Sonny Fox

American disc jockey (Sirius XM
Died on Saturday August 15th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Sonny Fox:

@peat_e: @katelomas3 @Thinker_Fox I was at Charlton and Wembley for Joni, The Band CSNY etc. And Bad Co and Rory G, on conse… - 5 years ago

@ambersimm01: @SciFiPainter @Thinker_Fox That’s such a hard question. It’s difficult to pick just one though some favourites were… - 5 years ago

@David4242: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73(via @Pocket) - 5 years ago

@Sonny_Crockett9: RT @EricTrump: The media (minus Fox) totally ignores this fraud. They know this is happening but turn a blind eye as they are in the pocke… - 5 years ago


@Saltpeanuts7: @Thinker_Fox Difficult. Sonny Rollins I think. - 5 years ago

@PresidentDEC: @SonnieJohnson Sonny, I watch Fox and CNN. Both are opinion networks, It just so happens to be that Fox makes more… - 5 years ago

@mponemon: @MisterBigfoot @Franksantopadre @SyntaxWhiplash @yashar @RealGilbertACP @RealGilbert @neilsedaka @larrycharlesism S… - 5 years ago

@marccoppola: Want to give my condolences to Jeff Levine's family and friends. Passed this week of a heart attack. Way too young… - 5 years ago

@coperocks: Want to give my condolences to Jeff Levine's family and friends. Passed this week of a heart attack. Way too young… - 5 years ago

@AJCRAIGH: @SyntaxWhiplash @MisterBigfoot @yashar @RealGilbertACP @Franksantopadre @RealGilbert Sonny Fox, Neil Sadaka or, hel… - 5 years ago

@trumps_goat_: @DonaldJTrumpJr If you can do coke before going on Fox, you probably shouldn't. Go check on Sonny, wouldja? #TrumpCrimeFamily - 5 years ago

@SimonDingleyCBC: RT @1236: R.I.P. Sonny Fox: a player in the corporatization of FM rock radio turned Florida morning fixture turned XM Radio comedy DJ — bef… - 5 years ago

@SimonDingleyCBC: RT @scotturner: Just read in @BroadcastDialog that Sonny Fox - on air name "Johnny Mitchell" just died days ago from liver failure. Great j… - 5 years ago

@trumps_goat_: @EricTrump Love the crazed coke head look you've been bringing to those Fox spots, Sonny! #TrumpCrimeFamily - 5 years ago

@mariamarsala: Soupy Sales, Sonny Fox, Chuck McCann - 5 years ago

@GiglioSuzanne: @DNC Listening to Fox News after the convention. It's time to call Trump a thug. Trump knows how to play dirty. Ver… - 5 years ago

@BroadcastDialog: In our latest Sign Offs column, former CHUM Toronto midday host Sonny Fox; longtime Toronto Star columnist and TVO… - 5 years ago

@davidlaurenzo: FOOTY & RON REMEMBER AND HONOR SONNY FOX - 5 years ago

@scotturner: Just read in @BroadcastDialog that Sonny Fox - on air name "Johnny Mitchell" just died days ago from liver failure.… - 5 years ago

@Stengelese52: @rosannascotto Was that with Sonny Fox? - 5 years ago

@jasonpjfan: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@jasonpjfan: RT @BIG1059FM: Beloved Miami radio personality, Sonny Fox, has passed away at the age of 73. A legend 😢 - 5 years ago

@KayeWeb03522569: RT @trumps_goat_: @EricTrump But how DO you decide how much coke is enough coke before your Fox appearance, Sonny? #TrumpCrimeFamily - 5 years ago

@trumps_goat_: @EricTrump But how DO you decide how much coke is enough coke before your Fox appearance, Sonny? #TrumpCrimeFamily - 5 years ago

@southflarchives: RT @WolfsonArchives: Today we're remembering Sonny Fox, heard on South Florida radio stations WSHE 103.5 FM, WHYI Y-100.7 FM, Majic 102.7 F… - 5 years ago

