Solomon Levy

Gibraltarian politician
Died on Thursday December 22nd 2016

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Solomon Levy:

@pimmfox: RT @YiddishProject: Remembering Solomon Levy, a Rock in Gibraltar's Jewish Community - 8 years ago

@Gibraltar_Mike: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@matthew_turnock: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@team_britannia: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago


@Iskeptic_ru: Remembering Solomon Levy, a Rock in Gibraltar's Community - 8 years ago

@ByrneSeamus: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@llanita84: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@DJDiaz88: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@SuptRUllger: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@EdreyesEdwin: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@LlanitoPol: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@El_Robert1969: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@Jay_vic_gib: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@rdbenaim: In memory of Momy Levy: proud Gibraltarian, family man, and Jew - - 8 years ago

@gabi_rothschild: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@LibpartyGib: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@InfoGibraltar: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@heike_schormann: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@JMAagency: Remembering Solomon Levy - a rock in Gibraltar's Jewish Community #SolomonLevy #Gibraltar - 8 years ago

@johnbolack: RT @tabletmag: Levy had smile that could illuminate the whole of #Gibraltar, the rock that Jews called home for centuries. - 8 years ago

@RUN_Solomon: [TopFriends] @dCerulean @datmagi @RUN_Levy @RUN_YusaEmi @Run_Keia via - 8 years ago

@boullevortal: "One of Gibraltar’s best known personalities has passed away. Estate agent and former Mayor, Solomon ‘Momy’ Levy,... - 8 years ago

@aayers324: @RealBenCarson #foundHUD 2Chron24 10-13ctyBC Levy due fm Israel pd 4 infra. repair to temple King Solomon blt & tax for maint of tabernacle - 8 years ago

@robertstark91: RT @YourGibraltarTV: YGTV has just heard the sad news that Solomon "Momy" Levy has passed away. Momy was 80 years old. Our condolences to h… - 8 years ago

@christinuviel: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@johnblinares: Solomon Momy Levy has died, so a little bit of Gibraltar has died with him, but he lives on in our hearts, minds and memories. Rest in peace - 8 years ago

@alsoldelacosta: RT @Acedotor: Falleció en Gibraltar el histórico Solomon "Momy" Levy, primer alcalde cívico de la Roca - 8 years ago

@alsoldelacosta: RT @Acedotor: Falleció en #Gibraltar el histórico Solomon “Momy” Levy, 1º alcalde cívico de la Roca - 8 years ago

@cuquita1982: RT @Acedotor: Falleció en Gibraltar el histórico Solomon "Momy" Levy, primer alcalde cívico de la Roca - 8 years ago

@cuquita1982: RT @Acedotor: Falleció en #Gibraltar el histórico Solomon “Momy” Levy, 1º alcalde cívico de la Roca - 8 years ago

@TriWidow: So sorry to hear of the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy, who set an example the world needs now more than ever. - 8 years ago

@rockgibraltar: RT @unitedcwsociety: Condolences to people of Gibraltar 🇬🇮 . Solomon "Momy" Levy 1936-2016 RIP #gib - 8 years ago

@NyreenLlamas: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@Ginalou45: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@TimesofGib: Rock mourns death of Gibraltar’s first civic mayor Solomon ‘Momy’ Levy - 8 years ago

@GibraltarOPress: #gibraltarolivepress Rock mourns death of Gibraltar's first civic mayor Solomon 'Momy' Levy - 8 years ago

@InfoGibraltar: RT @Acedotor: Falleció en #Gibraltar el histórico Solomon “Momy” Levy, 1º alcalde cívico de la Roca - 8 years ago

@Ally_Fraser: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@LlanitoPol: RT @unitedcwsociety: Condolences to people of Gibraltar 🇬🇮 . Solomon "Momy" Levy 1936-2016 RIP #gib - 8 years ago

@LlanitoPol: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@pizzaman21: RT @unitedcwsociety: Condolences to people of Gibraltar 🇬🇮 . Solomon "Momy" Levy 1936-2016 RIP #gib - 8 years ago

@cknock: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@JonScottGib: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 13 635) #Solomon #Momy #Levy #Gibraltar 's #first #civic #mayor #dies #December 20, 2016 #aged 80 - 8 years ago

@GibLad2015: "One thing I've always been very proud of, and that is of being a Gibraltarian . . . we are special people." - 8 years ago

@GibLad2015: "One thing I've always been very proud of, and that is of being a Gibraltarian . . . we are special people."... - 8 years ago

@SIRSINT: RT @unitedcwsociety: Condolences to people of Gibraltar 🇬🇮 . Solomon "Momy" Levy 1936-2016 RIP #gib - 8 years ago

