Sirio Maccioni

Italian restaurateur and writer
Died on Monday April 20th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Sirio Maccioni:

@AmiconeDigital: Sirio Maccioni, famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@rdrews007: Revisiting lessons from Le Cirques SirioMaccioniPhoto: Astrid Stawiarz / GettyImagesLe Cirque is French for the cir… - 5 years ago

@EaterVegas: Legendary Le Cirque restaurateur Sirio Maccioni dies. - 5 years ago

@SMIBarry: Founder of New York’s famed Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - - 5 years ago


@SMIBarry: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - - 5 years ago

@InvisibleHand78: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@pagachey: #EconomieCirculaire | Les chuchotis du lundi : l'appel des 17, la révolte des humbles, sauvetage tout azimut, la so… - 5 years ago

@KarimLapenna: RT @FalcoRosso65: Se n'è andato, sei giorni fa, Sirio Maccioni da Montecatini Terme, titolare di Le Cirque a New York, uno dei grandi profe… - 5 years ago

@bizsolutionsvcs: RT @bizsolutionsvcs: Sirio Maccioni, the Legendary Restaurateur Behind New York’s Le Cirque, Dies at 88 ? - 5 years ago

@AmiconeDigital: Sirio Maccioni, famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@Tanya10049407: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@wonderraffa: Quando il mondo della ristorazione era un circo dove il cliente era il protagonista. Dopo la scomparsa di Sirio Mac… - 5 years ago

@TrumpSuperElite: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@intornoAlTempo: RT @FalcoRosso65: Se n'è andato, sei giorni fa, Sirio Maccioni da Montecatini Terme, titolare di Le Cirque a New York, uno dei grandi profe… - 5 years ago

@matitesbagliate: RT @FalcoRosso65: Se n'è andato, sei giorni fa, Sirio Maccioni da Montecatini Terme, titolare di Le Cirque a New York, uno dei grandi profe… - 5 years ago

@ChipCampbell: - 5 years ago

@FalcoRosso65: Se n'è andato, sei giorni fa, Sirio Maccioni da Montecatini Terme, titolare di Le Cirque a New York, uno dei grandi… - 5 years ago

@lydie_2Lorraine: RT @antoclerici: Addio a Sirio Maccioni un pioniere della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Lo incontrai giovanissima a NY nel suo mitico lo… - 5 years ago

@JennyO615: Enjoyed meeting Sirio and dining at Le Cirque 2000 he was a true original - 5 years ago

@DivyaSh90369861: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@Agrodolceit: Perché Sirio Maccioni era fondamentale - 5 years ago

@iolaann: RT @MarcusCooks: Sending my deepest condolences to the family of the legendary Sirio Maccioni. Sirio created the blueprint for fine dining… - 5 years ago

@news_zoro: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@tulisso: #food Il ricordo del @nytimes a #SirioMaccioni anima della ristorazione italiana negli Usa - 5 years ago

@NYMaggie212: Le Cirque’s Sirio Maccioni Was One of the Last Restaurateurs of a Bygone Era - 5 years ago

@iltirreno: Sirio Maccioni, storia del grande chef montecatinese in 5 ricette che hanno lasciato il segno 🖊 di @IreneArquint - 5 years ago

@dfastelli: Cinque ricette di Sirio Maccioni "in maniche di camicia" @IreneArquint - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Sirio MACCIONI (1932-2020), Italian restaurateur and author. Maccioni was known for Le Cirque, his award-wi… - 5 years ago

@zazoomblog: Le cinque ricette di Sirio Maccioni che hanno lasciato il segno - #cinque #ricette #Sirio #Maccioni - 5 years ago

@wandertrix: RT @Bellagio: Founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, was the epitome of “one of a kind,” leaving behind an extraordinary legacy. - 5 years ago

@PhillipFoss: A lesson and a story from the one amd only, Sirio Maccioni 🙌 - 5 years ago

@ImNoLady1: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Beccalilylee: RT @BouleyAtHome: “Sirio Maccioni: a founder of NY’s restaurant & hospitality arts, passion to please customers wishes, simple or prolific.… - 5 years ago

@DennisRedmont: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@EllenLV: RT @brockvegas3: "Once a month, I think it was the first Monday, Sirio Maccioni would walk behind the line, being real cool about it. He’d… - 5 years ago

@MHSConsultancy: Le Cirque Restaurant Founder Sirio Maccioni Dies Aged 88 - 5 years ago

@linw0918: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@IlVoloGold: RT @Carmen_GarciaRo: .@ilvolo dedicando "O sole mio" a Woody Allen y Sirio Maccioni, italiano célebre por su restaurante "Le Cirque" de Nue… - 5 years ago

@garibalditoday: RT @MarcusCooks: Sending my deepest condolences to the family of the legendary Sirio Maccioni. Sirio created the blueprint for fine dining… - 5 years ago

@ManzanaresBye: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Diane_Edwards26: RT @Carmen_GarciaRo: .@ilvolo dedicando "O sole mio" a Woody Allen y Sirio Maccioni, italiano célebre por su restaurante "Le Cirque" de Nue… - 5 years ago

@saperesapori: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, l'abile “domatore” de “Le Cirque” nel racconto dell'amico Gianni Mercatali -… - 5 years ago

@matthewkassel: “You know, when I die, I hope that is all they say about me: that I made it respectable to be a waiter.” - 5 years ago

@NYMaggie212: Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - 5 years ago

@marlenrdz16: RT @Carmen_GarciaRo: .@ilvolo dedicando "O sole mio" a Woody Allen y Sirio Maccioni, italiano célebre por su restaurante "Le Cirque" de Nue… - 5 years ago

@alil5he3p: - 5 years ago

@ericripertt: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@MHSConsultancy: Le Cirque Restaurant Founder Sirio Maccioni Dies Aged 88 - 5 years ago

@CydneeGreen: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1734) Farewell to Sirio Maccioni, the founder of the VIP restaurant "Le Cirque" in New York. h/t @LaurieS64123094 https:/… - 5 years ago

@yoshitys: RT @MarcusCooks: Sending my deepest condolences to the family of the legendary Sirio Maccioni. Sirio created the blueprint for fine dining… - 5 years ago

@LauraHennesse11: RT @kitchen5203: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@AmysandersonAmy: RT @kitchen5203: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@kitchen5203: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 1734) Farewell to Sirio Maccioni, the founder of the VIP restaurant "Le Cirque" in New York. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@Mac4McCarthy: RT @stevecuozzo: - 5 years ago

@CJNewYork: Remembering Sirio Maccioni of Le Cirque Restaurant - 5 years ago

@DinnerSinner: RT @MichelinGuideNY: "Remembering Sirio Maccioni of Le Cirque Restaurant" - 5 years ago

@DMandler: legend: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@MichelinGuideNY: "Remembering Sirio Maccioni of Le Cirque Restaurant" - 5 years ago

@KarenAndAndrew: RT @DanielBoulud: A true legend in our business has passed away. My heart and thoughts go to him and the Maccioni family in New York and Mo… - 5 years ago

@hospitality_irl: Le Cirque Restaurant Founder Sirio Maccioni Dies Aged 88 - 5 years ago

@GianDolceAngelo: RT @Carmen_GarciaRo: .@ilvolo dedicando "O sole mio" a Woody Allen y Sirio Maccioni, italiano célebre por su restaurante "Le Cirque" de Nue… - 5 years ago

@maleficaraquel: RT @Carmen_GarciaRo: .@ilvolo dedicando "O sole mio" a Woody Allen y Sirio Maccioni, italiano célebre por su restaurante "Le Cirque" de Nue… - 5 years ago

@PortiusPaula: RT @Carmen_GarciaRo: .@ilvolo dedicando "O sole mio" a Woody Allen y Sirio Maccioni, italiano célebre por su restaurante "Le Cirque" de Nue… - 5 years ago