@ProudCaliLibs: @4WinnersUSA @nypost This began many years ago, as white Republicans shut down (segregated) all blacks from partici… - 5 years ago

@abpryor: @TonyBalbone @sternshow You know, Sonny Fox is a totally different guy. - 5 years ago

@higiiq: People showed up at the home of a New York Times photographer after Tucker Carlson named him on Fox News, according… - 5 years ago

@thesharkdeck: Was Louis C.K. heckled at Chappelle's Show? - 5 years ago

@DCNpod: 📣 New Podcast! "Was Louis C.K. heckled at Chappelle's Show?" on @Spreaker - 5 years ago

@KZSCspins: Sonny Terry - Run Away Woman (Hootin' the Blues) (Fox Chase) - 5 years ago

@JeremyLoper: You guys remember, Sonny Fox? Sonny would be on every morning as my mom & I were on the ride to school. He was one… - 5 years ago

@sgreg_10891: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@sgreg_10891: RT @WolfsonArchives: Today we're remembering Sonny Fox, heard on South Florida radio stations WSHE 103.5 FM, WHYI Y-100.7 FM, Majic 102.7 F… - 5 years ago

@SoFlBigDog: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@TheDeniseFolsom: RT @southflorida: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@markeesham0524: RT @1035TheBEAT: A Beloved Miami radio personality, Sonny Fox, has passed away at the age of 73. Read more about Sonny here: - 5 years ago

@WIOD: Beloved Miami radio personality, Sonny Fox, has passed away at the age of 73. Read more about the life of Sonny Fox - 5 years ago

@1035TheBEAT: A Beloved Miami radio personality, Sonny Fox, has passed away at the age of 73. Read more about Sonny here:… - 5 years ago

@BIG1059FM: Beloved Miami radio personality, Sonny Fox, has passed away at the age of 73. A legend 😢 - 5 years ago

@FlaFan: RT @WolfsonArchives: Today we're remembering Sonny Fox, heard on South Florida radio stations WSHE 103.5 FM, WHYI Y-100.7 FM, Majic 102.7 F… - 5 years ago

@JackShellRadio: @TuddleOnRadio @HowardStern @SIRIUSXM @NeilRogersRadio I heard that segment today and was loving it. I grew up with… - 5 years ago

@silmoonbard: RT @CatsShelf: Sonny Prairy Fox Books Ottawa #bookstorecats #catboxsunday - 5 years ago

@JackShellRadio: Successful air talent are always prepping and working and obsessing over the next show and spend hours before they… - 5 years ago

@TuddleOnRadio: @Shaun__Keating @NeilRogersRadio @UpTopTimmy @JimmyCR1124 Joe mentioned Neil this morning while talking about Sonny Fox’s passing - 5 years ago

@RonHersey: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@Totally939Miami: Beloved Miami radio personality, Sonny Fox, has passed away at the age of 73. 😢 - 5 years ago

@Lightspeed2slow: @italiazuri @sternshow @shalomshuli @HowardStern Sonny Fox...Sonny Fox...Sonny Fox...Sonny Fox.. - 5 years ago

@radio1975: RT @InsideRadio: Former Longtime South Florida Radio Personality Sonny Fox Dies. | - 5 years ago

@InsideRadio: Former Longtime South Florida Radio Personality Sonny Fox Dies. | - 5 years ago

@sleepingkoala45: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73… - 5 years ago

@SteveGosset: Excellent obit in @MiamiHerald from Howard Cohen on South FL radio legend Sonny Fox. - 5 years ago

@Lu666Cifer: RT @TuddleOnRadio: It is cool that @HowardStern acknowledges on his platform @SIRIUSXM fellow radio legends like Sonny Fox and @NeilRogersR… - 5 years ago

@EditionMetro: Not only does/did Sonny Fox voice a lot of SiriusXM imaging......but he was a great, albeit brief, host on XM's Dee… - 5 years ago

