (Laura Wright) and Epiphany (Sonya Eddy)--this episode aired just over a year ago! #RIPS… - 2 years ago

@Kctimeteller: Soap Opera Digest: GH Stars React To The Death Of Sonya Eddy. via @GoogleNews - 2 years ago

@Khazakibunzo: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@psowill: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@ELS6465: RT @blackinfonet: #SonyaEddy, a longtime star on ABC's General Hospital, has passed away at the age of 55. Rest In Peace. 🕊️❤️ 📰: - 2 years ago

@eldiandevil: RT @ChristnaHuffman: This one hurts. Another talented angel gone too soon . RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@cubschamps89: RT @mattrett: RIP Sonya Eddy, one of a dwindling number of memorable guest stars on "Seinfeld" — and she did it twice. - 2 years ago

@katycat248: RT @MauraSull: A beautiful voice to match a beautiful soul. RIP Sonya Eddy - 2 years ago

@sanaaorr1: B̶r̶e̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶G̶'v̶e̶'A̶w̶a̶y̶ Kimer #MyYearOnXbox Schönen Abend Steuern Frankrijk #GiftRTX Jared Kushner バイオレンス… - 2 years ago

@SoapOperaNewss: RT @TENTVEntNews: The two played on-screen lovers on #GeneralHospital, #DrewCheetwood pens heartfelt tribute to #SonyaEddy #GH #Milo #Epiph… - 2 years ago

@IsThatBigD: RT @TMZ: Sonya Eddy, known for her work on "General Hospital," has died ... according to her pal Octavia Spencer. - 2 years ago

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