@WineStopDTLA: Sirio Maccioni had a talent for making diners feel special, particularly the rich and famous, who flocked to… - 5 years ago

@Fansyrbd: RT @Carmen_GarciaRo: .@ilvolo dedicando "O sole mio" a Woody Allen y Sirio Maccioni, italiano célebre por su restaurante "Le Cirque" de Nue… - 5 years ago

@DarlasDating: RT @MarcusCooks: Sending my deepest condolences to the family of the legendary Sirio Maccioni. Sirio created the blueprint for fine dining… - 5 years ago

@ellesanto: RT @matteoguidi78: Ciao Sirio.....sei stato grande!!!! “Give the people what they want” #siriomaccioni #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NewYorkTimes… - 5 years ago

@MarcusCooks: Sending my deepest condolences to the family of the legendary Sirio Maccioni. Sirio created the blueprint for fine… - 5 years ago

@CamJanet: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@cookinexile: Legendary restaurateur Sirio Maccioni has passed away - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died a… - 5 years ago

@BouleyAtHome: RT @BouleyAtHome: “Sirio Maccioni: a founder of NY’s restaurant & hospitality arts, passion to please customers wishes, simple or prolific.… - 5 years ago

@Polizzi6: RT @elizabethblau1: Rick Moonen and Elizabeth Blau discuss Sirio Maccioni’s impact on Las Vegas. - 5 years ago

@Kyle2uSuccess: RT @LAMarketRealEst: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 #AdMePlease #networking #business #artif… - 5 years ago

@LAMarketRealEst: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 #AdMePlease #networking #business… - 5 years ago

@elizabethblau1: Rick Moonen and Elizabeth Blau discuss Sirio Maccioni’s impact on Las Vegas. - 5 years ago

@GlobeMetro: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@notfrendz: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@elettraVerrone: RT @ItalyinUS: Goodbye Sirio! Sirio Maccioni, the legendary Italian restaurateur in New York and founder of the iconic @LeCirqueNYC resta… - 5 years ago

@chefjld: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@TrevorRosenfels: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@brockvegas3: "Once a month, I think it was the first Monday, Sirio Maccioni would walk behind the line, being real cool about it… - 5 years ago

@ShulmanSays: On hearing of his passing, and recollecting that my very first “Diva Las Vegas” column for VEGAS had been about Sir… - 5 years ago

@DilettaCapor: RT @Carmen_GarciaRo: .@ilvolo dedicando "O sole mio" a Woody Allen y Sirio Maccioni, italiano célebre por su restaurante "Le Cirque" de Nue… - 5 years ago

@LAJOLLACRITIC4U: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@dzurovcik: - 5 years ago

@JoseLuis_14_68: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Di.. nytimes - News - Noticias - Bitcoin - CryptoCurrency… - 5 years ago

@leonoticias_: GENTE Y ESTILO | Sirio Maccioni era el responsable del restaurante Le Cirque, lugar de congregación de la flor y na… - 5 years ago


@WineSpiritMedia: Legendary Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dies #wine #spirits #winemarketing #spiritsmarketing - 5 years ago


@LasVegas_NV_USA: Rick Moonen and Elizabeth Blau discuss Sirio Maccioni’s impact on Las Vegas - 5 years ago

@jdoall: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@rickroberts20: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@wowawowa100: @nytimes Sirio Maccioni is died at 88 years in Italy. - 5 years ago

@AlexMar22677311: RT @latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@TheContact6: RT @umbertosmaila: Piango la scomparsa del caro amico Sirio #Maccioni una leggenda col suo ristorante #LeCirque di Ny frequentato da papi e… - 5 years ago

@SarasotaMermaid: RT @latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@JGreenImages: Italian restaurateur Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque in Manhattan, dies aged 88 after battle with… - 5 years ago

@beenapatel: RT @latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@sonyasteele: RT @latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@Fantast1Reality: RT @DanaDelany: We lost two NY Italian food powerhouses this week, Nina Balducci and Sirio Maccioni. May they be dining on white truffles a… - 5 years ago

@fromagefrait: RT @latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@MoBea: RT @latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@Mandelamen: RT @latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@LilDivaz1: RT @latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@latimes: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@IMFletcher99: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@naesheim: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@8alobo: RT @reformabmesa: El creador del afamado restaurante Le Cirque falleció a los 88 años de edad, sus enseñanzas y filosofía marcaron el rumbo… - 5 years ago

@CMar49: - 5 years ago

@austinruse: Great piece about a legendary time in Manhattan. “Requiem for Le Cirque's Sirio Maccioni, the Last King of The Din… - 5 years ago

@modareforma: RT @reformabmesa: El creador del afamado restaurante Le Cirque falleció a los 88 años de edad, sus enseñanzas y filosofía marcaron el rumbo… - 5 years ago

@carli_p: RT @reformabmesa: El creador del afamado restaurante Le Cirque falleció a los 88 años de edad, sus enseñanzas y filosofía marcaron el rumbo… - 5 years ago

@reformabmesa: El creador del afamado restaurante Le Cirque falleció a los 88 años de edad, sus enseñanzas y filosofía marcaron el… - 5 years ago

@Methos2010: RT @DanaDelany: We lost two NY Italian food powerhouses this week, Nina Balducci and Sirio Maccioni. May they be dining on white truffles a… - 5 years ago

@pete_wells: RT @brettmartin: I took a moment to revisit the late Sirio Maccioni's memoir, and our only meeting. - 5 years ago

@mariuyehara: RT @brettmartin: I took a moment to revisit the late Sirio Maccioni's memoir, and our only meeting. - 5 years ago

@ItaIiaSovrana: RT @Michele_Anzaldi: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, il ristoratore italiano di presidenti e divi americani - 5 years ago

@EdiriSunu: Founder of Le Cirque dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@brettmartin: I took a moment to revisit the late Sirio Maccioni's memoir, and our only meeting. - 5 years ago

@PatriotTom2020: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@GodspeedQQ: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@NRNonline: Founder of New York’s famed Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@RH_restaurant: Founder of New York’s famed Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@JoanneTarpon07: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@WSRestoAwards: Sirio Maccioni had a talent for making diners feel special, particularly the rich and famous, who flocked to former… - 5 years ago

@Arjunsaha98: Founder of Le Cirque dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@YANYUZHANG6: Founder of Le Cirque dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@angliru69: RT @robertsietsema: My farewell to Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@Thingsbyy: Founder of Le Cirque dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@BriyoSatya: Founder of Le Cirque dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@realnewspro: Founder of Le Cirque dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@mar74ensevilla: RT @MailOnline: Italian restaurateur Sirio Maccioni dies aged 88 after battle with Alzheimer's - 5 years ago

@joeking514: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@JohnMHenni2: RT @LionelMedia: Many people reading this eulogium will have no idea what it means. They will have no understanding of the time that is des… - 5 years ago

@CBeringher: RT @MailOnline: Italian restaurateur Sirio Maccioni dies aged 88 after battle with Alzheimer's - 5 years ago

@BouleyAtHome: RT @PageSixEmily: Sad news: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dies aged 88 - 5 years ago

@azcdining: Ialian restaurateur Sirio Maccioni, who opened the celebrated French restaurant Le Cirque and watched it grow into… - 5 years ago

@al3xcostin: Sirio Maccioni opened famed eatery Le Cirque dies Le Cirque opened in 1974 at the Mayfair Hotel. "We weren't gener… - 5 years ago

@GaiaGallese: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@gastromasa: New York’un efsanevi restoran işletmecilerinden Sirio Maccioni 88 yaşında hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@john_slotkin: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@beyondthedash: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies. #siriomaccioni #Obituary - 5 years ago