@JackShellRadio: Stern just said that guys with big voices like Sonny Fox’ were gold and a license to print money. Yes, we used to b… - 5 years ago

@ethantremblay20: @sternshow @HowardStern @SIRIUSXM Smart move not promoting today's show. This is awful. Sonny fox & A.G.T memory la… - 5 years ago

@itzstewart1: RT @TuddleOnRadio: It is cool that @HowardStern acknowledges on his platform @SIRIUSXM fellow radio legends like Sonny Fox and @NeilRogersR… - 5 years ago

@JackShellRadio: Guys like this were idols to me. Radio used to mean something. You’ll never see a radio station produce a commercia… - 5 years ago

@NeilRogersRadio: RT @TuddleOnRadio: It is cool that @HowardStern acknowledges on his platform @SIRIUSXM fellow radio legends like Sonny Fox and @NeilRogersR… - 5 years ago

@MaraDavis: Just heard @HowardStern talking about Sonny Fox. In my first radio internship I used to answer phones for him. He… - 5 years ago

@TuddleOnRadio: RT @WolfsonArchives: Today we're remembering Sonny Fox, heard on South Florida radio stations WSHE 103.5 FM, WHYI Y-100.7 FM, Majic 102.7 F… - 5 years ago

@mangelmartin: RT @WolfsonArchives: Today we're remembering Sonny Fox, heard on South Florida radio stations WSHE 103.5 FM, WHYI Y-100.7 FM, Majic 102.7 F… - 5 years ago

@sanest_man: RT @WolfsonArchives: Today we're remembering Sonny Fox, heard on South Florida radio stations WSHE 103.5 FM, WHYI Y-100.7 FM, Majic 102.7 F… - 5 years ago

@WolfsonArchives: Today we're remembering Sonny Fox, heard on South Florida radio stations WSHE 103.5 FM, WHYI Y-100.7 FM, Majic 102.… - 5 years ago

@MarksFriggin: Today's Howard Stern Show: RIP Sonny Fox and Sumner Redstone - David Blaine's flying with balloons stunt - Water of… - 5 years ago

@JoeJohnsonOnAir: The national radio news coverage of #SonnyFox - 5 years ago

@TuddleOnRadio: It is cool that @HowardStern acknowledges on his platform @SIRIUSXM fellow radio legends like Sonny Fox and… - 5 years ago

@mcdradio: Sad to learn of the passing of Sonny Fox who built XM Comedy and was a major contributor to the combined SiriusXM C… - 5 years ago

@TMarinoWDBO: Sad news on #Monday morning MIAMI and PHILADELPHIA radio icon SONNY FOX passes at 73, Fox dominated morning radio a… - 5 years ago

@flsunman: @bobbyisawake I'm not sure if you heard but just saw in #SunSentinel Sonny Fox passed away. - 5 years ago

@BIG1059FM: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@RAMPMediaInc: A big issue to kick off the week, featuring Lady Gaga, Melony Torres, Matty Jeff, The Mightier 1090, "DeadAir Denni… - 5 years ago

@HighlandRadio1: #FollowUs @HighlandRadio1 #NewsLine - Miami & Philly Radio Legend Sonny Fox Passes On At Age 73 Following - AL… - 5 years ago

@partneredprog: Miami & Philly Radio Legend Sonny Fox Passes On At Age 73 Following A Long Illness - 5 years ago

@BrianCraigShow: #Radio Legend #SonnyFox Has Died! 1st time I was on the Radio was as a caller to his show on #Y100 in 1980-someth… - 5 years ago

@JaceyWPLG: Sonny Fox, South Florida radio deejay for decades, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@johnford: @julieonthemic Speaking of bumming out, did you see that Sonny Fox died? - 5 years ago

@JenTromans: RIP Sonny Fox I used to listen to Sonny Fox on WSHE 103.5 FM on my boom box and my Walkman and Magic 102.7 FM in my… - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Sonny Fox - Jay Walker - (November 1, 1946 – August 14, 2020)  - 5 years ago