@johnjameshazell: Legend is thrown around a lot these days however Mr. Solomon Levy you were a true Gibraltar Legend. Rest In Peace good sir and thank you. 🙏 - 8 years ago

@DanielNBorge: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@GibLad2015: RT @YourGibraltarTV: YGTV has just heard the sad news that Solomon "Momy" Levy has passed away. Momy was 80 years old. Our condolences to h… - 8 years ago

@Acedotor: Falleció en #Gibraltar el histórico Solomon “Momy” Levy, 1º alcalde cívico de la Roca - 8 years ago

@JamesGLasry: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@Acedotor: Falleció en Gibraltar el histórico Solomon "Momy" Levy, primer alcalde cívico de la Roca - 8 years ago

@Atajate71: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@key2med: RT @unitedcwsociety: Condolences to people of Gibraltar 🇬🇮 . Solomon "Momy" Levy 1936-2016 RIP #gib - 8 years ago

@lacallereal_: Desde esta redacción mostramos nuestro más sentido pésame. Gibraltar La Línea de la Concepción - 8 years ago

@El_Robert1969: RT @unitedcwsociety: Condolences to people of Gibraltar 🇬🇮 . Solomon "Momy" Levy 1936-2016 RIP #gib - 8 years ago

@jessjewlry: RT @unitedcwsociety: Condolences to people of Gibraltar 🇬🇮 . Solomon "Momy" Levy 1936-2016 RIP #gib - 8 years ago

@JonnyMor: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@IvanAlman: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@StuartMenez: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@LlanitoPol: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@ALizziehow33: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@DJDiaz88: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@jessjewlry: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@Joe__Barker: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@BennyBiddulph: Thoughts and prayers go to the family of Solomon Levy and to the people of Gibraltar, so saddened to hear of his passing! @GibraltarGov - 8 years ago

@stevenbeech2: Thoughts are with the family and friends of Solomon Levy, a wonderful man and proud Gibraltarian. - 8 years ago

@HM79Gib: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@HM79Gib: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@LibpartyGib: RT @YourGibraltarTV: YGTV has just heard the sad news that Solomon "Momy" Levy has passed away. Momy was 80 years old. Our condolences to h… - 8 years ago

@NicholasHoward_: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@IsabellaGib: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@unitedcwsociety: Condolences to people of Gibraltar 🇬🇮 . Solomon "Momy" Levy 1936-2016 RIP #gib - 8 years ago

@iantiti: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@moonsparrot: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@El_Robert1969: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@stevenbeech2: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@tsantos1: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@AMStruggles: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@AMStruggles: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@AMStruggles: RT @YourGibraltarTV: YGTV has just heard the sad news that Solomon "Momy" Levy has passed away. Momy was 80 years old. Our condolences to h… - 8 years ago

@Hoddy1982: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@key2med: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@StevenLinares4: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@pizzaman21: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Solomon Levy, Gibraltarian politician, Died at 80 - 8 years ago

@lalineadigital: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

@Atajate71: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

@WilliamGib: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@WilliamGib: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@nabgomez: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

@elnorton: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@EstrellaBLopez: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Solomon Levy, you will be missed - #SolomonLevy #Solomon #Levy #rip - 8 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Solomon Levy, 80, Gibraltarian politician, Mayor of Gibraltar (2008–2009). - 8 years ago

@dannyfeetham: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@DougBalestrino: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@KaelanJoyce: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@Jay_vic_gib: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@EdreyesEdwin: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@bon_the_one: RT @GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@selwynf: RT @gibraltarlaw: Hassans will be closed tomorrow (23.12.16) due to the passing of Solomon "Momy" Levy MBE of blessed memory. - 8 years ago

@GBCNewsroom: Solomon "Momy" Levy, Gibraltar's first civic mayor, passes away aged 80... - 8 years ago

@Brianp56: RT @YourGibraltarTV: YGTV has just heard the sad news that Solomon "Momy" Levy has passed away. Momy was 80 years old. Our condolences to h… - 8 years ago

@AdamGolt: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@AlbertLoddo: RT @EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@Tony457s: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

@BuildGibraltar: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

@EdreyesEdwin: RT @YourGibraltarTV: YGTV has just heard the sad news that Solomon "Momy" Levy has passed away. Momy was 80 years old. Our condolences to h… - 8 years ago

@EdreyesEdwin: RIP Captain Solomon Levy, Mayor Emeritus of Gibraltar. Till we meet again with The Almighty - 8 years ago

@El_Robert1969: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

@EdreyesEdwin: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

@HM79Gib: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

@podvaz: RT @GBCNewsroom: The funeral of Solomon 'Momy' levy, who died today, will take place at 9.30 tonight at the Jewish cemetery. - 8 years ago

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