@andersonsangela: RT @MailOnline: Italian restaurateur Sirio Maccioni dies aged 88 after battle with Alzheimer's - 5 years ago

@ken_garrison: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@MailOnline: Italian restaurateur Sirio Maccioni dies aged 88 after battle with Alzheimer's - 5 years ago

@trmatthews: Sirio Maccioni had a talent for making diners feel special, particularly the rich and famous, who flocked to Le Cir… - 5 years ago

@KiduPaimo: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@nathirhussein: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@DuniyaKeLog: Sirio Maccioni, Famed के संस्थापक एन.वाई.सी. रेस्टॉरेंट ले सिर्के, डेड एट 88 न्यूयॉर्क शहर के ले सिर्के को खोलने… - 5 years ago

@RXBLaw: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@Patrick70635297: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@EatingBeagles: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@ArtemisChats: RT @Pervaizistan: Sirio Maccioni, who made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s, and put dishes… - 5 years ago

@DonnaCassata: Sirio Maccioni, whose restaurant Le Cirque became a New York institution, dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@MILTONESPINOZAF: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@TCarlaccini: RT @THR: Italian restaurateur Sirio Maccioni, who opened the celebrated French restaurant Le Cirque and watched it grow into arguably Manha… - 5 years ago

@AlisaMS: RT @jacquestorres: I moved to NYC in 1989 to work as the Pastry Chef for Sirio Maccioni at the original location of @LeCirqueNYC where he g… - 5 years ago

@RickNelsonStrib: Rest in peace. He's responsible for perhaps the best quote ever included in a restaurant review. He recognized the… - 5 years ago

@Dominic9702: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@ParisBelgium: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@mucketymucks: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@lavestru: RT @Axelgb2016: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo Apri’ a New York nel 1974 il famoso Le Cirque dove sono… - 5 years ago

@TiredofBS13: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@EmaPeel1: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@brekkefletch: My father brought me to Le Cirque for lunch shortly after I moved to NYC, and it was the best lunch of my life. RIP… - 5 years ago

@ChazShanton: RT @ericripert: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Grand Monsieur, Legendary ring Master of Iconic Le Cirque restaurant. Sincere condolences to the Maccio… - 5 years ago

@WallNuttz23: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@eisy46: RT @LionelMedia: Many people reading this eulogium will have no idea what it means. They will have no understanding of the time that is des… - 5 years ago

@GenoBlanco1: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@jennryan1776: RT @LionelMedia: Many people reading this eulogium will have no idea what it means. They will have no understanding of the time that is des… - 5 years ago

@Nmharley2: RT @LionelMedia: Many people reading this eulogium will have no idea what it means. They will have no understanding of the time that is des… - 5 years ago

@juancplascencia: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@buildthewallT: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@BlitzQuotidiano: Sirio Maccioni, morto a 88 anni il mito della ristorazione. Fondò Le Cirque a New York - 5 years ago

@giuliano_rob: - 5 years ago

@_ControTendenza: #SirioMaccioni - 5 years ago

@AlegioRos88: The Great Chef Sirio Maccioni died, the one who brought the Great Name of Italy to Eat for the whole World. Have a… - 5 years ago

@Glitteringwoman: Sirio Maccioni è mancato a 88 anni. Il suo nome è legato a quello del ristorante Le Cirque di #NewYork, un mito del… - 5 years ago

@Mirkuzz4: RT @identitagolose: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, un mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Se n'è andato a 88 anni nella sua Montecatini Te… - 5 years ago

@SherazKhanNYC: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@RobertS10855800: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@tomgarcia_real: Sirio Maccioni, the Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time, Has Died at 88, Created Legendary Le Cirque, of Food and Fam… - 5 years ago

@pazzoperrep: Osservatorio Coccodrilli. Quello del famoso cuoco e ristoratore italiano Sirio Maccioni affidato all'esperta Licia… - 5 years ago

@marielSiviglia: RT @Axelgb2016: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo Apri’ a New York nel 1974 il famoso Le Cirque dove sono… - 5 years ago

@bossbev: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@Axelgb2016: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo Apri’ a New York nel 1974 il famoso Le Cirque do… - 5 years ago

@Leeeeeo___: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@Roseinfiore: RT @antoclerici: Addio a Sirio Maccioni un pioniere della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Lo incontrai giovanissima a NY nel suo mitico lo… - 5 years ago

@AdamZaccaria: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@GiMartorelli: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America #SirioMaccioni #LeCirque - 5 years ago

@xXmoonbeamXxx: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@neildrewitt: Sirio Maccioni obit: 88. Restaurateur who made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 19… - 5 years ago

@marcorigo82: RT @antoclerici: Addio a Sirio Maccioni un pioniere della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Lo incontrai giovanissima a NY nel suo mitico lo… - 5 years ago

@Martcus110: - 5 years ago

@karinmarshall07: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@ChefQParis: RT @LGTDM: #RIP to Sirio Maccioni who just passed away. He was 88. Sirio Maccioni owned Le Cirque Restaurant in NY that used to be member o… - 5 years ago

@Lupo1960: RT @PittsburghPG: News Obituary: Sirio Maccioni - His Le Cirque drew Manhattan's elite - 5 years ago

@DaddiLuca: RT @fbrancoli: Ciao Sirio, sei stato un re. #Addio a Sirio Maccioni, ristoratore toscano di fama mondiale - 5 years ago

@RememberPaoli: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@PedroRodriguezW: No lo he soñado. Una vez comí en Le Cirque y me encontré con Henry Kissinger -- Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Dre… - 5 years ago

@luca_crestani: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@KurtvonKahle: RIP Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@pierremele70: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@PoliticalPrada: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@IlTempoLibero1: Si è spento nella giornata di ieri Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana negli Stati Uniti. Aveva compiuto 88 an… - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: News Obituary: Sirio Maccioni - His Le Cirque drew Manhattan's elite - - 5 years ago

@AmiconeDigital: Sirio Maccioni, famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@syedsalu12: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@PupiaTv: Vespa - Un grande abbraccio a Sirio Maccioni (20.04.20) - 5 years ago

@StuartMeissner: Sad day. Met Mr. Maccioni back in the late 80s as a NY County ADA dealing with a wacky extortion attempt on Le Cirq… - 5 years ago

@ReformedPsycho: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@Donna78700883: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@jennifer_0780: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@TravelB37160294: Sirio Maccioni, famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@zebrafinch: RT @LGTDM: #RIP to Sirio Maccioni who just passed away. He was 88. Sirio Maccioni owned Le Cirque Restaurant in NY that used to be member o… - 5 years ago

@BrunelloEnrico: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@effinbastard: RT @nytimes: Sirio Maccioni — a Manhattan restaurateur whose restaurants, like Le Cirque, drew an international following that included the… - 5 years ago

@PittsburghPG: News Obituary: Sirio Maccioni - His Le Cirque drew Manhattan's elite - 5 years ago

@jchrisnicolas: Sirio Maccioni – Une légende de la restauration à New York disparait – Food & Sens - 5 years ago

@GiovanniCalcara: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@MHSConsultancy: Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - 5 years ago

@iPhone11Pro2020: #RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@GRPB: RT @DanaDelany: We lost two NY Italian food powerhouses this week, Nina Balducci and Sirio Maccioni. May they be dining on white truffles a… - 5 years ago

@danegolf1960: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@trapboi_era: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Woodwinecoolers: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@CarrieJ58023622: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@JohnMaring2: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@_justfresh: RT @gzchef: Thinking of the dear Maccioni family tonight and the legendary Sirio. I learned how to make soufflés the first month I worked i… - 5 years ago

@bugviper: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@GilesMacDonogh: Death of three-star restaurateur Sirio Maccioni: - 5 years ago

@advabroad: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago


@ggomez_chef: RT @AndreTerrail: I am very sad to hear of Mr. Sirio Maccioni's disappearance, a Restaurateur like no other who inevitably reminds me of my… - 5 years ago