@ForeverTena: RIP Sonny Fox. #iykyk #miamilegend - 5 years ago

@fanphxsuns: @PaulCastronovo Sorry to hear that. Sonny Fox was legendary when I was growing up in South Florida. He had a perfect radio voice. - 5 years ago

@RobArcher: Sonny Fox was my morning staple when I was in high school. We'd hooked up our stereos to the TV aerial so we could… - 5 years ago

@RAMPMediaInc: Remembering Sonny Fox - 5 years ago

@PaulBacon30: #SonnyFox, #SouthFlorida radio deejay for decades, dies at 73 #SonnyintheMorning #RIPSonnyintheMorning #RIPSonnyFox - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Sonny Fox Death – Dead :  Sonny Fox Obituary : Florida Radio Legend Passed Away.  - 5 years ago

@ikoo1: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@AlexanderNewsSh: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@IVANROMERO63: Murió famoso DJ del sur de Florida Sonny Fox - 5 years ago

@miami_diario: Murió famoso DJ del sur de Florida Sonny Fox - 5 years ago

@nuevaondacuba: Sonny Fox R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@1236: RT @1236: R.I.P. Sonny Fox: a player in the corporatization of FM rock radio turned Florida morning fixture turned XM Radio comedy DJ — bef… - 5 years ago

@MADEINU34619194: Man, 2020 sucks, loved this guy - 5 years ago

@Gaxophone: @1236 I get the joke, but... Sonny Fox is a cooler DJ handle than Johnny Mitchell! - 5 years ago

@MichaelCrosnick: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@venezuelaaldia: Murió famoso DJ del sur de Florida Sonny Fox - 5 years ago

@1236: R.I.P. Sonny Fox: a player in the corporatization of FM rock radio turned Florida morning fixture turned XM Radio c… - 5 years ago

@Sonny__Dakota: RT @EricColumbus: Who wants to tell Fox News what happened to the Spanish Armada? - 5 years ago

@Sonny__Dakota: RT @existentialfish: So a Fox host compared a Trump boat parade to the Spanish armada - 5 years ago

@djconn: RT @CatsShelf: Sonny Prairy Fox Books Ottawa #bookstorecats #catboxsunday - 5 years ago

@CutlerRidgeLAZ: Very sad news to wake up to. Sonny Fox was a familiar voice for me growing up in Miami. #RIP Disc Jockey🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@IrishMaga: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 Legend. #SonnyFoxRIP - 5 years ago

@CaliCatWwoman: RT @CatsShelf: Sonny Prairy Fox Books Ottawa #bookstorecats #catboxsunday - 5 years ago

@Eilearan: RT @CatsShelf: Sonny Prairy Fox Books Ottawa #bookstorecats #catboxsunday - 5 years ago

@southflorida: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73… - 5 years ago

@CatsShelf: Sonny Prairy Fox Books Ottawa #bookstorecats #catboxsunday - 5 years ago

@RemodThe: Rest In Paradise, Sonny Fox...🤦🏽‍♂️ - 5 years ago

@ComishWeinroth: Longtime South Florida radio fixture Sonny Fox dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@RobertWeinroth: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@izafoodie: South Florida DJ Sonny Fox Dead At 73 - Deerfield-News.comSouth Florida DJ Sonny Fox Dead At...… - 5 years ago

@Kentucky_Col: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@sonny_seuny: RT @BrickWallJamieF: FOX's fake crowd is disrespectful to the cutouts #FreeTheCutouts #EndFOXFakeCrowd - 5 years ago

@Lu666Cifer: RT @NeilRogersRadio: "Hi, this is Sonny Fox. I listen to Neil Rogers cause I can hear the word asshole." - Sonny Fox #RIP - 5 years ago

@jujuqbanbabe: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@MichaelSakowicz: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@KkruegerWPLG: Sonny Fox, South Florida radio deejay for decades, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@whitboyskader: RT @WPLGLocal10: FAREWELL, SONNY: A recognizable voice on South Florida radio for decades passed away Friday. - 5 years ago

@blackholetalos: RT @WSHETRIBUTE: He dedicated his life to making people laugh One of the best in the radio biz. Rest In Peace Sonny Fox and thank you for… - 5 years ago

@blackholetalos: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@blackholetalos: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@blackholetalos: RT @JoeJohnsonOnAir: Legendary Miami radio jock Sonny Fox, dead at 69. I worked with Sonny at Majic 102.7 for about 10 years. Most recently… - 5 years ago

@blackholetalos: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@comeseesoflo: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73… - 5 years ago

@ultramanflyer60: RT @Ajbranca1: @ultramanflyer60 I'm 50 now I trained Sonny Milano ,CBJ,also Charlie Mccavoy,Bruins, Jeremy Bracco,hes on The Marleys They a… - 5 years ago

@Ajbranca1: @ultramanflyer60 I'm 50 now I trained Sonny Milano ,CBJ,also Charlie Mccavoy,Bruins, Jeremy Bracco,hes on The Marle… - 5 years ago

@jdarindarst: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@MattGeorgeMoore: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 #SonnyInTheMorning - 5 years ago

@joelpanetta: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@robenfarzad: You click a link on the page of the (S. Florida) Sun-Sentinel. The story gives you a few grafs, but completes at th… - 5 years ago

@wholetruthy: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@bahlerknd: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@angiefp_12: RT @WPLGLocal10: FAREWELL, SONNY: A recognizable voice on South Florida radio for decades passed away Friday. - 5 years ago

@LouisWPLG: Sonny Fox, South Florida radio deejay for decades, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@fonsicibeira: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@CBoomerVazquez: RT @WPLGLocal10: FAREWELL, SONNY: A recognizable voice on South Florida radio for decades passed away Friday. - 5 years ago

@RadioRory: RT @WPLGLocal10: FAREWELL, SONNY: A recognizable voice on South Florida radio for decades passed away Friday. - 5 years ago

@TU_Classyfied: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@haerleeDisk: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@TearsaSmith: For my Miami peeps: Sonny Fox, South Florida radio deejay for decades, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@RealJMSFLORIDA: RT @WPLGLocal10: FAREWELL, SONNY: A recognizable voice on South Florida radio for decades passed away Friday. - 5 years ago

@WPLGLocal10: FAREWELL, SONNY: A recognizable voice on South Florida radio for decades passed away Friday. - 5 years ago

@Don10bigd: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@ccirsgnotis: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@wainjoe: Rock on Sonny Fox... 📻 - 5 years ago

@4BillLewis: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@philkept: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@PrettyGoodIdeas: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@countrydarts: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@p2khayes: RT @SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@SunSentinel: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of South Florida radio fans, dies at 73… - 5 years ago

@JoeJohnsonOnAir: @PhilFerro7 Don't know about the comic strip, Phil, but a lot of people used to get the Miami Sonny confused with t… - 5 years ago

@JoeJohnsonOnAir: Sonny Fox and Ron Hersey, one hour of their morning show, July 1995. #RIPSonnyFox Miami radio legend. - 5 years ago

@hawk954: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@g_godsmack77: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@vrp2003: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@Swdres: @gregbudell Was sorry to see one of your South Florida radio buddies Sonny Fox passed. When I first came down to SF… - 5 years ago

@davidlasseter: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@NeilRogersRadio: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@jankev83: RT @WSHETRIBUTE: Sonny Fox, one of South Florida’s most amazing radio talents has passed, he went peacefully after battling a long illness… - 5 years ago

@chickenfat1439: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@lockhart_jesse: RT @Betterduck: RIP Sonny Fox. Tremendous voice. - 5 years ago

@William70857631: @ViktoryOfLight Red lines have been drawn. Get this guy! Sonny [fox] Barker and freinds Lets make a deal..#NO_DEALS… - 5 years ago