@eko_Widiyanto12: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@Jahunyia: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@GoodeAmbrose: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Brad6900: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@ladybuttons1: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Oaksgirl01: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@Bruschi_P: È morto Sirio Maccioni, re della ristorazione italiana negli Usa - 5 years ago

@trey_corrales: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@deco_df: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@rosenthal51: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@loganberry2020: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@DaiayVazquez: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago


@hamidafeef: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@HenrySantoro: RT @CNN: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, has passed away at the age of 88. - 5 years ago

@CraigCamp: RT @nytfood: “I saw opening a restaurant as serious business — a profession that is respectable if you are stupid enough to do it,” Sirio M… - 5 years ago

@datagoodies: RT @nytimes: Sirio Maccioni — a Manhattan restaurateur whose restaurants, like Le Cirque, drew an international following that included the… - 5 years ago

@RWM1953: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@profluigimarino: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@ScottGorenstein: RT @LiZaOutlives: Liza Minnelli has outlived famed restaurateur Sirio Maccioni who died in Italy at age 88. Maccioni founded Le Cirque whic… - 5 years ago

@GiulivoGiovanni: RT @GiulivoGiovanni: Morto Sirio Maccioni, fondatore del ristorante Le Cirque di New York: ai suoi tavoli anche il Papa - 5 years ago

@jetrotter: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@FlaShBloGLive: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@CristyFairy67: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@ChefLippincott: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@LT38: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@Gunner70947481: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@RR2sand: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@iElielSepulchro: Famed restaurateur and founder of Le Cirque has passed away at 88 - 5 years ago

@dennygirltwo: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@MBurns0420: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Gina4DJT2020: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@tsokolove: RIP New York restaurant legend of Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@paolo_angeli: RT @nytimes: Sirio Maccioni — a Manhattan restaurateur whose restaurants, like Le Cirque, drew an international following that included the… - 5 years ago

@paolo_angeli: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@paolo_angeli: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@BennettGisel: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@LuzanoB: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@carloseats: RT @chrisecrowley: jean-georges has commented immediately on the death of restaurateur sirio maccioni. but still nothing about his longtime… - 5 years ago

@A_R_Martino: RT @LaVocediNewYork: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, il ristoratore che domò il circo della New York che conta di Massimo Jaus @LeCirqueNYC #Risto… - 5 years ago

@GPeaceelf: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@ClaraLKatzenmai: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@codasouthtexas: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@J2HighSchoolAu: RT @kimseverson: We've noted two important NY food names who have passed (neither from Covid). The first is Sirio Maccioni. - 5 years ago

@J2HighSchoolAu: RT @jacquestorres: I moved to NYC in 1989 to work as the Pastry Chef for Sirio Maccioni at the original location of @LeCirqueNYC where he g… - 5 years ago

@J2HighSchoolAu: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@preppiecurler: RT @chrisecrowley: jean-georges has commented immediately on the death of restaurateur sirio maccioni. but still nothing about his longtime… - 5 years ago

@SamDavidStudios: ~ RIP: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@ihavegreatshoes: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@vicky_vglend: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@saldim923: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@realEd_Flint: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@wilsdomain: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@brunettoburd: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Investigator_51: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @nytimes: Sirio Maccioni — a Manhattan restaurateur whose restaurants, like Le Cirque, drew an international following that included the… - 5 years ago

@Heywood98: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@PUStudiesFood: RT @nytimes: Sirio Maccioni — a Manhattan restaurateur whose restaurants, like Le Cirque, drew an international following that included the… - 5 years ago

@NewYorkWatch: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@VetApologist: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Hanan65668252: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@OyunsurenBurnee: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@Tobin4America: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Bonit_a: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@MariaLCAb: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@betchamissedit: RT @Bellagio: Founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, was the epitome of “one of a kind,” leaving behind an extraordinary legacy. - 5 years ago

@pantherf00t: RT @Bellagio: Founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, was the epitome of “one of a kind,” leaving behind an extraordinary legacy. - 5 years ago

@NitipatSion: RT @Bellagio: Founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, was the epitome of “one of a kind,” leaving behind an extraordinary legacy. - 5 years ago

@Bellagio: Founder of Le Cirque, Sirio Maccioni, was the epitome of “one of a kind,” leaving behind an extraordinary legacy. - 5 years ago

@RealLPoslaiko: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@SpaceForceTom: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Karthic9307: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@EasyStockMarket: New post (Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88) has been published on easy stock mark… - 5 years ago

@kraftbot3000: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@delong_allison: RT @WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from natural causes a… - 5 years ago

@WSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from n… - 5 years ago

@TammyAndFriends: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@melissaadams53: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@grandmombarby: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@abbaeema41: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@addedvalueth: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@JoinPPCMCGA: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@yoloethics: RT @chrisecrowley: jean-georges has commented immediately on the death of restaurateur sirio maccioni. but still nothing about his longtime… - 5 years ago

@anthonysadams: Sirio Maccioni, or just Sirio as he was known at #LaCirque and one of the world’s grandest maitre-d’s has passed.… - 5 years ago

@terressapierce: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@LawlorMedia: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@real_hendertc: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Bee_dessa2: RT @gzchef: Thinking of the dear Maccioni family tonight and the legendary Sirio. I learned how to make soufflés the first month I worked i… - 5 years ago

@JenniferStrby: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@lksjackson: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@BobMarzulli: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@WoodlawnWonder: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@evereeze: RT @onlineathens: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@GrantFelldin: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@littleruke: Sad news. Once upon a time, I was a cocktail/tea waitress in the lobby lounge at the Mayfair Hotel, so I saw Sirio… - 5 years ago

@onlineathens: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@TonyAtTheTable: Rest in peace, Sirio!! 🙏🏻 😢 Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@5lawslib: Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died: The iconic host and restaurateur was known for his charms… - 5 years ago

@JoAnn99167659: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@SueMcCauley17: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@GiGito31959: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@prada214631: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@wiredx1: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@showbiz411: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@CherylJ588: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@MilanoFinanza: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, il domatore - 5 years ago

@suzanne88Roses: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@NYPD23: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@MsContradict: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@SlickJab: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Americanwoman00: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@ryanthewriter: Sirio Maccioni, the Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time, Has Died at 88, Created Legendary Le Cirque, of Food and Fam… - 5 years ago

@gettingsome: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni has died aged 88. - 5 years ago

@BaduinQ: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@EPS1991: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@FashionabAnon: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Demandia: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Roni_K_Patriot: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@Angela23763271: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@InnReach: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@PraiseInHisName: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@LindacoxCox: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@PegeeWerline: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@jmp9999jmp: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@DJRiter: RT @MikeBarnes4: Sirio Maccioni, Who Opened Famed Eatery Le Cirque, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@lovemichelra: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@jensmithWSJ: Sirio Maccioni, the larger-than-life restaurateur behind New York City’s Le Cirque, died in his native Italy from n… - 5 years ago

@TinseltownPR: RT @MikeBarnes4: Sirio Maccioni, Who Opened Famed Eatery Le Cirque, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@James29580756: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@SJPFISH: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@MikeBarnes4: Sirio Maccioni, Who Opened Famed Eatery Le Cirque, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@Oddments63: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@jacquestorres: I moved to NYC in 1989 to work as the Pastry Chef for Sirio Maccioni at the original location of @LeCirqueNYC where… - 5 years ago

@Randi25222519: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@alishajane777: RT @Livid2point0: Sirio Maccioni, Who Opened Famed Eatery Le Cirque, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@debspe: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@AmbilTodd: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@MomSonya: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Dash, charm and matinee-idol looks helped make Mr. Maccioni an unusual sort of celebrity in Manhattan's restaurant… - 5 years ago

@BarseSteven: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@grunneronwine: Sirio Maccioni made everyone feel at home. I still remember the first time I walked into the original Le Cirque as… - 5 years ago

@Texastarz: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@dyro874: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@DarrellWayne17: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@shiva5968: RT @Livid2point0: Sirio Maccioni, Who Opened Famed Eatery Le Cirque, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@NancyNSCH: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@MCM0NA007: RT @RudyGiuliani: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88. Sirio was a good friend of mine and a great New Yorker. - 5 years ago

@JerryD70: End of an era!!! - 5 years ago

@jenkers_en: #Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@VictorinoMatus: RT @TBDculture: Sirio Maccioni has died. When Maccioni's legendary restaurant, Le Cirque, shut down a couple of years ago, @VictorinoMatus… - 5 years ago

@alanmezapardo: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@edizeven87: RT @Eater: Legendary NYC restaurateur Sirio Maccioni — the man behind seminal French fine dining restaurant Le Cirque, and one of the city'… - 5 years ago

@CanadianFoodies: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@greeenorg: Sirio Maccioni, Who Opened Famed Eatery Le Cirque, Dies - - 5 years ago

@LynnEA58: RT @NRNonline: Founder of New York’s famed Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@RH_restaurant: Founder of New York’s famed Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@RonRuggless: RT @NRNonline: Founder of New York’s famed Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@mdcvegas: RT @NRNonline: Founder of New York’s famed Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@NRNonline: Founder of New York’s famed Le Cirque Sirio Maccioni dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@AP_Europe: RT @APEntertainment: Sirio Maccioni, the Italian restaurateur who opened the celebrated French restaurant Le Cirque in New York has died. H… - 5 years ago

@TBDculture: Sirio Maccioni has died. When Maccioni's legendary restaurant, Le Cirque, shut down a couple of years ago,… - 5 years ago

@MidtownNYCPatch: Sirio Maccioni's restaurant became arguably Manhattan's favorite dining room of the rich and famous. - 5 years ago

@Alessandra_512: RT @antoclerici: Addio a Sirio Maccioni un pioniere della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Lo incontrai giovanissima a NY nel suo mitico lo… - 5 years ago

@D_A_N_C_O_X: RT @mimisheraton: With the death of Sirio Maccioni we have lost the canniest,most intuitive restaurateur of them all.A natural showman, Sir… - 5 years ago

@D_A_N_C_O_X: RT @LidiaBastianich: Good bye to a “Grande Maestro “ of the Italian restaurant scene in NY and all over the world. Thank you for your many… - 5 years ago

@angelo_vivolo: Sirio Maccioni, was an icon in the restaurant business, established the style that everyone strive to emulate with… - 5 years ago

@slamdeal: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@legallybae: RT @nytimesbusiness: “I saw opening a restaurant as serious business — a profession that is respectable if you are stupid enough to do it,”… - 5 years ago

@nytimesbusiness: “I saw opening a restaurant as serious business — a profession that is respectable if you are stupid enough to do i… - 5 years ago

@JillEFriedman: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@Mmarangelli: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@chef_muniz: I had the chance to meet the legend of lecirquenyc Sirio Maccioni. He was invited to be the speaker of my graduati… - 5 years ago

@iammehakmir: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@sadeeeq56: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@robwriter444: The last supper. - 5 years ago

@Backstorymom1: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@APEntertainment: Sirio Maccioni, the Italian restaurateur who opened the celebrated French restaurant Le Cirque in New York has died… - 5 years ago

@lifeofaserpent: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@xavelhinhax: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@D_A_N_C_O_X: Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - 5 years ago

@StarchyArchie: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@D_STAR_NEWS: Sirio Maccioni, Le Cirque Restaurateur, Dies At 88 #siriomaccioni #RIPSirioMaccioni… - 5 years ago

@sayafrica: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@Taiseishogun: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@IASA1966: RT @LaVocediNewYork: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, il ristoratore che domò il circo della New York che conta di Massimo Jaus @LeCirqueNYC #Risto… - 5 years ago

@WOWK13News: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@HowieChamberla1: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@imanjonz: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@DoKscho: RT @business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for mor… - 5 years ago

@business: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirq… - 5 years ago

@StefanoVaccara: RT @LaVocediNewYork: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, il ristoratore che domò il circo della New York che conta di Massimo Jaus @LeCirqueNYC #Risto… - 5 years ago

@AlisaMS: RT @Seaglass67: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@maxtucci: RT @DanielBoulud: A true legend in our business has passed away. My heart and thoughts go to him and the Maccioni family in New York and Mo… - 5 years ago

@LaVocediNewYork: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, il ristoratore che domò il circo della New York che conta di Massimo Jaus @LeCirqueNYC… - 5 years ago

@maxtucci: RT @maxtucci: We are saddened to hear that The Great Sirio of @LeCirqueNYC has passed. The legend began his career in NYC at @OscarsDelmon… - 5 years ago

@maxtucci: RT @WineNewsIt: Addio a #SirioMaccioni, #padrenobile della grande #ristorazioneitaliana in #Usa. Il ricordo di #GianniMercatali: "era unico… - 5 years ago

@LouisWPLG: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@DangerCovid19: Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies - 5 years ago

@jenlyngreene: RIP Sirio Maccioni - had sone wonderful dining experiences at his restaurant. - 5 years ago

@lilybbrownie: RT @chrisecrowley: jean-georges has commented immediately on the death of restaurateur sirio maccioni. but still nothing about his longtime… - 5 years ago

@carollivestoeat: RT @nytfood: “I saw opening a restaurant as serious business — a profession that is respectable if you are stupid enough to do it,” Sirio M… - 5 years ago

@JoaoTravelPR: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@Marlenes_Magic: Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - 5 years ago

@jQuintana88: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@WineScoutJAS: RT @kimseverson: We've noted two important NY food names who have passed (neither from Covid). The first is Sirio Maccioni. - 5 years ago

@Eater: Legendary NYC restaurateur Sirio Maccioni — the man behind seminal French fine dining restaurant Le Cirque, and one… - 5 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: I enjoyed quite a few meals at Le Cirque for this "Talk" piece from Sirio Maccioni; first while um, "researching" i… - 5 years ago

@cceroni: RT @identitagolose: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, un mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Se n'è andato a 88 anni nella sua Montecatini Te… - 5 years ago

@maxtucci: RT @matteoguidi78: Ciao Sirio.....sei stato grande!!!! “Give the people what they want” #siriomaccioni #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NewYorkTimes… - 5 years ago

@CarlHolt: RT @NYTNational: “I saw opening a restaurant as serious business — a profession that is respectable if you are stupid enough to do it,” Sir… - 5 years ago

@kdlartistique: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@BSVINO: We lost a NY restaurant legend. Le Cirque was the place to be and be seen in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@CCnutson: - 5 years ago

@AaronMcneel: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@TizianaRocca: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@carolenlasky: RT @Pervaizistan: Sirio Maccioni, who made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s, and put dishes… - 5 years ago

@lalahearttwit: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@JACOBINA64: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@maxtucci: Forever Sirio #SirioMaccioni - 5 years ago

@gabrielefermi: È morto Sirio Maccioni, re della ristorazione italiana negli Usa - 5 years ago

@EmaPeel1: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@tennismichelle2: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@BruceBrothers: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 His fine dining restaurants in Manhattan drew… - 5 years ago

@matteoguidi78: Ciao Sirio....sei stato grande!!! - 5 years ago

@deduped_nytimes: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@Julesm_b: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@dodaistewart: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@YogeshYoYo007: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@rb09719440: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@nytimes: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@UncleLarry112: RIP Sirio Maccioni of Le Cirque restaurant - was #HowardStern just about to write him a beautiful note? - 5 years ago

@NStew1117: RT @Pervaizistan: Sirio Maccioni, who made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s, and put dishes… - 5 years ago