@WSHETRIBUTE: He dedicated his life to making people laugh One of the best in the radio biz. Rest In Peace Sonny Fox and thank y… - 5 years ago

@sfdb: RIP Sonny Fox. Back in the day, part of being a South Floridian was listening to Sonny Fox and "Sonny in the Mornin… - 5 years ago

@deebats: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@jasonpjfan: RT @PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@PaulCastronovo: Damn. One of my radio heroes. Obituary: South Florida radio DJ Sonny Fox dies at 73 | Miami Herald - 5 years ago

@fsutoby: RT @JoeJohnsonOnAir: Legendary Miami radio jock Sonny Fox, dead at 69. I worked with Sonny at Majic 102.7 for about 10 years. Most recently… - 5 years ago

@mjhart: RT @JoeJohnsonOnAir: Legendary Miami radio jock Sonny Fox, dead at 69. I worked with Sonny at Majic 102.7 for about 10 years. Most recently… - 5 years ago

@RAMPMediaInc: RT @JoeJohnsonOnAir: Legendary Miami radio jock Sonny Fox, dead at 69. I worked with Sonny at Majic 102.7 for about 10 years. Most recently… - 5 years ago

@northwind1ndn: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@MACKONTHERADIO: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@NeilRogersRadio: I believe that was correct. I recall they auditioned a few replacements. Listen to this recovered clip and decide… - 5 years ago

@EileenSharkey: RT @JoeJohnsonOnAir: Legendary Miami radio jock Sonny Fox, dead at 69. I worked with Sonny at Majic 102.7 for about 10 years. Most recently… - 5 years ago

@EileenSharkey: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@johnnylouey: RIP Sonny Fox. Reposted from flashbacksouthflorida SO SAD TO HEAR OF THE PASSING OF SONNY FOX!!! RIP!!! So many of… - 5 years ago

@ConnorShipton2: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@VictorPearl6: @MiamiHerald I recall a Sonny Fox who hosted a kids game show in the 1960s, but maybe it was his father...? - 5 years ago

@fredbarger: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sonny Fox, you will be missed - #SonnyFox #Sonny #Fox #rip - 5 years ago

@mdlmer: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@ldec12: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@realFlaTalkLead: RIP Sonny Fox... Longtime SoFla radio personality... Sonny Fox - The Mooning (1987) - 5 years ago

@frdrsjr: RT @NeilRogersRadio: Look what we recovered. Y100 Sonny Fox - The Mooning (1987) #RIP Sonny Fox - 5 years ago

@frdrsjr: RT @NeilRogersRadio: Y100 Miami's Sonny Fox on ESPN 1986 #RIP Sonny - 5 years ago

@frdrsjr: RT @JoeJohnsonOnAir: Legendary Miami radio jock Sonny Fox, dead at 69. I worked with Sonny at Majic 102.7 for about 10 years. Most recently… - 5 years ago

@HowardCohen: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@frdrsjr: RT @NeilRogersRadio: "Hi, this is Sonny Fox. I listen to Neil Rogers cause I can hear the word asshole." - Sonny Fox #RIP - 5 years ago

@frdrsjr: RT @ebcinpa: RIP Sonny Fox(on right). Teamed with Bob Leonard on the popular Fox and Leonard morning show on 94 WYSP in the 70s. - 5 years ago

@frdrsjr: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@AccidentProdUSA: RT @bburgeric: Bummed out this morning to hear that Sonny Fox has passed away. Longtime legendary South Florida DJ. As a kid growing up in… - 5 years ago

@LenCollins: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@realFlaTalkLead: RT @bburgeric: Bummed out this morning to hear that Sonny Fox has passed away. Longtime legendary South Florida DJ. As a kid growing up in… - 5 years ago

@mwade69: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@jeffkleinman: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@Phoenice_: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@alcobaj1: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@PLatchman: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

@GulfAtlanticInd: RT @MiamiHerald: Sonny Fox, who was ‘Sonny in the Morning’ for decades of Miami radio fans, dies at 73 - 5 years ago

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