@bzygo: Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - 5 years ago

@tom_the_bomb_: RT @Pervaizistan: Sirio Maccioni, who made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s, and put dishes… - 5 years ago

@Idl3: RT @minomazz: Personaggi italiani di NYC che muoiono/1 - 5 years ago

@minomazz: Personaggi italiani di NYC che muoiono/1 - 5 years ago

@FerraraFratelli: - 5 years ago

@krispatel: I had the pleasure of cooking for Mr. Maccioni in 2006. Rest in peace and love. - 5 years ago

@car67ri: RT @DanaDelany: We lost two NY Italian food powerhouses this week, Nina Balducci and Sirio Maccioni. May they be dining on white truffles a… - 5 years ago

@EaterVegas: Legendary Le Cirque restaurateur Sirio Maccioni dies. - 5 years ago

@edythe_foss: RT @Pervaizistan: Sirio Maccioni, who made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s, and put dishes… - 5 years ago

@ihatethemedia: RT @rich415Media: Sirio Maccioni, the Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time, Has Died at 88, Created Legendary Le Cirque, of Food and Fame http… - 5 years ago

@c_kinbote: @mattyrosen wow and on the same day - - 5 years ago

@rich415Media: Sirio Maccioni, the Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time, Has Died at 88, Created Legendary Le Cirque, of Food and Fam… - 5 years ago

@DJRiter: RT @DanaDelany: We lost two NY Italian food powerhouses this week, Nina Balducci and Sirio Maccioni. May they be dining on white truffles a… - 5 years ago

@NJE88: RT @rpogrebin: Farewell to the crème brûlée king: Sirio Maccioni of Le Cirque dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@WineUnion: Very sad day for the hospitality industry. One of my first inspirations and one of the greatest quotes. "The proble… - 5 years ago

@fluffer09954222: RT @nytfood: “I saw opening a restaurant as serious business — a profession that is respectable if you are stupid enough to do it,” Sirio M… - 5 years ago

@Intravinocom: Sirio Maccioni non c’è più, resta la leggenda del suo ristorante a New York - 5 years ago

@AbulafiaLives: Working at Le Cirque 2000 was one of the formative experiences of my life. Sirio was an intimidating force of natur… - 5 years ago

@fanpage: Morto Sirio Maccioni, fondatore del ristorante Le Cirque di New York: ai suoi tavoli anche il Papa - 5 years ago

@princetongb: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@stemaccioni: RT @HuffPostItalia: È morto Sirio Maccioni, re della ristorazione italiana negli Usa - 5 years ago

@JenGouldKeil: RIP Sirio Maccioni, who ran Le Cirque like a family trattoria. My “at home” from 2007!! - 5 years ago

@rjmharden: The Cirque-master is no more. Obit by a man who should know - onetime NYT restaurant critic William Grimes - 5 years ago

@BonnieBOTB: Sharing Sirio Maccioni died at 88 - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Sirio Maccioni, italienischer Gastronom, am 20.04.2020 im Alter von 88 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@RichardVeii: Le Cirque at Bellagio is one of my favorite restaurants! Great man... 😷 Sirio Maccioni, the Greatest Restaurateur… - 5 years ago

@ericzieg: RT @chrisecrowley: jean-georges has commented immediately on the death of restaurateur sirio maccioni. but still nothing about his longtime… - 5 years ago

@brianvan: RT @Jonnynono: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@jmorat: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@dadekian: RT @chrisecrowley: jean-georges has commented immediately on the death of restaurateur sirio maccioni. but still nothing about his longtime… - 5 years ago

@DCLobbyist49: God bless him. #LeCirque #RIP - 5 years ago

@a_rossi: Rest in Peace Sirio, and love to the Maccioni family - 5 years ago

@MyZZs: RT @Pervaizistan: Sirio Maccioni, who made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s, and put dishes… - 5 years ago

@ana_captures: RT @nytfood: “I saw opening a restaurant as serious business — a profession that is respectable if you are stupid enough to do it,” Sirio M… - 5 years ago

@maxfalkowitz: RT @chrisecrowley: jean-georges has commented immediately on the death of restaurateur sirio maccioni. but still nothing about his longtime… - 5 years ago

@decifris: Sirio Maccioni, da Montecatini a NYC . RIP ❤ - 5 years ago

@LaurieWoolever: RT @chrisecrowley: jean-georges has commented immediately on the death of restaurateur sirio maccioni. but still nothing about his longtime… - 5 years ago

@GBREVO7: @Pervaizistan @maggieNYT Grande grande Mr. Sirio Maccioni. R.I.P. Resta in pace Grazie Thank you Merci - 5 years ago

@FranceAmerique: #RIP Read about some the 🇫🇷 "performers" Sirio Maccioni hired to work at @LeCirqueNYC since 1974: Alain Sailhac, Da… - 5 years ago

@FranceAmerique: #RIP Sirio Maccioni, the legendary restaurateur behind @LeCirqueNYC and the entrepreneur who gave many French chefs… - 5 years ago

@004nino: RIP 20 581) #Addio 20 #Aprile 2020 a #Sirio #Maccioni 88 , il #fondatore #del #ristorante #vip «Le… - 5 years ago

@jcrisantoas: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirq… - 5 years ago

@NewRecipesAlert: NY: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@theinstantwin: Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - 5 years ago

@kimseverson: We've noted two important NY food names who have passed (neither from Covid). The first is Sirio Maccioni. - 5 years ago

@CalandraItal: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@quintoquarto: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, il mito di un ristoratore italiano a New York - 5 years ago

@NewYorkSEO123: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@ChefBebber: Today in the world of catering we have lost another great person and legend. It was an honor to be part of your te… - 5 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @auctnr1: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@auctnr1: Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@carlomantica: #RIPSIRIO condolences to Egidiana Maccioni and the entire Maccioni Family from the Mantica family. May Sirio rest i… - 5 years ago

@ana_captures: RT @therealstellene: The ladies who lunched at Le Cirque. And the ringmaster. RIP Sirio Maccioni. @TandCmag #slimaarons - 5 years ago

@USS_NYC: one of the most heart warming stories I ever heard about Trump came via this man, And one of the most heart warming… - 5 years ago

@TrendTracker: #Godspeed. TY gracious Sir for treating a small fish in a big pond like a Queen. Priceless memories of the 80s in… - 5 years ago

@eatinglasvegas: Oh no...the last of the great ones. There will never be another #SirioMaccioni. Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born res… - 5 years ago

@ericcardi: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@TooFred: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@DangerCovid19: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@FirenzePost: Morto il famoso cuoco Sirio Maccioni, il re della cucina italiana negli Usa. Aveva 88 anni - 5 years ago

@AerariumL: RT @antoclerici: Addio a Sirio Maccioni un pioniere della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Lo incontrai giovanissima a NY nel suo mitico lo… - 5 years ago

@fashion_mlb: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@Dian5: - 5 years ago

@therealstellene: The ladies who lunched at Le Cirque. And the ringmaster. RIP Sirio Maccioni. @TandCmag #slimaarons - 5 years ago

@Eva_Christense: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@maxtucci: RT @OscarsDelmonico: We are saddened to hear that The Great Sirio of @LeCirqueNYC has passed. The legend began his career in NYC at @Oscar… - 5 years ago

@OscarsDelmonico: RT @maxtucci: We are saddened to hear that The Great Sirio of @LeCirqueNYC has passed. The legend began his career in NYC at @OscarsDelmon… - 5 years ago

@OscarsDelmonico: We are saddened to hear that The Great Sirio of @LeCirqueNYC has passed. The legend began his career in NYC at… - 5 years ago

@raum441: LUCE @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@ReelNewMedia: 🕯 Sirio Maccioni, the Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time, Has Died at 88, Created Legendary Le Cirque, of Food and F… - 5 years ago

@maxtucci: We are saddened to hear that The Great Sirio of @LeCirqueNYC has passed. The legend began his career in NYC at… - 5 years ago

@24INTL: New: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@shinangovani: RT @luxury: Sirio Maccioni, the Tuscan-born restaurateur who drew a collection of celebrity clientele and star chefs to Le Cirque for more… - 5 years ago

@TopShelfDirect: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88 - 5 years ago

@weareyourfek: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@marczak_rob: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 #rjm #CelebrityDeaths #LeCirque #obit… - 5 years ago

@Ward_Wyatt: RT @CKummer: "I told the Ford modeling agency I'd give models,who ate nothing anyway,free lunch. Paparazzi lined up at the door."Tricks of… - 5 years ago

@Barb_The_Great: "Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan’s Elite, Dies at 88" by William Grimes via NYT - 5 years ago

@pete_wells: RT @NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died at 88. http… - 5 years ago

@Makeupmichelle: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@ImagineEquities: - 5 years ago

@DJwithSoul: RT @WillieDegel: - 5 years ago

@UJMeatHouse: RT @WillieDegel: - 5 years ago

@UNCLEJACKS: RT @WillieDegel: - 5 years ago

@WillieDegel: - 5 years ago

@Dayra_Beltre: - 5 years ago

@MazzaliVanna: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@haccpjod: RIP 🙏 - 5 years ago

@MazzaliVanna: RT @RaiNews: Era il re della cucina italiana negli Stati Uniti - 5 years ago

@grubstreet: Restaurateur and titan of the gilded age of fine dining Sirio Maccioni has died at 88 - 5 years ago

@MauroPittiglio: RT @antoclerici: Addio a Sirio Maccioni un pioniere della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Lo incontrai giovanissima a NY nel suo mitico lo… - 5 years ago

@MHSConsultancy: #NYC Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died #88 - 5 years ago

@MilkRunNews: SIRIO DEAD! Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time @showbiz411 - 5 years ago

@drudgefeed: SIRIO DEAD! Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time... - 5 years ago

@YannickBenjamin: Long live the greatest restaurateur! He was a master ringleader in the dining room and he brought so much panache,… - 5 years ago

@adricavi1: @JakeRBright - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Sirio Maccioni made Le Cirque a headquarters for Manhattan’s rich and powerful in the 1980s and ’90s. He has died a… - 5 years ago

@drudgereportapp: SIRIO DEAD! Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time... - 5 years ago

@MaraSiegler: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@theNYCalliance: RIP to the legendary restaurateur Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@KarenAndAndrew: Remembering Le Cirque’s legendary Sirio Maccioni (1932-2020), whom we interviewed for our book DINING OUT, and who… - 5 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@Ritzygal2020: Ahhh, Le Cirque ❤️ (and Le Cirque 2000 😏). RIP Sirio! - 5 years ago

@antoclerici: Addio a Sirio Maccioni un pioniere della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Lo incontrai giovanissima a NY nel suo mi… - 5 years ago

@AAARPGodess: **Wow**.....Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Sirio Maccioni, Whose Le Cirque Drew Manhattan's Elite, Dies at 88 - - 5 years ago


@TheDivaWorld: RT @PageSix: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@proietta: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@AntDiBella: RT @RaiNews: Era il re della cucina italiana negli Stati Uniti - 5 years ago

@whitneydevlin: Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - Eater NY - 5 years ago

@AntDiBella: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@showbiz411: @CNBC Daniel's mentor sirio Maccioni died yesterday. - 5 years ago

@culturednyc: When all of this is over... RIP Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@mamajpm1: RT @trendsNewsday: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@brooklynglobal: - 5 years ago

@forchettieri: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, lo chef che portò il tartufo bianco a New York - 5 years ago

@trendsNewsday: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@Cucina_Italiana: Ci ha lasciati lo chef #SirioMaccioni. L'amore che gli #Usa avevano per lui e la sua cucina era enorme, forse quant… - 5 years ago

@ShoreEJV: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago


@JustErinR: - 5 years ago

@PageSixEmily: Sad news: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dies aged 88 - 5 years ago


@PageSix: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@RePeat_: Remembering Restaurant Ringmaster Sirio Maccioni (1932-2020) - 5 years ago

@PadovanicNicola: RT @WineNewsIt: Addio a #SirioMaccioni, #padrenobile della grande #ristorazioneitaliana in #Usa. Il ricordo di #GianniMercatali: "era unico… - 5 years ago

@ZomicksBakery: Zomick's Bread | Zomick's Bread | Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - 5 years ago

@RaiNews: Era il re della cucina italiana negli Stati Uniti - 5 years ago

@Current_Knewz: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@ChefDeLeon: A pioneer & icon RIP-Legendary Le Cirque Restaurateur Sirio Maccioni Has Died - 5 years ago

@francobus100: Morto chef Sirio Maccioni: ai tavoli del suo Le Cinque presidenti, star e persino Giovanni Paolo II, a cui chiese u… - 5 years ago

@JakeRBright: Condolences to the Maccioni family on the passing of Sirio. He was a legend who would become my friend. In his late… - 5 years ago

@qnewshub: Remembering Restaurant Ringmaster Sirio Maccioni (1932-2020) - 5 years ago

@showbiz411: Sirio Maccioni, the Greatest Restaurateur of Our Time, Has Died at 88, Created Legendary Le Cirque, of Food and Fam… - 5 years ago

@clelialarenza: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@ForbesLife: Remembering Sirio Maccioni, the legendary ringmaster at New York's Le Cirque restaurant, who passed away at 88.… - 5 years ago

@Al_Fried_SD: RT @mimisheraton: With the death of Sirio Maccioni we have lost the canniest,most intuitive restaurateur of them all.A natural showman, Sir… - 5 years ago

@EaterNY: Legendary Le Cirque restaurateur Sirio Maccioni has died - 5 years ago

@FlaShBloGLive: Remembering Restaurant Ringmaster Sirio Maccioni (1932-2020) - 5 years ago

@eileenhallmark: Rest In Peace Sirio Maccioni. I have been lucky enough to dine at Le Cirque on a few occasions. Magic. A masterp… - 5 years ago

@PageSix: Legendary restaurateur, Le Cirque founder Sirio Maccioni dead at 88 - 5 years ago

@emilio23476111: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@VictordelaSerna: RT @mimisheraton: With the death of Sirio Maccioni we have lost the canniest,most intuitive restaurateur of them all.A natural showman, Sir… - 5 years ago

@WineNewsIt: Addio a #SirioMaccioni, #padrenobile della grande #ristorazioneitaliana in #Usa. Il ricordo di #GianniMercatali: "e… - 5 years ago

@chefjesse1: RIP Sirio Maccioni, I remember wanting to work for chef André Soltner @ Le Cirque, Heaven ‘s POW!!! - 5 years ago

@cfabio2001: RT @identitagolose: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, un mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Se n'è andato a 88 anni nella sua Montecatini Te… - 5 years ago

@marlenaspieler: RT @DanielBoulud: A true legend in our business has passed away. My heart and thoughts go to him and the Maccioni family in New York and Mo… - 5 years ago

@RJKelley1: RT @LidiaBastianich: Good bye to a “Grande Maestro “ of the Italian restaurant scene in NY and all over the world. Thank you for your many… - 5 years ago

@MyKarenas: RT @LidiaBastianich: Good bye to a “Grande Maestro “ of the Italian restaurant scene in NY and all over the world. Thank you for your many… - 5 years ago

@lucainge_tweet: Addio a Sirio Maccioni I suoi piatti affascinarono New York - 5 years ago

@culturednyc: RT @LidiaBastianich: Good bye to a “Grande Maestro “ of the Italian restaurant scene in NY and all over the world. Thank you for your many… - 5 years ago

@schele76: RT @ilGamberoRosso: Col suo ristorante ha semplicemente fatto la storia della ristorazione americana, radunando il gotha cittadino e il jet… - 5 years ago

@YukariSakamoto: RT @DanielBoulud: A true legend in our business has passed away. My heart and thoughts go to him and the Maccioni family in New York and Mo… - 5 years ago

@LidiaBastianich: Good bye to a “Grande Maestro “ of the Italian restaurant scene in NY and all over the world. Thank you for your ma… - 5 years ago

@DanielBoulud: A true legend in our business has passed away. My heart and thoughts go to him and the Maccioni family in New York… - 5 years ago

@TheBigOWVOX: Remarks of William O’Shaughnessy on the occasion of Sirio Maccioni’s 80th Birthday - 5 years ago

@albertolupini: RT @ItaliaaTavola: Addio a Sirio Maccioni I suoi piatti affascinarono New York #siriomaccioni #cucina #20aprile - 5 years ago

@ItaliaaTavola: Addio a Sirio Maccioni I suoi piatti affascinarono New York #siriomaccioni #cucina #20aprile - 5 years ago

@TheNewAge77: Da Italia a Tavola Addio a Sirio Maccioni I suoi piatti affascinarono New York - 5 years ago

@Mfs2K2: RIP Sirio Maccioni, a restaurant legend. Founder of NY’s Le Cirque. Le Cirque was the Rolls Royce of the NYC res… - 5 years ago

@eli_grandi: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@EjOpperman: RT @Banfibill: He was an ICON,LEGEND and the GREATEST RESTAURATEUR on earth. Thank you Sirio Maccioni R.I.P. @LeCirqueNYC - 5 years ago

@rep_firenze: E' morto Sirio Maccioni uno dei grandi della ristorazione [aggiornamento delle 15:57] - 5 years ago

@Banfibill: He was an ICON,LEGEND and the GREATEST RESTAURATEUR on earth. Thank you Sirio Maccioni R.I.P. @LeCirqueNYC - 5 years ago

@CKummer: "I told the Ford modeling agency I'd give models,who ate nothing anyway,free lunch. Paparazzi lined up at the door.… - 5 years ago

@eetheridge: RT @mimisheraton: With the death of Sirio Maccioni we have lost the canniest,most intuitive restaurateur of them all.A natural showman, Sir… - 5 years ago

@michimas: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@mimisheraton: With the death of Sirio Maccioni we have lost the canniest,most intuitive restaurateur of them all.A natural showma… - 5 years ago

@MichelaRoi: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@CalandraItal: RT @Rep_Sapori: Addio a Sirio Maccioni @LeCirqueNYC Ce ne parla @ele_cozzella - 5 years ago

@TheBigOWVOX: Saloon Songs From Toots Shor to Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@GPiziarte: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@MoniaVenturini: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@ilGamberoRosso: Col suo ristorante ha semplicemente fatto la storia della ristorazione americana, radunando il gotha cittadino e il… - 5 years ago

@stefanocasalec: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@Ernesto65373005: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@michelecmassari: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@allegra134: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@filippo898: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@GigiPadovani: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@Alessandro_Oddo: RT @riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italiano a NY. A K… - 5 years ago

@riotta: Addio al mio amico Sirio Maccioni, re de Le Cirque, miglior ristorante francese fuori da Parigi, retto da un italia… - 5 years ago

@DANI56: RT @FredBollaci: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, ristoratore toscano di fama mondiale - 5 years ago

@DeadpoolActuary: Death Notice: Sirio Maccioni, the restaurateur who popularized and diversified Italian cuisine in America, has died… - 5 years ago

@iltirreno: RT @FredBollaci: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, ristoratore toscano di fama mondiale - 5 years ago

@TheDapperDad: “I like simple food, seasoned with just salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. Complicated food and complicated lives are n… - 5 years ago

@Rep_Sapori: Addio a Sirio Maccioni @LeCirqueNYC Ce ne parla @ele_cozzella - 5 years ago

@Roberto81718393: @pomp_y Grazie Piero 😥 è triste perdere dei grandi uomini - 5 years ago

@SanMatteoPanuoz: RT @identitagolose: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, un mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Se n'è andato a 88 anni nella sua Montecatini Te… - 5 years ago

@FilippoGiov: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@xanaxpertutti: RT @ilpost: È morto a 88 anni Sirio Maccioni, fondatore del famoso ristorante Le Cirque di New York - 5 years ago

@kitchensense: Passing of a legend, passing of an era. “Addio a Sirio Maccioni, un mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo” - 5 years ago

@RisoStolto: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America [aggiornamento delle 13:22] - 5 years ago

@rogendanisalcon: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@uboldi_laura: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America [aggiornamento delle 13:22] - 5 years ago

@gabrielezanatt: RT @identitagolose: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, un mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Se n'è andato a 88 anni nella sua Montecatini Te… - 5 years ago

@P_dellaCorte: New York - Sirio Maccioni fotografato nel suo locale Le Cirque 2000 nel 1998. Il famoso ristoratore è morto all' et… - 5 years ago

@LadymiaMicky: R.I.P riposa in pace caro amico tantissime volte ho pranzo e cenato da Te a NY e poi quando hai aperto a Las Vegas… - 5 years ago

@Alyas15925294: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America [aggiornamento delle 13:22] - 5 years ago

@carlopassera: RT @identitagolose: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, un mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Se n'è andato a 88 anni nella sua Montecatini Te… - 5 years ago

@ColucciLc: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America [aggiornamento delle 13:22] - 5 years ago

@ADM_assdemxmi: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America [aggiornamento delle 13:22] - 5 years ago

@repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America [aggiornamento delle 13:22] - 5 years ago

@ilpost: È morto a 88 anni Sirio Maccioni, fondatore del famoso ristorante Le Cirque di New York - 5 years ago

@identitagolose: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, un mito della ristorazione italiana nel mondo. Se n'è andato a 88 anni nella sua Montecatin… - 5 years ago

@irenestorti1: Montecatini, la scomparsa di Sirio Maccioni fondatore de Le Cirque #newyork - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Sirio Maccioni @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #SirioMaccioni add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sirio Maccioni is no longer with us - #SirioMaccioni #Sirio #Maccioni #rip - 5 years ago

@benandato: Montecatini, la scomparsa di Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@fuller_lynn: RT @FredBollaci: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, ristoratore toscano di fama mondiale - 5 years ago

@ReporterGourmet: È morto Sirio Maccioni, il re della cucina italiana in America. Aveva 88 anni, fondatore del più importante ristora… - 5 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@pomodorista: RT @Italia_Notizie: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@Feversinger: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@nikolaussuck: RT @repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@Andrea_V_73: @repubblica RIP Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@Italia_Notizie: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@repubblica: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, re della cucina italiana in America - 5 years ago

@ViMac76: Addio a Sirio Maccioni, ristoratore toscano di fama mondiale - 5 years ago

@PatimoStefano: Morto Sirio Maccioni, fondò Le Cirque, ristorante vip a NY - 5 years ago

@barinewstv: Morto Sirio Maccioni, fondò Le Cirque, ristorante vip a NY - 5 years ago

@rep_firenze: E' morto Sirio Maccioni uno dei grandi della ristorazione [aggiornamento delle 12:44] - 5 years ago

@CorriereQ: Morto Sirio Maccioni, fondò Le Cirque, ristorante vip a NY - 5 years ago

@Paolorm2012Roma: RT @qn_lanazione: Montecatini, la scomparsa di Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@WandaPardini: RT @qn_lanazione: Montecatini, la scomparsa di Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago

@qn_lanazione: Montecatini, la scomparsa di Sirio Maccioni - 5 years ago


@rep_firenze: E' morto Sirio Maccioni uno dei grandi della ristorazione [aggiornamento delle 12:23] - 5 years ago

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